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Posted by Issabellem (Member # 6837) on :
Hello all you fellow travelers

I am looking for some interesting people to work on a book with me.. Its not a paid in currency but hopefully paid in experience. So, I am Egyptian/American that has been living in the states most of my life. I have lived a very full life – one that is much richer than my wallet and much older than my years.

I moved to the States at 8, married an American at 19 – divorced at 23 - Backpacked around Europe at 24 - moved to Germany at 25, where I met my very self destructive soulmate – whom caused tremendous turmoil and hurt in my life: 26, 27, 28 – but whom I still love very deeply - now and forever. During that time - I moved back “home” to Boston – where I accepted a very prestigious job as a software analyst for the most respected research company in the USA. I moved to London for a short fling - and Finally, last year, at 29 - I quit my job in search of a dream - a dream of adventure to find myself myself. I traveled around the world - alone - Argentian, Brazil, Chile, Peru, New Zealand, Australia - India, Nepal, China, Mongolia - hitchhikking Russia, and thats only half the countries..

Now, at 30 years old - Ive decided to settle in Egypt – and I feel I have found my home. I have a boring yet well paying job and I am planning my wedding to Marcin Pazurek (AKA Ishmael, Misho or Mesh Mesh), whom I met in Nepal/India. He will be coming to Egypt in a few weeks and we will both settle here until we decide to search for adventure elsewhere.

Sure living in Egypt is hard - there is pollution, there is overcrowding, everyone thinks I am a Khawaga, the standards of living are poor, the poverty is disturbing, the indifference devastating. But I am home - where my heart has always been.

So, here I am – IT business consultant by day -philosopher/writer by night. I am trying to write/publish short stories that are somewhat autobiographical somewhat fictional and totally neurotic. Mostly about my travel experiences – but also about my philosophies.

Id like the share them with whoever is interested and get some feedback. While I have no clear idea of the structure of the book - I DO have a clear idea of my target audience - intelligent/educated/intellectual/soul searching women who either have struggled or are struggling to find themselves.

I hope to get as much as I give from this group



Posted by Sofia25 (Member # 5851) on :

I am a Journalist, and I'm 28 years old.
I am at the same point at life than you were a couple od years ago.

Don't know what i am exactly looking for but i need to keep on searching. Luckily i know what I don't want, which is quite imoportant.

I am willing to leave everything and going abroad to see the world but I can't find the strengh, and let's say, the money (better words, what the hell I am going to do when I want to return, i am from a contry were there is not much work for a journalist and now i have a very well paid one...)

Hope i'll get the answer soon or i'll get crazy!.

Menawhile, here I am. Standing still, but without a pause.


Posted by Sofia25 (Member # 5851) on :

I forgot to tell you I am at the present writing a book apart from my everyday job-writing.

That's why I felt quite mirrored in your post.

Sorry for my english, not my mother tongue!

Posted by Issabellem (Member # 6837) on :
Hi Sofia -

you are in cairo right?
If so - can you write me at .. and maybe we can get together for coffe or something. I live in Mohandessein.. I want help brainstorming my book ideas. I have a friend who is also helping me - i will try to bring her.

Hope to hear from you soon

Posted by Karah_Mia (Member # 4668) on :
Hams, can we share ideas online (email?) or do I have to be available for coffee in Cairo? I would be very interested: it is quite a life you had!
Posted by Sofia25 (Member # 5851) on :
Sorry, I wish i was in Cairo but I am not and I am not plannng to be at last until summer, sorry;-)

I would like very much to share that coffee with you but It is physically impossible;-)

I discovered Cairo last summer and somehow I knew I had been there before, and that somehow it was where I should be staying...and i absolutely have no family nor origins...I started learning arabic and here I am, waiting for what I have to do.

I am in a very spiritual moment of my life and i don't know how to handle it...

[This message has been edited by Sofia25 (edited 08 March 2005).]

Posted by Poly (Member # 6851) on :
Hello, I thought you might like to read this article: 'I Can Do Anything, So How Do I Choose?' at
A friend of mine sent it to me, we were working together here in Italy then she had to move back to the States.. somehow it made me smile and feel, well may be I am not too lost after all.. though I am still looking for THE something out there and not sure what is it, I just know that I have to keep on moving from one place to another till I find it.. I've thought lately of going back to Cairo and settling there, but I am not sure it is the right time for me yet. So just wanted to share this article and wish you luck that you found your home already..
would love to read some of your stories, I am a writer myself..
Posted by Sofia25 (Member # 5851) on :
Grazie Polly,

Non sono italiana, ma quasi;-)
Dove abiti? Io ho studiato a Verona tantissimi anni fa...circa otto...anche a mei piacerebbe di sapere che cose scrivi.

