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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 1495
 - posted
Feast your eyes on the face that hasn't been seen for 30 centuries

Scientists and special-effects experts on three continents have teamed up to recreate a face which they say is the closest image yet of the boy king

Adding flesh to the bone

Egypt's most famous face has been brought back to life with the help of facial-reconstruction

Member # 151
 - posted
That is WAY cool. Thanks for posting it. I think people in other forums should see this too. You might want to post it in Living in Egypt and Visiting Egypt too.
Miss Sarajevo
Member # 999
 - posted
I love it too! Thankssss for posting. Very interesting. I really always wondered how this Prince looked like, and he is not "my type"....hehe but anyway I like your posting.
Member # 1235
 - posted
This was amazing. Thank you so much for taking the time to share it with us!

Ramadan Kareem!

Member # 1546
 - posted
This is so educational and perfect. Thanks for sharing. I however think he was quite handsome for such a young boy.


Member # 1583
 - posted
Absolutely wonderful, thank you so much for sharing that with us all...It is a perfect visual for what he actually looked like.

What a handsome young man he was...

Member # 1495
 - posted
Member # 5941
 - posted
Stop here, Do you really think that face matches the true face of Tut.
So far away from the truth. This face they tried to base upon a man from southern of Egypt who obviously of African origins is not the face of Tut.

They even done the same for Neffer.titi, representing her as an African blotch nosed and huge lips.…

Think real. Egyptians never looked like these figures.
Yes, it is true, we are good mixers specially when marrying. We did mix married from African races. As a result, the southerners features have taken various African features, but true Egyptian face never looked like that.

Member # 7606
 - posted
Originally posted by salama:
Stop here, Do you really think that face matches the true face of Tut.
So far away from the truth. This face they tried to base upon a man from southern of Egypt who obviously of African origins is not the face of Tut.

They even done the same for Neffer.titi, representing her as an African blotch nosed and huge lips.…

Think real. Egyptians never looked like these figures.
Yes, it is true, we are good mixers specially when marrying. We did mix married from African races. As a result, the southerners features have taken various African features, but true Egyptian face never looked like that.

Todays Egypt is not equal to Ancient Egypt 5kya plus........

Upper Egyt was in the SOUTH Salama...thats Where tut was from!!!!!





Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by mali:


Somali, Mali, Nigeri or whereever you are,

You are so cute and smart as well, dear.
How refreshing !


Member # 1797
 - posted

Salama, you don't much about forensics. You can only tell the shape of the nose through %40 percent accuracy. The lips are formed from the bone structure.

Since you want you say Upper Egyptians are atypical Egyptians then I could easily say the same for Northern Egyptians who have mixed with southern Europeans,Syrians,Turks,and even Sudanese slaves.

Upper Egyptians have always looked the way they do from pre-dyanastic Egyptian times untill the modern era. None of them have any recent African admixture.

Bohary Egyptians are not the ideal ancient Egyptian,because many have mixed with lighter European races or Western Asians.


Member # 7639
 - posted
Member # 5941
 - posted
[QUOTE]Originally posted by ausar:

Salama, you don't much about forensics.

Nor do you, it seems.!

Bohary Egyptians are not the ideal ancient Egyptian,because many have mixed with lighter European races or Western Asians.

So are the Sa3idies, who always mixed with the Africans not only those over the borders but further away.

For Allah sake, look at the drawings inside the tombs and on the temples walls to see how Egyptians looked like.

[This message has been edited by salama (edited 17 May 2005).]

Member # 1495
 - posted
The Black Egyptians--Original Settlers of Kemet

The Black Egyptians are the original settlers of KMT. "The native Sudanese are one of the original pigmented Arabs in that region. They are members of the same ethnic family with the ancient Egyptians, the Ethiopians, the Southern Arabians, and the primitive inhabitants of Babylon. All founders and sustainers of the mighty Nilotic civilization we still admire today. They are very great nation of Blacks, who did rule almost over all Africa and Asia in a very remote era, in fact beyond the reach of history of any of our records.

Egypt is a Greek word meaning “Black.”

The Egyptians of the Bible were Negroid.
The bible says both Egyptians and Ethiopians are descendants of Ham.
Arabs invaded Egypt in the 7th Century AD; therefore,
Arabs have no more connection to Ancient Egypt than Europeans have to Ancient America.
Black Egyptians were eventually mixed with invading Libyans, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Turks, Arabs and Western Europeans. That is where the mixed people of the modern-day Arabs come from.

The following is supporting evidence from The African Origin of Civilization: by: Cheikh Anta Diop

Evidence from Physical Anthropology
The skeletons and skulls of the Ancient Egyptians clearly reflect they were Negroid people with features very similar to those of modern Black Nubians and other people of the Upper Nile and of East Africa.

Melanin Dosage Test
Egyptologist Cheikh Anta Diop invented a method for determining the level of melanin in the skin of human beings. When conducted on Egyptian mummies in the Museum of Man in Paris, this test indicated these remains were of Black people.

Osteological Evidence
"Lepsius canon," which distinguishes the bodily proportions of various racial groups categories the "ideal Egyptian" as "short-armed and of Negroid or Negrito physical type."

Evidence From Blood Types
Diop notes that even after hundreds of years of inter-mixture with foreign invaders, the blood type of modern Egyptians is the "same group B as the populations of western Africa on the Atlantic seaboard and not the A2 Group characteristic of the white race prior to any crossbreeding."

