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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 11161
 - posted
What do you prefer about Egyptian Men opposed to having a relationship with somebody of your own culture?
Mrs Tibe
Member # 12653
 - posted
His commitment to our family, and the way he love me,- he tells me that every day, his eyes tells me that a 100 times a day. Very intens and deep compared to what my danish husband was like.
Snoozin - Bokra Fil Mish Mish
Member # 6244
 - posted
Family for sure.

Not that American men don't value family, but the institution of marriage seems to be on its way out here. Definitely not as valued as it is in Egypt. And I wanted to be married and have a family.
Member # 11209
 - posted
the love that is shown to me like i am the only woman on this earth. and ill agree family is so important to him and i love that in a man
young at heart
Member # 10365
 - posted
I agree with the above, I am shown so much love and respect, and he's not ashamed to admit he loves his family, very important.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by Snoozin - Bokra Fil Mish Mish:
Family for sure.

Not that American men don't value family, but the institution of marriage seems to be on its way out here. Definitely not as valued as it is in Egypt. And I wanted to be married and have a family.

It seems like marriage now is a hit or miss phenomena. I think American society simply looks at divorce now as the norm. "It is normal, it happens to everyone, etc , etc".

What bothers me is divorce is so easy now and many couples simply cop out.
Snoozin - Bokra Fil Mish Mish
Member # 6244
 - posted
Divorce, at a woman's choosing, is a sign of power and autonomy -- not having to stay with a total cad who has abuse, addiction, or adultery issues. Historically a woman has had to put up with that ****.

But other than those "Big Three A's," I'm not a great fan of divorce. Especially when children are involved.

There was an informal survey recently of grown children of divorce, and one of the things that struck me was how devastating it could be for the children financially. I knew it was painful for both spouses, but I didn't think about how often kids would actually move *down* from one socioeconomic group to another. Depending on age, that has got to be difficult to deal with and have lasting repercussions.

I hope nobody here ever has to deal with divorce. [Frown]
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by Snoozin - Bokra Fil Mish Mish:
Divorce, at a woman's choosing, is a sign of power and autonomy -- not having to stay with a total cad who has abuse, addiction, or adultery issues. Historically a woman has had to put up with that ****.

But other than those "Big Three A's," I'm not a great fan of divorce. Especially when children are involved.

There was an informal survey recently of grown children of divorce, and one of the things that struck me was how devastating it could be for the children financially. I knew it was painful for both spouses, but I didn't think about how often kids would actually move *down* from one socioeconomic group to another. Depending on age, that has got to be difficult to deal with and have lasting repercussions.

I hope nobody here ever has to deal with divorce. [Frown]

I see you're displaying some of your family law experience. I agree with you it is a shame that children must suffer from the divorce outcome. So while it is exposed in the U.S it is not as exposed in Egypt.

I am trying to be fair Snoozin because you know how sensitive some issues are. Egypt has a huge problem with divorce and broken families, men who fail to return from abroad leaving their wives in limbo.

These women will wait years and years living with his family being deprived of everything from hugs to sex.

Is that a family?

Egypt is also decaying.
Member # 10222
 - posted
I think it's nice that men can do more of what would be considered "female" things in Egypt than here in the states.

Two men going to the opera house together can just be friends without the suspicion of being gay.

When I told my fiance about hairdressers here and that the salons served both male and female at the same time, he was surprised.
I guess there, women cut only womens hair and men cut mens hair.

Men hug or hold hands and it's fine, they're just friends, but you wouldn't really see that here in the west.
ana uhibbuk
Member # 11817
 - posted
I was born and raised in the U.S. I have dated american men in the past.. I am now married to an Egyptian man. In my opinion, it is unfair to compare the american man to the egyptian man, because each comes from different upbringings and beliefs. There is good and bad in everyone. For me personally, the reason I was attracted to my egyptian husband was for his heart, the love he gives me, and his values on family. We are the best of friends also. American men can provide the same.. It is just a matter of meeting the right person.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by ana uhibbuk:
I was born and raised in the U.S. I have dated american men in the past.. I am now married to an Egyptian man. In my opinion, it is unfair to compare the american man to the egyptian man, because each comes from different upbringings and beliefs. There is good and bad in everyone. For me personally, the reason I was attracted to my egyptian husband was for his heart, the love he gives me, and his values on family. We are the best of friends also. American men can provide the same.. It is just a matter of meeting the right person.

