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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 12623
 - posted
I Wonder if it means sex? if not what does it mean then? I want answers from non arabians
Member # 12551
 - posted
No love does not mean sex .. sex is another way to express your love for your significant other... there are many different kinds of love .. the love for your child .. which is unconditional, the love for a parent, for a sibling, for a friend, for a spouse... for a pet.

To me love means a bonding .. a connection. In a male/female relationship .. In general, I think lust comes first which starts the attraction to each other. Real love grows from that if respect, trust, balance, understanding, compatibility, and romance are present.
Member # 12318
 - posted
Love is a basic dimension of human experience that is variously conveyed as a sense of tender affection, an intense attraction, the foundation of intimacy and good interpersonal chemistry, willing self-sacrifice on behalf of another, and as an ineffable sense of affinity or connection to nature, other living beings, or even that which is unseen. It manifests itself in feelings, emotion, behavior, thoughts, perception and attitude. It influences, underlies and defines major patterns in interpersonal relationships and self-identification.

Member # 12318
 - posted
Love does not mean sex, *usually* sex is something that happens within a loving relationship. Do arabians think love means sex? Why did you just want answers from non-arabians? [Confused]
Member # 12661
 - posted
Yeah, in the West, love means sex, and women all walk naked in the street. Women there have no moral and sleep with the first man who passes by them.
That's the law.
Member # 12661
 - posted

Am I bovvered(WOTEVER)
Member # 11942
 - posted
Originally posted by Tilutine:
Yeah, in the West, love means sex, and women all walk naked in the street. Women there have no moral and sleep with the first man who passes by them.
That's the law.

[Roll Eyes] [Eek!] Happend to u a lot did it??
Or did the women that you said I LOVE YOU to turn you down???

Love means different things to different people, you can love someone and you can be IN LOVE with someone.

You may love someone because they make you smile, laugh and you care deeply for that person. You love your family is that sexual??

IN LOVE is to be 100%+ mad about them, you want to make them happy and you try your best to make sure that they want for nothing, fulfill their every wish and desire.

He/She is the first thing that you think about in the morning and the las thing that you think about just before you sleep.
Member # 12661
 - posted
Originally posted by Am I bovvered(WOTEVER):
Originally posted by Tilutine:
Yeah, in the West, love means sex, and women all walk naked in the street. Women there have no moral and sleep with the first man who passes by them.
That's the law.

[Roll Eyes] [Eek!] Happend to u a lot did it??
Or did the women that you said I LOVE YOU to turn you down???

Question posted by this member tends to imply that this is our conception of love in the West... [Roll Eyes] Silly question, silly answer!
Member # 12551
 - posted

Not just the 1st ... how about the 2nd .. 3rd .. and 4th .. heck we just hand out numbers ... we don't want to discriminate ... [Big Grin] just joking
Member # 12661
 - posted
Originally posted by CanadianRose:

Not just the 1st ... how about the 2nd .. 3rd .. and 4th .. heck we just hand out numbers ... we don't want to discriminate ... [Big Grin] just joking

[Big Grin] Yeah, we here LOVE jumping on ALL THE men [Smile]
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by 3okba:
I Wonder if it means sex? if not what does it mean then? I want answers from non arabians

I wonder why Egyptians get most of their information from cassette tape Mullahs and their movies, instead of reading the literary classics of the west, or reading western philosophy?

Seriously, I know sex is two-folds for Egyptians; 1. to produce children with your wife, 2. to express sexual urges before marriage with in improper enterance and if you are well off - after marriage with a second younger wife.

For westerners love can mean;
love of family (yes in the west we love family, its because we are human like the Arabs); love of community (we are very socially active in our communities and seek to improve the lives of our own and world-wide);
love of material possessions (yes this can be a good and bad thing. I have family heirlooms that won't fetch $5 at an antique store, but because its a pocket watch that my great-grandfather brought from Norway in his political/religious exodus I will treasure it and can't believe the family trusts me with it [Smile] );
love of a hobby or passion (love of baseball, football, or in my case books);
another pecularity to Arabs is the love of our pets (yes both my cats sleep with me, and I think love of animals is genetic because my daughter loves animals too);
romantic love (this is the most bizarre western deviancy off all, we don't only love a person for their looks, social status or money but we love a person for their weird habits, smile, appreciation of nature, what a person does for their family, community, or for perfect strangers, bizarre as it is couples who are married for a number of decades remark that the traits they love about their spouses/partners often have little to do with status, money, family relations, or looks. And that is the main trait that seperates westerners from the Arabs).

