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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 3348
 - posted
On Mawled El Nabi (12 Rabei El Awal, 1425 H), one may ask him/herself the above question. Speaking of myself rationally; the answer is No.
President Bush in his guarantees to Israel made it clear and public: the Arabs/Moslem nations are the sickmember of this World and Israel should have the role of enslaving them!! They should live in Reservations exactly as the Indians live in USA with no ambition to compete as States in this World. The West may help with donations of genetically-engineered food and medicine to be tested until they degenerate/decay exactly as the Indians of the North American Continent.
I recall my previous readings in the Old Testament (Bible) and there is a phrase that used as a reminder: "or you shall be enslaved in Egypt". This phrase is almost repeated in every page of the Old Testament. It warns the Jews of facing the same Destiny (slaves of the Pharaoh of Egypt) if they do not obey the God's Teachings/Orders. I think Sharon and his bloody gang in Israel wnd with the support of the current US administeration (Born again Christians+Jews loyal to the Likod party) are determined to Enslave the Moslems of the World as a revenge to what the Jews faced in Pharaohnic Egypt.
I was hesitant to write these speculations in the Internet trying to keep them to my innerself - but - changed my decision as I read the following:
"HAGERSTOWN, Md. - A soldier facing a court-martial for his role in the alleged abuse of Iraqi war prisoners says commanders ignored his requests to set out rules for treating POWs and scolded him for questioning the inmates’ harsh treatment.
Army Reserves Staff Sgt. Ivan “Chip” Frederick wrote that Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad lacked the humane standards of the Virginia state prison where he worked in civilian life, according to a journal he started after military investigators first questioned him in January.

The Iraqi prisoners were sometimes confined naked for three consecutive days without toilets in damp, unventilated cells with floors 3 feet by 3 feet, Frederick wrote in materials obtained Thursday by The Associated Press.

“When I brought this up with the acting BN (battalion) commander, he stated, ’I don’t care if he has to sleep standing up.’ That’s when he told my company commander that he was the BN commander and for me to do as he says,” Frederick wrote.

The writings were supplied by Frederick’s uncle, William Lawson, who said Frederick wanted to document what was happening to him. Lawson and Martha Frederick, the sergeant’s wife, said Frederick was being made a scapegoat for commanders who gave him no guidance on managing hundreds of POWs with just a handful of ill-trained, poorly equipped troops.

Lt. Cmdr. Nicholas Balice, spokesman for the Central Command, which is in charge of U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf, said he couldn’t comment on Frederick’s writings, but that the allegations against him were appropriately investigated.

6 facing charges
Frederick is one of six members of the 800th Military Police Brigade facing courts-martial for allegedly humiliating prisoners at Abu Ghraib. Charges include dereliction of duty, cruelty and maltreatment, assault and indecent acts with another person.

CBS’s “60 Minutes II” broadcast pictures of the alleged abuse and an interview with Frederick on Wednesday. Some of the soldiers were smiling in the photographs obtained by CBS, which showed naked prisoners stacked in a human pyramid and being forced to simulate sex acts.

Lawson, of Newburg, W.Va., said his nephew was being portrayed “as a monster.”

“He’s just the guy they put in charge of the prison,” he said.

Martha Frederick, of Buckingham, Va., said her husband, in Iraq since April 2003, told her his unit wasn’t given proper training and equipment.

“I feel like things are being covered up. What has come to light has fallen on the burden of my husband,” she said.

Seventeen members of the 372nd Military Police Company were temporarily suspended from their posts after the investigation at the prison, Col. Jill Morgenthaler, a military spokesman in Baghdad, told The (Baltimore) Sun.

Military officials said Frederick, 37, is among the 14 of 17 people under investigation from the unit of the 800th based in Cresaptown, in western Maryland.

The Sun’s Friday editions identified two other soldiers facing court-martial. The newspaper cited unidentified Army officials in naming Sgt. Javal S. Davis, 26. His wife, who also spoke to the newspaper, defended her husband.

“We really don’t know how those prisoners are behaving,” said Zeenithia Davis, who is in the Navy in Mississippi. “There’s a line between heinous war crimes and maintaining discipline.”

Mother recognizes daughter
A Sun reporter on Thursday showed a photo of one of the nude prisoner scenes to Terrie England, who recognized her daughter, reservist Lynndie R. England, 21, standing in the foreground with her boyfriend.

“Oh, my God,” she told the newspaper from the stoop in front of her Fort Ashby, W.Va., trailer home. “I can’t get over this.”

The alleged abuses of prisoners were “stupid, kid things — pranks,” Terrie England said. “And what the (Iraqis) do to our men and women are just? The rules of the Geneva Convention, does that apply to everybody or just us?”

Her family said Lynndie England is detained on a U.S. base, but declined to say where.

Army officials said the investigation began in January when an American soldier reported the abuse and turned over evidence that included photographs. In addition to the criminal charges, the military has recommended disciplinary action against seven U.S. officers who helped run the prison, including Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, commander of the 800th Brigade.

Frederick’s civilian lawyer, Washington-based Gary Myers, said he has urged the commanding general in Iraq to treat the case as an administrative matter, like those of the seven officers.

“I can assure you Chip Frederick had no idea how to humiliate an Arab until he met up” with higher-ranking people who told him how, Myers said.

Myers said Frederick has had his Article 32 hearing, the military equivalent of a grand jury proceeding. Myers said he will next request a change of venue because “you can’t try a case of this magnitude in a hostile war zone environment.”

In civilian life, Frederick has been a correctional officer for six years at the Buckingham Correctional Center in Dillwyn, Va., his wife and a state agency spokesman said.

He wrote that he questioned the inmates’ treatment and asked for standard operating procedures when his unit relieved the 72nd Military Police Company at the prison last fall. His requests were ignored until Jan. 19, five days after his first visit from investigators, when he found the Geneva Convention rules for handling prisoners of war on the Internet, Frederick wrote."

