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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Angel Heart
Member # 13767
 - posted
I read a post talking about Egyptian men married older foreign women for "something" only. Read my chatting discovery below:

silvermoon_sparkling: i know the culture of egyptian, men dont like older women
silvermoon_sparkling: sah?
dr_zhivago82: sah
dr_zhivago82: the man must be older
silvermoon_sparkling: but i found some married older foreign women, why?
silvermoon_sparkling: i mean they married older western/american women i found
dr_zhivago82: for business
silvermoon_sparkling: what do you mean for business?
dr_zhivago82: for migration and mony
Member # 14155
 - posted
Not always the case. If Eyptian man marry a woman a couple of years older lets say two or three years older does that have to be for business purposes? Why does the older woman just have to be american or westerner? Why not from Indonesia?
Member # 3567
 - posted
Angel Heart, most of us here know the true reasons why Egyptian guys hooking up with older foreign women. But the same reasons could be also applied if they marry a younger one - mostly for immigration purposes.

When foreign women are falling in love then they really do fall hard and there's not much what you can do. They won't see the true reasons and are convinced their case is so different.

Remember Egypt is a developing country and these guys trying anything to get out of their own country which doesn't hold any future for them (workwise and anyway it's so difficult to afford a marriage to a local woman) - by marrying a foreigner or trying to sneak on a boat to Europe which many times ends in a disaster. People are that desperate!
Member # 14189
 - posted
Well, Egyptian ladies seem to grow up faster than foreigners. Which is not always the case, but just what I observe.

If you ask an Egyptian to tell you your age he will probably get it a few years younger than it really is.

Still, lot's of Egyptians have turned into greedy pigs because of this country and government.
Member # 14096
 - posted
has anyone noticed that american men have also married older women. I don't get it. Why is it when a Egyptian marries a older women it's for business. I heard the same story 27 years ago when I married a middle easten man. They were marrying only for green cards. It will always be for some reason. Older, younger, foreigner, richer. What happened for the reason of love???
Member # 14189
 - posted
Well, it IS harder to trust people nowadays. And is only getting harder and harder. Can't blame people for being non-trusting really.
Angel Heart
Member # 13767
 - posted
Egyptian people like to ask about age.

Once time, when Egyptian sis invited me to go to the Nile with her friends and their kids (all were females). She and her friends insisted me to tell my age, I just answered them, "ask fulan"
But then they kept asking and asking... push and push. hihihi they really curious.

Another time, she invited me to visit an elementary school in Sayeda Zainab area and met some teachers there. We sat together and they really had a lot of questions for me with their limitation in English. The favourite questions they asked to me were:

- Why do you want to marry Egyptian man here, why not from your country? (seems I run after him).
- How old are you? (many times, but they answered their own question).
- If you want I can find good Egyptian man for you to marry here (My God!)
- What is your work and how much your salary
- bla bla bla

I observed 2 or 3 young female teachers did not want to join the "Round Table" or say hi to me even one of them was English teacher.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Leito:
Well, Egyptian ladies seem to grow up faster than foreigners. Which is not always the case, but just what I observe.

Ha, you are only 17 so I won't comment any further! [Smile]

And AngelHeart, yeah Egyptians are noisy as hell. How long do you live already in Egypt? I am not sure if you ever mentioned it before.
Member # 14025
 - posted
Originally posted by Angel Heart:
Egyptian people like to ask about age.

Once time, when Egyptian sis invited me to go to the Nile with her friends and their kids (all were females). She and her friends insisted me to tell my age, I just answered them, "ask fulan"
But then they kept asking and asking... push and push. hihihi they really curious.

Another time, she invited me to visit an elementary school in Sayeda Zainab area and met some teachers there. We sat together and they really had a lot of questions for me with their limitation in English. The favourite questions they asked to me were:

- Why do you want to marry Egyptian man here, why not from your country? (seems I run after him).
- How old are you? (many times, but they answered their own question).
- If you want I can find good Egyptian man for you to marry here (My God!)
- What is your work and how much your salary
- bla bla bla

I observed 2 or 3 young female teachers did not want to join the "Round Table" or say hi to me even one of them was English teacher.

These groups of Egyptian women are from the lower income background, thus not privileged and not very cultured. They don't have the notion of 'etiquette' and act a bit uncivilized because of their very humble upbringing, and their limited exposure to foreigners or other cultures, due to their limited way of life.

