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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 879
 - posted
What is wrong with you people? [Confused]

Haven't you figured out yet that this forum has some really crude/rude people on it?

Why would you choose this venue/forum to post your child's or family pictures?

There are tons of ways to share these photos privately, and with the ability to control who views them, with out having to put them here to be possibly used/abused by the users here.

Please don't cry foul when someone says something you don't like when you show so little regard/respect for your loved ones that you post their photos on ES.
Member # 13367
 - posted
I can't understand why someone would want to be as cruel as to be critical about someone's child/children. Everyone is proud of their kids and family, ES is sort of like a family, ok some of the time people don't get on but hey aren't all families like that?!

I am sure people would only post photos that they think are suitable and not with the intention of them being criticised.

What is needed on this forum is a bit of respect from adults who should know better.

I don't feel that the majority should suffer because of the minority
Member # 879
 - posted
Originally posted by advocate:

What is needed on this forum is a bit of respect from adults who should know better.

That's my whole point Advocate. Unfortunately this is not a perfect forum, with perfect people.
yorkshire rose
Member # 12072
 - posted
Cant understand why people can be hurtful to others inocent children. Yes all are proud of there families, i understand they want to show there joy to others.
Mdme Butterfly
Member # 14656
 - posted
Sorry Yorkie, I agree with Laura on this.

People might all seem nice and it might seem like a 'family' but people can turn very quickly against you.
yorkshire rose
Member # 12072
 - posted
ys this is very true, very sad but true.
p.s, i added your fairy, i named her mary.
Member # 14248
 - posted
I agree with Laura

Haven't you figured out yet that this forum has some really crude/rude people on it?

and with Advocate

What is needed on this forum is a bit of respect from adults who should know better.
love in the Pyramids
Member # 15468
 - posted
well I am new and I do think the same as Laura(didn't want to post it before)but it surprised me to see the pictures.

I understand and respect that people are proud of their children or relatives and want to show, but also putting them on the net is opening a window to your privacy and ur own life..and u never know who is watching them or where those pictures might end.
Member # 8748
 - posted
I have posted photos of my son on this forum, as well as myself and the Mister.

I haven't posted my phone number, where I work, my home address, or last name. I don't engage in PM conversations and I wouldn't use another service to communicate "extra curricularly" with ES members (such as yahoo chat). This is it.. what you see here is what you get.

I also haven't written extravagantly long posts detailing the intimate parts of my life or the names of my social network of friends, the venues I frequent, when you put it all out there you can't control what happens to it. I think that photos are safer to share than names and places if you have issues around personal safety.

I can't get my head around what exactly might "happen" to those photos that would be damaging to my home life in any way. Someone is going to "grab" them and go pretend they are us somewhere else on the internet? BFD. Some pedo-freak is going to wax romantic over my little son? They'd do the same if we passed them in a mall, you can't control others behavior.

I haven't hesitated to share these bits with forum readers, because there are a few of us that actually have things in common beyond Egyptian man problems, and we are scattered so far around the world, that this is where we meet.

Additionally for every woman who comes here and hears how BAD her relationship is going to turn out to be, and how BAD Egyptos are, there have to be examples of real families and real people who ARE succeeding.

Have people been insulting? Once, and that was recently, and the insulter was a slag and the opinion didn't matter. The only opinion that matters is your own. Like they say, "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen".

What seems more unfortunate to me is that this forum seems to have become a place less for information sharing, and more for personal grandstanding and self glorification.
Member # 14677
 - posted
I tend to agree with Laura, if the children are minors between age of 3 and 18 I believe it is wrong to post pics of them, babies are an exception because all babies are cute and look alike LOL, but then I see the other side of debate, posting pics of a happy event wedding etc with pics of kids I think that is ok.
Most people know the risks of internet and the nutcases out there
Member # 14096
 - posted
people wake up and smell the coffee! This is not a friendly site first off. The minute you say something someone doesn't like they will pull your old posts and slander you nevertheless posting pics!
OMG who would be so stupid to post children's pictures on the internet. Scammers can get hold of the pics, child molesters prey on the internet looking for children. How stupid can one be seriously. Hate to disappoint you this is not one happy family here, this is just an internet site where millions can come on here and lurk.
Please protect your children and not post pics of them on the internet.
Member # 15579
 - posted
Originally posted by Cosmogirl:
I have posted photos of my son on this forum, as well as myself and the Mister.