My name is Sobriquet and i endorse ana uhibbuk!
Snoozin - Bokra Fil Mish Mish
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Sobriquet:

These women will wait years and years living with his family being deprived of everything from hugs to sex.

Is that a family?

Egypt is also decaying.

Women have suffered in marriage in every culture, for most of history. Not to minimize what you are saying about Egypt, I just mean it's everywhere in some form or another. [Frown]

(And I'm sure men have suffered in marriage, but that's not an issue particularly close to my heart). [Wink]
Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by LovedOne:
When I told my fiance about hairdressers here and that the salons served both male and female at the same time, he was surprised.
I guess there, women cut only womens hair and men cut mens hair.

Assalamu alaykum Loved One!

Actually, men do cut women's hair here, but it's the men who wouldn't be seen dead going into a ladies hairdressing salon [Wink]
Member # 10222
 - posted
Walaykum assalam Newcomer

I guess that's what he meant. I assumed it went both ways!
I can't imagine having my hair cut by a male though.

In fact, I'm having an issue right now finding a hairdresser that doesn't have windows all over and men coming in etc.
Member # 1056
 - posted
There are some hairdressers in the West who are willing to cut your hair in a back room sometimes. My mum's hairdresser used to send the young man who swept the floor and did errands out on his lunch break when I went back and wanted my hair cut [Big Grin]

Another idea would be to ask at the mosque if there is someone who can cut your hair at home (theirs or yours).
Member # 12336
 - posted
And what about doctors, dentists, whatever? Are you actually meaning that no man is allowed to touch your body even when it is out of his profession?
Member # 10222
 - posted
Actually... I have a woman doctor so that's not an issue.
But as to hairdressing, it is a fact that I cover my hair, and so no men should be seeing it. Or cutting it. That's a bit too intimate for another man in my opinion, and not necessary like a male doctor might be if you needed a specialist or somethimg.
Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by ?????:
And what about doctors, dentists, whatever? Are you actually meaning that no man is allowed to touch your body even when it is out of his profession?

I'm sure that you understand about hijab ????? and that the women who wear it and follow the guidelines for it only take it off in front of male members of their own family. In emergency situations, its ok to be seen and treated by a male doctor, dentist, or whatever, if there isn't a woman doctor, dentist or whatever available or if there isn't a woman who is as capable of dealing with the situation. But a haircut can hardly be called an emergency...well not to everyone anyway [Big Grin]
Member # 12336
 - posted
When you are living in Cairo, society is able to deal with this kind of matters, because it is normal there. But I mean the women in Western civilisations, for a hairdresser you can search for females, but in case of docters for instance, hospitals etc. it can cause problems.
And I ask myself what boundaries these women have in this. Born and raised in Western civilisation, and suddenly, because of a man, they change their way of life.
Is a handshake by meeting still okay?
The trainer or coach that has been working in a certain way before, does he get new instructions in his work?
People at work?
What do these women change, and how is their society accepting this?
Just curiousity...
Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by ?????:
When you are living in Cairo, society is able to deal with this kind of matters, because it is normal there. But I mean the women in Western civilisations, for a hairdresser you can search for females, but in case of docters for instance, hospitals etc. it can cause problems.
And I ask myself what boundaries these women have in this. Born and raised in Western civilisation, and suddenly, because of a man, they change their way of life.
Is a handshake by meeting still okay?
The trainer or coach that has been working in a certain way before, does he get new instructions in his work?
People at work?
What do these women change, and how is their society accepting this?
Just curiousity...

You seem to be making an assumption that the only reason a woman would become a Muslim is because of a man! Some of us became Muslims because we though that the Islamic way of life was a better way of life. I know that English isn't your first language, but using the term "these women" is usually used in a derogatory sense, I hope that wasn't what you intended.

In fact, it is sometimes easier in the west to get facilities just for women, as the idea of women only clubs/activities is gaining popularity there now. So it isn't always a challenge. If Muslim women, western or non-western, choose to adopt certain habits/manners/ways of life that are different from the general society, some people will accept this more readily than others. It will depend partly on the women themselves and the way the project themselves, and partly on the other people's willingness to accept someone living a life-style according to principles that may be different from theirs.

The boundaries Muslim women will adopt will be those they feel most comfortable adopting, according to their understanding of how they should live their lives. So if they feel that certain boundaries are important to them they will try to find ways to deal with this, in whatever society they live.
Member # 12336
 - posted
Tariq Ramadan is well known about the way to deal with Islam as a religion, in Western society, in his opinion it is possible to live in a western civilisation in a Islamic way.

