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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 4089
 - posted
I wanna share my situation and feelings with you……
Though I don’t know Egyptian language……..i love the ppl who live there in Egypt with all my heart, I love your country, though some of the Egyptians hate it, I love the ppl, I love the music and the atmosphere itself, everything about …….

My situation is as follows: once I found one guy in the Internet, he is from Egypt…….we had been emailing each other for a year, …………there were some ups and downs in our relations of course, but within all this time we understood that we are so close, we came through so many complicated things, but we fight and believed………….
He has an American dream and at that moment was in the US on his studies………he was not a success with his visa, immigration, green card and so on, and we both knew that his chances to win America were very very lowL((((((
Our love was very pure and strong, we emailed each other every every single day….and all the time we had a lot to tell to each other ……………when he was in the US he telephoned me very frequently …
we had too much in common, we found no difference between us and it really looked as if we found each other and it is in the legend about significant other part who is somewhere far and difficult to find………… ONE SINGLE UNIT, very often I said the same thing he wanted to say and vice verse…………..
time were going on………..and it was a quite time for us to see each other………..my friends here didn’t believe in the Internet love and said that nothing would come of us, we won’t like each other (he or me) while our meeting…….i heard a lot about it, but I was sure!!!!!!!!!!! I felt even if I won’t like his appearance I know how close he is to my heart………….we had too much in common, even our moms has one and the same names, we had one and the same day hiolidays, he was glad my name is a well known in Egypt and his aunts name is like mine too……..
As for me, to tell it by the words ppl talk about me are: I am rather, beautiful, cute, pretty, I have a brown hair, brown large eyes, white skin, beautiful body, and as my EGYPTION HERO told, all his relatives said to him when they saw my pictures: Oh, she looks like Egyptian and were very glad………(and when I was in Egypt once I also heard on the streets that I am like Egyptian actress),
But the story is not about me of course……….
I was ready to give up everything ……… and when I knew that he was to be back to Egypt from the US due to some reasons, the terms of the visa and so on…………but he could not come here to my own country, coz of the terms of the visa too………..I gave up everything here, my work, I found the ways out……. I found money for the trip and went there to Egypt…………it was not easy too……but I arranged everything myself……It is too far from my country……….
i reserved the hotel, a double room………..when we came there we faced lots of difficulties in the hotel………..as for the rules of the country we couldn’t stay in one room, coz I am a foreigner and we are not married…………… here again we found a way out…………..we were to stay in two separate rooms…………
we spent 10 best days in our life……………he was my first man, I had none before (he was very happy, again saying that the way a brought up is too close to Egypt)………..we were too much happy, planning our future life………everything was great……….we felt that we are so alike……..his parents wished we would be happy, I brought lots of presents for his mom, Russian plated and dishes, souvenirs, icon and many many others…….

then he came back to the US again and he found out that there was no progress with his green card and so on, when after some time of believe and hope, we found out that there is no happy end for us, he may be staying waiting for his green card for years there and I will be staying alone here……………and there is no a definite answer where the end is, and what kind of end it is………..how hard it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I would know for sure if it ends in a year or two………..i would be waiting………I need it to be clear……but in our situation, there is no deadline……..we still love each other, but as he says he cannot make me waiting, no matter how hard it is for him, coz he cannot give me an answer were is the end………..i understand him very well, but cannot help him
I have a reason why I cannot wait for long…………….i had a surgery two years ago and after it I am to become pregnant ASAP………….and for it I am to get married……….i don’t know what to do……….here comes the question about having children or not and it is very important for me and life……..all the time doctors say me again and again: get married! Do you wanna have ………..but how can I? In such a situation ………… when I came back from Egypt I thought I became, coz I had strange feelings, and the most is I wanted to hear Arabic music all the time, I bought all the CDs in the town, here they are hard to get……..and I wanted to cry all the time while listening…….but I was mistaken……….

and I wanna say, ………..don’t think what nationality you are, what religion you are……………just be a person and treat all others as persons, try to love pll and you will see that ppl love you too, believe, love and be loved!!!!!!!!!!


Member # 4203
 - posted
I have read you email, I feel very sad for you one day I hope we will live in a world without the need for visas.. I hope you come together one day soon
Member # 4235
 - posted
....so sad....i had a similar sort of story...mail me luca100273@hotmail.com

....Really wanna speak to you......

Member # 4561
 - posted
I am really sad for you and your situation - Am I really bad to say that you do not have to me married to have a baby? If you have a time issue and you can not be with him because of visa stuff - then just have his baby.

I hope I am not going to offend anyone here - but it's what I would do

Member # 4561
 - posted
I am really sad for you and your situation - Am I really bad to say that you do not have to me married to have a baby? If you have a time issue and you can not be with him because of visa stuff - then just have his baby.

I hope I am not going to offend anyone here - but it's what I would do

Member # 1680
 - posted
Originally posted by Lutra:
I am really sad for you and your situation - Am I really bad to say that you do not have to me married to have a baby? If you have a time issue and you can not be with him because of visa stuff - then just have his baby.

