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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 6838
 - posted

yorkshire rose
Member # 12072
 - posted
whts this mystic?
Member # 4713
 - posted
its the nevermind thread YR.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
ok Ayisha nevermind then lol
Kaket el 7o7
Member # 14248
 - posted
I'm not going to post on this thread either
Snidely Whiplash
Member # 15126
 - posted
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
Originally posted by Kaket el 7o7:
I'm not going to post on this thread either

too late u already did... so whats the point in pointing out u wasnt gonne post here is u clearly did post here???
just an observation!!!
Member # 3567
 - posted
Oh and I hoped for some "Mystic News"! I guess false alarm; obviously she's not pregnant yet!!
Member # 4713
 - posted
maybe she is TL then thought against saying anything, ahh nevermind then [Big Grin]
Member # 14488
 - posted
Mystic's reminiscing of her glory 30+ pages threads?

[Roll Eyes]

Undergoing severe attention withdrawal symptoms,Mystic?
Member # 6838
 - posted
haha nope, i posted something then changed my mind. I came back from work lastnight and found that the thread was deleted and was curious as to what went on after i left for work and why it managed to get deleted but then after i posted asking what went on, i decided it really wasnt worth asking... soo hence the nevermind.

As for not pregnant yet, well no, not for lack of trying however, but our timing of when we are together hasnt been at the proper times to conceive, however, this month will be so perhaps by mid august i will have news on that.
Momma Dukes
Member # 14252
 - posted
didnt u just have a baby? just asking. you want a baby, do 13 days after your period stopped...trust me.

and sash...wtf's ur problem? you say she out for attention but what the hell YOU here for?

you aint no less of a BS writer than anyone else here dawg.

you know its those big mouth fukken comments that keep the trouble going....wise up. [Mad]
Member # 6838
 - posted
No MD, i had a miscarriage several months ago but no one here knew i was pregnant. I had kept it to myself and close friends to keep evil wishes away

and yes, 13 to 14 days after is the most fertile time. I had tracked my fertile days online starting in may. Its just that our trips back and forth so far had not timed out right for that, but this time he is arriving on 26th and the highest possible date is 27th so its perfect. We are headed to florida, driving the 20 hours there, to introduce him face to face to my mom and one of my brothers and my friend Tiff that lives there. The kids are so excited.
Momma Dukes
Member # 14252
 - posted
oops dang, sorry:(
Member # 6838
 - posted
Its ok, it was probably for the best considering all of the stress i was under from all that happened, which caused the miscarriage in the first place. Things probably wouldnt have been right with it. Doctors warned that it could happen due to my blood pressure and not eating during that time.
Momma Dukes
Member # 14252
 - posted
ah i had 2 in my life...very early on, the last one being very recent. they arent easy to deal with but i just look at it like it went back to heaven and when gods ready he will send him back down.

he works in mysterious ways. what may look like a loss, is usually a gain in some other area...even if its nothing more than a wake up call. at least thats how i viewed my last one.
Member # 6838
 - posted
Well, i have tried to look at it as a way to allow for my current marriage because without the miscarriage there couldnt have been a marriage yet. The miscarriage happened after we had started talking, he was very supportive before and after. I was highly upset at the loss but true to his nature he did his best to comfort me, and told me not to worry, we would marry and have our own as soon as possible. Not sure he understood exactly why i was so upset at the loss but his heart was in the right place.
Member # 14096
 - posted
hi and hope all is going well with you.
Member # 9410
 - posted
Mystic Heart, I haven't followed your story completely but I thought that you had divorced, that your husband couldn't join you in the US and that was the end of the marriage, did things work out between you two? Best of luck with getting pregnant!
Event Horizon
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by Anthropos:
Mystic Heart, I haven't followed your story completely but I thought that you had divorced, that your husband couldn't join you in the US and that was the end of the marriage, did things work out between you two? Best of luck with getting pregnant!

