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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 7530
 - posted
Apparently some weak minds follow blindly the Arab agenda of some terrorist groups...I don't clearly understand why non Arabs don't realize that it has nothing to do with Islam but it's some frustrated Arabs who use Islam to fight the West because they feel powerless. I don't really hear about them when thousand of muslims die in India, thousands die in Sudan and even when the war started in Afghanistan...when it's non Arabs who are suffering ...well you won't hear about them.

Britain Names 2 Bombing Suspects
By Sebastian Rotella and Ralph Frammolino, Times Staff Writers

LONDON -- Police disclosed today the names of two fugitives wanted for allegedly trying to bomb a bus and a subway train last week, appealing again for help in finding four suspects who remain at large three days after their photos were widely publicized.

The announcement by Scotland Yard indicated that the nationwide manhunt has made some progress, but also that investigators are racing to capture the fugitives and prevent more attacks.


Developments reinforced the theory that the failed bombings on a bus and three trains Thursday were carried out by suspects of East African backgrounds as a follow-up strike by the same network involved in the July 7 bombings that killed 56 people, officials said.

Hours before the announcement, police raided an apartment in a housing project in North London linked to a suspect who tried to set off the bomb on a double-decker bus Thursday in the Hackney neighborhood.

The fugitive has been identified as Muktar Said Ibrahim, 27, also known as Muktar Mohamed Said, according to Scotland Yard. Just before the attempted bus bombing, Muktar appeared in a closed circuit television image wearing a baseball cap and dark jacket.

Police identified a second bomber as Yasin Hussam Omar, 24, the dark-skinned man in a blue shirt captured by a closed circuit television camera soon before he allegedly tried to ignite a backpack bomb on a subway train near Warren Street station.

Neighbors in the building where the raid took place today said they recognized both men from the photos of the fugitives. Muktar and Omar lived in a ninth floor apartment with two other men, a neighbor said, describing Omar as Somali and Muktar as of apparent Indian background.

The investigation has targeted several suspects of Somali and Ethiopian descent, at least one of whom is among three men already in custody.

The neighbor described Muktar as friendly and said he often wore traditional Muslim attire, though he recently shaved off a thick beard. About a month ago, Muktar and his roommates were seen moving a number of heavy boxes into the apartment, the neighbor said.

In addition, Deputy Commissioner Peter Clarke, chief of Scotland Yard's anti-terror branch, displayed a plastic food container of the type he said contained the explosives in each of the bombs concealed in dark backpacks or sports bags. He asked for shopkeepers who might have sold several such containers recently, especially to one individual, to contact police.

[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 25 July 2005).]

[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 25 July 2005).]

[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 26 July 2005).]

[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 26 July 2005).]

Member # 7956
 - posted
lets not jump to conclusion,besides where did you get this information.

these two could have been sudanese,we dont want jumping into conclusion without fact,and als we dont want to risk somali people living in these part of the world.

thees individuals could well be indian,sudanes or eriterian origin,so we have to be carefull.
i dont want see somalis already feared in london to make life even worse like pakistanis.


Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by cush:
lets not jump to conclusion,besides where did you get this information.

these two could have been sudanese,we dont want jumping into conclusion without fact,and als we dont want to risk somali people living in these part of the world.

thees individuals could well be indian,sudanes or eriterian origin,so we have to be carefull.
i dont want see somalis already feared in london to make life even worse like pakistanis.

Well, I've seen the pictures of the said suspects and they definitely look East African. The lighter skinned one could either be a Sudanese of Ethiopian, but the darker-skinned one really looks Somali. There's a chance the lighter-skinned one could be Somali too.

I don't want to point blame, but if they are East Africans or even Somali, unfortunately fear will follow. Don't mean to sound negative, but if the Pakistani community is suffering why not Somalis and other East Africans join in?

Heck, if terrorist attacks in the West are carried out by Indonesian or even Filipino radicalists, then I am next!!

If attacks are carried out by Muslim Russians with blone hair and blue eyes, who is next?

Who is next, to be suspected??!!