Hope that explains westerner's expression or reasons to love a bit better.
Member # 12077
 - posted
Yet in my case I do love sex. Yet its most enjoyable with a person I deeply trust and care about, in a romantic manner.

When I lose faith, trust and care in that person; no level of arousal can bring me to enjoy sex with that person.

When I have lost respect and trust in that person the love dies, and so does the pleasure of fucking that person's brains out.

Copeche, 3okba?
Am I bovvered(WOTEVER)
Member # 11942
 - posted
Originally posted by Tilutine:
Originally posted by Am I bovvered(WOTEVER):
Originally posted by Tilutine:
Yeah, in the West, love means sex, and women all walk naked in the street. Women there have no moral and sleep with the first man who passes by them.
That's the law.

[Roll Eyes] [Eek!] Happend to u a lot did it??
Or did the women that you said I LOVE YOU to turn you down???

Question posted by this member tends to imply that this is our conception of love in the West... [Roll Eyes] Silly question, silly answer!

it was a rhetorical question [Roll Eyes] .

What about the Arab girls walking round tigh clothes, full make up, YOU were the one who said:

qb] [QUOTE]Originally posted by Tilutine:
Yeah, in the West, love means sex, and women all walk naked in the street. Women there have no moral and sleep with the first man who passes by them.
That's the law.


Some women are into one night stands, that's their thing, it's their life so wot's the problem? Does it affect you or your life?? WHAT ABOUT THE MEN THAT SLEEP WITH THE FIRST WOMAN THAT COMES ALONG IS THAT ACCEPTABLE?? [Roll Eyes]

Each person has their own set of moral standards what is accpetable to one person maybe unacceptable to someone else that's wot makes us unique and individual. Who are we to question them on what they do in their lives??.

It doesn't affect me in my life therefore I don't have the right to judge. It happens in Egypt and other countries not only in the west. [Roll Eyes]
Member # 12661
 - posted
Originally posted by Am I bovvered(WOTEVER):
Originally posted by Tilutine:
Originally posted by Am I bovvered(WOTEVER):
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tilutine:
Yeah, in the West, love means sex, and women all walk naked in the street. Women there have no moral and sleep with the first man who passes by them.
That's the law.

[Roll Eyes] [Eek!] Happend to u a lot did it??
Or did the women that you said I LOVE YOU to turn you down???

Question posted by this member tends to imply that this is our conception of love in the West... [Roll Eyes] Silly question, silly answer!

it was a rhetorical question [Roll Eyes] .

What about the Arab girls walking round tigh clothes, full make up, YOU were the one who said:

Originally posted by Tilutine:
Yeah, in the West, love means sex, and women all walk naked in the street. Women there have no moral and sleep with the first man who passes by them.
That's the law.


Some women are into one night stands, that's their thing, it's their life so wot's the problem? Does it affect you or your life?? WHAT ABOUT THE MEN THAT SLEEP WITH THE FIRST WOMAN THAT COMES ALONG IS THAT ACCEPTABLE?? [Roll Eyes]

Each person has their own set of moral standards what is accpetable to one person maybe unacceptable to someone else that's wot makes us unique and individual. Who are we to question them on what they do in their lives??.

It doesn't affect me in my life therefore I don't have the right to judge. It happens in Egypt and other countries not only in the west. [Roll Eyes]

Ok, you obviously don't get humor [Roll Eyes] Read my posts again, read what an other poster, who understood what I meant, wrote above, and let's talk of it later.
Member # 12613
 - posted
Love to me is definitely different than sex, but sex can be amazing with a person you love.
Batman, non-stop, righteous machine
Member # 11915
 - posted
love to me is different to sex
Member # 11693
 - posted
Love between a man and a woman has to [Wink] include sex.
Tream Lefty
Member # 6244
 - posted
[Big Grin]

Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Batman, non-stop, righteous machine:
love to me is different to sex

you are missing out on alot. [Frown]
Member # 12336
 - posted
Don`t think that it`s different in Western countries, but different for men en women. Men seem to make two different subjects of it, and for women it has to be connected...
Member # 11693
 - posted
Originally posted by ?????:
Don`t think that it`s different in Western countries, but different for men en women. Men seem to make two different subjects of it, and for women it has to be connected...

