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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 11209
 - posted
i just wanted to say something and its been on my mind for a while, i have plenty of good people here that i consider good friends leaving, and its all because of this hatred among certain people.its ashame how you people have to come on here and cat fight call each other names and be so insensitive towards others feelings. i am ashamed that i am even part of this forum, what happened to you guys? i am so upset at the ones i grew to have in my life leaving here. if you cant say something nice dont say anything. sure i love to have fun but this has gone too far, i hope all of you are proud of yourselves because the ones that are leaving are the ones with good information and knows about things that are interesting.i never wanted to hurt anyone or cause trouble cause i learned alot from here , but its all backstabbing , once again i hope you are all proud of yourselves [Frown]
Member # 14099
 - posted
I second that ...
Member # 14400
 - posted
I third it!
Member # 14189
 - posted
I quadruplez itz. Lol, but who is leaving ?
Member # 11209
 - posted
the good people . i dont wish to name names but have got plenty of pms and am so sad , the bad ones ruined it for the good ones
Somewhere in the sands
Member # 13869
 - posted
Originally posted by MICKY A:
the good people . i dont wish to name names but have got plenty of pms and am so sad , the bad ones ruined it for the good ones

So if you don't wish to name names..why bring it up. Nobody is holding anyone here with whips and chains.

This is a public forum. Those who wish to participate are welcomed to do so, and those that wish not to are free to remind silent.

Before I started posting on here I was just a looker for MONTHS and it was a very nasty post that I read against Islaam that started me to post.

So we post for many different reasons. We read, leave and stay for many different reason and personal choices.

Everyone is responsibile for his/her own character and some are characters are nice and others..well..you know.

In real life when I don't want to be bothered with someone I don't let them into my life i.e. I shut them off. So if someone, an adult, decides to leave, for whatever reason they want to leave let give them their space.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
very true
Member # 11209
 - posted
Originally posted by Somewhere in the sands:
Originally posted by MICKY A:
the good people . i dont wish to name names but have got plenty of pms and am so sad , the bad ones ruined it for the good ones

So if you don't wish to name names..why bring it up. Nobody is holding anyone here with whips and chains.

This is a public forum. Those who wish to participate are welcomed to do so, and those that wish not to are free to remind silent.

Before I started posting on here I was just a looker for MONTHS and it was a very nasty post that I read against Islaam that started me to post.

So we post for many different reasons. We read, leave and stay for many different reason and personal choices.

Everyone is responsibile for his/her own character and some are characters are nice and others..well..you know.

In real life when I don't want to be bothered with someone I don't let them into my life i.e. I shut them off. So if someone, an adult, decides to leave, for whatever reason they want to leave let give them their space.

i am sorry your so wrong . we had such a nice time with recipes and informative subjects now all it is is backstabbing . you are so wrong where were you when it was fun to post
Somewhere in the sands
Member # 13869
 - posted
Don't konw about you, but I'm enjoying my postings. But that's just me.
Member # 14401
 - posted
People come and go... - though I hate to see members leaving, especially those I grew fond of [Frown] . I thought about leaving many times as well, but I'm pretty insignificant here so nobody would even notice (hahaha). I sometimes browse through earlier threads and I don't recognise many names, because these people are not posting anymore (don't have time, got bored, were hurt etc.). I do hope things will get better here though, because apart from the fights (unavoidable?), there are many genuine friendships. [Smile]
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Vader:
I quadruplez itz. Lol, but who is leaving ?

We are going to see in the next days and weeks which members decided to stop posting.

I don't wanna sound pessimistic but it doesn't look good right now.
Somewhere in the sands
Member # 13869
 - posted
Can we get a current list of posters and then we can keep track and make tick marks on who doesn't post?

If they are on my list I'll let you know in a few days or a week...I thought someone had left..but they popped back up [Frown]
Member # 14189
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Originally posted by Vader:
I quadruplez itz. Lol, but who is leaving ?

We are going to see in the next days and weeks which members decided to stop posting.

I don't wanna sound pessimistic but it doesn't look good right now.

Well, I know a couple that have had it. A few actually, I guess they need a break.

Ahhh, women. Has this something to do with periods ? I know two people with their periods today. [Razz]
Member # 14401
 - posted
Looks like a major crisis on ES... [Frown]
Somewhere in the sands
Member # 13869
 - posted
Originally posted by Vader:Well, I know a couple that have had it. A few actually, I guess they need a break.

Is one of them of_Gold?..please tell me yes!
Member # 11209
 - posted
Originally posted by Vader:
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Originally posted by Vader:
I quadruplez itz. Lol, but who is leaving ?

We are going to see in the next days and weeks which members decided to stop posting.

