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Author Topic: Akhenaten and the Armarna Period
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Well, I am researching Akhenaten and I have seemed to stumble across
a theory about the whole period.

I beleive that the Armana period wasn't so much a religious
rebellion against Amun but against his father.

Akhenaten is never pictured in anything of his father's life, nor is
he mentioned. Now, I realize that princes won't usually pictured but
they were spoke of. Even his brother is mentioned, but not him. I
believe that Amenhotep III neglected him because he was a secondary
son and because of his appearance. But this was just step one.

I believe there may have been some sexual, or even, physical, abuse,
done on the part of Amenhotep. In that time it was normal for a male
to have young boys, aw well as young girls, at his disposal. There
is no real tangable evidence to support this because this is not
something that is good for the kingdom to know. It was a palace
secret. Everyone sworn to secrecy by the pharaoh on the premise of
death. Here's where Akhenaten's epith "Living in truth" comes into
play. He wanted everyone to know what was really going on with him
and his family, not like his father did.

Here's where Amun anf the priesthood comes into play. Amun was
Amenhotep's chief god. He would have gotten all of his advise for
foreign poilcy, normal questions about the sex of the child one of
his wifes was pregnant with, or homeland policy, ect. from the
preiests of the Temple. Akhenaten probably felt that Amun was the
ones that told his father to do this to him. He took out his anger
from this by disbaring the priests, closing the temple, having
Amun's name erased wherever it appeared. Even his father's name was
destroyed. None of Akhenaten's other family had the amun destroyed
out of their names, which proves his vendetta against his father.

Another point to notice is the fact that almost everywhere Akhenaten
spoke of the Aten, he called him "father" or called himself "the son
of the sun". I belive that this is becaus the sun was always there
when his father wasn't. The suun was never going to leave him.
Akhenaten never once called himself "son of Amenhotep III". He felt
that it wasn't Amun or his father that had givin him life but the
sun, the Aten.

It is also worth to note that in Akhenaten's "religious rampage "
through the country, He only had the temples of the other worships
closed. He didn't try to erase them from the earth, like with Amun.
That in itself shows that this was not a religous war of monothesist
ideals sweeping over the country.

There are countless examples that proves some, if not all, of my
theory, including the excertion of the Amun in Amunhotep's name and
the countless inscriptions of Akhenaten's epith and the prayers to
the Aten.

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Interesting theory with some inaccuracies. Definatley you can discount the notion of sexual abuse of children,for a person who comiited pediastry was condemed to die the second death or not exist any more according to the Book of the Dead.

I have recently read a theory that Akenaten and his children were severly deformed which accounts for the unsual appearences in their artwork. We know from examination that definately his son Tut-ankh-amun was deformed at the spinal cord. Possibly also Akenaten was blind which would explain his ''Hymn to Aten'' considering that song was a specialty to the blind. Even in modern Egypt both mueezin and arif[Coptic hymn reciter] are usually both blind.

As far as Akenaten being monthestic or introducing new reform to Egypt,I seriously doubt this because Monotheism is first seen in Egypt around the 5th dyanasty in the Hymn to Aten. Most individual nomes followed their own deities,and it would matter less if Akenaten isolated himself in his sacred city. Infact,isolation of people in sacred places is a pratice that can be seen with Thutmoses IV and later periods. Of course Egyptologist like Jan Assaman believe the solar devotion that arose around the New Kingdom means a turn towards monotheistic intentions. Your opinion on Assaman's theories?

This is not the first time we see such religious reform because around the Second dyansty in Egypt there was a great struggle between the followers of Heru and the followers of Set. There was even one pharoah around this period who changed his name from a Heru[Horus] into a Set name. He was the only pharoah during the Old Kingdom or Middle Kingdom to have a set name.

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Before the exodus the Egyptian King went to the oracle of Amen to expell lepers from Egypt. This included Moses who was known as Osarseph (osiris) and Akhenamen who changed his his name to Akhenaton. Moses stoped beleiving in Amen then switch to Aton. Jesus comes along as TutankhAmen switches his name to TutankhAnton then back to Amen.You can see this when jesus said he came not to change the law of moses and his conversations with moses on a mountain. Jesus and Moses lived durning the same time period. Why else would Jesus talk to Moses and equate his death/communion with the exodus/passover where all Egyptian firstborn are killed so that the JU's can leave Egypt?
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It's all clear to me now.
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A few ramblings:
The father symbolises authority.
It could have been abuse, but not necessarily from his father.
Pictures and representations touch a very sensitive field, remembrances, wishes, celebrations; children are too little people to appear on adult’s “propaganda”.
In Ancient-Egypt children are seldom pictured, and there is a strong probability children of high rank study away from home between 5-12.His brother Thoutmoses may have been about ten years older then him and both sons were maybe not from the same mother, possibly from different nationalities.
Was there conflicts between both of them?

