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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 12901
 - posted
Has anyone heard about new regulations about Egyptians and Western women being together. I just had a rather confusing text message.
young at heart
Member # 10365
 - posted
hi audbod, what have you been told
Member # 12901
 - posted

Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
Originally posted by audbod:
Has anyone heard about new regulations about Egyptians and Western women being together. I just had a rather confusing text message.

[Confused] [Confused] So what was the confusing text that you where sent audbod? Why was the thread titled tourism police? [Confused]
Member # 12901
 - posted
" don't rent flat because not safe when we are together.We have something new in our tourism police"
Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
Originally posted by audbod:
" don't rent flat because not safe when we are together.We have something new in our tourism police"

[Confused] Oh, I wonder what the something new is in the tourism police?
Member # 12901
 - posted
I wish someone would tell me. Thats why i started the post. Usually someone knows something.
Member # 11649
 - posted
If you're married and have all of your papers with you there should be no problem.
Âutomatic For The People
Member # 12634
 - posted
Originally posted by doodlebug:

Member # 1925
 - posted
There is no change in the law.

Even with an ORFI there is still no problem in Sharm. OFRI, like it or not IS a legal document wherby you have given your consent to be with a man and with that in hand the police have no authority to take any action against you or him.
Tourist police are there for your protection and all they want to know is that you have consented legally to be with a man and that he is not causing a problem for you. They are not the morality police.

Every now and then the police do have a crack down in Sharm and then the rumours start flying round but that is all it ever is just rumour, they never actually get off their backsides and actually do anything.
Member # 6838
 - posted
If you dont have orfi or marriage papers you cant stay in a rented flat together, if he owns the place no one will say a word. The police wont actually do anything to him for finding you together if you make a scene with them about them interfering in your personal business but they will definitely try to give him a hard time and try to take him to jail if you dont say anything.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Audbod, he obviously is afraid to stay with you in a place together. After all he's Egyptian and will be treated and prosecuted like one if it comes to that point.

Hey, Penny, you don't live anymore in Sharm?
Member # 9228
 - posted
I think it might have been an April Fool's joke on Luxor4U, something about orfi papers not being legal anymore, so I heard. [Smile]
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by samakwish:
I think it might have been an April Fool's joke on Luxor4U, something about orfi papers not being legal anymore, so I heard. [Smile]

Lots of jokes on there [Big Grin] [Wink]
Member # 12901
 - posted
It was 2 russian females renting a flat from a British man. They had 2 arab guys with them and were making porn movies.
Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
Originally posted by mysticheart:
If you dont have orfi or marriage papers you cant stay in a rented flat together, if he owns the place no one will say a word.

[Confused] Well, I never had ofri or marriage papers when I went to Egypt a few months ago and stayed with a certain person from this forum. I don't think that he owned the place either. The owner was a friend of his, so maybe it was a case of who you know and I will scratch your back if you scatch mine!

I have seen the same thing written in a similar thread months ago when the debate of 'ofri' was being discussed.
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by audbod:
It was 2 russian females renting a flat from a British man. They had 2 arab guys with them and were making porn movies.

hmmmmm I wonder what porn music sounds like in russian or arabic... [Confused]
Miss Sharm
Member # 12405
 - posted
I knew that I had read it somewhere else on es that it wasn't necessary to have ofri or marriage papers if you want to stay in a rented flat together.

Member # 9889
 - posted
Originally posted by Miss Sharm:
I knew that I had read it somewhere else on es that it wasn't necessary to have ofri or marriage papers if you want to stay in a rented flat together.


I stayed with my exBF in a rented flat in Cairo a couple of times and shared a room in a some hotels (not 5* in fact not even 1* [Big Grin] though!) and we weren't orfi or anything. Mind you, I think we paid over the odds for the flat rent - but less than the Saudis were charged in the same block - but not sure if that was the not married bit or the me being a Westerner bit that did it!
Member # 6838
 - posted
It really just depends on your luck. On one occasion, not recently, when i stayed in egypt i was going with a russian friend to her rented apartment in the same resort i was staying in, she had her orfi husband with her and upon entering the apartment we were all stopped and they were asked for proof of their marriage. They refused to show this at first but then the guard called the front office to have the police come so they showed the papers. If they had not had the paper the man was going to be made to leave or arrested if he refused.
Member # 12336
 - posted
Appartments who are under an ownership is different. I think it`s about baksjisj, power, status etc. from the owner and the particular policeman...
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
My husband & I have NEVER had any problems, never been stopped, questioned or eyeballed (I like that word)> [Big Grin] , maybe I blend in or something. [Confused]
Member # 11693
 - posted
<eyeballed >

How do you "eyeball" someone?