On Wednesday morning in AlAhram newspaper's front page, there was a picture of an American GI body-searching an Iraqi woman apparently checking if she wears a belt of bombs on her waist. The newspaper did not mention the gender of the woman being searched but said instead "searching/checking Iraqis for weapons". If this is not enslavement, what would be needed to a complete slavery?
On CNN, an Iraqi teen-ager said: the American GIs take Iraqi girls to their tanks and make them Pregnants!! If this is not enslavement what else should be done?
I still pray the 5 prayers, I can not do anything to stop this dirty war against us, All I can do is to spread my opinions/speculations and may Allah of Mohammed, Salah Allah Alih Wa Salam, lead our younger generations to the right course to a revival for a stronger Islamic World. Amen.


Member # 3348
 - posted
More to the above Question:
I had a nightmare, I woke up in the morning very depressed. What was that awful dream? Oh my God! The Great Egyptian Pyramids on the Giza platau overlooking Cairo? Seen from everywhere in Cairo? What happened to them? During the night / in a night without a moon / a completely dark one, the Israelies managed to land with Heliocepters on the Giza platau, managed to disassemble the third and smallest Giza Pyramid and shipped its stones to Jerusalim before down! The Israelis managed to reassemble the third and smallest Giza Pyramid and placed it on Jerusalim plataue after blowing off ElAksa Mosque! The Israelis claim they had built the Giza Pyramids and they are still determined to ship the remaining 2 bigger pyramids to Jerusalim! Their message to us the Egyptians, whenever you look at the Giza platau searching for your pyramids you will notice the missing third pyramid and then remember you are going to be enslaved by us the Israelis of the 3 rd Mellinium! At this particular point I woke up searching for a glass of water trying to calm down myself and whispering May God does not permit May God does not permit Amen
Then turned the TV on to use the anathetic effects of the European Sattelite channels like most of us the Moslems do to escape from the reality of our present day humiliating status in this unmerciful World!
Yours: ScienceSailor

Member # 2621
 - posted
Islam is not in question here.

As a matter of fact, yes I am proud to be a Muslim. And there is no one in this world that will change how I feel about who I am.

There is NOTHING or no one that can shake my identity.


Member # 3456
 - posted
in addition to monica,
i'd rather say that the problem is not in bush or israel , or any bidy in this world because they will all leave one day and become just dust in the ground, and islam will remains, but the main problem is in our belief , i guess we are muslims by name , so before blaming anyone , we should first enforce our islam inside us , then i guess the moment we do thiswe will find going in a different way , just because when we apply what islam taught us , and what we are supposed to do , i guess now we are like "3.etha2 el sayl" , and our prophit Mohamed , forseen that and warned us from it, so i guess SS it is better to try to return back to our relegion rather than blaming others.


Member # 2621
 - posted
In reference to the article:

As if, instructions were needed to wether be disgustantly humiliating to the POWS or not!

There are sick people all over the world.

[This message has been edited by Monica (edited 30 April 2004).]

Member # 3093
 - posted
Originally posted by Monica:
In reference to the article:

As if, instructions were needed to wether be disgustantly humiliating to the POWS or not!

There are sick people all over the world.

[This message has been edited by Monica (edited 30 April 2004).]

Well this 22 year old did NOT need instruction:

Member # 3795
 - posted
A oothoo Billah!

Member # 1761
 - posted
I have to admit I didn't read all your uhhh, uninteresting monologue, but to answer the topic title:

Yes I am proud to be Muslim. Religion has nothing to do with who is occupying who. It has more to do with personal satisfaction and I am satisfied.

I am not proud of being Arab, neither am I ashamed. It's not something that I chose, and I believe people who are proud to be white, black, hispanic, etc.. are a bit dumb.

Member # 3348
 - posted
To Homesick2
Thanks for your informative contribution/link.
I believe that everywhere what the police catch of criminals is just 10 % of the loose criminals at large! Someone may argue: No more than that, say: 20 % another say 30 % --- My point is whether the investigation done by the Americans or by the Britons on the other side of the Atlantic revealed violations to the Geneva convention of treating POW, these violations are the ones that had been caught by absolute coincidence, Immagine what those Western Allies had done/had not been caught- to our brothers and sisters in Iraq? Now I understand why those Iraqis brutally murdered 4 Foreigners (civilians as far as I remember) and hanged them after death. It seems there are a lot of facts we do not know about what happened/has been happening in Iraq since the victorious entrance of the Allies to Bagdad. America/Uncle Sam as any of the 3 rd/ 4 th World nations has complete control on the Media coverage of Iraq, just to colonize Iraq without the noisance of the media. Why Now the control becoming weaker/ why Now a beginning of News Leaks commence to flow?
Is it because the Jewish state has gained all that Bush can offer and it is the time Now to turn to Kerry and say come on Kerry, we can get you to the oval office, can you offer more? Bush can be finished by the Media showing most of his mismangement of preparations for war and confusion after the military victory. Do not worry we can handle the Polls. We guarantee your win of the elections.

