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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 10844
 - posted
From the essay intro to "Shades Of Memnon book 3:
African Atlantis Unbound" by me, Gregory Walker. This is not to convince anyone to believe in Dr. Winters work. It is for those who already see the logic of his work and want more back up information. Those who refuse to see the logic of Dr. Winters work never will and this is not for you. It is a study in "epicology" a word coined by Dr. Ayele Bekerie, an Ethiopian who taught at Cornell University. Epicology is the study of myths, legends, traditions and how they may have developed. Here then is the essay I wrote.

The Memnonian Legacy of African Atlantis!

“Far away in the west the sun was sailing beneath the dark earth, beyond the furthest hills of the Aethiopians”

In January 1995 I was sitting in front of the TV tuned in to a popular science fiction show called “Sea Quest.” As anyone who pays attention knows, people of color are rarely depicted with any real depth in popular sci-fi entertainment, so I was prepared to monitor and critique the portrayal of the show’s African-American regular, Commander Ford, played by popular actor Don Franklin. Little did I know that this particular show, entitled “Lost Land,” would give me one of the most shocking and pleasing television experiences of my life.
The show began with Commander Ford exploring the depths of the Atlantic Ocean in a diving suit, during which he discovers a sword and some inscribed armor. When tested the artifacts turn out to be more than 10,000 years old and when deciphered, the inscriptions chronicle a tale of the fabled land of Atlantis. This is a common theme and I was not very enthused, until the writers and director of this fantasy began showing the story inscribed on the armor in flashback, portraying the people of ancient Atlantis as Africans! And they kept showing these black Atlantis people throughout the episode!
And it did not stop there. In order to get a full grasp of the inscribed text, the Sea Quest submarine crew called in an African professor named Professor Obatu, played by African actor Charles Gitonga Maina of the comedy “The Air Up There.” Obatu uses a combination of science and spiritual powers to solve the problem of a curse cast upon the armor, proving his claim to be a direct descendent of the people of Atlantis. At the end of the episode, he tosses the Atlantean sword to Commander Ford, thus passing the legacy and spirit of Atlantis on to African Americans!
I was stunned to put it mildly. Not only because of the noble and proud portrayal of African people on the show, but about how viewing it fit so well into my life. At that time I was in the midst of research that indicated that the people of Atlantis were indeed African and that Atlantis was actually ancient America, especially Meso-America. My research also indicated that the legendary character Memnon was himself a resident of Atlantis!

The ignored ancient traditions:

