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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 14252
 - posted
check these statements I copy and pasted off a drug info website:

The highs:
Cannabis is a mild depressant, which means that it makes you feel relaxed, talkative and friendly. It is also an appetite stimulant, and is often prescribed to relieve the effects of glaucoma and cancer. The effects last between one and two hours. Cannabis is not an addictive substance and has no known cases of overdoses to date.

The lows:
You may feel dizzy or faint, and lose your concentration and short-term memory. It can dry you out, making your throat, tongue and lips dry, leaving you hungry and tired.

The highs: In small amounts can help people to relax and feel sociable. Can make people talkative, and more likely to do things that they would not consider doing if they were sober.

The lows:
Alcohol can cause temporary blurred vision, slurred speech, loss of balance, poor judgement, poor coordination, and heightened emotions. Due to judgement being impaired by alcohol, there is an increased risk of injury and accident. Drinking alcohol can cause "hangovers" which can make you feel ill for a day or two. Alcohol is a depressant drug - if you are feeling down, drinking alcohol will make you feel worse. Mixing alcohol with other drugs can be very dangerous. Alcohol is psychologically and physiologically addictive. Long term overuse of alcohol can lead to serious liver, heart and stomach problems. Overdose of alcohol can cause alcoholic poisoning, which can in some instances be FATAL. Overdose can also lead to loss of consciousness, following which users risk choking on their own vomit, which can also be FATAL.

now tell me, what one should be illegal?
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by PeaceAtLast:
Cannabis is not an addictive substance

[Roll Eyes]

Please post a link to the drug info website.
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by PeaceAtLast:

Cannabis is a mild depressant, which means that it makes you feel relaxed, talkative and friendly.

That would make it a mild antidepressant, no?
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Originally posted by PeaceAtLast:
Cannabis is not an addictive substance

[Roll Eyes]

Please post a link to the drug info website.

It isn't physically addictive. It can be psycologically addictive with prolonged use though but there are no real withdrawals when you stop taking it. There is no way one can overdose on it and there have been no known deaths due to it, unlike other drugs including tobacco and alcohol. [Wink]
Member # 14540
 - posted
Originally posted by Ayisha:
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Originally posted by PeaceAtLast:
Cannabis is not an addictive substance

[Roll Eyes]

Please post a link to the drug info website.

It isn't physically addictive. It can be psycologically addictive with prolonged use though but there are no real withdrawals when you stop taking it. There is no way one can overdose on it and there have been no known deaths due to it, unlike other drugs including tobacco and alcohol. [Wink]
Are you refering to illness or accidents?

Ask a public safety official or a police officer about accidents involving weed. Completely different story all together.
Member # 14224
 - posted
Smoking to much weed can lead to mental disorders i think. Here in the UK the weed that is sold now is 20 times stronger than it was in the 70's. There have been loads of research on skunk (weed) and have found that some dealers add other drugs to make them more phyically addictive.

Just thought i would add my tuppence worth. [Wink]

BTW- my BIL thought he was going to overdose on bango years ago. He never smoked or drank even lots of his friends did. He was around 17 at the time and i used to say to him that he should be proud that he didn't follow his friends and that he did what he wanted without feeling pressured. One night he came home and looked awful, he started shaking and said that he thought he would die. It turned out he smoked with some friends and i think was having a panic attack. He told my hubby to look after me that he loved me and my hubby. I kept telling him noone has ever died from smoking bango but he kept saying i'm having a overdose [Big Grin] I'm going to die! My MIL was so upset she began screaming (egyptain screaming [Wink] ) the whole building woke up and knew about my poor BIL [Big Grin] She took him to the hosptial [Big Grin] where the doctor told him off and gave him a vitamin shot (don't ask me why) He didn't leave the apartment for a week in pure shame!

I have never let him live it down [Big Grin] He gets so embarassed now. [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
ewwwwww mary jane give me a majir headache i smoked it once and never again!!!
hash is just as bad!!
i dont do drugs so thats as far as i experiminted with it!!
Member # 11504
 - posted
Originally posted by Ayisha:

...but there are no real withdrawals when you stop taking it.

actually, much evidence to the contrary exists...



http://alcoholism.about.com/od/pot/a/bluvm050512.htm << this site is about weed, even tho it says alocholism

if you don't want to read any of these sites, they are basically saying that:

"Marijuana withdraw symptoms include, irritability, anger, depressed mood, headaches, restlessness, lack of appetite, and cravings for marijuana. Symptoms of marijuana withdrawal first appear in serious habitual users within the first 8 hours and are the most noticeable during the first 10 days, but withdrawal symptoms may last as long as 45 days. The withdrawal from marijuana is identifiable by behavioral and emotional distress."

