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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 3932
 - posted
Okay, just to shake things up a bit...

Amun, one of the central gods in AE (King of the Gods) has the ram as one of his sacred animals. Yet this ram has quite the woolly coat, suggesting that it's not indigenous to Africa...

Does this mean that Amun and the ram symbolism were imported from the near east? Anyone know anything about this breed of ram?


Member # 4592
 - posted
Sheep were said to have been imported into Africa during the Neolithic. Would the Kemetians even have had a conscious knowledge of the biological origins of sheep in Eurasia? Had they known, would it have mattered to the worshipers of Amun, including the 25th dynasty Kushites?
Member # 2936
 - posted
Nothing shookin...
Take a read.


The cult image of Amun in the temple of Luxor is variously depicted in the shape of the ithyphallic Min, as Amun enthroned, or as the striding Amun. Strangely, none of these forms is described as nb/xnty/Hry-ib ip.t-rsy.t, although a connection with Karnak can be demonstrated. A connection with ip.t rsy.t is present in a few minor monuments, however, and in all of these the god is depicted with a ram’s head. In the interpretatio aegyptiaca a ram-headed deity with forward-curving horns was associated with Nubia. In the middle of the XVIIIth Dynasty, this Nubian deity was assimilated to Amun-Re of Karnak, for whom Tuthmosis III built a temple at Gebel Barkal. The temple of Luxor was originally built as the "Theban Napata" to provide an abode for the Amun-Re of Gebel Barkal on Egyptian soil.
In the new construction erected by Amenhotep III, the aim was no longer to provide an abode for the god but to integrate the various appearances of Amun-Re of Karnak in the new cult image. Moreover, Amenhotep III felt a theological connection with the cult image of Luxor: both in Nubia and in Thebes he proclaimed his own divinity as a manifestation of (Amun-)Re. The Nubian origin of the ram-headed Amun-Re also explains the north-south orientation of the Luxor temple: it is an architectural transposition of the geographical reality and of theological ideology.

PAMMINGER, Peter, Amun und Luxor - Der Widder und das Kultbild, Beiträge zur Sudanforschung 5 (1992), 93-140. (pl., fig.).

[This message has been edited by Wally (edited 02 January 2005).]

Member # 6138
 - posted
I cannot throw any light on the breed of Ram, but there were basically only two types of ram that were important to the ancients from a religious point of view, One was the Ram of Mende, the fertility God of Mende, and the Ram of Amoun. The one in the above picture is the Ram of Amoun. It was not only important to the Egyptians, but to any religion that was acquainted with astrology. Therefore it was just as important for example to the Persians and Babylonians.

The Egyptian l8th dynasty existed during the precessional period of Aries the Ram. At that time astrologers would say that the sun was in the sign of Aries. This means that the sun was the ram. Amoun was the sun, and so Amoun was the ram.

These astrological signs take just over 2OOO years to move from one constellation to another. Prior to Aries the Ram, there was Taurus the Bull. The Egyptian Deity would then have assumed the Bull which they called Apis. The Bull was worshipped in association with Osiris in the early dynastic periods, and is a good way of dating objects found, as they can be equated to a certain period according to the position of the sun at a given time.
During the current age the sun is moving from the position of Pisces into tht of Aquarius.

So if one is talking in terms of around l5OObc then the ram would have been important to all religious people where astrology was important, even to the chinese and Aztecs, it is not limited to the near east. Charlie

Member # 6138
 - posted
The astrological significance of the alignment of the Temples at Karnak was so that on the day of the summer solstice, sunlight penetrated along the axis of the temple of Amun-Ra to the sanctury at the far end illuminating a statue of Ra.

A British astronomer, Norman Lockyer, demonstrated in about l9OO that a number of star temples were built to study the stars. He was able to prove that successive temples were realigned 4 or 5 times to keep pace with the ever changing sky. Charlie

Member # 6138
 - posted
In Egyptian mythology, the pharoah was always the embodiement of the gods and if the king for example was the living god Amoun, it was necessary for him to become possessed by Amoun Min in order to have sexual relations with his wives and concubines. This meant that any children produced were children of god, and not the children of a mortal man. This was extremely important factor when Thutmosis III came to the throne as it was put that he was an "official" son of the god Amoun, and it was not therefore necessary to marry and heiress. Hatchepsut before him had a similar case for her enthronement after her husband had died. Charlie.
Member # 5431
 - posted