Instead of "connected" i would say we need to be involved. [Cool]
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by Tream Lefty:
[Big Grin]


that is so Egyptian. Especially the souvenir part.
Member # 12623
 - posted
Originally posted by Princess_Leia:
Originally posted by 3okba:
I Wonder if it means sex? if not what does it mean then? I want answers from non arabians

I wonder why Egyptians get most of their information from cassette tape Mullahs and their movies, instead of reading the literary classics of the west, or reading western philosophy?

Seriously, I know sex is two-folds for Egyptians; 1. to produce children with your wife, 2. to express sexual urges before marriage with in improper enterance and if you are well off - after marriage with a second younger wife.

For westerners love can mean;
love of family (yes in the west we love family, its because we are human like the Arabs); love of community (we are very socially active in our communities and seek to improve the lives of our own and world-wide);
love of material possessions (yes this can be a good and bad thing. I have family heirlooms that won't fetch $5 at an antique store, but because its a pocket watch that my great-grandfather brought from Norway in his political/religious exodus I will treasure it and can't believe the family trusts me with it [Smile] );
love of a hobby or passion (love of baseball, football, or in my case books);
another pecularity to Arabs is the love of our pets (yes both my cats sleep with me, and I think love of animals is genetic because my daughter loves animals too);
romantic love (this is the most bizarre western deviancy off all, we don't only love a person for their looks, social status or money but we love a person for their weird habits, smile, appreciation of nature, what a person does for their family, community, or for perfect strangers, bizarre as it is couples who are married for a number of decades remark that the traits they love about their spouses/partners often have little to do with status, money, family relations, or looks. And that is the main trait that seperates westerners from the Arabs).

Hope that explains westerner's expression or reasons to love a bit better.

Princess_Leia at first recieve my greetings.

you said love means a lot of things for you one of them family, yeah that what happens in movies not in the real life i read about life there in Europe and America no family responibilties are inside the parent's soul at the first little problem the easiest thing he/she can do is to leave the whole family to burn in hell not caring what will happen after and that doesn't mean all americans do like this but the most and i'm sure from what i'm telling.

you as you said only love masterpieces football and so on.

By the way, don't let your cats sleep beside you it causes BARRENNESS for girls and women take care of this i'm not kidding this is a scientific truth.

and for the romantic one's I'm quite sure that we are arabs are more romantic than any other's on the face of the earth. and who can dare and say no?

take care of your self and read about making your cats sleep beside you its so dangerous.
Member # 11108
 - posted
Originally posted by 3okba:

you said love means a lot of things for you one of them family, yeah that what happens in movies not in the real life i read about life there in Europe and America no family responibilties are inside the parent's soul at the first little problem the easiest thing he/she can do is to leave the whole family to burn in hell not caring what will happen after and that doesn't mean all americans do like this but the most and i'm sure from what i'm telling.


How can you say this? What evidence is there for this??

As to your other comments about Princess_leia's post, I think you didn't understand it correctly. She is describing a general sense of what people can love, I don't think it was personal to her.

Also, do you have any proof that Arabs are the most romantic on the planet? [Big Grin] [Wink]
Member # 12623
 - posted
Originally posted by Am I bovvered(WOTEVER):
Originally posted by Tilutine:
Originally posted by Am I bovvered(WOTEVER):
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Tilutine:
Yeah, in the West, love means sex, and women all walk naked in the street. Women there have no moral and sleep with the first man who passes by them.
That's the law.

[Roll Eyes] [Eek!] Happend to u a lot did it??
Or did the women that you said I LOVE YOU to turn you down???

Question posted by this member tends to imply that this is our conception of love in the West... [Roll Eyes] Silly question, silly answer!

it was a rhetorical question [Roll Eyes] .

