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tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
ok i am officially a dumbass now.. i bought this thing to peel my veggies and fruits ok.. well it is very damn good. very sharp..



well i was peeling an orange with it and well it slipped and cut off the top of my pinky.. soo nasty i finally got it to stop bledding. i am scared to wash it but i put triple antiboitic ointment on it and a band aid.how many of u cooks done stupid careless things like that? well anyways what else should i do to keep it from gettin infected? i cant get a tetunus shot as i am alergic to the tetinus..so any help would be greatly appreciated.

but its a great product and does what the thing is suppose to do but just a little too good. i love the titan peeler/
Member # 3567
 - posted
Ouch..... I hope it's not too bad. [Frown] In the past I cut myself numerous times but thanks god I still got all 10 fingers.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Ouch..... I hope it's not too bad. [Frown] In the past I cut myself numerous times but thanks god I still got all 10 fingers.

thanks hun. its healing nicly no bleeding thank god.but i took maybe 3 or 4 lawyers of skin off. it looked worse than it really was.i love my neosporin..
Member # 17616
 - posted
Well tina no worries for Tetanus as this is usually secondary infection from rusty or contaminated items cutting or puncturing our skin. Just keep it clean and dry and keep the triple antibiotic on it and you will do fine.
Chef Mick
Member # 11209
 - posted
dont cut myself too much ..but burn myself on a regular basis [Big Grin]
Member # 17616
 - posted
hahahaha omg mick, ok now how silly is this one?

So I just moved and furnished my flat here in Cairo, the stove needs to be put on its legs to rise it up a little, so I am on the floor, head upside down, with a lighter trying to light my oven well the damn thing wont light up so I go to stand up and the lighter touched the inside of my upper arm and burned the hell out of it. But was funny if you could see it lol.
Chef Mick
Member # 11209
 - posted
you got me beat [Eek!] at work i usually try to pull something out of the oven without mits or brush the side of the oven with my armor open the steamer with it on...full blast steam comes out and turns my eyelashes into glue due to my mascara
Member # 17616
 - posted
LOl been there done that, I managed a restaurant in the states for 5 years and of course at times was behind the curtain in the kitchen when our lovely cooks would not show up from their hang overs, seen my amount of burns, I even had a Mrs. Doubtfire moment and caught my boobs on fire lol, oh the memories hehehe.
Chef Mick
Member # 11209
 - posted
Originally posted by malimaz:
LOl been there done that, I managed a restaurant in the states for 5 years and of course at times was behind the curtain in the kitchen when our lovely cooks would not show up from their hang overs, seen my amount of burns, I even had a Mrs. Doubtfire moment and caught my boobs on fire lol, oh the memories hehehe.

way to funny [Big Grin] never got my boobs yet [Eek!] thank God. but plenty of scars on my arms [Frown]
Member # 17616
 - posted
I love cooking and have many recipes I created, have to check out your book when you do it, I would love to do a cook book, Have a few Julia child moments lol.

Wish I could get my husband to write down a few of his inventions he is really darn good in the kitchen but hello messy lol. Dont they say good chefs are the untidy ones? LOL
Chef Mick
Member # 11209
 - posted
not me ..i hate that, my motto and the thing that i tell my Chefs...CLEAN AS YOU GO...i hate messy kitchens [Mad] [Wink]
a cookbook is just a dream right now but hopefully i will get the time to do one someday [Smile]
Member # 17616
 - posted
See I am like you cuz why do we want to spend all that hot time cooking and then a huge clean up job, clean along the way and avoid spills on the stove and you alright in my book lol.

Good luck with your book but good advice begin organizing the layout now cuz it takes a very long time.

I put one together for our DMV in the states, everyone contributed recipes and were acknowledged in it and they sold it for charity, it was a great publication internally of course.
Chef Mick
Member # 11209
 - posted
i know all about that.we have put books together at my work and some at schools and churches as well.but 7seas is going to help me.his work is amazing [Wink]
Tina ..a great med. for anything burns cuts, infections is called Bactroban..you can only get through your doctor, but i swear by i. miracle ointment i call it.sorta like neosporin but ten times better [Smile]
Member # 13012
 - posted
Originally posted by Chef Mick:

a cookbook is just a dream right now but hopefully i will get the time to do one someday [Smile]

Editorial design is one of my specialties; if you ever want to go ahead with this, let me know. I've produced a number of books. [Wink]
Chef Mick
Member # 11209
 - posted
i dont know the first thing about writing , publishing a book...only know how to create recipes and cook them [Razz] if i get all my recipes written down , then what do i do ...contact you?
i feel honored that you and 7seas want to help me ..thank you so much
Member # 13012
 - posted
Originally posted by Chef Mick:
i dont know the first thing about writing , publishing a book...only know how to create recipes and cook them [Razz]

You don't need to know more. The design concept, layout, typesetting, production etc. should not be your concern, but it should, of course, be done in close cooperation with you so that the book is done according to your ideas and preferences.

This is a simplified description of how it usually works:

~ Author and art director meet up / talk and the author explains what kind of book they want.

~ Art director creates a design concept, usually in the form of various sample spreads and maybe a cover suggestion. Developing the concept includes: deciding on the size / dimensions, developing a page grid, color scheme, master pages, chosing fonts + sizes, developing style sheets etc.

~ Then author and AD discuss the concept, either it's being accepted as is, or changes are being made and the concept is being refined / adjusted.

~ The author gives the edited texts to the art director.

~ AD then starts layouting them, i.e. putting the actual information on the pages, formatting the text and so on.

~ The layouts are being sent to the client for feedback and corrections.

~ Corrections are being implemented, and so on.

~ Once it is finished and the client has signed off, AD needs to prepare the book for color separation / printing. Nowadays, this means creating prepress-quality PDFs which are then being sent to the printshop.

~ Usually with four color productions (such as a cookbook with photographs), a color proof is being created, so that the AD can check if the colors are coming out the way it's being intended. If possible, it is also a good if the AD can be present at the printshop once they start the actual printing process in order to check the colors and the printing quality.

Originally posted by Chef Mick:

if i get all my recipes written down , then what do i do ...contact you?

I wasn't trying to score a job. [Smile] But if you ever have any questions, send me a message and I will try to help.

I'd say the first thing would be finding a publisher since producing a book, particularly one with lots of images, can be quite costly. Or you can self-publish it, but that would mean you would have to fork out some money first.

Check out those:

tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
thanks yall but its about healed now..just a scab.i heal fast lol
Chef Mick
Member # 11209
 - posted
thanks for this info...very informative...and hell you can have the job [Wink] maybe ill wait till i get to egypt so we can meet together , you ..7seas..and me [Smile]
Member # 16037
 - posted
well you couldnt have gotten it stitched anyway tina cuz there would have been no skin to stitch together...keep it dressed well with gauze and sterile tape, not too tight, and dont let it get wet. wash it twice a day with antibacterial soap and dry it well.
put neosporin on it to keep it closed and minimize scarring.
your gonna end up with a missing tip...it wont come back.
if it gets red, seeps, and the area feels hot, you need to see a dr.
when you shower, put a plastic bag over your hand.
water is a major breeding ground for bacteria.
keep the nail cut short too...bacteria under the nail will really mess it up.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
thanks anyways its all healed up. looks like new..but the funny thing is there is like a small dent in my finger now lol..

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