However, I know even men who say they have problems with that,for instance in their work.
It is how literary the regulations are taken by the men. ( these seems to be wrong, so what can I use instead of it?)
So, if even men are having problems, how many problems shouldn`t be there for women?

There are issues about women who are refusing to shake a man`s hand, in spite of the fact that even in Egypt it isn`t a problem.

There are issues about wearing a hijab during work, but also at schools, at sports etc.

And there are women who use a hijab in the wrong meaning, once I saw a girl wearing a miniskirt and a hijab at the same time... [Confused]
So they use it as a statement to provocate.

I know that many people who are not muslim are having problems with the daily issues, and I can understand that they are having doubts about women who changed their whole lifestyle on a sudden moment, and don`t allow rather normal signs of respects as shaking a man`s hand.
It is like the just quitted smoker who reacts in a rather overdone way to everything what was normal to him/her a very short time ago...

I know that there are women who didn`t convert because of a man, but I think it`s a minority. Usually there are reasons to change a religion and most often it is because they got to know the religion from somebody else, and it is important enough for them to want to know more about it. And usually this are relationships...
Member # 11649
 - posted
Originally posted by ?????:
Tariq Ramadan is well known about the way to deal with Islam as a religion, in Western society, in his opinion it is possible to live in a western civilisation in a Islamic way.

LOVE him!!!!
Member # 13261
 - posted
america men got nooooo rythym. loooool.
they suck in bed, once they hit 40, their peckers dont wake up anymore. they drink a lot. they are lazy. they smell weird and they dont circumsize.
you cant trust them with your kids because they will probably end up molesting one of them. ( my american girlfriends who are married to americans tell me they tell their kids 'if daddy ever touches you, dont be afraid to tell me...'), they disrespect their parents, and they are just down right stupid and lazy and afraid of everything. i mean, its good for the woman who likes to be boss because they will let you cuss at them and smack them around and stuff like that.
my friends laugh at me because when we go out, the most hottest muscular sharp looking american guy can walk by and i am totally numb, i feel nothing, you'd swear i was a lesbian - (totally not)...but when a tall dark and handsome with an accent comes around, he's miiiiiiine!!!
Member # 13644
 - posted
????? - I agree with what you have written, I myself am muslim and like you say was introduced to it through my husband a few years ago. Personally I dont have a problem with shaking a mans hand, its what i've always done and I dont find it a threat in any way, I would also take off hijab for dentist and doctor if need be - but I wouldn't go to a hairdresser that cut mens hair, or could see through the window etc.
I think its where you are comfortable at yourself. I used to go to male osteopaths before i converted, and i felt very uncomfortable, or even swimming, so it had nothing to do with Islam then, but i felt exposed. I used to just tell myself that I was being silly...but was i?
Now i have the freedom to live with what i am/am not comfortable with, I would love for there to be all female swimming sessions and i can assure you so would alot of non muslim women.
Mixed changing rooms have been something they have tried to introduce in this country...it just doesnt sit right for me, and never did.

Sometimes I think that this country (UK) has become obsessed with 'equality' but in truth men and women are different, enjoy different things and its no big deal to do things seperately sometimes. Its relatively recently (last 50 years) that men and women have mixed in the ways they do now, they had barber shops (still have some) and ladies would go to hairdressers, they had men's clubs and women's institutes.

We are not so different inside, everyone should be able to say what they are/are not comfortable with, whether thats shaking hands or swimming or having hair cut, why sould we all have to conform to what our society says we should be doing?

even when i was pregnant i went out with friends that were all drinking and i didn't want to drink alcohol (obviously), the amount of stick that i got because of that was out of this world, social pressure is just as prevalent in the UK.

anyway, i went off on a bit of a tangent there, but my point is this, everyone is individual, and just because culture dictates that we should behave in certain ways doesnt mean that people of that culture are happy with it.
sometimes, the way people talk about the west and westerners is so degrading, we are not all beer swilling idiots with no family values.

I agree that there are alot of negative things in the west and family values are being lost, but it will go full circle and people will end up going back to that. I read the other day that women are now taking less hours at work to stay home with kids and this is a big challenge to contemporary social norm.

