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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 13825
 - posted
some men specifically like a woman that carry excess weight on her hips and backside so that when viewed from behind has a tremendous sexually arousing effect on some men.

some men look specifically for a very fat wife, and some marry a slim woman who later put on alot of excess weight.

i personally appreciate the way a certain extra amount of flesh on the womans hips and backside enhances her natural beauty.
hence i wouldnt turn down a date with a fat woman.
after spending time getting to know her, i may find she is nice in personality and i grow to appreciate her more
and ultimately ask her to marry me.
i want to know though that if you are a overweight woman who is married and your husband still finds you attractive, how do you feel about your body?
perhaps extra wide hips and a big bottom makes you feel more womanly sexy?
on the other hand it may make you feel the opposite and you dont feel attractive anymore?
i am overweight but obviously am a man
but i do find that having carrying excess flesh around my tummy does make me feel less attractive to women.
if i stood next to a man with a 6 pack, i wouldnt be surprised if the woman choose him rather me because i am out of shape.
i mean its not like men that get get a aroused when they see a woman with a really big meaty backside and wide hips.
i assume women think to themselves, well he is in bad shape, wont feel good walking out with him and he will get worn quickly in bed.
perhaps i am wrong?
but if a woman see a man who is in good physical shape she will likely think...mmmm he is fit!
i'll feel really proud being seen with him and he will have loads of staying power in bed!
men think differently about women.
a big bottomed woman to a man is more to get him aroused and excited.
its funny how these things work out isnt it!
a skinny woman with hardly much backside or hips may find she doesnt arouse her partner sexually as much as a woman who is more curvier.
i dont know maybe i'm completely wrong!
maybe wide hips and big backside dont mean much to some men?
its like that old saying'its not how big it is, its how you use it'
but in my opinion that saying applies to men only.
(for obvious reasons ; )
Life is good
Member # 12116
 - posted
What is the relevence of this topic to Egypt?
Member # 13825
 - posted
it doesnt have to be relevant to the topic of egypt
my topic anyone can relate to regardless of their country.
Member # 11693
 - posted
<if i stood next to a man with a 6 pack>

Be careful and stay away from Alistair. [Big Grin] [Razz]
Member # 11693
 - posted
Originally posted by bigtum:
it doesnt have to be relevant to the topic of egypt
my topic anyone can relate to regardless of their country.

Yeah,it can be relevant to anybody in a relationship,Egyptian or anywhere in the world. [Cool]
Member # 13825
 - posted
Originally posted by Sashyra88:
<if i stood next to a man with a 6 pack>

Be careful and stay away from Alistair. [Big Grin] [Razz]

thats a defamatory thing to say about alistair [Eek!]
Member # 13825
 - posted
Originally posted by Sashyra88:
Originally posted by bigtum:
it doesnt have to be relevant to the topic of egypt
my topic anyone can relate to regardless of their country.

Yeah,it can be relevant to anybody in a relationship,Egyptian or anywhere in the world. [Cool]
yeah i agree sash.
btw i thought egyptian men like their wives or girlfriends to be fat?
i know for sure that in africa fat women are highly esteemed especially those women that have wide hips and very fat backsides.
speaking from a male point of view i like it and think it looks nice
but i think it must be a burden for the women sometimes.
but it is a medical fact that big bottomed women are more healthy than tummy heavy women because all that fat around the heart isnt good.
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by bigtum:
btw i thought egyptian men like their wives or girlfriends to be fat?

I know lots of Egyptian men who are very fond of slim women. [Roll Eyes] It's a matter of personal taste, just like anywhere in the world.
Member # 13825
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
Originally posted by bigtum:
btw i thought egyptian men like their wives or girlfriends to be fat?

I know lots of Egyptian men who are very fond of slim women. [Roll Eyes] It's a matter of personal taste, just like anywhere in the world.
you are correct.
Member # 13217
 - posted
Egyptian society at one point looked favorably towards heftier women. However with the advent of satellite television with gorgeous slim Arabian beauties constantly in exposition the outlook is changing. It seems many people and I don’t necessarily mean ES members but many people are failing to understand the rapid transformation of Middle Eastern society with regards to their perception of beauty. Many Arab men who marry women from their inner circles (cousins and close friends of families) are demanding that the expected brides shed some pounds. Slim is definitely in with the majority of young men and as hard as it is for some people to grasp, this is the truth.