Same low income and uncultured groups in other countries act this way. And sometimes, will even ask you about your sex life!!! [Big Grin] or discuss many sexual issues from the first time they meet you or use a very vulgar jargon etc...
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Angelheart, I have noticed the same...it's a cultural difference, to many (at least Westerners) to ask about age, income or private matters is considerely EXTREMELY rude. I won't answer any of these things and I never have, I tell them that in my culture that is a rude thing to ask, they always reply, 'ohhh but in ours it isn't rude' and I say, 'then you should ask someone from your own culture and not me'. Shuts them up in a big hurry...escoty ba2ah. [Razz]

BTW, Almaz is absolutely right in my opinion.
Member # 13923
 - posted
Do you really say that smuckers! Woah, you have guts, I couldnt say that, I would just have to tell them, probably followed by wanting to leave the room and never come back for what would feel like an interrogation...lol
Member # 14025
 - posted
The most important thing to know about dealing with uncivilized Egyptian people - even if it is unfortunate, and yes it is not their fault they were born in a lower income family, or an uncivilized one, and not exposed to the rest of the world - is to 'educate' them, and say 'KEDA 3EEB, kefaya as'ela mohhrega' = 'This way is not correct, stop with the embarassing/uncivilized questions.

Exactly the way you would deal with the same type in your country.

smuckers - It is RUDE in our Egyptian culture to even discuss money. Even in villages, the head of the family never discusses money in front of his wife and children, they provide and no discussion..But.. LOTS of people in Egypt, and many are uncivilized. And, you're right to shut them up. This is the only way some will learn to respect the other's privacy.

Our housekeeper is now 'educating' her daughter to be discreet and respectful of other's private matters, and encouraging her to go to university etc...
Angel Heart
Member # 13767
 - posted
I set foot on Cairo in July 2005
Member # 10697
 - posted
In New York the conversation starter, holding a martini in hand, is, "So, what do you do?"
(Implying, what do you do for a living?)


If you don't have a high end good paying career - you're out of the inner circle! lol
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Angel Heart:
I set foot on Cairo in July 2005

..... and great to have you here on the board! [Smile]
mysterious girl
Member # 14191
 - posted
I dnt want to judge them, but base on what I see it’s a little bit awkward.

I have a friend, she’s working with a couple the guy is from Egypt and he is an Egyptian the girl is from Venezuela. They meet last year 2006 after a couple months they get married. The guy is working in a bank after promotion and after the marriage he left the bank. I can say that the girl is a rich one; she has lots of business here. And that time the guy is not working at all. But im just wondering because the girl had married before and she have a liitle girl, after the divorce she get married again to the Egyptian guy. Its ok for a one Egyptian to get married with that girl even she get married before. My friend told me the reason why the guy marry the girl its because of the money.
Member # 4668
 - posted
From what I gathered from my 'Egyptian Adventure' so far:

- Egy men want an Egy bride who is young and a VIRGIN (OK, the virgin thing pertains to ALL MEN! [Big Grin] )
- Any other wife material substitute comes for a reason

Let's face it: there are cases of controversial love and soul mates in every country, be it big age or status difference, different looks, etc. The truth: Who really wants the second hand merchandise if they could equally have the first class??
The problem: high prized brides come in Egypt for... a high price. Western women are much cheaper to marry and rewards are boundless. Then - what the heck! [Big Grin]

Bidness is bidness: we pay the price fo gain what we care for.

Don't think me and my relationship are beyond the 'laws' that I wrote above: we are right there allright. [Smile] Denial does not change the reality. Open mind does. [Wink]
Member # 13695
 - posted
I don't think that foriegn women are cheaper to marry, Egyptian guy often pays everything at the end . [Big Grin]

I think foreign women do not know the culture so they don't know how to correctly evaluate egyptian guy so out of lack of knowledge they are more accepting.

If foreign woman knows what Egyptian woman knows, she would act the same way as Egyptian woman.

No matter how real this marriage is to foreign woman, it can never be real to egyptians around them. They must be of same religion ( not necessarily same culture, and similar age 1-3 years at max age difference )or at least to look young and vibrant, healthy and happy.

Also Egyptian men don't necessarily want a virgin in BIOLOGICAL SENSE. They don't want hymen, but woman who followed her tradition. They want a woman that is respectable in the society where she grew up.

Example: Muslim woman raised in west will be treated differently from Muslim woman raised in Islamic society. They KNOW that woman A had different culture and was raised differently that woman B, they are not stupid.

Egyptian men ar every smart people and they also have sophisticated way of knowing you and exploring all possibilities and they also know all spectrums of love emotion.

I just can't believe that there are so many missconceptions about Egyptian and Muslim men in general. In general, Muslim men are the best providers, the best fathers, the best protectors, the best in crucial things that women value, in other words, the best men in the world.
Member # 13695
 - posted
These groups of Egyptian women are from the lower income background, thus not privileged and not very cultured. They don't have the notion of 'etiquette' and act a bit uncivilized because of their very humble upbringing, and their limited exposure to foreigners or other cultures, due to their limited way of life.
Almaz I am starting to notice how much you dislike your own people. [Big Grin] Do you think that you are more cultured by telling others how stupid and uneducated these "lower income" Egyptian women are due to their "limited way of life"?

Are you RICH? How rich? Let me hear you...
Member # 4668
 - posted
lovingmylife - have you ever been to Egypt?

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