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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 6838
 - posted
Well i had posted on here back in july....... some of you will know what i am talking about im sure. Diagnosis positive, Liver cancer.
Not sure what to do with life at the moment or where to go from here. I do know that i now must find a way to tell my children that the possibility of them losing their father is very very real. The youngest will be the one that freaks out on me as she is only 7 and is the closest to him. We dont know how long he has, all they have told him is that they want to start chemotherapy. He found out last week just told me today.
It effects every aspect of my life... once he becomes too ill i will have no one to watch my children while i work. Yes i have 2 older children that are old enough to watch the little one but its not their responsibility and also my oldest is 16 and i dont trust him to handle the little one with kindness, he has a quick temper so leaving him alone with her is not an option.
It also will stop any traveling to egypt.. therefore completely ending any relation i had there.
Im left to wonder how will i support us after he is gone cause i wont be able to go to work as i cant afford to pay anyone to watch the youngest and dont trust them frankly.
No one has ever taken care of my children other than me and their father.
My pain is mostly for them, yes i am losing alot in this but it is their loss.
The older 2 have learned on their own their father is not a very good person, it will be less hard on them but still he is their father.
The little one hasnt learned yet how much he lets them down or doesnt do as he promises ,, this that and other stuff.....
I never wished for this for the man, while i dont love him, i dont want him to die. And I will be the one to care for him until the end no one else. Strange that we are divorced but this responsibility will fall to me when he has family all around. But i guess we dont have the typical divorced relation, all of the holidays are still done together for the sake of the children, there is no you have them this day and i have them that day, we both have them every day. There is no fighting over this and that. Even though i buy everything for the childrens christmas and birthdays i always put them as from both of us so that they dont realize he doesnt buy them anything. He claims to have no money but i know the truth of that lol he spends it all on things not needed and for himself. But i refuse to let them see that from him. The older ones have figured it out i believe but the little one has no clue........
where to go from here
Member # 6244
 - posted
I'm sorry for what you are going through.

I'm sure there must be books out there on how to handle death and grief for children. Have you looked for any -- library or bookstore? They may be very helpful for your whole family.
Member # 2710
 - posted
I am really sorry Mysticheart,
This will be a huge responsibility for you to take care of ye all. Take good care of yourself. Is it possible to get some help from friends and family? I wish you strength.
Member # 1680
 - posted
Get some counselling, we did when it happened to us and it enable all of us handle things better. There are some excellent books you can get about telling your children, use them.

If you all have a religious belief use that, involve your priest/pastor/sheik. My husband had his priest come in and give him communion and anoint him with oil. We also talked about what happened at death and the Syrian Orthodox church come to the body and anoint it so I knew what my husband wanted. We discussed the funeral what music, what I should wear. What he wanted to buried in.

Make sure you address their fears about them catching it, it was their fault because they were naughty. Talk about things does he want them there when he dies. That is what we did and it helped my daughter enormously so when we got the phone call she decided not to go.

build a memory box, we also used a book called Muddles, puddles and sunshine. Get your ex husband to write a letter, make a video for them when they are older.

Help them understand pain and what it involves so they can cope with seeing him in pain. Do not hide anything from them but pitch it appropriate to the age. They imagine far worse if they are not told.

Address their fears about what would happen to them if something happened to you. I made a will and showed it to my daughter and we discussed who she wanted as a guardian and she saw it in the will.

Talk talk talk
Member # 12150
 - posted
DONT GIVE UP!I say this out of practical experience,live your life like you have never lived it before&if the worst happens ask some one close to tell the kids dad is on his way to heaven,it may not avoid the grief but it may soften the shock.Good luck fella! [Smile] [Smile]
Member # 11525
 - posted
I have a great deal of empathy for you and your family.#1 You must have faith in GOD, if you have faith he will provide for you.#2 trust in chemotherapy, my mother in law has pancreas, liver and lung cancer she's been going thru chemo for almost 3 months now and she's 86 years old and 72 lbs,and seems to be doing very well. Good Luck to you mysticheart and God Bless you and your family [Frown]
Member # 3567
 - posted
I am so sorry for you and your family, mysticheart, your worst fears have come true. And your husband is not even old to receive shattering health news like that. Netherless your youngest child is so attached to him which is understandable as she adores her father. I don't have a clue what happened in your family, why you mentioned that your both older children learned on their own that their father is 'not a good person'. I mean your marriage is over and you probably get along better now than before. Also he must have certain values and qualities to have such an interest to look after his children on a daily basis. Are you actually aware of how many fathers are out there who don't care at all about their biological children after a separation?

