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madame f
Member # 9410
 - posted
I think my life is spinning out of control.

I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.

we have always been so careful. I cannot believe this.

We both don't want to have another baby but at the same time we don't want to have an abortion.

this is surreal, my life has turned into a film.
Member # 14401
 - posted
And...? What are you going to do about it, I mean control in/over your own life? Many of us face this problem at some point, me too. Do you want your life to be completely run by fate or someone else? Btw, I don't want to comment on the pregnancy issues now.
Member # 12336
 - posted
Okay, practical advice: You're pregnant, the baby isn't welcome, and an abortion also isn't wished. You've spend your last savings on tickets to Egypt for hubby and daughter, so you have :
* No money
* Another mouth to feed in a few months
* A husband, who has a bit derogatory way of thinking

Most important NOW is to find out what husband thinks about it; how does he think to solute this problem. If you do not agree with him, follow your own road. Now is the chance for him to be there, as a husband, beside you to support you, or not. If he lets you down, let him go.
Without your daughter, of course...
Member # 14488
 - posted
Originally posted by madame f:
I think my life is spinning out of control.

I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.

we have always been so careful. I cannot believe this.

We both don't want to have another baby but at the same time we don't want to have an abortion.

this is surreal, my life has turned into a film.

Typical Anthropos [Roll Eyes]
Member # 4713
 - posted
thats it bookies open, place your bets.
Dubai Girl
Member # 15488
 - posted
Originally posted by madame f:
I think my life is spinning out of control.

I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.

we have always been so careful. I cannot believe this.

We both don't want to have another baby but at the same time we don't want to have an abortion.

this is surreal, my life has turned into a film.

I wonder what exactly you want people to say here? After reading all the replies given to you on your last thread and then you turned on the people who gave you their honest opinions I wonder what you are hoping to achieve with this latest posting? I think you're a drama queen.
Member # 4713
 - posted
I have to say you have to tell your hubby before he goes back to Egypt!
Member # 4713
 - posted
DG2 (Desert Girl is DG1)with Sono and MD MIA, ES needs one [Big Grin]

Anthropos, have the baby and give it TL, she will take care of it. and no that is not sarcasm, I mean it.
Dubai Girl
Member # 15488
 - posted
Ayisha it took me about three times to read that first line before I understood all the acrynoms lol!
Member # 14488
 - posted
Originally posted by Dubai Girl:
Originally posted by madame f:
I think my life is spinning out of control.

I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.

we have always been so careful. I cannot believe this.

We both don't want to have another baby but at the same time we don't want to have an abortion.

this is surreal, my life has turned into a film.

I wonder what exactly you want people to say here? After reading all the replies given to you on your last thread and then you turned on the people who gave you their honest opinions I wonder what you are hoping to achieve with this latest posting? I think you're a drama queen.
I think you're a drama queen

You hit the nail.I bet she got assesed by MysticHeart [Big Grin]
madame f
Member # 9410
 - posted
maybe I am a drama queen because all this drama is in my life.

Of course my husband knows.

We are both in shock.

I am only writing on this forum to let off some steam and get an outlet somewhere. I am not trying to achieve anything by writing here.

Nonetheless you seem to thrive on my posts. Of course that is only because none of you posts anything about your life.
Dubai Girl
Member # 15488
 - posted
Plenty of people post here about their lives. Take me for example if you look at my previous posts on here, they are all about "my life" I even posted my wedding video on here!!! How much more personal can you get? [Big Grin]

Madame F, the point I was making was that you seem to come here and ask for advice and then do the opposite. No harm in that you don't have to take anyones advice, but I've read your past posts and it seems that whenever people give you good advice, and it's not what you want to hear you turn on them. If you post your problems on a public board then you have to accept some people will tell you what you don't want to hear, it's the nature of the beast
Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
Originally posted by madame f:
Nonetheless you seem to thrive on my posts. Of course that is only because none of you posts anything about your life.

Actually we dont thrive on your posts, many here have tried to get you to see things from another point of view, another perspective. Of course no one can make your decisions for you. Many of us post things about our lives on ES but aren't you also one of the ones that if you don't agree with what you read you are the first to put someone down.....I call what is happening to you now "what goes around comes around".

Some of us have made mistakes but aren't we supposed to learn from them??? As I see it you come on her for advice but aren't prepared to listen unless it is in what you want to hear.

If you don't like what you hear then I suggest that you stop writing about the drama that you call your life.
Lumpy butt
Member # 15631
 - posted
I think you should do.....

whatever your husband tells you to?

or whatever you want?

or anything that any sane person wouldn't do?


sell the rights to stephen spielberg! Genius!!!
Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
pmsl @ lumpy butts comment [Big Grin]
Lumpy butt
Member # 15631
 - posted
Dubai Girl
Member # 15488
 - posted
I vote for lumpy butt!!!!
young at heart
Member # 10365
 - posted
You have come on here and asked what you should do regarding your hubby taking your child to Egypt. You got peoples views and made your own choice. Now you are pregnant exactly what do you want us to say? It's something personal between you and your husband to be honest [Confused]
Member # 12336
 - posted
Originally posted by madame f:
maybe I am a drama queen because all this drama is in my life.

Of course my husband knows.

We are both in shock.

I am only writing on this forum to let off some steam and get an outlet somewhere. I am not trying to achieve anything by writing here.

Nonetheless you seem to thrive on my posts. Of course that is only because none of you posts anything about your life.