Sexual abuse from the father? From the books I read and the artworks I saw, my feeling is that affection between the father and son prevail, i.e.there is a small stela representation of his father that was found in Amarna.
(will check references)

According to his titles Akhenaten’s brother was involved with the Amun priesthood and the clergy,. They may have been a lot of abuse in the temples, and frictions, a strong Amun lobbying, worshippers inside dark rooms asking for more and more means.
It is often said that Akhenaton’s religious opinions were inspired by his mother, and I believe one of their common goals was to give religion a solar aspect again, after the lunar, dark side gained the country through the priests.

The worshipping was reintroduced in the open air, outside, not in a dark room.. The temple’s main court and sanctuary was reorganized and the temple’s limits were widened towards the west Jpt-swt, Karnak). Akenaten’s father also did many renovations in the temple. He had problems (health + other)around the end of his life, thus the Sekhmet devotion statues that some say cry,.
The ntrw’s were systematically erased, thus leaving one flag instead of three all over, I think it was done out of rage and rebellion against the abuse and multiplication of needs by the priests for the “nTrw’s”. Yet with their methods, those holes could have been covered up and forgotten. That the successors left those obvious gaps, seems strange to me..
Some say a lot of the profanations were done under the Ramesssides.

Maybe after having desperately tried to stop the abuses of the clergy, Amenhotep IV decided to move away from Karnak, closer to the temples devoted to Thot, under the attention of the scribes, artists, wise-men, to build a new capital and escape from corruption, to find measure and equity and spirituality.

I suppose it’s one of the reasons he had to delimit the territory with the boundary stelas, this may have been imposed on him after he left and as the old habits recurred...

I doubt Akhenaten was blind, for many reasons, firstly, deciding on Akhet-aten for capital: the city with the same configuration as in the city’s cartouche, the hieroglyph for –Axt- the horizon behind the rocks, I would think he designed it, and he chose the aX bird, then another factor is his love of poetry, writings, visual arts, so if Akhnaten had a handicap it was not in the visual field, imo .
An illustration from Davies shows the couple at a window, looking down at people on another I recall he handles a necklace to Meritaten, those elements give me the indication he could see. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the person who “reformed” Egyptian art were blind?

Many pharaohs have the name son of Re, it was an old habit of the ruling class, for the population to worship the highest concept of a deity under the appearance of the pharaoh. In Amarna, figurines of other deities were worshiped and tolerated, and the Aten hymn, mentions others deities, .so the anger was directed against specific deities. Why?

Sorry for being so vague, there are many maybes and no certitudes, it's another of those past situations where one should study many years before gaining a little clarity.

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Ancient history and Egyptology is especially close to my heart. I love Akenaten and the Armana period. I have read many books.

One suggests Akhenaten was either Moses or Moses was part of his household.

Another suggests that Akhenaten - because he was rarely shown in Tuthmoses house - was brought up by his mothers parents who were hebrew - which would make sense as to why he believed in the Aten. I have also read a book about Tuthmoses who also believed in one God - the Aten more than the other Gods so perhaps neither story is wholly correct.

In respect of the Hymn to the Aten - written well before Psalm 23 by Moses - has anyone seen the similarity - perhaps this is no coincidence.

Happy hunting - there is much to read out there.

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Difficult to see clear, I agree. One should find facts, not get carried away by emotions, it’s taboo to touch to the past of Prophets, and stirring up the main religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, would need many evidences. (papyri, manuscripts, and other material)

The psalm you mention is psalm 104
Yes, they are too many correlations between the themes for it to be a coincidence, imo
i am trying to build my own opinion over this whole episode, yes, it takes time.
And evidences add

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Lets pretend that Moses and Jesus are the historical figures for two Egyptian Kings.
Akhenaton and Tutankhamen.

Some Egyptologist researches like Bob Brier claim Akhenaton was the father of King Tutankhamen through a second wife.

Did Moses write of Jesus?

John 5
43 I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
44 How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only?
45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.
46 For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me.
47 But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words?

Jesus might be implying in the above statement that Moses was his father. One thing is for sure Jesus didn’t live durning the time of King Herod. Why?