I am not sure but maybe the health crisis of your ex-husband gives you all a chance to become closer again.

And yes, he should start chemotherapy asap. How far did the cancer spread already? I would not talk about death at all right now even if the possible end frightens you all so much, don't give up the hope and have faith in medical help.

Also I recommend you have to rely - if not on family members for whatever reasons - on some friends or aquaintances. You might could have an arrangement that another mother of one of your daughter's classmates takes care of her during the afternoon until you return from work. There is always a way, just try to figure it out.

All the best for you and your family. I hope everything will work out best. Just give it some time, let the doctors do their work and as I said before - don't ever give up hope.....many hugs TL
Member # 11270
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by mysticheart:
Well i had posted on here back in july....... some of you will know what i am talking about im sure. Diagnosis positive, Liver cancer.
Not sure what to do with life at the moment or where to go from here. I do know that i now must find a way to tell my children that the possibility of them losing their father is very very real. The youngest will be the one that freaks out on me as she is only 7 and is the closest to him. We dont know how long he has, all they have told him is that they want to start chemotherapy. He found out last week just told me today.
It effects every aspect of my life... once he becomes too ill i will have no one to watch my children while i work. Yes i have 2 older children that are old enough to watch the little one but its not their responsibility and also my oldest is 16 and i dont trust him to handle the little one with kindness, he has a quick temper so leaving him alone with her is not an option.
It also will stop any traveling to egypt.. therefore completely ending any relation i had there.
Im left to wonder how will i support us after he is gone cause i wont be able to go to work as i cant afford to pay anyone to watch the youngest and dont trust them frankly.
No one has ever taken care of my children other than me and their father.
My pain is mostly for them, yes i am losing alot in this but it is their loss.
The older 2 have learned on their own their father is not a very good person, it will be less hard on them but still he is their father.
The little one hasnt learned yet how much he lets them down or doesnt do as he promises ,, this that and other stuff.....
I never wished for this for the man, while i dont love him, i dont want him to die. And I will be the one to care for him until the end no one else. Strange that we are divorced but this responsibility will fall to me when he has family all around. But i guess we dont have the typical divorced relation, all of the holidays are still done together for the sake of the children, there is no you have them this day and i have them that day, we both have them every day. There is no fighting over this and that. Even though i buy everything for the childrens christmas and birthdays i always put them as from both of us so that they dont realize he doesnt buy them anything. He claims to have no money but i know the truth of that lol he spends it all on things not needed and for himself. But i refuse to let them see that from him. The older ones have figured it out i believe but the little one has no clue........
where to go from here

Member # 11270
 - posted
Remember Just Remember
By Anonymous

When things are down
And you are out of your mind
Remember just remember

Allah is The Kind.

When your life is in darkness
And nothing is right
Remember just remember

Through the darkness Allah is The Light.

When nothing makes sense
And your heading for demise
Remember just remember

It doesn't make sense, but Allah is The Wise.

When times are troubled
And no one seems to care
Remember just remember

Allah won't hurt you, He is The Fair.

When your heart is breaking
And your pain makes you fall
Remember just remember

Allah Sees it all.

When you are weak
And the road seems long
Remember just remember

Seek strength from The Strong.

When life is a burden
And everything is unstable
Remember just remember

Allah is The Able.

When the way is cloudy
And there is no one by your side
Remember just remember

Allah is The Only Guide.

When no one wants to listen
Or is willing to lend an ear
Remember just remember

Allah is always ready to hear.

When you are poor and penniless
And you are stuck in a niche
Remember just remember

Allah is The Rich.

When you are down in your misery
And there is nowhere to run
Remember just remember

You can always run to The One.

When your all alone
And your pain has no end
Remember just remember

Allah is your Friend.

