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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Mme. Godiva
Member # 12077
 - posted
Terms used for female sex tourists

Tourist women are called Shirley Valentines (if British), longtails (in Bermuda), mummies (in Luxor, Egypt, where the women are much older than their young gigolos) yellow cabs (Japan) and, in Jamaica, milk bottles if newly arrived or Stellas if black. Female sex tourism in Barbados has been dubbed “Canadian secretary syndrome.”


Since I spent a better part of a weekend multitasking and researching, shouldn't a good thread be opened up on the topic of "Romance Tourism" or Female sex tourism?

Over the weeks when I have time I will add in snippets of different articles so usernames can understand that the field of "romance tourism" is becoming a bonefide field of anthropology/sociology/psychology.

Who knows some of these researchers might be picking up inspiration for the masters or Phd thesis here on ES!
Mme. Godiva
Member # 12077
 - posted
Here's a book that might be interesting to some usernames:

Fascinating, original, honest and revealing."

-- Suzanne Siegel, Marie Claire

Romance on the Road For the first time ever, Romance on the Road will tell the compelling story of female travelers around the globe who flee loneliness and seek adventure in the arms of virile strangers in exotic settings.

Romance romps through history, beginning with pioneer sex-seekers casually picking up men in 1840s Rome. Today, charter flights full of ladies -- including grandmothers! -- seek youthful lovers in Greece, Jamaica, Barbados, Thailand, Kenya, Nepal and many other places.

Author Jeannette Belliveau explores the reasons so many women have plunged into the hedonistic world of sex tourism and the risks and rewards they face in their hunt for pleasure, healing and love. Though hundreds of thousands of women have indulged in holiday liaisons, their behavior remains one of the last remaining taboos.

Belliveau is uniquely qualified to finally reveal the hidden behavior of traveling women. After a painful divorce, she spent 12 years in sexual exile, with only cheerful foreign men able to provide the no-strings intimacy that was all she could handle. Yet these gallant souls, many from Caribbean islands, set her on a road to healing and accepting a black man permanently in her life -- as her second husband. "Your book reads like a love letter to Lamont," said one wise early reader.

The author blends anecdote with scholarly, exclusive findings. For the first time anywhere, Romance on the Road presents original research on the top countries that U.S. women visit to find husbands, as well as the drawbacks and advantages of the men available in most touristed regions of the world. Say traveling women, tourism scholars, and mental health professionals who counsel single urban women who have read the manuscript, Romance is "sexy, funny, a wonderful, wonderful book," "bound to be a hit" and "I wish the chapters would never end." They are holding their breath until they can hold the completed book!

The true travel stories in Romance on the Road are as molten as the finest erotica. Yet this the author balances the "hot stuff" with brilliant insights and tough detective work showing how travel flings embody a revolution in mate selection and mark ebbs and flows in feminist progress.

One word appeared over and over in reviews of Belliveau's first book, An Amateur's Guide to the Planet: "FASCINATING." Expect Romance on the Road to be hotter, more controversial, and doubly captivating!


Trashy, but some might find it enjoyable.
Member # 4713
 - posted
oopps thought this was a thread about your daughter asking who you were [Roll Eyes]
Member # 3567
 - posted
Sono, this thread is extremely funny and supported by Wikipedia! [Smile]

Now all *mummies* step forward please!!!! [Big Grin] [Wink]
Member # 12318
 - posted
Nepal is pretty far to go to get some lovin'
Member # 9378
 - posted
Why go all the way there when you can get them here at the gas stations? (sorry! [Big Grin] )
Member # 4713
 - posted
if you want exotic get down the London nightclubs, latino clubs latino men, no need to go all that way for a bloke [Roll Eyes]
Member # 3567
 - posted
I've got myself a half-Latino man.... and kept him! [Big Grin]

But come on, Ayisha, London has more to offer than Hispanics, I've been there.... [Wink]
Member # 4713
 - posted
tiger i know there is everything in London, any nationality you like!

paris also is way closer than Egypt and FULL of Egyptians, so European women certainly dont need to go to Egypt if they're just looking for sex and a good time with a foreigner.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Yeah I agree with you but don't underestimate another environment away from home being in an exotic country, hearing all the things you don't hear back in your own place and people get loose as they don't feel watched, it's just a different flair......