I don't wanna sound pessimistic but it doesn't look good right now.

Well, I know a couple that have had it. A few actually, I guess they need a break.

Ahhh, women. Has this something to do with periods ? I know two people with their periods today. [Razz]

not funny my nephew i will be one of them sands so don't worry about me. i will be fine without all this hatred
Member # 14189
 - posted
Originally posted by Somewhere in the sands:
Originally posted by Vader:Well, I know a couple that have had it. A few actually, I guess they need a break.

Is one of them of_Gold?..please tell me yes!
Nope. Can I take a look at your brain ? you might need a transplant from an Ostrich [Razz] !!
Somewhere in the sands
Member # 13869
 - posted
Originally posted by MICKY A:
Originally posted by Vader:
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Originally posted by Vader:
I quadruplez itz. Lol, but who is leaving ?

We are going to see in the next days and weeks which members decided to stop posting.

I don't wanna sound pessimistic but it doesn't look good right now.

Well, I know a couple that have had it. A few actually, I guess they need a break.

Ahhh, women. Has this something to do with periods ? I know two people with their periods today. [Razz]

not funny my nephew i will be one of them sands so don't worry about me. i will be fine without all this hatred
You seem to be a nice person. But honestly I won't miss you. I might miss some of your delicious recipes though [Big Grin] ..How about posting a recipe of the week if you leave? How's that?
Member # 11209
 - posted
i didn't ask for your opinion about me. just all the others you and the rest of the nasty people on here
feel about the good posts the people who are respected have made? it will be so boring here . but i guess thats what you want all immature cat fights .so its all yours now caio [Roll Eyes] [Frown] so sad because it was a good forum
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
i have a question for all of u~~~
why do u read the hatred?y even bother comminting on somethin remotley repulsive?
if yr tired of it and wanna leave that is a copout!!
just ignore what u dont wanna see if i open a topic i dont like what i read i will either reply or leave!!!
so y the copouts in sayin yr gonna leave the board if yr not??
just a question!!!
Somewhere in the sands
Member # 13869
 - posted
Who are the respected people here? Can we get some kind of list and where we apply for invitation to the club?
Member # 11209
 - posted
you know who they are [Roll Eyes]
Member # 14096
 - posted
since I have been here from the very first day this site was nothing but a clickish high school past time for some who attacked any new member that came here. I don't know what site you are referring to Micky because it sure hasn't been this one. Most people here don't know how to talk to one another respectful, they attack. So when male members call women here whores, sluts, and attack you for no reason guess this is what this site has been all about from the get go. I site where no one has any respect for each other, worse yet are the men here excuding our favorite Leito.
If anyone wants to leave here why post a dramatic post about it - just leave! Do you want us all to cry? Beg you not to go? It's a free country to do as you like.
Member # 14099
 - posted
Originally posted by tina kamal:
i have a question for all of u~~~
why do u read the hatred?y even bother comminting on somethin remotley repulsive?
if yr tired of it and wanna leave that is a copout!!
just ignore what u dont wanna see if i open a topic i dont like what i read i will either reply or leave!!!
so y the copouts in sayin yr gonna leave the board if yr not??
just a question!!!

I second that, why don't we all boycott the hatred posts ... ?!
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
when i first come to this forum
i was attacked like a vicious animal!!
ruthlessness!!but its just spilt milk i did not let them stop me from posting!!there was rude things said on both sides and that was that!!!
usurally the guys dont bash us women that hard as someone!!
but i seen also that if someone doesnt like yr views yr seen as some kinda dog or somethin cas u dont agree with them
!!!! so freakin what i have my views u have yrs if we all had the same vies then we would not need thsi forum or any forum cas it would be pointless!!we would all think the same!!
get over yrsselves make this a better place if ya want and dont reply to the haterz!!!!
state yr fact yr views and be done with it u can argue in a descent way with out fightin if the persist then screw them go on !!!!
Member # 13179
 - posted
Originally posted by bettyN:
since I have been here from the very first day this site was nothing but a clickish high school past time for some who attacked any new member that came here. I don't know what site you are referring to Micky because it sure hasn't been this one. Most people here don't know how to talk to one another respectful, they attack. So when male members call women here whores, sluts, and attack you for no reason guess this is what this site has been all about from the get go. I site where no one has any respect for each other, worse yet are the men here excuding our favorite Leito.
If anyone wants to leave here why post a dramatic post about it - just leave! Do you want us all to cry? Beg you not to go? It's a free country to do as you like.

