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Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
I met an Egyptian physician through a site on the internet and we have are in touch many many times daily through email (known him just a couple of months) and he also rings me a couple of times each week.
He has asked me to marry him and would like it if I would live with him in Cairo as he has a very successful business there. I also have a business plus 2 children (grown but at home). We are both in our early 40's, he has never been married, lives at home and says he has never had sex before. He doesn't want sex until after he is married. (just thought i'd mention that). I said I would not move over there full time and would have my kids with me wherever I was anyway. He says he will provide a house there for me and my children and we can go in between here and there. He said also that he would come here to marry me. (he is christian)
He is affectionate in emails and on the phone, never disrespectful. He does everything he says he will......I was married to an egyptian before and he was soooo different.
I guess the reason I am writing this is that I want feedback on whether he is asking for marriage too soon, or is this to be expected. (my previous husband was already a citizen here, had had previous g/f's, sex etc, so it was different to start with)
He wants to be engaged now and then marry me as soon as he would arrive here.
Also just any comments or feedback would be most welcome.
I have been reading the forums for a while now with great interest. I really think your comments and advice to others has been invaluable!

Posted by didi_elsayed (Member # 4763) on :
Hi there,
i`m not that much experienced,seems that u should have more than me even,as married egyptian before,u know enough to be confident in the beginning of relation with an egyptian man!Also ure reading the forums,which mean u know the good and bad sides!
For me it sounds he is good and decent man,i have doubts that on 40 he will run after visa,after what u have said about prosperous business he have,its logical that he wont be after ur money too!He respect you,he is honest saying to you very personal things,thats very nice!
Soooo i think the only thing which yu can do is to give him a chance and know him better,after all the real meet is smth very important!Meet for real,get know each other more good,and after that u`ll be sure in your desigion to marry him or not!
Souns like he is decent man...and its you who must check this in real!
Wish you success in your relation!
Good luck!

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Thanks Diana! I really appreciate the feedback and the fact that you took the time to reply.
Posted by daria1975 (Member # 6244) on :
Originally posted by Aussiefem:
I met an Egyptian physician through a site on the internet and we have are in touch many many times daily through email (known him just a couple of months) and he also rings me a couple of times each week.
He has asked me to marry him and would like it if I would live with him in Cairo as he has a very successful business there. I also have a business plus 2 children (grown but at home). We are both in our early 40's, he has never been married, lives at home and says he has never had sex before. He doesn't want sex until after he is married. (just thought i'd mention that). I said I would not move over there full time and would have my kids with me wherever I was anyway. He says he will provide a house there for me and my children and we can go in between here and there. He said also that he would come here to marry me. (he is christian)
He is affectionate in emails and on the phone, never disrespectful. He does everything he says he will......I was married to an egyptian before and he was soooo different.
I guess the reason I am writing this is that I want feedback on whether he is asking for marriage too soon, or is this to be expected. (my previous husband was already a citizen here, had had previous g/f's, sex etc, so it was different to start with)
He wants to be engaged now and then marry me as soon as he would arrive here.
Also just any comments or feedback would be most welcome.
I have been reading the forums for a while now with great interest. I really think your comments and advice to others has been invaluable!


I don't know.....there seems to be a mix of things going on that would make me believe on one hand, he is legitimate, and on the other hand, that it would be easy for him to hide things from you. But just because it would be easy for him to be deceitful doesn't necessarily mean he is.

I say give it a shot, but I'd also want to go to Egypt to meet his family before marriage. If he's true, he shouldn't have a problem with that. I think this is one of those things to approach with a positive outlook yet still investigating a bit before any big decisions are made.

In any event, I wish you the best of luck!


Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Thanks snoozin.........he says that his family is happy for him and his mother tells him to come here and marry me.
I have checked out his history (what I can) and he is what and who he says he is. He has no idea I have been doing this and would probably feel insulted. I know I may be acting a bit sus but I like to be sure, that's all. No use to find out something else later on down the track. I really love egyptian people though and feel I would not be happy with another culture. He has asked me to go there but I thought it best for him to come here first which he is happy to do although he would like to marry me when he gets here. He has not demanded this and says it is up to me when etc.......however what if things heat up?! Gosh, we are only human after all.....I would not want all the guilt stuff that goes along with it.....I would prefer to marry first. Decisions! Thanks again for the replies!!
Posted by daria1975 (Member # 6244) on :
The only warning bell going off in my head is why hasn't a physician gotten married yet? I have definitely heard of Egyptian men in their 30s and even early 40s who have never married, but it was generally because they needed to become financially stable first.

It's a good sign he's willing to come visit you first. I think he should be open to you visiting his family afterward. One trip to each *hometown* isn't too much to ask before a lifetime committment, I don't think. I think it's easier to wait for a couple of trips before marriage than to go through the misery of trying to extract yourself from a bad marriage later on.

