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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 6516
 - posted
Help fight islamic extremism in Europe.


Member # 6467
 - posted
help fight black extremism in the United States:

Why Kwanzaa is a racist holiday from hell:



Member # 6397
 - posted
Originally posted by screw_asante:
help fight black extremism in the United States:

Why Kwanzaa is a racist holiday from hell:


<A HREF="http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=16474" TARGET=_blank>http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=16474


This guy really is Abaza, because a loser like him will only make such a post.

Better lock this one up too.

Member # 6467
 - posted

People will be trying to avoid the truth, because it hurts, but you can't always run away!

Afrocentrism is very similar to Kwanzaa, because it is full of fake history and made up stuff.

[This message has been edited by screw_asante (edited 01 February 2005).]

Member # 3361
 - posted
Considering that many American blacks have had no connection with Africa in hundreds of years any celebration of an African holiday on their part is not only irrelevant but down right silly. Nor do they have even the remotest connection to Amcient Egypt.
Member # 6467
 - posted
The Path of Blackness by Karenga:

Quotable Karenga:

"The sevenfold path of blackness is think black, talk black, act black, create black, buy black, vote black, and live black"

This is coming from a man who is an ex-convict and someone who used to talk to his blanket and imaginary people around him.

What a FARCE!!

Member # 3361
 - posted
I think roy has a real emotional problem with anyone who does not agree with him.
Member # 6467
 - posted
Kwanzaa is a celebration that takes seven days, and all made up by this Crazy Man, named Karenga:

He uses Swahili words, to make this holiday
sound real African, but it has zero African Roots. All made up here in the U.S., by an extremist Black group, named the Us, which stands for "United Slaves".

What a name for an organization, that is now headed by this Lunatic.

Member # 6467
 - posted
Very true.

Roy is not the only one on this forum who is Afraid of the Truth, because it makes him and others like him, look very Silly.

They end up defending a Big Fat Lie, i.e., Afrocentrism.

They have to resort to adding more lies, in order to defend the earlier lies that have been put out by Asante and others.

Originally posted by Horemheb:
I think roy has a real emotional problem with anyone who does not agree with him.

[This message has been edited by screw_asante (edited 01 February 2005).]

Member # 3361
 - posted
they start out claiming the egyptians are black and then just keep on going. I'm waiting for the black Chinese. Some Afrocentric idiot has already climed the Mayans in Central America. Scholars just laugh at this stuff when they even think about it at all.
Member # 6467
 - posted
Here is another good link on afrocentrism and its Black Kings and Queens:



Member # 5777
 - posted
To Horemheb,

I don't celebrate Kwanzaa but i can argue logically about it. Christians and Jews in the West have no real genetic or historical connection with the land now called Israel yet Christmas with its celebration of a figure about whom litle is known beyond some obviously mythical fabrication is prodigiously celebrated by Christians; the Passover, Rosh Has Shana, Hannukah, etc are celebrated by persons who don't speak Hebrew, have no kinship connection with Israel either genetically or historically. The end-of- the-year celebrations of Christians and Jews are very obviously founded on fabrications out of whole cloth--metres of cloth. The so-called divinity of Christ is an obvious myth that would be believed only by individuals of very low intelligence. The same holds for those who believe in the obvious myth of Passover.

At least Kwanzaa makes no claims about a fictitious avenger God(pace Akhenaten) and his equally fictitious son.

In African Americans are more connected to Kwanzaa--no more fabricated than Judaism, Christianity(and its alphabet-soup diverse cults snd sects)than are Westerners to Judaism and Christianity--both in terms of kinship and history. Proof: 1) Genome tests prove that only ~25% of Africans have [i]any[1/] non-African ancestry. Do a google on genome specialists Rick Kittles and Mark Shriver(Shriver claims that the overall genetic inputs from European sources is about 18%) for details. 2)The majority of Africans are assumed be of West African origin including the Congo region where Swahili is spoken. 3)The ancestors of most African Americans arrived on U.S shores around 1750--some much later and some before--which would mean that the vast majority of African Americans have living relatives in Africa.

