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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 10978
 - posted
Hey guys,do you know what exactly is in Orfi papers and if it's just in arabic or also in english?
Member # 4691
 - posted
Normally just Arabic.... it's just a paper signed in front of a lawyer and 2 witnesses....just to allow an Egyptian guy to be with a foreign woman (this week's holiday wife!!)in an apartment ( most hotels don't accept it!!) without hassle from the tourist police!!
Usually just ... names, dates of birth, nationality, passport and ID numbers.
Known commonly by the guys here in Hurghada as a f***ing paper.
Member # 10978
 - posted
Nothing like what are her and his rights or something like that?Just names,dates of bird,nationality,passport and ID numbers?
So are you sure that it's not also in english?
And why is police taking interest in that?
Member # 4691
 - posted
Marcella, an Egyptian man is not supposed to be in a room with a foreign woman....that's just the way it is here!! At the moment, here in Hurghada, tourist police are throwing men out of the town by the busload... for no apparent reason!!
Rights?? What rights??
I've never seen an English translation of an orfi paper.... maybe somebody else has?? But.. also... how do you know that what you sign in Arabic is the same as the translation anyway...
Be very cautious!!!!
Member # 1680
 - posted
This is a translation of my Orfi marriage papers. I got it done in the UK but you can get it done here. There are official translators that the Embassy use.

In the Name of God the Merciful the Compassionate
Civil Court of Summary Justice of Bandar Luxor
(Stamp of the Egyptian Ministry of Justice)

On the day ………………..
In accordance with the request of the suitor …………………. Resident of Luxor the court declares the following

I …………… usher of the court of Luxor went on the above date to …………………… where ……………… holder of British passport number …………. Resides

And I declare the following

The above named has wed the suitor according to civil contract dated../../.. with a dower of ….. Egyptian pounds half of which the husband has paid and the second half due on death or divorce.

The article 45 of the law of registrations states. Accordingly, this is what the suitor has requested. The legal proceedings of the above mentioned civil marriage contract and the supporting documents are confirmed.


I the above named court usher gave the above named a copy of this announcement.

For information
This is an exact copy of the case application number … of the year 2003 given to the suitor

2 signatures
Signature of the court official
Stamp of Egyptian ministry of Justice
Fee Paid by suitor

When we went to the British Embassy to get the visitors visa for my husband to visit the UK they were quite happy to accept it as proof of our relationship so I will continue to say there is Orfi and there is orfi. If you are court registered then that is a legal marriage.
Member # 10978
 - posted
Originally posted by Samia:
Marcella, an Egyptian man is not supposed to be in a room with a foreign woman....that's just the way it is here!! At the moment, here in Hurghada, tourist police are throwing men out of the town by the busload... for no apparent reason!!
Rights?? What rights??
I've never seen an English translation of an orfi paper.... maybe somebody else has?? But.. also... how do you know that what you sign in Arabic is the same as the translation anyway...
Be very cautious!!!!

To you Samia and also to all:
I'm not going into Orfi.I'm just curious
what is it like to go into this.
But what I don't understand is why are cops
interesting in what people are doing?
I mean ok it is not allowed,but how they
can talk to somebodys else decision?
If somebody want to go to the same hotel
roon just let them go.They are not kids and
we are not their parents,why are they taking soooo
interest in that?
Member # 10978
 - posted
Originally posted by akshar:
When we went to the British Embassy to get the visitors visa for my husband to visit the UK they were quite happy to accept it as proof of our relationship so I will continue to say there is Orfi and there is orfi. If you are court registered then that is a legal marriage. [/QB]

But I have heard that if you go with
the paper to ha court you still don't have
any rights if he will divorce you...
So I don't know.Where is something like
what is going to happened if he will divorce
Member # 1680
 - posted
If you read my contract it says I get the second half of my money if he divorces me. That was in my marriage contract, these things aren't standard.

If you are court registered then you can demand whatever was in your contract through the courts. Any contract that is registered at the court is enforceable. Be it a contract to buy land, build a shop, marriage whatever. If that contract is registered then you get everything. The mistake is not having things in your marraige contract in the first place.

Now because my marriage had 2 witnesses, a dowry and is publically declared it is also an Islamic marriage. which also means I have rights under Islamic law.

A secret marriage that is not registered has no rights becasue once the contract is torn up then the marriage doesn't exist any more.

If my contract was torn up then I could just apply to the courts for another copy. My marriage gives me rights as the wife of an Egyptian, I don't have to pay for a visa, I get Egyptian rates in hotels, on the railway and at the sites. So I have rights as an Egyptian wife that are recognised with that contract.

