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Posted by Angel Heart (Member # 13767) on :
Dear all,

These days I feel bad mood, sad, angry, tired, dissapointed, and can cry without I notice it. I do not know what is happening to me now.

Please give me words.
Posted by newcomer (Member # 1056) on :
Assalamu alaykum Angel Heart,

If this isn't your usual mood during fasting, and you have no particularly stressful events going on in your life, one possibility is that you may have PMS/PMT. I used to have it and had very similar symptoms to those you are describing. I tried Evening Primrose Oil and also Vitamin B6 for mine and they gave some temporary relief, but I was finally cured of it by a wonderful mixture a herbalist gave me after testing my hair to work out what my body was deficient in. Wonderful man! [Smile]

See if this fits your symptoms:

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS or PMT)
Written by Dr Philip Owen, consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist

What is premenstrual syndrome?

The terms premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual tension (PMT) are interchangeable.
Around 90 per cent of menstruating women get advance warning of an approaching period because of physical and/or psychological changes in the days before their period begins.

For most women the symptoms are mild, but a small proportion finds their symptoms so severe they dread this time of the month.

The terms ‘mild’ and ‘severe’ in respect of PMS are arbitrary, but relate to the extent of disruption to your home and work life that's attributable to the monthly cycle.

About a third of women say PMS significantly affects their life, with 5 to 10 per cent classifying their PMS as severe.

Symptoms of PMS

For some women, the days before the start of their period can be awful. There are more than 100 recognised symptoms that may be due to PMS. Fortunately, most women experience only a handful of problems. The most common symptoms are listed below.


o Irritability.

o Mood swings.

o Losing your temper easily.

o Loss of confidence.

o Crying for no particular reason.

o Aggression.

o Poor concentration.

o Tiredness.


o Breast tenderness.

o Abdominal swelling or bloating.

o Weight gain.

o Swollen ankles.

o Headaches and possibly migraine.

None of these symptoms is exclusive to PMS. They can be caused by other conditions such as depression, stress, thyroid gland problems (under- or over-activity) and anaemia.

How do I know if I have PMS?

While blood tests and urine tests are helpful in making sure there isn't another cause for PMS symptoms, there is no test that can diagnose PMS.

Instead, diagnosis is based upon the type of symptoms and when they occur. The symptoms of PMS have a fairly consistent relationship with the start and finish of a period, which is an essential clue to the diagnosis. However, it is possible to have more than one problem at the same time, so care needs to be taken by doctors not to ‘blame the hormones’ too quickly.

Most women with PMS notice a gradual worsening of their symptoms during the week running up to their period, with a rapid or gradual disappearance of symptoms when their period starts. But sometimes symptoms can persist during your period or even for a couple of days after it has finished. To help doctors diagnose PMS, it helps to keep a diary of your symptoms and their severity over a few consecutive months. A cyclical pattern should be apparent, and a diagnosis of PMS is usually only made if there are 10 consecutive symptom-free days each month.

What causes PMS?

Hormone levels
Measuring hormone levels is of no help in understanding PMS because there are no differences between women who get PMS and those who don't.
It is not exactly known what causes PMS. Common sense indicates it must somehow be linked to the fluctuating levels of female hormones experienced after ovulation. But the subtleties of why some women are more affected than others are not understood.

Normal fluctuations in hormone levels are responsible for some of the symptoms most commonly associated with the monthly cycle, such as bloating, breast tenderness or headaches.

Women who suffer from PMS may possibly have a lower than normal level of a certain chemical in their brain (serotonin), which may explain some of the non-physical symptoms such as irritability, depression and mood swings.

PMS is not caused by any underlying abnormality with the pelvic organs.

What treatments are available?

The placebo effect: Part of the reason few PMS treatments provide long-term relief is the so-called 'placebo effect'. A placebo is a treatment that is ineffective (eg a dummy tablet) but has the psychological effect of making you feel better. To demonstrate a treatment is better than a placebo requires careful scientific study.
Not all PMS treatments have been subjected to evaluation in this way. There are many treatments for PMS, most of which have some short-term benefit. However, few provide relief for longer than a few months. Treatment will depend upon the nature of the symptoms and their severity.