AMEN:Who is Amen?
1. By Andre Austin
The Concept of Amen originated in Egypt and it’s very important to unlocking some of the mysteries in the New Testament. Amen also played a major role of fueling the anger of Greeks to have one of the world’s best philosopher Socrates kill himself. Step by step I will demonstrate the very importance of Amen. The second root word for faith in Hebrew was Aman/Amen. Paul defined faith as “not yet seen”-Hebrews 11:1;7. Paul’s definition was stolen from the ancient Egyptians.
Herodotus reports in 450 BC that Zeus is the same as Amen and that Zeus origins come from Amen.
Amen for the Egyptians meant invisible and visible. The invisible part was Amen-Ta and visible was Amen-Ra. Amen was the personification of the sun after setting. Likewise the Bible prayers, letters, phrases said Amen at its conclusion. Amen-Ta doesn’t come until the conclusion of the sun (Ra) rising.
What other evidence we have that the Christian Amen is Egyptian. Both Christians said Amen twice to indicate truth. Its no coincidence that Amenta was the place of the Double halls of truth between the sun/Amen-Ra and the Moon/Amen-Ta. The Egyptian heart, 1 and words/tongue, 2 had to be “True of voice”. The Christians modified this to “Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice” John 18:37.
The scales of the Balance were shaped like mountains/pyramids. If your soul/heart balanced straight with a feather of truth you became Amen, Amen and one with god. John 4:23 said you must worship “The father in spirit and in truth”. I believe this refers to Amen-Ta and Amen-Ra. Why? For a couple of reasons. One, Jesus in his conversation with Nicodemus (John 3) that the spirit is like the wind in that one cannot see it but one can see its effect. In Greek Zeus/Amen was called the wind/spirit because it was invisible. But we did see the effect of his lightning. So spirit is invisible just like Amen-Ta. What about Truth. Well you don’t have to be smart to read the many parables of light/truth in the New Testament. Amenta was the path/the way to the truth and the life.
Horus has over 200 comparisons to Jesus. Amen-Ra was incorporated into Horus. Catholics and Christians all agree that Jesus Christ himself is the Amen see Rev 3:14 and 2 Cor 1:20. Therefore Amen means more than “So be it”. Even in the Koran at the conclusion of his creation “Of the heavens and the earth: when he decreeth a matter, he saith to it Be and it is” 2:117. This goes way back to the Egyptian Memphite theology where matter is created by god’s heart/mind and tongue/words. I recall reading a book “The Doctrine of the Trinity: Christianity self-inflicted wound” By Anthony F.Buzzard. Buzzard said: “The spirit of man is holy intelligence. Spirit and heart are often closely connected, even interchanged (1Cor 2:10,11). Thoughts in the mind are invisible until spoken its visible. So we worship Amen (invisible and visible truth. The Egyptians were the first to say truth/Amen twice. To know the double truth was to escape the double death. In the book of Job he equates his death like that of Osiris. Job makes an interesting statement that your born naked and die naked. Now in the Egyptian court those who get the second/double death go to the Lake of fire naked; while the “true of voice” are clothed in white like stars.
Amenta was Hades/earth/underworld/place of graves. It is also the meeting place of the sun and moon. The moon is refection of sunset/Amen-ta; the sun was set below the earth . Ta meant earth. The sun was called RA or Amen-Ra. If you read in the Bible it states there are signs in the sun and moon, stars that will reveal that the Kingdom was at hand see Luke 21:25:31.The kingdom of Horus is represented in the mysteries of Amenta. The myth of the sun traveling nightly beneath the earth fused with that of the moon’s nocturnal journey across the vault of heaven. Now I know why Socrates associated the earth with the moon. Hathor/moon stands on the mountain of the west after the time of sunset with horns resembling hands takes souls from the mountain/pyramid of sunset to the mountain/pyramid of sunrise. So when the Bible talks about the Kingdom is at Hand believe me had does not mean near but an eclipse/equinox of the sun/moon when day and night are of equal/balance hours. We must know that Amen was depicted with the head and horns of a ram/lamb. Ram meant concealed. Horns of the moon come at an eclipse. Horus also leads his new subject to his father Amen-Ra/ Sun with his hands/Moon/spirit. Many scholars write about the conjuction of moon-Jupiter/Zeus/Amen with Sun-Jupiter/Amen/Zeus has regal/kingdom implication. So we see how hands/horns/eclipses come into theology. Paul associated the coming of the Kingdom with twinkling of an eye 1 Cor 15:52.When the Eye twinks its closed like darkness. Amenta was known as a place of the blind. Why Blind because its dark sunset/moon. The Egyptians associated eyes with the sun and moon. Rev 17:12 associates Horns with Kingdom. The Roman,Greeks as well associated the crescent horns of the moon on top of heads with Kingdoms.
So how does this play into the trial of Socrates. Well if we look into Socrates contemporary Aristophanes. The play “Clouds” of Aristophanes accurately predicted 20 years in advance that Socrates would be charged with not recognizing the state god (Zeus) introducing new divinities and corrupting the youth. According to Aristophanes Socrates didn’t believe Zeus had lightning. According to the Egyptian records the original Zeus/Amen didn’t have lightning. This is a fact. Aristophanes had Socrates say that clouds/air/fire was the cause of lightning. Their Egyptian names were Shu and Telfnut. Horus who was associated with Shu/Telfnut was known to work magic and produce fire/lightning. In the Bible in Rev you know Horus as a man that’s like a lamb (ram/Amen) with two horns who has power to bring fire from the sky and has the number 666 = the Egyptian crocodile where the fat of their oil anoints their Kings on their foreheads. These weren’t new divinities of Socrates they were old but the Greeks didn’t properly understand their theft/plagiarism. Aristophanes and Plato expands the charges to say Socrates was accused of teaching what was below the earth (Amen-Ta) and what is above the sky (Amen-RA). Most people thought Socrates was teaching Astronomy and geometry/geology. This may be true but Socrates denied he taught science. So the religious principles of the science would have been the two Amens. This just proves how important and powerful the Egyptian Amen had upon the world.
Notes: George G.M James stated in his book Stolen Legacy that “Socrates attempting to prove the immortality of the soul by the doctrine of opposites”. So when Socrates says that the soul is visible and invisible he can’t be talking about anything but Amen-Ta and Amen-Ra. Socrates stated. “Then soul is more like to the unseen, and body to the visible” (See Plato Phaedo).
“These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God” –Rev 3:14
In Egypt, at the outset of the 18th Dynasty: Hail to Amen-Ra…Lord of Truth, father of the gods, who made man and created animals, lord of everything, creator of the tree of life”-Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in ancient times by Donald Redford p.230
Plutarch in his book Isis and Osiris says the Egyptians hold in high honor the triangles since they liken the nature of the universe/marriage. He states the upright was male downright was female. These two pyramids were drawn from the white dots stars of the sky in Orion. They according to Plutarch called this “universe Amen, as if he were invisible and implore him to make himself visible they use the word Amen”. So the upright pyramid was called sunrise and bottom was sunset. You can see the theft of this in the Jewish symbol of their flag, which is the origin of the marriage symbol.
Gerald Massey reports in Ancient Egypt “In the book of Amenta souls are depicted going to the netherworld/underworld/Hades as it is depicted upside down. Twelve gods in the earth of Amenta are marching towards another mountain p.649. Mountains were transformed into pyramids. This is how Peter is symbolic of an upside down pyramid/mountain/pilliar
The Egyptian called the foundation of their heaven Pet (NT called it Peter) its support was two rock mountain/pyramids called sunrise/sunset or better Amen-Ra and Amen-Ta.
Some people have asked me how 666=The crocodile. Plutarch connects the number 666 with the crocodile. Horus in the Egyptian hierogyphics said he was a crocodile and born from its star.As we know the Bible says that 666 will be on peoples foreheads or hands. All Kings of ancient Egypt were symbolic of Horus. They took the fat of the croc and turned it into oil to anoint their foreheads with it. It's possible that when the Bible said the mark will be on your hands it was in reference to hands as horns/cresecent on top of your head. The Egyptians did associate hand/horns=Kingdom. Ezekiel 29:1-3 calls Egypt the crocodile.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says: “In the book of the prophet Isaiah, we find the expersion ‘God of truth’ literally ‘God of the Amen”. Just further evidence Amen is connented to the Egyptian double halls of Truth.


