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Posted by penelope (Member # 7434) on :
hey guys & gals, I was wondering what will any one of u do if he/she was betrayed by a friend, a member of his/her family, a wife, a husband? shall u forgive & forget? breaking off? taking revenge? what will u do????????????
Posted by Real life (Member # 7982) on :
I was betrayed by a friend - at first I was very upset by it but then I took slow sweet revenge and then after a couple of years I decided to let the hurt go.


Posted by Serendipity (Member # 7211) on :
It depends on who the person is and how close am I to that person.
But also how the relationship is between us. Am I seeing only my side or am I seeing also how he/she feels? I try to find out the cause of the betrayal. And I would never take revenge what so ever! I dont belive in that.
Again it depends on how big is the betrayal and who was it by.

And There is one more thing,
We humans are born with typical ideas and stereotypes of how a husband should be like, a wife, friends and families. That even we know that those humans arent pure ideal for a wife(or whatever role you may choose) we tend in time to forget that this person has his own difficulties, problems, and also faults lots of faults. That maybe doesnt fit in our idea of our role model. so we tend to wipe them off, so the picture can look more perfect. and when suddenly something happens like a betrayal from a friend, we tend to get a wake up call, that this person is not perfect, yes sure we intend to belive that they will be there when we need them, but maybe not. maybe they will get weak and back off. and then we realise that they are just humans with lots of faults. some we never thought could exists and some we didnt even realise existed. But the question is will you except those faults? will you try to solve it? Will you get down with that person and tell them how their betrayal made you feel? cause actually to back off and not care to talk about it, you will also be a betrayer. Maybe not to the person, but to yourself, you will be betraying your own thoughts and ideas.

I hope you guys understood some of my "Socrates" talk over here

[This message has been edited by Serendipity (edited 12 August 2005).]

Posted by didi_elsayed (Member # 4763) on :
A hit in the face
a little sweet revenge when didnt wait for it
a kick in her A**

Posted by loborules (Member # 5457) on :
I try to avoid the betrayers, and move on. Ever heard of Karma, or what goes around, comes around? But every once in a while ... my claws come out it depends.
Especially if someone is talking behind your back, and then all sweet and nice to your face.Then I confront them in a nice way, and ask them why, why did you do this? or perhaps the better way, they never saw it coming. But I know with revenge, better dig two graves.
Posted by daria1975 (Member # 6244) on :
Originally posted by penelope:
hey guys & gals, I was wondering what will any one of u do if he/she was betrayed by a friend, a member of his/her family, a wife, a husband? shall u forgive & forget? breaking off? taking revenge? what will u do????????????

Rough question! I was betrayed once by a man I thought was a really good friend. He wasn't a boyfriend or anything, just a friend. I can't get into details, but I was facing a life-or-death situation, asked his help (which would have been easy, not like giving up an organ or something) and he refused. Turned his back on me completely.

I was devastated emotionally *and* almost died. I don't talk to him anymore, as much as he tries to. If there has ever been any time in my life I wanted revenge, this was it. But I did nothing. I'm hoping for truth to that saying *what comes around, goes around.*


Posted by didi_elsayed (Member # 4763) on :
Who wasnt betrayed before somehow,i was betrayed by friends,relatives,man,everything in the list is soooo damn unpleasant,and if the betrayal is from a girlsfriend with ur man,trust me if u dont hit her,u`ll sorry in ur entire life,yes i did make one little sweet revenge,but seems that it wasnt enough ....i still sorry that i was sooooo good,i had to hit her badly,the words werent enough,the words are never enough for one b****,she simply wont understand the strenght of the pain which she cause!
Sure this was before long time,and now i`m happy and see that indeed every bad is for good,but if i could turn back the time,she will sorry more.......
Sometimes we act very stupid in moments when we should just go and kick some a***s,but really we cant imagine how we will react in the different situations,how strange!
Posted by EFLVirgo (Member # 6264) on :
I walk away for GOOD and act as if the person never existed in the first place.

That's definitely not as easy as it sounds, because I guess it's human nature to want to take revenge or scream or do something silly.

Walking away from hurt has always been my philosophy in life, which I'm not sure is a good or a bad thing. What do you think?

