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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 10891
 - posted
NOTE-starting this thread to SPECIFICALLY deal with the PYARMIDS in EUROPE!They might well be related to Egypt,who knows ?

So it will replace the BOSNIAN PYRAMID THREAD..
Hopefully we can find correlations between the European Pyramids and those in Egypt-as the AE did sail on the Mediterranean,thus...

The 3 pyramids were discovered in Montevecchia,40Km Norht of Milan.

The article is dated June 17th 2006 so it is very recent..

This by an "expedition of the Czech magazine called WM

Here is the link(in English)
http://farshores.org/ an anomalous resources center

or simply go to http://farshores.org/a03ipyr.htm

magazine website(in Czech) at:

WM magazin http://www.mwm.cz/index1.php

http://www.mwm.cz/CD/c1184.htm in Czech- if anybody has a good webastransaltor program,a translation would be appreciated..

For the "blase" you can go to this website and find Pyramids in Sardinia,Crete,Greece etc...


Little infos is known about the Sardinian pyramids...
Member # 10891
 - posted
An URL correction here:


Also newly dsicovered pyramids in Iberia(Spain)

Be prepared for a 5 minutes MULTIMEDIA FLASHY Introduction (writings in Spanish)-otherwise just click on ENTER and you will go to a bilingual Forum(Spanish/Engish) with Spanish lyrics !


Many infos on that website;also fact that "orthodox scholars" faced with teh evidence must accept -oldest writing in Europe found(4,000BC),pyramid found in Galicia etc..
Member # 6698
 - posted
^^Sure thing. Perhaps these pyramids were built by the European "negroes" Clyde and Marc speak of. LOL [Big Grin]
Member # 10891
 - posted
Very interesting developments here-

the magazine ACHAEOLOGY- that has been trashing the Bosnian Pyramids- on their website has decided to adopt a sort of "wait and see" attitude in their PRINTED current issue of July/August 2006.

In fact the journalist is from Sarajevo..

I guess that non printed stuff is a safer way to look less stupid as undeniable artefacts are discovered on the Bosnian pyramid sites..

http://www.archaeology.org and CLICK on the image of their July/August issue to see the said article..

Also Atlantis-Tartessus- (see previous post about Iberian pyramid)
a new article(in English)


see in the BLOGS section,the article on it...

BOSNIANPYRAMID-expect a major update on their website and announcement..(no new news since June 18th)
Member # 10891
 - posted
The Bosnian PYRAMID website just had an update-dated June 24th..

-Egyptian geologist Barakat and archeologist Lamia El Hadidi have concluded that they are MAN-MADE..

-Barakat has been 1 month at the site-to him- a primitive man made pyramid..

-as per archaeologist Lamia El Hadidi-she stated that a large archeological site was found at tte Pyramid of tyhe Moon- unable to date it at present..

-Dr Robert Schoch,archaeologist-geologist will visit the site soon

See photo of excavation of the Pyramid of the Moon..-it can no longer be claimed to be natural rock formatiosn..

Member # 10891
 - posted
For the still doubters out there-- Go to this BLOG website about BOSNIAN NEWS.It is in English--if you scroll down to June 26th you WILL SEE

PHOTOS of a WALL,a TOMB entrance,etc..???
Sorry but ants nor nature cannot make those...

The "naysayers"- they have all but quieted down to a degree,in face of the evidence- also they still relay OLD INFOS ,DATA and forget the new discoveries...

If this is NOT DONE ON PURPOSE or MALICE,I do not understand why many still REFUSE to VISIT the Current SITE in BOSNIA(many doubters are in BOSNIA,less than 50 km away from the site !) or VIEW the PHOTOS on the Website.

But they will CRITICIZE all of the credentials of the archaeologists/geologists ,etc participating in the excavations and even doubt if they are real people !

The geologists of Tuzla University that stated that there was nothing there-they spent a whole 2 hrs on the site,even before the excavations started in May 2006.

They drilled up 6 holes and that was enough to conclude that all that hill was a simple natural formation..

Member # 10891
 - posted
More photos -dated June 30th are now available at:


The skeptics after denying everything are now sasying that it is only a medieval fortified settlement(village).

