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» EgyptSearch Forums » Egyptology » OT: Kemi Seba, good or bad?

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Author Topic: OT: Kemi Seba, good or bad?
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This interview was conducted by Novopress with Kemi SEBA, leader of the french Afro-centrist party known before as "Tribe KA" and now "generation Kemi Seba".

Kemi SEBA - Interview


Here is a passage from the introduction by Novopress:

As Novopress always does, we have reproduced the remarks of Kemi SEBA (recorded on the telephone) unabridged, in their natural unaltered state, and without any touching up whatsoever. The completeness and the transparency make up for any loss of ease of style. Each of you is to judge. We know some remarks may shock you, some may even be subject to legal proceedings. We leave full responsibility to their author, who fully accepts these terms, as he says himself. But we must remind everyone of this: breaking the thermometer never brought down the temperature of the sick person. And what follows will not surprise in any way those who have been repeating tirelessly for years that a multi-racial society will lead straight to ethnic war.

Novopress - Kemi SEBA, you want to give back to black people, whom you call the Kemite people, "the place they deserve". What is this place you speak of?

KS - It's like the head of a family. When the father or mother takes control, the family normally follows them. But when, at some point, there is a break-up of this family, the children start acting like parents and the parents are oppressed by these very children. As Kemites, blacks as you call them, we are the parents of humanity. From there it derives , whether you like it or not, that we have given civilization to humanity, we have given the values of dignity, justice and rectitude. Unfortunately, it becomes very Freudian: at some point the children wanted to kill the father in order to exist. They colonized these parents who had given them life and civilization. That's why it is time to re-set our watches, to put things back in order. It's not about launching into a policy of slavery or colonization of whites. Hatred in revenge never helped anything. With the means that we have we are, quite simply, going to restore to the Kemite people its place as head of family. You're the ones who talk about Mother Earth, mother of all things. The original people who walked and who are still walking this earth have dispersed to the four corners of the globe. But before returning to our lands, we're going to take back what was stolen from us so that we can begin prospering again.

Novopress - You wrote at the website of the Kemite party ( of which you were the spokesman until 2004): "in the days when the Leucoderm (the white man) still walked on all fours in caves, we (the Kemites) were already kings and proprietors of this globe. Consequently we reject integration and we proclaim our right to take back our possessions". Can you elaborate?

KS - I think you have to study a minimum of paleontology, that is, the study of human behavior (sic) in order to see where this stems from. We'll start with a date, some say 4,000 or 3,000 years before what you call Jesus. At the time Kemet began to prosper, the Leucoderms in Europe were living in caves, using fire to keep warm. They were people who ate pork meat, who sometimes even ate their own children. It's a reality attested to by different paleontologists. Did that prevent the West from prospering later? That is not the question. These facts are noted by those very people claiming the supremacy of the West. Herodotus, who is the father of history, said himself that before the Greek Empire could prosper, the West was the Kingdom of the Dead. Because "Occident" comes from the verb "occire" - "to kill". Because at some point, they (the Leucoderms) must have killed each other to survive and to resist a hostile environment. That was the situation at the time when we had our civilization - the Westerners were walking on all fours in caves and eating pork in order to resist this reality. I recommend everyone read a book called Isis Papers, by Frances Cress Welsing, who speaks of the evolution of Westerners up to their present-day behavior patterns, and who explains that finding themselves in such adversity, they had to create certain types of behavior such as individualism, as opposed to altruism, and avidness, cruelty because they were born in an environment that was by its very nature hostile to them.

Novopress - This statement about "white cave-men" is close to the ideas professed by the Nation of Islam, an Afro-American organization. At one time you belonged to the French branch. According to the teachings of its former leader Elijah Muhammad, the white race - a race of demons - was created by genetic manipulation about 6,000 years ago by a black "scientist" named Yacoub, who was rebelling against the idyllic society of blacks that prevailed on earth. Can you confirm this?

KS - I confirm none of that. You know, that was the beginning for me. When you are in elementary school, you know certain things, but at thirty, if you still only know what you knew in elementary school, you are mentally retarded. I've evolved since then, even if some of Elijah Muhammad's teachings are obviously true. This story of Yacoub and all the rest has no legitimacy for me, I can't vouch for it. The only thing I can say is that, contrary to this story of genetic manipulation to create the white race, the ancestor of the Leucoderms was Seth. Seth was the one who symbolized chaos, destruction, anger. He was part of the natural equation, that is, the equation of life. There is the Plus pole and the Minus pole. And the Westerners, the Leucoderms, when they came to Kemet in ancient Egypt, they themselves claimed him as their divinity. It is proven, as I said in my preceding response, that by their behavior, the Westerners show clearly that they have developed a sense of cruelty, of meanness, and sometimes, in some places, of greed with respect to a hostile environment. When you are cold...and there are wolves there who will try to eat you...and your only companion animal is the dog who was there to protect what you call Man, and that we are going to call White Man, the Leucoderm face to face with nature...Today they say that the dog is Man's best friend. No! The dog is White Man's best friend; he is the white man's best friend because in the beginning, the white man was chased out of the Caucasian steppes by all the other animals! It's the truth, and I ask everyone to read these studies and find out for themselves.