Posted by Leila (Member # 8539) on :
The last thing i would do is take revenge.. if you do then you are acting just as bad as the person who hurt you.. while also giving them the satisfaction of knowing how much they have hurt you. I have been betrayed before, i will always forgive and move on from it if someone shows they are sorry. There has been only one serious thing i have never accepted.. that was a 'friend' who relentlessly and constantly attacked me and my beliefs, trying to persuade me to be more like her..i ended the friendship and have completely ignored any attempts by her to patch things up. Another thing i would never accept is if a husband cheated on me. That is unforgivable in my book.
Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :
Originally posted by EFLVirgo:
I walk away for GOOD and act as if the person never existed in the first place.

That's definitely not as easy as it sounds, because I guess it's human nature to want to take revenge or scream or do something silly.

Walking away from hurt has always been my philosophy in life, which I'm not sure is a good or a bad thing. What do you think?

Same here. I'd close the door, be hurt and move on.

Posted by EFLVirgo (Member # 6264) on :
Tiger, what's your zodiac sign? If you don't mind me asking.
Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :
I am an Aquarius but was prematurely born seven weeks too early (would it make a difference after all?). I do not believe in star signs though.
Posted by penelope (Member # 7434) on :
u know ladies all my life I've been betrayed by many persons, friends, relatives, ...etc, at first I used to be sooo angrey that I decide to take revenge no matter what, the revenge has to be cruel, v.cruel. it satsfied me a lot, made me feel happy, & convinced me that now noone would dare to hurt me ever again, but when v. close ppl started to hurt me I felt my heart bleeding, I was incapable of doing anything, had sooo many ideas but loved those ppl too muvh to hurt me, I hated myself for that... that weakness, I even started to hate love, & decided that there should be a red line for everyone I know that he/she can't pass, I'll stop my acquaintences at the stage where no one can hurt me, but still I felt that this is sooo inhumane, what do u think is better???????
Posted by Ngeg (Member # 1271) on :
I agree that u should draw a line where ppl can't cross! It's wise.
But the thing is You can not outsmart being hurt! You simply cannot!

One advice is : Be very flexible! Extremely flexible. In the face of the wind, you'd bend but never break! No one can break you.


Posted by penelope (Member # 7434) on :
what about v. close ppl, can't they break u too??
Posted by EFLVirgo (Member # 6264) on :
Originally posted by ngeg:
You can not outsmart being hurt! You simply cannot!

Very very true. There's no magic rule for preventing hurt. Penelope, I'm sorry for all the times you've been betrayed. Nevertheless, I think you should still believe in love. I don't mean love for a man, but love in general. If everyone stopped loving because they'd been hurt, this world would be a horrible place to live in.

This doesn't mean you should keep loving the person who hurt you. No, like I said earlier, I'm a real big fan of walking away when you're hurt.

My point is that pure human love can be abundant, depending on where and how you look for it.

Posted by bluesky05 (Member # 8627) on :
Originally posted by Serendipity:
But the question is will you except those faults? will you try to solve it? Will you get down with that person and tell them how their betrayal made you feel? cause actually to back off and not care to talk about it, you will also be a betrayer. Maybe not to the person, but to yourself, you will be betraying your own thoughts and ideas.

I hope you guys understood some of my "Socrates" talk over here

[This message has been edited by Serendipity (edited 12 August 2005).]

i totaly agree with your point of views! the most important thing is to be honest to yourself..

Posted by Ngeg (Member # 1271) on :
Originally posted by penelope:
what about v. close ppl, can't they break u too??

I would only put immediate family under very close ppl. Friends, lovers, neighbors are close ppl with caution. Only parents are able to give unconditional love.

I have seen many betrayals and sometimes I meet ppl and find them a pathetic excuse for human beings, but we move on..We have to move on! You have to. No options.

Posted by penelope (Member # 7434) on :
sure we all have to go on but how can u regain happines? may be time will help us all to forget those who betrayed us.
Posted by Leila (Member # 8539) on :
"sure we all have to go on but how can u regain happines? may be time will help us all to forget those who betrayed us"

Its only by going through adversities that we learn the most about ourselves and how strong we really are.. what doesn't break you only makes you stronger. Think of it as a blessing that you finally found out the true nature of this person who betrayed you.. i believe things happen for a reason and as painful or unhappy as you may feel now something better is waiting for you.
Time has a way of making problems that once seemed unbearable so much less important.