And when your scars are hurting
And your heart is in fear
Remember just remember

Allah is really here.
Member # 6838
 - posted
He has not found out how far it has progressed yet. He has not the courage to ask it. He has had pain in his liver for more than a year but waited all this time to go to a doctor. Also signs of colon cancer which they are going to test for. Basically he has been told they believe he has colon cancer and that it migrated from there to the liver a little over a year ago. They are not talking surgery as an option, only chemotherapy. I did some research on that and found that chemotherapy only is usually recommended only in the final stages or advanced stages
We divorced some time ago and i must say this, while he is there during the hours i work he does nothing. He stays in his rv while my children stay in my house and he pays no mind to them. I came home from egypt this last time to find my 7 year old girls hair dirty and matted. also my 16 year old sons hair was unattended as well as none of the 3 had been seen to to be made take a bath. My house was disastered.He had stayed in his rv and let the kids have run of the house. He used drugs earlier in his life, cheated on me, drank himself stupid, lied, stole.... pretty much everything. And when the kids get money from relatives he borrows it and never gives it back to them.... loser.. as i said. But they love him, and the little one missed alot of the bad stuff as our marriage ended when she was around 2
We are friends now yes, and get along better than we ever have but i want nothing with him. He has not changed his ways much.Money is always a horrible issue with him.
As for a support system... i dont have friends here, i dont take time cause i dont have time and usually i have disagreements with most people cause i am anti bush and have strong opinions about the wars. My best friend is my now ex boyfriend that lives there in egypt. next best is my friend in florida....
Member # 9378
 - posted
mystic it sounds like although you are "friends" you still have a lot of hostility towards this man that is the father of your children. You know, when that person is alive, and even moreso when they are deceased, it doesn't really do a lot of good to focus on what they are not capable of giving or doing.
I don't know why you would go to a foreign country if you do not believe in his ability to care for your children well. That's on you.
Meanwhile, there should be some services available to help with his illness. They rarely fill all the gaps, but can be extremely helpful. Meals on Wheels or other church groups that prepare and deliver meals to people in need are often very important. Also, visiting nurses association or hospice caregivers can deliver needed services.
Sometimes those of us who are not fortunate enough to have means get better care than people who have some assets. If he is really poor he may very well qualify for a lot of services.
Good luck and remember to take care of yourself, as your children need you to be strong in this time and in all times.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Mystic, now I see a clearer picture about your ex. And I wish you would have left him earlier for the sake of yourself and your children. Try to find a good man for life and for your kids. You all deserve it so much. And since you are working as a waitress you have daily to do with many people so you have options. And also you need friends, you and your kids need a social network, people who can help out from time to time and don't say you don't have time to socialize with others. At least get a babysitter sometimes for your youngest daughter (search for a nice girl in your neighboorhood) so you can take care of own things. And try to avoid to talk so strongly about politics if you feel it makes a difficult task to gain friends.
Unfortunately it doesn't sound very good to hear about more details of your ex-husband's state of health. He should have not waited so long to seek medical help when he had pain.
Netherless I hope the best for you all.....
Member # 6244
 - posted
I second Queen Bee's suggestion of hospice. It's noble of you to want to care for your ex because of your children. But I think it's too burdensome financially and emotionally. He's an *ex* for a reason, right?

Your kids can visit him in hospice as well. I've had several relatives who have had to use hospice services, and they were in a very peaceful, caring environment, close by to family - who visited daily.
Member # 1680
 - posted
Hospices are wonderful places full of peace and care. children are welcome and the only thought is to make sure the patient is happy and out of pain. My late husband spent about 4 weeks in one during the last stages of his illness alternating between hospital, hospice and home and i have to say the care at the hospice was better than at home as he had the medical facilities for pain relief but also home conforts. They were the ones that provided us with a family counsellor. thye were close to home and would let you visit nay time
Member # 10876
 - posted
I am fighting my battle with cancer yet again,,,i was so convinced it had gone forever,, but here it is again... I try not to be sad but it shows no matter what i do...all i want is for this to be over either way ,,I have accepted that this is a battle i fight alone...i know i will succeed again.. The one thing that gives me reason to wake up every morning and face each
day is people,, like my family,,friends and of course my good friends in the forum...I just thank god that i have the choice to get better and not let the cancer kill me. I choose to live!!Because of the compassion and caring of others.
Member # 1680
 - posted
Nourhan that is so sad for you, I wish you the very very best and a big hug
Member # 10876
 - posted
Not sad dear friend just a curve in the road of life. But hey , straight roads are boring. I'll be OK thanks to your big hug>
Batman , discovering lies
Member # 11915
 - posted
Oh! that makes me sad either.
May God heal you, Nourhan
Member # 12156
 - posted
this is a topic close to my heart. My father has been diagnosed with cancer. My mother didnt tell me till last year, which is why I left my university to come back to my family. My parents havent told my younger siblings, 17, and 14; they dont think its neccesary, and I agree. My father has been to many specialists all over the United States, and theyve given him different options. The best one seems to avoid chemo as of now; b/c while it may slow the cancer,it will also make him miserable and unable to function in life. As of now,he goes to work, he goes out, and is in a little pain, and my dad thinks this is the best way to live his life. Its kind of horrifying, waiting for death of someone you love so much. Knowing for certain, thats its out on the horizon. Even though we will all pass away... My heart goes out to you and your family. May God make everything easier on you. I personally take comfort in an idea in Islam, that is that one who is ill, is actually the most beloved by Allah, as it is his way of cleansing the soul, and thus opening the way into heaven. Just makesure that he has alot of support from friends and family, dont let him feel alone, let him feel loved, and make sure that you take care of yourself as well. God bless you.
Member # 6838
 - posted
Nourhan, i am so so sorry for that. Prayers be with you and make you well again.