Humm,how could feet of soil accumulated over these ruins within a period of 600-700 yrs ?!
Member # 10891
 - posted
July 2nd-- the Bosnian Pyramid debates heats up:

Now ARCHAEOLOGIA Magazine comes out with an article that directly contradicts the claims of some of the archeologists(?) working there..

More specifically that one Aly Abd Alla Barakat- that claims to be a pyramid expert ,that was sent there from Cairo,etc..

Dr Hawass stated that " he never sent him to Bosnia or recommended him,does not support him,etc...Mr Barakat is a geologist and knows nothing about pyramids" nor is he expecting any reports from him.."

Further " that it was a natural GEOLOGIC FORMATION..."
He concluded that " Mr Osmanic theories are purely hallucinations on his part,with no scientific backing.."

http://www.archaeology.org see current news- Bosnian Update,dated June 27th 2006...

So that is the end of the Bosnian pyramid story,right ?

But ,er,hum said Archaeology magazine has NOT PUT UP ON THEIR WEBSITE ANY RECENT PICTURES OF THE EXCAVATIONS since MAY 17th...and said picture only showed 2 "diggers" taking earth from rocks on a "mountain..""

If you want to see the natural geological formation that Dr Hawass claims that they are
go to...

http://bosnianews.blogger.ba see entry for july 1st 2006

I guess that Dr Hawass will need a new pair of glasses...


Notes-it does appear that the orthodox archeologists are doing their best to discredit the excavations sites in Bosnia..

Also this magazine is very cozy-cozy with one Dr Hawass..-he cannot do no wrong in their eyes..
So there you have it...
Member # 10891
 - posted
New photos were they state that they now have proof that the Pyramid of the Sun(the largest structure) is truly a pyramid

Site has been updated July 2nd 2006


Note-If any on this list goes top Bosnia this summer do post your pictures and report here....
mike rozier
Member # 10852
 - posted
are these real?

Member # 10891
 - posted
Yes,they sure are..The Chinese denied their existence but then in the 80's onwards did admit to their existence.

It only has been a few years that Westerners are being allowed into that area.

Also the enterprising Chinese have realised the fixation that Westerners have with pyramids which means it is good for business,tourism and $$$ to be made (the new Chine Gods)

Also as that region is in the far countryside and poor thus...
I do believe Tours to see the Chinese Pyramids are already in progress and more to come..

See these additional links:


Also of a recent discovery- pyramid in Inner Mongolia-(5,000 yrs old !)
http://www.thejadetrade.com in regards to the Hongshan culture(4500-2250 BC) a very advanced culture..


http://www.unexplainedearth.com search for article dated Dec 8th 2004-- tourist trip tha twent to see the Chinese pyramids..

(warnign-there seems to be a virus on their website;also you have to register)

Best option do a Google search for Chinese Pyramids and when you come up with Worldwind Forums just scroll down and a link will take you there..
Member # 6698
 - posted
I don't know about Chinese Pyramids persay, but the tomb of China's first emperor, Chin Shi Huangdi is buried in a tomb underneath a huge kind of pyramidal earth mound in Shaanxi. So far his army of terracotta soldiers have been excavated but his actual tomb was not peneterated yet.
Member # 10891
 - posted
To have the latest infos on Bosnian Pyramids-- go to

http://bosnianews.blogger.ba and LOOK on the LEFT under Bosnian Pyramids news and photos

Also you no longer have to scroll down the website;and you can see by yourself on how much progress they have made since April 20th !

To Djehuti- the AE appear to be the only ones that used the Pyramids not just for tombs..

The King(!)'s sarcophagus in the great Giza Pyramid was in fact a resonating device that still has healing properties..

(see my thread-Giza- a resurrection device)

Healing by sound has just been rediscovered-it is called CYMATICS..

Too bad modern egyptologists are just too busy digging for the latest King/Queens sarcophagus(the Carter syndrome- who unearthed King Tut)to really analyze what they have discovered..
Member # 11143
 - posted
Ray A question or two.
Are you aware that the area that is being dug is on at least 2 or more archeological sites excluding the supposed pyramid?
One is a medieval burial ground, the other Roman ruins. Any Stone paving or construction found can possibly be roman, or from the medieval civilization. I am not saying they are for sure from those periods only that those are also possibilities and dating needs to be done.