Since beginning my research into ancient traditions I have stumbled upon one astounding revelation after another about people of color, particularly Africans. If these traditions were about the glory of Europeans, they would no doubt be a well-known part of western social traditions due to books, movies, plays, etc. But these astonishing revelations primarily concern Africans, so racism, the institutionalized effort to deride and downplay the accomplishments of people of color, has performed its function well.
The legend of Atlantis is most well known from Plato’s “Timaeus,” which presents the most commonly known story about a great civilization across the Atlantic Ocean that sank beneath the waves in a cataclysm. But the most mind-blowing thing about the legend of Atlantis is that, according to ancient Greek traditions, black people populated it! European Greek authors (not Afrocentric blacks, mind you!) wrote of this as a part of their common culture. Here is an example from the geographer Pliny the Elder, born 23 A.D.:
“But the whole race was called Aetheria, and then Atlantia, and finally it took its name from Aethiops the son of Vulcanos [Hephaistos].” -Pliny Natural History 6.185
Diodorus Siculus, a Greek historian writing in the First century B.C., reported many traditions that indicated that the fabled land of “western Ethiopia” and Atlantis were one and the same. This “western” Ethiopia had an exalted place in the annals of the Greeks, with Homer mentioning it as being across the Atlantic, where the Greek gods would go to dine with the “blameless” Ethiopian residents. Virgil, in “The Aeneid,” also states that the “sun sets in Ethiopia where the giant Atlas supports the sky upon his shoulders.” Atlas was mentioned in Plato’s Timaeus as a king of Atlantis, and his wife was called “Aetheria,” the same name as the earliest mentioned for the mysterious western nation. She was also a daughter of the Titan Okeanos, whose significance we shall discuss shortly.
Several Greek authors also mention a writer named Scylaxus of Coriandre, of whom nothing else is known, who wrote that people traded with Ethiopians in a land beyond the Atlantic Ocean. The quote below from a work cited by the Greek writer Proclus is worth showing too. It is from a book entitled “The Ethiopian History,” reportedly written by one Marcellus from around 1 B.C.:
“For they relate that in their time there were seven islands in the Atlantic sea, sacred to Proserpine; and besides these, three others of an immense magnitude; one of which was sacred to Pluto, another to Ammon, and another, which is in the middle of these, and is of a thousand stadia, to Neptune.”
This description by Marcellus bears an uncanny resemblance to the larger Caribbean islands and especially to the continents of north, south and Middle America! For those doubters who do not think the ancient Greeks knew who lived in the lands across the Atlantic Ocean, the historian/geographer Pausanius of 150 B.C., stated that: “far west of the Ocean there lies a group of islands whose inhabitants are red-skinned and whose hair is like that of the horse!”
Western Ethiopians!
To understand Memnon’s connection with the western Ethiopians, and thus Atlantis, we must understand the ancient Greek’s concept of Okeanos. Okeanos is the Titan/god of the (River) Ocean. In the oldest Greek writings this “River Ocean” is mentioned as a mighty river that surrounded the earth. As time went by, Okeanos became identified almost exclusively with the Atlantic Ocean. Thus the Ethiopians, who were said to dwell on the far banks of the mighty Okeanos where the sun sets, had to be dwelling in the Carribean or the Americas. This tradition was popular for some time, because some European maps all the way into the eighteenth century refered to the Atlantic as the Ethiopian Ocean!
Again, to the doubters who think ancient humanity was ignorant about the nature of the world, there actually is a “River Ocean” that surrounds the earth. It is called the Ocean Current System and does indeed surround all the major landmasses of the world. The North and South Equitorial currents that circulate in the Atlantic Ocean will carry a boat between West Africa and South or Middle America in a matter of weeks without rowing or sails. These currents are rivers that flow in the ocean. Okeanos!
The great Ethiopian hero Memnon went to Troy to defend them against the Greeks. But why? By determining where he came from we might answer that question. Here is a quote from “The Fall of Troy,” a summary of the Trojan War by Quintus Smyraneus from around 4 A.D. Quintus’ work is largely a retelling of the “Ethiopis” by Arctinus of Miletus of 750 B.C. The quote refers to Memnon, king of the Ethiopians, and his travels from his homeland to Troy:
“Telling withal of all his wayfaring
from Ocean’s verge to Priam’s wall, and spurs
Of Ida.”
Memnon came from the Oceans “verge,” the edge. This had to be the Americas. A most convincing proof of ancient American Ethiopians is from the artistic renditions that the Greeks themselves made of Africans and Amazon warrior women. One example is a vase called “The Negro Alabastra,” now in the Krannert Museum of Art in Champaign IL. Painted around 500 B.C, this piece shows an Ethiopian man with a palm tree in the scene. There were plenty of places where black people could be found near palm trees, but the art, coupled with the written traditions about Ethiopians and Amazons, gives us clues to where they both likely came from.
Another Greek vase, located in the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, depicts an Amazon warrior woman dressed identical to the Ethiopian mentioned above, along with another palm tree! This, along with the Greek legends that say the Amazons dwelled near the Ethiopians across the western ocean, is epicological proof of an American location. Other legends say Amazons were in Eurasia, which they probably were also. But Eurasia is neither tropical nor home to palm trees. The place where palm trees would have been common to the Ethiopians and Amazons at this time in history would most likely be in the far west, where the traditions say they both came from, in tropical middle and South America. Both Amazons and Ethiopians arrived at the battle of Troy and gave unsuccessful aid to the Trojans in “The Ethiopis.”
Here is another quote from Diodorus concerning the Amazons and the Ethiopians that backs up my contention:
“As mythology relates, their home (the Amazons) was on an island which, because it was in the west, was called Hespera, and it lay in the marsh Tritonis. This marsh was near the ocean which surrounds the earth and received its name from a certain river Triton which emptied into it; and this marsh was also near Ethiopia and that mountain by the shore of the ocean which is the highest of those in the vicinity and impinges upon the ocean and is called by the Greeks Atlas. The island mentioned above was of great size and full of fruit-bearing trees of every kind, from which the natives secured their food.”
This is a very convincing description of middle and South America, of the equatorial current and of the tropical lands implied by the vase paintings. Only in tropical lands is it typical to have “fruit bearing trees of every kind” in abundance enough to feed a population. The “marsh that was near the ocean” is an exact description of the swampy lands near the African Olmec/Xiu settlements in ancient Mexico, and the mountain named after the Titan Atlas again indicates Atlantis! Here is another tidbit about the palm trees shown on the Greek vases: Plato wrote in the “Critias,” (a further elaboration on Atlantis) that Atlantis had “fruits having a hard rind, affording drinks and meats and ointments.” This exactly describes a coconut, which grows only on a coconut palm tree! This all strengthens my contention that Memnon came from the tropical region of the Americas. I think Memnon was one of the Meso-American Olmecs, who called themselves the Xiu peoples. And I think the Kushite Xiu people were the rulers of Atlantis!

