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Posted by tina kamal (Member # 13845) on :
plz do not be rude crude i need honest answers plz!
my congress man turned my passport down
we are at a stand still i have read that i can apply for a fiance visa even though we have no met as long as there is hardship i can prove we have the hardship thats not a problem i need to know if he applies for a tourist visa would that be easier then me applying for a fiance visa plz i need advice so i can decide what would be the best way to go???
Posted by mysticheart (Member # 6838) on :
he will never get a tourist visa hon.. you have a chance at a fiance visa but you must prove without a doubt that there is hardship, and even then it is likely to be denied.. khadija on here had that happen to her
Posted by mok-mok (Member # 11209) on :
tina you haven't met him yet?. i went through all this 2 years ago and they will ask him if you get that far where you met? they want to know if this is a valid relationship.they want to see pictures of you and him together and you and his family together . lots of them and phone records , emails . they will even go on his msn or yahoo to see your converstions [Frown] i wish the best for you, i really do but ill stop here
Posted by shahrzaad (Member # 13580) on :
You will not be able to prove "hardship". Please do a simple research and you will see what adjudicators are saying and doing. Forget the visitor visa or any other visa.
Posted by tina kamal (Member # 13845) on :
yes i can prove hardship thats not a problem cas of my health but i do also have phone records and everything i need
except pics togeather
Posted by foreignluvr (Member # 5854) on :
You need to find out exactly what you have to do in order to get yourself a passport so you can go to visit him. I think you two should meet in person after (what is it 5 years now you have known one another??) Getting YOU a passport & going to meet will help you so much in trying to get a K-1 visa. But, if I remember correctly, you said Walid would never come to the USA?? And IF you can get a passport are you willing and able to move to Egypt??

As far as him getting a visitor's visa that is very hard but not impossible. He will have to prove that he has very strong ties to Egypt and that he wouldn't overstay his visa here.

And as far as proving hardship, well that is extremely hard to prove as well. It almost has to be a life or death situation and that is used to get the spouse to the USA quicker.

So again, if I were you I would do whatever I had to in order to get a passport to be able to travel to Egypt to meet him.

Sounds like if something doesn't happen soon you both should just go on with your lives in your respective countries. Afterall, I don't see how you can have an on-line relationship forever [Confused] nor why would you want to??
Posted by tina kamal (Member # 13845) on :
well we cant go on i cant get a passport he will try to get a visa to come here if that fails we dont know what to do
like i said neither of us will go on without eachother i have already told him to go on cas i cant go and he cant come
he said never we will be togeather one day yes i would move to egypt and live
but it will be a few yrs before i can get a passport so we must try and find another way
so he will get a visa to doubi and go work there to save money so i can get a passport im so cunfused and all of this legality is makin us crazy!!
Posted by hibbah (Member # 12156) on :
Why do you have to write your congressman for a pass port?
Posted by pseudovellum (Member # 13906) on :
why can you not get a passport?

what nationality are you Tina?
Posted by tina kamal (Member # 13845) on :
im american
and i owe back child support
we just got a new law it has to be under 2499$ to get a passport
last month it was under 5000$
aholes changed it on me lolso it will be a while im slowly payiin it off
Posted by shahrzaad (Member # 13580) on :
Tina, I do not know if this will help but here is what the govt has on their web site about fiance and hardships. I know from talking to the lawyers that getting a hardship exception to meeting it almost impossible but here is the information anyway.

In general, the two people must have met in person within the past two years. The Department of Homeland Security's U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) grants some exceptions to this requirement. For example, it may be contrary in some traditions for a man and woman to meet before marriage.

Sometimes the USCIS considers a person a "fiancé(e)" even though a marriage contract has been concluded. In such cases, the American citizen petitioner and his/her spouse have not met, and they have not consummated the marriage.

I was told that even illness is not considered as an exception. The exceptions are far and few and for good reason as this is such an easy visa to obtain if you are within the "right" groups of people. I have never discovered where the easy groups are and where there are NOT red flags as to age, country and religion. My friends and I study for hours the immigration manuals.

I also must remind you that you will have to prove that you can support him for five years. The last I read is that they are not allowing co sponsors any more. The price for K1 visa triples this week. In order to have the lower fee the application had to be in the mail yesterday.

All of this information is available on the internet.