Propio adesso tento di scrivere un romanzo ma e cosi difficile...

Intanto faccio poesia, per me e piu semplice e trobo subito il reconforto.

I don't know if i am looking for a home...i am triying to decide if i want to have one;-) But somehow Cairo was specially atracting to me...

Posted by Poly (Member # 6851) on :
Prego Sofia,
vivo e lavoro in Sicilia.. è mai stato qui? ho scritto degli articoli sulla decorazione e sulle proprietà immobiliare.. ma adesso scrivo diari e cose relative alla mia vita in generale (personal writing).. I am trying hard with poetry these days (reading Fruits and Vegetables by Erica Jong)..

It is good that you found 'kind of home' in Cairo.. hope I will do the same one day, though not sure now. Ma di dove è?


Posted by Sofia25 (Member # 5851) on :
Certo, sono stata due anni fa in Sicilia. Bel paese!
Sono di Barcellona, Spagna. Sei mai stata?
Sei egiziaca?

It's a kind of weird thing to think that your home is maybe not home after all. Or maybe yes but you have to discover by yourself. I read the article, quite interesting. Thanks!

Posted by CanadianPoetess (Member # 6604) on :
A thought that occurred to me is that you might consider opening up a "blog" at a website for writers/artists etc. I find that is a decent one in terms of finding groups of writers who comment on what you are working on, you can write so that your entries are open to the "public" or you can create "protected" entries that only people of your choosing are able to access in terms of reading and commenting. Another good online literary community I recommend is at (funny and ironic name, yes, but some quite good writers of poetry etc). At either of those two sites I am sure that you might find people of like minds who can provide you with some sense of community as a writer.

Best regards,


Posted by Issabellem (Member # 6837) on :
Thanks C Poetess..
I never thought of it - but sounds like a fantastic idea


Posted by Poly (Member # 6851) on :
Originally posted by Sofia25:
Certo, sono stata due anni fa in Sicilia. Bel paese!
Sono di Barcellona, Spagna. Sei mai stata?
Sei egiziaca?

It's a kind of weird thing to think that your home is maybe not home after all. Or maybe yes but you have to discover by yourself. I read the article, quite interesting. Thanks!

Yep I am Egyptian, I didn't make it to Spain till now - planning to go Spain and Portugal in August, as that's our annual holiday in Italy.. hopefully it won't be too hot..
I think you lose the meaning of home (as it is usually known), when you start traveling and living in different countries.. I remember a friend of mine in Dubai told me that I got the bug of moving before I come here. I just can't stay in one place.. but you are right you just have to discover it yourself..


Posted by Poly (Member # 6851) on :
Originally posted by hams:
Thanks C Poetess..
I never thought of it - but sounds like a fantastic idea


You may like to check this website as well
I recently came across it when I wanted to submit my work for review for free (usually writing contests are paid!!!).. people will read your work and rate it.. they also list opportunities for other contests and they have a forum.. good luck..

Posted by Sofia25 (Member # 5851) on :
Es verdad.

I feel like I must no be just in one place too, but on the other hand I think that's a pretty terrible thought and somehow there must be the place where I am going to be needed , and where I will need everything and everybody around me.

Maybe It's just a feeling that never ends and that's my personality.

I'll do my best to know. ;-)

Posted by Sofia25 (Member # 5851) on :
Thanks for the link but i am afraid my english is not as superb to write creative things with the quality enough to be read by somone;-)

My mother tongues are Catalan an Spanish. I have written in English and Italian, mostly poems as they are short;-) And altough They are ok, I feel they are not really really the authentic they could really be.

Posted by Poly (Member # 6851) on :
Originally posted by Sofia25:
Thanks for the link but i am afraid my english is not as superb to write creative things with the quality enough to be read by somone;-)

My mother tongues are Catalan an Spanish. I have written in English and Italian, mostly poems as they are short;-) And altough They are ok, I feel they are not really really the authentic they could really be.

Where do you write in Egypt? I mean I never knew that there is a Spanish newspaper or a magazine, or is there?.. well best of luck anyway, in work and finding home..

Posted by Sofia25 (Member # 5851) on :
I think you mistook person;-)

I am not in Misr, I'm in Spain. I wish I was, but I am not;-)


Posted by Poly (Member # 6851) on :
Oh sorry, I thought you moved there already (think I am getting old!!).. but you visited it, right? (if not then defiantly I am getting old and lost my understanding abilities).. good luck in learning Arabic, if need help let me know, I am giving lessons to an Italian friend of mine here, she also wants to go to Egypt Ciao


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