Either than or get an attorney to draw you up a good prenuptual agreement, which I would recommend anyway since you have children. I don't know what the inheritence laws are in Australia, but here in the US, a spouse can possibly get everything, depending on how property is titled, if a will and/or prenup isn't drafted protecting children's rights (especially adult children).

Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. It definitely is possible to be smart and romantic at the same time.


Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Hi Snoozin..........yeh I know, I thought the same about his age, then again my first husband was 40. (a physician also)
I also wondered about the laws and getting a pre-nup drawn up. He has a successful business so would he have any concerns of me trying to "take" anything, or would the laws there be different. (meaning that he doens't need to have that kind of a worry). I would want anything he has, morals mean a lot to me however he does not seem at all concerned. He appears to be very genuine. By his pics he looks like the "don't mess with me kind". Sharp, professional..........(maybe a little Anyway I have a friend from the middle east who has almost the same kind of looks, the don't mess with me look....also a physician and he married at 48.....his wife seems to be very happy.
Thanks again!
Posted by newcomer (Member # 1056) on :
My feeling is is that if he has waited for forty years, he can control himself for long enough for you to get to know him in person before you commit yourself to marriage. Knowing about someone and talking to them through emails and phone calls is not the same as talking to someone face-to-face and seeing how they react to situations. You would just have to make sure that you don't let yourself get into the position where you might end up feeling guilty. Better that than get involved in another unsuccessful marriage!
Posted by Mimmi (Member # 3606) on :
If I were you I would hold my horses.
To start with are you sure he is a physician?
You have never met him in person if I were you I would not do anything before I met the man.
Why is he in such a hurry to come to you?
If I were you I would go there for a holiday to meet him first.
I think the whole thing sounds very suspicious.
Take your time and try to meet the man in person first.

Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :
Originally posted by Mimmi:
If I were you I would hold my horses.
To start with are you sure he is a physician?
You have never met him in person if I were you I would not do anything before I met the man.
Why is he in such a hurry to come to you?
If I were you I would go there for a holiday to meet him first.
I think the whole thing sounds very suspicious.
Take your time and try to meet the man in person first.

Be suspicious.

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Yes I am sure he is, I have checked into everything that he has told me. So far it's all good.
I know what you are saying though and that is why I have also asked for feedback and why I am checking into things.
Thanks for the replies!
Posted by Pendarth (Member # 8592) on :


As an ex-doctor, it is not uncommon not to be married until the mid 30's. Going abroad for higher degrees, trying to get all the "required" qualifications and then settling down takes a lot of time.

Things that pop up in my mind are:

I think it is very important for you to find out not only how committed he is to his religion but also how committed his family is to Islam (I assume he is a muslim). Because if he comes from a deeply religious family, even if he isn't religious now, it is highly likely that he will become religious in later life. Have you researched islam? Would you be willing to change your way of life - and be happy as a muslim woman?

Also, I feel that it is important that you get to know his family. When you marry him - in effect you are engaging into a contract with his family. Often times - the couple may get along very well with each other - but, if you cannot get along with his family (or those of his family that are important to him - esp. parents, older siblings, grandparents, etc.) and he isn't very good at delicate negociation ... both of you could end up in fix. One way around this is if he settled in Australia - thus both of you aren't that close (physically) to his family. But, I wonder if he'll want that.

Overall, I think both of you shouldn't rush into things. His coming over to meet you and the kids is a good idea. I think you going over to meet his family is even more important. Possibly settle beforehand that this is just a visit - and firmly decide in both your minds that marriage (and sex) is not on the menu at this stage, and hopefully this will make is easier for both to come to a reasonable conclusion. Both being 40ish it is not too much to stop and think it over for a bit (?6m / year) before making the final plunge.

Anyway, he seems like a nice guy and you seem to be intelligent to make good decisions. I would just like to save you both some unhappiness in the long haul.

Best wishes.

Posted by Pendarth (Member # 8592) on :
Edit ... "and he isn't very good at delicate negociation ... "

and IF he isn't very good at delicate negociation ...

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Thanks Pendarth. He is a christian and seems to be dedicated to the religion.
I think the "visit only" seems like a good idea.
Can I ask you why you are an ex doctor?

Posted by Pendarth (Member # 8592) on :
hehe ... I haven't used that "ex-doctor" term in ages - dont' know how that slipped out. I usually say retired :P

I trained as a doctor ... then fell severly ill - became disabled and could never really practice again.