Member # 3361
 - posted
lamin, I would say that the choice of religous views can vary and i agree with you on that. In the case of Christians and Jews we could say that their families have brought them up in that faith from generation to generation and their communities often have some sort of common religous view. My only question about religions like Kwanzaa would be from the standpoint of motive. If an American black is doing this to become or fell 'more African' I would say it is a waste of time. American blacks are not African lamin, they have been gone from Africa for centuries. these people are Americans just as much as I am or anyone else who lives here. they are not African or even close to being African , nor can they ever be African. they have no more in common with Africa than they do with China. My family is of german extraction but I am not a German, have nothing to do with Germany. A real german would not think I was German.
Member # 6397
 - posted
Originally posted by Horemheb:
Considering that many American blacks have had no connection with Africa in hundreds of years any celebration of an African holiday on their part is not only irrelevant but down right silly. Nor do they have even the remotest connection to Amcient Egypt.

First, do you even have any connection to Ancient Rome or Greece? I don't think so, so why are you guys always use Greece or Rome to prove you're racially superior to others. Heck, you guys even claim that Greece was Nordic, which was proven.

Second, what we need to see first is the Nordics have to stop riding on Greek or Roman history, and refer to the Ancient Nordic Civilization. If such a civilization is a fallacy then we need to see Nordic nations start giving credit to non-Greek/Roman civilizations aswell.

Lastly, I have never seen African-American Blacks claim that the Ancient Egyptians were the same stock as them. Just because the AE were Black does not mean they belong to the same stock as African-American. They are not even homogenous for God's sake, they have strains of Caucasian, and Mongoloid blood too. Most sources (Western) state that the AE were similar to the Nubians or Ethiopians. Those two populations are alot more homogenous than African-American, despite the so called 'Caucasoid' features. However, you are in no way related to AE, so Egypt needs to be removed from that white-history website.

Member # 3361
 - posted
You are being silly now Roy. Obviously Ancient greece and Rome were caucasian societies, you know that. There are people in mental institutions who say they have conversations with aliens but we know better don't we. Lets grow up a little and quit being so emotional. At some point we might even have a conversation about history and not mythology.
Member # 6401
 - posted

horemheb hes saying what has nordics got to do with ancient greeks, the greeks themselves didnt like them they would rather spend time with egyptians and nubians 1:e black people. and not with

germans= man of many germs


Member # 3361
 - posted
fromashes....Nordics have a great deal to do with Greeks and Roman. The Roman Empire extended well into central and northern Europe including the British Isles. greek philosophy was spread back into all of Europe in the middle ages and brought about tremendous changes leading , and in some cases making possible the modern world we live in. I see no clear historical dividing line between southern and northern Europe. As you many know Celtic peoples occupied Spain, France and much of Italy back into antiquity. i think you are grabbing at very fragile strws trying to separate the two areas.
Member # 6401
 - posted

the romans took over by force its as simple as that.
by the way have you got any questions on ancient egypt?
Member # 5777
 - posted
To Horemheb:

Well, African Americans and other West African transplants in the Americas are no less African than Jews who live in the West are potential Israelis. In fact Jews who live in the West are much much more fanatically attached to Israel than any African transplant ever was.

You claim not to have any kinship with Germans in Germany. Well, you are a minority. I have friends who live in Namibia and they claim that the Germans who are born there are more German than the Germans themselves. Also what about all those Russian Germans who flocked back to Germany from Russia after unification. Their claim to Germany was based on the principle of JUS SANGUINIS(blood descent) while the Turks who are born in Germany have no such right.

Given that African Americans fit phenotypically and genotypically nowhere else in the world except Africa(I exclude Fiji, New Guinea, Solomon Islands, etc.) I can see why some might feel a conection with that continent--a feeling by the way which is much less that that felt by a 4th generation Chinese-American for China and infinitely much less than a Western Jew--who has no genetic or kinship connection with Israel--would feel for Israel.

In fact, when African Americans visit places like Russia, China and India they are always asked where in Africa they are from.

And this is is funny: I have an African American friend who once attended a conference in Kenya and was asked by a Kenyan where he was from. My friend said "Chicago", then the Kenyan then asked him "what part of Kenya was that 'tribe' from".