To Kimo the Maniac
I intended to use a provocative question to brainstorm the Moslem readers of this webpage. Emotionally, we have a strong bond to Islam, no question. Rationally, we are in a very bad shape. My point is we are just about to be enslaved if we do not wake up and do something. We may not be working enough / not working efficiently / not working with creativity. All this dependency on the West must be changed. We better eat the Food we plant in our lands, better drive the cars we manufacture in our factories, better learn more about ourselves and our enemies as well, We are in a very critical time. The butchers are sharpenning their knives to slaughter the druged prey.
The prey is busy with getting tickets to Kholio Eglasias concert, busy with Ahly and Zamalik soccer teams, busy with Shakira and Roby videoclips etc.
Kimmo: I am 57 yrs old man, tired from a long voyage eating books/ swallowing info; all types of info: pure science/ engineering/ history/ anthropology/ literature etc The years I may live are a few. It is you and your generations that could be enslaved by the ambitious/heavily armed and expanding Jewish state. You did not read all the rubbish that I wrote above but rushed to comment. This worries me about your generation.
To All the Moslems reading this post
Have a Happy Molid
I can not tell a lie and say I am Happy in this particular Molid, rather I am Sad / Worried of the status of our Islamic World.
Yours: ScienceSailor

Member # 879
 - posted
Science Sailor,

As I read your posts, especially your last one, I am sometimes reminded of my husband who is a little older than yourself.

I feel and see in him the same sadness I read in your posts. The silent tears.


Member # 3870
 - posted

Science sailor ur another pimp on the forum, typical image of pimpdoc77 , shut ya big farty mouth up pimp

[This message has been edited by gossip (edited 01 May 2004).]

Member # 1702
 - posted
as an egyptian-american, i'd have to say you are looney tunes. americans were the ones who released those photos in the first place, genetically-modified foods have been around forever, and indians build multi-million dollar casinos on those reservations. plus, what are americans or israelis going to do with slaves? slaves are very inefficient and costly to maintain compared to the latest in robotic technology.

also, try not eating before you go to bed. it might alleviate your dreams.

Member # 3951
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by gossip:

[b] Science sailor ur another pimp on the forum, typical image of pimpdoc77 , shut ya big farty mouth up pimp

what sort of person are you really? a rude message and a post somedays ago and now the same and barbarian messages here and there, did you not here of behaviour a


Member # 3747
 - posted

Since you say to us over and over that you write and send your stuff to the Editor to publish your stuff, here is a friendly letter to you from the "editor". Short and sweet. One very famous and world known writer, Anton Chekov, said : " Brevity is the sister of talent." Why do not you follow the classic's advice in your future posts?

[This message has been edited by katrina (edited 01 May 2004).]

Member # 3348
 - posted
Ms BoBBos
As you see (in my reply on Kimo)I did agree with you that - partially - the badshape the Moslem World is facing right now is because of us the Moslems. The otherside of the image is the attitude/long range planning of the Zionist top leading organizations to swallow the entire MiddleEast (from the Euphrates to the Nile, ie. from Bagdad to Cairo). If hesitant to accept the latter reason, please check the Map on the Knesset walls! Yes, the top leading Persons in America/Israel apparently are replaced every 4 years by elections but in either there are visible governing establishments and also invisible ones that remotelycontrol the direction of the formal government. Thinking Tanks/Banks of America providing/theorizing Strategies and their current one is How America could be the Sole controlling Empire over the planet Earth! This theory/road map has been formulated in the 1980s when the former Soviet Union was going into disintegration. Regarding Israel, I think there is a kind of Top Zionist council that watches the execution of the current policies and theorize the coming ones!
Wish to know the meaning of: ""3.etha2 el sayl" ? if you do not mind. Thanks.

To the Patriotic Yankees:
I understand your rejection to any criticism towards the Empire, especially when it comes from a native of a 3 rd World country.

Yours: ScienceSailor


Member # 3348
 - posted
Memories USA extended:
The Place was Boston USA, Time was early 1980s.

A: The University
There was a conference organized by Zionist students. Posters of greater Israel on the wall, leaflets on the tables. I and with other few Arab students were stepping-in derived by curiosity. I tried to have a verbal discussion with one of the leading/active organizing members but no way to have something in common between the way we think. I left the place sorry for the Emperialistic atmosphere that these people work in.

B:The Roommate
He was a young jewish attorney from NewYork city in a graduate course at BU, age close to 30, blonde and hard to tell if any facial jewish characteristics are obvious in his face. married to a christian woman (a problem for jewish girls of America) sleep at his bed in our room only Tuesday nights. The rest of the week the room was completely mine!
(He used to stretch on the floor with the book he studies-in opened and lying on his belly facing the TV, he aplogized that he can not study except with TV opened and lying on the floor like this until he fells asleep. I used to wake him up to get into his bed!)
We had discussions over the MidEast every Tuesday nights as mature civilized adults.

In either A or B above; Israel has the Brains, Suadia Arabia has the PetroDollars, and Egypt has the "cheap" Labor.

Isn't this Slavery? My pride as an Egyptian used to get severly hurt on hearing our classification in "Beverty" as: Cheap Labor, just muscles to the Israelis.
I think we the Egyptians have something of confidence that we are the main builders of the Human Civilization. We can not accept being degenerated to be just muscles to any Conquesting Power whether was it Israel or America itself! At least this is the attitude of my generation. I do not know the attitude of the younger Egyptian generation that was raised with English as his/her 1 st language.
May Allah guide them to the right course. Amen
Yours: ScienceSailor

Member # 2621
 - posted
SS, to be brutally blunt:

Within all generations of Egyptians and Middle Easterners in general...the real problem is the LACK of UNITY.

When REAL GENUINE ACTIVE HONEST TO GOODNESS UNITY is accomplished in the Middle East region, between Egyptians and the rest o the arab world to stand as ONE NATION in action and not only in words, then let's talk who is stronger!