Oh and for the balance of this topic let's just point out that there is also intensive MALE SEX TOURISM going around - in Egypt and elsewhere.
Member # 12613
 - posted
Oooh the city of light is crawling with Egyptians.
Member # 12549
 - posted
Well perserved Mummy here...........must be all that oil of olay and avon products......and the young ones keeping my hormone level in check ;) hehehe
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by MissNoor:
must be all that oil of olay and avon products......

Please, no advertising for products here! [Wink]
Last Knight
Member # 9918
 - posted
I know that female sexual tourism does exist. Yet, there is a vague part to me. as I used to be a Psycho-sexologist years ago, I know that a woman with sound personality traits will be only interested in sexual practices that is a part of an intimate encounter or love. Does this change lately? Ladies, can u get me an answer?
Mme. Godiva
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Last Knight:
I know that female sexual tourism does exist. Yet, there is a vague part to me. as I used to be a Psycho-sexologist years ago, I know that a woman with sound personality traits will be only interested in sexual practices that is a part of an intimate encounter or love. Does this change lately? Ladies, can u get me an answer?

What a minute, in order to be a sexologist in Egypt is there some sort of certificate you cut out of a cornflakes box?
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
rude. [Roll Eyes]

what do you mean exactly Last Knight?
Member # 12318
 - posted
Originally posted by Mme. Godiva:
Originally posted by Last Knight:
I know that female sexual tourism does exist. Yet, there is a vague part to me. as I used to be a Psycho-sexologist years ago, I know that a woman with sound personality traits will be only interested in sexual practices that is a part of an intimate encounter or love. Does this change lately? Ladies, can u get me an answer?

What a minute, in order to be a sexologist in Egypt is there some sort of certificate you cut out of a cornflakes box?
LMAO! Ohhh snap!
Last Knight
Member # 9918
 - posted
I meant that to me the matter of paying for sex is disgusting whether for male or female. Yet, historically it has been a common male behavior all-time, for female, with exception of some figures (3 or 4 known women e.g. Cleopatra) having the sexual drive without prior emotional drive toward the partner is quite uncommon or atypical behavior of a woman. It is not a matter of ethics, usually an average woman will not enjoy sex with a man she has no feeling toward him… it is a matter of psychology pattern. You got me?

You Godiva, here you are my list of certificates:
1- Bachelor of medicine and surgery.
2- Psychio-sexology PC from University of Groningen- Netherlands
3- Professional Certificate of Management. Edinburgh Business School
4- Professional Certificate in Marketing- Chartered Institute of Marketing
5- MBA- Marketing Major- Central Michigan University

But I did not practice in Egypt. Well … what about you … hah??
Member # 4713
 - posted
Last knight, please please be very careful posting your personal details here. There are people here that will archive everything, possibly stalk you in your home and business and make your life unbearable. Please do not rise to it, do not give out any more details please.
Member # 386
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mme. Godiva:
[QB] Terms used for female sex tourists

Tourist women are called Shirley Valentines (if British), longtails (in Bermuda), mummies (in Luxor, Egypt, where the women are much older than their young gigolos)

With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by Last Knight:
I meant that to me the matter of paying for sex is disgusting whether for male or female. Yet, historically it has been a common male behavior all-time, for female, with exception of some figures (3 or 4 known women e.g. Cleopatra) having the sexual drive without prior emotional drive toward the partner is quite uncommon or atypical behavior of a woman. It is not a matter of ethics, usually an average woman will not enjoy sex with a man she has no feeling toward him… it is a matter of psychology pattern. You got me?

You Godiva, here you are my list of certificates:
1- Bachelor of medicine and surgery.
2- Psychio-sexology PC from University of Groningen- Netherlands
3- Professional Certificate of Management. Edinburgh Business School
4- Professional Certificate in Marketing- Chartered Institute of Marketing
5- MBA- Marketing Major- Central Michigan University

But I did not practice in Egypt. Well … what about you … hah??