Good to know that he's Christian. But, the family part still holds. He's an Egyptian

Posted by newcomer (Member # 1056) on :
But Christian in Egyptian terms means Orthodox, and I understand that thay can only ever marry once and both partners have to belong to the Coptic Orthodox Church. I would check this out very carefully.
Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :
Father ZB
According to Egyptian government statistics, more than 90% of the 58 million people are Muslims, while less than 7% are Christians. How-ever, Egypt's Christian community claims the percentage of Christians is more like 15-20%. Christian churches have not been allowed to take a census and publish figures.
At the time of the Arab-Islamic invasion of 639-641 AD, Egypt was predominantly Christian. The vast majority of Christians in Egypt today adhere to the ancient Coptic Orthodox Church. 'Coptic' simply means 'Egyptian' in the pre-Arabic language of the country.
About 200,000 Egyptian citizens adhere to Roman Catholicism. Over 400,000 Egyptians are believed to be associated with Protestant congregations, though formal adult membership is much lower. Significant numbers of worshippers in Protestant churches are Coptic Orthodox who have not changed their church membership. The roots of Egypt's Protestant churches lie in 19th-century missionary activity, the strongest strand of which was Presbyterian.

© Evangelicals Now - January 1997


Posted by newcomer (Member # 1056) on :
Originally posted by Aussiefem:

Hi Aussiefem!

I would still check out their marriage laws carefully and not assume that they are the same as yours, just to make sure.

Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :
Originally posted by Aussiefem:
He is affectionate in emails and on the phone, never disrespectful. He does everything he says he will......I was married to an egyptian before and he was soooo different.

So you can say all this after being in contact over the phone and internet for a couple of months?

By the way, if you have been married before as a Christian in church you will not be able to marry your Egyptian physician in his home country. The Coptic Orthodox Church will not permit this.

One more reason to doubt that he wasn't married before since he wants to marry you in Australia.

And please don't rush into another marriage. Check out your man, his family and visit Cairo again, at least this is always worth a trip. Good luck!

[This message has been edited by Tigerlily (edited 09 August 2005).]

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Tigerlily- Very informative, thanks for that
My previous husband was orthodox but I did not see a lot of difference between them and muslims. (some of my best friends being muslim)
Thanks again!

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Tigerlily-Newcomer- Just saw your new msgs.
He said he would like to marry in Cairo but it was me that said I would feel more comfortable if he were to come here to meet first.
I'm sure the marriage laws and rules are different. The cultures are so different.
My previous marriage was not in a church. (hence why I think he has been able to go and get a bride from egypt-our marriage "wasn't counted")

Posted by ben_elias (Member # 8464) on :
Hi Aussiefem,

I am both Coptic and live in Melbourne.

As I read your post it makes me wonder something...

He says that he has a Christian, are you sure? What proof do you have? *Ask for a legitimate baptism certificate from the Father (Priest) of the church.*

I know in a local church in Melbourne there was a Muslim guy who was pretending to be a Christian, he called himself 'Scott.' Anyway he was straight from Egypt and he married a girl here in Melbourne, since he was Egyptian he duped ALL of the Egyptians here, he had knowledge of Coptic beliefs. After they had the baby he went back to Egypt without another contact, ever. Now the lady has a baby she doesn't know where she is.

This is a true story unfortunately. That is why I recommend a birth cirtificate. If he chokes, forget him.

The second thing that makes me suspicious is that he has a 'very sucessful business' which is extremely hard for an Egyptian Christian...because he is Christian. So for him to throw this away like that is waaaay to sus, but he could be legitimate.

Secondly, if he is from Cairo and since I am Coptic and my family is in Cairo, maybe if you feel confortable with this idea, you can give me his details to your comfort level and I can ask my relitives back there if they know this guy. Because he owns a business it wont be as hard to track him because the Copts are a very tight-nit community.

God bless,
Benjamin Elias

Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :

I found another interesting website for the Coptic Christians of Egypt you might want to have a look at. Just so you know more about your boyfriend's own heritage.
Posted by EFLVirgo (Member # 6264) on :
Originally posted by ben_elias:

The second thing that makes me suspicious is that he has a 'very sucessful business' which is extremely hard for an Egyptian Christian...because he is Christian.

Weird! The majority of Christians I've seen in Egypt are very successful businessmen.

[This message has been edited by EFLVirgo (edited 11 August 2005).]

Posted by Natashiah (Member # 4566) on :
Originally posted by newcomer:
My feeling is is that if he has waited for forty years, he can control himself for long enough for you to get to know him in person before you commit yourself to marriage. Knowing about someone and talking to them through emails and phone calls is not the same as talking to someone face-to-face and seeing how they react to situations. You would just have to make sure that you don't let yourself get into the position where you might end up feeling guilty. Better that than get involved in another unsuccessful marriage!

This is the best advice you can get my not be in a hurry....and remember success in Egypt is nothing compared to the outside.House do not mean house as in single unit with means a flat.Succesfull means earning LE2000 per months which is about what you will pay for taxes on your current salary.My dear life in Egypt is very differant....come visit first and get to know him a little...and meet the family...then decide!Goodluck!


Posted by newcomer (Member # 1056) on :
Assalamu alaykum Natashiah!

You're still around! How is it going? Have you reached Luxor yet?