African traders in ancient America:

The fact that there were Africans among the populations of Ancient Meso-America was covered well in “Shades of Memnon Book 2: Ra Force Rising” by Dr. Clyde A. Winters. Most people continue to focus on the stone heads that clearly depict Africans, but there is much more proof. For more information about ancient images of Kushites in the Americas see the books by Alexander Von Wuthenau listed below. His private collection includes thousands of clay sculptures of Africans, Asians and Europeans among the ancient Meso-American population.
Extremely powerful linguistic evidence for the prescence of Kushites in Ancient America was published recently in a book called “The Sound of Meaning: Comparitive Linguistics of Ancient Egyptian, Maya and Nahuatl” by Charles William Johnson. In this book Johnson presents hundreds of words with similar and often identical meaning and sounds used by the people in Ancient Egypt and Mexico. Utilizing the same scientific methods that revealed that the Indo-European language came from an ancient mother-tongue, Johnson shows that, without a doubt, these cultures were linguistically influenced by a parent culture. The author says (and I agree): “To attribute so many similarities of sound, symbol and meaning to mere coincidence contradicts the laws of probability.” Here is another quote from the book description:
“When similar kinds of linguistic correspondences were perceived by William Jones in the latter part of the eighteenth century, between Sanskrit and other languages, such examples were sufficient to convince scholars that all of those languages probably came from a mother tongue, the Indo-European language. Today, scholars seem unwilling or hesitant to accept the idea that the same laws of comparative linguistics may apply to ancient Egyptian, Maya and Nahuatl. The reason for this is quite simple: there is no historical basis for considering the possibility that the peoples of these different languages had any physical contact between themselves. This book attempts to show linguistic correspondences between these languages, and posits the notion that these cultures come from an identical source language.”
Johnson’s book is quite brilliant, but he is wrong about the lack of “historical basis” for contact between Africans and ancient Mexico. Besides the evidence from linguistics and imagery, the Mayan’s sacred book “Popol Vuh” clearly states that black people were among them in ancient times, while documents and traditions state that culture bearers came from the east in boats. I am convinced that the linguistic “mother culture” Johnson hints at is that of the world spanning Kushites, nurtured in the Sahara desert before it dried up. Just as Dr. Winters describes, this Proto-Saharan “mother culture” left their drying lands, settling in the Nile valley, Mexico and other areas. As the South American cocaine found in Nile valley mummies by German scientist Dr. Svetla Balabanova proves, they kept in contact with each other and traded.(The Mystery of The Cocaine Mummies: http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/Misc/mummies.htm.)
Another major trade item, copper, gives us the next clue to the puzzle of the Atlantean/Xiu. The Kushites of Meso-America were miners. They specialized in extracting jade and serpentine, which are very hard ores to get at properly. Copper mines in north and South America were worked at the same time the Xiu dominated Mexico and would have been relatively easy for them to dig up. According to author Jim Bailey and others, someone was mining this copper ore and shipping it across the Atlantic Ocean. Due to the scale of the venture it had to be a major corporate/cultural power. I believe the Xiu where doing this shipping or sending the ore via intermediaries. The research indicates that the ore ended up in near eastern lands like ancient Iran and Iraq, nations that had few natural deposits.

