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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
lets compare...


1. guy goes down on one knee and presents an engagement ring.

2. girl cries.

3. girl calls everyone she knows and starts to show everyone the ring and tell them the story of how he proposed over and over again.

4. bridesmaids have a night in to discuss the arrangements.

.......note the arrangements have already been made... girl has been planning this event since the age of three.

5. guy has to start putting in more hours at work to pay for the essentials, like every wedding mag published between now and the big day, and jimmy choo shoes. however he does get to spend more time down the pub as girl is too busy looking at said shoes in said mags....

6. girl chooses dress, flowers, rings, location, reception, music, menu, stationary, table linen, cake, seating plan, grooms clothes, honeymoon, cars, guest list.

7. guy begs best mate for support, I MEAN.. guy chooses best man.
Madame M.
Member # 8386
 - posted
Amendment to #5-Guy has to sell his Corvette to help pay for the wedding and engagement ring.

Yes, that's what my friend's (who got married last Saturday) husband did.
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
do you have the equivalent to a hen night and stag night?

what about 'something old something new something borrowed something blue'?

big wedding speeches by the best man and father of the bride?

what about traditions like 'the groom shouldnt see the brides dress before the wedding or the bride the morning of the wedding'?

what about honeymoons? do you have those? where do you go?
Member # 10978
 - posted
What I've heard they're going to some places like Sharm or Hurghada,etc.With the other people but they're staying all the time alone in the room [Wink] and having fun.The other people are not bothering them.
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
big white dress?

huge cake?
Member # 10978
 - posted
Yes but after ceremony,they're wearing white dress on the party.Actually that dress is their tradition we just took it from them.And the wedding ceremony is mostly in the afternoon party of course in the night time.
Member # 10978
 - posted
Enjoy Charm [Wink] http://www.zawaj.com/weddingways_main.html
Madame M.
Member # 8386
 - posted
Yep..bachelor and bachelorette parties.
We had my friend, Jen's bachelorette party at a small local pub..it was great fun!

We do the something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue..put a six pence in your shoe...they sell six pence at bridal shops here for that purpose.

We also do the wedding speeches.

Originally posted by Charm El Feikh?:
do you have the equivalent to a hen night and stag night?

what about 'something old something new something borrowed something blue'?

big wedding speeches by the best man and father of the bride?

Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
thanks for that site marcella.... thats really interesting.

i love the palestinian money hat!

ive always envied the greek gifts of cold hard cash...

much better than toasters!
Member # 10978
 - posted
[Big Grin] Yeah it is much better!
Member # 10978
 - posted
Here more but I haven't checked it yet.
Member # 10646
 - posted
About wedding dresses in Egy...What r they look like? Can a bride wear an opened white wedding dress like ppl use to do in west. Or one needs to consider local habbits an so on???
And it means that cople have to be rather rich to afford all this reception in Egy? In my country we r able to choose whom to invite depending on the financial. As i got- there is no choice in Egy..Neighbours could not understand [Big Grin]
Member # 10978
 - posted
If you have enough money how many people will you invite?I think you're not gonna think about some small group but about ALL family,right?
Madame M.
Member # 8386
 - posted
Most of the wedding dressed I've seen on Egy women are just like the ones we wear here in the states.

Originally posted by Bite:
About wedding dresses in Egy...What r they look like? Can a bride wear an opened white wedding dress like ppl use to do in west. Or one needs to consider local habbits an so on???
And it means that cople have to be rather rich to afford all this reception in Egy? In my country we r able to choose whom to invite depending on the financial. As i got- there is no choice in Egy..Neighbours could not understand [Big Grin]

charm el feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
why is my screen name still miss demeanor?
charm el feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
there we go, thats better.
Member # 11312
 - posted
Differences..should be celebrated..
Union is in front of God.

