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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 4566
 - posted
>Balance Sheet of Life
>Our Birth is our Opening Balance !
>Our Death is our Closing Balance!
>Our Prejudiced Views are our Liabilities
>Our Creative Ideas are our Assets
>Heart is our Current Asset
>Soul is our Fixed Asset
>Brain is our Fixed Deposit
>Thinking is our Current Account
>Achievements are our Capital
>Character & Morals, our Stock-in-Trade
>Friends are our General Reserves
>Values & Behavior are our Goodwill
>Patience is our Interest Earned
>Love is our Dividend
>Children are our Bonus Issues
>Education is Brands / Patents
>Knowledge is our Investment
>Experience is our Premium Account
>The Aim is to Tally the Balance Sheet Accurately.
>The Goal is to get the Best Presented Accounts Award.
>Some very Good and Very bad things ...
>The most destructive habit......................Worry
> The greatest Joy................................Giving
>The greatest loss................Loss of self-respect
>The most satisfying work...............Helping others
>The ugliest personality trait.............Selfishness
>The most endangered species.........Dedicated leaders
>Our greatest natural resource...............Our youth
>The greatest "shot in the arm"..........Encouragement
> The greatest problem to overcome.................Fear
>The most effective sleeping pill........Peace of mind
>The most crippling failure disease............Excuses
>The most powerful force in life..................Love
>The most dangerous pariah..................A gossiper
>The world's most incredible computer........The brain
>The worst thing to be without................... Hope
>The deadliest weapon.......................The tongue
>The two most power-filled words................"I Can"
>The greatest asset..............................Faith
>The most worthless emotion..................Self-pity
>The most beautiful attire......................SMILE!
>The most prized possession................Integrity
>The most powerful channel of communication.....Prayer
>The most contagious spirit.................Enthusiasm
>The most important thing in life..................GOD
>Everyone needs a list to live by.

Member # 4457
 - posted
Except that I have always been suspicious of people who live by lists rather than by instinct. Lists are so restrictive. What about the things that get left off them ?
Member # 4566
 - posted
Originally posted by Luxorlover:
Except that I have always been suspicious of people who live by lists rather than by instinct. Lists are so restrictive. What about the things that get left off them ?

Its just a list that one of my sales reps sent me...add whatever you like...it can only improve it


Member # 1925
 - posted
Originally posted by Luxorlover:
Except that I have always been suspicious of people who live by lists rather than by instinct. Lists are so restrictive. What about the things that get left off them ?

I agree and anyway this balance sheet will never balance.

Member # 4576
 - posted
Originally posted by Natashiah:

>The most important thing in life..................GOD

Which one?

[This message has been edited by Mokoo (edited 30 July 2004).]

Member # 4457
 - posted
Now now Mokoo - they are all one and the same - they just have slightlt different messages, messengers and offspring
bob the dog
Member # 4691
 - posted
Which God, Mokoo???? How many are there???
Member # 4576
 - posted
Originally posted by Luxorlover:
Now now Mokoo - they are all one and the same - they just have slightlt different messages, messengers and offspring

Not really LL, If you come to think about it, where word "Allah" comes from?

It simply comes from the 3 major Gods Qraish tribe "Mohamad tribe " were worshiping. "Allat, Al mona and Al Oza"

These are the very same satanic verses Salamn Rushdi pointed at in his book "Statanic Verses".

It simply shows that Mohamad under pressure included the Gods of Qraish in Quraan to satisfy Qraish tribe and win their satisfaction. Yet later he retreated and regreted it.

There is no similarity between the Eloheim the God of Moses and Jackop and Allah of Islam, simple as that.

Read the following it will insight you more into the verses....