Novopress - And that wasn't the case with the Kemite people?

KS - The Kemite people didn't have Fido, or whatever, as companion animals. Dogs have never been close to our culture. In the Kemite temples, whether at Carnac or elsewhere, in the pyramids, the dog was never the companion or the best friend of men, as he is in dog advertisements here in the West.

Novopress - You affirm that Kemet, ancient Egypt, is the historic cradle of the Kemite people and the source of all civilization...

KS - I don't affirm. I know how to read and I know a minimum of history. Kemet was the land of the blacks. Herodotus, the father of History - who was white - himself conceded that Egypt was a "Negro" nation. Champollion, your father of Egyptology, observed to his great displeasure that Egypt was a black nation.

Novopress - And yet, in 1976 the mummy of Ramses II spent eight months at the Musée de l'Homme in Paris. During that time, fifty specialists from all branches of science studied him, his tissues, his sarcophagus. According to the final report : "Ramses II was Leucoderm and his hair was red. His eagle-like profile and long slightly turned up nose and short chin gave him an air of authority." And in fact, when you look at a photo of the mummy, it doesn't seem to have a very Kemite profile. What do you say to that?

KS - Today everybody knows that when Egyptologists go to Egypt to get DNA samples of certain mummies, the practice of using coloring agents or de-pigmentation markers permits them to say anything. It's as if I went into one of your museums - and there's a lot to say about the small number of good kings France has had - and I add a little bit of black coloring so that the melanin can be darker, and I say that Louis XIV was Senegalese. Be serious for a moment, Monsieur! You know so little of history that you have to convince yourself that in a nation having nothing to do with Leucoderms, there could be Leucoderm kings. You have to use a minimum of intelligence. Many Westerners fear that if humanity realizes that Egypt was black, their civilization will be lost. Unfortunately, now, we do know, and millions of people know. And this why this kind of monkey business (I can't call it anything else) are typical of these Egyptologists who fear the truth will come out. But unfortunately it has already come out. You could even say that Ramses II is Chinese or Greenlander. The Kemites will laugh. It's as if I said that Louis XIV was Senegalese. If tomorrow I add a coloring agent that gives Louis XIV dark skin, what would you say ? I appeal to everyone's intelligence, and even if you are not intelligent, be advised that you can say anything since, at any rate, the West is based on an historic lie, be it religious, cultural, or whatever. The West is built on a dream. So now, if you want to believe that Ramses II was Superman, that he was a blue-eyed blond, that he flew, you can believe whatever you want! The essential thing is that we know the truth.

Novopress - So you're saying that the Musée de l'Homme falsified its research?

KS - But everyone knows it did! Of course they falsified it! What is really different with the white man, the Leucoderm, and here I'm going to say it as it is, is that when we search for vestiges of our civilization in our country, we get called "grave robbers", when the white man comes with his title of Egyptologist (strange profession, isn't it) and searches for or carries off our own vestiges, he gets called an archeologist. It's quite striking! Robbers on one side, archeologists on the other! But the truth is that the white man is looking for evidence that denies that Civilization did not spring from his own blood. White man lived in caves, that's the reality! White man does not have a real history. Your greatest king was perhaps Vercingétorix. And we have our kings, it must be said, and I'm saying it.

Novopress - In speaking of France, you stated: "We are at war with this country...We will leave France the day she gives us what she owes to the descendants of slaves and those she colonized". This affirmation raises two questions: First of all, at how much do you estimate the total reparations owed by the whites - and in particular by the French - to the Kemites?

KS - There are estimates made with respect to the weight of the number of dead. Let's not forget that the Jews demanded reparations for six million dead during the Second World War; you see the State that was given to them and the total reparations they received. We begin at 150, 000,000 dead, either on the cotton fields or thrown from the boats, and that's a minimum, it's not a ceiling. So, comparing to the Shoah, you gave them a State and wealth enabling them today to rule, no matter what one says, the world and even the Western world, and you can imagine what it will be for us. But, and note well this example, when a rapist is judged, he doesn't ask how much he has to pay. He appears before the judge, he admits his guilt. The victim bases her plea to the judge on the degree of guilt that must be acknowledged. And the amount of this reparation will be given, in the final analysis, by the judge who will decide in all fairness.

Novopress - Second question on reparations. Since slavery was abolished in France in 1848, since the colonization of North Africa and black Africa ceased at the beginning of the '60's and since immigration officially stopped in 1974, you do agree that the Kemites and others who have come to settle on French soil after this date did so freely and voluntarily. They have not been deported or colonized.