Member # 5777
 - posted
To Horemheb

You claim that there's no real difference between Northern and Southern Europe. So why then did anthropologists Coon and Ripley write 2 books titled: THE RACES OF EUROPE? And what do terms such as Slavic race, Alpine race, Nordic race, Mediterranean race amount to? Such terms were used by Western anthropologists to describe the very obvious phenitypical differences between the peoples of Europe. The distinguishing criteria were blood types, cranial indices(doliocephalic, etc.), height, nasal indices(messorhine, etc.)face width and length, hair and eye colour, etc. Were Coon and Ripley wrong?

Member # 3361
 - posted
there are different groups in Europe lamin but they are all caucasian. Poles are slavic and different from Germans but they are both obviously white, ditto Celts etc. That is what the anthropologists are talking about. There are only three races in the world, Caucasian, negroid and mongoloid.
Member # 3361
 - posted
lamin, If someone came from Africa or the West Indies and brought their religion with them that is fine. But for some american black who has no connection with africa to suddenly adopt a religion for emotional reasons is silly. Aretha Franklin has zero to do with Africa, she is an American just like me. She could justify becomming a Buddist as easy as she could adopt some African religion.
Member # 5777
 - posted
But you missed the point of the question: Coon and Ripley spoke of the RACES of Europe. The question is: were these prominent anthropologists wrong to use the term "race" in this instance. Your claim that there are only 3 races in the world is questionable because it's obviously an arbitrary choice. Some anthropologists have claimed that there are as many as 35 races in the world. So take your pick; others will take theirs.
Member # 6467
 - posted
How can anyone believe these Afrocentrics, when their own people criticize their inferior academic work??

Originally posted by screw_asante:
Here is another good link on afrocentrism and its Black Kings and Queens:

<A HREF="http://www.lashawnbarber.com/archives/2004/06/10/brafrocentrism-on-black-kings-and-queens/" TARGET=_blank>http://www.lashawnbarber.com/archives/2004/06/10/brafrocentrism-on-black-kings-and-queens/



Member # 3361
 - posted
lamin, generally we have accepted the idea of three races for years and for very good reason. you could obviously break it down as far as you like but three races makes the relationships a little easier to deal with. as you lnow lamin America is a melting pot of races and peoples. Around 76% of us come from Europe with Germans the largest group at 27%. Southern Europenas are considered 'white' people in the United States. Europeans are enough alike that nobody knows the difference. People on this board are fond of bringing up Hitler and even Adolph, a racially prejudiced as a man could be thought the italians were "acceptable."
Member # 5777
 - posted
Re Religion

You are obviously implying that African Americans should be atheists since or have no religion since their ancestors did not bring Christianity with them. Or maybe they should be Moslems given that there is historical proof that some of the West Africans taken to the U.S. were Moslems. Examples: Sulayman ben Job(obviously Wolof from the Senegambia) and Mahomma Baquaqua from Djougou near the Sokoto caliphate in Nigeria.

But you are wrong when you say that Kwanzaa is a religion. Kwanzaa is not a religion. If so, who is its godhead? And who do its followers pray to or make offerings to?

Let's give people the freedom to form any organisation for whatever cultural reasons. Whoever wants to join let them. Those who don't want to participate they should be free not to. Simple!

But if Kwanzaa were a religion, it would be no less credible or authentic than Mormonism which seems to have been made up in America by some eccentric--Joseph Smith--who just wanted to keep a bunch of women under his roof. But Mormonism has caught on and there are those who go for the plural women kind of thing.

And by the way wasn't Lutheranism just made up by some misfit called Luther and didn't Henry "Head Chopper" VIII of England not start the English version of Catholicism in England(far away from Rome) just because he also wanted more women--most of whom he promptly beheaded when he wanted to change the guard?

And by the way do you object to the fact that German colonisers forced Lutheranism onto Africans in Tanzania and Namibia? After all, Christ and Luther have absolutely nothing to with the locals in Namibia or Tanzania. Again, do you object?

Member # 3361
 - posted
lamin, People do have cultural freedom but American blacks have nothing to do with Africans, they are not culturally African. American blacks have more in common with me culturally than they do with an African, most especially here in the south. We eat the same foots, our dialect has much in common, our music is interwoven etc. I could go on and on. American blacks are Americans pure and simple and can NEVER BE African no matter what they do.
lamin the overwhelming majority of them are christians to this day. you are listening too much to a few black radicals and making too much of it.
Member # 5777
 - posted
Re Italians.