Member # 4846
 - posted
the last time,was there one from kenya or tanzania.any way east africans of any background need to say out of the arabs agenda.
Member # 7735
 - posted
What exactly is "Arab agenda?" If you meant 'Muslim agend,' since they are a considerable Arab Christians, then we need to undertand.

Muslims are brothers and sisters to one another, and feel deeply hurt if one of them is terrorized in another Muslim land, be it in Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, Iraq, Kosovo, Afghanistan or Bosnia or even in Somalia (where Somalis themselves are killing each other).

It wasn't Muslims who went to Washington and occupied it under the pseudo liberation and so-called democracy. (Iraq)

It was Muslims who were expelled from lands they dwelled for thousands of years and only knew. (Palestine)

It was Muslims who were invaded twice in their own countries. (From Soviet Union occupying Afghanistan to Americans now doing same again)

Muslims never went other lands and colonized. (British Empire and other former European powers dividing and marking Muslim lands in imagined borders. (Kashmir)

While they were watching fully for several years, their Christian brethren were slaughtering Muslims and when Muslim nations tried to help, sactions were imposed. (Bosnia and Kosovo. Help came too late when Europe felt too ashamed)

Muslims want a simple justice and let them live in peace with themselves without a constant foreign invasion, intervention and onslaugh.

Is that too much to ask?

Member # 7773
 - posted
waryaa not in sudan with the darfur muslims where are the other muslim speaking about that. only when its other arabs they care. Tell me i read that saudi arabia pumps 15 million dollars a year in somialia so thats where those guys get there weapons from.
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by Waryaa:

Muslims never went other lands and colonized. (British Empire and other former European powers dividing and marking Muslim lands in imagined borders. (Kashmir)

I beg to differ! What do you call North Africa, especially Egypt?! Have you not heard of the Islamic Arab Invasions of Africa? What about the Mughal invasion of India (they too were Muslims).

Why are Arab wannabe Sudanese killing their Muslim brothers and sisters in Darfur, just because they are not 'Arabized' even though they are Muslims also?!!

Face it, Muslims have committed the same atrocities as Christians, and still are!

Member # 7735
 - posted
The last poster, the venom and hatred you've toward to Arabs has been noted, so I won't bother replying or refuting what you wrote.

not in sudan with the darfur muslims where are the other muslim speaking about that.

First let me say and clear myself: I am no fan of Arabs myself, however what happened in Darfur (the land of Fur people) is bad, as any other ethnic conflict is. But the propaganda by the Western media calling it everything from ethnic cleansing to genocide, we know why they target the government of Sudan--they never liked it, and any mistake it commits is zoomed to make it more worse. There are a lot of ethnic and other conflicts in the jungle of Africa, some involving many neighbouring countries. We don't hear them, do we? Especially that unfortunate one happening in Congo, involving all of those African countries, and where even people eating people are documented.

Arabs keep mum about the situation in Darfur because the hypocricy and cant of West can't be more clear.

It still hurts Muslims killing Muslims, whether be in Darfur or Somalia, it is a fact that Islam envisioned will happen one day.

Tell me i read that saudi arabia pumps 15 million dollars a year in somialia so thats where those guys get there weapons from.

Actually, Saudi government were blamed the other way around by not helping Somalis. Saudi government never gives that much aid, save the odd and far few humatarian aid it sends under NGO, which was was accused supporting "terrorism" and lobbying Saudi government to crack down and freeze their funds by terror-mad Bush regime.

zulu ra zuri
Member # 7122
 - posted
Muslims never went other lands and colonized. (British Empire and other former European powers dividing and marking Muslim lands in imagined borders. (Kashmir)

Are you insane? The Muslims did colonize other lands. Egypt and all of North Africa, Iraq, Iran, Sudan and the list goes on and on. Muslims terrorized indigeneous cultures everywhere they went. So, what's happening in Iraq and Afghanistan is no different than what the Muslims are doing in Sudan, Mauritania, Algeria and etc...to the original people of these lands. I see it as Karma for the atrocities that Muslims committed. Stop being hypocrites and your Allah will bless you again.

[This message has been edited by zulu (edited 28 July 2005).]