Member # 3747
 - posted
Originally posted by sciencesailor:
Ms BoBBos
As you see (in my reply on Kimo)I did agree with you that - partially - the badshape the Moslem World is facing right now is because of us the Moslems. The otherside of the image is the attitude/long range planning of the Zionist top leading organizations to swallow the entire MiddleEast (from the Euphrates to the Nile, ie. from Bagdad to Cairo). If hesitant to accept the latter reason, please check the Map on the Knesset walls! Yes, the top leading Persons in America/Israel apparently are replaced every 4 years by elections but in either there are visible governing establishments and also invisible ones that remotelycontrol the direction of the formal government. Thinking Tanks/Banks of America providing/theorizing Strategies and their current one is How America could be the Sole controlling Empire over the planet Earth! This theory/road map has been formulated in the 1980s when the former Soviet Union was going into disintegration. Regarding Israel, I think there is a kind of Top Zionist council that watches the execution of the current policies and theorize the coming ones!
Wish to know the meaning of: ""3.etha2 el sayl" ? if you do not mind. Thanks.

To the Patriotic Yankees:
I understand your rejection to any criticism towards the Empire, especially when it comes from a native of a 3 rd World country.

Yours: ScienceSailor

SS, HAHAHAA! Where did you see defending of the US in my post? It was simply a suggestion to you to get to the point of the subject matter! It is extrememly boring when a person takes an hour to get to the point. That was the issue, not that I did not enjoy your critisizm of the US. Yankee? Wow, you are good at labeling, sir! ahahah I would be the first one to critisize USA if you ever read, I do just that! Strange enough, SS, but back here, many would not call me "a yankee" or "a patriot of the Empire" for my critisizm of it. HEHEHEHE. I am actually the one who talks about politics and FYI, many people do it at Universities. HAHA. Do you really think that "the Empire" is full of greedy and blind people who do not see any of the reality of the US foreign policy?

[This message has been edited by katrina (edited 02 May 2004).]

Member # 3348
 - posted
Ms Monica
I would rather say: The Massria Away
Baraka Allah fiky
You give me hope that a younger generation which you represent with excellent command of the English language / travelling most of the time crossing the World Oceans / Bussines and career oriented young woman ---- have strong faith in Islam, very proud of your Egyptian origin I wish all those "western" looking Egyptian ladies (very tight blue jeans and short blouse showing their bellies) who speak to their kids (in their formation years) in English (some of the Mohagabat do the same mistake) and scold the little boys/girls if they ever dare to voice a word in Arabic I wish if they can read your mature/authentic opinions. I believe the language has in its innerself the values of its origin/culture. The well-off Egyptians do not realize the danger of raising their kids (formation years: 3 - 6) with Arabic as a foreign language.

It is our distiny as Egyptians to fight and resist any dangerous invasions from outsiders to our area. The History say this and we are still doing it through negotiations and advice. I belive the Egyptian thinking tanks/banks are right now studying the current threats to our national security. Bush/Chenny have just managed to carry out an abortion operation to the negotiating road. We - I think - have a blocked wall in our backs and no passage in our front. A very difficult situation in the strategic planning to face Bush/Chenny's surprising strategies in the Mideast. May Allah lead our leaders to take the right decisions.
Yours: ScienceSailor

Member # 3348
 - posted
To the Patriotic Yankees
In "Brevity"; I recall there is a BaseBall team named "Yankees" , based in NewYork city as far as I remember. I forgot the story of the origin of this word / where it came from but my memory tells me it was not a bad name.
In my experimental years at the States I watched several games at the stadium but found BaseBall as a very boring game. My American colleauges took this attitude with laughs and " you are right Ah---" I do not know what would be the reaction of an American in this miserable time of the Emperial America towards my attitude towards BaseBall. He/She might consider it deserving a declaration of War against Terror!
I rather loved the American football and became a fan of UT Longhorns and later on Dallas Cowboys. I use a video cassette tape to record each Superball, thanks to the Sattelites.
Yours: ScienceSailor
Member # 3348
 - posted
The Massrya Awy
Great / Pleased to know you are Ahlawia Awy. I interpreted this in one of your previous comments on Lori I think.
Ahly is my favorite soccer team though I do not watch most of its games in the last 2 seasons. I avoid getting disappointed. the team is shaky still in need of a key player "Mawhoob" like Zamalik's Hazem Imam.
Yours: ScienceSailor
Member # 879
 - posted
Science Sailor,

Greenbay Packers!! I dooooo miss watching my favorite team


Member # 2621
 - posted
Yes SS, I sure am...Masreya awy as well as Ahlaweya awy too!
I did not remember mentioning it though, you surprised me!

Originally posted by sciencesailor:
The Massrya Awy
Great / Pleased to know you are Ahlawia Awy. I interpreted this in one of your previous comments on Lori I think.
Ahly is my favorite soccer team though I do not watch most of its games in the last 2 seasons. I avoid getting disappointed. the team is shaky still in need of a key player "Mawhoob" like Zamalik's Hazem Imam.
Yours: ScienceSailor


Member # 3348
 - posted
The Massrya Awy
here you will find how I managed to interpret your love of Ahly:
"Lori, when you live in Egypt, most of the time you are a member in a Sporting club like:
El- Ahly
Egyptian Soccer team called El Ahly, they wear the red shirt!!! and they ROCK..most of the time!

"and they ROCK..most of the time!" after they burn our nerves!
Have a goodnight.
Yours: ScienceSailor

Member # 1761
 - posted
SS, I agree that collectively we have a problem. But I disagree with your interpretations. Surely US hegemony has some part to play in it, and Israel is not a nice neighbour for anyone. But the US also affects the rest of the world equally. And lots of prosperous countries have real ugly neighbours. So, there must be something wrong with us, e.g. corruption, lack of democracy, lack of women's rights, etc..

I think our biggest problems is that we have a very superficial view of Islam. We don't see why the Muslims of the middle ages were extremely successful. We tend to think it's because they all prayed and all the women wore scarves, WRONG. It was rather that they were tolerant, open, they had minorities living peacefully more than any other culture, they studied and interpreted Greek philosophy, they found nothing wrong with adopting Hindu mathematics or Zoroastrian desert reclamation techniques, etc.. If you read history you'll find out that Andalusia was lost when its rulers changed from a truly Islamic (tolerant) dynasty to a more fundamentalist one.