*tricking her eyes into "eyeballing"*
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
like this :
Member # 11693
 - posted
Originally posted by ?????:
Appartments who are under an ownership is different. I think it`s about baksjisj, power, status etc. from the owner and the particular policeman...

It also depends a lot on the area.Never been to resort areas like Sharm or Hurghada(nor intend to)but since they are so obviously plaged with gigolos,followers and the like the "morality police" must be quite busy and having a field day. [Wink]
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
and making tons of bribe money at that I'm sure.... so who really benefits? [Roll Eyes]
Member # 11693
 - posted
Anybody ever had an experience of the police checking out for "morals" at rented flats or apartments in Cairo areas off the tourist zone?Like Heliopolis,for example?
Member # 11209
 - posted
Member # 11693
 - posted
Originally posted by mok-mok:

No experience,or the "morality police" does not check there? [Confused]
Member # 9228
 - posted
I have heard of the police making raids on flats in Hurghada and draging three in a bed, half naked, off to the police station. Some of the bawaabs get panic stricken if people don't have orfi. Yet others except a bribe and rent a room for a few hours.
Member # 11693
 - posted
Originally posted by samakwish:
I have heard of the police making raids on flats in Hurghada and draging three in a bed, half naked, off to the police station. Some of the bawaabs get panic stricken if people don't have orfi. Yet others except a bribe and rent a room for a few hours.

<draging three in a bed, half naked, off to the police station.>

[Eek!] [Big Grin] [Eek!]
MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by samakwish:
three in a bed

That's two too many.
Member # 11693
 - posted
Originally posted by MK the Most Interlectual:
Originally posted by samakwish:
three in a bed

That's two too many.
That's a proper orgy [Wink] [Razz]
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Three in a bed?? I don't know how people do that, too many hands...
Member # 9889
 - posted
Originally posted by With a name like Smuckers:
My husband & I have NEVER had any problems, never been stopped, questioned or eyeballed (I like that word)> [Big Grin] , maybe I blend in or something. [Confused]

I think it depends on the male. I have been about in company with several different Egy men (most just friends - honest!) and never had any problems with those who are from Cairo or around the delta or my friend of Syrian descent.

The one from Qina (exBF), we had problems in Luxor if we were near the Corniche, and in Hurghada one time - they refused to believe he didn't work in a hotel there, and we had travelled there together for a break. These 'discussions' usually end in a row because he refuses to pay bribes and lets them write his ID card number in their books. Only once in Cairo he got stopped in a semi-aggressive manner, but mainly in Cairo the only people who stopped him were other Upper Egyptians who happened to be police and they had a good old chat about 'back home'.

I realise now that the kind of clothes Mr Upper Egypt wears probably say 'lower class' in Egypt - in England they say something more like 'rich rapper boy pretending to be urban/street' so I guess that might be why!
Member # 12613
 - posted
Happy Easter! I never had a problem in Heliopolis although one day I did have to take a little trip down to the station after I was physically assaulted(pinched and groped) by a camel and Moody lost it and they started to literally fight. We were released and the tourist police kept asking why didn't I just show my passport!!! I thought how is this about what I did? Anyway, they hit the guy a few times and then I guess he was let go.
Member # 11693
 - posted
Originally posted by oldbag:
Originally posted by With a name like Smuckers:
My husband & I have NEVER had any problems, never been stopped, questioned or eyeballed (I like that word)> [Big Grin] , maybe I blend in or something. [Confused]

I think it depends on the male. I have been about in company with several different Egy men (most just friends - honest!) and never had any problems with those who are from Cairo or around the delta or my friend of Syrian descent.

The one from Qina (exBF), we had problems in Luxor if we were near the Corniche, and in Hurghada one time - they refused to believe he didn't work in a hotel there, and we had travelled there together for a break. These 'discussions' usually end in a row because he refuses to pay bribes and lets them write his ID card number in their books. Only time in Cairo he got stopped in a semi-aggressive manner, but mainly in Cairo the only people who stopped him were other Upper Egyptians who happened to be police and they had a good old chat about 'back home'.

I realise now that the kind of clothes Mr Upper Egypt wears probably say 'lower class' in Egypt - in England they say something more like 'rich rapper boy pretending to be urban/street' so I guess that might be why!

Funny here how the "look"of the man in question will influence on the "morality police".If they think he looks kinda gigoloish or poor,he will surely be heavily questioned or bribed [Roll Eyes]
Member # 9889
 - posted
Originally posted by Sashyra88:
Anybody ever had an experience of the police checking out for "morals" at rented flats or apartments in Cairo areas off the tourist zone?Like Heliopolis,for example?