Posted by EFLVirgo (Member # 6264) on :
Originally posted by Leila:
i believe things happen for a reason and as painful or unhappy as you may feel now something better is waiting for you.



Posted by Serendipity (Member # 7211) on :
Originally posted by Leila:
"sure we all have to go on but how can u regain happines? may be time will help us all to forget those who betrayed us"

Its only by going through adversities that we learn the most about ourselves and how strong we really are.. what doesn't break you only makes you stronger. Think of it as a blessing that you finally found out the true nature of this person who betrayed you.. i believe things happen for a reason and as painful or unhappy as you may feel now something better is waiting for you.
Time has a way of making problems that once seemed unbearable so much less important.

Exactly! I have been betrayed a lot this recently two years. And to tell you the truth Penelope, it crushed me really badly!
I got to know things about loved ones that I didnt want to belive, and some turned their backs on me. and someone just stabbed me in the back. I was so depressed about it, that I closed myself in the room, wouldnt talk to anybody about it,a nd couldnt trust anyone. No matter what kind of type you are, the soft, the sensitive or the heart of stone. You will get betrayed. and betrayal the word wouldnt exist if it wasnt the closest ppl to you who would betray you. These betrayals that you go through in life, should make us trust ourselves more, be more aware of how ppl can act in diff situations that we go through in life.
I still cant seem to trust ppl and i still am afraid of getting betrayed again. But I am taking it one step at a time. there are things in life that happens for a reason, a reason that we can not seem to understand in the moment it happens, but after sometime the big picture shows up right in our face. we just have to patient and not give up.
and at the end who ever hurt you Penelope, didnt diserve you, and I tell you something, I am glad that those ppl betrayed me at that time, I got to see their real face and I thank God everyday for that. God loves you and want you to see that you are worth more than their friendship. just dont do as me and lock yourself inside your heart. the wound just grows even bigger.

and Penelope even though I have met you only two times in my life, You are one of the sweetest and most dear person I have ever met. You have a big heart and dont let anyone make you change that about you.

love and a big big hug from Sara


Posted by Corvinous (Member # 6578) on :
Originally posted by Serendipity:
Exactly! I have been betrayed a lot this recently two years. And to tell you the truth Penelope, it crushed me really badly!
I got to know things about loved ones that I didnt want to belive, and some turned their backs on me. and someone just stabbed me in the back. I was so depressed about it, that I closed myself in the room, wouldnt talk to anybody about it,a nd couldnt trust anyone. No matter what kind of type you are, the soft, the sensitive or the heart of stone. You will get betrayed. and betrayal the word wouldnt exist if it wasnt the closest ppl to you who would betray you. These betrayals that you go through in life, should make us trust ourselves more, be more aware of how ppl can act in diff situations that we go through in life.
I still cant seem to trust ppl and i still am afraid of getting betrayed again. But I am taking it one step at a time. there are things in life that happens for a reason, a reason that we can not seem to understand in the moment it happens, but after sometime the big picture shows up right in our face. we just have to patient and not give up.
and at the end who ever hurt you Penelope, didnt diserve you, and I tell you something, I am glad that those ppl betrayed me at that time, I got to see their real face and I thank God everyday for that. God loves you and want you to see that you are worth more than their friendship. just dont do as me and lock yourself inside your heart. the wound just grows even bigger.

and Penelope even though I have met you only two times in my life, You are one of the sweetest and most dear person I have ever met. You have a big heart and dont let anyone make you change that about you.

love and a big big hug from Sara

Sorry I am not used to that, but I am touched ..... Seren! I am not used more to say it, but you touched me too deep ......

Posted by Troubles101 (Member # 4543) on :
This is weired

[This message has been edited by Troubles101 (edited 15 August 2005).]

Posted by Serendipity (Member # 7211) on :
Originally posted by Troubles101:
This is weired

[This message has been edited by Troubles101 (edited 15 August 2005).]

what is weird???


Posted by penelope (Member # 7434) on :
thank u sara sooo much, u r really sweet, & don't worry I can't change my nature no matter how hard I tried, everytime I fail, wish I could be more cruel.
u r so wise looking to ur age, how come u became that wise girl , what is the secret?
any way do u have any idea what should a person do if he/she is stuck with that person who is used to betray him/her??
Posted by Troubles101 (Member # 4543) on :
Originally posted by Serendipity:

what is weird???