I have to say the whole marriage scene is a nightmare and why on earth it is so complicated I don't know. You should always get advice from a lawyer and your Embassy.
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by Marcella:
Originally posted by Samia:
Marcella, an Egyptian man is not supposed to be in a room with a foreign woman....that's just the way it is here!! At the moment, here in Hurghada, tourist police are throwing men out of the town by the busload... for no apparent reason!!
Rights?? What rights??
I've never seen an English translation of an orfi paper.... maybe somebody else has?? But.. also... how do you know that what you sign in Arabic is the same as the translation anyway...
Be very cautious!!!!

To you Samia and also to all:
I'm not going into Orfi.I'm just curious
what is it like to go into this.
But what I don't understand is why are cops
interesting in what people are doing?
I mean ok it is not allowed,but how they
can talk to somebodys else decision?
If somebody want to go to the same hotel
roon just let them go.They are not kids and
we are not their parents,why are they taking soooo
interest in that?

because its the law in Egypt. You are not allowed to be in a room with an Egyptian man if you are not married to him, thats the law, thats why the police will stop a couple in the street to check they are married and why hotels will only allow you to sleep with a man you are not married to if he is also a foreigner that came with you into Egypt.
Member # 11168
 - posted
Assalam Alaikum,
ORFI MARRIAGE -- its just a egyptian local law. This kind of ""marriage"" its so popular in tourist cities not only in Egypt , but in different arab countries too. Young Egyptian guys -- just making the "orfi" ,because by this paper they can go with foreigner woman and making sex, nothing more!!!! Without this paper they can not do that. Of course this kind of marriage - according to Islamic rules -- its so HARAM!!!
Salam , Salima
Member # 6244
 - posted
Originally posted by queensali:
Assalam Alaikum,
ORFI MARRIAGE -- its just a egyptian local law. This kind of ""marriage"" its so popular in tourist cities not only in Egypt , but in different arab countries too. Young Egyptian guys -- just making the "orfi" ,because by this paper they can go with foreigner woman and making sex, nothing more!!!! Without this paper they can not do that. Of course this kind of marriage - according to Islamic rules -- its so HARAM!!!
Salam , Salima

I can see how a secret orfi marriage is considered haram, but if the orfi marriage is presented to society as a real marriage, doesn't that make it halal?
Member # 10522
 - posted
Originally posted by Snoozin:
Originally posted by queensali:
Assalam Alaikum,
ORFI MARRIAGE -- its just a egyptian local law. This kind of ""marriage"" its so popular in tourist cities not only in Egypt , but in different arab countries too. Young Egyptian guys -- just making the "orfi" ,because by this paper they can go with foreigner woman and making sex, nothing more!!!! Without this paper they can not do that. Of course this kind of marriage - according to Islamic rules -- its so HARAM!!!
Salam , Salima

I can see how a secret orfi marriage is considered haram, but if the orfi marriage is presented to society as a real marriage, doesn't that make it halal?
One Egyptian chick had a sh*tfit over the fact that my marriage is legally recognized by the USA and Egyptian government eventhough my father wasn't the walli and none of my family was involved in the marriage preparations. Because my family didn't give their blessing in advance complete with all the Egyptian *ahem, I mean Islamic preparations it wasn't halal.

I suppose if a foreign woman's family was involved in preparing for an "Orfi" marriage it might make it more legit.
Member # 10978
 - posted
Originally posted by Ayisha:
Originally posted by Marcella:
Originally posted by Samia:
Marcella, an Egyptian man is not supposed to be in a room with a foreign woman....that's just the way it is here!! At the moment, here in Hurghada, tourist police are throwing men out of the town by the busload... for no apparent reason!!
Rights?? What rights??
I've never seen an English translation of an orfi paper.... maybe somebody else has?? But.. also... how do you know that what you sign in Arabic is the same as the translation anyway...
Be very cautious!!!!

