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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Culture Club
Member # 13767
 - posted
I need your inputs based on your experiences on taking after twins before they get born till they grow up.

I am sorry that maybe I cannot read and reply everyday to your rsponses, cause of my limitation time. But I will log in ES at the time I have freeeeeee time.

Shokran and thank you.
Culture Club
Member # 13767
 - posted
I mean "taking after" is to take care and to look after.
Member # 15206
 - posted
CC, I feel for you if you have twins!! They run in my family and I have been lucky to skip that joy til now :-).

Having a few friends who have twins, they had them sleep together from day one...[at first], as they were used to each other..... Their individualities [fraternal or identical] really start to emerge after a few weeks. In the absence of a birth mark to differentiate...I' knew someone to paint a toe nail to differentiate, until the personalities and differences emerged. [and they had bracelets].

I am the mom of two, and although mine were staggered in age, I pretty much kept up consistency and would suggest the same for the twins..bed time same, feeding same, if you cater to their sleep patterns and have these really off/on feedings, you will NEVER get any sleep, especially if you breast feed. One thing we did was during the day, eliminated a late afternoon nap, to get them off to bed earlier at night...after a week or so, it worked, and they were both sleeping through the night by 8 weeks-10 wks. (at least a good 5-6 hour stint).

Routines are so essential, and help to maintain some of the unavoidable chaos [Smile] .

What exactly are you looking for input on? sleeping, feeding, napping....?
Member # 3567
 - posted
Someone is pregnant with twins??????

CC please confirm!!

~ TL
Member # 14517
 - posted
CC i'm a twin and let me say one thing i agree mostly with what Rashaa has said,my one bug bear was to be dressed identically to my twin,we both hated it,we are two seperate people with our own thoughts and totally different characters.
imo if they sleep eat and do everything together
how can thay form their own individual characteristics? just my thoughts !
Member # 15378
 - posted
CC - I have twin boys, what you want to know??

They really are double the pleasure....
snow white
Member # 15647
 - posted
I've had twins twice....still recovering lol
Momma Dukes
Member # 14252
 - posted
i dont want anymore kids and never want to marry again so Im pretty bad advice.

i have a daughter and i love her to death and spoil her rotten, and thats all i need.

but i give u snaps, it takes a really good person to want all them kids and to totally devote their life to them.

me and kids dont mesh well. i have no patience for the crying and fits and the worry it comes with. plus, i like to go where i want and do what i want. i raise them well, i babysit awesome, the nieghborhood kids love me to death cuz i play with them, but i give em' back at the end of the day:)

but i am a mother and the best advice i can give is just to love them lots and always feed their minds and keep them open to the different things in this world.
Member # 15378
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Momma Dukes:

but i give u snaps, it takes a really good person to want all them kids and to totally devote their life to them.

MD do you relise you don't get to chooe if your having twins or not?? [Roll Eyes]
Momma Dukes
Member # 14252
 - posted
Originally posted by sherribaby:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Momma Dukes:

but i give u snaps, it takes a really good person to want all them kids and to totally devote their life to them.

MD do you relise you don't get to chooe if your having twins or not?? [Roll Eyes]

of course i do im not an idiot. im referring to the fact that women have more than one kid by choice thats all.
i mean i look at women with more than one child and im like wow you really have to be into it! like i look at families on tv and they are all bought the nice house in the burbs and the mom is a short haired soccer mother and the dad has his lil, 9-5 job all week, perfect kids and all, and it drives me bananas.
i couldnt see or want a life like that for myself. too boring.

so people who live just to be totally devoted to picking up after a man and wiping kids asses, and then not having any time left for urself or ur man are good selfless people in my eyes.

me, i didnt have that kind of upbringing and enjoy going from place to place better. i like to travel better and live in different places and do it all. i would go ocrazy waking up in the same house for the rest of my life looking at the same damn man and letting my teenagers take me for a ride.

hell no.

tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
oooooooo god this subject scares me... i was a single mother taking care of twins.. when ones awake the others asleep and then vice versa... when they both have colic girls i tell ya its hell....u never get sleep with one baby try 2 alone.... sometimes bein married isnt all that much better cas the daddy thinks its all yr responsibility... screw that...its just plain hard..double hard when ya need to go grocery shopping and walk home with grocerys and twin babies... in an old carriage that sits twins.. lets say i almost lost my kids and food on the freeway.. but we were safe and made it home..

the priceless thing is when u see double the smiles and hear double the laughter in the house all day...there is good and bad to having twins but mostly good as they get older...

dont forget double the poops too changing twins diapers ewwww...
Member # 11649
 - posted
I had "irish twins", less than a year apart so not totally the same but similar in that I had two babies under the age of 1 in diapers and bottles drinking formula...cha ching! VERY expensive when you think of doubling all expenses including daycare.

