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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 17507
 - posted
Hi all,
I am trying to find out what exactly I need to get married my boyfriend in egypt. I got too many different info and I am getting sick and tired of it. Can not get rhought to Ministry of foreign affairs in Cairo.
Please if you have an experience could you let me know what documents are required?
thank you so much
Clear and QSY
Member # 15597
 - posted
You did not say your nationality and that makes some difference in the process. This article is for Americans:

Getting Married in Egypt (Info for Americans)

For British the procedure also starts at your Embassy here in Cairo, but it is a different paperwork process entirely and I don't know the exact details.
Member # 17507
 - posted
thank you for your reply. I am from Slovakia, resident in the UK.
Member # 13080
 - posted
I just got married in cairo a few weeks back. I reside in the UK but also i'm a british citizen,by birth so had to apply from British Embassy.

Veronika i see u reside in UK but are u classed as a British citizen yet??? Sorry reason i ask is that if u are then u will do as i did and need to see the British Embassy, but if not then u will waste your time seeing them and be told to go to your birth countries embassy x
Basically you need from here (just for marriage purposes) your passport [Wink] if you have been marrid before you need the divorce certificate and it must be certified here (uk london)

Once there you need to go apply for a statatory declaration that your free to marry. From the British embassy they take the applications anyday of the week but only give them out on wednesdays [Frown] (so best to apply mon or tues) less waiting about x

after that they give u a list of where to go and get lgal stamps (lazoughly square) all things needing legal stamps are from this place x

you will need a residency visa from MugAama building tahrir square. this is cheap and only needs to be for 1 mth (it will not b valid after u leave egypt and get the exit stamp so don't bother gtting a 3 or 6mth one.

you also need 6 passport photos of yourself and hubby for marriage certificate.
I will say at the misnistry of foreign affairs they are pretty helpful and tell u all you need and if anything is missing.
The most important things are bringing what you need from here [Big Grin]
will give more info later gottta get to work x
Member # 17507
 - posted
thank you so much for all the help. No, I am not a british citizen yet. I have tried to contact slovakian embassy in cairo, rang 3 times and 3 times I got different info. I was planning to get things sorted in Hurghada, my boyfriend went to ask few times at "family court" apparently it is the right place to get married and all they ask for is just a letter stating I am free to married in english and arabic and copy of my passport and Le700, it sounds bit dodgy to me as it didnt match with any other info i got.
Clear and QSY
Member # 15597
 - posted
Originally posted by veronikas:
thank you so much for all the help. No, I am not a british citizen yet. I have tried to contact slovakian embassy in cairo, rang 3 times and 3 times I got different info. I was planning to get things sorted in Hurghada, my boyfriend went to ask few times at "family court" apparently it is the right place to get married and all they ask for is just a letter stating I am free to married in english and arabic and copy of my passport and Le700, it sounds bit dodgy to me as it didnt match with any other info i got.

I would check on that if I were you because I don't think Family Court is the same as a Ministry of Justice legal marriage. I believe the only place to do that is in Cairo. I may be wrong (and I'm sure someone will correct me if I am) but you can register an Orfi marriage at Family Court. However, this is very different than a legal marriage.
Member # 17507
 - posted
thought the Family Court will not be the right place. It just didn't sound right to me. No I am not interested in Orfi marriage, I just want to do it the proper legal way.

Thank you so much !
Member # 1925
 - posted
Originally posted by veronikas:
thought the Family Court will not be the right place. It just didn't sound right to me. No I am not interested in Orfi marriage, I just want to do it the proper legal way.

Thank you so much !

Your boyfriend is getting confused because the family court can give you a marriage that is properly legal in Egypt but if you want a marriage that will be recognised in UK/Slovakia then you have to comply with your embassy rules and this will have to take place at the ministry of justice in Cairo.
Member # 17507
 - posted
thank you Penny for you reply!
Member # 13080
 - posted
Ok so im not sure on Slovakian Embassy rules re;stat declaration??

For sure to have a marriage that is recognised outside aswell as inside Egypt u must marry in Cairo 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs'.

Also your husband to be needs his id card and passport if he has one? Its best if he does because apparently Egyptians can only get a passport once national service is completed, and they need to have completed nat-service or at least be exempted from it, if they want to marry a foreigner x *(As far as i'm aware [Big Grin] )

I tell you it was not the running around getting the stamps etc it was the nuisance of having to wait for the papers to be completed and translated etc... that is what made it alot longer than anticipated. As British Embassy said 2-3 days to complete (not adding it takes a few more days for translation then back to Embassy for legalisation stamp and back to lazoughly square for more legal stamps and signatures [Frown] And after waiting 6 days to get my stat dec i was a bit pissed by then LOL
Member # 17507
 - posted
thank you so much for your reply. lol yeah he does have passport and ID and he completed his national services as well, I didnt know its possible that they dont have one ;-)

well you just put me off a bit with the waiting times, I would get p... off if I have to wait for that long. Is there any way you can avoid all the waiting?