so yes, on one level you are right, that it is more psychological, but don't kid yourself, there are physical effects as well...

i used to be a chronic marijuana smoker and when i'd try to go for a couple of days without, i'd get headaches and be really annoyed, and i couldn't sleep and i'd just want to smoke...

i always used to say that it's better to smoke weed than drink; i'd even say it to my mom when i was in high school and i'd come home stoned...but really, all of these drugs (alcohol and cigarettes included) are nothing but poisons...used in moderation and with control and restraint is one thing - but chronically, it's a problem...i've lived in and around addictions all my live from cigs to alcohol to food to cocaine...it ain't pretty

Om Namo Narayanaya
Member # 15064
 - posted
Drinking is the worst thing, I wish i can quit drinking but i just cant!
I don't like waking up with headache or feeling down! it leaves you low blow your mind!
Member # 15107
 - posted
Dring will dasmage our liver fast
Member # 15107
 - posted
drink damage
Member # 11504
 - posted
apparently it will damage your brain, too! hehe
Member # 15064
 - posted
liver and wallet and brain cells
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
dont forget it also makes u wake in strange postions and strange places with strange people!!!!
and it makes u do stupid things in public!
Member # 15064
 - posted
tina, i have done the most stupid thing last week while i was drunk! i was so embarrassed the next day when i woke up!
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
and what was that??
do i even wanna emagine?
Member # 15064
 - posted
I'd rather keep it to my self:) I want to forget and i hope everyone was there forget too.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
i thought drinkin was forbidden in egypt?
Member # 15064
 - posted
Who said i am in Egypt!
But for your information its not, there are pleanty of bars, pubs and clubs in Egypt.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
well noone said u was in egypt i just assumed!
and i did not know there were bars in egypt!
so the bars are they like the bars in usa?
dancing and drinkin?
as far as i knew muslims cant drink correct me if im wrong!
Member # 15064
 - posted
Yes tina, bars in Egypt are the same as in the U.S. of A but the only difference is that sometimes they play Arabic music in Egypt lol
And Muslims are not allowed to drink but some of them do unfortunately.
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by Reality_Meanie:
Originally posted by Ayisha:
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Originally posted by PeaceAtLast:
Cannabis is not an addictive substance

[Roll Eyes]

Please post a link to the drug info website.

It isn't physically addictive. It can be psycologically addictive with prolonged use though but there are no real withdrawals when you stop taking it. There is no way one can overdose on it and there have been no known deaths due to it, unlike other drugs including tobacco and alcohol. [Wink]
Are you refering to illness or accidents?

Ask a public safety official or a police officer about accidents involving weed. Completely different story all together.

Obviously I meant from overdose or prolonged use of the drug. [Roll Eyes]
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
People react differently to marijuana than others. I have known people who had a really difficult time stopping it...whether it was psychological or physical was debatable...but they never stopped to this day.
It DOES affect reaction time, it impairs you and there have been accidents and deaths due to it.

Also Marijuana is a MAJOR gateway drug, it almost always (almost) leads to heavier drug use, it makes you lazy as hell, most of the burn outs I have ever known just want to sit around and veg all day, lose their jobs and puff on the bong every couple of hours...what a waste. I think one person's experiences can't be compared to anothers. Everyone really seems to handle marijuana in different ways...like it more/less, etc.

BTW Ayisha, while I don't have any hard evidence, I did read once somewhere that they actually think that over time long term marijuana useage affects the erections in men.
Oh wait, I just found it, here it is:

Some research has found a relationship between long-term use of marijuana is associated with increased erectile dysfunction.

web page
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by With a name like Smuckers:

Some research has found a relationship between long-term use of marijuana is associated with increased erectile dysfunction.

web page

Off out to find some for hubby [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Wink]
Member # 4713
 - posted
It CAN make some people lazy, it CAN make some people get more done. I have known some people smoke it and throw up! which is not normal.

As opposed to alcohol, it does not 'generally' make people violent or do things they dont remember or have no control over. It does have 'side effects' though as any drug even prescribed ones.

My mother, who suffered enormously with pain for many years before she died, tried it and it did help relieve her pain to an extent thankfully. It is used for MS sufferers too and has been used in many medicinal areas.

I disagree that it leads to harder substances though. It CAN in some people but certainly not all and that is not the norm. Many who smoke weed never bother with harder drugs which have a totally different effect. Some will experiment with other things and stick with the weed. You have to smoke a hell of a lot for it to affect your life and lose jobs over it and its not generally something that makes you sit and smoke the bong all day long.