No, new husband.
Member # 6838
 - posted
Hi Anthropos,
We did divorce not because he couldnt but WOULDNT for whatever reason, i will never know the real reason for his decision, other than i feel very strongly that another american girl played a huge part in it as he hid her from me and me from her, lied to both of us. Told her he was seperated and divorcing,while at that time i was in egypt and in a different flat,while she was in egypt with her father and friend, staying in his flat that we had stayed in during my previous visit in august, told me she was a friend of a friend that he was helping out,( I didnt know she was in egypt at the time and that he was telling me he was working, when he was really with her and her father) turned out to be his room mates sister. She traveled to egypt and spent a week after he and i seperated,, 2 weeks after we seperated, but the arrangements for her arrival were made before i ever left egypt. I even helped him decide what hotel she would stay in in paris, thinking she was a friend of a friend that he was only making arrangements for. Anyway, NO absolutely not we didnt work things out. The divorce was put on legal paper April 6th. I lost a pregnancy, got married to a muslim man that i met through a muslim dating service the very end of may legally, our Islamic wedding paper was done June 20th. He states he married me cause he loves me, he also knows that in my case i married him for financial reasons mainly, companionship is an added thing as well as help with my children.
Everything happened rather quickly, however, it was necessary, and in the last weeks i have been very grateful that we did marry when we did. I have been off work alot with being sick and a day in the hospital, returned to work only a couple days only to have to take off again due to a medical emergency with my older daughter.... Through it all he has "held my hand" so to speak, never fails to send me money every week to support his new wife and children, which without that in the last month i wouldnt have been able to pay any of my bills.
Each day i thank Allah for bringing this man into my life. His emotional support alone is amazing. I have learned that being "in love" isnt everything... and learning that i can love someone and make a life with them without being in love with them. He isnt living in the same home with me yet, he lives a few states away, but we are only about a month and half away from his anticipated move to my home. He has things he needs to finish up where he lives. It is really nice to know that i am no longer alone, that my life wont fall apart and we wont be destitude if i miss a few days of work cause there is someone there to help now. So very nice to know that when i am upset with one of the children and losing patience that i can walk out of the room and he will talk to them patiently and explain to them why i am upset and that they need to be nice to mom. And that he looks at them and doesnt see "MY children" but "OUR children" or rather as he says His kids. Each day he calls and asks how his kids are. Their own father doesnt even do that.
I hope things are going better for you Anthropos, I know you were having a rough time of things for awhile. And hope baby is doing well and growing fast.
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
hey tonya call me girl... its been a while...
u have my new number im awake
Member # 6838
 - posted
hey dear, looked in my mobile but its not there..... not sure why its not there though cause i know it was. going to check my email but if not there then i will let you know so you can give to me again. i saw you just went offline in yahoo though
Member # 6838
 - posted
Aah, i remember now, last time when i called you, you gave me number during yahoo conver, i dialed it in mobile but i forgot to save it after we finished talking... i still have the old number instead.
Member # 6838
 - posted
got it ty.
Member # 13948
 - posted
Originally posted by mysticheart:
Hi Anthropos,
We did divorce not because he couldnt but WOULDNT for whatever reason, i will never know the real reason for his decision, other than i feel very strongly that another american girl played a huge part in it as he hid her from me and me from her, lied to both of us. Told her he was seperated and divorcing,while at that time i was in egypt and in a different flat,while she was in egypt with her father and friend, staying in his flat that we had stayed in during my previous visit in august, told me she was a friend of a friend that he was helping out,( I didnt know she was in egypt at the time and that he was telling me he was working, when he was really with her and her father) turned out to be his room mates sister. She traveled to egypt and spent a week after he and i seperated,, 2 weeks after we seperated, but the arrangements for her arrival were made before i ever left egypt. I even helped him decide what hotel she would stay in in paris, thinking she was a friend of a friend that he was only making arrangements for. Anyway, NO absolutely not we didnt work things out. The divorce was put on legal paper April 6th. I lost a pregnancy, got married to a muslim man that i met through a muslim dating service the very end of may legally, our Islamic wedding paper was done June 20th. He states he married me cause he loves me, he also knows that in my case i married him for financial reasons mainly, companionship is an added thing as well as help with my children.
Everything happened rather quickly, however, it was necessary, and in the last weeks i have been very grateful that we did marry when we did. I have been off work alot with being sick and a day in the hospital, returned to work only a couple days only to have to take off again due to a medical emergency with my older daughter.... Through it all he has "held my hand" so to speak, never fails to send me money every week to support his new wife and children, which without that in the last month i wouldnt have been able to pay any of my bills.
Each day i thank Allah for bringing this man into my life. His emotional support alone is amazing. I have learned that being "in love" isnt everything... and learning that i can love someone and make a life with them without being in love with them. He isnt living in the same home with me yet, he lives a few states away, but we are only about a month and half away from his anticipated move to my home. He has things he needs to finish up where he lives. It is really nice to know that i am no longer alone, that my life wont fall apart and we wont be destitude if i miss a few days of work cause there is someone there to help now. So very nice to know that when i am upset with one of the children and losing patience that i can walk out of the room and he will talk to them patiently and explain to them why i am upset and that they need to be nice to mom. And that he looks at them and doesnt see "MY children" but "OUR children" or rather as he says His kids. Each day he calls and asks how his kids are. Their own father doesnt even do that.
I hope things are going better for you Anthropos, I know you were having a rough time of things for awhile. And hope baby is doing well and growing fast.