But Hitler also said that "Africa begins at Calais" after he noted the Africoid traits of the people who hail from Southern France and assumedely other European lands of the same geographical latitude. Were such people "acceptable" too--looks like a grudging pass/slide through the side door--not the front door.

Member # 3361
 - posted
lamin, I think we can nit pick too much, Europeans are white people, you know that.
Member # 6467
 - posted
I have no problems with new religions or celebrations, but what I detest is cheating the people and not telling them the truth.

Kwanzaa has nothing to do with Africa or Africans. It uses Swahili names, just to cover up its American roots.

Some ignorant people, actually believe that it is an African Holiday, and that is the sad part.

Originally posted by lamin:
Re Religion

You are obviously implying that African Americans should be atheists since or have no religion since their ancestors did not bring Christianity with them. Or maybe they should be Moslems given that there is historical proof that some of the West Africans taken to the U.S. were Moslems. Examples: Sulayman ben Job(obviously Wolof from the Senegambia) and Mahomma Baquaqua from Djougou near the Sokoto caliphate in Nigeria.

But you are wrong when you say that Kwanzaa is a religion. Kwanzaa is not a religion. If so, who is its godhead? And who do its followers pray to or make offerings to?

Let's give people the freedom to form any organisation for whatever cultural reasons. Whoever wants to join let them. Those who don't want to participate they should be free not to. Simple!

But if Kwanzaa were a religion, it would be no less credible or authentic than Mormonism which seems to have been made up in America by some eccentric--Joseph Smith--who just wanted to keep a bunch of women under his roof. But Mormonism has caught on and there are those who go for the plural women kind of thing.

And by the way wasn't Lutheranism just made up by some misfit called Luther and didn't Henry "Head Chopper" VIII of England not start the English version of Catholicism in England(far away from Rome) just because he also wanted more women--most of whom he promptly beheaded when he wanted to change the guard?

And by the way do you object to the fact that German colonisers forced Lutheranism onto Africans in Tanzania and Namibia? After all, Christ and Luther have absolutely nothing to with the locals in Namibia or Tanzania. Again, do you object?


Member # 6467
 - posted
I would also, add North Africans, and Middle Easterns to that list.

Many are not White in skin color, but most have Caucasian features, and therfore should be included with the rest of Europe.

Originally posted by Horemheb:
lamin, I think we can nit pick too much, Europeans are white people, you know that.


Member # 5777
 - posted
To Horemheb:

Given that humans should have as much human agency as possible--that's what makes humans human--the amount of freedoms and choices they should be allowed to make--if African Americans WANT to be associated with Africa then that's their right. They already satisfy a major criterion: the kinship criterion, so why get upset about that?
In fact African Americans(the vast majority) are more genetically related to West Africans than are West Africans related to Southern Africans. I am talking here about the number of generations when there were last common ancestors.

You mention food, etc. Well the people of West Africa have radically different diets from those of Southern and East Africa. My friends in Namibia complain of the local food all the time--and request shipments of rice, fonio and couscous all the time. Yet despite cultural(including the recent impostion of French, British, German and Portugese, Afrikaans cultures, etc.)and linguistic differences you casually lump them altogether as "sub-Saharan". Well, on you defintion African Americans should be sub-Saharan Africans too. In fact some Western scholars(see Michael Levin) do exactly that--not that I agree-- when they discuss they discuss the note they note a common disposition to expression in music and athletics.

Member # 5777
 - posted
To Screw Asante

Well would you add the Hausa(Nigeria and Niger), the Hottentots of Southern Africa, the Northern Yoruba(Nigeria)and all those millions whom Seligman labeled "Half Hamites" in Africa to your caucasoid list? And what about adding the yellow pigmented with epicanthic eye structures San of the African Kalahari to your "Mongoloid" list and adding the millions of Indonesians and South Asians to your "Negroid" list?

Member # 4818
 - posted
Originally posted by Horemheb:
lamin, People do have cultural freedom but American blacks have nothing to do with Africans, they are not culturally African. American blacks have more in common with me culturally than they do with an African, most especially here in the south. We eat the same foots, our dialect has much in common, our music is interwoven etc. I could go on and on. American blacks are Americans pure and simple and can NEVER BE African no matter what they do.
lamin the overwhelming majority of them are christians to this day. you are listening too much to a few black radicals and making too much of it.

