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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 7885
 - posted
Hi: I recently started dating a wonderful man. He is Egyptian and I am Latina, we both live in NYC. He has been in the US for three years. I'd like some advice/feedback from men and women who have dated or are dating crossculturally. Also, I don't know too much about modern Egyptian culture. Are there any internet sites out there that are helpful in order to broaden my knowledge and learn about my boyfriend's culture?
Member # 6806
 - posted
Why dont you read the different threads on here...it is full of information....
Member # 5823
 - posted
Originally posted by LM12366:
Hi: I recently started dating a wonderful man. He is Egyptian and I am Latina, we both live in NYC. He has been in the US for three years. I'd like some advice/feedback from men and women who have dated or are dating crossculturally. Also, I don't know too much about modern Egyptian culture. Are there any internet sites out there that are helpful in order to broaden my knowledge and learn about my boyfriend's culture?

you say he's been in the us for 3 years, how did he get here? surely he is not a citizen yet? does he want to be, if so, does he need a wife to make that dream reality? also do you know if he is already married?
Last thing, is he religous? What is his religion? Is he practicing?

[This message has been edited by nooralhaq (edited 09 June 2005).]

Member # 7946
 - posted
The only way he could be in the states legally is if his immediate relative(mother/father) is "naturalized" or if he's on a student visa.Make sure you know his intentions, and even in the future you two get married it doesn't mean he gets a Visa. When it comes to his culture, I would definetly read other threads on here because it's quite a popular topic. Good luck to you!!


Member # 6785
 - posted
Member # 3864
 - posted
Originally posted by nooralhaq:
you say he's been in the us for 3 years, how did he get here? surely he is not a citizen yet? does he want to be, if so, does he need a wife to make that dream reality? also do you know if he is already married?
Last thing, is he religous? What is his religion? Is he practicing?

[This message has been edited by nooralhaq (edited 09 June 2005).]

You must apply for permenant residency first which is not a reality for most international students with student visas.

If he marries an American the guidelines are for 3 years minimum, but it can take up to 7 or 8 years. Depends on when they file the forms and if the paperwork is filled out correctly and in the right order.

Now the minimum for a non-refugee is 5 years, which doesn't include blunders on both the INS and the resident alien, in addition to filling the forms on time.

Then if you move, that delays it so much. Even worse if you move districts.

Right now the NYC district office is the fastest, next the Vermont district office, dead last is the Nebraska district office which has three times the amount of case load of any other district office with the least employees.

Noor I think you district would be the Kansas district.

Could you correct me?


Member # 7990
 - posted
Hi. I am a product of a latina mother she is Cuban and an Egyptian Father. Please talk to me if you have the questions. I have stuck to both cultures very well, but it isnt the case of most people. Allow me to tell you the problems with mixing these two cultures.

Spanish people and Egyptians people both have veyr strong families. They are both family oriented, they both have quite different cultures. From the food to the music.

Spanish people do things that muslims do not do. Are you willing to convert to Islam? Spanish people drink alcohol, and eat pork. Muslim people do not do that.

Spanish people are affectionate and kiss each other and hold hands. Muslims are not affectionate like that unless it is their wife/husband/family.

Egyptians are very strict with their childrens. Even at the age of 18 i am very innocent as oppose to any other spanish child. Because of my Egyptian roots.I know spanish kids who have boyfriends/girlfriends, many have babies.

You may be in love with this Egyptian man. But i guarantee you wont pick up the culture.
My mother never did. She is still a strong cuban. i have never been able to combine both of my culture.

When i speak to my mum I speak in spanish. listen to spanish music. eat spanish food. When I am with my father I speak arabic. Listen to arabic music. Eat arabic food.

I am assuming you are also thinking of having children with this egyptian man. Well allow me to tell you how confused your child would be.

On top of me speaking, Spanish and Arabic. I had to learn French, Italian, and English. I hope to God your child will recieve intelligence because that is what is needed to be able to speak in both languages fluentely and well.

There was a time in my childhood where I didnt know what language to speak to which family member. mny egyptian famiyl didnt understand spanish and my spanish family didnt understand arabic.

When I go to egypt. I fit right in. I have a great life there. i am actually more happy living in the arab culture then when i am in the spanish culture.

I have a question. Will you convert to Islam. If the families has to religions the child will be veryyyyy confused. And each of the spouses' families will argue about the faith.

What I say, has been my truth. i can not vouch for any other kids that is latin/arab. Cuban/ Egyptian.

Member # 4668
 - posted
Great post Leila, welcome to ES. We rarely hear from the 'products' of Egyptian/Foreign unions, more from the Foreign AND female sides... I hope you will find in your heart who you truly are and be happy with it despite your many 'intercultural' challenges; best of luck in your search! Stay with us hereand do not keep silent: your point of view is needed.
Member # 4763
 - posted
i agree to u 2 leila,im not a child of ommon marriage like ur parents,im married for egyptian only,and im bulgarian,but its same differences here like the spanish,and i can imagine how our child will feel someday!Even we have one very close family friends here,they are old by the way,and their daughter in our age with her hubby!They are lebanese,but the same point!Neliana(their daughter),when she was kid,when she see more dark people,she begin in arabic,and when more light,in bulgarian!hahaha,Now she speak,arabic,bulgarian,english,and she just birth one sooooo cute baby,really amazing,and she do the same,speak on bulgarian and arabic,i just wonder how the poor kid understand anything!haha
But in their family for example...her mom(bulgarian),if u see her now,she is like arabian more than arabian woman,and she love it!She converted,no matter she isnt too religious,she wear smth like hijab,not exactly and only from 2years!And she speak perfect arabic,like arabian woman!Really amazingly successful marriage,they love each othersomuch,and really they are real inspiration for the people mixed marrieges!
Hope we all mixed can have successful relations and marriages like theirs!
Member # 7990
 - posted
Thank you. I will try to write more things on this forum.

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