To you Samia and also to all:
I'm not going into Orfi.I'm just curious
what is it like to go into this.
But what I don't understand is why are cops
interesting in what people are doing?
I mean ok it is not allowed,but how they
can talk to somebodys else decision?
If somebody want to go to the same hotel
roon just let them go.They are not kids and
we are not their parents,why are they taking soooo
interest in that?

because its the law in Egypt. You are not allowed to be in a room with an Egyptian man if you are not married to him, thats the law, thats why the police will stop a couple in the street to check they are married and why hotels will only allow you to sleep with a man you are not married to if he is also a foreigner that came with you into Egypt.
Member # 4713
 - posted
QUOTE]I can see how a secret orfi marriage is considered haram, but if the orfi marriage is presented to society as a real marriage, doesn't that make it halal?[/QUOTE]

If it is not secret, done with 2 male muslim witnesses, and proclaimed to the world and family, entered into for life, then it is halal [Big Grin]
Member # 10978
 - posted
Yes I agree,of course.But still they can
show other people that they get married,
but you don't know if he doesn't want to
(for example)get just papers,right?
Member # 10978
 - posted
Originally posted by Ayisha:
QUOTE]I can see how a secret orfi marriage is considered haram, but if the orfi marriage is presented to society as a real marriage, doesn't that make it halal?

If it is not secret, done with 2 male muslim witnesses, and proclaimed to the world and family, entered into for life, then it is halal :D [/QUOTE]

And what should one do if one wants to have Orfi,but legall Orfi?With all rights.
micky azzam
Member # 11209
 - posted
i got married in an office in cairo then had it translated in america. it is very legal
Member # 10978
 - posted
You have orfi and you say that is legal?
What kind of office it was you get married?
micky azzam
Member # 11209
 - posted
our lawyer took us to this very nice office where they even took our finger prints and put them on our marriage licences.our right thumbs!!!!!!!! the usa says it is a legal marraige
micky azzam
Member # 11209
 - posted
you have to get married legally by a maazan in a family court ti be legal orfi is not legal if it doesnt ask for a dowery on the contract
Member # 10978
 - posted
But if is legal marriage than it's not orfi.You two just get married somehow
somewhere in legal way(because there is other way for marriage)but not in orfi.
Am I right?
micky azzam
Member # 11209
 - posted
yes now i know what you are talking about orfi! it is a paper you can get from a lawyer that just says marriage certificate on it . i had that in july. but when i went back in feb i got thereal thing all i needed was my divorce papers and my passport and we were married in 10 mins. it is very legal with fingerprints and all. i hope this helps you marcella
Member # 10978
 - posted
Maybe,but I won't marry in orfi,but "legal" marriage.Just regular
micky azzam
Member # 11209
 - posted
yes you have to get a lawyer to help you get into this office. make sure you have all your papers with you divorce> passport? or free to marry and for hom too. i will take i day to do the marriage and then1 day to wait to pick up your marriage license
good luck
Member # 11226
 - posted
Hello I am new here. I am in cairo now to get Married and as I read this it scares me..... Someone please help me. My boyfriend is wonderful we have known each other for a while now, But we have only met in person 1 time and i have been here a week tomorrow. HE SAYS IT IS BECAUSE THE WAY THE PEOPLE WILL REACT. He has a lawyer to prepair papers and then says we go somewhere else.....is that correct. I love him but i do want a legal marriage.
thanks for listening to me.
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by marrying_my_best_friend:
Hello I am new here. I am in cairo now to get Married and as I read this it scares me..... Someone please help me. My boyfriend is wonderful we have known each other for a while now, But we have only met in person 1 time and i have been here a week tomorrow. HE SAYS IT IS BECAUSE THE WAY THE PEOPLE WILL REACT. He has a lawyer to prepair papers and then says we go somewhere else.....is that correct. I love him but i do want a legal marriage.
thanks for listening to me.

Please do not marry him.. Either way..

I swear to you I'm very serious.

How can he be your best freind when you've met only once? Grow up and run for your life.
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
why get married? youve only met once! why not spend more time with him first? would you sign your house over to a man you met once in the states? so why enter a legal contract with an arab straight away? ive taken better care hiring staff!
Member # 10978
 - posted
Very true!I mean how someone can marry just like that?Try to know him better!That's not child game.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by marrying_my_best_friend:
Hello I am new here. I am in cairo now to get Married and as I read this it scares me..... Someone please help me. My boyfriend is wonderful we have known each other for a while now, But we have only met in person 1 time and i have been here a week tomorrow. HE SAYS IT IS BECAUSE THE WAY THE PEOPLE WILL REACT. He has a lawyer to prepair papers and then says we go somewhere else.....is that correct. I love him but i do want a legal marriage.
thanks for listening to me.

I sent you a PM
Member # 4691
 - posted
Another one bites the dust!!! [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]
Charm El Feikh?
Member # 10243
 - posted
i think that should be preceded by.. Dum Dum Dum...
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
wow, the compassion here at ES is overwhelming [Roll Eyes]

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