A. Jesus makes Solomon a contemporary with himself in Luke 11:31
B. Jesus has conversations with Moses on a mountain in Mark 9:2-5

Deuteronomy 18
17 And the LORD said unto me (Moses), They have well spoken that which they have spoken.
18 I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
19 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.
20 But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.

Moses wrote the above statement and should it be applied to Jesus and why. First me must note the Hebrew word for Lord is Adon.


Aton is the Egyptian word for the Hebrew Adon and both mean the same thing. Jesus said : “Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets, I have come not to abolish them but to fufil them”-Matthew 5:17 Love is fufiling the law-Romans 13:10 and Jesus said Love me keep commandments John 14:15

Did Jesus speak in the name of other Gods like Moses wrote in Deuteromy? Yes. Jesus invoke the Egyptian name of the God Amen. Jesus is called Immanuel which could mean “God with us” or “His Amen is God”

Amen was unseen, sprit, creator of Maat/truth.This was the same Amen in Rev:3:14. In the book of John Jesus would say Truly/Amen trulyAmen I say unto you. Paul also calls Jesus Amen too. Jesus embraced both Aton and Amen. Aton was the rays of the sun and Jesus did say he was light and we could be children of light/Aton. Jesus also said he was Son of God which meant Sun of the Sun.

Jesus is like Tutankhamen who switch his name to Tutankaton then back to Amen before he was killed “ I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet (Tutankhamen) shall die”-Deuteromy.

Later on I will prove that a priest from the Aton cult killed Jesus/King Tut.

So I must ask why did Jesus not keep Moses commandments/Law?

In Egypt Amen “Who came into being in the beginning ; the great god who liveth by Maat/Truth; the first divine matter which gave birth unto subsequent divine matter”-The Gods of the Egyptians-E.A.Wallis Budge Volume 2 p.13

“Amen was regarded as the breath of life and the spirit which permeated and vivified everything. The creating wind which was over the waters of Nun and the spirit of god which moved on the face of the waters have so much in common that Yahweh is identical with Amen. The spirit of god of the book of genesis became an independent being under the form of the holy ghost of christiaanity, just as the eye of the sun became separated from sun and developed into an independent deity. The ark of Amen with the Ark of the Covenant of the Hebrews and assumes that each contained nothing but air. Yahweh, like Amen, the unseen, being represented therein by the empty air. But Moses claims god told him to put two tables of Law”.-From Fetish to God in Ancient Egypt by E.A. Wallis Budge p170

With this in context we can see why Jesus would say: “The Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God”-Rev 3:14. Jesus agrees with the Egyptians that Amen started creation and that Amen was Maat/truth. Paul defines faith as unseen. The Hebrew word for faith was Aman which is very close to Amen. So now we turn to the book of John.

John 1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7 The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.
8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth/Amen.
15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.
16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth/Amen came by Jesus Christ.
18 No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom(Heart) of the Father, he hath declared him.

Bosom is the same as heart.

John 3
5 Jesus answered, Verily/Amen, verily/Amen, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water/Nun and of the Spirit(Air of Amen), he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Like I said before truth is unseen Amen. The book of John 1-18 compares with the Egyptian Memphite theology where God first creates in his heart/mind then births the elements through commands of his words. It appears that Jesus was trying to get back to the original Amen that gave birth to Aton. The circumcision of the heart was symbolic of the original covenant because the heart/mind is unseen like Amen until you see the effects of it later. The circumcision of the penis (a cross or Ankh/life) is the effect of the generation of gods heart/mind of his words/tongue.

The Memphite theology

The Gods came into being by the heart devised and the tongue/words commanded. Heka or magic/wisdom was used in the creation. The same type of magic/wisdom Solomon claimed he helped God create the heaven and earth. Solomon was a personification of Thoth/Ptah who helped the Egyptian god in the Memphite theology to create the world. Revealation defines Magic/widom as 666 with the horns of a ram. The ram is another name for the Egyptian Amen.

The Covenant

The Old testament covenant required the people to obey God;s ten commandments/Laws. Like the ark of the covenant of Amen Moses laws had no visual aspect. It was just heard. And Faith/Amen/Truth comes by hearing the word. Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord, and all the judgements: and all the people answered with one voice,All the words which the lord hath said will we do. Why was the law first given orally then reduced to stone. I believe the original commandments were Ten words/commandments and people later added on.

The Sabbath

Deuteronomy states the Sabbath to remind of the liberation of Jews from Egypt.
Exodus says the Sabbath is to remind Israel that God rested on the seventh day of Creation. The Egyptians began to symbolize life/resurrection with Osiris. Osiris missing penis was symbolic of Egyptian circumcision. The Jews saw nothing wrong with circumcision on the Sabbath maybe because it was apart of the Sabbath/creation.