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Thanks to all for the replies. I was married to a Coptic Orthodox before, he seemed very different to this guy. In fact he was quite muslim in beliefs. I have checked out his business and who he is involved with in business. I have done this without his knowlegde and everything checks out fine. I know there is a great difference in being successful in egypt compared to here. He badly wants me to go over there and wants to marry etc and would like me to live there with him. I also know that a house is previous husband lived in one of these of course. He is protestant which counts only for a small percent in egypt, but none the less that is what he is. Thanks again!

Posted by karamilla (Member # 8650) on :
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Aussiefem:
Thanks to all for the replies. I was married to a Coptic Orthodox before, he seemed very different to this guy. In fact he was quite muslim in beliefs. I have checked out his business and who he is involved with in business. I have done this without his knowlegde and everything checks out fine. I know there is a great difference in being successful in egypt compared to here. He badly wants me to go over there and wants to marry etc and would like me to live there with him. I also know that a house is previous husband lived in one of these of course. He is protestant which counts only for a small percent in egypt, but none the less that is what he is. Thanks again![/QUOTE
2months is a short time to change ur life and the life of ur childrens.......and it is true , it is very hard to make a good life in egypt..the wages are very low and u will have to manage the best u can . I guess even trying to find work there will be hard enough in itself just for u , but what about ur children. By the way his name isnt Ahmed?...A virgin? a little hard to believe but if he says so..i find this all too amazing .it seems u dont trust him otherwise u would not be questioning him or trying to find out about him......a mans word should be enough i guess. but then there is the distance between the 2 of u .....the not knowing and his mother says a lot it he the only child???........


Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Of course it is a short time to change lives etc. And I am questioning because I think not to is a little absurd. One must be aware. No his name is not Ahmed. Yeh I know the virgin bit is a little, well you know! He is not the only child. Cheers! All advice, comments welcome! I will keep you all posted.
Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Well, he is not a virgin. He has tried to tell me he had practical training after medical school. Oh please! Practical training in Egypt in sexual matters, all kinds of sex. I had my doubts on this one but even so it has left me feeling disappointed like can anyone be trusted, why all the nonsense. Anyone, I really need some words of comfort. Does this mean I can't trust him on other matters. I mean he did not say to me that he was a virgin but he did lead me to believe that. Tonight I thought I would persue it until I knew.
Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :
Would you want him to be a virgin, I mean he doesn't have ANY experience in sexual matters?

I can't imagine a healthy man in his 40's not having even one sexual relationship with a woman in all his life. Next thing you know he still lives with his parents. I would be damn worried.

You know really the best is to go on a little vacation to Egypt, get to know him better ...... and you will still have enough time to make up your mind if you want to pursue a serious relationship with him.

You worry too much now. And stop reading ES, please. Good luck!

[This message has been edited by Tigerlily (edited 16 August 2005).]

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Oh my goodness, Im going on here like a mad woman! I really appreciate all of you who take the time to comment. Well, he has broken english both written and spoken. I do not know if the wires are crossing over but he insists he is a virgin even though he has had training after med school in reproduction/sexual issues. Grrr. Hard to understand. He said that the training in sex bought up problems with his religion so he stopped. Anyone else encounter these sorts of problems? Cheers.
Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Gee thanks for the reply Tigerlily. I had to laugh when you said stop reading ES. I love this forum but I tell you it did mess with my brain here last week when I couldn't stop reading it! LOL.
Yes I do worry too much and thanks for pointing that out. I don't mind if he has or hasn't, the thing was that he told me he hasn't. So it was the deception part of it. Get ready for it Tiger, he still lives at home! Seems highly religious. I have just looked at his emails again and I think I didn't understand what he was saying. To him, to be learning about sex is like doing it and makes problems with God. Oh dear! Good advice to go there, I would be just tripping to go to Cairo I reckon after reading the good things about it on here. I was bothered about it before but somehow you guys have made it very warming. Thanks so much for all of your comments, advice and being great people. God Bless.
Posted by ben_elias (Member # 8464) on :
Originally posted by Aussiefem:
Thanks to all for the replies. I was married to a Coptic Orthodox before, he seemed very different to this guy. In fact he was quite muslim in beliefs. I have checked out his business and who he is involved with in business. I have done this without his knowlegde and everything checks out fine. I know there is a great difference in being successful in egypt compared to here. He badly wants me to go over there and wants to marry etc and would like me to live there with him. I also know that a house is previous husband lived in one of these of course. He is protestant which counts only for a small percent in egypt, but none the less that is what he is. Thanks again!


I apologize for my late response.

What caught my eye was that he said he was 'Protestant'. Yes this is a very small percentage of Egypt so it could be easily tracked however, on the other hand he won’t have a baptisms certificate because it is not what they do.

I would insist on an Coptic Orthodox Baptism certificate because even it can be forged you can ask the priest by telephone if he knows him or his family. This is opposite to government documents which he is simply anonymous and cannot be asked about his character.

Concerning the Coptic business' yes they are successful because they are blessed and honest (they have to be or they will be in huge trouble with the Muslim that he ripped off) so for him to throw away his hard worked business for a shot at a lady he has never seen before is too much.