For many women, simple changes to diet and lifestyle, reducing alcohol and caffeine intake and cutting down on cigarettes will make the monthly symptoms more bearable. Your GP can give you guidance in this.

A suitable diet sheet is available via the National Association for Premenstrual Syndrome (NAPS) at

There is a long list of potential drugs on the website if you want to see them too.
Posted by Om Bubblemouth (Member # 6244) on :
Angel Heart, I totally agree with everything Newcomer has posted. But I wonder if it's true depression as long have you been feeling this way? I believe if it's more than 2 weeks straight, it is classified as depression. In women, it can be tied closely to hormone fluctuations, hence many similar traits with PMS.

It's better to talk to someone sooner rather than later. Can you schedule an appointment with your physician?

I like the concept of Newcomer's herbalist, as well. Many of these symptoms, and depression itself in my opinion, can be from a dietary deficiency. For me, I must get 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day, a vitamin B50 complex, and omega 3 fatty acid pills, which have been my salvation this past year.

Hang in there. You aren't alone, and there *is* a solution. [Smile]
Posted by Angel Heart (Member # 13767) on :
Yes, maybe it is caused of PMS, I count my period will come around 20-21 September.

Is it okay to drink any green tea? I will consume vitamin B complex.

Thanks and I will tell you about my progress.
Posted by Om Bubblemouth (Member # 6244) on :
Angel, sounds like PMS, then. I read that the calcium each day, 1200 milligrams, is *really* helpful for PMS. For me, taking any extra vitamins took about a month or so to show improvement.

I *really* like Newcomer's idea of testing for deficiencies, though. Takes the guesswork out of it and is faster.

I don't know about green tea, but I wouldn't think it would hurt.
Posted by Almaz. (Member # 14025) on :
Angel heart - If you feel depressed by something other than what Newcomer has mentioned, here is a possible solution: withdraw your attention from what depresses you, even if it takes a lot of efforts, and place it on what makes you feel really, really good.

What depresses you is the fact that you are focused on the 'problem' and not the solution.

Think of a solution, think of many options to solve your problems, and make a list of scenarios.

For example: If you're sad. angry. upset, depressed then you have to get rid of the reason that makes you feel that way... only you have that power, you can control your life, you can do it.

Imagine or write down scenario Number 1- if I stop talking, being in touch, with the person that makes me sad. angry etc I will not feel that way, so my solution is to take a break from what upsets me or makes me sad, even if I would rather not.
What is more intelligent, keep the suffering or getting rid of it?

Keep up the notes and the thinking, and write everything that comes to your mind, all of it, that is your best therapy. At one point you will get so busy writing scenarios and options, and you will be so absorbed finding a solution, that time will pass and your problem will seem so small.

In the meantime, remember all your achievements and your successes, even if small, it will give you an ego boost, and you will start to regain your self esteem.

Keep the efforts, write the options, find the solution, be courageous and move on with your life!

Keep your sanity, you only have ONE life and it is YOURS!
Posted by desertgirl (Member # 12450) on :
This bad time will pass [Smile] Be confident!

I like the advice of Almaz.
or : Maybe you should practice some kind of sports, even if you think "Nahhh, I am not sportive at all." It really helps to feel on top of the world, calm and relaxed afterwards.

Personally, I go running. (I am not sportive at all, but I can run for 30 minutes, then I am exhausted, take a hot bath or a shower... and feel great for the rest of the day.)
(It is just an advice, ok?)
Good luck and hope you feel better soon!
Posted by Wanderer (Member # 13923) on :
Almaz - Behaviourist methods and cognitive behaviour therapy dont always work for depression, it is only one perspective, it depends on how strong the person is, whether the 'root'cause is within her control and the type of depression she might have IMO.

I respect your advice so please dont take that the wrong way, you do give good advice [Smile] but i sometimes think those methods are a bit simplistic and not always practical.

It is all very well believing that all our emotions are within our control, but its not really that simple. I appreciate that it is our response to situations or stimulus that causes us to feel a certain way, however I still believe that it is both social AND biological input that affect our behaviour and emotions.