Slim is no longer regarded as malnutrition and deficiency. Slim is regarded now as healthy and beautiful. The internet and satellite TV with the plethora of programs emphasizing a healthy body are educating Arabs from the Saeed to the Sahara to the mountains of Syria.

Slim is in.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Slim is IN yes but I have noticed it is slim with some elevation in the buttocks and chest - the twiggy days will never be back...THANK GOD. [Razz]
Member # 13217
 - posted
Well you know the Arabs will never get it right. They are wanna-be westerners and the result will never be as good as the real deal. I think they have to understand that many women who are slim(in the west) work their butts off and not simply starve themselves before marriage.

It is sad but this is the case in many families throughout the Arab world. Women must shed the weight but the man will look good despite the belly. Really a shame and I feel sorry for them because it’s like ‘if she is not skinny in one year, I will not marry her’.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
i myself like fat men i hate skinny men who wanna have sex with a bone lol
i like big butts and tight one!!!
Member # 13217
 - posted

Men are usually above the hype. Back in the day we used to joke that the” ugliest muthafucka should have at least 8 babes” and if doesn’t then he is not applying himself.

You see women are funny creatures, many times they look beyond our faces and bodies, some are into rough love making and like it big, some love power, some love calm guys, some love extra horny guys, some love quiet guys, some love intelligent guys, some love funny guys, some love this kind and that kind of guy.

Guys look at the face, the ass, and the body for long term relationships. Personality is later on.

Don’t butcher me for my views.
Prince of Nothing
Member # 12020
 - posted
I've never been a fan of "slim" or thin women..

I've always liked the curvy ones the most; you know, the ones that actually had some ass, hips and tits.

Doesn't mean I'd roll with a fat chick in the hay though [Razz]

Too much of a good thing is bad.

Anyway, most guys I know hold similar views.

A woman with wide hips, a butt, large breasts etc yet STILL FIT, is more feminine (physically atleast) in my opinion than a woman with no shape to her figure.

These traits are not only associated with femininity from a cultural perspective, but also from a biological perspective aswell.

Meaning, that men will associate those traits with healthy femininity, because we are biologically programmed to do so.

The phrase "child bearing hips" come to mind.

That doesn't mean all men will be attracted to such women however, because sexual attraction isn't solely governed by biological programming.

On the flipside, a woman would favor men that have broad shoulders, chest, narrow hips and a muscular frame, because those are traits associated with the masculine ideal.

Member # 13217
 - posted
We need to have an understanding of what slim is:

My understanding is slim equates to a slim body with a nice derrière and nice ahem *ahem* breast A to C ,although if the waist is super thin then a D is also slim
Angel Heart
Member # 13767
 - posted
My experience in Egyptian family is they asked me to eat a lot and a lot in order to make me fat. A husband will feel proud if his wife is fat cause it means he can give his wife good food!
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Angel Heart:
My experience in Egyptian family is they asked me to eat a lot and a lot in order to make me fat. A husband will feel proud if his wife is fat cause it means he can give his wife good food!

Oh I know what you are talking about! Please make sure they will not find a way to feed you fat! Eat slowly because if you empty your plate too fast they will put you a second portion on it - without even asking! Good luck!
Member # 10829
 - posted
Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat... no matter how big you are, you will find your size mate.
Member # 13261
 - posted
Originally posted by Life is good:
What is the relevence of this topic to Egypt?

because i always see these men married to big women.
its kinda like that old song...
'if ya wanna be happy for the rest of your life
never make a pretty woman your wife
take it from...(something somthing)...point of view
get an ugly girl to marry you."
Member # 13217
 - posted
Originally posted by MissJambi:
Originally posted by Life is good:
What is the relevence of this topic to Egypt?

because i always see these men married to big women.
its kinda like that old song...
'if ya wanna be happy for the rest of your life
never make a pretty woman your wife
take it from...(something somthing)...point of view
get an ugly girl to marry you."