[Roll Eyes]
Member # 3567
 - posted
Pssst, Bastet, let her continue, please.... [Wink]
Member # 14488
 - posted
Originally posted by Bastet*Loves*Ptah:
Originally posted by mysticheart:
Hi Anthropos,
We did divorce not because he couldnt but WOULDNT for whatever reason, i will never know the real reason for his decision, other than i feel very strongly that another american girl played a huge part in it as he hid her from me and me from her, lied to both of us. Told her he was seperated and divorcing,while at that time i was in egypt and in a different flat,while she was in egypt with her father and friend, staying in his flat that we had stayed in during my previous visit in august, told me she was a friend of a friend that he was helping out,( I didnt know she was in egypt at the time and that he was telling me he was working, when he was really with her and her father) turned out to be his room mates sister. She traveled to egypt and spent a week after he and i seperated,, 2 weeks after we seperated, but the arrangements for her arrival were made before i ever left egypt. I even helped him decide what hotel she would stay in in paris, thinking she was a friend of a friend that he was only making arrangements for. Anyway, NO absolutely not we didnt work things out. The divorce was put on legal paper April 6th. I lost a pregnancy, got married to a muslim man that i met through a muslim dating service the very end of may legally, our Islamic wedding paper was done June 20th. He states he married me cause he loves me, he also knows that in my case i married him for financial reasons mainly, companionship is an added thing as well as help with my children.
Everything happened rather quickly, however, it was necessary, and in the last weeks i have been very grateful that we did marry when we did. I have been off work alot with being sick and a day in the hospital, returned to work only a couple days only to have to take off again due to a medical emergency with my older daughter.... Through it all he has "held my hand" so to speak, never fails to send me money every week to support his new wife and children, which without that in the last month i wouldnt have been able to pay any of my bills.
Each day i thank Allah for bringing this man into my life. His emotional support alone is amazing. I have learned that being "in love" isnt everything... and learning that i can love someone and make a life with them without being in love with them. He isnt living in the same home with me yet, he lives a few states away, but we are only about a month and half away from his anticipated move to my home. He has things he needs to finish up where he lives. It is really nice to know that i am no longer alone, that my life wont fall apart and we wont be destitude if i miss a few days of work cause there is someone there to help now. So very nice to know that when i am upset with one of the children and losing patience that i can walk out of the room and he will talk to them patiently and explain to them why i am upset and that they need to be nice to mom. And that he looks at them and doesnt see "MY children" but "OUR children" or rather as he says His kids. Each day he calls and asks how his kids are. Their own father doesnt even do that.
I hope things are going better for you Anthropos, I know you were having a rough time of things for awhile. And hope baby is doing well and growing fast.