KS - That's not true! And I'll tell you why. When you talk about a story, when you talk of the introduction, the development, the conclusion, you are talking about the ensemble, about cohesion, coherence. If you remove the development from its context, you cannot understand it, nor will you until you place it between the introduction and the conclusion. Today, we are not here because we love the Eiffel Tower or the Champs-Elysées, and I want you to know that! We are here because our ancestors, our great-grand-parents were carried off as slaves to the Antilles or enslaved in Africa. That's the reality of it! We are here because at a certain point there was a continent whose riches were pillaged, are still pillaged today by heads of state - when you look at the pawns that the Chiracs and the Sarkozys have put at the helms of our countries! These men are paid to be servants and alibis and France today is still pillaging the natural wealth, because it is surely not from the Champs-Elysées, the Eiffel Tower or the Seine that the French are drawing their natural resources. There are natural riches that are today being stolen, and this is logical in the mentality of slavery and colonization. Neocolonialism, Francafrica, I'm not making these things up! Even whites like François-Xavier Verschave indicate that there is in all this a proven reality, a logical sequence, a climate of oppression. And this climate of oppression means that neocolonialism shows up, for example, in the Antilles, where 90% of the population is black, but which is ruled by a minority of whites descended from slave traders. In Africa, it's the same thing. There are loads of Mafiosos groveling before the Chiracs and their entourage. There's one thing we say at the risk of shocking you: we would often prefer someone like Jean-Marie Le Pen to be leading the country, a white man who would not pretend to like blacks, who would tell them clearly that he doesn't like them, but who, certainly, would remove from power these Mafia-style leaders of African countries, so that we could live happy and free.

Novopress - In the same interview you state: "When we see white people in the street, we don't hunt them down!" And yet it was indeed a "hunt for white people" that even the most politically correct observers were forced to acknowledge during the high-school demonstrations in March 2005 and the anti-CPE riots in 2006. A "hunt for the whites" led by young blacks from the suburbs. How do you feel about that? Do you understand it? Do you approve it?

KS - I can understand their undeniable sense of injustice when for centuries they have been trampled on. When you see that in this country they still regard you as sub-human, that they still rob you, strike you, assault you, whether it's the so-called forces of state, or the militia of the judiciary police and all that comes after. When you see that this country that calls itself the land of Rights of Man is only the land of Rights of White Man, you are half as likely to succeed, not because you have fewer diplomas but because you are in a world where the essence of your identity is regarded as inferior. Because you are living in Judeo-Christian and Muslim values, values that have kept the black man enslaved in relation to his other "fellow humans", how can anyone expect people living in such injustice not to try and get justice themselves? Now, is that a good solution? The question does not even need to be asked. Each person sees things his way. We say that our enemies are those that trample on us. Those who block our path, we will break them, that's all! And in the anti-CPE demonstrations, I am of a mind to say that those anti-white attacks were a payback. If this country behaved justly, and liberated Africa, and gave back everything it owed to our people in terms of natural riches, even in terms of debts incurred by the murders it has committed, the young blacks (and believe me, you can be sure this is only the beginning) would not be inclined to attack whites. But no one ever asked the victim why he was angry at his aggressor. Dear Monsieur! The victim is always asked to forgive, but in order to forgive there has to be justice! No justice, no peace! And don't be surprised if, as more time goes by, the more those whom you call "young blacks" will be in a state of mind to get satisfaction by their own means, since the justice system is deaf to their needs.

Novopress - Some people, whose mind-set is integrationist and globalist, say that "races don't exist". How do you answer them?

KS - It's so easy! And I think it's stupidity itself to make remarks like this, since "races don't exist" as soon as the moment of rendering accounts comes due. We're not the ones that invented the concept of race. We have always spoken of people. We don't have a mind-set of race. A race and a people are two different things. Race, in the old dictionary definition, is defined by the genotype and the phenotype. The genotype is what makes people, regardless of skin color, similar. But the phenotype is the physical criterion that results in people, once categorized, being oppressed because they have common physical traits. And this physical appearance is an integral part of the culture of a people. The Chinese don't have the same culture as a Senegalese, as a Benin native, as a Kemite, to speak frankly, and these facts are proven. So to those who say "races don't exist", I answer: there is no problem! Races don't exist, but people exist. And today, the Kemite people, not only aspires to dignity, but will get that dignity by any means necessary. And if it must end in a civil war, then it will end in a civil war!

Novopress - You also said: "we don't have a mind-set directed toward integration" and added, "You don't become a pig because you were born in a pig sty!." I think the image of the pig sty referred to France...In your logic, you agree then that the "blacks" and the "rebeus" (to use politically correct terminology) of French nationality because they were born here or naturalized, are just "Frenchmen on paper" and that their nationality is a pure fiction?