ARGHHHH - Miss Jambi does my head in! what a load of twaddle, you have extreemly stupid and irresponsible friends if they would shack up with a bloke who they cant trust NOT to molest their child!
guess what there are child molestors in every part of the world! including Egypt. Unless you have had sex with the whole of America why dont you keep your narrow minded generalisations to yourself. [Roll Eyes]
Black Dahlia
Member # 12864
 - posted
For me its because he is muslim. Its a real bonus to get a man who changes his underwear 2 or 3 times a day & at least 3 showers a day, plus has a freshly sprayed botti instead of dried loo paper stuck to him all day [Big Grin]
Member # 13261
 - posted
Originally posted by Tarka:
????? - I agree with what you have written, I myself am muslim and like you say was introduced to it through my husband a few years ago. Personally I dont have a problem with shaking a mans hand, its what i've always done and I dont find it a threat in any way, I would also take off hijab for dentist and doctor if need be - but I wouldn't go to a hairdresser that cut mens hair, or could see through the window etc.
I think its where you are comfortable at yourself. I used to go to male osteopaths before i converted, and i felt very uncomfortable, or even swimming, so it had nothing to do with Islam then, but i felt exposed. I used to just tell myself that I was being silly...but was i?
Now i have the freedom to live with what i am/am not comfortable with, I would love for there to be all female swimming sessions and i can assure you so would alot of non muslim women.
Mixed changing rooms have been something they have tried to introduce in this country...it just doesnt sit right for me, and never did.

Sometimes I think that this country (UK) has become obsessed with 'equality' but in truth men and women are different, enjoy different things and its no big deal to do things seperately sometimes. Its relatively recently (last 50 years) that men and women have mixed in the ways they do now, they had barber shops (still have some) and ladies would go to hairdressers, they had men's clubs and women's institutes.

We are not so different inside, everyone should be able to say what they are/are not comfortable with, whether thats shaking hands or swimming or having hair cut, why sould we all have to conform to what our society says we should be doing?

even when i was pregnant i went out with friends that were all drinking and i didn't want to drink alcohol (obviously), the amount of stick that i got because of that was out of this world, social pressure is just as prevalent in the UK.

anyway, i went off on a bit of a tangent there, but my point is this, everyone is individual, and just because culture dictates that we should behave in certain ways doesnt mean that people of that culture are happy with it.
sometimes, the way people talk about the west and westerners is so degrading, we are not all beer swilling idiots with no family values.

I agree that there are alot of negative things in the west and family values are being lost, but it will go full circle and people will end up going back to that. I read the other day that women are now taking less hours at work to stay home with kids and this is a big challenge to contemporary social norm.

ARGHHHH - Miss Jambi does my head in! what a load of twaddle, you have extreemly stupid and irresponsible friends if they would shack up with a bloke who they cant trust NOT to molest their child!
guess what there are child molestors in every part of the world! including Egypt. Unless you have had sex with the whole of America why dont you keep your narrow minded generalisations to yourself. [Roll Eyes]

dude you are in the UK...so how can you possibly tell ME what is going on here in america?
i wont watch the news anymore because everyday they are scraping up the remains of either a little kid or a pregnant women after some american jerk had his nails into them.
this was a post for an opinion on what each individual here thinks about the top
i dont care how bad i piss you off, ya dont like it then you dont have to. im gonna say whatever i want, and if the best thing you can do is throw nasty comments at me then thats your problem...im sorry you are so hotheaded.

the friends i have are very well off people who are far from stupid...its just something american women have to do because its all over the place here.
dont you ever watch MSNBC? where they set up online predators and catch these married men who are doctors lawyers, holy men from different faiths, even teachers who have kids of their own and are about to screw a 12 yr old boy or girl!!
hey, im only answering to the thread.
Mother War
Member # 8386
 - posted
You've just been around the wrong kind of American man. I'm American, live in America, and am surrounded by Americans day in and out....some of which are male. I don't know any child molesters personally. You would think if there were such a high number of child molesters I would've met one by now. Turn off the TV lady.

You prefer Egyptians, that's fine, but don't demonize all American men.

Originally posted by MissJambi:
america men got nooooo rythym. loooool.
they suck in bed, once they hit 40, their peckers dont wake up anymore. they drink a lot. they are lazy. they smell weird and they dont circumsize.
you cant trust them with your kids because they will probably end up molesting one of them. ( my american girlfriends who are married to americans tell me they tell their kids 'if daddy ever touches you, dont be afraid to tell me...'), they disrespect their parents, and they are just down right stupid and lazy and afraid of everything. i mean, its good for the woman who likes to be boss because they will let you cuss at them and smack them around and stuff like that.
my friends laugh at me because when we go out, the most hottest muscular sharp looking american guy can walk by and i am totally numb, i feel nothing, you'd swear i was a lesbian - (totally not)...but when a tall dark and handsome with an accent comes around, he's miiiiiiine!!!