Not only that, but i believe we have these different emotions for a reason, we are conditioned to think that there is something wrong with us if we feel low/depressed/angry.

personally i believe they are healthy emotions and we shouldnt fight them, we are living in a world of 'trying to be 'normal'' what is normal? - always cheery?...nope
we all have these feelings??!! - the world has gone mad lol

anyway, that said, its not nice feeling down so...

Everyone has given good advice but I would advise you see your doctor if it has gone on for some time as they will know your medical history.

I like the natural therapy ideas too, i would go for those, but you have to be in the right state of mind to go down that route too and there's no point wasting money trying different therapies/diet, if you do go and see someone then make sure they come recommended, there are alot of people cashing in on holistic therapies these days!

Exercise really is fantastic for releasing those 'happy' hormones, so definately give that a try, it is not likely to make you feel worse unless you sprain your ankle! [Big Grin]
Posted by Sobriquet (Member # 13217) on :
Originally posted by Angel Heart:
Yes, maybe it is caused of PMS, I count my period will come around 20-21 September.

Is it okay to drink any green tea? I will consume vitamin B complex.

Thanks and I will tell you about my progress.

Being the only man in this thread i can say this with total confidence:

My name is Sobriquet and you are suffering from PMS

Expect improvements in a couple of days

Godspeed [Big Grin]
Posted by Korvin's (Member # 14099) on :
Why AH, you are so cute and nice gurlie, why do you cry like that, wipe out your tears and dress up like a good gurl you are and go take a walk down the city and breathe fresh air and you will be ok my dear [Smile]
Posted by esso7 (Member # 12215) on :
if u need to change or go some where u like or need any help plz pm me
Posted by cairobug (Member # 10571) on :
Originally posted by Wanderer:
Behaviourist methods and cognitive behaviour therapy dont always work for depression, it is only one perspective, it depends on how strong the person is, whether the 'root'cause is within her control and the type of depression she might have IMO.

I respect your advice so please dont take that the wrong way, you do give good advice [Smile] but i sometimes think those methods are a bit simplistic and not always practical.

It is all very well believing that all our emotions are within our control, but its not really that simple. I appreciate that it is our response to situations or stimulus that causes us to feel a certain way, however I still believe that it is both social AND biological input that affect our behaviour and emotions.

Not only that, but i believe we have these different emotions for a reason, we are conditioned to think that there is something wrong with us if we feel low/depressed/angry.

personally i believe they are healthy emotions and we shouldnt fight them, we are living in a world of 'trying to be 'normal'' what is normal? - always cheery?...nope
we all have these feelings??!! - the world has gone mad lol

anyway, that said, its not nice feeling down so...

Everyone has given good advice but I would advise you see your doctor if it has gone on for some time as they will know your medical history.

I like the natural therapy ideas too, i would go for those, but you have to be in the right state of mind to go down that route too and there's no point wasting money trying different therapies/diet, if you do go and see someone then make sure they come recommended, there are alot of people cashing in on holistic therapies these days!

Exercise really is fantastic for releasing those 'happy' hormones, so definately give that a try, it is not likely to make you feel worse unless you sprain your ankle! [Big Grin]

Right on point wanderer. I was part of clique that thought it was behavioral therapy that was the answer, until I learned better and about hormones (!!) and the chemical imbalance of clinical depression.
Posted by Angel Heart (Member # 13767) on :
What a great valuable inputs you all have given to me. Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

Newcomer and OB, I'm consuming kalk seperately from vitamin B complex plus minerals also good for hair and nails (from certain brand made in USA). But after consuming this vit, I felt that I wanted to vomit everything from my stomach, dizzy, and my heart run fast. I don't know what had happened with my body.

For problems... I don't know for sure whether I have it now or maybe I am trying to hide it from myself. I will think what Almaz and wanderer said.

At what time is better for me to exercise in Ramadan ya desert girl?

Korvin, thanks for your words, seem you had seen me [Wink]
Posted by Mimmi (Member # 3606) on :
Angel Heart
Can it be that you are pregnent??
Posted by Om Bubblemouth (Member # 6244) on :
ginko biloba made me feel super-sick. Couldn't handle it at all. Is that possibly in the things you are taking?