Knowing that you are so old and reading your thoughts makes me understand why the previous generations have got us to the point where we are right now.

Member # 3348
 - posted
Ms Laura
You can watch American footbal through the German Sattelite channel TW1. Usually on Sundays/Mondays of the Fall season; I search the Sattelite "Astra" through my Nokia digital receiver and manage to find American football at one of its channels. Right now, you may watch the European leauge, most of its players are the Pro NFL American players - but - something is missing. May be the American flavor, the presence of fans filling the stadium completely. With a limited attendance, the European leauge looks like a training session, not a real Pro Football.
i do miss watching the American college competition, it has its own flavor too! You can see the Stars when they are born! Oh my God I dooooo miss the enjoyment of watching/listening to the elegant musical Marshing Band of U Texas - Austin. I cared for attending their show from the very beginning, when they gather outside the stadium and start to Marsh! I used to get very emotional on watching their seriousness and enthusiasm to present a great show to match the reputation of the Great University they belong too.
Very nice memories that Bush/Chenny skilfully managed to distort and change my loving attitude to what America once represented into what Bush describes as Dissent to the Empire's evil ambition!
Yours: ScienceSailor
Member # 3348
 - posted
Kimo the Egyptian
I am surprized how comes a well-cultured young man selected that descriptive word "maniac" to add to your name. i respect your personal choices but you surprized me with the above highly thoutful analysis. i respect everyword in your comment.
My generation had 2 major wars with Israel. We were scandalfuly defeated in 1967 but we managed to give the Israelis a tough lesson in 1973. my generation had to stand in lines to get his share of necessities; rice/vegetable oils/chicken/meat --- but we had our brains working to meet the challenge. Our brains were not drugged (as most of the present day young generation) by any personal gains/luxories of the western life but to work and fight for our dignity and independence.
kimo, my generation, after the Peace treaty with Israel, trusted the West more than necessary. this , as you said , got us to what we are facing right now. May you accept my apology.
My generation your generation we should be united to face the greed of the Empire!
Yours: ScienceSailor
Member # 3727
 - posted
Ask not why others are strong … Ask why we are weak!

We should not blame others for being cruel and mighty … we should blame ourselves for letting this happen to us, and for our ignorance all these centuries.

By the way, 10 European nations have joined the EU … how would Middle Eastern countries do about it?

youregypt forum … your convenient answer to your question about Egypt

Member # 4199
 - posted
Originally posted by Monica:
Within all generations of Egyptians and Middle Easterners in general...the real problem is the LACK of UNITY.

When REAL GENUINE ACTIVE HONEST TO GOODNESS UNITY is accomplished in the Middle East region, between Egyptians and the rest o the arab world to stand as ONE NATION in action and not only in words, then let's talk who is stronger!

Unity is the product of mutual interest and i'm not sure that the middle east countries share the same interests..
The use of Islam to unite the Muslim community have so far failed, as we can see now Saudi Arabia had some knoweledge of the attack on Iraq and probably thought it was to their benefit that Saddam is toppled with total disregard to what it would mean to Iran,Syria,Jordan,Egypt or others, not to mention total disregard for Muslim and Arab lives.
I believe that what we need is good Leadership, Leaders who understand that Democracy and Liberty could only bolster our will to become self sufficient and compete Economicaly as well as Militarly.

The current leadership in Egypt prefers to keep religion out of politics while persecuting them and in the process making them more popular.
If the government welcomed religious leaders in government it would defuse a lot oh the tension and allow the people to focus on the real problems.
Right now muslims are calling for Islamic state believing it would magicaly solve all our problems when in fact it may have adverse affects if implemented in a sudden move such as revolt,etc.


Member # 4199
 - posted
I believe that US support of Israel has a major negative effect on Egyptian Economy.
I don't know that we have any option other than bowing to the US for the time being.
I see Israel as a threat to Egypt not the other way around and therefore US assistance to Egypt is very important to the country's security but at the same time we spend an awful lot of money on Modern Weaponry .(I would like to know the numbers)

We all know what standing against the US can do, Examples are Libya-Syria-Iraq and to some extent Iran...whether it's military action or even worst, economical sanctions, we really are stuck between a rock and a hard place.


Member # 879
 - posted
Salam Science Sailor,

I just noticed you are living in Alex from your profile, same here. I will "push" a little harder for a this digital receiver and maybe I will be watching the Packers this fall...yeahh!! Thanks for the information.

You said you lived in Texas. There is a woman looking for arabic keyboard in Texas. Do you know if they are available there in stores, and if so could you recommend where she could find one?

Isn't today a BEAUTIFUL day!



Member # 3348
 - posted
Ms Laura
The last time I had been to the States was in 1995 in a managerial training course that let me enjoy the South Eastern USA: Tenn. (beatiful&wonderful Chatanooga), GA (the Great GA Tech, Emory Univ, ClarkAtlanta Univ, I was attending all the cultural activities of these institutions although I was formally studying in only one of them), Alabama (shopping) & FA (Disney World/Orlando). Texas has been a dream land to me/very nice memories, an elegant state and generous population, but that was long before 9/11 and the War on Terror. I was there in the late 1970s. I do not know if the attitude of the Texans has changed towards the Egyptians or not.
My advice to your Texan friend is to call the foreign student advisor at the nearest univ/college and ask him/her to nominate an arabic native gentleman/lady to help her with her request for an arabic keyboard. A guy from Saudia Arabia or Kuwait may order to ship one for her by DHL.
Have a nice evening
Yours: ScienceSailor

Member # 3348
 - posted
The Wiseman (nickname: ElMagnoon!)
The younger generation surprises me with misleading nicknames! Elmagnoon means in Arabic the Insane, a man has lost his mind!
Anyway, I am glad to be here in ES to communicate with intelligent and thoughtful Egyptian youngmen like ElMagnoon and the Maniac! Not to forget the bright gentleman EgyDoc77. To You all my Respect.
As to your comment, I like this part:

"I believe that what we need is good Leadership, Leaders who understand that Democracy and Liberty could only bolster our will to become self sufficient and compete Economicaly as well as Militarly."