Okay, your husbands knows. Didn't he have any idea's as only being shocked? And what exactly will be the problem when there will come another baby ? Work? Finances? House? The relationship between the two of you? From one child to two children isn't a thát big change, in fact it's more easy as going from zero to one.
It costs more money, it doesn't take that much time, because you're expierenced now [Wink] , and eldest has to learn how to deal with it.
She will be 2 then, so it's a normal difference between two children...
Member # 14219
 - posted
You can only be a dramA 345; queen if you allow th is drama in your life. 288;which i think that you  do allow so really yoA 365; must lead a pretty cr ap life, all i can say 288;is stop being a doorma t and get a back bone A 359;therwise your daughter  will come to realise A 364;hat it is normal for a  man too take the piss 288;out of a woman and i t old you so is a very bA 353;tter pill to swallow,
Member # 15932
 - posted
Too Much Information
Member # 14219
 - posted
me or madame f.... by the way dont know what happend to my keyboard with all those numbers...dont know what i pressed..
Member # 15932
 - posted
I was referring to Madame F.. Mylife it may seem that ES did not recognize your fonts in windows.. software error on ES I guess. seems to be working now so I don't think nothing to worry about.
Member # 15932
 - posted
Originally posted by madame f:
I think my life is spinning out of control.

I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.

we have always been so careful. I cannot believe this.

We both don't want to have another baby but at the same time we don't want to have an abortion.

this is surreal, my life has turned into a film.

Send it to Egypt if you don't want it!
Lumpy butt
Member # 15631
 - posted
it? [Frown] soooo many people out there who are unable to have kids [Frown]
Member # 12450
 - posted
Don't have an abortion. You will regret it for the rest of your life IMO.
Cancel the trip to Egypt and save this money to welcome the new baby in this world.
madame f
Member # 9410
 - posted
I apologise for posting here. Obviously I have become some sort of Mini-Sono so I will retire. Adieu.
Member # 12336
 - posted
You don't have to apologise, Anthro. The most important thing is to handle active instead as waiting passive. You think that another baby is a problem, and problems don't dissappear by itsselve. You have to make clear what exactly IS the problem and what can be done to solute it.
Make a list, if you can't see the big lines.
Nevertheless I wish you a happy pregnancy and all the best.
Member # 1925
 - posted
Originally posted by madame f:
I think my life is spinning out of control.

I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.

we have always been so careful. I cannot believe this.

We both don't want to have another baby but at the same time we don't want to have an abortion.

this is surreal, my life has turned into a film.

Do you really think you are the only person this has happened to...grow up ... its normal life.
Member # 14488
 - posted
Originally posted by madame f:
I apologise for posting here. Obviously I have become some sort of Mini-Sono so I will retire. Adieu.

Clap,clap,clap....Drama Queen performance at her peek! [Roll Eyes]
Member # 13418
 - posted
Congratulations madame, and good luck to you. [Smile]

A surprise is not necessarily a problem and the spacing of the two children is good. [Wink]
Member # 11163
 - posted
It can be a shock at first, of course, you didn't expect it. Maybe in time you will get used to it?

And if you won't there is always one way you can go but it's not easy. Most won't do it because society don't see it as a very good thing. Even abortion seems to be more acceptable (?). If you're against abortion you can have the baby and give it for adoption. There are many parents in your country who must eagerly be waiting a child. And you don't have to make a decision right now or even after couple of months - if you decide you don't want to give up on the baby, you can keep him/her!
Member # 8748
 - posted
LUCKY DUCK! Babies are always a shock at first, but what a wonderful blessing and how nice of God to choose this moment in your lives to remind you that it isn't all about the two of you, and that there is a greater plan in play for these children. And this is a perfect thing for your husband to say to his family if he still goes to Egypt, you can't travel because you are pregnant!
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
madam f i know i dont know u that well but so what if u like to share yr problems some people do. i also post alot of my business on here. that doesnt make u bad, but when u make bad choices that makes u not trust worthy.i do not think its wise to let yr husband take yr child lone to egypt. not cas he is not responisible but the child needs u until its at least school age.and now yr pregnant again i think u will ned yr husband there with u not off having fun in egypt alone.cant u ask him to kinda wait til the new baby is born then yall go togeather all 4 of u?well what ever u decide good luck. all that matters is yr babies not yr husband.
Member # 14401
 - posted
Originally posted by madame f:
I am only writing on this forum to let off some steam and get an outlet somewhere. I am not trying to achieve anything by writing here.

There are moments in life when we feel overwhelmed, paralysed or even depressed. It's good to have things off our chest then - having a genuinely trusted friend nearby just to talk to would be beneficial. I hope that whatever decisions you make will leave you with a peace of mind because that's what we all strive to achieve I think...
tina kamal
Member # 13845
 - posted
what ever u decide and how ever u plan on going on good luck to ya
Member # 3567
 - posted
Originally posted by madame f:
I think my life is spinning out of control.

I took a pregnancy test and it was positive.

we have always been so careful. I cannot believe this.

We both don't want to have another baby but at the same time we don't want to have an abortion.

this is surreal, my life has turned into a film.


Anthropos, you are reacting totally normal it is the initial shock.

Although you might feel this baby does not come at the right time you will see it was meant to be and you do not want to change a thing.

Please work on improving your relationship together with your husband as you did the past several months and look forward on welcoming an addition to your little family.

I am truly happy for your beautiful news, let some time pass by get used to the new idea. About the financial issue. I am sure your government has to offer programs for families who do not have a high income. Please inquire about all kind of possibilities.

I can not understand how some people can post such nasty replies. Sorry, Anthropos.
Member # 13867
 - posted
Who is Anthropos..?? Who is Sono??? I am totally lost!

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