have a great day and thanks a lot for all the help
Member # 13080
 - posted
Veronika try to search online for your embassy in Cairo and see if they state what u need? You will also
need a 50LE stamp (it's green) from post office in egypt for
marriage certificate. It
helps also I u know someone inside the
ministry if not there are plenty of guys hanging around am ask if u need their help for some backsheesh [Wink] it makes it alot quicker inside re; translation u can call them first to
ask how long it will take them x the thing that had
me waiting was my bloody embassy and the cow on the desk not being at all helpful....... the rest was alot easier LOL [Big Grin]
Member # 17507
 - posted
thanks for all the help. I have spoken to my embassy in cairo already, they are banch of silly people, guess worse than the "cow" on the desk you had to deal with lol.
maybe the hot weather makes them really lazy lol.
I will see what I can do if I dont loose all interest all together.
my boyfriend spoken to ministry today and they told him it will take over 2 weeks, thanks a lot i cant do more than 2 weeks at the time.
so I will see
thank you sooo sooo much for all ur help!
Member # 16874
 - posted
Well I am sorry you got married in Egypt. I wish you luck. I did last year and now am stuck with him. Meaning he doesn't want to come to US & I refuse to live in Egypt. Yet he will not give divorce to me. He talks to other women as well. Best of luck to you.
Member # 14224
 - posted
Now i'm confused [Confused]
You said on the other thread you were engaged to an indian man. How come? when you haven't even divorced or is able to divorce the egyptain one.
Member # 15932
 - posted
Originally posted by happybunny:
Now i'm confused [Confused]
You said on the other thread you were engaged to an indian man. How come? when you haven't even divorced or is able to divorce the egyptain one.

Poohbear did say she wanted to get engaged by the end of 2010, so who knows how long it will take to divorce the Egyptian one.But personally if I was in her situation i would wait until the divorce is final before I get engaged again. [Smile]
Member # 17542
 - posted
Is all on here anti marrying egyptian? I am not living in a fog I have studied culture, laws and life style!!! I am in love and so is my fiancee. I am looking for legal advice about US embassy and marrying there !!!!!! We have been together 2 years and I will be taking many more trips there!!!! Anyone know islam law that can help me!!!
Member # 15365
 - posted
Is all on here anti marrying egyptian? I am not living in a fog I have studied culture, laws and life style!!! I am in love and so is my fiancee
Erm, I only see one anti marrying an Egyptian post on here. And I think you are living in a dream if you think "studying" culture, laws and life style even nearly prepares you for the real thing.

After reading all these posts, seems to me that marrying in England wasn't so complicated after all. I seemed to have taken the easy way lol.
Member # 17565
 - posted
I agree with weirdkitty, real life is much different. And as I can see misi wants to do religious marriage?
Member # 17031
 - posted
Originally posted by faima:
I agree with weirdkitty, real life is much different. And as I can see misi wants to do religious marriage?

Depends on how educated your egy guy is, remember Egyptians are still in "village mode" for the most part.

"Village mode" is the mindset of a person who has little understanding of the entire nation and his/her understanding of how her nation fits into the global picture.
Member # 17577
 - posted
pls be aware of egyptian guys, there should be an international warning circulating around about them
Member # 14989
 - posted
Originally posted by ssnluxbitter:
pls be aware of egyptian guys, there should be an international warning circulating around about them

Why would you say that?
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by ssnluxbitter:
pls be aware of egyptian guys, there should be an international warning circulating around about them

there is, it's called EgyptSearch [Big Grin]
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
Originally posted by Ayisha:
Originally posted by ssnluxbitter:
pls be aware of egyptian guys, there should be an international warning circulating around about them

there is, it's called EgyptSearch [Big Grin]
hahaha i guess none reads anymore or they would have known this right?
Member # 17616
 - posted
Well all first I would like to say I am married to an Egyptian (newlywed) but have been living in Egypt for two years from USA. I came here for work and met my husband through work and am very happily married and happily living in Egypt.

I would like to say you dont have to be aware of all Egyptians however there is a major scam going on with many of the men seeking to move abroad for work etc. seeking the better life, not that they are wrong for wanting a better life but the way they go about it can be destructive.

If any man from ANY country tells you he loves you etc and wants to marry you without having met you or established a proper relationship screams FRAUD! Its all common sense, if it all sounds too good to be true guess what It Is! You cant blame them if you are who fall for it. You must be wise, if he truly wants a relationship that is for filling it will not be rushed over night. I have seen all the tricks in the book and yes they are patient until you get married and then pressure you for the visa. A well educated man that can travel on his education degree wont beg you. I am starting my own advice forum on my website and will provide it soon really there is so much to know.

**Poohbear - Ok, here is how it works. The Egyptian law states that the man is the one who should request the divorce, IF you are residing here as husband and wife. HOWEVER; you can sign a power of attorney over to an Egyptian lawer (get a referral from the american embassy cairo) or I know a great one here that works with the embassy, and he can file the divorce on your behalf under the circumstances of non-residence and incompatible marriage or even maybe fraud, I dont know his side of it either. It takes 6-8 months to finish and will cost you about 1500$. Now I read that you want to get engaged to an Indian guy, well all I can say is I hope you learned your lesson the first time and realize the hazards you are facing, and even if he is willing to go to USA dont be surprised if he stays until his greencard is finished and says alvida (goodbye). Be careful please, about 75% of the men online in poorer countries ARE in fact just seeking their way to richer countries for that chance, and will do what they must do to get it. Cant really blame them, its survival skills.

If anyone would like information on how anything is handled in Egypt or would like advice feel free to contact me, my name is Malika.
Member # 15263
 - posted
Originally posted by malimaz:

If any man from ANY country tells you he loves you etc and wants to marry you without having met you or established a proper relationship screams FRAUD! Its all common sense, if it all sounds too good to be true guess what It Is! You cant blame them if you are who fall for it. You must be wise, if he truly wants a relationship that is for filling it will not be rushed over night. I have seen all the tricks in the book and yes they are patient until you get married and then pressure you for the visa. A well educated man that can travel on his education degree wont beg you. I am starting my own advice forum on my website and will provide it soon really there is so much to know.

This is an excellent paragraph... this site seems to have a high % of unhappy westerners complaining about their marriages or the way they are being treated by their new family... fairy tales only happen in books!

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