On the other hand though the bright notes are that they have a friend always to play with, especially when they hit around 3 or 4 years of age. Somehow it was more time consuming for me personally when I just had one because I was always having to entertain her but once they hit around 3 1/2 they were moreso entertaining themselves.

Good luck to all those having multiples! Does anyone watch Jon and Kate + 8 on TLC? It's a show with a husband and wife. they first had twins and then wanted ONE more but she ended up pregnant with 6!! [Eek!]
Member # 12156
 - posted
Originally posted by doodlebug:
I had "irish twins", less than a year apart so not totally the same but similar in that I had two babies under the age of 1 in diapers and bottles drinking formula...cha ching! VERY expensive when you think of doubling all expenses including daycare.

On the other hand though the bright notes are that they have a friend always to play with, especially when they hit around 3 or 4 years of age. Somehow it was more time consuming for me personally when I just had one because I was always having to entertain her but once they hit around 3 1/2 they were moreso entertaining themselves.

Good luck to all those having multiples! Does anyone watch Jon and Kate + 8 on TLC? It's a show with a husband and wife. they first had twins and then wanted ONE more but she ended up pregnant with 6!! [Eek!]

I've seen that show, it weirds me out overall. I feel bad for the children- not receiving the attention they need- but it looks like the parents are doing the best they can.

Kate is always harping on Jon- but I guess if I had that many kids running around I'd be a biyotch 24/7 too.

I like the little girl who helps around the house, folding clothes and stuff.
Member # 11649
 - posted
Originally posted by Hibbah:
Originally posted by doodlebug:
I had "irish twins", less than a year apart so not totally the same but similar in that I had two babies under the age of 1 in diapers and bottles drinking formula...cha ching! VERY expensive when you think of doubling all expenses including daycare.

On the other hand though the bright notes are that they have a friend always to play with, especially when they hit around 3 or 4 years of age. Somehow it was more time consuming for me personally when I just had one because I was always having to entertain her but once they hit around 3 1/2 they were moreso entertaining themselves.

Good luck to all those having multiples! Does anyone watch Jon and Kate + 8 on TLC? It's a show with a husband and wife. they first had twins and then wanted ONE more but she ended up pregnant with 6!! [Eek!]

I've seen that show, it weirds me out overall. I feel bad for the children- not receiving the attention they need- but it looks like the parents are doing the best they can.

Kate is always harping on Jon- but I guess if I had that many kids running around I'd be a biyotch 24/7 too.

I like the little girl who helps around the house, folding clothes and stuff.

I think that's Alexis. My favorite is Aiden. [Smile] Kate has mellowed out this season but she also has OCD and I can somehow relate to her, especially with not wanting anyone else in the kitchen. If I had a nickel for everytime I"ve told my husband so far "out of my kitchen!!!". It's like my one oasis in a sea of chaos somedays! [Big Grin]
Member # 15378
 - posted
MD - No offense meant, just that when my daughter went to school and i had just had the twins, one of her snotty 'friends' made the statement 'my mum said she'd never have twins, only one baby at a time!.' Still feel a little defensiven when people talk about 'that many kids' brings back the memory of how hurt my daughter was at the time.
Momma Dukes
Member # 14252
 - posted
aw i didnt mean it that way.
Member # 3567
 - posted
No reply from CC yet? Come on, girl, let us know!! [Smile]

~ TL
Culture Club
Member # 13767
 - posted
I have read all the inputs and thank you very much indeed for your kind responses.

Well TL, nothing to confirm here hehehehe... I let it be mystery.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
Originally posted by doodlebug:
I had "irish twins", less than a year apart so not totally the same but similar in that I had two babies under the age of 1 in diapers and bottles drinking formula...cha ching! VERY expensive when you think of doubling all expenses including daycare.

On the other hand though the bright notes are that they have a friend always to play with, especially when they hit around 3 or 4 years of age. Somehow it was more time consuming for me personally when I just had one because I was always having to entertain her but once they hit around 3 1/2 they were moreso entertaining themselves.

Good luck to all those having multiples! Does anyone watch Jon and Kate + 8 on TLC? It's a show with a husband and wife. they first had twins and then wanted ONE more but she ended up pregnant with 6!! [Eek!]

ya i watch that show... sometimes isnt he like chinses or Vietnamese and shes white
their kids are so cute
having twins is expensive and hard.. a huge burden if yr not financially equipped....but the look of yr babies when they come is proceless...

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