So why has Osmanagic not done any carbon dating?
Carvings have been found on some of the stones, possibly scripts. Osmanagic suggests they were built by the people who built the pyramids. Radio Carbon dating on these surfaces should be able to prove it one way or the other.
I think the reason he hasn’t done these tests or presented anything testable is because he thinks they will result in a time line that correlates to the Roman ruins or the medieval inhabitants of that region.

Also what do you think about the allegations that Osmanagic is falsely giving out names of experts and archeologists and lying about their point of view or belief with regards to the Pyramid? Here is a statement from yet another Archeologist that Mr Osmanagic may have lied about, Royce Richards.

"I am the Royce Richards made famous (and notorious) by Mr Osmanagich. I made an initial enquiry into the project and then decided to distance myself from it as it looked to me like someone selling snake oil. I have since had my name published in articles in national newspapers in Australia and in international media as an “Australian Archaeologist out to unearth ancient Bosnian pyramids and rewrite the established version of history........”
Its all a big load of bollocks. The “Bosnian Pyramid” is just a shonky attempt by a shonky person to make a name for themselves, its not something I want to be involved with. Its quite annoying as I now get random emails from all kinds of kooks expecting me to be an authority on Bosnian pyramids!! The damage this will do to my professional reputation is yet to be seen..........!
I never gave Mr Osmanagich permission to give my name to any media organization and I never gave any media organization permission to put my name in print. For the record I am an archaeologist. For the record I am not involved in the Bosnian pyramid project. For the record I’m pretty annoyed with finding my name given to the media in relation to Bosnian pyramids."

Member # 10891
 - posted
To Redshit-

Again DO NOT JUST RELY on Press Agencies releases

They ALL GET their SOURCE INFOS from these people:


This archaeological magazine and its minions(archeologists ,etc..) base their informations on:

1-old DATA

2-half truths

3-misleading assertions

4- it is deliberately DONE..

5-a disinformation campaign with the help of the mainstream media,statements are taken out of context and regurgitated as being the current state of affairs..

6-heavy pressures being brought on all scholars,academics, NOT to investigate or just let the "lunatic fringe do it"-re archeologists that have little credibility in their eyes..

7- heavy pressures vs the Bosnian Government to STOP the excavations

8-finally they(orthodox archeologists) did WANT to take over the site- and LET THEM tell US waht it was all about but now the mainline is they want to shut it down permanently..

These archeological scholars will:

1- not visit the excavations sites,meet the people in charge,etc.

2-these people will not even look up at the photos of what has been found so far..

3- refuse any further discussions as it is a "case closed" affair...


The non proofs of no pyramids:

1- The President of the European Association of Archaeologists,one prof A. Harding,went to site in mid May,g9t out of his 4X4,look around and hop back into his 4X4 and unto a conference at Sarajevo where he stated that upon his anaysis it was just a sham- just natural rocks formation
The time of his investigative visit was 15 MINUTES..

2-The Dept of Geology at Tuzla(?) University that only found natural rock formations,came in April,drilled 6 holes in the rock haphazardly and went back to do their analysis-6 holes were drilled-time of their stay on the site=2 hrs maximum
And then they issued a scientific report that it was just rocks

3--when ruins were being disocvered suddenly this ancient medielval town(before that it was just natural rocks) became all important- it was a treasure for humanity being destroyed by the new agers pyramid vandals"...

Well, those ruins were just that- abandonned- zero work or protection or excavations had ever been done in recent times and loacl archaeologists had zero interests in them..

4- the excation is at least 300 metres or more form those ruins-it has been confirmed by the Bosnian government Dept of Archeology/History(unsure of the exact name)- tbey is in zero danger for those ruins..

Also they are clearly delimitesd and no one is doing any excavation there..the goverrment has representatives on the excavation sites to observe allof what is going on..

So people cannot just take a shovel and dig anywhere..


In conclusion ,do not believe me,CHECK the facts yourself..