Forgive me when I confess that in these humiliating times, at times when the rational thinking vaporises, I "feel" missing "Nasser"! He was a dictator by all means, but I had been living his entire regime from 1956 to 1970 and not in a moment we felt that our enemies considered us as insects got to be eradicated or Indians deserving to live in Reservations not States like the way the current US/Israeli governments deal with us! We were their enemies that can fight and die for our dignity! The American government hated Nasser but their people the American people respected his strong will and clean hands. He lived strong because he was not bribed by US Dollars or Esterling pounds. He had a cause that faught for it and died fighting for it. May Allah forgive his mistakes and reward him with El Ganna Amen.
Believe me Mr Wiseman, in 1995, in a shoping mall in Atlanta, GA, I was walking with my Egyptian colleauge (he is now VicePresident for a large Petrochemical Co) and an American Lady in her fifties said in an excited state to my colleauge: Nasser you look like Nasser, I bet you are Egyptian!) and yes He has his charming eyes and well built body & brownish skin color, we were surprised! See, the Americans respect whoever fight for their dignity.
The jokes that I heard in America were much more about the Indians not the blacks! They do not forget up till now that the indians did fight the Whiteman until they were overpowered by guns and treason! The white American in the Marines use the traditions of the Indians when they prepare to fight! They get their heads bold Zero, tarnish their faces with black powders. They immitate the fighters they respect and never think of those who were slaves to them!
Sorry for this elongation. Time to be a little bit emotional. Rational is about to kill us silently!
Brevity, may be with later comment.
Yours: ScienceSailor

Member # 3348
 - posted
Mr Raymon

"We should not blame others for being cruel and mighty … we should blame ourselves for letting this happen to us, and for our ignorance all these centuries."

yes , I agree with your analysis that we let "this" happen to us.
Our ignorance all these centuries could have been overcome. Look at the present day China, up till 1949 they were Tea planters and Opium addicts, a drugged nation. In half a century, exactly in the same timing of Nasser's taking power, and since then, they managed to rebuild their country and I bet they are making the Americans worry and wonder how to get them slow down their annual national growth rate (9 %), Top of the World I think!
Thank you Raymon for the thoughtful input to the post I initiated.
Yours: ScienceSaiolor


Member # 3348
 - posted
The Egyptian/American Youngman

"arx: and indians build multi-million dollar casinos on those reservations."

The above may be a Slogan to All the Palestinians: Be content with living in Reservations, Tourists from all parts of the World will come over to watch you while you are decaying, some of the Palestinians could build Gambling Casinos and you can make MM$ out of them.
What a cheap life , actually an end to the life itself.
I did visit an Indian Reservation close in distance to Pheonix, Arizona, USA,
What I found, what my tour guide (a WASP) told me:
These Indians live on Federal Security checks, they prefer not to work but just eat and get drunk. Most of them as you see with Bellies, no athletic activities, most of them have Diabets.
That is why I say any given nation, as it feels Content to live on the Donations of others, it proceed to go in its way to degenerate/decay.
If the Palestinians/the Iraqis got weak enough to accept living on the charity of the Western World, they eventually will be in Reservations like the Indians of the North American Continent.
Living in a Reservation means you take a Permit to go outside the Reservation and You must return back on the timing mentioned in your leave Permit. If the Police catch you after this timing, you will be asked/detained and denied a permit any more!
It is a Prison like the African Safari National Parks, the animals wander freely but within the boundary limits of their Reservation, sorry: Park!
Enjoy your beloved America and wish Egypt and the MidEast something better than Reservations!
yours: ScienceSailor

Member # 1702
 - posted
exactly what happened to byzantium? perhaps to correct historical wrongs, byzantium should be re-created.... for instance. your living in a glass house, stop throwing stones!
Member # 3747
 - posted
Originally posted by sciencesailor:
To the Patriotic Yankees
In "Brevity"; I recall there is a BaseBall team named "Yankees" , based in NewYork city as far as I remember. I forgot the story of the origin of this word / where it came from but my memory tells me it was not a bad name.
In my experimental years at the States I watched several games at the stadium but found BaseBall as a very boring game. My American colleauges took this attitude with laughs and " you are right Ah---" I do not know what would be the reaction of an American in this miserable time of the Emperial America towards my attitude towards BaseBall. He/She might consider it deserving a declaration of War against Terror!
I rather loved the American football and became a fan of UT Longhorns and later on Dallas Cowboys. I use a video cassette tape to record each Superball, thanks to the Sattelites.
Yours: ScienceSailor

Science Sailor,

On origin of the word "yankee", please refer to http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a2_260.html

[This message has been edited by katrina (edited 03 May 2004).]

Member # 3747
 - posted
Originally posted by sciencesailor:
Forgive me when I confess that in these humiliating times, at times when the rational thinking vaporises, I "feel" missing "Nasser"! He was a dictator by all means, but I had been living his entire regime from 1956 to 1970 and not in a moment we felt that our enemies considered us as insects got to be eradicated or Indians deserving to live in Reservations not States like the way the current US/Israeli governments deal with us! We were their enemies that can fight and die for our dignity! The American government hated Nasser but their people the American people respected his strong will and clean hands. He lived strong because he was not bribed by US Dollars or Esterling pounds. He had a cause that faught for it and died fighting for it. May Allah forgive his mistakes and reward him with El Ganna Amen.
Believe me Mr Wiseman, in 1995, in a shoping mall in Atlanta, GA, I was walking with my Egyptian colleauge (he is now VicePresident for a large Petrochemical Co) and an American Lady in her fifties said in an excited state to my colleauge: Nasser you look like Nasser, I bet you are Egyptian!) and yes He has his charming eyes and well built body & brownish skin color, we were surprised! See, the Americans respect whoever fight for their dignity.
ScienceSailor [/B]

Surely, Americans were afraid of the perceived Soviet supremacy too during the same time you reference. Nasser rubbed shoulders with his Moscow buddies. Stalin was respected by his counterpart in Germany, Adolf Hitler back in the in the 1930s. How did exactly both bring any dignity to either nation?