F*ck you Horemho!!!! Who the hell are you to make it sound as if we're in some different group than Africans?! First of all, not all us blacks in America are mixed (which in a nutshell would make us pure African without European admixture). The people who are mixed probably don't even know because the event happened so long ago...you can't even tell anymore. Culturally we have changed a little, but you still catch traces of our past in our music (Hip-Hop which uses beats and drums just like African long ago). Our dances which are overtly african (see movies like You Got Served)and who do you think teaches the white boys in those Boy Bands how to dance???

The only reason we don't have the same accent as Africans is obvious. Believe me, we are VEYR MUCH African. It's just that we don't really say it like that since technically we're not from Africa our ancestors were. But we still have it in our blood and will never forget about it. Which is why we fight so valiantly against the orchestrated wipeout of our history!

Member # 5777
 - posted
To Horemheb

The children of African diplomats or UN officials who grow up in the US have almost exclusively American tastes does that make them American kin of Horemheb or Africans? In fact some of them doen't even speak their parents' language and they love hamburgers(from Hamburg?)and other kinds of American
food. So what are they? Horemheb's kin or otherwise.


Member # 6467
 - posted
Well, we all know that racial definitions are not 100% accurate and there are more differences within some these populations than with groups from the outside.

The whole idea to me, is to try to get as close as possible to the larger racial categories that we already have established.

I would also, agree that it is sometimes quite difficult to label someone who is bi-racial, one race or another, because he is technically a member of both races.

The problem, in some countries and the U.S., in particular, that person, if he has any Negroid Heritage would autmatically be assigned as Black, which is not accurate at all. Other mixtures are looked upon more favorably, and sometimes people with Native American and White heritage are still thought of as White. Therefore, many of these definitions are arbitrary and not always accurate.

When you try to label, people who obviously look caucasian or caucasoid, as Black Africans, just because they live in Africa, we start to run into problems.

Most of the people of North Africa, to many observers look Caucasians. Most of the people of East Africa, look like a mixture of African and Caucasian. The rest of Africa, the people look more Negroid than anything else, but of course there are regional variations.

I guess, you could have additional Sub-Racial groups for them, but that would not work for the North Africans, who are predominantly Caucasiod (Caucasians).

Half-Hamites, that is a new term for me!!

Originally posted by lamin:
To Screw Asante

Well would you add the Hausa(Nigeria and Niger), the Hottentots of Southern Africa, the Northern Yoruba(Nigeria)and all those millions whom Seligman labeled "Half Hamites" in Africa to your caucasoid list? And what about adding the yellow pigmented with epicanthic eye structures San of the African Kalahari to your "Mongoloid" list and adding the millions of Indonesians and South Asians to your "Negroid" list?


Member # 4846
 - posted
Originally posted by Roy_2k5:
First, do you even have any connection to Ancient Rome or Greece? I don't think so, so why are you guys always use Greece or Rome to prove you're racially superior to others. Heck, you guys even claim that Greece was Nordic, which was proven.

Second, what we need to see first is the Nordics have to stop riding on Greek or Roman history, and refer to the Ancient Nordic Civilization. If such a civilization is a fallacy then we need to see Nordic nations start giving credit to non-Greek/Roman civilizations aswell.

Lastly, I have never seen African-American Blacks claim that the Ancient Egyptians were the same stock as them. Just because the AE were Black does not mean they belong to the same stock as African-American. They are not even homogenous for God's sake, they have strains of Caucasian, and Mongoloid blood too. Most sources (Western) state that the AE were similar to the Nubians or Ethiopians. Those two populations are alot more homogenous than African-American, despite the so called 'Caucasoid' features. However, you are in no way related to AE, so Egypt needs to be removed from that white-history website.

some african americans do not have any indian or white blood.
ancient nubians do not have any white features their features are clearly negriod,it is some of the racist who like to say otherwise,and most nubians today still have clear negriod features,even alot of modern day ethiopians have some form of negriod features and some have clear negriod features but not all.ancient nubians were clearly full blood blacks.

for screw above,
most blacks in th u.s. still look clearly black and would be clearly classified as negriod.
most east africans are still clearly negriod and full blood africans.
most in kenya,sudan,tanz.,some in ethiopia etc,so if you add those numbers most east africans are not mixed.The areas that are mostly mixed in east africa, is in ethiopia and the horn of africa and that is not were most east africans live,and some ethiopians are not mixed,even the ones who look like it.
some,not most black africans in certain or some ethnic groups mixed with the black african san.but they are all black anyway,and the san are full blooded blacks.