trailor trash

Member # 13080
 - posted
Well i don't know who's leaving [Confused] but for the ones that do leave plz keep watching i'm sure things will calm down after a while [Confused]
I will be sad to see no more posts/answers from the ones i feel are nice It is a damn shame but really all i can advise is please think twice b4 allowing anyone to upset you!
Who really knows anyone on this board ?? truly ? And if someone makes a nasty comment well just ignore it [Wink] or don't post a comment x
I know its all right me saying that but please think about it GOOD GUYS x your inforamtion is wanted by some of us x Plus how many of us are here ?? Its obvious some of us won't get on but hey you haven't got to answer ones u dislike xxx
Hope this helps a few of u b4 u pull the plug x [Wink]
Member # 14401
 - posted
Let's make ES a good place! [Smile]
Member # 12594
 - posted
Originally posted by Somewhere in the sands:
Who are the respected people here? Can we get some kind of list and where we apply for invitation to the club?

I'd kind of like to know, too, who belongs to this exclusive club of "respected" members. I suppose those of us who continue to lurk and occasionally post are not considered to be a part of this "members only" club. I'm so depressed now to know that I don't count and I'm not considered one of the "good guys". [Frown]
Member # 14429
 - posted

[Big Grin]
Member # 14028
 - posted
Originally posted by Habeeby:

[Big Grin]

sweet [Big Grin]
Member # 11209
 - posted
Originally posted by Bonzo:
Originally posted by Somewhere in the sands:
Who are the respected people here? Can we get some kind of list and where we apply for invitation to the club?

I'd kind of like to know, too, who belongs to this exclusive club of "respected" members. I suppose those of us who continue to lurk and occasionally post are not considered to be a part of this "members only" club. I'm so depressed now to know that I don't count and I'm not considered one of the "good guys". [Frown]
you are bonzo [Wink]
Member # 14410
 - posted
Well Micky - in all honesty 'good members' is very subjective term.

Just yesterday a member who took out her life frustrations on members was deemed good. So i ask this question - good in whose book?
Member # 11209
 - posted
Originally posted by Exiled:
Well Micky - in all honesty 'good members' is very subjective term.

Just yesterday a member who took out her life frustrations on members was deemed good. So i ask this question - good in whose book?

just my opinion and my book [Frown] we dont always agree with what people say or do but i don't have to answer for them all i have to do is answer to myself and god [Smile]
Member # 12594
 - posted
Ah, thanks, Micky A. [Smile] Glad to know I'm not totally considered one of the malcontents around here. I just try to stay true to myself and to my God just like you. [Smile]
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
ya know i dont know about egyptians but when americans are attacked verbaly or physically its our naturl to defend ourselves be it a woman or a man!!!
sometimes its hard to restrain yrselves from typein what u feel like cussin!!but we all do it at one point or another no matter how much u deem yrself a good person one slip and yr tagged as a bad person!!
noone should put tags on noone!!or u would seriously have to tag yrself as well for judging that person and taggin them!!
Member # 14429
 - posted
Tina you speak wise words...... Anyway i was not aware that God was an ES member... Surely he is our only judge? Well he is the only judge that i acknowledge anyway... And right now i think he is pretty pissed with me so i am trying to make my atonement... [Big Grin]
Member # 13080
 - posted
ACTUALLY GOD is a member of ES
[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Razz] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Remember he is within us all......well most of us [Wink] xxxxxx
Member # 14429
 - posted
Thanks for the reminder Minty [Wink] x
Member # 14656
 - posted
Since I have been reading this site, about 2 1/2 years its always been this way, maybe it was better before then but people are people as Sands said, some nasty things are said, sometimes people regret them, sometimes not, either way it blows over
Member # 13047
 - posted
Yeah, I agree, it has always been like this. Interesting because I went to Turkey recently and went to Turkey Central which is really a good example of how a forum should be conducted. This really is a stupid forum especially under the Marriage and relationship section. Full of woman that really need to get a job or something to make their lives meaningful. It is a forum for woman that want to spend their time talking about men and relationships. How silly!!
Member # 12336
 - posted
This is not how it always has been...
The forum was meant to share expierences about Western women versus Egyptian men. The reality is that there isn't something like 'western women'and 'egyptian men'.
We have to deal with the 'Jennifer A'or 'Kimberley B', versus 'Mohammed A' or 'Ahmed B's'...
Jennifer A is a completely different person as Kimberley B is, as Ahmed is not comparable with Mohammed.
Then I'm talking about the r e a l identities, which are surely overpowered by the i m a g i o n a i r y identities as this board is covered with.
So, really usefull information can be found rarely.
When I take a look at the usefull information that has been given for the period of, for instance, one year, it is something like 20% usefull and 80% is crap.
So, o n e good advice to the ones who are really seeking advice: ignore this board.
Majority doesn't care a **** about you, your problems, or your happiness.
They are just here to enjoy theirselves....

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