Member # 7735
 - posted
Those nations you named are Muslim nations now, some 100% Muslim until to death. Don't hate, they embraced Islam just as others did with no so-called "invasion." Perhaps Muslims "invaded" Somalia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Brunei, Mali, the 'Stans, Zanzibar, Maldives, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Guyana...should I continue? Islam is sensible religion, any rational person would understand that. It needn't be complex and perplexed. It needs no invasions and that distorted, unfounded history of "the sword religion," scholars no longer believe. The sword of Islam, indeed, is simply the logical and coherent ideas (if we call them ideas at all since they are Divine ordained) behind it. It simply conquered hearts of the new believers. That bewildered the ancient people and it still baffles detractors to this day.

And a little history for you since you listed Iran as well in there. Persia was one of the two most powerful nations at the dawn of Islam and it was the one who started war with the newly fledging religion. As they say, in war all is fair and nothing is fair.

Member # 1797
 - posted

People have to learn to seperate Islam from Arabs. The problem is that Islam came peacefully to many of those region but Arabs used Islam as a bargining chip for political control. Even when many newly converted Muslims adopted Islam they never got rid of older cultural traditions. This was also the case in Egypt where the early Christians wrecked havoc and killed people by force. Yes, Christians in the Nile Valley also spread their religion through intimidation. Read about the early Coptic monastics in Egypt especially people like Shenute and you will see what damage they did to the ancient Egyptian culture. Destoyed temples,forbade the ancient language,and even killed priests.

At the same time many of the converted monks that lived in the monestaries held on to older pharaonic pratices and incorporated them in with Christianity. The same goes to the rural fellahin in Egypt that converted to Islam.

However, early Arabs did abuse Islam meaning that to convert to Islam you had to be %100 percent Arabic. All non-Arabs that converted to Islam[meanng Egyptians,Berbers,Persians and etc.] were Mawali which meant basically a forced client of an Arab,and an inferior status. This is not santioned by the Qur'an but its something that Arabs used for their political advantage. After the Umayyad caliph you no longer had to be Mawali to convert.

The problem I have is that Arabs will use Islam to form some kind of pan-Arabist agenda. People will automatically assume that because you pratice Islam you have to follow and regard Arab politics. This is simply not the case and Arabs should stop using Islam as a token for political domination.


Member # 7530
 - posted
Originally posted by Ausar:
So much for the ummah. According to the Ummah a fellow Muslim is supposed to help out another Muslim regardless of their ethnic background. Unfortunately, many Arabs have latched upon to Islam and are using it to promote their own agendas. Even phophet Muhammed[pbuh] called Arabs the ultimate hypocrites.


[This message has been edited by relaxx (edited 28 July 2005).]

Member # 7530
 - posted
Originally posted by Waryaa:
The last poster, the venom and hatred you've toward to Arabs has been noted, so I won't bother replying or refuting what you wrote.

Actually, Saudi government were blamed the other way around by not helping Somalis. Saudi government never gives that much aid, save the odd and far few humatarian aid it sends under NGO, which was was accused supporting "terrorism" and lobbying Saudi government to crack down and freeze their funds by terror-mad Bush regime.

From Somalinet:

Author Message

SomaliNet Heavyweight

Joined: 10 Oct 2004
Posts: 1206
Location: Where no generation had set sail

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 9:27 pm Post subject: UK Somalis Furious at Arab-Paki Terrorists: Press Release!