In Winter..First he asked me to marry him infront of God...
He bought me the ring...got down on his knees
We set the date for later that year.
In the fall--beneath the coloured leaves...we walked into a church and infront of God..
Recognizing and respecting the fact that he was a muslim...they had a ceremony reflecting this.
Wedding dress was white, he in black suit...photo published in Cairo Egyptian business magazine
married very happily and celebrating our differences!
Member # 10978
 - posted
You had wedding with your muslim husband in church?Muslims cannot marry in church.
Member # 11312
 - posted
Who says?
He did.
Legal and all and respected and living in Egypt.
Depends on what kind of muslim you are I guess.
The church was a shelter of sorts..but the ceremony was non-denominational..and the paperwork was through the province not the church itself. So...a compromise.
Member # 10978
 - posted
As you already know,they cannot have wedding in church and not in christian way!So what kind of muslim he is I don't know.You tell me.
Member # 11312
 - posted
I think in another post someone answered you as I will again, it was a non-denominational ceremony..and was officiated by the province of Ontario not the church itself..so the church was a symbol and a shelter to house the marriage contract for us. It was important to me..and he loves me...and while I was prepared to marry him in Egypt..the summer before and even had friends and family travel there..they would not allow me a Christian to marry in the mosque. So, there you have it..my god loving man married me here instead. What is the christian way to you? Catholic? Because I am lutheran baptized, went to Baptist and Pentecostal churches, salvation army churches..and still found I was not satisfied. My first marriage was in the Catholic church..and I am forbidden to marry again there..while I am not Catholic, the priest managed to marry me there in Greece the first time..however, any Catholic wedding would be impossible for me again..I believe. But, in any event...he is a wonderful, respectable human being who happens to be a Muslim. And he is proud to be one.
Member # 10978
 - posted
But he have to know that for a muslims is only one right way to get married and it is in Mosque.I mean if you think about it,this is what should have muslim do.In Mosque in the front of Allah is it right legal marriage.If not it won't be count for him and he's living in sin.
Member # 1056
 - posted
Hi Marcella!

Can I suggest that you take a little more time to learn about Islam and Muslims, it's not as black and white as you are appear to trying to make it. Although all Muslims believe in the same basic creed, that Allah is the only god that they worship and that Muhammad was his Messenger and there are some rules that all Muslims agree on, as in Christanity, there are some people who try to practice their religion and others who are Muslims by name, there are some who practice it who do it more strictly than others, there are also some of those who practice it who follow different interpretations of certain parts of it, which are regarded as valid.

Although some parts of Islam are clear to everyone from the Qur'an and Hadith, and there are other parts that the scholars have ruled on from their deeper understanding of the religion, there are still some people who say they are Muslims who do their own thing and don't follow all the rules. And then to complicate it further, there is the way that different countries interpret Islamic law and implement it and also the cultural traditions that have evolved on top of that!

So for example, saying that if a Muslim doesn't get married in a mosque that they will be living in sin is incorrect, as this is not a condition of a valid Islamic marriage.
These links might give you a clearer idea on the subject:
charm el feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
hi gypsyprincess, welcome to ES.

that sounds like the ideal compromise to me, and a really great start to a life long happy marriage...

good luck to you both.
Member # 11312
 - posted
Thanks so much, I was here before few years back..cannot remember my login name though...anyway...such a interesting way I have spent the last evening reading all of your posts. Nice to see your still around.

And for the posting above...what a nice way of explaining it. So many helpful people.
Member # 11312
 - posted
By the way...his Allah is the same God as mine..and any place where we have God's blessing suited us just fine. The temple or church or mosque...is a symbol...the real temple is our body which houses our souls/spirit and therein lies our connection to God.
Member # 10978
 - posted
Originally posted by newcomer:
Hi Marcella!

Can I suggest that you take a little more time to learn about Islam and Muslims, it's not as black and white as you are appear to trying to make it. Although all Muslims believe in the same basic creed, that Allah is the only god that they worship and that Muhammad was his Messenger and there are some rules that all Muslims agree on, as in Christanity, there are some people who try to practice their religion and others who are Muslims by name, there are some who practice it who do it more strictly than others, there are also some of those who practice it who follow different interpretations of certain parts of it, which are regarded as valid.

Although some parts of Islam are clear to everyone from the Qur'an and Hadith, and there are other parts that the scholars have ruled on from their deeper understanding of the religion, there are still some people who say they are Muslims who do their own thing and don't follow all the rules. And then to complicate it further, there is the way that different countries interpret Islamic law and implement it and also the cultural traditions that have evolved on top of that!

So for example, saying that if a Muslim doesn't get married in a mosque that they will be living in sin is incorrect, as this is not a condition of a valid Islamic marriage.
These links might give you a clearer idea on the subject:

Thanks a lot.
Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by Marcella:
Thanks a lot.

Glad you found it useful [Smile]
Member # 10978
 - posted
Yes I did but it is not what is in Quran.So I don't understand why is it like that and there is probably more things that are different and not exactly like Quran says,right?
Member # 1056
 - posted
Hi Marcella!

That is because the Qur'an is only one source that is referred to in Islamic law. Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad along not just to tell the people what was in the Qur'an, but also to explain it, give more information, and show the people how to implement Allah's guidance in a practical way. This was recorded in the Hadith. And there are also some special messages, that we call Hadith Qudsi, which were things Allah told the Prophet that weren't part of the Qur'an. All of these act as bases for Islamic law.