KS - Of course they are only "Frenchmen on paper"! They will never be French! I'm telling you! And on that point also, I side with the nationalists who say that being French is an identity, not just a piece of paper. And I state clearly that certain nationalists are right when they are angered at someone named Mohammed or Mamadou claiming to be French. It's an aberration to say that! We aren't here to integrate into a country that hates us, we are here for justice to be done. And if justice is done, I tell you, you will never again hear about Kemites on French soil, that's obvious! Malek Boutih, or "Jerusalem Désir" (we won't talk about Harlem...), do they look like Frenchmen? If you see a guy named Ching Chong Chin, are you going to say that the guy is Senegalese? No! If a Chinese person goes to Senegal, you won't say he is Senegalese, but merely a Chinese person in Senegal. We are Kemites in France. It's a fact. We will never be French. To be French is a designation encompassing a profound identity formed of a culture and a philosophy of History. Our history is not French history. Our connection to French history is the story of our oppression. When justice is done, we will leave, and we will leave "France to the French", as they say. We are for separation. We think everyone can prosper as long as it is done equitably. That has to be accomplished on a healthy foundation, that is, when what was stolen is returned. And I can assure you that the push for repatriation will not be led by Le Pen, but by Tribe KA first and foremost.

Novopress - In a certain number of articles and commentaries gleaned on the Internet, it is claimed that Tribe KA and its leader are victims of persecution by the justice system. I find, on the contrary, that the political and judiciary systems have accorded you a degree of tolerance that the defenders of a French France and a European Europe would love to benefit from! You have, for example, created a support group reserved for Kemite children, and your Sunday meetings are also reserved just for you. In comparison, several soup kitchens run by nationalists and serving pork, in various cities in France, have been banned for discrimination and racism. When you see this difference in treatment, don't you think it's true that black skin protects you from the law, like a sunscreen protects from ultra-violet rays?

KS - The comparison is limited and the analogy slanted! You talk of nationalists who are victims of racism or whatever. There is a fundamental difference between the whites and the Kemites today. The one in the position of guilt is not the Kemite, it is the white man! And those who are the aggressors are not the whites, but the Kemites! Dear Monsieur! When you are stabbed in the back with a 17-inch knife, you can pull out 15 inches, but 2 inches still remain. Even when you pull out the whole knife, there is still a scar! That's a fact! The nationalists are charged with racism, but when they give free meals to the whites, and the integrationists are shocked, WE applaud them with enthusiasm. The nationalists demonstrate that they don't like the blacks, and that is a very good thing. But to say that the political judiciary system is against the nationalists more so than against Tribe KA, is to fool oneself completely. When you see how Sarkozy goes after us...until proof to the contrary, he has not yet gone after the nationalist youth. So don't talk about "a double standard", for if there is a "double standard" it is in the way the French State goes after the Tribe KA, or at least tries to, because it can't succeed in wiping us out. I applaud the nationalist youth movements, and I applaud the French nationalist movements, that advocate France for the French and whose first concern is for their own kind. On the other hand, I criticize as forcefully as I can the way in which the Zionist system has managed to infiltrate the nationalists - talking sweet talk to the nationalists, and all the rest. I say to myself: now there's a problem. Don't forget that it is this Zionist system that governs the French State, that manipulates Sarkozy, and Chirac, and the others. And so, if you're going to talk about real nationalist movements, the stranglehold of the Zionists should be rejected, and no one should tell us what is right or wrong for us to do.

Novopress - Do you really think that the nationalist movements agree with your notion of a "Zionist stranglehold" on the French State?

KS - In any case, the movements connected to Philippe de Villiers and others are not opposed to militias such as the Jewish Defense League or Betar, which is really strange. A true nationalist accepts no intrusion from others. A nationalist movement wants to be free of these annoyances and refuses to be lorded over by others. I encourage a nationalist movement that seeks real independence, that rejects the Zionist stranglehold, and that is against immigration! I encourage this movement provided it operates fairly.

Novopress - You have said: "My dream is to be with my own people and for us to manage alone." How do you intend to implement this apartheid (an Afrikaner term meaning "separate development")?

KS - Separate development on the condition that one part isn't superior to the other, which is the meaning of apartheid, not of separation. When you see a bouquet of flowers, you don't talk of apartheid because of the different colors that are there. One can live separately without any notion that one is superior to the other. What we're fighting for is to try to develop within our own family before trying to develop with other families. I don't knock your door down and eat your steak or your snails and fries and all the rest. Likewise, respect my house and don't knock the door down, because you have already knocked it down and you've been knocking it down for centuries and taking our meals. Try to develop on your own side and let us develop on our side. Here is what we ask. The black Code has seen its day, even though certain rules still refer to it today. We have as our originating principle that separate development is the most necessary system if our people are going to prosper, without forgetting obviously that you must, that this country must - and it's going to happen very soon one way or the other - give us our due. It must not only recognize its mistakes, but also remove from office all these heads of state who are pawns of this system and allow the people to truly prosper. It must forgive the African debt, because the debt that you owe us is a billion times more than the so-called debt that we, the African countries, owe to you. I think that an attitude of rectitude and dignity is required for that to happen. You are really people who love your country, and it is time to prove it by sweeping away this Zionist mafia that is dictating what's right and wrong to the French State and to the rest of the world.

Novopress - Regarding your statement that the desire to make different races and different peoples coexist on the same territory was an idea that served the interests of a liberal system bent on destroying identities...

KS - I did not say that!

Novopress - You didn't say that? You've just spoken of separate development for each one.