What about the Arab girls walking round tigh clothes, full make up, YOU were the one who said:

Originally posted by Tilutine:
Yeah, in the West, love means sex, and women all walk naked in the street. Women there have no moral and sleep with the first man who passes by them.
That's the law.


Some women are into one night stands, that's their thing, it's their life so wot's the problem? Does it affect you or your life?? WHAT ABOUT THE MEN THAT SLEEP WITH THE FIRST WOMAN THAT COMES ALONG IS THAT ACCEPTABLE?? [Roll Eyes]

Each person has their own set of moral standards what is accpetable to one person maybe unacceptable to someone else that's wot makes us unique and individual. Who are we to question them on what they do in their lives??.

It doesn't affect me in my life therefore I don't have the right to judge. It happens in Egypt and other countries not only in the west. [Roll Eyes]

Morals?! no more morals in west. And what differs between the east and west society's
Member # 11108
 - posted
And again, how can you say there are no morals in the West? [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]
Member # 12623
 - posted

Member # 12623
 - posted
Originally posted by soozi:
And again, how can you say there are no morals in the West? [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]

Proof it then that west has morals and I'll believe you.
In the second hand ask any gurl from west who are in love with arabs and they will tell you that they are the best romantics on the planet. [Wink]
Member # 12336
 - posted
Ah 3okba, there still are morals in the West! Think it`s difficult to find them on the internet.
Besides that, by morals we think about morals in common, not only about love...
Member # 11108
 - posted
There are so many morals in the West, and as ????? states, they are not just linked to love and relationships, although these morals exist too!

Lots of people are virgins until they day they marry, lots of people will only ever have sex with one partner all their lives!

Other examples of morals that can easily be found in Western society is the responsibility to look after the planet, and give to charities!

I agree that some people in the West have few morals, but so do some Arabs, and Chinese, and all other nationalities on the face of the Earth!
Member # 12623
 - posted
As there is badness in east societies there is goodness in west, but still do we have more good than west [Big Grin] [Big Grin] and I'm here till you proof the opposite.

by the way chinese do have morals in work only and they are fetid people
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by 3okba:

you said love means a lot of things for you one of them family, yeah that what happens in movies not in the real life i read about life there in Europe and America no family responibilties are inside the parent's soul at the first little problem the easiest thing he/she can do is to leave the whole family to burn in hell not caring what will happen after and that doesn't mean all americans do like this but the most and i'm sure from what i'm telling.

I suggest you stop reading propaganda and go and see for yourself.

The ignorance of people like you never ceases to amaze me. So you've *read* something about Europe and America and now you feel that makes you authorized to tell Europeans and Americans how life in their country is – despite the fact that you haven't even lived there? Mabrouk! This sort of comment makes you look really intelligent!

[Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]
Mrs Tibe
Member # 12653
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
Originally posted by 3okba:

you said love means a lot of things for you one of them family, yeah that what happens in movies not in the real life i read about life there in Europe and America no family responibilties are inside the parent's soul at the first little problem the easiest thing he/she can do is to leave the whole family to burn in hell not caring what will happen after and that doesn't mean all americans do like this but the most and i'm sure from what i'm telling.

I suggest you stop reading propaganda and go and see for yourself.

The ignorance of people like you never ceases to amaze me. So you've *read* something about Europe and America and now you feel that makes you authorized to tell Europeans and Americans how life in their country is – despite the fact that you haven't even lived there? Mabrouk! This sort of comment makes you look really intelligent!

[Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]

Thanks dalia

Exactly - I dont think you find many parents who would ever volountery will leave their kids. Its true we dont have the same family values as you do in egypt but that doesnt mean our values aren't as good as yours.
Member # 12336
 - posted
Originally posted by 3okba:
As there is badness in east societies there is goodness in west, but still do we have more good than west [Big Grin] [Big Grin] and I'm here till you proof the opposite.

by the way chinese do have morals in work only and they are fetid people

Is your opinion related to the topic-start?
Member # 12623
 - posted
Originally posted by Dalia*:
Originally posted by 3okba:

you said love means a lot of things for you one of them family, yeah that what happens in movies not in the real life i read about life there in Europe and America no family responibilties are inside the parent's soul at the first little problem the easiest thing he/she can do is to leave the whole family to burn in hell not caring what will happen after and that doesn't mean all americans do like this but the most and i'm sure from what i'm telling.