As for hospice for him...
Every decision i am making is aimed more for my childrens sake than anyone. I wont allow him to spend the rest of his life in a hospital of sorts only seeing the children when that place says its ok. He will not qualify for the extras because i plan on him living inside my home once he becomes sick from treatments. With my income and his disability income it will put us out of range for any kind of help at all. My income alone almost does that. I will be moving him into my home after treatments begin so that he can be near the children at all times and they him during all of this... Until the end where they say he will pass at any day, at that point he will be moved to a hospital as i do not want my home to be the place my children walk into every day to be reminded that it is the place their father died.
Things with my boyfriend have ended, though in the end and still now we both decided we dont want things to be over between us. lol. In our mutual decision to end things because of this circumstance he also realized that his feelings for me were stronger than he thought. We will remain friend and stay in contact and see where life takes us... maybe some day we may be back together once again always seems that we do end up back to eachother.
Member # 6838
 - posted
As for my leaving my children with him and going to egypt.. well never before had i come home to such a state. Sure i had come home to find they had not taken a bath for a week but never as it was this time. Usually they would stay with him in his mothers home and she would see to some of the things about them. This time they all stayed in my home with out her. I was furious of course that he let things go this way and would dare to be so lazy and neglectful.
Hostility does no one any good just have to state how you feel and go on
Member # 8748
 - posted
You know, you are allowed to hold him responsible for his own condition. He had pain over a year algo and let it be, and he had symptoms for over a year and went untreated. To what end is that your responsibility? He lives in a trailer right outside your house? On the same property? When his condition deteriorates you will be moving him INTO your house? You briefly mention that your combined incomes disqualify him for hospice care... If you are divorced, there is no such thing as combined income.

Were you and your Egyptian going to live with him right outside the front door? With the 3 kids going in and out? With him as a 2nd husband or something?

I just can't quite wrap my head around why this is your responsibility, unless you are still married and will collect his Social Security and Disabilty you really have no stake in this. Your children will not hold you accountable for his care, in the end they will resent that you kept subverting your own needs for the needs of others who didn't ever aid you.
Member # 6838
 - posted
Originally posted by Cosmogirl:
You know, you are allowed to hold him responsible for his own condition. He had pain over a year algo and let it be, and he had symptoms for over a year and went untreated. To what end is that your responsibility? He lives in a trailer right outside your house? On the same property? When his condition deteriorates you will be moving him INTO your house? You briefly mention that your combined incomes disqualify him for hospice care... If you are divorced, there is no such thing as combined income.

Were you and your Egyptian going to live with him right outside the front door? With the 3 kids going in and out? With him as a 2nd husband or something?

I just can't quite wrap my head around why this is your responsibility, unless you are still married and will collect his Social Security and Disabilty you really have no stake in this. Your children will not hold you accountable for his care, in the end they will resent that you kept subverting your own needs for the needs of others who didn't ever aid you.