Ancient World Geopolitics

The love of a woman would not have moved thousands of men to war in the late bronze age, even for one so fine as Helen of Troy was said to be. The reason for the attack on the Trojans and why Memnon would have traveled to Troy in their defense would have been the same as our reasons today: National financial interest. There is every indication that the ancient Xiu people of Mexico were trading across the ocean, probably to Troy, a major gateway to lucrative eastern markets along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Stone inscribed illustrations of Xiu people interacting with bearded Eurasian men from that area abound on Meso-American ancient artifacts. These depictions are almost identical to illustrations of people from Eurasia shown by the Egyptians of the same era.
But what about the Amazons who came to fight for Troy? Well, the artwork and traditions say that Amazons and Ethiopians were allies at this time. But why were they allies? The answer that makes sense is that they were in on the Atlantic Ocean trade together. The situation is analogous the United States and Canada protecting Kuwait to keep the oil flowing. The Amazons likely came to Troy to protect their interests too. Perhaps they were providing the coca plants from South America used for Egyptian mummification, or other goods. Incidentally, European explorers in the sixteenth century reported encountering Amazons (tall white women!) near the largest river in South America. That is the reason why it is called the Amazon River! Alexander von Humboldt, one of the first scientists to travel through tropical America, collected numerous stories of an independent society of Amazon women from isolated Indian tribes he encountered in the late eighteenth century. It sounds incredible, but Time magazine reported in 1971 that a researcher named Jesco von Puttkamer found actual archeological evidence for Amazons in South America! More on this in Shades of Memnon Book 4: “Amazon Kushite Ascendant” coming soon.
These bits of information go a long way to proving that there was more going on in the ancient Americas than we are generally told about. I believe Africans were the leading residents of ancient Atlantis, that Atlantis was based primarily in ancient Meso-America and that the huge stone heads portraying Africans found there depict the lords of Atlantis.
Now I shall produce my final proofs about this: The letters ATL are all over the place in the cities, languages and artifacts of ancient Mexico. Nahuatl is the name of the dominant language of the Meso-American natives, who were heavy cultural borrowers from the Kushite Xiu who are today called Olmecs.
ATL, according to scholars, is not a syllable native to the Greek language, which means they had to pick it up from somewhere outside of Greek culture. ATL means water in Nahuatl and Nahuatl itself mean “people of the water.” Everything we know about Atlantis and the western Ethiopians shows that they ruled over the large expanse of water now called the ATLantic Ocean. It was said by Plato in the “Timaeus” that the Greek god Poiseden, the god of water, presided over Atlantis. It was also Poiseden that Homer mentions most prominantly going to visit the “blameless Ethiopians” in the far west on the banks of the Okeanos:

“Howbeit Poseidon had now departed for the distant Ethiopians,
The Ethiopians that are sundered in twain, the uttermost of men,
Abiding some where Hyperion(the sun) sinks and some where he rises.”
“The Odyssey” Book I

“For Zeus went yesterday to Okeanos, unto the noble Ethiopians for a feast, and all the gods followed with him; but on the twelfth day will he return to Olympus.”
“The Illiad” Book 1

Here is a further examination of the word Atlantis: “antis” means “copper” in the Quechua language of the Andean people of South America, where there was a roaring mining trade in the metal during the time of the Olmec/Xiu. Now it becomes clear. The Poisiden or ATL people, who were described as being in the location of Middle America, got their “antis,” meaning copper, from the north and south continents! By finding out its etymology, the word Atlantis itself tells you what they were up to: “Atl-antis” means nation of “water and copper!” Incidentally, the oldest known South American culture, called Chavin, shows signs of Kushite influence, and their artifacts prove that they traded with the people of Meso-America. Together they were the related cultures of ATL-antis! See “African Presence in Early America” for more on these interesting facts.
I will now point to a book that convincingly explores the similarities between the spiritual/mythical traditions of far flung cultures and ancient Mexico. It is called “Ancient Egyptians and Chinese in America” by R.A. Jairazbhoy. Lavishly illustrated with photos and line drawings, this book proves that Kushite influence went much further than linguistics. The nearly identical examples of ritual practices, spiritual concepts and icons confirm the work of Dr. Winters, clearly revealing that a parent culture influenced the founders of ancient Mexico, Egypt, China, near eastern Asia and the Middle east. These were the areas settled by the proto-Saharan Kushites, known to the Greeks as the world spanning Ethiopians (the uttermost of men!). The small sculptures found by Von Wuthneau, numerous Olmec/Xiu excavated statues, Mayan traditons of different races of peoples, along with Jairazbhoy’s and Johnson’s books, all point to a conclusion that is hard to dispute: Many of the world’s races learned from the Kushites, some even living among them in ancient Mexico - Memnon’s Ethiopian Atlantis!