Seems like in your Atlanta mall example, American women admire Nasser's looks rather than his untarnished by American bribary reputation and bravery to fight for the nation's dignity. The conclusion does not follow from the evidence you provide. Or is it a smooth line about yourself, SS ?

How is it better to be under the Soviet regime for a nation's pride and dignity rather than under the American rule? Same concept, but perhaps much harsher reality under the Soviet regime. Both rivaled each other for the world domination in Europe, Asia, Middle East before the collapse of the Soviet Union, as you pointed out yourself in your above posts.

[This message has been edited by katrina (edited 03 May 2004).]

Member # 3348
 - posted
Ms Katrina

A: Thanks for the link. I will get to it after having my dinner, In Shaa Allah (with God's will). My American Heritage Dictionary says the word is used for Americans from New England, could be Extended to the Northern US citizens and could be used by the foreigners like myself refering to Any given American. Was related to something happened during the Independence war? My memory is confused and your link will clear it out. (I intend to prolong just to tease you, pass this one with a good spirit, please).

B; Egypt Under the Soviet Union influence
Yes, the Russians were selling us their old fashioned technology, but we were building factories to manufacture whatever we manage to have its raw materials. We were producing more and more of necessary commodoties made in our plants, Since the Russians left we have been consuming more and more of imported necessities and unneccities. Engineers/chemists like myself were receiving training by Russian experts in our newly built industries / gaining experience, Since ---- the new generations of chemists/engineers have been smart sales representative to the MultiNational corporations! The Russian time was not all positives and the American time is not all negatives, but do not underestimate the benefits Egypt gained from the Russians.
Anyway youmanaged to disintegrate the Soviet Empire, and in the beginning of the 3 rd mellinium America emerges as not only an Empire but an Evil Empire. No personal offend please. I know the difference between Government and People. I you find me angry from America it's toward the Government of America. I think most of the Americans are unaware of what their government does to the people of the Mideat.

Member # 3348
 - posted
"arx: exactly what happened to byzantium? perhaps to correct historical wrongs, byzantium should be re-created.... for instance. your living in a glass house, stop throwing stones!"

ARX: You and I belong to two different Worlds. My formation years were in the early 50s of the last century. The values apparently has changed since then (they should but for the better)! Still I consider you enjoying America and it is a country that one can never get bored of, at least to me as I had visited nearly 25 States (50% of USA), so I know what I am talking about. A one's nation is like your wife, you can not consider yourself married to a woman while oceans/continents separate you from her.
Wish Egypt and the MidEast to be saved from the greedy Conquest that America can not resist right now!
Wish your former Egyptian brothers/sisters staying in Egypt not to be Raped by the Yankees/Britons as I saw the pictures of Iraqi women/men raped by them in ElWafed newspaper this very morning.
Hope we can predict the next move that Sharon/Bush are preparing for to hurt us.
Your: ScienceSailor


Member # 3747
 - posted
Originally posted by sciencesailor:
Ms Katrina

A: Thanks for the link. I will get to it after having my dinner, In Shaa Allah (with God's will). My American Heritage Dictionary says the word is used for Americans from New England, could be Extended to the Northern US citizens and could be used by the foreigners like myself refering to Any given American. Was related to something happened during the Independence war? My memory is confused and your link will clear it out. (I intend to prolong just to tease you, pass this one with a good spirit, please).

B; Egypt Under the Soviet Union influence
Yes, the Russians were selling us their old fashioned technology, but we were building factories to manufacture whatever we manage to have its raw materials. We were producing more and more of necessary commodoties made in our plants, Since the Russians left we have been consuming more and more of imported necessities and unneccities. Engineers/chemists like myself were receiving training by Russian experts in our newly built industries / gaining experience, Since ---- the new generations of chemists/engineers have been smart sales representative to the MultiNational corporations! The Russian time was not all positives and the American time is not all negatives, but do not underestimate the benefits Egypt gained from the Russians.
Anyway youmanaged to disintegrate the Soviet Empire, and in the beginning of the 3 rd mellinium America emerges as not only an Empire but an Evil Empire. No personal offend please. I know the difference between Government and People. I you find me angry from America it's toward the Government of America. I think most of the Americans are unaware of what their government does to the people of the Mideat.

Science Sailor, quick hello! I will have to get back to you with comments later. But to assure you for now, I do not get easily offended at all in debates! Cheers for now


Member # 1702
 - posted
"greedy" america has lost more money in the middle east than they will EVER recover, no matter how many oil contracts they win. my word, the amount they give to egypt alone is something like $10 out of every americans pocket every year... let alone all the other countries in the middle east and elsewhere in the world. yes, america needs oil and has to secure it's ability to get it. this sometimes causes them to act in forceful (for lack of a better word) ways. remember though, if america doesn't get it's oil, people in places like africa and n. korea (a group of people that want to kill all americans) would starve to death. whether egypt or the middle east wants to admit it, america has been by far their best friend, even (or especially) when compared to other middle east countries!

the terrible acts of torture against iraqi pow's in that prison was just awful. even the most hawkish people around here are shocked and disgusted with what they saw on those pictures. none of them tried to justify it, nor did any of them point to others and say "well they are doing it too". with as many american troops over there surely a handful will turn out to be bad seeds. to suggest americas are over there raping iraqi women en masse or have the desire to rape egyptian women en masse is ludacris in the extreme. it's funny though that american women come on this board complaining about the non-stop harassment by egyptian men. could it be that we as egyptian men are super-imposing what we would do to their women if our roles were reversed. i really, really hope not! american men raping egyptian women? has their ever even been a case of that happening?