Member # 6838
 - posted
lol i didnt even post, all i did was sign in and it posted from me.. anyway, he lives in a motor home in my drive way yes, i have allowed this cause his mother and him didnt pay rent and had to move out and he had no place to go.. for the benefit of the children i allowed it.He has been there since the day i left to go to egypt in the first of july. He is required to provide food and half of my electricity in return. My egyptian was never moving here, so no that wasnt the plan to have my egyptian here and also him outside. Umm nothing like a second husband, we dont touch at all. He has his life and i have mine. He has a girlfriend but she lives out of state. The 3 kids are free to go with which ever one of us they choose, that is the way we have always been even when he lived away from here. It is easier on them to know they can go to whichever one, and that we dont fight over them about that. Now in the state of indiana it doesnt matter if you are divorced or married, if you live inside the same house then your income is combined for assistance, hence household income. We divorced years ago, but the children do get some money from disability for his disability though it is little. But upon his passing they will recieve the portion he was recieving for himself, which is sent to me to pay for what they need or save for them later on in life.
I dont think my children would resent me for sacrificing what i wanted or my needs to see to a dying man. I sacrifice what i need all the time, always have.
I think they will respect that i did that for their father even more so seeing that he gave nothing in return and in fact did many bad things.
I think it is a good example to show them that though people treat you badly you should not give the same in return. You should treat people with love and respect no matter what.
I will be able to tend to my needs one day.... dont know when, but i will.
Maybe in the end i will end up moving to egypt i dont know, Ive talked to several people that say i could get a decent job in american schools as a native speaker. I really dont know what will happen with my life at this point.
What do i want, i want the man i love to move here and marry me and live forever, but that wont happen. next thing is to move there and be with him but he will not marry so i would be on my own there with my children, without a husband to support me.
Doesnt really matter since we have ended our relation for now. I miss it horribly.
Member # 11270
 - posted
Originally posted by Nourhan:
I am fighting my battle with cancer yet again,,,i was so convinced it had gone forever,, but here it is again... I try not to be sad but it shows no matter what i do...all i want is for this to be over either way ,,I have accepted that this is a battle i fight alone...i know i will succeed again.. The one thing that gives me reason to wake up every morning and face each
day is people,, like my family,,friends and of course my good friends in the forum...I just thank god that i have the choice to get better and not let the cancer kill me. I choose to live!!Because of the compassion and caring of others.

ohhhhhhhhhhh i feeling you i had a scare recently and had treatment but inshallah all was fine but i kept it mostly to muslef aprt from one ES user who only fluctuates in andout now ..scarry im buried my MA MY EX MOTHERINLAW WE WERE BEST OF FRIENDS last year october to breast cancer it struck her out of the blue it was just horrible ,i pray i never have to go throught this again even with my daughter who is in remission and progreesing well aprt from infections but all is doing well after 5years thank ''allah ''
i will pray for mystic and you this special month as well ,allah gives u strength and courage ,,please keep safe you too (chimps)
Member # 11270
 - posted


Member # 6838
 - posted
I thank you so much for that Chimps... His cancer is confirmed in the liver but they are saying that they believe it has started in the bowels or colon area. Still testing.
I am so so sorry you have had to go through this with your child. The fear and hurt you must have felt and still feel can only be imagined. I am lucky enough to be blessed with healthy children.
I feel that he received his punishment from me by my divorcing him. We are no longer married so there is no need to harbor hard feelings over what he has done. After all my life has been better since the divorce than it every was during the marriage. True he has stolen money from me and wronged me since then also but what is done is done. Hard feelings do nothing but hurt the children stuck in the middle. Everything i do isnt for my conscience or for praise or for him even, it is for the sake of my children.
Really thank you again so much, My prayers will be with you for a lifetime to help keep you and your family safe and healthy
Member # 11270
 - posted
your so so welcome no need for thanx its my pleasure ,nightttttttttttttttttt hugggggggggggggggggs chimps ....
Member # 10876
 - posted
On Thursday i will receive my results for the latest tests done. I have a good feeling that everything will be ok,,,now i know even more so because I have the well wishes and prayers and kindness from all my friends here. I have'nt told my daughter yet,,That is the only thing troubling me,,do I or don"t I..Maybe I will wait for the results first,,,????
Member # 9095
 - posted
Nourhan I apologise as I’ am not very good about writing down what I feel, but I really wish you the best of luck and I’ am sure that once will re cover from your cancer, you will come out stronger than before.

Once again best of luck
micky azzam
Member # 11209
 - posted
i am sorry to hear about your husband. i went through this with my sister who had lukemia at age 40. i couldnt cope with it and the pain is still in my heart she left 2 wonderful boys there were 6 and 9.they took it better than i did.now they are teenagers now and doing great in school . she would have been so proud of them but i know she is not suffering anymore and she is in heaven with my dad.
Member # 9095
 - posted
am sorry to hear about your husband. i went through this with my sister who had lukemia at age 40. i couldnt cope with it and the pain is still in my heart she left 2 wonderful boys there were 6 and 9.they took it better than i did.now they are teenagers now and doing great in school . she would have been so proud of them but i know she is not suffering anymore and she is in heaven with my dad.