I stayed in a flat in Mohandseen twice for two weeks with my then BF without orfi.
Member # 11693
 - posted
< was physically assaulted pinched and groped by a camel and Moody lost it and they started to literally fight.>
You were assaulted by a camel and Moody actually fought with the poor animal???
Member # 11649
 - posted
Originally posted by Sashyra88:
< was physically assaulted pinched and groped by a camel and Moody lost it and they started to literally fight.>
You were assaulted by a camel and Moody actually fought with the poor animal???

i'm calling the spca!!!!
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by oldbag:
Originally posted by With a name like Smuckers:
My husband & I have NEVER had any problems, never been stopped, questioned or eyeballed (I like that word)> [Big Grin] , maybe I blend in or something. [Confused]

I think it depends on the male. I have been about in company with several different Egy men (most just friends - honest!) and never had any problems with those who are from Cairo or around the delta or my friend of Syrian descent.

The one from Qina (exBF), we had problems in Luxor if we were near the Corniche, and in Hurghada one time - they refused to believe he didn't work in a hotel there, and we had travelled there together for a break. These 'discussions' usually end in a row because he refuses to pay bribes and lets them write his ID card number in their books. Only once in Cairo he got stopped in a semi-aggressive manner, but mainly in Cairo the only people who stopped him were other Upper Egyptians who happened to be police and they had a good old chat about 'back home'.

I realise now that the kind of clothes Mr Upper Egypt wears probably say 'lower class' in Egypt - in England they say something more like 'rich rapper boy pretending to be urban/street' so I guess that might be why!

hmmm perhaps, it might also have something to do with the fact that we never go to the touristy sites (other than Alex). But my husband is very conscience of our surroundings & it has just never been an issue.

I loved your description of the clothes worn, my favorite are the ones who wear too much hairgel, disco shirts (I didn't know those even existed) and tight tight 70s style slacks...yuck...
Member # 1925
 - posted
There is no such thing as the morality police, the tourist police are there for your protection ladies and be thankful for that.

Egyptians police are very good judges of other Egyptians so if your guy is getting stopped then ask yourself why.

If your ORFI paperwork is in order then you dont have a problem as all this says is you have consented to sleep with this guy and the police will then leave that to your morals, not theirs.

I have lives in a tourist resort and traveled all over in Egypt, never in 5 years have we ever been asked for paperwork.
Member # 9228
 - posted
Now the tourist police I have seen in Hurghada, lean on their cars all day and with cigarette hanging out of their mouths, and scratching their balls, stare at the tourists. Never have I found one that speaks reasonable English. Never have I felt that they are there to protect the tourists.
Their main occupation here is to find anyone without the correct papers and send them back to their villages.
Also if you have a problem and call them, they close the phone on you.
I wish I had faith in the tourist police.
Member # 11693
 - posted
<disco shirts I didn't know those even existed and tight tight 70s style slacks...yuck... >

How could you forget "Saturday`s Night Fever" style of dressing for guys,Smuckers???

Typical gigolo wear!!!
[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Récif corallien
Member # 12656
 - posted
Originally posted by samakwish:
Now the tourist police I have seen in Hurghada, lean on their cars all day and with cigarette hanging out of their mouths, and scratching their balls, stare at the tourists. Never have I found one that speaks reasonable English. Never have I felt that they are there to protect the tourists.
Their main occupation here is to find anyone without the correct papers and send them back to their villages.
Also if you have a problem and call them, they close the phone on you.
I wish I had faith in the tourist police.

They can't even speak english in cairo never mind Hurghada lol [Big Grin] except 2 at the Egyptian museum!!

But they are experts at ball scratching and smoking cigzzzzzzz [Razz]
With a name like Smuckers
Member # 10289
 - posted
Originally posted by Sashyra88:
<disco shirts I didn't know those even existed and tight tight 70s style slacks...yuck... >

How could you forget "Saturday`s Night Fever" style of dressing for guys,Smuckers???

Typical gigolo wear!!!
[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

[Big Grin] I never saw men in the states doing it so I just assumed .... ohhh nothing could have prepared me to see it, it was funny. [Big Grin]
Âutomatic For The People
Member # 12634
 - posted
Originally posted by Penny:

Egyptians police are very good judges of other Egyptians so if your guy is getting stopped then ask yourself why.

[Roll Eyes]
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by Sashyra88:
Anybody ever had an experience of the police checking out for "morals" at rented flats or apartments in Cairo areas off the tourist zone?Like Heliopolis,for example?

No. I know of lots of couples who stayed together and never heard of anyone getting harassed.
Also, I've never been harassed by the police or anyone when in the company of Egyptian male friends. I didn't even know that was a problem until I read it on here.
Member # 12914
 - posted
you can learn alot here Dalia [Roll Eyes]

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