I suggest you stop reading propaganda and go and see for yourself.

The ignorance of people like you never ceases to amaze me. So you've *read* something about Europe and America and now you feel that makes you authorized to tell Europeans and Americans how life in their country is – despite the fact that you haven't even lived there? Mabrouk! This sort of comment makes you look really intelligent!

[Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]

We are not fighting we are discussing so be quite dalia and say what ever you want in a good way instead of being rude.
Mrs Tibe
Member # 12653
 - posted
I didnt find Dalia rude - she was right on the spot....How can an attack on wester/US family values be justified based on something somebody read and never experienced. If the person who attacks never have been in europe or us or known anybody on a personal level how can his attack on our values be justified?????
Member # 12336
 - posted
Reading the several opinions about sexual behaviours given by Western women doesn`t enlight me either, sometimes it`s reason enough to be very embarassed. Look around and see what`s published here, for instance.
Many times I can understand how these opinions about less morals are came into existance.
As everywhere society`s are composed by different levels. And as normal, some levels are overexposured. Reading some uncommon expressions about love and so on, it might be likely that Western society`s are composed by people who think this way.
To reassure you, it isn`t!
In my opinion, commonly people who are looking for partners by the internet are people who have problems to find one in real life. And there is always a reason why! Think about it before you get along with somebody like this!
Sexual excesses like cybersex recorded on pc`s by streaming webcams are NOT normal! Tell people how many times you had sex in one night also isn`t!
This has to be kept private and has to do with own emotions and spiritual bonds between people, and are not supposed to show in public.
Sometimes I think some people need to be raised up again...
Member # 12623
 - posted
OKAY all enjoy this forum I'm not here till the next friday because of Exams wish me luck
but this is my personal openion and i don't care if you care for it or no we are just discussing a case

c u all
Mrs Tibe
Member # 12653
 - posted
Originally posted by ?????:
Reading the several opinions about sexual behaviours given by Western women doesn`t enlight me either, sometimes it`s reason enough to be very embarassed. Look around and see what`s published here, for instance.
Many times I can understand how these opinions about less morals are came into existance.
As everywhere society`s are composed by different levels. And as normal, some levels are overexposured. Reading some uncommon expressions about love and so on, it might be likely that Western society`s are composed by people who think this way.
To reassure you, it isn`t!
In my opinion, commonly people who are looking for partners by the internet are people who have problems to find one in real life. And there is always a reason why! Think about it before you get along with somebody like this!
Sexual excesses like cybersex recorded on pc`s by streaming webcams are NOT normal! Tell people how many times you had sex in one night also isn`t!
This has to be kept private and has to do with own emotions and spiritual bonds between people, and are not supposed to show in public.
Sometimes I think some people need to be raised up again...

And what does it say about the men they do it with??? Its ok for men to engage in multiple sexual relationsships with these women.......But its defendtly not ok for women or what?

????? good luck on your exam.
Member # 12077
 - posted
Originally posted by 3okba:
Originally posted by Princess_Leia:
Originally posted by 3okba:
I Wonder if it means sex? if not what does it mean then? I want answers from non arabians

I wonder why Egyptians get most of their information from cassette tape Mullahs and their movies, instead of reading the literary classics of the west, or reading western philosophy?

Seriously, I know sex is two-folds for Egyptians; 1. to produce children with your wife, 2. to express sexual urges before marriage with in improper enterance and if you are well off - after marriage with a second younger wife.