On top of that, as in other types of law, the jurists/scholars have also interpreted the Qur'an and Hadith to apply rulings to things that were not specified in them, like situations that occurred after the Prophet's time or to explain how we should cope with new inventions and discoveries, according to principles that were derived from the main sources.

So you see, to understand about Islamic law, it's a lot more complicated than just reading the Qur'an and trying to decide for yourself what it means. But basically, the Qur'an is the main source and it is the one that all the other sources are measured against. So any ruling that is made has to be in accordance with what is written in the Qur'an or a principle that it gave.
Member # 10978
 - posted
Yes but somne things are very clear like for example:muslim should marry in Mosque,this was in Mohamed's time and it came from God so it suppose to be like that.My question is how come that someone can say that it is not important when ou get married?
Also I'd like to know how it is with muslim women and christian guys?It is aslo in Quran so how someone can say NO just like she can marry christian guy and jew guy.
They are trying to show that Islam ad Quran is the last true religion sent by God never changed but they're changing it by themselves.
Member # 1056
 - posted
Ok, Marcella, I don't have time to give you a longer reply at the moment, but I will later, insha Allah (if Allah wills). In the meantime, can you show me where Allah says in the Qur'an that a Muslim should marry in a mosque, or which Hadith shows that it happened in the Prophet's time?
Member # 10978
 - posted
I can't show you that I read it somewhere on net but I think it makes sense,like muslim is going to Mosque because it belong to muslims...
Like he's praying there,because this belong to muslims,etc.Can muslim go pray to the church?Yes but if there is not Mosque around.So why he should go marry to the church if Mosque is the right place for a muslims and btw christians believe in something else but the same God but isn't it wrong to go to some place if they believe that the things about this religion are lies?
Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by Marcella:
muslim should marry in Mosque,this was in Mohamed's time and it came from God so it suppose to be like that.

Marcella, for you to make a claim like that you need to back it up from the Qur'an or a Hadith, not just that someone on the net wrote it and it made sense to you as a non-Muslim.

Btw. Muslims can actually pray wherever they are, they don't have to go to a mosque...they can even pray on the side of the street, and you can see this often if you are in a Muslim country.
Member # 10978
 - posted
No,no,no it was actually Quran on the net.But don't know where.
Member # 10978
 - posted
They can actually pray anywhere but Mosque was made for them and not for the other.It is the place for praying.You must admit.
Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by Marcella:
No,no,no it was actually Quran on the net.But don't know where.

If that was the case then you should be able to find it again...but I am surprised that if such a commandment exists that it escaped the notice of all those scholars I referred you to!

I didn't say that Muslims didn't pray in mosques of course they can, but you seemed to be equating the place of prayer with the place a marriage should take place, which was why I made the point I did.
Member # 10978
 - posted
I was just saying that Mosque is for muslims as the church is for christians and christians are having wedding(not all of them)in the church and muslim have the same place Mosque.Their religions are not the same that's why are some things different.So I don't understand why is muslim going to marry to the church while he will be think that he's in the place where people/christians prefer lies about God?
Member # 11312
 - posted
Well, we don't prefer lies about God, as Christians...Mohammed came 1000 years later after the bible was published..and his teachings were based and built upon the old book..So, please take time to learn more on this subject instead of stirring the pot in things that you don't necessarily know all too well. A believer in God, can pray or marry anywhere...as I said, it is a symbol..and the real temple is our body which houses our souls.
Member # 10978
 - posted
You didn't understand,I meant muslims are muslims and they think that christianity is a big lie.Like if you believe that Jesus died they will tell you that it's a lie.Also a big sin.You got my point?
Member # 10978
 - posted
Are you going to pray to the church or to the Mosque?Do you prefer christianity or islam?Do you believe that Jesus died?So why you should go somewhere that people believe in something else?
Yes you are praying to the same God but "your" God have/had son and he died very very big reason to go pray to some place where are people praying for the same,don't you think?
charm el feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
Originally posted by Marcella:
Are you going to pray to the church or to the Mosque?

or to god.

churches and mosques are nothing but bricks and mortar... god will hear you no matter where you are right?
Member # 10978
 - posted
Charm [Razz] I know that too.
Member # 11312
 - posted
EXACTLY....just a symbol--nothing more...but a meeting place and your right..for like minded people on Fridays or Sundays but used otherwise..for a private event...it is symbolic at least it was for us.
Member # 11312
 - posted
Take a look at what this gentleman has to say Marcella about the temples round the world..and our body..once you look at the bigger picture..as I said the body is our temple housing our souls which connect to God...in in simplest form...you might understand my point better...