[This message has been edited by arx (edited 04 May 2004).]

[This message has been edited by arx (edited 04 May 2004).]

Member # 4199
 - posted
Originally posted by arx:
"greedy" america has lost more money in the middle east than they will EVER recover, no matter how many oil contracts they win. my word, the amount they give to egypt alone is something like $10 out of every americans pocket every year... let alone all the other countries in the middle east and elsewhere in the world. yes, america needs oil and has to secure it's ability to get it. this sometimes causes them to act in forceful (for lack of a better word) ways. remember though, if america doesn't get it's oil, people in places like africa and n. korea (a group of people that want to kill all americans) would starve to death. whether egypt or the middle east wants to admit it, america has been by far their best friend, even (or especially) when compared to other middle east countries!

the terrible acts of torture against iraqi pow's in that prison was just awful. even the most hawkish people around here are shocked and disgusted with what they saw on those pictures. none of them tried to justify it, nor did any of them point to others and say "well they are doing it too". with as many american troops over there surely a handful will turn out to be bad seeds. to suggest americas are over there raping iraqi women en masse or have the desire to rape egyptian women en masse is ludacris in the extreme. it's funny though that american women come on this board complaining about the non-stop harassment by egyptian men. could it be that we as egyptian men are super-imposing what we would do to their women if our roles were reversed. i really, really hope not! american men raping egyptian women? has their ever even been a case of that happening?

[This message has been edited by arx (edited 04 May 2004).]

[This message has been edited by arx (edited 04 May 2004).]

where do they get people like you from?
realy..it would take ages to try to explain american policies in the middle east, go read something

Member # 3348
 - posted
ARX the Former Egyptian/ Present American:

I had read many many years ago that every 1.00 $ spent in the American AID to Egypt returns to America from 1.2 to 1.3 $. The American Aid is conditional with Feasibility studies/Consulting experts/Equipments should be / must be by American firms/personnel. Uncle Sam spend money as AID to help Egypt, no question, but in the mean time make Americans make money out of these projects as well. Mutual benifits/ could be that way. I wrote above Not all the Russian time was positives and Not all the American time is/has been negatives. Egypt had been a supporter of US policies in the MidEast, carried out the tough job to liberate Kuwait, and a mediator between the Palestineans and the USA/Israel Allies.
Egypt, as a personal view, is not immune from an invasion by Israel/America/Britain combined. If you need reasons for initiating a war, politicians can never stop enjoying suggesting articulated lies, remember Kolin Powell at the Security Council, I will never forget that televised session, a lesson of how to outsmart every human being based on absolute Lies! As we will know more about the reality of what the Allies did / still doing in Iraq we will defend our beloved Egypt to the last Man in our country! Even an Oldtimer man like myself!
i think we should consider the possibilty of such a war. We should be prepared with Resistance strategies! This is what I believe in, still without Hating America!
I just can not trust the present unification/ the oneneness between American/Israeli policies. The wars are initiated because of conflict between interests. America is rich and does not need to invade Egypt for economic profits but those religous maniacs that invaded both the US Defence and State Departments and a person so fundamentalist like Rice those can give the green light to demolish Egypt to please their Israeli Masters! A far to belive cenario! but what Ameica does now to plant its hatress in the Mideast could be imaginable a few years ago?
Still, enjoy your beloved America and whether you were Egyptian Moslem or an Egyptian Copt: Pray to save Egypt from those religous maniacs at the White House. Amen

Member # 1702
 - posted
i know that american aid is very conditional. i've never read that they make a profit on that aid... i know some american companies do, but most not related to the american aid program. if you can find that link or source, i would very much like to read it. my mind is always open to new facts and arguements.

egypt does not have the ability to defend itself from any of the countries you named, much less the combined three. in order to do so, egypt must have the ability to destroy the world. all people's from all countries want this power, there is nothing wrong with egypt wanting it too.

i know middle east politics is very, very complex. i didn't mean to make it sound simplistic.

my real gripe was the comment about american soldiers, as a whole, raping women in iraq and the suggestion that they would want to do the same to egyptian women. it's just so untrue and so unfair.

i don't recall saying i'm a fan of bush or the war. i didn't vote for gore, but i didn't vote for bush during the republican primary.

one last thing, i never let propaganda, gossip, or glamour, blind my logic. i'm more than willing to criticize america, but i'm not willing to slander, exaggerate, or lie in my criticisms.

[This message has been edited by arx (edited 05 May 2004).]

Member # 3348
 - posted
ARX The Egyptian
Your reply is very decent and to you and all you have mentioned in this reply my Respect.
Will get back to you after running my after work almost daily exercise and eating my dinner. Have a nice evening.
PS. Curios to read the thread of Jutta about America in Iraq. will do In Shaa Allah after dinner.
Member # 4248
 - posted
I am proud to be an honorable man regardless of religion and country of origin
Member # 1702
 - posted
actually sailor, it was the american side of me that made up the bulk of that last post.
Member # 3348
 - posted
And the American side of me that drives me to get my opinion into public channels. As you know the Egyptians - at least my generation - are used to voice their opinions verbally within their social circles. I am a kind of publicizer of what I believe in prefering to write more than to talk. The above statement could have several meanings but anyway I think I understand what you mean.
Take care and enjoy your youthful years safely in this troubled World.
Yours: ScienceSailor

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