[Roll Eyes]
[Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]
Member # 6838
 - posted
Originally posted by elizabethN:
hi and hope all is going well with you.

Hi Betty,
I am doing very well thank you and as well i do hope things are getting better for you too. The period of adjustment to a new situation can be very trying. I do hope that everything works out for you.
Member # 15397
 - posted
hello mysticheart sweety

hope you are fine.
Member # 6838
 - posted
Asalamu Alaykum Stefania,
How are you feeling? I hope you are well. Hadnt seen you in messenger lately.
Member # 15397
 - posted
Alaykum salam dear

i was in my village for sometime and you remember i was not in good mood to be on internet but i try to become better now . i miss you also
Member # 6838
 - posted
Yes, i do understand the need to be away from the net sometimes. I have done it myself in the last couple weeks, only on here for a few min at a time until yesterday. I hope that the visit to your village helped clear your thoughts some. Hugs
Member # 15397
 - posted
it helped and i thank you so much for your support and being a sister for me when i needed in that hard time. Hugs
Member # 6838
 - posted
Im here anytime you need me, i will do my best to help in anyway i can, even if its just to listen.
yorkshire rose
Member # 12072
 - posted
Yes that goes for me too steph, we are here for you, my yahoo is not programmed at the moment, please get facebook iff you dont have it already,
Hi mystic hope you are well too.
Take care
HUgs to you both and betty hope you are well too.
Member # 15397
 - posted
yorkie, thank you so much and really i miss talking to you very much. I remember how you stood with me and will never forget what you did for me. many many many hugs
Member # 6838
 - posted
hey miss yorkie woman, you better get that yahoo fixed or get the msn straightened out with my id hahaha i have something i want to discuss with you. I soo need to remember to bring in the calling cards hubby bought for me so i could call you. Send me what time you will be available so i can call you.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Is Lombok the next Bali?

By Megan Neil July 15, 2008 12:00am

For years it has lived in the shadow of its more famous neighbour Bali.

Now Indonesia's pristine Lombok Island is making a concerted effort to build itself up as the next Bali, while trying to maintain its natural charm.

Slower to catch the tourism train than its neighbour to the west, Lombok has been promoted as an "unspoiled Bali".

But a future $US600 million ($A626 million) development may see it emerge on par with Bali as a world-class tourism destination, according to the United Arab Emirates-based developer.

Tourists visiting Lombok typically treat it as a side-trip to Bali, staying just a few days.

The Japanese and Australians, Bali's top two groups of tourists, come to Lombok for the surfing.

The Koreans come here to honeymoon, the Europeans see it more like an extension of Bali, and expats come from Jakarta for the relaxation, explains Dominique Duvivier, the general manager of Accor's Novotel Lombok.

But he says there's new interest in Lombok.

The hotel struggled to survive in the aftermath of the tourism downturn that followed the 2002 and 2005 Bali bombings.

Business is particularly good this year though, with the hotel running at about 53 per cent occupancy compared to just 30 per cent at this time last year.

News of a new airport and UAE property developer Emaar Properties plans have helped generate interest in Lombok.

"I think Bali is too crowded so they need to find a plan B," Duvivier said of Lombok's visitors.

"Also this development program is bringing some new investors, some new tourists."

The Novotel Lombok is currently the only top-end hotel in the island's south, although there are other budget and mid-range accommodation options in the area.

Lombok's principal beach resort of Sengiggi is situated in the western part, closer to the capital Mataram, the current airport and Lembar, the main port for ferries to and from Lombok.

Work has started on a new $US72 million ($A75.11 million) international airport, close to the town of Praya and about 30km south of the existing Salaparang airport.

Authorities believe the opening of the new airport, expected in 2010, will make Lombok a primary tourist destination, rather than just an add-on to Bali.