[Frown] [Frown] [Frown]
Member # 11270
 - posted
Originally posted by micky azzam:
i am sorry to hear about your husband. i went through this with my sister who had lukemia at age 40. i couldnt cope with it and the pain is still in my heart she left 2 wonderful boys there were 6 and 9.they took it better than i did.now they are teenagers now and doing great in school . she would have been so proud of them but i know she is not suffering anymore and she is in heaven with my dad.

so so so much alike arnt we all grieving and past loss and even going through hardship at this present time ,it makes you reflect on yourself ,, [Frown] [Frown]
Member # 681
 - posted
Mysticheart, so very sorry. This thread sure puts things into perspective. So many personal tragedies, so bravely dealt with.
don't rule out hospice care, in England at least these places and staff are pretty amazing, full of laughter and love.May also help your children to come to terms in such an environment.
Nourhan, good luck, I admire your positive attitude,clinically proven to be over half the battle!.sure you'll be fine.And sorry I made that crack about Nigeria!! i hadn't read any of your posts, and I was joking!
Member # 6838
 - posted
Personally I would choose to wait for the results of the test cause there is no need for her to worry until it is confirmed there is reason. I knew when i was in egypt in July there was a possibility that we would be facing this but since he would not get the tests done then we chose not to say anything at all to the family. There was no need for anyone to worry until we knew for sure there was a reason for it. Now even as we know he has it, we are still waiting for even further testing cause we dont know how far advanced, at least i dont, i think he cant remember what they told him well due to the shock of it. So we are waiting for more tests to be done and i will go with him to listen to what they say so everything can be clear.
Member # 10876
 - posted
It's 9:45am here in SA, and I am smiling from ear to ear,,,My results are all clear!!!!YAY!!! after all these months of agony and despair I finally have my life back. It feels as if I have been given a new lease on life. So glad I had friends here on the forum to get me through the past few weeks,,the worst in my life. Thank you everyone for your kind words, encouragement, PM's and prayers. The world is full of angels and I found some here.
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Nourhan:
It's 9:45am here in SA, and I am smiling from ear to ear,,,My results are all clear!

Thank God, Nourhan, that is wonderful news. [Smile] I wish you all the best for continued health and happiness.
micky azzam
Member # 11209
 - posted
nourhan, THATS IS GREAT NEWS, i am so happy that god does answer prayers .you have proven that .i wish you the best of health and a new beginning in your next chapter of you life, best wishes xxoo
Member # 1680
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Member # 3567
 - posted
Wonderful news, Nourhan, you are one strong woman! [Smile]
pray all night to gain laylt alqadr
Member # 11915
 - posted
Originally posted by Nourhan:
It's 9:45am here in SA, and I am smiling from ear to ear,,,My results are all clear!!!!YAY!!! after all these months of agony and despair I finally have my life back. It feels as if I have been given a new lease on life. So glad I had friends here on the forum to get me through the past few weeks,,the worst in my life. Thank you everyone for your kind words, encouragement, PM's and prayers. The world is full of angels and I found some here.

Good Good
Member # 9824
 - posted
Nourhan, I had no idea, but I am so very happy that you had an all clear. I dont know you but I am so happy for you. Live your life and be happy always.
I too applaud you. It really puts things into perspective here on ES doesn't it.
A agree about hospices, they are wonderful happy, serene places. So geared to the absolute needs of the patient. They can control pain better than any hospital or home cancer care. That allows for a more peaceful and and an end that wont be too traumatic for the children. Please consider that, and even in the end stage. That is the time they will want to see him pain free and making that final journey. Also they wont regard 'that bed' or that room with death in the family home. That alone can be scary for a child. Dont take too much on. Maybe you need to think a bit more about your needs in all of this. Watching someone die is exhausting both physically and emotionally. Caring for every need is hard. Get more information on what to expect. Pain, incontinence, mobility,etc. That is why we have hospices, and you can visit 24/7, unlike hospitals. Arrange a little visit alone to check one out, see what its like, tell them why you want to look around.
The very best of luck to you both and remember we are all here if you need us. You will always find someone online, that is what is so great about having friends all over the world.
Member # 6838
 - posted
am so so happy nourhan, congratsulations
Member # 10876
 - posted
Thank you again for all the well wishes.
Member # 11108
 - posted
Congrats Nourhan, and best of luck for your future!

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