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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 9617
 - posted
The Ancient Egyptian word Har-en-maket was replaced by the Greek word Harmachis which then became the word Sphinx that the masses mistakenly use today.

Now woke, WE KNOW and realize the cavalier manner in which the Jews and most especially the Greeks incorrectly colored and pasted the incorrect meaning(s) to the well documented works of our Ancient Egyptian a ancestors -- WE ALSO KNOW how they then wrote themselves into our story but that's a story to be told another day.


To reiterate --as we sift thru the mythical pages of the Greeks WE KNOW and have re-discovered the rooted origin of our own antiquity which was well written and well documented by our former ancestors, the Ancient Egyptians of Sais Kwi KmT Egypt.

WE KNOW the story of the Sphinx --a Greek statue of a woman with breasts. WE KNOW the Grecian mind-
set as it circles around the fervent hate of wo-men as evil creatures, except for act/ and use of procreation. WE KNOW of their love for males over females because WE KNOW that as hard as the
'lying lore of Christianity' attempts to push thru its false doctrine thru the Bible in the pro-creation of woman from man WE KNOW the true ori-gin of reproduction because we have read The
Secrets of Regeneration by Hilton Hotema and WE KNOW about pathogenesis as surely as WE KNOW of the degenerative affects of homosexuality as practiced by the Greeks --even until this day.
Speaking of the Bible, ever wonder why the pyramids nor Har-en-maket has never been men-
tioned between its front and back cover when WE KNOW that the accepted text is only about 500 years old eg the KJV); yet WE KNOW that is has
come to light that there is a text 1500 years old Bible;


yet WE ALSO KNOW that the pyramids are well over 10,500 years old. And, BTW, in case you didn't know --the word Greek means "gay".

I digress.

Now, according to Greek Mythology this sphinx stood at the edge of a cliff and asked everyone who passed her a riddle:

'What crawls in the morning on all fours; walks in the afternoon on two legs; and then walks on three legs in the evening', she said?

As many brave souls came forth in an attempt to answer this three-sided question, alas, none of their answers were incorrect and they were strangled and then thrown over the cliff where
she stood perched on a stone rock. Hence, the greek word "Sphinx" which means to hold/to strangle and was never associated with the Ancient
monument of antiquity in Giza, Egypt today.


Eventually along came a man by the name of Odeipus who solved the riddle by stating

--an infant crawls in the morning on all fours
--an adult walks in the afternoon on two legs
--and finally an elder walks in the evening on two legs with the help of a cane.

Sigmund Freud attempted to push his Odeipus Complex Theory thru the streets of psychology for a while. But now that WE KNOW his theories were based upon a backward European mindset WE KNOW for a surety that no African in his right frame of mind would ever raise his hand against his father nor take such as obtuse action against his mother.

This ancient African statue of Har-en-maket re-
presents a higher level of consciousness that was obtained by the woman, because it is the face of a woman or so shows a picture of her by Cheikh Anta Diop inside his works "The African Origin of Civilization". Why so? Because the African Black woman lived more than 40,000 years before she ever began reproducing a man. For more details about her existence read "The Sibyls" by Vivan Hunter-Hindrew.


1. '100 Facts About The Negro w/Proof' by JA Rogers

2. The pyramids

3. Graham Hancock

4. 1500 Year Old Bible Found In Turkey
Member # 1797
 - posted
Long time no see. Welcome back! [Cool]

You made a lot of unsupported propositions.
Please provide peer reviewed type sources
or I will have to move this to the more
speculative ANCIENT EGYPT forum. Thx.

~ Ardo ~
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted


As Horemakhet (Harmakhet, Harmachis) or "Horus in the horizon", he represented the dawn and the early morning sun. He was often depicted as a sphinx with the head of a man, a lion or a ram (the latter providing a link to the god Khepri, the rising sun). It is often suggested that the Great Sphinx of Giza is a representation of Hor-em-akhet with the face of the fourth dynasty pharaoh Kafre (Chephren). He was also depicted as a falcon or as a man with the head of a falcon wearing a variety of crowns.

He was thought to be a source of wisdom as well as a representation of the sun. According to legend, prince Tuthmosis IV (Eighteenth Dynasty) was hunting in the marsh close to the Sphinx. He took a nap between its paws and dreamt Hor-em-akhet-Atum-Khepri was actually his father and that he was destined to be pharaoh. The god promised Tuthmosis the throne if he would remove the sand which was burying him. Tuthmosis agreed and was true to his word. He became pharaoh and not only cleared the sand but promoted Ra-Hor-em akhet above Amon-Ra (heralding perhaps the rejection of Amun by Akhenaten in favour of the Aten, which was represented as a sun disc).

The pharaoh also dedicated a small temple to Hor-em-akhet on which the Sphinx was described as Hor-em-akhet-Hauron. It is thought that the Syrian and Palestinian workforce working near to the Sphinx associated it with their god of the underworld, Hauron. This link may explain the Sphinx´s epithet, "Father of Terror".

Member # 19944
 - posted
Um, wrote a post on using our
own archive instead of running
to other AE sites all the time
but it disappeared. Anyway check
The sphynx: Bouhallou? thread @

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