I hope I am not going to offend anyone here - but it's what I would do

It is not so much that you offend but that you are ignorant. to suggest to someone involved in a relationship with an Egyptian that she have an illegitimate child is incredibly poor advice.

this might be fine for the West but not for more conservative countries. This lady obviously does not come from the West either and it would probably be mega hard for her in her country as well

Jane Akshar UK Co-owner of www.flatsinluxor.co.uk Appartments and Tours in Luxor

Member # 4763
 - posted
hi Enigma,my names i s Diana! I AM BULGARIAN !!!i DONT WRITE TO LOST MY TIME,I WRITE YOU COZ U REALLY INTERESTED ME,AS till i was reading ur story its like i read mine till now,and little in future with some differences!I also love egypt culture,egypt and arabic music as whole,i also love an egypt man!something more ,we also meet on internet but for me he is the most wonderful man i know,and no matter almost all dont like the idea,i dont really care,as i love him really!By the way most people kidding us for that story,but we know better how we feel in such circumstances!We have same damn pbs with the visas,he tried,i send invitation but they deny,then try again and again without success,now im so desperate really that i dont really know what to do,but ill keep trying,thats for sure,ill never give up that man,as he is wonderful and adorable,goodsoul and mind!we have different religions,i never thought would be easy......but i trust in our love!!!please if u want let us keep in touch,i think it would help us both,mail me on dianaivanova1983@hotmail.com salam and take care my dear!!!!!!!
Member # 4566
 - posted
Honey I know that feeling about being part of Egypt...and seeing yourself as part of the community.

One thing though....you should find out the real Egyptian opinion about Russian girls...I know this is very very hard ...but they dont have a nice view of Russian woman..therefore I am not suprised you were not allowed to share a room at the hotel.Honey be very carefull...thats all I can say...I feel sad for you.

Member # 4566
 - posted
Originally posted by akshar:
It is not so much that you offend but that you are ignorant. to suggest to someone involved in a relationship with an Egyptian that she have an illegitimate child is incredibly poor advice.

this might be fine for the West but not for more conservative countries. This lady obviously does not come from the West either and it would probably be mega hard for her in her country as well

I agree 20000000%....can you imagine what he will do if things dont work out and there is a child...ever watched that movie "not without my daughter"...


Member # 4770
 - posted
Another one...and Russian as well...havent you made enough money in Dahab and sharm el sheikh...you come here to prostitute...nothing else!!!Good thing they didnt let you in hotel!!!You must have AIDS test!!!you come to spread disease...GO AWAY!!!


Member # 3626
 - posted
Originally posted by Manoesh:
Another one...and Russian as well...havent you made enough money in Dahab and sharm el sheikh...you come here to prostitute...nothing else!!!Good thing they didnt let you in hotel!!!You must have AIDS test!!!you come to spread disease...GO AWAY!!!

Poor u

Member # 4457
 - posted
Poor Manoesh. What a sad life you must have to have so much bitterness trapped inside youi.
Member # 3938
 - posted
Originally posted by Manoesh:
Another one...and Russian as well...havent you made enough money in Dahab and sharm el sheikh...you come here to prostitute...nothing else!!!Good thing they didnt let you in hotel!!!You must have AIDS test!!!you come to spread disease...GO AWAY!!!

Hmmmmm interesting, u are one mixed up sorry sad lady. Why are you so angry, I am sick and tired of listening to your on going complaints and disrespect to people who you have not met, and who I am quite sure, would not ever like to meet you. Your anger is totally unjustified in attacking strangers who are pulling their weight and adapting to the Egyptian culture, if this is the way you carry on, I am not suprised your husband left you, I would of left you, heading for the hills never to return, your nagging and mean spirit did it, then you have the nerve to come and insult people who are contributing to the econimics of this beautiful country Egypt, they are employing people who otherwise would have no other source of income, then to add salt to the wound, you call these ladies protitutes, what were you thinking, how dare you, who the hell do you think you are, the Queen, no you are too low class for that, your abuse of these woman is testiment to what sort of human being you are. It is woman like you that makes Egyptian men run into the arms of other woman. You need to take a chill pill and relax, cos at this rate I doubt if you will ever find a man, Egyptian or otherwise, your ranting and raving is enough for any normal person to run for their lives. You should feel ashamed of yourself for attacking all and sundry on this forum. I am sure your Minster of Foreign Affairs would not take to kindly to your battering of female tourist to Egypt, irrespective of your personal feelings. Remember and keep it in mind, it always takes two to tango, so maybe if you can look after your husbands properly they would not need to find Western woman.

[This message has been edited by dreamcatcher (edited 13 July 2004).]

[This message has been edited by dreamcatcher (edited 13 July 2004).]

[This message has been edited by dreamcatcher (edited 13 July 2004).]

Member # 4089
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Manoesh:
[B]Another one...and Russian as well...havent you made enough money in Dahab and sharm el sheikh...you come here to prostitute...nothing else!!!Good thing they didnt let you in hotel!!!You must have AIDS test!!!you come to spread disease...GO AWAY!!!