The Satanic Verses in Qur'an
Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22
Now tell me about Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat,
The third one, another goddess.
What! For you the males and for him the females!
That indeed is an unfair division. ÃóÝóÑóÃóíúÊõãõ ÇááøóÇÊó æóÇáúÚõÒøóì
æóãóäóÇÉó ÇáËøóÇáöËóÉó ÇáúÃõÎúÑóì
Ãóáóßõãõ ÇáÐøóßóÑõ æóáóåõ ÇáúÃõäËóì
Êöáúßó ÅöÐðÇ ÞöÓúãóÉñ ÖöíÒóì

When Muhammad and his community came under severe persecution, eighty-three of his followers who had no protection emigrated from Mecca to Ethiopia, taking refuge in the ancient Christian country, Abyssinia.1 Under increasing boycotts and pressure, Muhammad went through a time of weakness and accepted a compromise by acknowledging the existence of three pagan goddesses alongside Allah: Lat, Uzza, and Manat.2 The account of this is in Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22.

This indirect confession of polytheism, with the statement that Allah was involved with female goddesses while Muhammad and his people were left with men, was cynically discussed by author Salman Rushdie.3 He made the impure account even more obscene. Therefore, his book was regarded as blasphemous by all Muslims.

When the inhabitants of Mecca heard the confession of Muhammad about the existence of the ancient goddesses inside the Kaba, they immediately revoked their ban on him. Those who had emigrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) started to return home after hearing about Muhammad's confession and the changes in Mecca. But when they arrived, they were shocked to hear that Muhammad regretted his confession and that he considered it as falling prey to the whispering of Satan. Thus, today Islam considers Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22 as the Satanic Verses, rejected afterwards by Muhammad. Salman Rushdie did not invent these verses. They have been in the Qur'an since its inception.4

In Sura Hajj (Pilgrimage) 22:52-53, Muhammad confessed his mistake, supposing that all prophets were tempted by Satan who would inspired them with his verses, as if they were actually revealed by God. But later on Allah abrogated these Satanic Verses with new revelations and judges his people according to these new verse. In Islam Allah permits such demonic inspiration to test weak Muslims or to cut off those with hardened hearts.

Never did We send a messenger or a prophet before thee, but, when he framed a desire, Satan threw some (vanity) into his desire: but Allah will cancel anything (vain) that Satan throws in, and Allah will confirm (and establish) His Signs: for Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom:
That He may make the suggestions thrown in by Satan, but a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease and who are hardened of heart: verily the wrong-doers are in a schism far (from the Truth): Hajj (Pilgrimage) 22:52-53. Yusuf 'Ali's translation

The true, vital issue about the Satanic verses in the Qur'an is this. If Muhammad were unable to distinguish Satan's voice from God's voice, could there then be verses in the Qur'an which Muhammad assumed were from God but were really from Satan? Maybe the whole Qur'an is Satanic in origin, in spite of Muhammad's conviction that it was Allah who revealed the suras to him.

[This message has been edited by Mokoo (edited 31 July 2004).]

Member # 4913
 - posted
Originally posted by Natashiah:

>The most effective sleeping pill........Peace of mind

Correction it's Boring MOKOO


Member # 1797
 - posted
Both the pre-islamic Arabs and Hebrews were mostly polytheist. Most of the deities of the Hebrews came from the Caanites. El is a Caanite volcano deity. Semites have fairly the same philsophy and patriarchical structure.

The mistress of the Ka'aba was called Tubal and Hajj is a pagan ritual that Mohammed made acceptable because most of the commerce in modern Saudi Arabia was through Hajj. To cut people off from this would meant that you would cut into their money. We know that the number one thing Semites are good at is making lots of money through trading. Not to mention most Semites are rather good at the slave aution block.

Here's a task for you theist who believe so heavily into the Torah or Quran. Show me where Moses existed in relation to secular history,and show me exactly when and where did the Exodous of enslaved Hebrews take place. Prove to me with secular archaeological evidence is necessary. Anyway,people have a right to believe in whatever faith they wish! Who am I to say who is right or wrong in their theological approach to the divine.

Even if both Torah and Quran are muddied with bias of the writers,many contain good principles and moral values to live your life by. Spirtuality should be something that one choses and lives one life by,but problem is everybody feels their traditions are superior over others. Which is the reason why we have Christain missionaries in third world countries trying to convince people their ways are wrong. Instead of giving people some book,why not just teach them to make money so they might build their country up.