Memnon’s Atlantean Ancestry:

The gateway to the lucrative east Asian lands was through the Black Sea. The city that controlled the entrance to the Black Sea was Troy and the Trojan royalty had blood connections to both Memnon and Atlantis. According to the book “ Early Greek Myths” by Timothy Gantz and other ancient sources, Memnon’s uncle was Priam, the king of Troy. Priam’s ancestor was Dardanos, Troy’s founder and son of Elektra, one of the famous star nymphs of Greek myth called the Pleiades. Called “dark faced” Elektra, she dwelled in the far west and her father was none other than Atlas. Here then is a direct blood connection between Memnon and Atlas, the king of Atlantis. In true epicological fashion, I think the myths reflect the reality of ancient world empires connected by royal blood ties. Memnon is widely mentioned as “king of the Ethiopians,” but it is not widely known that his bloodline made him heir to the throne of Atlantis!
Here is the direct geneaology from “Early Greek Myths” and other sources:
Atlas (king of Atlantis) + Aetheria/Pleione (daughter of Okeanos)
= Elektra (called “dark faced”)
Elektra + Zeus (king of the Olympian gods) = Dardanos (founder of Troy)
Dardanos + Bateia = Erichthonios
Erichthonios + Astyoche = Tros
Tros + Callirrhoe = Ilos
Ilos + Eurydice = Laomedon
Laomedon + Strymo = Priam(king of Troy) and his brother Tithonos
Tithonos + Eos (Titan/goddess of the sun) = Memnon (king of the Ethiopians)

As you can see by this geneology, Memnon has perhaps the most distinguished bloodline in all Greek mythology. Descended from the highest of Titans and Greek gods, he was also related to the founders of the most famous cities in Greek myth,Troy and Atlantis. Perhaps this was why the poet Homer said in the Odyssey, Book 11:

“To Troy No Hero Came of Nobler Line,
Or, If Of Nobler, Memnon, It Was Thine!”

If anyone still has any doubts about Memnon’s association with Atlantis, and that Atlantis was the home of Kushites, I shall now reveal the iconography that points directly to the fact that the Ethiopians and the Titan Atlas, king of Atlantis, were one and the same. A statue was excavated near an area in Mexico called Portrero Nuevo that depicts African Xiu/Olmec men holding up the sky! In Jairazbhoy’s above mentioned book (pg 50), a photo of it clearly shows men who look just like the giant African stone head portraits. Arms upraised, they are holding up a stone slab bearing the symbol for the sky used in both Egypt and Mexico. This is what Atlas is most famous for! The tradition of sky bearers continued though later Meso-American cultures, showing different races as upholders of the sky because there were other races there. But the earliest depictions of what I am sure is the Titan Atlas, carved hundreds of years before the advent of literate Greek culture, show him as African/Kushite/Ethiopian! This sheds more light on why Memnon was Atlas’ direct descendent and on Atlas’ daughter Elektra being mentioned as a“dark faced” granddaughter of the the far western Titan Okeanos!
So to recap: Pliny said outright, and Diodorus hints repeatedly, that Atlantis and Ethiopia were identical; Others mention Ethiopians and the Atlantic Ocean together time and again; A book by Marcellus concerning Atlantis was entitled “The Ethiopian History;” Homer mentions Ethiopians living across the Atlantic Ocean and Poseidon, patron of Atlantis, frequently visiting them; Virgil said “the sun sets in Ethiopia” where a king of Atlantis dwells; Ancient Mexico teemed with the ATL tradition, which means water, while related South Americans provided “antis,” meaning copper, for trade. Further linguistics indicate that a Kushite (Egyptian/African) language was present in Mexico and the mythological tradition states that Memnon, king of the Ethiopians, was heir by blood to the throne of Atlas, king of Atlantis. To top this off, Atlas’ daughter Elecktra is called “dark faced” and Olmec/Xiu statues depict the first Atlas-like images as Kushite/Ethiopian/African! I could go on and on, but there is no need. It should be blatantly obvious that the tradition of Atlantis and that of the fabled “western Ethiopians” are one and the same.
Remember what I said about epicology in book one? It is the study, interpretation and expression of a cultural tradition. I have studied, interpreted and I am expressing the ancient tradition of Ethiopian/African Atlantis in this book series. The earliest of these traditions, like Hesiod’s “Works and Days,” say that Memnon was “King of the Ethiopians” and from the far west, but do not say what nation/state these black men hailed from. It was as if they took for granted that their contemporaries would know. Later classical writers show much confusion about exactly where Memnon’s “Ethiopia” was located, leaving today’s scholars puzzled as to where to place Memnon’s homeland. I think this study has finally answered that question.
The epicology indicates that the Ethiopian Atlanteans were the rulers of an empire based on trade between the Americas and ancient eastern empires. The epicology says too that these Ethiopian ocean masters were indeed upholders of heaven, being concerned with the sky for the purpose of ship navigation. The epicology also indicates that the Greeks found out about this empire and were in such awe of it that they adopted facts about it as a part of their cultural lore and religion. And lastly, the epicology points clearly to Memnon as a metaphor for the mighty nation of blacks from Atlantis and interrelated Kushites worldwide. Sailing across the ocean as a representative of his great nation, Memnon fought to uphold civilization, oppose evil and share the nobility of the “blameless” Ethiopians with the world.
No one knows what happened to the great civilization called Atlantis, which was obviously Kushite-led, yet clearly multicultural based on the icons, languages and statues. Their fate is a mystery yet to be resolved. But instead of worrying about that, I propose we recreate the greatness of that culture now, by adopting the nobility, spirituality and grace of the “blameless Ethiopians,” now revealed as the mighty KushiteXiu of Atlantis. I say let us emulate Memnon, a grand hero for all people, of all races, all over the world. Like the fictional professor in the television episode mentioned above, I now toss the sword of Atlantis into your hands, in the form of Shades of Memnon Book 3: African Atlantis Unbound!