Egyptian culture, the man should ask one of his Christian friends to make sure that there is an Egyptian wife waiting for him not really through the action. Take this into consideration.

Email me if you need anything

God bless,
Benjamin Elias

[This message has been edited by ben_elias (edited 16 August 2005).]

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Thanks Ben, I did email you, did you get it? Do you mean his business wouldn't be successful? I wish I could tell you about it but it is quite well known.......I don't really want to spill all the beans if you know what I mean.
Thanks heaps for the reply!
Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :
Originally posted by Aussiefem:
Thanks Ben, I did email you, did you get it? Do you mean his business wouldn't be successful? I wish I could tell you about it but it is quite well known.......I don't really want to spill all the beans if you know what I mean.
Thanks heaps for the reply!

Its not Ghabbour Brothers, is it?

No it can't be they just produce vehicles...

[This message has been edited by Tigerlily (edited 16 August 2005).]

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Err, sorry Tiger, I didn't get it?! But I have not heard of who you have mentioned, are they for real, what/who are they?

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Ohh vehicles, no, not him.
Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :

I believe its the biggest and most famous Coptic company within Egypt, I could be wrong though.

When you visit next time Cairo check out busses, many of them say Ghabbour Brothers.

My ex-fiance used to work for them in Sales, he was a Copt too.

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
I will do Tiger
Your ex? So are you with anyone now? BTW what country are you in?
Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :
Okay, couple more questions from my side. He is already older but why he isn't he married? I am sure that his parents tried to tie him up with many other Egyptian women before and he is suitable since he's successful in business. So he didn't like any of these women? Or was he just not interested in getting married at all?

Ask him, why especially you (since he never met you in real life), why already that commitment and the proposing to you and not to an Egyptian woman who would be so much closer to meet and get to know. And since he seems very faithful in following his religion it would be okay for him if you would be already divorced and have kids of your own?

Sorry, for the changing my wording three times....

[This message has been edited by Tigerlily (edited 16 August 2005).]

Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :
Originally posted by Aussiefem:
I will do Tiger
Your ex? So are you with anyone now? BTW what country are you in?

Of course, I hate loneliness. I am married to an American man now for over six years who I happened to meet in Cairo by the way. We are currently residing in Germany with the hope to return for couple of years again back to live in Egypt.

[This message has been edited by Tigerlily (edited 16 August 2005).]

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
I did ask, he told me he likes foreigners and does not like egyptian women. If he was of the same religion of my previous husband then I know that marriage is frowned upon, unless my husband had died. I did not marry in the church either as I was not copt orth. so maybe it is seen like I have not been married. As for the kids, who knows?!
I have not been to Egypt yet, sounds like you really enjoyed it there!
Posted by _ (Member # 3567) on :
Yup, I really enjoyed Cairo to the fullest.

Well my relationship didn't went so well, wonderful and in the same time hurtful, a real roller coaster indeed. We broke up because of personal differences. And lastly he told me his religion would force him to marry a virgin. I was a little naive stupid thing, surely I was.

Anyway, he's still not married 9 years afterwards and enjoys his single life abroad if you know what I mean.


Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Still not married, hmm. I see this kind of thing here with Egyptian guys. Live it up with the women here and then go home and marry a virgin and bring her here. Nice.
Either that or they don't settle, get too mixed between both cultures. Still as long as you are happy now, that's what matters.
Take care!
Posted by ben_elias (Member # 8464) on :
Hi Aussiefem,

I've checked my email and I haven't recieved anything from you.

Feel free to contact me but don't put his/your details on this forum obviously.

Concerning the previous marriage, was it done by a Coptic Priest? Do you actually have a Coptic certificate of marriage - if not then it is not valid.

Like baptisim, the Coptic Church doesn't accept other baptisim of other churchs (protestant etc.) so check this out.

Hope to hear from you soon

God bless,
Benjamin Elias

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
No it was not a Coptic marriage, therefore not counted. This has worked in his favour as he has been able to go back to Egypt and re-marry. I will try to contact you again Ben, but probably not tonight. Take care, God Bless.
Posted by Natashiah (Member # 4566) on :
Originally posted by newcomer:
Assalamu alaykum Natashiah!

You're still around! How is it going? Have you reached Luxor yet?

...Salaam dear...hehehe I've been here in Luxor for 4 months...spent 4 of the previous months in Sharm.Life is really different can swear Cairo and Luxor is in different countries


Posted by Pendarth (Member # 8592) on :
Originally posted by Aussiefem:
I do not know if the wires are crossing over but he insists he is a virgin even though he has had training after med school in reproduction/sexual issues. Grrr. Hard to understand. He said that the training in sex bought up problems with his religion so he stopped. Anyone else encounter these sorts of problems? Cheers.

LOL !!!

If he says he's a virgin - he probably is As a muslim ... unless you are married you remain a virgin. And I would assume that is the norm in respectable Xtian families as well.