This thread is weired. Many girls here yet none is fighting the other. is this some kind of truce I have missed?

Posted by eaasalam (Member # 8648) on :
Originally posted by penelope:
thank u sara sooo much, u r really sweet, & don't worry I can't change my nature no matter how hard I tried, everytime I fail, wish I could be more cruel.
u r so wise looking to ur age, how come u became that wise girl , what is the secret?
any way do u have any idea what should a person do if he/she is stuck with that person who is used to betray him/her??

Sara if you have the answer for Penelope's question it will be very helpful.

[This message has been edited by eaasalam (edited 09 September 2005).]

Posted by Serendipity (Member # 7211) on :
Originally posted by Troubles101:
This thread is weired. Many girls here yet none is fighting the other. is this some kind of truce I have missed?

hehe, there's enough of that in Someone_losts topic.


Posted by Serendipity (Member # 7211) on :
Penelope, I am sorry for taking so long in areply. But I am not used to waking up so early. a bit unfocused right now. but you will see the reply soon
Posted by Serendipity (Member # 7211) on :
Oh Penelope I am glad to hear from you, You got me worried there! And thanks for the sweet words.

Dear to have to meet that person who betrayed you is one of the diff thing that you go through. Not enough that he/she betrayed you, but his/hers always being around keeps you always reminded of the betrayal.
You know its one of the toughest thing you can go through in life, but the only saviour is how you can deal with it. I am sure those who has gotten betrayed here, always wonder how this betrayal was possible, and specially from this person who you thought you could trust no matter what happened. And you keep wondering what is wrong with you and why ppl tend to do that to you. IF you think that way.
None of it your fault! but here comes the thing I talked about before, that we open our eyes and stop seeing that person as the ideal person we have made in our heads to the real human being that was capable of betraying us.
A human that is capable of being selfish and do lots of faults.
That’s why you have to understand none of it is your fault.
When this person did this to you, he thought about himself (sorry for choosing the male but its too much work writing both!). That is why you should not waste your time wondering how he could do this to you or how it was possible at all. You should instead take a time for yourself, DON’T in any circumstances lock yourself inside! The wound will only get worse! If you are afraid of the pain you feel and how much it hurts, don’t be its better to feel it now, all of it then to keep carrying around with it and feel it all the time. Take time to heal your heart and time where you talk to your heart. ( I know I may sound ridiculous or crazy) But if you do that, you will get more clear of your feelings and what actually matters to you and the quicker the wound will be healed. Right it down in a journal or talk with someone about it. (ehm ehm I am here you know )
Look God has always a purpose in everything that happens in our lives, maybe this person would have hurt you more if you didn’t find out now. Maybe this is how God wants you to take care of yourself again and start getting to know yourself. Maybe it’s a warning for that person can hurt you more if you don’t be aware. And think of it as a blessing. Not a curse.
You know, if you are stuck with them, smile! it’s a reminder that this person caused you to be stronger! He caused you to take care of yourself and open your eyes and search for what you really want to achieve in life. every time you meet him, be happy! Cause he has lost you, you haven’t lost anything, but gained more understanding about life and his real face and not just a glossy mask.
Make your waking up in the morning for what you feel. NOT what he makes you feel. And make your nights for how thankful you are for the small things you have in your life that mean so much but you never noticed them before now. Make your life about what you can do to achieve your goals and NOT what others can do to make you achieve it.
And if you meet him today, ssssmiiiiiile, if it weren’t for him you would be still living in a world that would be capable of ruining you, without you even knowing about it!
And remember its good that you are feeling pain, that means you are still alive and your heart still is beating. And as long as your heart is beating and you still have air in your lounges, these things will mean nothing. He didn’t take away the air or the blood on your veins, so be glad and look at the world with a new refreshed look and as an opportunity to seize the things that you have taken for granted.

Hope I helped here, I know it will take time for you to take in all this and understand it. But take your time, heal your heart as if you’re comforting your child.

Big big hug from Sara

Posted by penelope (Member # 7434) on :
sara u r an angel.

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