Member # 11552
 - posted
Tarka: ''...what a load of twaddle''

Tarka, I've just had to rate you as a five star kind of gal, for the perfect placement of the word 'Twaddle.'' [Big Grin]
Member # 11314
 - posted
While hatred of Western men is a staple here at E.S., something is telling me MissJambi is actually a male.
Member # 13344
 - posted
Originally posted by alma37:
While hatred of Western men is a staple here at E.S., something is telling me MissJambi is actually a male.

Get for real no way and i was gonna offer some peace salad im shocked [Eek!]
MissJambi laya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo
'Cause tonight I'm gonna see my ma cher amio
Pick guitar
fill fruit jar and be gayo
son of a gun
we'll have big fun on the bayou OH shes a man [Frown]
Member # 11314
 - posted
Lol, lol, that was hilarious!!!!!
Member # 10873
 - posted
Excellent thread.
Member # 11209
 - posted
Mother War
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Member # 8386

Icon 1 posted June 25, 2007 01:54 PM Profile for Mother War Send New Private Message Edit/Delete Post Reply With Quote You've just been around the wrong kind of American man. I'm American, live in America, and am surrounded by Americans day in and out....some of which are male. I don't know any child molesters personally. You would think if there were such a high number of child molesters I would've met one by now. Turn off the TV lady.

You prefer Egyptians, that's fine, but don't demonize all American men.

i have to agree. they are all not like that you find thar anywhere you go. they are sickos [Mad]
Member # 11665
 - posted
This is silly. Theres plenty of wonderful American men.

And by the by- I've never personally had experience of sexual abuse by an American man...

BUT- I have had men and WOMEN try to molest me in Muslim countries.

I'd LOVE to see some statistics on how many people have been sexually abused in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan- but thats never going to happen.
Member # 13644
 - posted
Saywhatyousee: Thank you for your appreciation of the word 'twaddle' [Wink]

Miss Jambi: I commend you on getting something right, yes I am hotheaded, especially when I see someone state ridiculous things about the entire male population of America! Now call it a hunch but i'm guessing you don't know ALL of them and life does exist outside of the TV, it may never have occured to you that the media does hype thing up just a little bit. Now I'm not saying there are not some sicko's in America, I know there are, personally I've known 2 American men, one complete tosser and the other a nice guy, BUT I'm not basing my opinion of this on them.

I am stating to you that there are sickos everywhere, whether it gets reported is another matter, but it goes on, as someone just said, it goes on alot in countries like Saudi, just because its not on your TV screen doesn't mean it doesnt happen and you should NEVER judge an entire nationality based on the TV and your few INCREDIBILLY STUPID friends.

There is no way on this earth that I would be with a man that I had to warn my children about! the fact that you tell me that is just the way things are there is disgusting, that you actually belive you should have a relationship with a man you dont know you can trust not to abuse your child???!!

You do not have to be with a man, if you believe they are all like this, tell your friends to stop putting their children at risk and be on their own!

And Miss Jambi, this isn't abuse i'm hurling at you, its fact.
Member # 13086
 - posted
Well, slap my bleeding thighs. I never realized that when I registered here I would be surrounded by such a plethora of experts.

I would like to particularly thank MissJambi for truly enlightening me about American men. Amazing - I lived in the States for a numbber of years, have a great many Americans amongst my friends and never knew any of these "facts" that MissJambi has imparted upon us all. Aren't we the lucky ones?
The Conditioned
Member # 12020
 - posted
Everyone knows Egyptian men are the greatest type of men in the entire World; greater than American, French, British, German, Canadian and Australian men..

This explains why Egypt is in the current state it is in today. [Big Grin]

Member # 13524
 - posted
His aroma
Mrs Tibe
Member # 12653
 - posted
Originally posted by The Conditioned:
Everyone knows Egyptian men are the greatest type of men in the entire World; greater than American, French, British, German, Canadian and Australian men..

This explains why Egypt is in the current state it is in today. [Big Grin]


Said by an american who is refusing to face the fact of the true condition his own country is in......... [Big Grin]

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