Not sure if Last Knight is still on, but I have to agree in this a bit. while there are women who seem to practice sexual relations with a man without having a truly emotional connection, I question the ability to enjoy it. I have read that on a psychological level (and I have no degrees whatsoever in psychology please be noted) the women will do it for different reasons (marriage, insecurity, lonliness, prostitution, etc.) but really gain no true enjoyment from it, even if the height of sexual pleasure is attained. That being said, can the man? Is he more psychologically able to do this for procreation reasons, for reasons of spreading his seed in a more efficient manner? If so, what does that say about our roles as human men and women?
Katanga we bass
Member # 12233
 - posted
Originally posted by Last Knight:
I meant that to me the matter of paying for sex is disgusting whether for male or female. Yet, historically it has been a common male behavior all-time, for female, with exception of some figures (3 or 4 known women e.g. Cleopatra) having the sexual drive without prior emotional drive toward the partner is quite uncommon or atypical behavior of a woman. It is not a matter of ethics, usually an average woman will not enjoy sex with a man she has no feeling toward him… it is a matter of psychology pattern. You got me?

You Godiva, here you are my list of certificates:
1- Bachelor of medicine and surgery.
2- Psychio-sexology PC from University of Groningen- Netherlands
3- Professional Certificate of Management. Edinburgh Business School
4- Professional Certificate in Marketing- Chartered Institute of Marketing
5- MBA- Marketing Major- Central Michigan University

But I did not practice in Egypt. Well … what about you … hah??

Interesting list. Very impressive.
How come you call everyone "Dear" then ???

This place is awesome. It's like a honeypot for psychos [Big Grin]
Member # 3567
 - posted
It's not only women who are getting sexually more fulfilled if the emotions are there - it's the same with guys.
Mme. Godiva
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Last Knight:
I meant that to me the matter of paying for sex is disgusting whether for male or female. Yet, historically it has been a common male behavior all-time, for female, with exception of some figures (3 or 4 known women e.g. Cleopatra) having the sexual drive without prior emotional drive toward the partner is quite uncommon or atypical behavior of a woman. It is not a matter of ethics, usually an average woman will not enjoy sex with a man she has no feeling toward him… it is a matter of psychology pattern. You got me?

You Godiva, here you are my list of certificates:
1- Bachelor of medicine and surgery.
2- Psychio-sexology PC from University of Groningen- Netherlands
3- Professional Certificate of Management. Edinburgh Business School
4- Professional Certificate in Marketing- Chartered Institute of Marketing
5- MBA- Marketing Major- Central Michigan University

But I did not practice in Egypt. Well … what about you … hah??

Difficulty with your "theory" above is for most of human history until the "enlightenment" age in Europe people didn't marry for love.

Most marriages were arranged and women the world over didn't have a say in their sexuality and didn't have the option of marrying for love or even f*cking for love. that didn't really happen in the west until the late 1890s and love based sex didn't happen in the west until the late 1950s.

And about your credentials or so called credentials.... Most usernames on ES lie through their teeth on just about any topic, moreso on actual education and career highlights. So you've just established yourself as a complete fraud in my book.
Member # 8748
 - posted
I respectfully disagree, I think "love" based sex has been going on since the first time one ape snorgled up against the other and said, "wow, a furry ass is great!, I LOVE a furry ass." and the other ape was thinking , "gee who will snorgle me with all this hair on my ass?" To posit that sex for love wasn't happening in the US until the 1950's is just ridiculous.

Marriage for love is another topic altogether, but sexuality and marriage are beasts of a different stripe.
Mme. Godiva
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Cosmogirl:
I respectfully disagree, I think "love" based sex has been going on since the first time one ape snorgled up against the other and said, "wow, a furry ass is great!, I LOVE a furry ass." and the other ape was thinking , "gee who will snorgle me with all this hair on my ass?" To posit that sex for love wasn't happening in the US until the 1950's is just ridiculous.

Marriage for love is another topic altogether, but sexuality and marriage are beasts of a different stripe.

If you studied feminist history and philogy you'd understand that women in the ancient world were expected to stay virgins till marriage and completely faithful after that.

Sexual pursuits didn't become a female past-time until after the Edwardian age.

Even look at Hindu philosophy, Shintuism and Confuscianism; all three point to pursuit of sexual pleasure a male past time and the female a passive instrument of male virility.

But again you can always turn to 20th century romance novels to re-write history.

Yet the pre-Agriculture societies did promote female empowerment through sexual prowness of females, but thats about 20,000 years ago.
Member # 10861
 - posted
Originally posted by Mme. Godiva:
Originally posted by Cosmogirl:
I respectfully disagree, I think "love" based sex has been going on since the first time one ape snorgled up against the other and said, "wow, a furry ass is great!, I LOVE a furry ass." and the other ape was thinking , "gee who will snorgle me with all this hair on my ass?" To posit that sex for love wasn't happening in the US until the 1950's is just ridiculous.

