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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 12060
 - posted
Guess Ive got a bit cynical since living in Egypt, but I never cease to be amazed why people-often females-do so many rash hasty things they would never consider doing in their own countries soon as their plane lands.
Member # 6244
 - posted
How do you know they aren't doing it in their own countries too? [Big Grin]
Member # 12060
 - posted
You have a point there! but I never heard the expression "milking cows" when referring to "wives-temporary albeit" in any other country than here
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by misbah:
Guess Ive got a bit cynical since living in Egypt, but I never cease to be amazed why people-often females-do so many rash hasty things they would never consider doing in their own countries soon as their plane lands.

Personally I think my daughter rips off the top of my skull, grabs my brains, and uses the ball of gray mass for a soccer ball.

She puts my brain back occassionally just for a joke.

But seriously I am usually so overwhelmed by the complete difference and strangeness of the country I can't really make decisions for myself.

My in-laws basically pull me around like a zombie.

Luckily this last trip I made some early morning trips outside the apartment building alone for shopping, whether it be for cosmetics, pastries or toilet paper.

It was really bizarre feeling to be able to do something as an adult in a country that isn't mine and I don't speak the language in the least and not have it turn into a crisis.

A confidence booster, for sure.

and how I was allowed to go down to the public beach in Agamy every day on my own! It really helped keep me sane.

And my MIL managed to handle these episodes without falling over herself and chanting Quranic protection verses over me for an hour. Or having my BIL charge down the street so every young or old Amm didn't get the wrong idea about me not being escourted through town.

But that was in Alex. That could never, ever, ever happen in Shebin.
Member # 12060
 - posted
precisely my point. Here,in sinai,I live in small beddouin village.I stay in my house,am only seen when with my husband,who is diving all day. Wear the full Nikab. I love it-my husband doesnt! But my main reason for the question was I have never seen so many women part with so much money so easily for all sorts of weird schemes to men they known less than month. They say they decided to marry a man, so should help him get a better position in society. But they not really married,just contract.
Member # 5457
 - posted
OOOH haven't you heard of people's court, judge alex, judge judy ... everyday there are MEN and WOMEN who 'loan' money to the ONE, for the chance of love ...
Member # 11552
 - posted
All over the world, you will find examples of stupid men and women, exchanging cash for sexual favours. Egypt is no different in this respect but I feel that the whole sexual tourism thing is viewed out of proportion. The reason Egypt and The Gambia stand out is that MEN are the ones behaving as male prostitutes.

I feel sorry for such men and sorry for the desperate women who confuse love with exploitation. Men have been making this mistake for centuries.

Into this explosive mix, you have to add cultural differences and make exceptions for the men and women who are genuine love matches.

It seems to me that some on this forum mix the issues up, to try to shore up their own biased views. My views are those of a non Egptian and one that has never had, or would ever wish to have, a relationship with an Egyptian man (purely because I am fortunate enough to be happily married).

I feel sorry for the women here in genuine relationships with decent Egyptian men. Having to deal with so much prejudice must be trying.
Member # 9824
 - posted
well said! Indeed the prejudice can and has been unbearable at times. Not all egyptian men are gigolos, and not all foreign wives are retired, ugly, cash machines.
It is a pleasure to read your posts. You are a breath of fresh air on these boards. STAY.......
please................ [Wink]
Member # 11552
 - posted
Originally posted by tootifrooti:
Indeed the prejudice can and has been unbearable at times. Not all egyptian men are gigolos, and not all foreign wives are retired, ugly, cash machines.


Hatred diminshes the haters most of all. A friend of mine once said ,''Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned''. Have a great evening!
Member # 12060
 - posted
Sorry-u all seem to mis understand my original question. Genuine question.I suffer prejudice- mainly from egyptians - I myself am one of what I consider to be, fortunate ones - although I know some would see me as un fortunate- I am married,(after knowing him for 6 years, and never being asked for a cent) to a beautiful, respectful, dutiful, egyptian husband. And I am not a cash machine. I lived in Egypt long time- my question was because I have seen, so many times,and recently, my very best friend, being taken to the cleaners, and doing things they simply would not do if they were at home. Is it the sun? The heat? The chat up lines? The feeling of freedom on holiday? or the cross cultural divide?
Member # 6244
 - posted
I don't think I misunderstood your question. I think that women (all people) who engage in unwise behavior like getting taken to the cleaners by gigalos probably do the same thing at home. Probably have hooked up with risky men in their own country too.

Or did your friend always act wisely at home, yet foolishly abroad?
Member # 12060
 - posted
Yes she did-they all seemed to! this friend is having massive probs at momemt.in UK she is a gov. inspector of teachers! Another friend, a teacher, another, a banker, another a commodities trader-there are more! I know for sure these friends for several years, all sensible, maybe too sensible. they dont even know how they got into these problems in first place, but things they all had in common-they love egypt, they were all happy to start businesses for their men very quickly, and after being told almost same story-"my boss treats me bad, and much worse now I am with you. I work all hours for very small money. My boss says I will have to leave my job if I keep being with you, then my sick father or mother will suffer" It is a fact that about 80% of all businesses in my town in Sinai were started with foreign donations. Like I said, my question was simply asked because my friends problem is on my mind, and I wondered just how common it is, and why. We all like to think we are smart, wise, I wonder if its due to our mothering instincts
Member # 6244
 - posted
OK, maybe people do turn a 180 when they get to a foreign country.

The only thing I can imagine is that they have lived very sheltered lives where nobody has ever lied to them before, or tried to take advantage of them before....so when somebody actually does it, they are too naive to know that's what's happening.

With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
When a woman takes a man's money she's called a girlfriend, when a man does it he's called a gigilo [Big Grin]
Member # 5871
 - posted
Is that Islam ?
Chinderella angel
Member # 11953
 - posted
Originally posted by ispy:
Is that Islam ?

Is that a name? [Roll Eyes]
Member # 11161
 - posted
I was surprised at this to. I never knew anything about the gigalo situation in egypt until I read this thread and visited there.

Never thought they would allow this to go on in a muslim country.
Member # 12060
 - posted
Ha - its called hypocracy facilitated by the blinded eye and lawyers marriages. Of course, nothing wrong with it if its mutual agreement and above board. Its the way of business and opportunity.Nothing wrong with giving a good person a start in life as long as they are honest. My friend has eventually found her brain. her scamming ex has now been charged by the court with theft of all goods from her house, theft of 80 grand to start a business and not re pay, falsifying business contract, signing her car over to himself without her knowledge, falsley obtaining 40 grand of stock credit in her name- that should keep him busy for a while and I hope scare some of his scamming mates- some of whom have up to 70 so called marriage contracts with foreigners.
Member # 4986
 - posted
Busy boy then
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Tutandmoan:
Ha - its called hypocracy facilitated by the blinded eye and lawyers marriages. Of course, nothing wrong with it if its mutual agreement and above board. Its the way of business and opportunity.Nothing wrong with giving a good person a start in life as long as they are honest. My friend has eventually found her brain. her scamming ex has now been charged by the court with theft of all goods from her house, theft of 80 grand to start a business and not re pay, falsifying business contract, signing her car over to himself without her knowledge, falsley obtaining 40 grand of stock credit in her name- that should keep him busy for a while and I hope scare some of his scamming mates- some of whom have up to 70 so called marriage contracts with foreigners.

Imagine a young man having to screw all those older women in order to get that money! [Eek!]

No wonder they turn around and marry practical teenagers after they cash in.

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