Brother G www.africanlegendsonline.com

Plato- “Timaeus” and “Critias”
Diodorus Siculus – “Natural History”
John G. Jackson-“Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization”
Gregory Nagy-“The Best of the Acheans,” Ch. 11
Quintus Smyraneus- “The Fall of Troy”
Alexander Von Wuthenau – “Unexpected Faces in Ancient America”
Charles William Johnson- “The Sound of Meaning: Comparative Linguistics of Ancient Egyptian, Maya and Nahuatl
Jim Bailey- “Sailing to Paradise: The Discovery of the Americas by 7000 B.C.”
R.A. Jairazbhoy- “Ancient Egyptians and Chinese In America”
Ivar Zapp and George Erikson-“Atlantis in America:
Navigators of the Ancient World”
Ivan Van Sertima –“They Came Before Columbus”
Ivan Van Sertima-“African Presence in Early America”
Dr. Clyde A. Winters-“Shades of Memnon Book 2: Ra Force Rising”
Timothy Gantz- “Early Greek Myths”
Member # 11828
 - posted
Black Atlantis?

That's the only thing that remained to be invented.

Jesus! Nazis will be very upset someone robbed the most dear myth for the Nordic supremacists.

Good job!

Member # 10844
 - posted
I did not say Atlantis was black. The Greek traditions did. Read the essay fool.
Member # 6698
 - posted
^^As I said, insanity.
Member # 10844
 - posted
Oh, right. You are a main hater of Dr. Winters work. Don't bother this is not for you.
Member # 10191
 - posted
Why can't you guys direct your energy, and enthusiasm towards forums like stormfront? (honestly)

Then again, they're beyond salvation from the ignorance!
Member # 10844
 - posted
You know Djehuti. You are right. From your Eurocentric standpoint this is insanity. The world turned upside down. Too bad, because it is the truth. The Greeks who were there agree with this. They revered Africans and thought they were the grandests of all peoples. But this ain't for you either. Go cry somewhere, because the Africans are coming back to claim all that is thiers. No one can stop it. I have major media deals coming down based on this information, animation, video games and movies. Your children will play with Kushite world traveling dolls. And you can't stop it.
Member # 4592
 - posted
Originally posted by BroG:
I did not say Atlantis was black. The Greek traditions did. Read the essay fool.


It isn't wise to use the myth of Atlantis as a form of "proof" of anything.

At the best, myth's and be ancillary forms of supporting evidence.

There is no hard evidence that the Olmecs were closely related to Africans.
Member # 10844
 - posted
Again, my contribution is for those who are convinced that Dr. Winters work has validity. You say there is no hard evidence. To me there is. I am not in the debate business, I am in the media and entertainment business, so I will not engage in a long string of banter back and forth. Again, my work is ancillary evidence for those who are in favor of Dr. Winters work. For those who don't, see ya at the movies.
Member # 4592
 - posted
Again, my contribution is for those who are convinced that Dr. Winters work has validity.
Informal logical fallacy: preaching to the choir.