I personally don't trust Christain missionaries in Egypt or any other region of the world. What many try to do is pit Christains and Muslims against each other in these countries. It's all part of a Western plot to use Christainty as a spirtual weapon. Another way to turn the masses of the world into 'good little Europeans''. The same applies to the Arabs who use their religion as a weapon.


Member # 4528
 - posted
Member # 4576
 - posted
Originally posted by ausar:
Both the pre-islamic Arabs and Hebrews were mostly polytheist. Most of the deities of the Hebrews came from the Caanites. El is a Caanite volcano deity. Semites have fairly the same philsophy and patriarchical structure.

The mistress of the Ka'aba was called Tubal and Hajj is a pagan ritual that Mohammed made acceptable because most of the commerce in modern Saudi Arabia was through Hajj. To cut people off from this would meant that you would cut into their money. We know that the number one thing Semites are good at is making lots of money through trading. Not to mention most Semites are rather good at the slave aution block.

Here's a task for you theist who believe so heavily into the Torah or Quran. Show me where Moses existed in relation to secular history,and show me exactly when and where did the Exodous of enslaved Hebrews take place. Prove to me with secular archaeological evidence is necessary. Anyway,people have a right to believe in whatever faith they wish! Who am I to say who is right or wrong in their theological approach to the divine.

Even if both Torah and Quran are muddied with bias of the writers,many contain good principles and moral values to live your life by. Spirtuality should be something that one choses and lives one life by,but problem is everybody feels their traditions are superior over others. Which is the reason why we have Christain missionaries in third world countries trying to convince people their ways are wrong. Instead of giving people some book,why not just teach them to make money so they might build their country up.

I personally don't trust Christain missionaries in Egypt or any other region of the world. What many try to do is pit Christains and Muslims against each other in these countries. It's all part of a Western plot to use Christainty as a spirtual weapon. Another way to turn the masses of the world into 'good little Europeans''. The same applies to the Arabs who use their religion as a weapon.

You pretty much mentioned everything but the main course of my post.

I pointed at a prophet who under pressure shared the supremacy of God with "Allat"<<one of the the three Qoraish gods which now transformed with time into "Allah"...Simple!

Look in my post again, I'm not claiming anything from my part. It's all right there in the Qura'an, Read the verses again here in English and Arabic...

Get you hard copy of Quraan and read it yourself...

Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22
Now tell me about Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat,
The third one, another goddess.
What! For you the males and for him the females!
That indeed is an unfair division. ÃóÝóÑóÃóíúÊõãõ ÇááøóÇÊó æóÇáúÚõÒøóì
æóãóäóÇÉó ÇáËøóÇáöËóÉó ÇáúÃõÎúÑóì
Ãóáóßõãõ ÇáÐøóßóÑõ æóáóåõ ÇáúÃõäËóì
Êöáúßó ÅöÐðÇ ÞöÓúãóÉñ ÖöíÒóì

A prophet who claims all of the sudden a second GOD for the sake of trade is not trustworthy with anything else he claims. Specially, he regreted the matter later in time and tried to correct it except for the verses that he couldn't take back. Giving the chance for a guy like me to grab them and investigate them over again after Salman Roshdi who pointed at them first in his book Satanic Verses.

Member # 4926
 - posted
Originally posted by Natashiah:
>The most important thing in life..................GOD

i don't think thats the most important thing in life..
life is a test..god will judge as all at the end ...but not on whether u thought he was important or not in your pathetic little life...but i think he may judge u on your kindness and goodness towards yourself and others....goodness is in the heart not on wt u parade and display from the outside.... the most important thing in life is to be good, and do good...and thats the same anywhere and in any religion...no matter who u think god is

Member # 4713
 - posted
Correction, its boring mokoo and cappa and joshua, but hes not here yet


Originally posted by Stillborn:
Correction it's Boring MOKOO


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