KS - Exactly! When you speak of separate development, in a house, why are there no giant-size quarters? Because it is necessary for each family to have its own home, even in what might be limited space. In a city there are several apartments. Separate development starts in there. Each family lives in a precise place, but that doesn't mean that, in a global territory, there cannot be different populations present. But that is not the final word, it's a current observation, a transition phase. We are here and we will never leave this country as long as we have not been given what is owed to us. But, in the end, it is obvious that the goal is for the white man, the Leucoderm, to prosper on his side, and for the Kemite to prosper on his, and that everyone advances.

Novopress - Doesn't this prosperity eventually lead to each ethnic group returning to the land of its ancestors?

KS - Exactly!

Novopress - Some Jews obey this rationale and emigrate to what they believe is the land God promised them. Logically, if you want to be consistent in the "Kemitocentrist" positions that you defend, the rebirth of the Kemite people and its re-rooting will certainly lead to a return to the land of Africa. The experiment was tried in the 19th century in Liberia...

KS - Yes, but with the help of the United States and on a wrong basis because self-knowledge was not factored in. Liberia was a fabrication to show the descendants of black slaves, in the United States, that repatriation would serve no purpose and that it was better to stay second-class citizens in the U.S. Again it was the Zionist stranglehold that sabotaged this experiment so that the Negroes would stay what they are, that is modern slaves in the Western system, be it in the U.S. or in France or elsewhere. But a real repatriation, we will get there. There is a land called Kemet and that you call Egypt, that was invaded by people who have nothing to do with our people, they were what you call Arabs. There are our pyramids! There are our temples! There are Nubians there who are treated as sub-human! We say that sooner or later, we will do what you have done in Israel. The Israelis, after the Second World War, were able to have a land they could call their own country. Our belief is that, sooner or later, we must reclaim our ancestral land, Kemet, that is the matrix of the African continent. The day when we get that, the day when we recover all the wealth that was stolen from us, so that we can start to rebuild our civilization, then you will hear no more from the Kemites, that's for sure!

Novopress - So, before that day comes, why not launch, starting today, an appeal to your Kemite brothers of Africa who might be tempted by the sirens of emigration and the European life style, telling them, whatever they do, not to leave the land of their birth?

KS - But we do that every day! We say that France is not the country of the Rights of Man, but the country of the Rights of White Man, and they should not come here looking for El Dorado, but they should stay there biding their time. It is complicated since all the wealth was stolen, so our brothers come here to enjoy it. Then when they get here they realize that there is nothing for them. Consequently, it is clear that it's best for everybody, and especially for our people, that they stay there where they are settled, and not come to France where they will be regarded as sub-human.

Novopress - You always come back to colonization and slavery...

KS - I'm speaking of the situation today which is one of proven oppression and everyone knows it. Do you find it normal that in the Antilles, where 90% of the population is black, the wealth belongs to a minority of descendants of slave traders, while it is our people who work the earth. The present follows logically from the past.

Novopress - Slavery is one of the main recriminations of black people towards the whites. And yet, the European slave traders (of whom many, you state, were of the Jewish faith) would buy their "ebony wood" (that is, their slaves), from Arab Muslims...

KS - The point is not that there were a lot of Jewish slave traders. We are saying that Judaism - through the Curse of Cham written in 398 B.C. by Esdras, a Jewish scribe who performed sacrifices - is the source of colonization, slavery, and the present situation that we're living in. But we have never denied the role of the Arabs in the slave trade. They were your colleagues in the system of slave trade. We're the first ones to denounce what is happening in Darfour.

Novopress - But these Muslim slave traders had themselves purchased their slaves from other blacks, who were animists. Consequently, will you deny that the first ones to enslave blacks were the blacks themselves?

KS - No! You must be careful when you use the word "purchase". You can do revisionism with puppets like Beyala, Dominique Sopo or "Jerusalem" Désir, but you cannot do revisionism with us! You can try to falsify History, but when the truth in all its violence comes and those who have lied are assaulted, then, I assure you, certain types of comments will no longer stand. That's a reality!

Novopress - So you deny the fact that blacks sold other blacks?

KS - There is slave trade everywhere! When you speak of "being sold", you must pay close attention to the terms you use. You must explain how the history of slavery happened. There were wars between different tribes, different families. Prisoners were taken. And then a third party comes and says: "I will relieve you of these prisoners, I'll take charge of them". Between taking a prisoner and saying that you sell your brother to a white man, there is a difference, don't confuse the two! Prisoners of war are handed over, but in no case was a black man captured to be put into slavery. I say that the Kemite being, the Kemite Entity does not participate in slavery. Elijah Muhammed spoke of the devil's art, that is, divide and conquer. People fight and you, you come along and take advantage, you get your dividend. Such behavior is typical of the devil.

Novopress - For you the devil is...

KS - The Leucoderm. He has behaved like the devil, you can't deny it, it's a fact!