"training in reproduction/sexual issues" means exactly that ... he has studied medicine - ie. he knows about the "birds and the bees" ... LOL

"training in sex bought up problems with his religion" ... as muslims (in Pakistan) - although we study gynaecology ... most of the boys would suffice on knowledge from the texts (enough to pass the exam) ... UNLESS - ofcourse they are either really gung-ho students or just gung-ho :P
[You must be aware - that looking at or touching women (not directly related) is not allowed in Islam ... so imagine doing a gynaecological examination - both for the doctor and the patient !!]

See what a difference culture can make for you ... my wife still has problems about my hangups !!

/sorry ... but, I cracked up reading this !!

[This message has been edited by Pendarth (edited 17 August 2005).]

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Yeh well it is funny! I know from my previous husband (copt) that there are many hang ups and issues over there. It didn't end up affecting him too much though. But he did inform me about lots of things.
Yes, I actually believe he is still a virgin. You guys have been wonderful with your posts, thanks heaps!
Take Care!
Posted by newcomer (Member # 1056) on :
Originally posted by Natashiah:
...Salaam dear...hehehe I've been here in Luxor for 4 months...spent 4 of the previous months in Sharm.Life is really different can swear Cairo and Luxor is in different countries

Hope the difference is positive for you!

Posted by blackmagnolia (Member # 4915) on :
Originally posted by Aussiefem:
I met an Egyptian physician through a site on the internet and we have are in touch many many times daily through email (known him just a couple of months) and he also rings me a couple of times each week.
He has asked me to marry him and would like it if I would live with him in Cairo as he has a very successful business there. I also have a business plus 2 children (grown but at home). We are both in our early 40's, he has never been married, lives at home and says he has never had sex before. He doesn't want sex until after he is married. (just thought i'd mention that). I said I would not move over there full time and would have my kids with me wherever I was anyway. He says he will provide a house there for me and my children and we can go in between here and there. He said also that he would come here to marry me. (he is christian)
He is affectionate in emails and on the phone, never disrespectful. He does everything he says he will......I was married to an egyptian before and he was soooo different.
I guess the reason I am writing this is that I want feedback on whether he is asking for marriage too soon, or is this to be expected. (my previous husband was already a citizen here, had had previous g/f's, sex etc, so it was different to start with)
He wants to be engaged now and then marry me as soon as he would arrive here.
Also just any comments or feedback would be most welcome.
I have been reading the forums for a while now with great interest. I really think your comments and advice to others has been invaluable!

B E C A R E F U L ......
Most egyptians wants your money and the way to get out of Egypt, they said are in love with you, they lost their work, and you believe all they said, but shame on them, they are liars only


Posted by Nicole20 (Member # 8703) on :
Just a quick note that is is VERY VERY difficult to get a visa to australia if you are not married! I am married and trying now for my husband...coulod take years. A friend of mine tried to go to Aus to see his girlfriends family etc before making the decision to marry, when he applied to a Visa he was rejected on the spot.
Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Where abouts are you Nicole? Yes it can be hard to get a visa if not married and I would say it has to do with the terrorist thing as there was a lady here married to this guy who ended up being a terrorist and she had no idea. Still Id say it would be easier to come to Australia than some places. Good luck getting your husband to wherever it is that you live!
Posted by Nicole20 (Member # 8703) on :
I am in Cairo now but i live in Melbourne. Thanks for the support. My husband and i have a lot of things going for us so hopefully we will get a visa. This man that i mentioned who tried to get a tourist Visa has a lot of money etc. so in this respect there wasn't any reason not to trust him. But, apparently Australia is the most difficult country to get to...even more so than the US. This is from peoples experiences in different embassies. Since we decided we wanted to travel we have been talking to a lot of people to get info. This guy i mentioned had married his australian wife now and they are waiting to see if their application is accepted...i will let you know. I dont know if it makes his situation more difficult because he already tried for a visa and was rejected..

Good luck anyway.

And my advice would be, what ever you do, meet him first, spend time with him and know what he wants and expects from you. Come to egypt but dont make any promises. Be confident you dont want to be nervous about the man you want to you know there are a few horror stories but dont listen to them...judge for yourself

Originally posted by Aussiefem:
Where abouts are you Nicole? Yes it can be hard to get a visa if not married and I would say it has to do with the terrorist thing as there was a lady here married to this guy who ended up being a terrorist and she had no idea. Still Id say it would be easier to come to Australia than some places. Good luck getting your husband to wherever it is that you live!


Posted by Nicole20 (Member # 8703) on :
I am in Cairo now but i live in Melbourne. Thanks for the support. My husband and i have a lot of things going for us so hopefully we will get a visa. This man that i mentioned who tried to get a tourist Visa has a lot of money etc. so in this respect there wasn't any reason not to trust him. But, apparently Australia is the most difficult country to get to...even more so than the US. This is from peoples experiences in different embassies. Since we decided we wanted to travel we have been talking to a lot of people to get info. This guy i mentioned had married his australian wife now and they are waiting to see if their application is accepted...i will let you know. I dont know if it makes his situation more difficult because he already tried for a visa and was rejected..