And then go to these websites(the contrarians-some even in Bosnia,skeptics, all have shut up in the past few weeks in view of the evidence)

Also the excavatiosn only started at the end of APRIL 2006..

http://www.bosnianpyramid.com the official website

Also http://bosnianews.blogger.ba
look at the left -section on Bosnian Pyramids-photos,news ,since the start-you will be amazed as to what has been achieved within 2 1/2 mothn..

More news will be coming out-the people in charge are not releasing all their information- they are accumulating scientific data so it cannot be refuted any longer..

A Roman settlement,the writings found in the tunnels ,etc..we will just have to wait and see..

As an indication of the restraint of the "official archaeologists-see thew specials that were done on KV-63 the supposedly tomb of an Egyptian Queen-it turned out to be an embalming room..

This contrary to the lound assertions of the ma\ main y,one Dr Z. Hawass that was all over the media with this major discovery..

You had 2 TV specials on that farce...

Note- You have this website-that has pros vs contras and some in the middle-pick up your choice(many bloggers are from Bosnia so language might be in Bosnian only..)

Member # 10891
 - posted
Sorry I meant Redshift ! Dammit I spend close to 1 hr and verified and reverified my syntax..
Again sorry amout the typo..

The Bosnian website I mentionned in my earlier post only the section about the Bosnian Pyramids is in English.

http://blob.blogger.ba in Bosnian..

Also the official website entry to the Bosnian Pyramids is at:

http://www.piramidasunca.ba where you have a language choice-Bosnian and English...

Note-the Daily news are not updated that FREQUENTLY-latest is June 13th..2006..
Any official comments as to the current state of affairs status- is from that website only..
Member # 10891
 - posted
Also I do recommend that people visit that website (and you can register to get regular e-mails to keep you updated)

On that website you have video releases,infos about TV films done by different media etc..

And infos about the claims and counter claims- made by sdifferent scholarsdo read that section in the NEWS...

So I guess the heat is being turned on and not just on the excavation sites !

It si my perception that the "scholarly infos"- these people were relying on just one excavation site- that of the "Pyramid of the Sun" which is the biggest and the least work was being done on
For as soon as more findings were excavated a tthe "Pyramid of the Moon"- most efforts were centered there..

But now as they are getting more help,etc..other sites are being "dug up as well"..

Member # 11143
 - posted
Hahaha why the name calling, you don’t like what I said?
you’re a funny guy. But whats funny is how defensive you get about this topic.
I just asked a few simple questions, and you go on to discredit the media the archeological society, talk about conspiracies and call me names. Bahahahaa your delusional. Your afraid that I’m right aren’t you? clearly there is no archaeological merit here. But it makes for a nice fantasy story. I can’t wait until the aliens are introduced by Osmanagic. [Smile] Hope your fantasy doesn’t come crashing down the hill of dirt, RAT2006. Ooops I mean idiot2006.
Member # 11143
 - posted
One more question idiot2006.

Why are you posting this in ES? why not go to BosnianPyramid.com, or start a new forum called BosniaSearch? [Wink]
mike rozier
Member # 10852
 - posted
them china pyrimids look alot like them step pyrimids at saqqara...and the pyrimids in central america..

the eygptions had to of left early and went to china then the berring straight to mexico...cause they don't look like the giza pyrimids..
mike rozier
Member # 10852
 - posted
or they took a boat on the current of the atlantic...
mike rozier
Member # 10852
 - posted
do the statues at easter island resemble anything found in eygpt?
Member # 10891
 - posted
To red- shifting !(?)

Apparently you are the one living in a DREAMWORLD.
To you and others, I posted the LINKS so you could MAKE YOUR OWN DECISIONS.

See the above links in my earlier posts..

There are pros and contra links in regards to the pyramids in Bosnia.

Also I gave my personal takes as to HOW the OFFICIAL ARCHAEOLOGY community is reacting in the face of something that is NOT under their control...

Again I do not make this up..

As to its relationship to Egypt-there could be one..

Just saw the video(on Google) of the trip in the tunnels under the "pyramids"--it is 16 min long,in Bosnian but at about 2 minutes we clearly see some WRITINGS on the ceiling-it appears to be a sort of hybrid pictogram-cuneiform script(to a degree) ~!

At http://video.google.com

so do a search with "Bosnian Pyramids tunnels " and you will come up with several clips-most in English..

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