By; Stanley J. Bransgrove of the freemasons...

We are told that from his study of symmetry and order, man imitated the Divine plan, and this imitation gave rise to societies and birth to the useful arts. The truth of this statement, can be found in an examination of the proportions used in the monuments of early society, e.g., Egyptian Temples and Pharaonic tombs, Myan pyramids, or Gothic Cathedrals such as Chartres. [47] An examination of sacred architecture demonstrates that the foregoing F relationships have been rigidly adhered to in constructing temples for man to commune with God. [48]

This fundamental proportional of Phi (together with the porportionals of the square root of two, and the square root of three), [49] which Plato showed in his Timaeus through the superimposition of the five regular solids [50] - cube (earth), icosahedron (water), octahedron (air), and tetrahedron (fire) - "hold together and differentiate the basis of our experience of the world, the cosmic structure, this holy shrine we inhabit. Thus it should come as no surprise to find just these exact proportionals present in the sacred and traditional Temple, Mosque, and Cathedral structures throughout human history, for it is precisely through these proportionals that the Sacred Buildings, as the cosmos, could become shrines, the same proportionals maintaining the greater cosmos as maintain the microcosmoses of our bodies." [51]
Member # 1056
 - posted
Ok, Marcella,

To answer some of the points that were raised, what I was objecting to was you stating that Allah had said something, when there was no evidence that He had said so. To a Muslim that is a big no-no, it is bad enough to attribute something to a human being that they haven't said, let alone Allah. It also contradicts Christian teachings, as it goes against one of the 10 commandments: "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain: for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain." So can you make sure that if you want to attribute something to Allah/God that you make sure that you are correct and preferably have the source for it.

Yes, it is possible for a Muslim to get married in a Mosque; the Mosque is the holy place for Muslims where any religious activity can take place. But it is not the only place that they get married, in fact the majority of Muslims, as far as I know don't get married in a Mosque, they either do it at home, and a marriage registrant comes to the house, or they go to the office of the marriage registrant to do it. There is no official grand ceremony as there is in Christianity. In fact it is more like making a contract and can be done without the "bride" even being there, as all that is needed is for her guardian, the "groom" and two trustworthy Muslim witnesses to be present.

Also you said: “They are trying to show that Islam ad Quran is the last true religion sent by God never changed but they're changing it by themselves.” Yes, Islam has remained unchanged since it was revealed, in terms of its creed, beliefs, many of its laws and practices, but some things that were left as flexible have changed over time and due to cultural differences. And I’ve tried to explain how and why that could happen already in terms of the law, and I’ve also explained that there are some Muslims who follow Islam more strictly than others, and some others do what they want to do, even if it might conflict with what Islam teaches. You seem to want to simplify Islam and Muslims to make it easier for you to understand. But you are trying to do that to a population of 1.3 billion people worldwide; they won’t all fit into that neat box that you are trying to put them in! You can’t do that with the Christian population, so don’t expect to be able to do it with the Muslims either.
Member # 10978
 - posted
Thanks Newcomer,it's a very nice you're trying to explain that for me.
So I will not believe anymore what Islam teachs.I mean not word from word.And can you tell me where muslim girls can marry christians and how people are explaing that?
Member # 1056
 - posted
Originally posted by Marcella:
Thanks Newcomer,it's a very nice you're trying to explain that for me.
So I will not believe anymore what Islam teachs.I mean not word from word.And can you tell me where muslim girls can marry christians and how people are explaing that?

It looks like you are missing the point of what I am trying to say. Islam is a revealed religion from God/Allah, our Creator. It came with a set of beliefs, laws, guidelines, principles, etc. for a total way of life to show people how Allah wants them to relate to Him, themselves, their families, neighbours, and their world. And Allah promises that if people follow what He revealed they will be rewarded with Paradise. He also gave people freewill and the ability to choose how they lead their life. Based on that freewill, some people choose to follow what Allah asked them to and others choose to do what they want to or feel is best, despite the Qur'an and the guidance from the Messenger.

So when you look at how people who say they are Muslims live, you need to understand about Islam, but you also need to understand that not everybody chooses to adhere to it 100%. It’s an ideal that people strive for, and some try harder than others and some are more successful than others. As with any religion!

As to the question you are asking, as I explained some things are very clear and no one disagrees with them, but there are other things that even the scholars have different opinions about. Some people will read the texts and interpret them one way and understand that it is possible for Muslim women to marry non-Muslim men, but as you already realize, the majority disagrees with this. I believe this article may be what Lazeez was referring to when he mentioned about a Sudanese scholar: http://www.aawsat.com/english/news.asp?section=3&id=4678

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