Marriage for love is another topic altogether, but sexuality and marriage are beasts of a different stripe.

If you studied feminist history and philogy you'd understand that women in the ancient world were expected to stay virgins till marriage and completely faithful after that.

Sexual pursuits didn't become a female past-time until after the Edwardian age.

Even look at Hindu philosophy, Shintuism and Confuscianism; all three point to pursuit of sexual pleasure a male past time and the female a passive instrument of male virility.

But again you can always turn to 20th century romance novels to re-write history.

Yet the pre-Agriculture societies did promote female empowerment through sexual prowness of females, but thats about 20,000 years ago.

come to MAMA

HEY BABY how you doin long time no see i hear some good flapping news of you ,if id known sooner i would have been here to entertain you
oh how me is a love you queenbee
Member # 8748
 - posted
LOL. Where on earth are you studying Feminist History? Time to gve a bad evaluation to your teacher because you seem to have a very male dominated position of all things relational, all the way to the misogynistic views of sexuality. Goddess culture, Matriarchial society, all of it pre-dated the emergence of organized religion, and it was the creation of a male god-head that began the sublimation of the feminine power. The Catholic Inquisition alone was enough to redifine which gender had power, and that was a conswquense of the shift in deity from feminine to masculine. Sexual prowess had nothing to do with anything, but the ability to trace heritage matrilinerally was important at the time.

Sexual pusuits as a pasttime in Edwardian times? It was a period of time in which women became empowered to be MORE than sexual vessels, and the suffragetes were on the front line of re-defining what it meant to be a woman. Politics and social reform were the order of the day in Edwardian times, NOT sexual pursuits.

Being expected to remain a virgin, and remaining one are two different things, and again you present a male centric view of what was expected of women. I dare say that virginity wasn't the salient point for marriages, nor was chastity central, but fiscal and social compatibility.

I won't even address the points in Far Eastern philosophy that negate your wild claim of women as sexual vessels.

Suggested reading for the day: "Women who Run with the Wolves" by Clarissa Pinkola Estes. "The tales here, from various cultures, are not necessarily about wolves; instead, they illuminate fresh perspectives on relationships, self-image, even addiction. An African tale of twins who baffle a man represents the dual nature of woman; from the Middle East, a story about a threadbare but secretly magic carpet shows society's failure to look beyond appearances. Three brief, ribald stories advocate a playful, open sexuality; other examples suggest ways to deal with anger and jealousy. At times, Estes's commentary--in which she urges readers to draw upon and enjoy their Wild Woman aspects--is hyperbolic, but overall her widely researched study offers usable advice for modern women."

Do you hate women as much as you come across? You imply that women who visit Egypt are sexual predators, and that you are offended by them... why? Why do you care at all what other people are doing with their time and bodies? I think your point of view is off and that you blanket wash other women with your self appointed peity and place yourself as some sick example of what is right when in fact you have issues the same as just about anyone else. Now you are moving to attack the position of ALL WOMEN over the ENTIRE SPAN OF RECORDED HISTORY with regard to sexual pleasure and position. No matter what you read, you are unqualified simply by being so isolated in your lifestyle to comment on the virtues of other society or the function of sex in any type of region and religion. I reccommend reading web articles on sexuality that aren't written by Pakistani muslims.

And you betcha I studied Feminist History, and the feminist perspective in literature, as well as a semester in Womens Studies (in addition to Theology) so my point of view is informed and eduacted. I will not however, engage in a pithy "who's smarter" game with you, because we both know the answer to that, and it doesn't flatter you.
Member # 11552
 - posted
No need to head to Egypt, ladies. Older women are desired by younger men in the West. Hell, sometimes they even pay for everything too [Eek!] [Big Grin] [Razz] :