Good luck anyway.

And my advice would be, what ever you do, meet him first, spend time with him and know what he wants and expects from you. Come to egypt but dont make any promises. Be confident you dont want to be nervous about the man you want to you know there are a few horror stories but dont listen to them...judge for yourself

Originally posted by Aussiefem:
Where abouts are you Nicole? Yes it can be hard to get a visa if not married and I would say it has to do with the terrorist thing as there was a lady here married to this guy who ended up being a terrorist and she had no idea. Still Id say it would be easier to come to Australia than some places. Good luck getting your husband to wherever it is that you live!


Posted by ' Sharon Stone ' (Member # 5169) on :
Internet relationships that result (most often) in "online marriage" or any marriage agreed in advance without really 'meeting' in person are not something I would ever ever take seriously That's complitely childish to me. Anyways, good luck.
Posted by udjat (Member # 5887) on :
never seen the person in real? and wanting to get married?

uhhhh...alarm bell's ringing!

40 and being virgin? never been married?
who can believe that?

not me!

I know a woman who married a 40 year old egyptian, swearing he was never married before (though we all said that's impossible)...well, by the time she lived in cairo she found out that he was married indeed, having 3 kids!

my advice...forget about marrying an egyptian you met in chat!

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
I sure am forgetting about it. I met him on a dating site....hmm, I think he is married too. Who could help me find out info on him anyway? This is for the sake of curiousity, I just can't believe how far some people will go! Also, if I can find out if he is indeed married, then his profile will be deleted from the dating site.

Posted by didi_elsayed (Member # 4763) on :
lollll girls u make me laugh good on this!How can u marry a man through net meet,ill tell you -Yes of course its possible!Nobody tells u that from the plane to the Matrimony house,but u ask why?!
I will say,why not?
1st of all the internet nowadays is smth sooo comfortable for communication!People r more open in talking via the Internet,than on a real date,this make it even more good!We dont talk now about all fake lovers and bullshits,i talk for the positiveness of this kind communication!You cannot be together,but u can keep warm relations even by this way,yes its not like the real one,but too real indeed!
How can u fall in love by this way?
Very easy dears,when u begin to share to each other,talk like friends,u begin to feel like know each other for years sometimes,but not always!
I know so many people who marry after a meets in the net,and soon they decide to marry...why not!?After all nobody will kill u if nothing happen,ure not obligated to do it,u just check if it will work out!
I met my egy husband by the net,crazy story...a matter of chance as his brother run a net cafee and he never used it before,but by chance we met there....after 6 months we met 4 real,now we r married,and live together in my country!Im happy from my choise,nothing bad happened to me.even we kidding a lot from how we met,and how fast the things happened between us!We was lucky maybe...but this can really happen,if its written to happen,the way is not important!
I dont say with all is like this,but it worked for us!
Posted by ExptinCAI (Member # 1439) on :
Hi Aussiefem, totally irrelevant but just out of on earth were you married to an egyptian copt without it "counting" as a coptic wedding? were you married in australia? was it a civic ceremony only and not valid/registered in egypt? so you didn't have to prove you were copt or convert from another branch to marry?

just wondering because i've never heard of a copt who got divorced, let alone one who's first marriage 'didn't count.'

sorry for being nosey, just curious.

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
That's okay, I don't mind you asking. It was a civil marriage with the intentions that we would later marry in the church. I was not coptic and never became one as things didn't work out that way. He told me that Egyptian men never change their wives or cars! lol.....he did both!
We were good together, I still miss him, but there were other issues that made it toooooooo hard.....and I have a lot of patience by the way
Posted by nevermind (Member # 6674) on :
Originally posted by Aussiefem:
It was a civil marriage with the intentions that we would later marry in the church. I was not coptic and never became one as things didn't work out that way.

Aussiefem, did you have to prove your religion for that marriage? Because i still have not understood whether I need a religion to marry a copt? (speaking of the legal-technical possibility here, purely, of course With muslim people the rules are so much more clear both for men and women, but for copts...

What concerns the perceived pluses and minuses of internet dating (from other postings here) then from my own experience i'd say Internet is THE media for people with, and interested in, INTERNAL beauty. Other beauty does not harm but is of secondary importance to the concerned persons, probably. You do not see a person here, but you certainly can feel what's inside a person if this person is at least somewhat eloquent (this now is an apparent drawback that if your keyboard skills are nonexistent, you'll probably not qualify in here )
Also - similars draw similars. If u post bullshit then do not complain you pick up shitty guys...

