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» EgyptSearch Forums » Egyptology » Israel:description of Athanaius,? Do you have a direct quote? » Post A Reply

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 1797
 - posted
Israel said:
Yet and still, the patriarch of Alexandria during the fourth century, the famous Athanaius, was known as the "Black dwarf". Yet and still, he you look for books on Athanaius, they always present him as white-skinned, yet he was Black. If you wanna try me in terms of sources, I can definitely give you evidence of my claim. Nonetheless, overall, the Black presence of Ancient Egypt was in rapid decline by time of the rise of Christendom. Salaam
Israel, I am curious if you have the physical description of the Coptic patriarch Athanaius? I actually read in the book Alexandria by E.M Foster that Athanaius was described as small and ''dark'' but I never found a direct quote. Do you have this direct quote because there are similar writings in early Christian literature about the complexion of the Egyptians. Usually, their dark skin coloring was associated with evilness.
Member # 1797
 - posted
No answer? Israel? If you don't have direct quotes then perhaps you should not talk about information you cannot validate.
Member # 11221
 - posted
Very true Ausar concerning the issue of early Christian writings with the color of "blackness". Nonetheless, at the same time, many of the early persons in the history of Christendom were Black. I have had professor tell me(or tell someone else that I know) that Augustine and Tertillan were Black. Athanaius, yeah, I can give you a source. The source is "The Story of Christianity" by Justo Gonzalez. It is an excellent book that details the rise of Christendom. In particular, there is a chapter in there were the author is specific about the role of Athanaius when he battled the Arians who brought an unorthodox doctrine into Christianity. Athanaius, bishop of Alexandria, consistently defenede the faith: he was exiled three times before he was vindicated. Anyway, according to Justo Gonzalez, the enemies of Athanaius described him as a "Black dwarf". If you find the book, you will find that quote. Salaam
Member # 11221
 - posted
Damm Ausar,

I just posted my info. My badd for taking some time to get back to the computer..... [Roll Eyes] . Listen man, I told our brainwahsed friend that I have the source, THEREFORE, IF I SAID I HAVE THE SOURCE THEN I HAVE THE SOURCE................ See, the difference between me and some others(i.e. trolls) on this website is that if I say something, I have information to back it up. Please don't doubt me again. If you ask for info. again, I will respond when I can. Salaam
Member # 1797
 - posted
Not doubting you,Israel, but only making sure you reference all your claims. I read also in a book that mentioned the complexion of Athananius but the book never gave a direct quote. Sorry if I came off a little abrasive.

When you get time could you please provide the direct quote from the book?
Member # 11221
 - posted
No problem. Either tonight or tomorrow(most likely tomorrow). Salaam
Member # 10195
 - posted
When giving a book as the reference source for
otherwise anecdotal information, one should at
the least cite the page drawn upon, if not
supplying complete bibliographic data. I mean
that's if one wants to make a watertight case.
Member # 11221
 - posted

I got ya tomorrow for the EXACT PAGE and quotation.......

Takruri, I told Ausar(and I guess I am telling you) that my claim is within the book that I quoted. Now I don't know about cha'll, but I got alot of things I got to take care of. WHEN I HAVE TIME, I come to the forum. Yesterday, for instance, I had a little time. Today, it is late in the night and I have only now for the first time today looked at the forum.

Hence, I don't got time to always look for the EXACT PAGE of my references. But I GUARANTEE that my source is legit. If you want to bet 500$ concerning if my source is correct, I guarantee that you'll lose your money. See, I don't play when it comes to information. If I don't know something, I will tell you that I don't know. But if I tell you that I know something, I can MOST DEFINITELY back it up with sources.....

That being said, I'll have the exact page and quotation tomorrow. Salaam.

P.S.- you are still cool with me Takrur, but I guess I don't like it when people try to interrogate me on stuff when I KNOW what I am talking about. That is why I told Ausar to not doubt me cause I am NOT like some of these trolls spewing foolishness out of the mouth. I back up what I say. Salaam
Member # 11221
 - posted

Takrur, you are cool........The ignorance of man never ceases to amaze me(talking about our latest trolls). Anyway, peace and blessing. Salaam
Member # 10195
 - posted
Let me apologize if you thought I meant to chastise.
My intent was only for the sake of "tightening up
your backstroke," as the song goes.

Now I admit my memory is low in the accurqacy of
recall category. Many a time when I go back to
page I have in mind it can say something other
than I recall it saying yet very close to what
I've come to assess it.

Me, I'm very absent minded. Didn't mean to imply
that you are, sorry.
Member # 9820
 - posted

This posts has CLASS, I think you guys have some quality discourse going on here and I would just like to say Keep it on the UP and UP.

Civilize discourse is the best and most informative discourse in my opinion.

Member # 11172
 - posted
Member # 11221
 - posted
Here it is Ausar:

"The Story of Christianity" by Justo Gonzalez. On page 173, the author states, "Among those who were present at the Council of Nicea there was a young man, so dark and short that his enemies called him 'the black dwarf'. This was Athanasius, ..., who would soon become....the champion of Nicene orthodoxy. He was one of the great leaders- or "fathers"- of the fourth century........".

Member # 1797
 - posted
Thanks,Israel, I appreciate the quatation about Athanaius.
Member # 11221
 - posted
No problem bruh! Salaam

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