Member # 13923
 - posted
I have always been slim naturally, but my egyptian friends are always saying I'm too thin

I'm not too thin at all, i'm size 12/14, I rekon some wouldnt be happy until i was waddling down the street with a secret stash of mars bars in my pocket.

AND another thing that always used to bug me, I used to be smaller, size 10, people (women) would always comment, 'you dont need to worry bout what you eat' (accompanied by a dirty look) because your not eating pies!!! but why do people think they can comment, one woman who said this was about 53 stone! I never said 'its about time you started worrying and laid off those pies!'
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
i have been skinny i have been fat all of that crap i have had more luck with men when i was fat
i am not ugly i just choose not to want them men i want a man that will sexurally arouse me fat or skinny if the men dont want fat screw them they are mostly ugly men anyway i seen the sexiest men that want fat women
mine is sexy to me he is fine with me bein fat
cas hes fat too lol
Member # 13788
 - posted
well i admit i am a bit chunky now ive had 2 children i used to be a size 8 had stomach muscles and got a big butt but my b/f loves it he says he dont mind me having a bit of extra weight im size 12 now but i dont like it im going to try lose this baby belly
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
Originally posted by mlebev:
well i admit i am a bit chunky now ive had 2 children i used to be a size 8 had stomach muscles and got a big butt but my b/f loves it he says he dont mind me having a bit of extra weight im size 12 now but i dont like it im going to try lose this baby belly

girl me tooooooo that baby belly is a killer
Member # 13923
 - posted
mlebev, size 12 isn't big...dont say that you will give me a complex! [Frown]

I guess it depends how tall you are too, I prefer being a 12 to a 10, I feel much better, I really dont like seeing thin women on TV, even when i was slim you couldn't see my bones, I was looking at pictures of Angelina Jolie and Posh yesterday, they look awful, really awful. I guess angelina isn't doing it on purpose but some are.
There was an advert on an exercise machine on TV too, these women were complaining about their baby tums, so they were working out to get a really flat tum, like we had at 12! I swear it looks freaky, a woman of 40 with a tum of a 12 year old.
I like my baby tum, i feel more like a woman than when i had the figure of a boy.
Prince of Nothing
Member # 12020
 - posted
Originally posted by tina kamal:
cas hes fat too lol

LOL just LOL [Big Grin]

Member # 11209
 - posted
mine is sexy to me he is fine with me bein fat
cas hes fat too lol

priceless [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Member # 13825
 - posted
Originally posted by Angel Heart:
My experience in Egyptian family is they asked me to eat a lot and a lot in order to make me fat. A husband will feel proud if his wife is fat cause it means he can give his wife good food!

mmmmmmm yes but where do you draw the line?
it is one thing to be submissive to your husband but draw a line when it comes to your health.
im sure you wouldnt eat so much that you become house bound and unable to walk?
Member # 13825
 - posted
Originally posted by Wanderer:
I have always been slim naturally, but my egyptian friends are always saying I'm too thin

I'm not too thin at all, i'm size 12/14, I rekon some wouldnt be happy until i was waddling down the street with a secret stash of mars bars in my pocket.

AND another thing that always used to bug me, I used to be smaller, size 10, people (women) would always comment, 'you dont need to worry bout what you eat' (accompanied by a dirty look) because your not eating pies!!! but why do people think they can comment, one woman who said this was about 53 stone! I never said 'its about time you started worrying and laid off those pies!'

i sympathise with you wanderer.
it is funny that often the very ones that find fault with the way a individual looks, are often shall we say 'far from perfect' themselves.
my ex weighed a whopping 32 stone when we first met but she had been much fatter but managed to lose some weight.
she was extremely sensitive being so big and wouldnt take comments about her size kindly.
i loved her regardless of her size
and would do the same if i ever go out with another very fat lady.
Member # 13825
 - posted
Originally posted by tina kamal:
i have been skinny i have been fat all of that crap i have had more luck with men when i was fat
i am not ugly i just choose not to want them men i want a man that will sexurally arouse me fat or skinny if the men dont want fat screw them they are mostly ugly men anyway i seen the sexiest men that want fat women
mine is sexy to me he is fine with me bein fat
cas hes fat too lol