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
No I didn't have to prove any religion before the marriage. My husband knew I was a Christian and we fully intended to marry in his church afterwards.....after I'd converted which didn't happen. There were other issues that he was sorting out first, then I was to convert and marry in church.
It really depends on who you are with whether he/she expect you to convert now/later or at all. (last one is not realistic cos they do expect it)
I don't post BS and for me, internet is the way I socialise. It's just the way it is with work and everything.
Posted by shocked (Member # 9254) on :
Oh my God, I have been asking myself all the same questions. I myself just got married to a copt (not in the coptic church). We got married in the court becuase I am divorced. He also is 40+ and never been married. He was already a citizen, so he did not need me for that. He did not have much and neither did I, so its not about money. I have talked to his family, so they are real. I dont get it just the same. He came to me via the net from nyc and after two months came again and now were married. I wonder what it is, or better yet why is it so hard to believe that love is possible?
Posted by daria1975 (Member # 6244) on :
Originally posted by shocked:
Oh my God, I have been asking myself all the same questions.

There are a lot of bad stories on here, but not all love stories are bad. Some are great. I wish you the best.


Posted by LiveItUp (Member # 4811) on :
I think you mentioned above that you did not originally want to come to Egypt to marry him wouldn't like the culture he is maybe coming there to marry or get to know you??? WEll if you already feel this way I can tell you this if he has a successful business here as DR. he will want to come back to live here with you eventually..and you have children...different ballgame!!...really think it through and visiting still doesn't give you 100% reality of living here. If your children are older it is very difficult to change livestyles. Also if he is home til 40 yrs with Mother he will be a difficult one to break in! She will be probably be very dominant in your life here! They really baby their sons and to do it til 40 yrs old ..would be difficult for a wife to adjust to.
Posted by cybercops (Member # 6178) on :
Egyptian man wants to marry me.....advice welcome
run as fast as you can in the other direction

Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
As it turned out- I did!
Posted by eyeonjannah (Member # 9502) on :
Originally posted by Aussiefem:
As it turned out- I did!

Good for you! I am late to the table but as I read through this thread all I could think of in the back of my mind is, "Run, Dorothy, Run!"

Even though your response here has pretty much indicated an end to the topic, you know what crossed my mind that I didn't find in any of the other replies?

If he is an Egyptian physician, born and raised here, and he is 40, and the majority of the population in Egypt are Muslims, you can bet if he doesn't want to marry a Muslim (which, technically a Muslim woman is not suppose to marry a non-Muslim man), that his choices with regard to the opposite sex are, thereby greatly reduced making it somewhat obvious as to why he might look outside of Egypt for a bride.

But the other thought I had is this: As a physician (trained in, of course, matters with regard to the birds and the bees) he is also well aware of how many women in Egypt (particularly if he is looking somewhere in his age range), have undergone female circumcism, otherwise known as female genetial mutilation (FGM).

And if he has *knowledge* of things sexual, he will certainly also readily presume that this procedure adversly affects a woman's ability to find the same satisfaction in a sexual relationship that a woman has who has not been subjected to female circumcism.

Female Genitial Mutilation (FGM) was rampant in Egypt, despite the fact that it is un-Islamic (as further asserted by Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, head of the al-Azhar Islamic Institute). The Health Minister of Egypt, Ismail Sallam, announced a ban on FGM in July of 1996 that was upheld by a junior administrative court in Cairo. However, Sheik Youssef Badri, a Muslim fundamentalist, took the health minister to court. In June of 1997 an Egyptian court overturned the country's ban on FGM. *Pause for Consideration*

Being married to an Egyptian myself, I am ashamed to say that my gut reaction was to say to you, "Run, Dorothy, Run" - but I have been on my own personal roller-coaster ride; a ride that I would not overtly recommend to another woman, Muslim or non-Muslim.

What I have also learned is something very, very interesting that many, many unsuspecting women out there could never know about unless someone told them with regard to Egyptian men lurking out there on the internet.

Many of these guys are looking for ways to avoid mandatory military service. At the age of 18 they are required to report. If they obtain an educational waiver they are temporarily off the hook. However, after completing their education they are back on the hook. There are two other possible ways to wiggle back off the hook. (1) By managing somehow to get out of Egypt via education abroad. This does not, in and of itself, exempt them. In some cases they chose never to return to Egypt after education just to avoid military service. A big heads up to women living outside of Egypt who meet Egyptian men in their own countries! (2) If a military eligible Egyptian man manages to snag a foreign wife; he may be waived from military service as the government may then well consider him to be a security threat.

So women beware! And be wise! And do not compromise!

If you 'meet' someone on the internet, and they balk and providing information or verifiying information, no matter how difficult it is to do so, run! Run as fast as you can!

I wish you the best; and above be careful.
Posted by Aussiefem (Member # 8588) on :
Thanks for that reply. I'm glad it's over for sure. If you read my earlier messages you would have seen that I was married to and Egyptian previously and although I do still think he has many good qualities, it is very different trying to blend the cultures. It's not something that I would be telling others to try and do.
Good luck with your relationship.

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