Novopress - And yet Abdoulaye Wade, the president of Senegal declared: "I have shown that slavery is a phenomenon as old as humanity (...) Our ancient kingdoms and empires were largely based on slavery the consequences of which still exist more or less in our own societies. If the descendants of these slaves were to ask for reparations, many of us would be hauled before the courts for being descendants of ancient rulers of the continent." He recognizes the responsibility of the Kemites, or at least of some of them, in the Negro slave trade. You don't agree with him?

KS - I appeal to your intelligence. Considering that Wade is the spokesman for Françafrica, and he is thus one of those presidents set up in Africa to be the spokesmen for France, when you hear him speak ask him who wrote the text he is citing. And you will easily understand why this dolt says such stupid things. Wade's remarks justify even more what we were saying before, that is, the Kemite Entity has at no point participated in the slave trade. This tendency to denial, which in the white man, always leads to finding so-called traitors among our people, is eventually going to blow up in his face and the faces of his vassals like Wade and his consorts, when our patience has been exhausted. Because the Kemite Entity is no longer able today to listen to just anything. During the Second World War, France was a country composed 90% of traitors, of Vichyists. Even today everybody claims to have been a resistant. There were only traitors, only Vichyists! And just because there were only Vichyists in this country, you mustn't go believing that there were only Vichyists in our country. Wade's remarks make me smile. France is projecting her own sense of guilt ( because there is a tradition of guilt and cowardice in this country) onto other peoples. I think it's laughable.

Novopress - Let me return to the notion of separate development. You say that you will leave when you get justice. In order to get it, you are borrowing the legalities surrounding the Shoah...

KS - Not just that, but I try to talk about things you know, since as far as debts are concerned, except for the Jews, you have never rendered justice to anybody. So, because of this, I must borrow examples of what you know best in the 20th century and this beginning of the 21st century.

Novopress - Might it not be time, today, to leave behind this mentality of victimhood that makes all sides spend their time complaining?

KS - You have the impression that we spend our time complaining? When someone is raped and demands justice, you call that a mentality of victimhood? You should be glad that people still behave like that! I'm going to tell you something: if we wanted to, we could attack anybody and reclaim our due. But Tribe KA doesn't do that. Tribe KA calls for justice. If you confuse Justice with victimization, then there's nothing I can do for you, Dear Monsieur! We don't demand integration. We don't demand seats in the National Assembly. We say that it is your country, that you can do with it what you will. We'll have nothing to do with this country, we don't like it! We not especially fond of it! What we want is justice. Get rid of your pawns in Africa, return our natural resources to us - and those who manage natural resources in France can easily calculate the total cost of the plunder. Across the Atlantic, there was research done on the number of dead slaves, give us justice in that domain. Do you call that victimization? At some point, that word will have to be eliminated. Tribe KA is not inclined to beg. Tribe KA intends to snatch back what is owed. At any rate, whether you want to hear it or not, what we demand, we will get! One way or another...If we are not heeded, don't be surprised if we take another pathway to justice, Dear Monsieur!

Novopress - This estimate of reparations that are owed to you, like any estimate, is always debatable. About this economic cost of colonization, historian Jacques Marseille demonstrates in his government report that colonization, far from being a source of revenue for France, was instead an obstacle to its economic development by reason of the large public investments needed to sustain the colonies. (Roads, ports, hospitals, schools...) What do you think?

KS - I'm going to stop you right there! It's a Negrophobic report! It's an anti-Kemite report! For me, when you speak of reparations, it's not up to the guilty party to estimate what was positive and what was negative with regard to his crime. It's as if you rape a woman and then stand before the judge and say that she has no right to reparation because she wasn't any good! Who the hell do you think I am? It's not up to you to estimate just because you stubbed your toe when you committed rape! You raped, you pay, that's all! Or else we'll castrate you, you better believe it! If this country chooses to act like a dog, as it has for centuries, go ahead! But today the descendants of victims, and the present-day victims (let's say oppressed, since the word victim has a bad connotation), THEY will do the estimate! Contrary to the stupidities of Marseille and others, without slavery and colonization, France would not be where it is. Without slavery and colonization, France is nothing, it's Rumania! And Chirac is Ceausescu, Chiracescu! You can talk about Jacques Marseille and whoever you want, but today the oppressed demand their due. And if you don't want to see your banks and jewelers and all the other riches concentrated here pillaged, then France must return what she owes to the Kemite people!

Novopress - "Europe for the Europeans, Africa for the Kemites". You agree?

KS - Exactly! Europe for the Europeans, Africa for the Kemites! But only when Europe gives back what she owes to the Kemites. We all agree. It will be the new slogan, maybe a common slogan for both Kemites and Europeans. We'll replace "Liberté, Egalité,Fraternité" with "Justice,Truth, Reparation". And there will be no problem.

Novopress - Just a detour into jurisprudence: considering the laws today, some of the remarks you have made here are going to be considered as anti-Semitic and may be prosecuted. Do you accept fully the legal consequences?

KS - You have to tell me which remarks and at what moment, because everything is subject to interpretation. I stand by what I said 1000%! Understand this: if saying that Judaism is the source of slavery, because of the Curse of Cham written by Esdras, if that makes us anti-Semites, then we are anti-Semites, I tell you!