International travellers will be able to fly direct to Lombok. And the new airport will be able to handle 2.4 million visitors, a massive increase on the Salaparang airport's 800,000 passenger capacity.

Among them are expected to be a large number of tourists from the Middle East, drawn by Emaar's planned development of a 1175 hectare site in south Lombok.

The development will be set along a seven-kilometre natural waterfront complete with five-star resorts, luxury residences, a marina, golf course and shops.

The Bali Tourism Development Corporation signed off on the Lombok mega-tourism project in March, with masterplanning for the development beginning in April.

The first five-star hotels are expected to open to guests in a few years time and further development will take place over a number of years.

Emaar says its project, set on the Kuta and Tanjung beaches, will be environmentally friendly, integrating natural elements into a residential, leisure and hospitality zone.

Unveiling the project in April last year, Emaar chairman Mohamed Ali Alabbar described Lombok as one of the most promising tourism destinations in Indonesia, adding it had the potential to be the magnet for world travellers.pe"We are thankful to the Indonesian government for their trust in us to support their development initiatives that will help position Lombok on par with Bali as a world-class tourism destination," Alabbar said in a statement at the time.

Visit Lombok today and you're certainly not met with a carbon copy of Bali.

It's immediately clear that it's more laid back and less touristy, even though tourism is the island's largest source of income.

It's sometimes described as being like Bali 20 years ago, although at least one Lombok travel company says that's incorrect if you consider the landscapes and cultures that are uniquely Lombok.

As lombokhotelandtravel.com puts it: "As the old saying goes, 'You can see Bali in Lombok but you can't see Lombok in Bali'."

Whereas most Balinese are Hindu, Lombok's population is mainly made up of the island's indigenous Sasak people, most of whom are Muslims.

Entering one of the traditional villages, our guide reminds us that "this is not a museum, live people live here".

The 700 people, described by guide Anaf as one big family, live here in a cluster of 150 thatched houses.

Sade, situated near Kuta beach, is not a tourist setup but they do welcome visitors. Guides like Anaf show tourists around for a small donation.

There's nine other villages in this family, housing 4200 people, with Sade being the oldest, "the mother of the villages".

The Sasak people here continue a number of traditions, although some things have been adapted to the times.

"It's our tradition, if you like a girl you have to 'kidnap' her," Anaf says.

And so the parents live downstairs in a Sasak house, with the daughters sleeping up higher, next to the cooking area, until they're 15 because then "it's difficult to kidnap them".

Of course nowadays everyone has a mobile phone.

"The kidnappings happened long, long ago, not now," Anaf says.

After a call or a text message: "The girls wait at the front of the houses. It's more easy to kidnap them."

The first job of a Sasak family is still farming. And the girls have to learn how to weave the multi-coloured, intricate sarongs and songket fabric.

"Weaving is very important, it's passed down from mother to daughter," Anaf says.

"If the girl can't do weaving they're not allowed to get married in here."

It's also known for its pottery. And of course there's the diving, snorkelling, hiking and surfing.

Horse carts or cidomos blend in with cars and scooters in Mataram, and life generally moves at a slower pace than in Bali (which is hard to imagine when you first arrive in Bali and quickly discover everything moves according to Bali time).

Riots in Mataram in early 2000 had a big impact on tourism to Lombok, as did the flow-on effects from a drop in visitor numbers after the Bali bombings.

Before the October 2002 bombing, a lot of Australians came to Lombok, Anaf recalls.

The numbers dropped significantly after that, although a graph at the village shows international visitors to Sade increasing from around 1250 in 2002 to about 4000 last year.

"Tell your family to come to Lombok because Lombok is still natural," Anaf says as we leave.

Over at the Novotel Lombok, where the accommodation includes 23 Sasak villa rooms, set out in the style of a traditional Sasak village, Duvivier thinks the differences between Bali and its neighbour to the east are even greater than simply describing Lombok as the Bali of 20 years ago.

"In Bali, Kuta 20 years ago was still developed," he says.

"It's more than 20 years ago, I would say even 30 to 40.