Dear Brothers and Sisters

The majority of Arabs, Pakis and so called “ new converts” in the west, regardless of what they tell you or what ever sympathy they try to pander under “islam” SUBSTAINTED OR NOT to you or what ever you might feel, and especially those living in Western Europe and North America, are SICK. The worst of the worst are the terrorists or affiliates to terror which has been state-funded from Saudi Arabia and other arab countries by pseudo Islamic, but really arab nationalists, oil barons and cowards homosexuals who rape each other in disguise who want to use their riches not to help the humanitarian situation of muslims, say in helping to rebuild Somalia, but to use A SOMALI as a human bomb against the white man for their OWN damn selfish and racial interests. This has NOTHING whatsoever to do with Somalia or islam! This is centred squarely in arab nationalism and their interests—which have nothing to do with Somalis or their plight. Before, I really did not care at all about their activities say in Iraq, Bali, Morocco or whereever, hey so long as they were fighting the gaalo/western nations and wanted to blow themselves up using their own people, why would I care? It wasn’t my fight. I actually used to feel sorry for them sometimes, I mean, they were victimized by the whites, but i never was deceived in the ultimate trajectory of the movement: it was for the arabs. In Dubai, if you want to see who arabs are, just look at how Somali or muslims is blatantly abused and paid less for the same amount of work and even if he has higher education, the white man will get automatically higher pay. My family lived in the arab countries; I’ve known men who hate arabs more than anything existing on this planet. But now that these arab homos and their paki associates are now targeting Somalis, singlehandily making somalis in the span of 2 week the focus of all the hatred and anger of the British people and the government upon us, we have to stand up and say to these self-interested motherfuuckers “ GO FIGHT YOUR OWN WARS, LEAVE US OUT” , they who want to burn specially the Somalis in UK and Europe are NOT OUR FRIENDS. This so called Somali bomber, if he is Somali , should be killed by none but other Somalis in the uk. Why? Because at the end of the day he has completely fuucked your community.
if this even remotely related to Somali plight, to our interests, maybe I would understand, but, hahaha, it has NOTHING TO DO WITH US, though the consequences will.

Look, my ayeyo is living in pain as we SPEAK, she just arrived 9 months ago, and is trying to get her papers and is undergoing serious surgery in london and it can’t happen if she doesn’t get it on time, THESE MOTHERFUUCKERS are NOW causing my ayeyo to stay in agony, because now they are doing background checks on all newly arrived somalis or those claiming to be somalis and massive delays, FUUCK I HATE THESE SCUM, WHO IS GOING TO STOP THEM!

------------------------------------------------------------------------Somalida ku nool dalka Britain oo cabis weyni la soo deristay SDWO ( London) Tan iyo 7 th July 2005 oo ahayd markii u horeysay ee qaraxyo argagaxiso ah lagula kacay magaalaada London ayaa waxa guud ahaanba dadka muslinka ah ee ku dhaqan Britain la soo deristay cabsi weyn oo ay ka qabaan in lagula kaco aargoosi oo la waxyeeleeyo. Wararka qaarna waxay sheegayaan in tiraba ilaa 5 qof la waxyeeleeyay tan iyo intii ay bilaabmeen qaraxyadaasi.

Hadaba waxa werwerkii u weynaa la soo dersay dadka somalida ah ee ku dhaqan dalkan Britain ka ka dib markii 21kii July 2005 afar qarax oo kale lala beegsaday Tareenada dhulka hoostiisa mara ee magaalada London dhexdeedka ka shaqeeya iyo basaska magaalada ka dhex shaqeeya. Qaraxyadan ayaa iyagu u suurto geliwaayey nimankii sitay inay u qarxaan ka dib markii afartii bomba ay qarxiyiyaasha oo qudhi qarxeen laakiin bombkii weeynaa uu qarxiywaayey. Mid ka mid ah nimankaas afarta ah ee loo raadinayo laguna xidhiidhinayo qaraxyadaas dhicisoobay ayaa mid ka mid ah lagu sheegay inuu yahay Somali magaciisa la yidhaah Yaasiin Xasan Cumar oo 24 jir ah.

Sida ay wasaarada Arimaha Gudaha ee dalkan Britain xaqiijisay Yasiin wuxuu dalka yimid sanadkii 1992 isagoo 11 jir ah isla markaana la siiyey sharci deganaansho xadidan ilaa iyo sanadkii 2000 kii markaasi oo la siiyey deganaansho rasmi ah oo uu ku deganaan karo dalka Britain.