Member # 6138
 - posted
Hello Kingtut, Thank you for your wonderful post. I sometimes think I must be the only person alive inerested in the gods and mythology, and as a theologion it is doubly important to me. Quite a bit of what the author has to say I would dispute, and have very valid reasons for doing so. However, there isnt time now, but as a good decoder of Revelations myself, particularly with regard to 666 and l44OOO, I can say these are sacred figures with havent the slightest connection with what the author suggests. Revelations is factual history put into allegory. Notwithstanding the significance of l44OOO, and 666 as sacred geometry(I will show why later) it records egyptian history in the following way:

From Revelations: "Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, until we have sealed the servants of our God on their foreheads. And I heard the number of them which were sealed, and there were sealed an hundred and forty and fourty four thousand of them." ... and again "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man and his nujmber is six hunred threescore and six."

The figures 666 and l44OOO are encoded in the Tomb of Kingtut in his famous collar, which is easily proved, so the beast to which this refers is King Tut himself. "sealed" simply means "branded" with a hot iron in this context. The visier of King Tut branded l44OOO Israelites with the kings Branding Iron which was the No: 666. King Tut was the owner of this branding iron and he was the king who first enslaved the Israelites (and all the others like Shasu, midianites, etc) at Sinai. Those who were not branded were killed, and about 24,OOO were slaughtered according to the Bible at that time during this event. To find out when the exodus occurred it is necessary to find out when it started. This was the start o it.. Charlie

Member # 6138
 - posted
The astrologer, scientist Cathrie has said that light(sun) travels around the earth 6.66 times in l44,OOO minutes of arc.

Now how did King Tuts astrologers know that?

How do we know that King Tut knew that anyway?

And how did it get into the Bible?

By the way if you want to work out the mathematics in a different way take l44OOO and divide it by 6O minutes and divide the answer by 36O degrees and the answer is 6.666666 revolutions.

I regret to say that Andre Austin talks a lot of rubbish when he says 666 refers to a crocodile. The crocodile had a completely different significance in Egyptian mythology.


Member # 3932
 - posted
Sheep were said to have been imported into Africa during the Neolithic.

Didn't realize that ram = sheep. (Duh!) lol Yes, kemetans raised sheep.

In the interpretatio aegyptiaca a ram-headed deity with forward-curving horns was associated with Nubia.

That's interesting... Know of any pics?


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