[This message has been edited by kenndo (edited 02 February 2005).]

Member # 4846
 - posted
alot of north africans look white today but that was not always the case,and by the way many look clearly mixed and some still look black.
Member # 6476
 - posted
Originally posted by screw_asante:
I would also, add North Africans, and Middle Easterns to that list.

Many are not White in skin color, but most have Caucasian features, and therfore should be included with the rest of Europe.

My Horemheb your parents have your genes and they look like you. They are definitely your descentants.

worth repeating:

Horemheb and abaza, get over it! Africa/black/"negro" is the genetic and phenotypic tree of humanity and europeans and others are just a leaf with very limited phenotype and genotype. All the evidenve points to this reality. So to deny yourself of this reality I suggest you look northward to a neanderthal ancestor!

The family tree does not or never did revolve around the European.


Member # 6476
 - posted
Originally posted by lamin:
To Horemheb:

Given that humans should have as much human agency as possible--that's what makes humans human--the amount of freedoms and choices they should be allowed to make--if African Americans WANT to be associated with Africa then that's their right. They already satisfy a major criterion: the kinship criterion, so why get upset about that?
In fact African Americans(the vast majority) are more genetically related to West Africans than are West Africans related to Southern Africans. I am talking here about the number of generations when there were last common ancestors.

You mention food, etc. Well the people of West Africa have radically different diets from those of Southern and East Africa. My friends in Namibia complain of the local food all the time--and request shipments of rice, fonio and couscous all the time. Yet despite cultural(including the recent impostion of French, British, German and Portugese, Afrikaans cultures, etc.)and linguistic differences you casually lump them altogether as "sub-Saharan". Well, on you defintion African Americans should be sub-Saharan Africans too. In fact some Western scholars(see Michael Levin) do exactly that--not that I agree-- when they discuss they discuss the note they note a common disposition to expression in music and athletics.

Horemheb is a rather slick fella. He is how hoping that African americans denounce their african roots so that they can be classified as some caucasoid population and then its not a problem when we state that african americans/western blacks, nubians, east africans resemble ancient egyptians because they are no longer classified as black. What a pitiful attempt!


Member # 4846
 - posted
Originally posted by Keins:

Horemheb is a rather slick fella. He is how hoping that African americans denounce their african roots so that they can be classified as some caucasoid population and then its not a problem when we state that african americans/western blacks, nubians, east africans resemble ancient egyptians because they are no longer classified as black. What a pitiful attempt!

yes and some of these sickos would like to make the mande,songhay and in fact most or many west africans non-black too,and they do it sometimes.


Member # 3361
 - posted
King Scorpion, Judging by your language you must have been raised in a sewer. secondly, Saying you are African does not make it so. I can say I am a flying elephant but we know better. Thirdly, I doubt Africans use gutter language. Fourthly,the vast majority of American blacks do not agree with you, they consider themselves Americans, look at our Army in Iraq if you have any doubt about that. Fifthly, you are culturally much more like me than you are any African
Member # 6401
 - posted

come on guys lets talk about ancient egypt
Member # 3361
 - posted
fromashes, this board hardly ever talks about ancient egypt. This is an Afrocentric board designed to USE AE to make modern political points. There are not three people on this board interested in AE.
Member # 6397
 - posted
Let's not forget.
- Nordic Europe isn't pure.
- Ditto for Slavic Europe
- Southern Europe is extremly mixed, with significant African influence
- Europeans are religiously more related to Afro-asiatics than Europeans.
- American Culture has significant Africa American roots.
- European Culture aswell, ex) Trance music derived from Techno (An African-American Music)

One can always play the same game.

Member # 6476
 - posted
Originally posted by kenndo:
yes and some of these sickos would like to make the mande,songhay and in fact most or many west africans non-black too,and they do it sometimes.

This is just the "true negro" concept that he is trying to revive! If we were to go by logic, the concept of true europeans or asians would be more applicable as it cannot hold true for Africans because eveyone came from them!

[This message has been edited by Keins (edited 02 February 2005).]

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