Good luck.
Posted by tina kamal (Member # 13845) on :
ya i seen the new prices
damn them
well my senator just called and said he would try to help me get a passport i pray he can so we will see i doubt it but we will see

whats up with this damn forum all im gettin is error pages?
Posted by Sashyra88 (Member # 11693) on :
5 years and still no meeting in person???
Dear`s beyond comprehension! [Roll Eyes]
It really does not make any sense.
Posted by marydotapple (Member # 13361) on :
seems like they will never met now..which is very sad..
Posted by tina kamal (Member # 13845) on :
well if god wants us to meet we will chattin online 10 hrs a day gets tiring after a while
i just cant believe i got the phone call from my senator on a sunday woooooohoooooooo
i hope he can help with my passport we are so ment to be everyone calls us twins
Posted by foreignluvr (Member # 5854) on :
10 hours a day??? [Confused] [Confused]

How can you chat that long? Do neither of you work?? If I were you I would work 2 jobs if I had to and I would get that back child support paid so I could get a passport.
I don't know your living situation but you said it must be under $2500 to get one. This is an amount that you could pay off rather quickly if you were willing to work very hard to do it.
I would think within 6-8 months you could pay it but then you would have to stop chatting so much and work very hard.
Maybe consider this idea!!!
Posted by tina kamal (Member # 13845) on :
ya i cant work he does work he owns his own business
we stay online sometimes 14 maybe 15 hrs a day lol
Posted by SherryBlueBerry (Member # 13867) on :
Tina I thought you said once that your children were grown. Why do you have to pay child support? Just wondering.
Posted by tina kamal (Member # 13845) on :
its back child support from when their dad had them
Posted by Mother War (Member # 8386) on :
I know someone who did this (filed K1 for Egyptian with hardship proof). She was flat out denied and ended up losing out on the $170 (which is now $455). Do you really wanna risk losing $455 when you have maybe a 1% chance of them approving the petition? It's just not gonna happen. Sorry. Forget about the tourist visa, that's not gonna happen either. Best way to go is, finish paying what you have to pay then get your passport and go there.

Originally posted by tina kamal:
plz do not be rude crude i need honest answers plz!
my congress man turned my passport down
we are at a stand still i have read that i can apply for a fiance visa even though we have no met as long as there is hardship i can prove we have the hardship thats not a problem i need to know if he applies for a tourist visa would that be easier then me applying for a fiance visa plz i need advice so i can decide what would be the best way to go???

Posted by doodlebug (Member # 11649) on :
Why can't you work? If you can't work how can you even go to Egypt? I mean even a computer job seeing as how you're on the computer all day long? Simple data entry job?? I think you need to rethink things.
Posted by With a name like Smuckers (Member # 10289) on :
Please don't pull the thread, the entire sweater will unravel. [Frown]
Posted by Sashyra88 (Member # 11693) on :
Sorry,i can`t buy this story.It`s getting freakier the more you tell us,tina kamal. [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Sashyra88 (Member # 11693) on :
Originally posted by With a name like Smuckers:
Please don't pull the thread, the entire sweater will unravel. [Frown]

Totally,Smuckers. [Roll Eyes] [Roll Eyes]

*looking for a puke emoticon*
Posted by tina kamal (Member # 13845) on :
well i wont explain all some of u already know my situation i was just lookin for ways arorund this istuation!!!thanks!

ooooooooo and i wish it was fake u dont need judge me cas i have to live this bull crap!
Posted by foreignluvr (Member # 5854) on :
Tina, I think people are just wondering why you cannot work to get this back child support paid??
Maybe because you are considered disabled?? I am not sure but I don't understand either why you couldn't work to try & pay the back child support so that you could get a passport and be able to go meet Walid. I think after 5 years both you and he would want this very much?

Tina, I am in no way judging you, that is not my right to do, I am more or less just trying to understand. You & Walid must love each other to continue to maintain an on-line relationship after 5 years. Right?? Well I would think the next step is to find a solution so you can go meet him even if it is just for a short vacation.

As several people pointed out it is highly unlikely he will be granted a visa here so I think it's up to you to obtain your US passport. I think if I undertood you correctly you must pay something like $2500.00. then you would be able to get the passport. Is this correct??
Yes, $2500.00 is a lot of money but it is an amount I feel could be paid in a relatively short period of time. If you cannot work can't Walid help you in getting the money? Between the both of you it would seem to me a logical solution. You need to come up with a workable plan.

I promise you no matter how much you & Walid love each other this relationship won't last unless you at least meet in person.
I am just trying to help in offering advice as to how you could get this passport you need.
Again, there is no judging from my end...
Posted by tina kamal (Member # 13845) on :
no its 25000$ yes i am disabled
and he has apointment now for his visa he will have to come here on tourist visa

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