John 7
21 Jesus answered and said unto them, I have done one work, and ye all marvel.
22 Moses therefore gave unto you circumcision; (not because it is of Moses, but of the fathers and ye on the sabbath day circumcise a man.
23 If a man on the sabbath day receive circumcision, that the law of Moses should not be broken; are ye angry at me, because I have made a man every whit whole on the sabbath day?
24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

Faith/Amen without works is nothing a Gospel writer once said

The Sabbath/creation is part of the Ten commandents which is symbolic of Circumcision.

Akhenaton is the real source for the identity of Moses. Levite priest held positions with Akhenaton in their was a city in Egypt called Mal-Levi-City of the levites.

Akhenaton two priest were Meryre II and Panehesy. This can be found in their Egyptian records. Why does Moses have the same priest Merari see Numbers 3:17,Josh 21:34, Exodus 6:16 for his name and also Phinehas the Nubian black grandson of Aaron in numbers 31:6; Josh 22:13,30 and Exodus 6:25
King Tut succeeded Akhenaton and Joshua took command from Moses. Joshua is another name for Jesus. Joshua was a personfication of the Egyptian god Shu like Cleopatra was the personification of Isis. Shu holds up the sun and moon just like Joshua. Shu is a god of light just like Jesus was a god of light.The one thing that’s important to know is that Horus was linked with Shu and King Tut. The Jesus of the NT compares over 200 times with Horus. The most famous was turning water into wine @ Cana/Canal

Osarseph and Akhenaten

Several elements make clear that the Osarseph (osiris) story is derived from an account of Akhenateon reign. The Pharaoh involved is named Amenophis, Akhenaton original throne name as well as the name of his father; Osaarseph banned the worship of Egyptian gods and destroyed the images of the gods, one of the most important aspects of Akheantons reforms; and the period of exile lated 13 years, the number of years Akheanaton ruled after launching his revolution in the fifth year of his reign.

In regard to this last point , the 13 years of woe wrought by lepers and shepherds (Hyksos) can only be the term of Akhenaton’s stay in his new city. Note also that Manetho describes the child “Sethos also called Ramesses” as five years old in what corresponds to the fifth year of Akhenaton reign.

While the story clearly talks about Akhenaton adminstration, the heretic pharaoh seems to have been removed from responsibility. Another indication that Amenohis in the story corresponds to Akhenaton comes from the claim that he wanted to see god. To see god meant you wanted to be healed (Luke 11:34) Was Jesus referring to Moses/Akheanton when he said ‘For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.
No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him”-john 1:17-18. Josephus didn’t know that Amenphis was another name for Akheanton/Moses.

Josephus states “It was also reported that the priest, who ordained their polity and their laws, was by birth of heliopolis, and his name Osarsiph from Osiris, who was the god of helipolis; but that when he was gone over to these people, his name was changed , and he was called Moses”-Against Apion book 1:26. The Egyptians associated Osiris with circumcision in the same manner the Jews did with Moses John 7:21 and this was why the made Moses into a golden calf/Apis bull which Osiris was symbolic of. Moses turned against the god Osiris and in place of Obelisks (circumcised penis) he set up pillars beneath which was a model of a boat; and the shadow cast on this basin by the statue described a circle corresponding to the course of the sun in the heaven see Josephus Against Apion Book 2:8-11. Like I said before the ark of Amen was a boat adopted by Akhenaton/Moses. Like I said before the Obelisks was symbolic of Osiris missing circumcised penis.

Note: Deuteronomy 31
25 That Moses commanded the Levites, which bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD.

Its been hard making the case of linking the Creation story, covenants, circumcision, The Sabbath as components of the Egyptian religion that Moses changed. Jesus no doubt in my mind began to invoke the name of Amen against Moses who original had the name of Amen. Amen was unseen and Moses wanted to see god to get healed. Why did Jesu say Amen twice? Because in the Egyptian double Halls of truth/amen your heart and words were judged. The Christians speak in “Tongues” because they are reborn of Jesus/Amen words of water and spirit. Spirit/unseen/heart and water/visible effects.

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Dada Afre
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Akhenaten merely denounced all neteru (gods) and worshipped Osoro (Osirus).
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Interesting theories here. However Jesus-Tutankhamun! I think not.