You say there is no hard evidence. To me there is.
Then present it.
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by BroG:

You know Djehuti. You are right. From your Eurocentric standpoint this is insanity...

ME, Eurocentric?!! ROTFLMAO [Big Grin]
You obviously don't know me!
The world turned upside down. Too bad, because it is the truth.
I'm afraid you wouldn't even know "the truth" if it crashed into you.

The Greeks who were there agree with this. They revered Africans and thought they were the grandests of all peoples.
No need to distort the words of the ancient Greeks.

But this ain't for you either. Go cry somewhere,
I don't want it! Because it's crap. Pure and simple. And no I'm not crying, but laughing at this b.s.! [Big Grin]
because the Africans are coming back to claim all that is thiers. No one can stop it. I have major media deals coming down based on this information, animation, video games and movies. Your children will play with Kushite world traveling dolls. And you can't stop it.
LOL You sound just like those white Aryanist nutcases only the black version!
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by nur:

Why can't you guys direct your energy, and enthusiasm towards forums like stormfront? (honestly)

Then again, they're beyond salvation from the ignorance!

[Embarrassed] Nur. The problem is people like BroG are EXACTLY LIKE the folks at stromfront! No less ignorant and also beyond any salvation.

I really feel sorry for them. [Frown]
Member # 10844
 - posted
When ever a black person works for the empowerment of black people, folk like you scream "reverse racism." If you want to consider racism, ask yourselves why "The Ethiopis", the third book of the Trojan War saga, is not as well known as the other two major books. Ask yourselves why the black character Memnon has been left out of all media presentations of these classic books. Then ask yourselves why non of you "truth tellers" never said anything about it. There you will find your racism. Not with me or Dr. Winters.
Member # 10195
 - posted
Wow. Has a copy of the Aithiopis been found?

Not sure what you mean by 3rd book of Trojan war
saga but there are many minor unheard of Greek
writings on the Trojan war.

Not only Memnon, but I sigh at the misrepresentation
of Aethiops in the movies based on Greek mythology.

Andromeda and the Aethiops of Joppa (Tel Aviv/Yaffa)
from the Perseus story never look even slightly black.

Medea and the Colchidae never fit Herodotus'
description. Was the Argonautica pre-Sesostris?

What we did get in the recent remake of Jason and
the Argonauts was Black Orpheus. I'm sure Portuguese
speakers just ate up that irony.
Member # 10844
 - posted
Right you are alTakruri. No amount of misrepresentation on this or any other board(real or percieved as such) can ever match the horrible social damage that these lies, ommissions and misrepresentations have done. That is why I don't waste time on this board debating these small fry dudes. The real war for the proper representation of Africans in world history is with Hollywood and television executives. To put things in proper perspective, the Illiad originally ends right after the death of Hector. The rest of that famous stuff, Achilles heel/death, Trojan horse ruse etc., took place in "The Ethiopis." Ain't that a kick in the head that we know so much about these famous Trojan War instances, but don't know that they are from a book featuring Africans who came to fight at Troy, led by Memnon.
The Ethiopis is refered to as a "lost" document. I believe it was probably found in some archoeological event, then shelved because it did not suit the purposes of white supremacy. I think it is in the bottom of some museum somewhere. Despite that, I have found plenty of references to it in the Greek annals. Homer wrote: "To Troy no hero came of nobler line, or, if of nobler, Memnon it was thine."

Check this webpage for a brain busting list of glorious references to Memnon and the Ethiopians: www.africanlegendsonline.com/page3.html
The fact that this is not generally taught in schools and left out of popular culture is racism of the most sordid kind. Those who call me a racist because I insist on recovering it and all the info related to it can go to hell.
Member # 11828
 - posted
Originally posted by nur:
Why can't you guys direct your energy, and enthusiasm towards forums like stormfront? (honestly)

Then again, they're beyond salvation from the ignorance!

I have tried. I signed there with the alias "White-as-a-corpse" and pulled theirs legs for a long time. Defending my mixed people, of course. However, those guys don't have sense of humor.

Once one shows them they are not "pure", they become pretty upset. Actually, when one mention that Hitler killed more white people that any one else on history, those guys get mad.

They don't have sense of humor.

Member # 10195
 - posted
How well I remember that quote that I first read
in one of JA Rogers' works. Here are fragments
from, or summaries on, the Aithiopis jotted down
nearlt a millenium after it was originally penned.