Also, zinc can make you feel nauseated, especially if you take it on an empty stomach.
Posted by newcomer (Member # 1056) on :
Originally posted by Angel Heart:
What a great valuable inputs you all have given to me. Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.

Newcomer and OB, I'm consuming kalk seperately from vitamin B complex plus minerals also good for hair and nails (from certain brand made in USA). But after consuming this vit, I felt that I wanted to vomit everything from my stomach, dizzy, and my heart run fast. I don't know what had happened with my body.

I would suggest that rather than trying to self medicate, especially now that you are experiencing additional problems, that you should consult a doctor. Try to find one that is amenable to natural remedies, as many of the doctors are trained in traditional ways and sometimes do not want to consider alternative therapies.
Posted by Tigerlily (Member # 3567) on :
Originally posted by Om Bubblemouth:
ginko biloba made me feel super-sick. Couldn't handle it at all. Is that possibly in the things you are taking?

Also, zinc can make you feel nauseated, especially if you take it on an empty stomach.

Ditto that. It's never good to take any meds or vitamins when having an empty stomach.

Wonder if you might take too many artificial supplements, AH?
Posted by ????? (Member # 12336) on :
To worry, tossing about, bothering, thoughts running around in circles, everybody knows it.
Some that much that they are not able to sleep anymore; it takes away their rest, their energy, even their joy of life. But, worrying is something that we can unlearn.

Strange, worrying does not solute any problem, nevertheless we can`t stop the negative thoughts we have in mind. Deep in our hearts we believe that keep on thinking about big and small problems will bring a solution, or a way to control the traps in our lives.

A big misunderstanding. A great part of the people is worrying that much that it influences daily life and the way they function. They have impairment, or it is a symptom of a depression, or it is just a habit that is difficult to quit with.

Twice as many women are worrying to much, and maybe that’s because of the way men are used to think: aimed to a solution. Women are much more focused on emotions en relationships. And these subjects are more suitable for endless thinking over without getting a solution.

What’s the solution? Simply stop thinking?

What kind of worrier you may be, there is always a method to stop worrying. First, how does this worrying arise? It is caused by maladjustment of hormones; by stress a body is producing hormones and by chronic worrying antibodies against this hormones. So, there will be a disbalanced hormonal level, and that makes us feel restless, doubting, worrying, thinking, and we can`t sleep. The first advice is get that balance back again. That’s possible is a very simple way; not by resting and sleeping, but by going out, sports, doing things to enjoy.

Besides that it is needed to change the way of thinking. There are several methods that are scientifically proven: therapies, training and meditation-practices.

One very easy method to meditate: Imagine yourself sitting on a riverbank. It is beautiful, the water flows softly, and there are lots of trees. From time to time leaves are falling from the tree into the water, and the stream takes it away and you are watching it. Take the problem that keeps your mind busy, place it on the leaf, and let it flow away…

It may sound a bit silly, but this is how it works, if you are able to use your imagenation…
Posted by Angel Heart (Member # 13767) on :
Originally posted by Mimmi:
Angel Heart
Can it be that you are pregnent??

Not yet to be touched by him. But I will say, 'Ameen'. [Wink]
Posted by Angel Heart (Member # 13767) on :
Originally posted by Tigerlily:
Originally posted by Om Bubblemouth:
ginko biloba made me feel super-sick. Couldn't handle it at all. Is that possibly in the things you are taking?

Also, zinc can make you feel nauseated, especially if you take it on an empty stomach.

Ditto that. It's never good to take any meds or vitamins when having an empty stomach. = I took it after meal

Wonder if you might take too many artificial supplements, AH?

= Nope this time, only vit C 1000 mg.
Posted by Angel Heart (Member # 13767) on :
Originally posted by Om Bubblemouth:
ginko biloba made me feel super-sick. Couldn't handle it at all. Is that possibly in the things you are taking?

Also, zinc can make you feel nauseated, especially if you take it on an empty stomach.

Yes, seems you are right. Do you call that allergic? Talking about allergic, my body can't cooperate with any antibiotics such as peniciline, amoxiline (any ended with 'line'). And allergic with analgesics, one such as ponstan.

Doctor said, it could be dangerous for me sometimes if I get accident. Hope it will not happen to me.

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