Was Akhenaten deformed from birth - I don't think so for one moment - earlier statues of him look like any other Egyptian statue.
If he was deformed, so was Nefertiti and all of his children, as they are all portrayed in the same likeness as Akhenaten. One theory that I like for this is that as the Royal family was the only mediator between the people and the god, they had to represent both sexes - hence the strange design of the Akhenaten era. There is also a strong case for him ruling jointly with his father, for several years, before he moved to Akhetaten.

The worship of Aten was definitely encouraged by Amenhotep III - if you see his open air section of Luxor Temple, you could almost imagine rituals for the Aten being celebrated there.

I think the whole monotheist thing was a backlash against the power and riches of the Amun priesthood, who almost rivalled the pharoah in power by that time. A political movement for the pharoah to regain power. Although the revolution never gained popular appeal, after the Amarna period, it is noticeable that the later pharoahs also endowed Ptah of Memphis and Re of Heliopolis equally - so that the Amun priesthood based at Karnak never ever regained their original power over Egypt.

I think, if one is to look at the Amarna period, Nefertiti's role in the religious revolution also has to be examined - from what I can surmise, she was equally, if not more fervent in her beliefs than her husband, and in many ways led him, even to the point of succeeding him as ruler - she disappears, and Smenkhare appears - seen with Akhenaten hugging 'him' (and maybe kissing 'him' - can't be sure as it was a long time ago that I saw that particular picture)

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That's interesting theory except the common people in ancient Kmt had very little contact with the neteru within the temple or were probabaly not aware of happenings within the temple or even of the Amarna hersey. Akeatenate himself even moved the capital from Waset[Thebes] to Aket-Aten in middle Egypt. Most Egyptologist say people like Jan Assaman assoiate the Kemetian[Egyptian] religion in with monotheism but obviously in early Egyptian wisdom literature there is signs of monotheism within their spirtual system,so I don't necessariy agree with this notion.

What did develop was a struggle between the priest[hm ntr] of Amun and with Akenaten over the placement of the Aten. We know in Kemetian soceity the priests controlled temple estates,industries and served sometimes as high officals. The pharaoh was supposed to be the high priest preforming the rituals each day in various temples across Kmt.

However, by the New Kingdom the common people had begun building their own shrines and beoming their own priests. This makes it unlikely that Akenaten and family served as intermediators. The commoners already have people and hearing ear shrines across the temple to preform this fuction.

One theory I have heard is the egg symbolism became more universal for artistic cannons during the Amarna age. Thus this was apart of the Amarna theology.

Posts: 8675 | From: Tukuler al~Takruri as Ardo since OCT2014 | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
kovert, the one and only
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Ausar can you recommend more detailed sources on the common people becoming their own priests. Also more sources for the strife between the followers of Set and Heru. I've read Set was not demonized in early AE history and was the only Neterou strong enough to protect Ra from his arch enemy Apep. I want to find more info on early AE Set.

Originally posted by ausar:
However, by the New Kingdom the common people had begun building their own shrines and beoming their own priests.

This is not the first time we see such religious reform because around the Second dyansty in Egypt there was a great struggle between the followers of Heru and the followers of Set. There was even one pharoah around this period who changed his name from a Heru[Horus] into a Set name. He was the only pharoah during the Old Kingdom or Middle Kingdom to have a set name

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Kovert, you might want to check out an interesting book called Pharaoh's workers. The problem lies with our scant evidence of the commoners which we find represented at the findings at Deir El Medina. From this we know around the New Kingdom people began to take religious pratices into their own hand. No longer relaying on priests to communicating with the neteru,so they set up village shrines. Usually attended by off duty priest or community workers.

Within the villages we found that there was village women who acted as spirtual heads of the villages. Often casting sprits out of people and making fertility amulets.

See the following:

Pharaoh's Workers: The Villagers of Deir el Medina
edited by Leonard H. Lesko

The civil servants, draughtsmen, stonecutters and other workers engaged in building the pharaohs' tombs at Deir el Medina, on the banks of the Nile at Luxor, left a rich store of artefacts and documents. The six essays here discuss that material, with contributions by: B S Lesko (Rank, roles, and rights); A G McDowell (Contact with the outside world); W A Ward (Foreigners living in the village); F D Friedman (Aspects of domestic life and religion); J F Borghouts (Magical practices amongst the villagers); L H Lesko (Literature, literacy, and literati). 197p with b/w illus (Cornell University Press 1994)


For information about Set see Herman de Velde Seth: the God of confusion.

For more details of how the older traditions were transformed see David Frankfurther Religion in Roman Egypt.

Posts: 8675 | From: Tukuler al~Takruri as Ardo since OCT2014 | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator

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