Fragment #1 --
Proclus, Chrestomathia, ii:

The "Cypria", described in the preceding book, has its sequel in
the "Iliad" of Homer, which is followed in turn by the five books
of the "Aethiopis", the work of Arctinus of Miletus. Their
contents are as follows. The Amazon Penthesileia, the daughter
of Ares and of Thracian race, comes to aid the Trojans, and after
showing great prowess, is killed by Achilles and buried by the
Trojans. Achilles then slays Thersites for abusing and reviling
him for his supposed love for Penthesileia. As a result a
dispute arises amongst the Achaeans over the killing of
Thersites, and Achilles sails to Lesbos and after sacrificing to
Apollo, Artemis, and Leto, is purified by Odysseus from

Then Memnon, the son of Eos, wearing armour made by Hephaestus,
comes to help the Trojans, and Thetis tells her son about Memnon.

A battle takes place in which Antilochus is slain by Memnon and
Memnon by Achilles. Eos then obtains of Zeus and bestows upon
her son immortality; but Achilles routs the Trojans, and, rushing
into the city with them, is killed by Paris and Apollo. A great
struggle for the body then follows, Aias taking up the body and
carrying it to the ships, while Odysseus drives off the Trojans
behind. The Achaeans then bury Antilochus and lay out the body
of Achilles, while Thetis, arriving with the Muses and her
sisters, bewails her son, whom she afterwards catches away from
the pyre and transports to the White Island. After this, the
Achaeans pile him a cairn and hold games in his honour. Lastly a
dispute arises between Odysseus and Aias over the arms of

Fragment #2 --
Scholiast on Homer, Il. xxiv. 804:

Some read: `Thus they performed the burial of Hector. Then came
the Amazon, the daughter of great-souled Ares the slayer of men.'

Fragment #3 --
Scholiast on Pindar, Isth. iii. 53:

The author of the "Aethiopis" says that Aias killed himself about

Member # 10844
 - posted
Yes my brother, you got it! The Ethiopis was written by someone named Arctinus from the Greek settlement of Miletus in what is now Turkey. Scholars say he wrote "The Little Illiad" where the Trojan Horse episode takes place. Some scholars think that the "Little Illiad" was just a chapter in "Ethiopis" and not a stand alone book. I agree with the latter interpretation. You may want to check out the work of an esteemed Greek ancient Greek scholar named Gregory Nagy called "The Best of The Acheans" in it he talks about the best of the ancient Greeks being based on trying to live up the the example set by the Aithiopians, especially Memnon. This is anti-white supremacy stuff here, and therefore not widely publicized.
Member # 10844
 - posted
For the past 17 years I have devoted myself to finding out jsut who the heck these "Aithiopians" were. Were did they come from? The study of ancient traditions is quite valid to find out true history. That is what I did. I found that when ever white scholars can't figure something out, it usually has to do with the influence of African people, which their racist blinders refuse to let them see. Dr. Clyde A. Winters is revered by non-white scholars in many places around the world. Places where they don't wait on the approval of white folks.
Member # 10195
 - posted
Hey Bro G

Why not start a thread on the Aithiops of the Greeks? The forum has covered a lot of stuff
about them including a non-Greek derivation of
the word aethiop. Maybe we all can rehash the
old, present something new (i.e., previously
undiscussed), and in general make a smash up
on the topic!

And I wish you success in bringing your historical
based fiction works to film. I'm sure more than me
and my seed will just love 'em.
Member # 10844
 - posted
Yo bro alTakruri, if I had time I would open up that thread. But what is the use. As you can see, when the hater group is confronted with an example of bald faced racism like the ommission of the Aithiopis from popular culture, they chump out. That is why this has become a conversation between me and you now. The essay I wrote above shows that the ancient Greek world view was very similar to what Dr. Clyde Winters says. So the haters find themselves sandwiched between ancient Greek glorification of Africans and Afrocentric scholarship that say the same thing. This is the main reason why Memnon and what he stands for was left out of popular scholarship, literature and culture representations in the last couple hundred years. But as I said, this information can't be stopped. It is coming out whether the racist haters want it to or not.
And yes, I was very excited about the non-Greek derivation of the word aethip. It fits in with the research I have done. Which thread was that exactly and how do I find it. Is there a search function on this board? I need to find it because I am working on a major essay on the major source of the Memnon tradition. In fact, my research has been greatly moved forward by the contributors to this forum. Thank you all, even you Dr. Clyde Winters haters.

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