Tan iyo intii la sheegay inuu nin Somaliyi uu ku jiro kooxaha argagaxisada ee damacsanaa inay dad badan ku laayan gadiidka London ka dhex shaqeeya ayaa somalidu aad uga cabsi qabtaa in iyagana somalinimo lagu soo raadso. Booliska magaalada London ayaa iyagu imika aad ugu mashquulsan sidii bal ay wax uga baranlahaayeen sida ay u noolyahiin somalida ku nool dalkani, taasi oo boolisku ay waraysi kala duwan la yeelanayaan dadka somalida ah oo ay ugu tegayaan meelaha jaaliyada somalida, maakhaayada shaahayada laga cabo ee ay somalidu leedahay iyo meelaha kale ee ay somalidu iskugu timaado iyagoo weeydiinay waxa ay qabtaan wakhtiyada ay fiiraaqada yahiin ee aanay tegin iskuulada iyo shaqooyinka, waxa kale oo ka mid ah waxyaabaha somalida la weeydiinayay inay masaajidada tagaan iyo inkale, inay dadka ajaanibka ah dhexgalaan iyo inay iyagu dhexdoodan uu isku koobanyahiin, barnaamijyada tv ga dalkan Britain kuwa ay ugu jecelyahiin, iyo guud ahaan siday u arkaan waxan dhacay iyo sida uu u saamyndoono.

Dadka Somalida ayaa ilaa hada u qaadan la, inuu qof Somali ah uu naftiisa bomb ku qarxin karo isagoon wax xanuun ah qabin oo xiskiisu dhanyahay, dadka badankiisuna waxay aaminsanyahiin in ninkan la raadinayaa uu yahay nin dalka kale ka soo jeeda dhalasho ahaan laakiin magaca somalida adeegsaday markii uu qaxootinimada iskaga dhiibay dalkan Britain. Si kastaba ha u dhacdee wararkii u danbeeyay waxay sheegayaan in ninkii habeenkii xalay ee 27ka July la soo qabtay tani oo marka la waraysto kala cadayndoonta inuu yahay Somali iyo inkale markuu ku hadlo afsomali.

Guud ahaan muslimka dalkan Britain ayaa ku jira feejignaan iyo taxadir dheeraad ah, waxa hanjabaado kala duwan loo geystay masaajido ku yaala magaalada London oo xataa mar la yidhi wax la dhigay bom masaajidka ugu weyn London oo ku yaala bariga magaalada London hase yeeshee markuu bolisku baadhay wax bom ah wuu ka waayey, waxaanad arkaysa masaajido badan oo 24 saacadood ba boolisku ilaalinayo iyagoo dadku u macanaystay laba siyoodba inay u joogaan boolisku masaajidadaas, ta koowaad oo ah inay sugan nabad gelyada masaajidka iyo dadka ku tuganayaba, iyo ta laabaad oo ah inay ka warhayaan dadka ku tuganaya masaajidka inay ka dhex helaan cid ay ka shakiyi karaan.

Guled Cabdi

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Member # 4846
 - posted
Originally posted by zulu:
Muslims never went other lands and colonized. (British Empire and other former European powers dividing and marking Muslim lands in imagined borders. (Kashmir)

Are you insane? The Muslims did colonize other lands. Egypt and all of North Africa, Iraq, Iran, Sudan and the list goes on and on. Muslims terrorized indigeneous cultures everywhere they went. So, what's happening in Iraq and Afghanistan is no different than what the Muslims are doing in Sudan, Mauritania, Algeria and etc...to the original people of these lands. I see it as Karma for the atrocities that Muslims committed. Stop being hypocrites and your Allah will bless you again.

[This message has been edited by zulu (edited 28 July 2005).]

good point,but the arabs never took over sudan,only upper and lower nubia for a short time,the arabs really took over in the 1950's when the brits gave the sudan so-called freedom.
IT was the turks (who are muslims)that really took over large parts(not all)
but later a new (nubian)african kingdom was form and freed most of sudan until the brits came in,and even they could not control certain areas.


Member # 6698
 - posted
It's official, of the four suspects, one is Ethiopian, another is Somali, another is Eritrean, and fourth is possibly a Somali.

The East African community in Britain has never faced the kind of fear and discrimination as Middle-Eastern communities, but what now?

Member # 7530
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
It's official, of the four suspects, one is Ethiopian, another is Somali, another is Eritrean, and fourth is possibly a Somali.

The East African community in Britain has never faced the kind of fear and discrimination as Middle-Eastern communities, but what now?

Sorry for questioning your remarks.
Your interventions are often constructive...but this one was uncalled for...what's your point?


Member # 6698
 - posted
My point is the question of whether, East Africans will now be the new "face of terror"?

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