i remember many years a friend of mine said something which i agree with.
he said it is better to go out with a so called ugly woman because not only will they appreciate you, they also wont be in a haste to leave you when you hit the rocks.
Member # 13825
 - posted
Originally posted by mlebev:
well i admit i am a bit chunky now ive had 2 children i used to be a size 8 had stomach muscles and got a big butt but my b/f loves it he says he dont mind me having a bit of extra weight im size 12 now but i dont like it im going to try lose this baby belly

excellent post mlebev
you made a valid point.
you see its one thing for us men to say oh yes we love fat women!
but do we ever stop to think how our wives and girlfriends feel about themselves?
often we will be surprised to find that women do want to look their best.
not all women will be content to stay fat.
the problem is us men are often biased
when it comes to our wives and girlfriends body weight.
on the one hand a woman who has wide hips and a big meaty backside is extremely sexually arousing to us men.
but what if your partner feels uncomfortable with her size and shape?
would you sympathise with her or insist she do nothing to slim down?
if i am honest i do appreciate very much women who are wide hipped and bottom heavy because from my point of view being a man, i think it looks sexy and is arousing and comforting.
but the woman will sometimes hold a differnt point of view and i certainly symapathise and try to understand that some women just dont like carrying too much on their hips and backside, let alone anywhere else.
Member # 13825
 - posted
Originally posted by Wanderer:
mlebev, size 12 isn't big...dont say that you will give me a complex! [Frown]

I guess it depends how tall you are too, I prefer being a 12 to a 10, I feel much better, I really dont like seeing thin women on TV, even when i was slim you couldn't see my bones, I was looking at pictures of Angelina Jolie and Posh yesterday, they look awful, really awful. I guess angelina isn't doing it on purpose but some are.
There was an advert on an exercise machine on TV too, these women were complaining about their baby tums, so they were working out to get a really flat tum, like we had at 12! I swear it looks freaky, a woman of 40 with a tum of a 12 year old.
I like my baby tum, i feel more like a woman than when i had the figure of a boy.

i agree with you wanderer
size 12 isnt exactly in the supersize zone but it is how one feels and i guess height plays a part too.
as regards posh spice, she is pretty but obviously thin
but i couldnt imagine her in a skintight pair of blue jeans showing of a full meaty backside.
i think the press would crucify her if she did.
she is caught in the celebrity trap in that now she is super rich and famous for being david beckham's wife, she cant afford to let herself go.
afterall now that she has moved to the usa, she is under more pressure to always look glamourous.
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by bigtum:
on the one hand a woman who has wide hips and a big meaty backside is extremely sexually arousing to us men.

I don't think you're in the position to speak for "most men" since there is no such thing as a common taste.

Most men *I* know are put off by "wide hips" and a "meaty backside".

Btw, can someone tell me how much a stone is? And what would a size 10 or 12 be in Europe? Sorry, but I'm not familiar with those units at all.
Member # 10593
 - posted
Btw ... your fondness for meaty backsides reminds me of Naguib Mahfouz' Cairo trilogy. One of the main characters – Jasin Abd-al-Gawad – has a huge thing for fat ladies. There is this scene where he goes to his neighbour's house to ask for the hand of her daughter. During the process he gets so infatuated with the mother's enormous backside that they end up sleeping together ... it's a very funny scene.

[Big Grin]
Angel Heart
Member # 13767
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:

Oh I know what you are talking about! Please make sure they will not find a way to feed you fat! Eat slowly because if you empty your plate too fast they will put you a second portion on it - without even asking! Good luck! [/QB][/QUOTE]

Yessssss, they put and put other portion to my plate even I said "Laa...laa". Ya Ummi, I love my body [Big Grin]
Angel Heart
Member # 13767
 - posted
Originally posted by bigtum:

mmmmmmm yes but where do you draw the line? it is one thing to be submissive to your husband but draw a line when it comes to your health.im sure you wouldnt eat so much that you become house bound and unable to walk? [/QB]
I don't know how to add some kg only on the "specific area" of my body based on his request.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:

And what would a size 10 or 12 be in Europe? Sorry, but I'm not familiar with those units at all.

Dalia it's a 38/40.

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