Novopress - Last question. In speaking of the Kemites you have said that "it is time for us to do our own introspection". I'll take you at your word: you live in France, a country traditionally peopled by white men, you speak French, a white man's language, by means of a camera (invented in 1888 by the Frenchman Louis Aimée Augustin Le Prince) or a telephone, another white invention (Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas A. Watson). Haven't you ever thought about what you, YOU, owe to the whites?

KS - I'm going to tell you something: perhaps you don't know history very well, Dear Monsieur! Everything that the West, that France has taken has been taken from the Kemet civilization. You talk about telephones. At one point we had what you call shamans, sorcerers, we didn't need a cell phone to communicate, Dear Monsieur. When you speak of television or other things, I think you should study a minimum of history and not lock yourself into a minimalist culture like the West. I speak French because if I were to "Engala'n enkala" to you, you wouldn't know what it means, but my ancestors, the Kemites, would know. When you're with a Chinese person, you try to speak his language. When I'm with a dog, I try to use signals that he'll understand. That doesn't mean that I like the language of the dog. And if we are filmed by Western cameras, we aren't going to refuse to be filmed since the camera lets our message get out. To France, we owe nothing at all! In the days when you were on all fours, like the Pierrafeu family, in the caves eating game or perhaps even your children, we already had our pyramids and our civilization! Looking at it that way, those who owe us something are certainly the French. We owe nothing to a country that is degenerating, a nation that inherited things that were given to it or that were stolen from us, when you look at history or current affairs. But between the copy-and-paste version and the original, there is no photo. And I repeat, we will not leave until you have returned to us the wealth that you stole. The Eiffel Tower? I couldn't care less! The Champs-Elysées? I couldn't care less! I prefer Nefertiti to your Marianne! And personally, I have no fantasies of your white women. We are not apostles of intermarriage. You will never hear me defend SOS Racism. We say: we will leave your Republic as soon as you publicly remove the names of the puppets you have put at the head of our countries, and as soon as you return what you owe us, Dear Monsieur! And it will be done in blood or in peace. But today, we are already more into blood than into peace...

What you think about him?

His website (but only in french): http://www.seba-wsr.com/

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Originally posted by Suwedi:

So now, if you want to believe that Ramses II was Superman[...]


btw thanx for the heads up about the new RE4/5 (?) game, I got to catch some people in that topic. Also, I heard bad things about some responses to the black blog in opposition [?] to the game.

You know, the thread that instantly got deleted?

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Alot of what Kem Seba is proposing sounds like black nationalism mixed in with falsehoods about ancient Egypt. Here are the following falsehoods repated as fact in the article:

1. Europeans ate pork,ate their own children and lived in caves during the time of ancient Egypt. Yes, Europeans lived in caves during the Paleolithic era but during the time of ancient Egypt they did not live in caves. He fails to mention any sources from Paleontologist despite referencing them in his interview

2. Europeans have no history or culture. The interviewer made erroneous statements about Europeans having no history or culture. The following is false because everybody on this planet has culture and history. We could argue that some ethnic groups have a more glamrous history than others.

3. Ancient Egyptians and Kushites both had domesticated dogs and even canine like dieties such as Wepwawet and Anpu. Obviously the interviewer is ignorant of the various burials found with dogs. Ancient Egyptians also at pork.

4. While I agree with the interviewers acessment about the west being grave robbers. What he fails to realize is without such people he would never be able to reserch ancient Egypt like he can today. I am willing to bet most of his sources come from these Western grave robbers.

5. Yes, historically Set represented luecoderms but he was originally an Upper Egyptian deity and was not luecoderm. Not untill the invasion of the Hykos was he considered a luecoderm.

6. The interviewer states that ancient Egypt is the mother of all humanity. Again if we accept the Out-of-Africa theory we know this is wrong. Ancient humans came from eastern Africa not ancient Egypt!!!! Also he exagerated the influence of ancient Egypt and probably subscribes to outdated diffusionist theories. The world does not revolve around ancient Kmt!!!! He is also guilty of over romanticizing ancient Kmt as well.

Posts: 8675 | From: Tukuler al~Takruri as Ardo since OCT2014 | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Willing Thinker {What Box}...
The thread have been moved to "Music and Movies"


1) I don't really no where the Europeans lived before 1000 or 2000 BC, do you? I no for the ancient britons but for the other Europeans, I don't

2) I agree with you here.

3) Yes, but they don't consider dog to be the "man best friend" like the europeans does.

4) Yes but I think what he say is the africans not aloud by the West to dig and conduct their own reserch about african past.

6) No he say kemet is the "cultural matrix" of africa continent certainly like greece are for western civilisation. He never say ancient Egypt is the mother of all humanity.

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Oh, and I noticed I posted a comment without my opinion which is what you asked for.

I read it after posting about that last thread (btw thanx for letting me know about the move).

I'll give my opinion later for sure, but as for now, I'll just say I have no qualms with the French.

