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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 5356
 - posted

[This message has been edited by WELSHLADYUK (edited 02 October 2004).]

Member # 4566
 - posted
MMMMM....and you're point is? ....We've heard that song soooo many times before but it just doesn't seem to sink in.


Member # 3519
 - posted

First round - does age matter
Second round - judgement

Ding Ding everyone ready for round three.

Member # 4566
 - posted
Originally posted by Kenzie:

Ding Ding everyone ready for round three.



Member # 4323
 - posted
Originally posted by WELSHLADYUK:
Why do so many women 'bitch' and say dreadful comments to each other in this forum when they do not have their facts correct. Whilst I appreciate they might have had bad experiences, not everyone coming into this forum logs on for other members to have a vicious go at them. Some people ARE genuine and come in here to chat or ask advice and we should be helping them and not putting them directly into a firing line.

Why do you think there allways are WAR on this planet....as long there are to ppl on this earth .....!!!

Member # 5473
 - posted
Hi WELSHLADYUK:appreciate your perspective, so how do u actually view this country, u r a travel manager, so in simple words far from the cliches{ both positive and negative}, how do u see Egypt and its people..


Member # 5356
 - posted
Originally posted by bibo:
Hi WELSHLADYUK:appreciate your perspective, so how do u actually view this country, u r a travel manager, so in simple words far from the cliches{ both positive and negative}, how do u see Egypt and its people..

Well Bibo, I have been lucky enough to travel a lot of countries and I have to say that Egypt holds a special place in my heart. There is good & bad in every country, on the good side Egypt has an enourmous wealth of history, MOST of the people are so welcoming, the Red Sea is stunning & the white desert breath-taking. On the negative side you have the baking hot summers, the Cairo dusy & pollution, the endless sad hassle that some guys give to the western women and I hate the different price structure one price for the locals & another for the foreigners. But in general there is no other place like it in the world.


Member # 4457
 - posted
People that live in Cairo or in other coutries remain anonymous but Luxor is a small place and most people that live there or visit regularly know each other. They also know a lot about each other - which is not always a good thing.

Nobody likes to 'have a go' at anyone but when people are not telling the truth about themselves and it is easily spotted, the consequencies are not always palatable. When several people recognise someone and see details of a life that they know is a complete fabrication they are bound to comment. They are neither bitter nor nasty, they are merely irritated.

If people are 'genuine' in their requests for help then they should also be 'genuine' about themselves and their problem.

It has been pointed out before, that many Egyptians was well as Europeans from Luxor read this forum and some of the things posted about people are less than circumspect..

Member # 5424
 - posted
Yes, there are a great deal of people that do not tell the truth to their partners and friends whom they love and trust especially those back home. I had one of those people as a friend myself, let this person (a female) into my entire life, helped them too but luckily I saw through this when they began to turn on me. It was like being with a viper waiting to strike, it shows who your real friends are in times like these. Welshlady you seem an educated and honest person I agree with you, I do not know why people say such evil things about each other in this forum. Don't we have enough evil people in the world?
Member # 5033
 - posted
People always forget that they punish themselves if they talk bad about someone else as everything in this world is a matter of cause and effect. If you talk bad about someone (cause), they will talk bad about you or you will experience minor bad things (effect).

If people would be aware about the tiniest things that happen to them during the day and remember their previous thoughts they'd be aware about why what happened.

It is a very easy exercise!!


Member # 4457
 - posted
Britishlady/WelshladyUK - alter egos and those kind of postings do you little do you little credit.
Member # 3567
 - posted

Hey, what's going on? Not enough interesting topics here on ES so we have to go at each other....???!!!!

Member # 5424
 - posted
Well I have aired my feelings on this forum subject and they are just my thoughts and experiences. But I like to think that I am a lady, or so my husband telle me and I would never dream to name or shame another fellow brit
Member # 4457
 - posted
Welshlady/Britishlady - that is nice to know. I am sure that your husband is proud of you just as your friends in Egypt will be.
Member # 5356
 - posted
Im confused Luxorlover do not know why you used my name in the last thread, I am not married.

Tigerlily yes I agree hence the reason why I posted this in the forum, there are so many nasty people out there. Britishlady will you please email me.

Member # 4457
 - posted
WElshlady/Britishlady - When will Irishlady join you?

For others who are wondering what is going on - I am sorry to bore you with this but unfortunately I have known this dual personality for a long time. Luxor attracts all sorts of wierd people.

The game is becoming boring but referring to your other line, I would still love to know what terrible thing I am supposed to have done. You made it sound so bad that I must have at least tried to kill the Pope.

Member # 4442
 - posted
Do we have another new member with a multiple personality disorder???.
LOL I like it in here, i always thought that i was a bit mad but compared to some of the people in here i am definatly sane
Member # 4457
 - posted
Chelle67 - have no fear - you are definitely sane.
Member # 5088
 - posted
Bitch without getting their facts straight? So what was the comment aimed at me on another thread WELSHLADYUK? I have only ever given my opinions - this is a forum! If somebody's story doesnt add up people will pick up on it and that is exactly what has happened to you. If people lie and are caught out normal honest people feel cheated it is only human nature. You clearly have several persona's on this forum.
Member # 5356
 - posted

Well I can assure you it is not me, think luxorlover has blown a fuse or something, she has the crazy notion that she knows me and that I am have a multiple personality. However I am not used to associated with the sick and feeble minded and I have no idea what she is going on about.
Member # 5356
 - posted
If somebody's story doesnt add up people will pick up on ?....dont understand what stories have I written and who are the normal honest people. I know your friend of LL the lady whom feels she works for Mi5 and I assure you it is not me who had the double personality. Are you calling me a liar ??
Member # 4457
 - posted
I answered this at length and then edited it away as I decided it was a waste of effort.

I have known Welshlady/Britishlady for a long time and she is without doubt the nastiest woman it has ever been my misfortune to meet.

[This message has been edited by Luxorlover (edited 02 October 2004).]

[This message has been edited by Luxorlover (edited 02 October 2004).]

Member # 5356
 - posted
Well I believe that I headed this post correctly and I will not comment anymore, seems someone else has already won the prize title. I apologie if I offended others and I do not know anyone in this forum except one lady and it is NOT this luxorlover.


Member # 4457
 - posted
Welshlady - You conradict yourself again as you stated that you knew me. I would not associate with you in England and here neither. Nasty.

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