The Egyptians as They Saw Themselves
"The Egyptians had only one term to designate themselves =kmt= the Negroes (literally). This is the strongest term existing in the Pharaonic tongue to indicate blackness; it is accordingly written with a hieroglyph representing a length of wood charred at the end and not crocodile scales," singular. ‘Kmt’ from the adjective =kmt= black; it therefore means strictly Negroes or at the very least black men. The term is a collective noun which thus described the whole people of Pharaonic Egypt as a black people."

Divine Epithets
Diop demonstrates that "black or Negro" is the divine epithet invariably used for the chief beneficent Gods of Egypt, while the evil spirits were depicted as red.

Evidence From the Bible
The Bible states that "…[t]he sons of Ham [were] Cush and Mizraim [i.e. Egypt], and Phut, and Canaan. And the sons of Cush; Seba, and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah and Sabtechah." According to Biblical tradition, Ham, of course, was the father of the Black race. "Generally speaking all semitic tradition (Jewish and Arab) class ancient Egypt with the countries of the black."

Cultural unity of Egypt With The Rest of Africa
Through a study of circumcision and totemism. Diop gives detailed data showing cultural unity between Egypt and the rest of Africa.

Linguistic Unity With Southern and Western Africa
In a detailed study of languages, Diop clearly demonstrates that Ancient Egyptian, modern Coptic of Egypt and Walaf of West Africa are related, with the latter two having their origin in the former.

Testimony of Classical Greek and Roman Authors
Virtually all of the early Latin eyewitnesses described the Ancient Egyptians as Black skinned with wooly hair.
After the conquest of Egypt by Alexander, under the Ptolemies, crossbreeding between white Greeks and black Egyptians flourished. "Nowhere was Dionysus more favored, nowhere was he worshiped more adoringly and more elaborately than by the Ptolemies, who recognized his cult as an especially effective means of promoting the assimilation of the conquering Greeks and their fusion with the native Egyptians." {Endnote 15: J. J. Bachofen, Pages choisies par Adrien Turel, "Du Regne de la mere au patriarcat." Paris: F. Alcan, 1938, p. 89.}

These facts prove that if the Egyptian people had originally been white, it might well have remained so. If Herodotus found it still black after so much crossbreeding, it must have been basic black at the start.

Before examining the contradictions circulating in the modern era and resulting from attempts to prove at any price that the Egyptians were Whites, let us note the comments of Count Constantin de Volney (1757-1820). After being imbued with all the prejudices we have just mentioned with regard to the Negro, Volney had gone to Egypt between 1783 and 1785, he reported the Egyptian Race is the very race that had produced the Pharaohs: the Copts (p. 27).

“All have a bloated face, puffed up eyes, flat nose, and thick lips; in a word, the true face of the mulatto. I was tempted to attribute it to the climate, but when I visited the Sphinx; its appearance gave me the key to the riddle. On seeing that head, typically Negro in all its features, I remembered the remarkable passage where Herodotus says: "As for me, I judge the Colchians to be a colony of the Egyptians because, like them, they are black with woolly hair. ..." We can see how their blood, mixed for several centuries with that of the Romans and Greeks, must have lost the intensity of its original color, while retaining nonetheless the imprint of its original mold. We can even state as a general principle that the face is a kind of monument able, in many cases, to attest or shed light on historical evidence on the origins of peoples. {End quote}

When Egypt was invaded by Arabs - Egypt suffered turbulent times when, in 609 AD, the country had sided with Nicetas, a lieutenant of Heraclius, in the rebellion against the emperor Phocas. Only shortly after Heraclius overthrew Phocas, the Byzantines were attacked by the Persians. The armies of the Sasanid King Khosrau II invaded Egypt, inflicting cruel suffering upon its some of its inhabitants. This Persian occupation lasted six years.


Member # 5941
 - posted
What a Bull..!
Once more, Egypt is NOT black African, nor Arab.
Sorry to depress you..!

[This message has been edited by salama (edited 27 May 2005).]

Member # 1495
 - posted
Ya and this one look Just like Hussny Mubark
Member # 1495
 - posted
Member # 5941
 - posted
Al7amdu Lilah, Tut has finally spoken..

True Tut was NOT black, and did not blutch wide nose as those with their wishful thinking have dearmed of for years.

The new construction of Tut which was revealed only an hour ago was very different from the one shown in this post at the top.

Sorry, my black Afro Americans, mali, somali, nigeri,zairi and the rest.

Tut, appeared to be an Egyptian, neither Black nor Arab..! Haluluja..


Yi Peng
Member # 7737
 - posted
I saw in TV news that this face looks Egyptian of today.
Very good computer software.

Its true that Egyptians are a mixed race over history. Most Egyptians speak Arab although Arab is not the original language of old times.

[This message has been edited by Yi Peng (edited 30 May 2005).]

Member # 8043
 - posted
hold up
first off not all africans have blotchy noses and large lips not all asians look alike not all africans do ,africa is a very diverse continent.are you gon tell me east africans have those characteristics because
the clearly do not.
i do not understand why you would want to recreate tuts face when you have his mask.
his mask clearly speaks for it's self and so do their hieroglyphs,although i dont agree with this portrayel of king tut(looks nothing like his mask).
whether you like it or not ancient egyptians were black africans.
if you consider east africans black then the ancient egyptians were black because these people look identical and so do thier traditional clothing.
and by the way i am egyptian myself.
so stop the denial.
and egypt will be a much better place if we stop dwelling on the past and focus to make a better future.

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