How could you have beef with French when you like some of there music?

btw on #6 he does un-substantially extend Kemet's boundaries.

http://iheartguts.com/shop/bmz_cache/7/72e040818e71f04c59d362025adcc5cc.image.300x261.jpg http://www.nastynets.net/www.mousesafari.com/lohan-facial.gif

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He likes the rape analogy. Well he wasn't the one who was raped nor where the French of today the ones who did the raping.
I wonder what he would say.

My oppinion? Mostly bad.

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Ausar hit it right on about this guy-- he is just a reactionary black nationalist who has some lies throwed into his claims.
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1. Yes, I am sure that most Europeans today desend from ancinet Paleolithic inhabitants that migrated there but were modified during the Ice Age. Possibly Indo-European speakers came later from the Kurgan culture but most Europeans come from prehistoric cultures. One thing I definately know is that no European or any other human was living in caves during the inception of ancient Egypt!!!!! I challange anybody to present evidence of the following. The following point was what I contested

3. Read carefully what Kemi Seba said Here is an excerpt:

''KS - The Kemite people didn't have Fido, or whatever, as companion animals. Dogs have never been close to our culture. In the Kemite temples, whether at Carnac or elsewhere, in the pyramids, the dog was never the companion or the best friend of men, as he is in dog advertisements here in the West.''

He made more statements than just wheather the ancient Egyptians considered dogs man's best friend. His implications that dogs were not considered companions nor close in ancinet Egyptian culture. The burials found say otherwise and there is even a stela of Nenu a Nubian solider and his Egyptian family showing a dogs as a companion.

Plus its fairly historically accurate to call dogs man's best friend since they are one of the first and oldest domesticated animals.

6. Maybe he does not imply ancient Egypt is the mother humanity but he puts too much emphasis on it being a sole unified culture connected to other parts of Africa. Indeed, ancient Egypt shares many cultural traits with but its not the sole culture for all of Africa.

Reading through the interview I also found his comment that modern Egyptians are Arab invaders or have little connection to ancient Egypt to be false. Modern Egyptians,while not being the pure representations of the ancient Egyptians, are for the most part not Arab invaders. The author is obviously ignorant of the Arab invasion and occupation that only brought about 20,000 Arabs. Most of these 20,000 Arabs did not displace the original Egyptian population. Under the pact of Umar it was even forbidden that these Arabs take premanent residence in Egypt. Of course, some bedouin tribes were brought to Egypt at various periods and this admixture is apparent in some areas.

Putting historical observations aside, I invite Kemi Seba to take back modern Egypt by all means. Just except the complete retailiation that will come and be prepared to fight. Modern Egyptians are not giving up our land without a fight!!!!!

Posts: 8675 | From: Tukuler al~Takruri as Ardo since OCT2014 | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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Originally posted by ausar:

1. Yes, I am sure that most Europeans today desend from ancinet Paleolithic inhabitants that migrated there but were modified during the Ice Age. Possibly Indo-European speakers came later from the Kurgan culture but most Europeans come from prehistoric cultures. One thing I definately know is that no European or any other human was living in caves during the inception of ancient Egypt!!!!! I challange anybody to present evidence of the following. The following point was what I contested

Actually there were various reports of peoples who live in caves. From the Greeks there was a community of cave people in Central Europe, the Chinese reported that the indigenous people of Taiwan lived in caves, and as recently as the 80's anthropologists have reported people in an island of Indonesia and another in the Philippines who live in caves! [Big Grin]
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) Yes but I think what he say is the africans not aloud by the West to dig and conduct their own reserch about african past.

I doubt if the university of Accra, Addis or Lagos conduct an archeological project that the west is gonna stop them.

Btw the guy sounds too angry so it's hard to take him seriously, but he had some few good points while most was just nonsense.

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Originally posted by Djehuti:
Ausar hit it right on about this guy-- he is just a reactionary black nationalist who has some lies throwed into his claims.

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Djehuti, can you produce the name or direct quote from the Greek who made these observations in Central Europe about cave dwellers. Please note that living in caves does not make one superior or inferior. Some modern Spainards chose to live in caves while modern Dogon people in Western Africa still live in cliff dwellings.

Kemi Seba appears to suffer from a inferioity complex. Definately Europeans opressed black and other non-whites but revising history for your agenda is not justified because of it. Neither are Europeans who distort history justified simply because of their cultural dominance. Both ethnic groups use history as a means for political and personal gain. What matters is neither but the ultimate truth. All is thrown out in a world with no sense of ethics.

With the following said Kemi Seba has a right to express hie views and observations even if others find them extreme or reactionary.

Posts: 8675 | From: Tukuler al~Takruri as Ardo since OCT2014 | Registered: Feb 2003  |  IP: Logged | Report this post to a Moderator
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True, you seem to be a rational poster, ausar.
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Originally posted by Yonis:
Btw the guy sounds too angry so it's hard to take him seriously, but he had some few good points while most was just nonsense.

BTW I agree with Yonis.
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