Really, POOR Manoesh,
If so, then take a dictionarry and read my story once again.......
who are you and who gave you the right to say like you do.....

oh, really i never had an idea that a person can say something like this about me.....

i don't ask all of you to be sad of mine and especially to say such words about me,
me and something like prostitute ARE VERY DIFFERNT NOTIONS AND THEY CAN NEVER BE USED TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!,
i just WANTED to share my sotry and to express my reall love and respect to all the people livIng in Egypt.......
and to tell the truth i am not going to change my feelings toward Egypt only COZ ONE CRAZY Monoesh lives there (I THINK SHE IS THE BIGGEST DISASTER OF EGYPT ITSELF..........
i wanna say that it is your own anger and it is your own disaster that you are such a woman, you are REALLY POOR..........I AM VERY SAD FOR YOU.......


i've got a very good well paid job in my own country, i've got a very good and strict way of brining up, as you noticed from me story i was a virgin when i came to Egypt........
(i respect the rules of Egypt that they didin't let us being together in one room, but we were at the same time and they knew abotu it........WE LOVE EACH OTHER ...REALLY LOVE.........AND THERE IS NO RULES FOR LOVE,.............
YOU ARE POOR YOU DON'T KNOW USCH A FEELING........AND i am happy for your husband IF HE IS FAR FROM YOU coz there is no life with a woman like you, full of anger, you've got no heart and have you ever thought what is the reason for that YOUR EGYPT MAN MOSTLY LIKE WESTERN WOMEN...........NO???!! THEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!! TREAT OTHER PEOPLE THE WAY YOU WANT TO BE TREATED MY DEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

[This message has been edited by EnigmaRUS (edited 15 July 2004).]

Member # 3626
 - posted
Originally posted by dreamcatcher:
it always takes two to tango, dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher, some people don't understand this simple thing. To understand it a person needs to have brains.

Member # 4763
 - posted
Originally posted by dreamcatcher:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Manoesh:
[b]Another one...and Russian as well...havent you made enough money in Dahab and sharm el sheikh...you come here to prostitute...nothing else!!!Good thing they didnt let you in <A TITLE="Click for more information about hotel" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://search.targetwords.com/u.search?x=5977|1| || |hotels|AA1VDw">hotel</A>!!!You must have AIDS test!!!you come to spread disease...GO AWAY!!!

Hmmmmm interesting, u are one mixed up sorry sad lady. Why are you so angry, I am sick and tired of listening to your on going complaints and disrespect to people who you have not met, and who I am quite sure, would not ever like to meet you. Your anger is totally unjustified in attacking strangers who are pulling their weight and adapting to the Egyptian culture, if this is the way you carry on, I am not suprised your husband left you, I would of left you, heading for the hills never to return, your nagging and mean spirit did it, then you have the nerve to come and insult people who are contributing to the econimics of this beautiful country Egypt, they are employing people who otherwise would have no other source of income, then to add salt to the wound, you call these ladies protitutes, what were you thinking, how dare you, who the hell do you think you are, the Queen, no you are too low class for that, your abuse of these woman is testiment to what sort of human being you are. It is woman like you that makes Egyptian men run into the arms of other woman. You need to take a chill <A TITLE="Click for more information about pill" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="http://www.online-meds.ws/">pill</A> and relax, cos at this rate I doubt if you will ever find a man, Egyptian or otherwise, your ranting and raving is enough for any normal person to run for their lives. You should feel ashamed of yourself for attacking all and sundry on this forum. I am sure your Minster of Foreign Affairs would not take to kindly to your battering of female tourist to Egypt, irrespective of your personal feelings. Remember and keep it in mind, it always takes two to tango, so maybe if you can look after your husbands properly they would not need to find Western woman.

[This message has been edited by dreamcatcher (edited 13 July 2004).]

[This message has been edited by dreamcatcher (edited 13 July 2004).]

[This message has been edited by dreamcatcher (edited 13 July 2004).][/B][/QUOTE]


Member # 3938
 - posted
Originally posted by Lukoshko:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by dreamcatcher:
[b]it always takes two to tango, dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher, some people don't understand this simple thing. To understand it a person needs to have brains.[/B][/QUOTE]

LOLOL............you really make me smile


A kind word, gladdens the heart!

Member # 3938
 - posted
Originally posted by diana_ivanova:


Dreamcatcher smiles

Member # 4943
 - posted
They have this way to grab the men by the balls and finish them. My brother was married - the poor guy - to a Russian f.....g bitch.
Egypt should ban them among other whores.

Originally posted by Manoesh:
Another one...and Russian as well...havent you made enough money in Dahab and sharm el sheikh...you come here to prostitute...nothing else!!!Good thing they didnt let you in hotel!!!You must have AIDS test!!!you come to spread disease...GO AWAY!!!


Member # 4789
 - posted
There are some extremely bitter twisted people on this forum
Member # 4668
 - posted
Originally posted by pinkmagic:
There are some extremely bitter twisted people on this forum

To say the least.


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