''Older Women, Younger Men, November 28, 2002
Reviewer: Cassandra Barnes
Felicia Brings and Susan Winter demolish the myths surrounding non-traditional love relationships in Older Women, Younger Men: New Options for Love and Romance. Brings and Winter say that older women/younger men relationships are "often met with extreme criticism, censure and scorn, and are rejected by the couple's friends and family members."
They've packed their book with stories of how couples can overcome the stigma and difficulties associated with non-traditional relationships. They interviewed dozens of couples willing to share their experiences in building lasting relationships. They also describe the common pitfalls that can destroy a loving alliance, and offer experienced advice on how to avoid those pitfalls.
Brings and Winter say that older women/younger men relationships are more prevalent than the average person realizes, but that many couples tend to keep their personal lives hidden from a disapproving public.
Older women and younger men, like most other couples, are attracted to one another for a variety of reasons, including sexual desire. Younger men like the fact that most mature women know who they are and what they want--they have a strong sense of identity. Unlike older men, younger men have grown up in a culture that encourages self-awareness and emotional expression--they realize their role in a relationship is more than providing economic stability. Older women and younger men currently have the ability to forge truly intimate relationships based on trust.
Men and women today have more options available to them than ever before. Older Women, Younger Men offers support and encouragement for those selecting less-conventional options. It's also an essential reference that will help friends and family understand why more and more younger men and older women are choosing each other as their lifetime partners.''
Mme. Godiva
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Cosmogirl:
LOL. Where on earth are you studying Feminist History? Time to gve a bad evaluation to your teacher because you seem to have a very male dominated position of all things relational, all the way to the misogynistic views of sexuality. Goddess culture, Matriarchial society, all of it pre-dated the emergence of organized religion, and it was the creation of a male god-head that began the sublimation of the feminine power. The Catholic Inquisition alone was enough to redifine which gender had power, and that was a conswquense of the shift in deity from feminine to masculine. Sexual prowess had nothing to do with anything, but the ability to trace heritage matrilinerally was important at the time.

Sexual pusuits as a pasttime in Edwardian times? It was a period of time in which women became empowered to be MORE than sexual vessels, and the suffragetes were on the front line of re-defining what it meant to be a woman. Politics and social reform were the order of the day in Edwardian times, NOT sexual pursuits.

Being expected to remain a virgin, and remaining one are two different things, and again you present a male centric view of what was expected of women. I dare say that virginity wasn't the salient point for marriages, nor was chastity central, but fiscal and social compatibility.

I won't even address the points in Far Eastern philosophy that negate your wild claim of women as sexual vessels.

Suggested reading for the day: "Women who Run with the Wolves" by Clarissa Pinkola Estes. "The tales here, from various cultures, are not necessarily about wolves; instead, they illuminate fresh perspectives on relationships, self-image, even addiction. An African tale of twins who baffle a man represents the dual nature of woman; from the Middle East, a story about a threadbare but secretly magic carpet shows society's failure to look beyond appearances. Three brief, ribald stories advocate a playful, open sexuality; other examples suggest ways to deal with anger and jealousy. At times, Estes's commentary--in which she urges readers to draw upon and enjoy their Wild Woman aspects--is hyperbolic, but overall her widely researched study offers usable advice for modern women."

Do you hate women as much as you come across? You imply that women who visit Egypt are sexual predators, and that you are offended by them... why? Why do you care at all what other people are doing with their time and bodies? I think your point of view is off and that you blanket wash other women with your self appointed peity and place yourself as some sick example of what is right when in fact you have issues the same as just about anyone else. Now you are moving to attack the position of ALL WOMEN over the ENTIRE SPAN OF RECORDED HISTORY with regard to sexual pleasure and position. No matter what you read, you are unqualified simply by being so isolated in your lifestyle to comment on the virtues of other society or the function of sex in any type of region and religion. I reccommend reading web articles on sexuality that aren't written by Pakistani muslims.

And you betcha I studied Feminist History, and the feminist perspective in literature, as well as a semester in Womens Studies (in addition to Theology) so my point of view is informed and eduacted. I will not however, engage in a pithy "who's smarter" game with you, because we both know the answer to that, and it doesn't flatter you.

Good lord I didn't bother to read this, but....

I have a neighbor who is a Phd candidate for English or writting or something. She claims from her research any piece of writting that has so many descriptives or adjective like your writting above points to mania and all around bad taste.

Kinda like the Gov. Arnold book thats out now.

[Big Grin]
Last Knight
Member # 9918
 - posted
Cosmogirl, i am raising my hat for the knowlegable participation. Thank you
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by Cosmogirl:
LOL. Where on earth are you studying Feminist History? Time to gve a bad evaluation to your teacher because you seem to have a very male dominated position of all things relational, all the way to the misogynistic views of sexuality. Goddess culture, Matriarchial society, all of it pre-dated the emergence of organized religion, and it was the creation of a male god-head that began the sublimation of the feminine power. The Catholic Inquisition alone was enough to redifine which gender had power, and that was a conswquense of the shift in deity from feminine to masculine. Sexual prowess had nothing to do with anything, but the ability to trace heritage matrilinerally was important at the time.