Those that do go on to harder things would have anyway and generally have an 'addictive' personality, meaning they would be addicted to whatever they chose to take, be it alcohol, smack or pain killers.
Member # 12156
 - posted
Originally posted by Ayisha:

Those that do go on to harder things would have anyway and generally have an 'addictive' personality, meaning they would be addicted to whatever they chose to take, be it alcohol, smack or pain killers.

I agree. Know a lot of people who smoke weed, and none of them partake in any other hard drugs.
Member # 11504
 - posted
Originally posted by Ayisha:

I disagree that it leads to harder substances though. It CAN in some people but certainly not all and that is not the norm. Many who smoke weed never bother with harder drugs which have a totally different effect. Some will experiment with other things and stick with the weed. You have to smoke a hell of a lot for it to affect your life and lose jobs over it and its not generally something that makes you sit and smoke the bong all day long.

Those that do go on to harder things would have anyway and generally have an 'addictive' personality, meaning they would be addicted to whatever they chose to take, be it alcohol, smack or pain killers.

here, i agree with you Ayisha...being one of those who "experimented" with other drugs and eventually just stuck with the weed...

i'm SURE that if i hadn't tried weed first, i would have tried 'shrooms anyway...and then blow...etc etc...

and if we're going to label ANY gateway drug, it's CIGARETTES! and alcohol is trailing at a close 2nd!
Member # 15091
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
Originally posted by PeaceAtLast:

Cannabis is a mild depressant, which means that it makes you feel relaxed, talkative and friendly.

That would make it a mild antidepressant, no?
no its a depressant...but not like sad depressed. it depresses feelings of anger and anxiety, while calming u down.
Member # 15091
 - posted
ya i tried it all...tried meth, it made me feel like i didnt have feet...
i tried coke...i got scared because it numbed my lips, my tongue and my throat therefore making me think i was suffocating.
im not an idiot. i believe addiction in the very first time is up to the user. i know the addictions and the sh*t that goes with it and i was curious. i told myself i would only try this stuff once and thats it. so far, i never tried them a second time. i felt the feel, thats all i wanted to know and i ended it there.
i could totally see how a person would wanna go back and back for more. but i didnt allow myself to go in for seconds because i didnt wanna become a junkie.
i went back to my weed and thats good enough for me:) sometimes i lick a shroom and grow 10 feet tall. but no big thing there.
Member # 15091
 - posted
Originally posted by walkingathinline:
Originally posted by Ayisha:

...but there are no real withdrawals when you stop taking it.

actually, much evidence to the contrary exists...



http://alcoholism.about.com/od/pot/a/bluvm050512.htm << this site is about weed, even tho it says alocholism

if you don't want to read any of these sites, they are basically saying that:

"Marijuana withdraw symptoms include, irritability, anger, depressed mood, headaches, restlessness, lack of appetite, and cravings for marijuana. Symptoms of marijuana withdrawal first appear in serious habitual users within the first 8 hours and are the most noticeable during the first 10 days, but withdrawal symptoms may last as long as 45 days. The withdrawal from marijuana is identifiable by behavioral and emotional distress."

so yes, on one level you are right, that it is more psychological, but don't kid yourself, there are physical effects as well...

i used to be a chronic marijuana smoker and when i'd try to go for a couple of days without, i'd get headaches and be really annoyed, and i couldn't sleep and i'd just want to smoke...

i always used to say that it's better to smoke weed than drink; i'd even say it to my mom when i was in high school and i'd come home stoned...but really, all of these drugs (alcohol and cigarettes included) are nothing but poisons...used in moderation and with control and restraint is one thing - but chronically, it's a problem...i've lived in and around addictions all my live from cigs to alcohol to food to cocaine...it ain't pretty

Om Namo Narayanaya

that BS...i been smoking since i was 17 and im 28 now. if i was out, of course i wanted some, but i was fine until i got more.
its not chemically addictive but sometimes you get really dumb people that are addicted to feeling good. they have underlying issues that make them this way, not the absence of the weed itself.
same thing with like food addiction...when these fat folk dont have their grub they get irritable and mean and depressed and will eat anything to comfort themselves. its not that they are ini nned of food, or are even hungry at all...but because they have problems that arent food related that they use the food to make themselves better. without the food they have no choice but to have to deal with life.
i watch a lot of discovery channel.
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by Pothead_Barbie:
no its a depressant...but not like sad depressed. it depresses feelings of anger and anxiety, while calming u down.

I think my definition of "depressant" wasn't quite correct. Just looked it up and realized you are right.

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