I haven't posted my phone number, where I work, my home address, or last name. I don't engage in PM conversations and I wouldn't use another service to communicate "extra curricularly" with ES members (such as yahoo chat). This is it.. what you see here is what you get.

I also haven't written extravagantly long posts detailing the intimate parts of my life or the names of my social network of friends, the venues I frequent, when you put it all out there you can't control what happens to it. I think that photos are safer to share than names and places if you have issues around personal safety.

I can't get my head around what exactly might "happen" to those photos that would be damaging to my home life in any way. Someone is going to "grab" them and go pretend they are us somewhere else on the internet? BFD. Some pedo-freak is going to wax romantic over my little son? They'd do the same if we passed them in a mall, you can't control others behavior.

I haven't hesitated to share these bits with forum readers, because there are a few of us that actually have things in common beyond Egyptian man problems, and we are scattered so far around the world, that this is where we meet.

Additionally for every woman who comes here and hears how BAD her relationship is going to turn out to be, and how BAD Egyptos are, there have to be examples of real families and real people who ARE succeeding.

Have people been insulting? Once, and that was recently, and the insulter was a slag and the opinion didn't matter. The only opinion that matters is your own. Like they say, "If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen".

What seems more unfortunate to me is that this forum seems to have become a place less for information sharing, and more for personal grandstanding and self glorification.

Member # 15365
 - posted
Some pedo-freak is going to wax romantic over my little son? They'd do the same if we passed them in a mall, you can't control others behavior.
I agree. You cannot bubble wrap children, and a pedo-freak will have many ways to get off. If the picture is of a fully clothed child, how is it any different than taking the child out of the house, where many strangers will see them?

I do draw the line on other people's children though. It is against the law to publish photos of children in newspapers and magazines without the parents permission. I didn't turn up enough to my online journalism classes to know if the same rule applies, but I would assume so.
Member # 4713
 - posted
The thing no one seems to realize is this is not a closed forum, anyone can read here, you only need to be registered to post. Everything in this site is indexed in search engines and you can search things and this site will come up, it will also have a link at the top of the search for 'images'. You dont have to read very far to know about some seriously sick people in this world and with photo shop software your 3 year old running around in the garden can appear photoshopped on some wierdo child porn site!

Its not so much those IN HERE you have to worry about making comments about your kids, its those nutters OUT THERE!

I have posted my own pic on here but I would never post any of my kids, grandkids or even friends and certainly not without them knowing.

yes it could happen the same while shopping in the mall but then they wouldnt have the pic to play with would they, here they have it all handed to them.

There is also the fact someone could recognize them on the net, this is worldwide, then you open gates for stalkers too, not just to your kids but to you as you would be identified as who you are here, along with all the info you post about your private lives, loves and relationships.

try it, type in egypt in a search engine and see what you get in images, all sorts of folk on holiday, on camels, by the pyramids etc etc. The net is a dangerous place, certainly for kids.
Member # 879
 - posted
Just a reminder for those who think their child's pics are safe here.....

Look at what he said he would do, to an innocent child:

Auto to his former flirty 'friend', Sono"

"Good , so you are eager to play.

You're last chance:

-You will log off this forum and you will never log on here again.
-You will never post on this forum under any name.

You do that and I will leave you alone. One more post and I will show you what photoshop can do.
I will post your photo's and those of your young daughter on every porn site there's is on the net..

All you have to do is reply to this or post even one more post.

Your turn"

[Eek!] [Eek!] [Eek!]
Member # 13867
 - posted
Who is Sono and Auto? Does Auto still post here?? I am confused...someone would do such meanness just because they don't like someone..are they male or female? Remind me not to tick off that Auto thing.
Member # 15633
 - posted
mothers showing of kids pics here need a good smack in the face!!!!!!!!
yorkshire rose
Member # 12072
 - posted
wow you are agressive for sure, whats wrong with you?
Member # 14429
 - posted
I think some of the people on here consider each other as friends therefore it is natural to want to share their family pics es[ecially pics of our children who we are all proud of... Let's face it in my line of work i know better than most what kind of sicko's there are out there but if some nonce wants to get off whilst looking at a picture of my child it is out of my control to a certain extent!!!! Camera's these days have the facilities to zoom x 700 therefore i could be with my daughter in the pool and some sicko could be taking photo's and i would never know!!!! Am i supposed to have a crisis over this???? It is not as if people are posting personal details with these photo's, now that would be stupid!!!! Infopop my advice to you is either sign up for anger managment or learn to communicate effectively [Confused]

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