Sexual pusuits as a pasttime in Edwardian times? It was a period of time in which women became empowered to be MORE than sexual vessels, and the suffragetes were on the front line of re-defining what it meant to be a woman. Politics and social reform were the order of the day in Edwardian times, NOT sexual pursuits.

Being expected to remain a virgin, and remaining one are two different things, and again you present a male centric view of what was expected of women. I dare say that virginity wasn't the salient point for marriages, nor was chastity central, but fiscal and social compatibility.

I won't even address the points in Far Eastern philosophy that negate your wild claim of women as sexual vessels.

Suggested reading for the day: "Women who Run with the Wolves" by Clarissa Pinkola Estes. "The tales here, from various cultures, are not necessarily about wolves; instead, they illuminate fresh perspectives on relationships, self-image, even addiction. An African tale of twins who baffle a man represents the dual nature of woman; from the Middle East, a story about a threadbare but secretly magic carpet shows society's failure to look beyond appearances. Three brief, ribald stories advocate a playful, open sexuality; other examples suggest ways to deal with anger and jealousy. At times, Estes's commentary--in which she urges readers to draw upon and enjoy their Wild Woman aspects--is hyperbolic, but overall her widely researched study offers usable advice for modern women."

Do you hate women as much as you come across? You imply that women who visit Egypt are sexual predators, and that you are offended by them... why? Why do you care at all what other people are doing with their time and bodies? I think your point of view is off and that you blanket wash other women with your self appointed peity and place yourself as some sick example of what is right when in fact you have issues the same as just about anyone else. Now you are moving to attack the position of ALL WOMEN over the ENTIRE SPAN OF RECORDED HISTORY with regard to sexual pleasure and position. No matter what you read, you are unqualified simply by being so isolated in your lifestyle to comment on the virtues of other society or the function of sex in any type of region and religion. I reccommend reading web articles on sexuality that aren't written by Pakistani muslims.

And you betcha I studied Feminist History, and the feminist perspective in literature, as well as a semester in Womens Studies (in addition to Theology) so my point of view is informed and eduacted. I will not however, engage in a pithy "who's smarter" game with you, because we both know the answer to that, and it doesn't flatter you.

[Big Grin] cosmo, I made you brownies [Big Grin]
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by Last Knight:
Cosmogirl, i am raising my hat for the knowlegable participation. Thank you

she always does it, just a shame those that need it dont read it [Roll Eyes]
Member # 8748
 - posted
Now you want to play; My neighbor is smarter than you are?

"I have a neighbor who is a Phd candidate for English or writting or something."

Because it is obvious that you aren't involved in improving your "writting". I find your small denials, "I am not reading ALL that" to be hilarious given your impulse to spam the board with overlong and unrelateable articles.
MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by Cosmogirl:
Now you want to play; My neighbor is smarter than you are?

"I have a neighbor who is a Phd candidate for English or writting or something."

Because it is obvious that you aren't involved in improving your "writting". I find your small denials, "I am not reading ALL that" to be hilarious given your impulse to spam the board with overlong and unrelateable articles.

CG, I found this post on another forum by someone imitating Sono's style. I almost had a heart attack!


An equilateral triangle has angles of pi/3 each, but that's only in a Pythagorean plane. The prevalence of J-Y Haplotype in Egypt indicates significant admixture from Arabs. Insects are a very significant factor in the pollination of plants. A circle has no corners. The Aryan invasion theory remains controversial. It was pretty annoying when adult swim showed "Saved by the bell" who needs the 80's. That 80's show wasn't impressive. That seventies show was a hell of a lot of fun. Sadat's internal policy deteriorated in the late 70's. When the Shah left Iran he went to Aswan as a guest of Sadat. The first cataract is magestically beautifull. Kush ended at the first cataract. Cushitic languages are spoken in the horn of Africa.
This ^^^^^^ is you writing a post Sonomod.

[Big Grin]
Member # 8748
 - posted
Member # 12156
 - posted

interesting post cosmogirl. [Smile]

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