For westerners love can mean;
love of family (yes in the west we love family, its because we are human like the Arabs); love of community (we are very socially active in our communities and seek to improve the lives of our own and world-wide);
love of material possessions (yes this can be a good and bad thing. I have family heirlooms that won't fetch $5 at an antique store, but because its a pocket watch that my great-grandfather brought from Norway in his political/religious exodus I will treasure it and can't believe the family trusts me with it [Smile] );
love of a hobby or passion (love of baseball, football, or in my case books);
another pecularity to Arabs is the love of our pets (yes both my cats sleep with me, and I think love of animals is genetic because my daughter loves animals too);
romantic love (this is the most bizarre western deviancy off all, we don't only love a person for their looks, social status or money but we love a person for their weird habits, smile, appreciation of nature, what a person does for their family, community, or for perfect strangers, bizarre as it is couples who are married for a number of decades remark that the traits they love about their spouses/partners often have little to do with status, money, family relations, or looks. And that is the main trait that seperates westerners from the Arabs).

Hope that explains westerner's expression or reasons to love a bit better.

Princess_Leia at first recieve my greetings.

you said love means a lot of things for you one of them family, yeah that what happens in movies not in the real life i read about life there in Europe and America no family responibilties are inside the parent's soul at the first little problem the easiest thing he/she can do is to leave the whole family to burn in hell not caring what will happen after and that doesn't mean all americans do like this but the most and i'm sure from what i'm telling.

you as you said only love masterpieces football and so on.

By the way, don't let your cats sleep beside you it causes BARRENNESS for girls and women take care of this i'm not kidding this is a scientific truth.

and for the romantic one's I'm quite sure that we are arabs are more romantic than any other's on the face of the earth. and who can dare and say no?

take care of your self and read about making your cats sleep beside you its so dangerous.

You are joking right? Barrenness? It got pregnant within the first 2 weeks of marriage, I am certainly not barren.

yeah that what happens in movies not in the real life i read about life there in Europe and America no family responibilties are inside the parent's soul at the first little problem the easiest thing he/she can do is to leave the whole family to burn in hell not caring what will happen after and that doesn't mean all americans do like this but the most and i'm sure from what i'm telling.

State your source.

From what I have heard Egyptian women after a divorce if they are able to remarry dump their children off with a relative or the father. The only way an Egyptian woman can remarry is to leave her children with someone else. At the same time men do the same.

Here in the USA we have blended families. Meaning a woman marrying a divorced man could never expect her husband to send his kids off to relatives. And the same with a divorced woman, she will keep the kids and if her fiancee can't handle being a step-dad then he is gone.

Which is the main reason when I remarry I will marry an American. An American revert will not challenge my committment to my daughter. While any Arab would expect me to leave my daughter with relatives.

you as you said only love masterpieces football and so on.

That isn't what I had said. it was a small comment in the smallest paragraph up there. I was trying to put in proportion that, yeah there is a love of material things, but family, friends and heirlooms (like my great-grandfather's pocket watch) is much more important.

I gave you a clear, comprehensive answer. You disregarded what I had said and twisted the meaning of my post. Very defensive response.


read that thread.
Member # 12336
 - posted
And what does it say about the men they do it with??? Its ok for men to engage in multiple sexual relationsships with these women.......But its defendtly not ok for women or what?

????? good luck on your exam.

Mrs.Tibe, you`re mixing up topics. I don`t have exams, that was 3okba. And about the partners on the other side of the webcams; they are as abnormal as the one who`s showing their parts...
I didn`t talk about multiple relationships, but obviously I can`t agree in this either.
People have to take responsability when having a relationship.
Member # 12512
 - posted
??? yes I agree and sure any one do that both side does not matter female or male and have that in public they really need to get some moral and value of their life and they need to learn how to respect their buddy?

Love for us means in good and in bad
Love for us means responsibility
Love for us means care
Love for us means obligation

And when an Egyptian man says to any lady "I need to marry you because I love you" that means all the above for him,
Yes the Egyptian man is the one of the best any women can get if not the best:)
because he can make her always feel safe and secure, he make her feel always he is the man of the house not the opposite, she can always depend on him at any time and the most important he is really romantic man and always love to make her nice surprise and make her always happy.
3okba you really have a point and I like the way you talk and how you stand for your opinion? keep going you made the ladies upset but you really have a point [Smile] good luck in your Exam [Smile]
Member # 10873
 - posted
Originally posted by 3okba:

We are not fighting we are discussing so be quite dalia and say what ever you want in a good way instead of being rude.

You're tho thenthitive.

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