"It's (Lombok) still natural. There's not too many places in the world where it's still very authentic."

He's confident Lombok can retain its own unique character even with the Emaar development.

"Bali is crowded ... We are far better in terms of beach here.

"There's a few Aussie guys living here and they surf all day, living here in semi-retirement."

Duvivier predicts Lombok will grow, "little by little, yes, but not like Bali".

"I've worked myself in many areas and this one is totally magical.

"When you see the sunset, it's breathless. You think 'wow, this is beautiful'."

Member # 6838
 - posted
here is a map of indonesia, you will find lombok on here by bali
also a link for photos of lombok
Member # 3567
 - posted
Wow, Bali and Lombok are really close to each other. Mystic, if tourism really takes off there and you got settled I might just come and visit you!! [Smile]
Mdme Butterfly
Member # 14656
 - posted
Are you going to move to Indonesia Mystic? It really does look beautiful, the good thing is you can holiday there, because there might not be a lot of work, but you could save your pennies and retire there
Member # 15378
 - posted
Originally posted by mysticheart:
Hi Anthropos,
We did divorce not because he couldnt but WOULDNT for whatever reason, i will never know the real reason for his decision, other than i feel very strongly that another american girl played a huge part in it as he hid her from me and me from her, lied to both of us. Told her he was seperated and divorcing,while at that time i was in egypt and in a different flat,while she was in egypt with her father and friend, staying in his flat that we had stayed in during my previous visit in august, told me she was a friend of a friend that he was helping out,( I didnt know she was in egypt at the time and that he was telling me he was working, when he was really with her and her father) turned out to be his room mates sister. She traveled to egypt and spent a week after he and i seperated,, 2 weeks after we seperated, but the arrangements for her arrival were made before i ever left egypt. I even helped him decide what hotel she would stay in in paris, thinking she was a friend of a friend that he was only making arrangements for. Anyway, NO absolutely not we didnt work things out. The divorce was put on legal paper April 6th. I lost a pregnancy, got married to a muslim man that i met through a muslim dating service the very end of may legally, our Islamic wedding paper was done June 20th. He states he married me cause he loves me, he also knows that in my case i married him for financial reasons mainly, companionship is an added thing as well as help with my children.
Everything happened rather quickly, however, it was necessary, and in the last weeks i have been very grateful that we did marry when we did. I have been off work alot with being sick and a day in the hospital, returned to work only a couple days only to have to take off again due to a medical emergency with my older daughter.... Through it all he has "held my hand" so to speak, never fails to send me money every week to support his new wife and children, which without that in the last month i wouldnt have been able to pay any of my bills.
Each day i thank Allah for bringing this man into my life. His emotional support alone is amazing. I have learned that being "in love" isnt everything... and learning that i can love someone and make a life with them without being in love with them. He isnt living in the same home with me yet, he lives a few states away, but we are only about a month and half away from his anticipated move to my home. He has things he needs to finish up where he lives. It is really nice to know that i am no longer alone, that my life wont fall apart and we wont be destitude if i miss a few days of work cause there is someone there to help now. So very nice to know that when i am upset with one of the children and losing patience that i can walk out of the room and he will talk to them patiently and explain to them why i am upset and that they need to be nice to mom. And that he looks at them and doesnt see "MY children" but "OUR children" or rather as he says His kids. Each day he calls and asks how his kids are. Their own father doesnt even do that.
I hope things are going better for you Anthropos, I know you were having a rough time of things for awhile. And hope baby is doing well and growing fast.

Wish you all the luck in the world with your new marriage - you sound like you deserve it. [Smile]
Member # 6838
 - posted
The plan is to remain in the states for quite some time but to start yearly visits there in the next year or so. During that time save up some money to buy a home there, and just as was suggested, retire there, however an early retirement. I think the general time frame is 8 to 10 years until we move permanently there(depending on local happenings there)
yorkshire rose
Member # 12072
 - posted
looks fab really does, more beautiful than egypt.

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