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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 6698
 - posted
With the recent passing of Professor Bernal, we are reminded of his work Black Athena which was compelling in academia. Though by no means he was not the only white European author who called into question the European past. For the longest scholars of European history have admitted that Europe's rise to 'civilization' began with the neolithic and its introduction to Europe from the outside. Here I present yet another prominent European scholar who states what the findings are in his book:


More to the point..

Member # 6698
 - posted

On its face, the facts expressed by this book may not seem like much or anything special, especially for the veterans of this forum. But this does show that even mainstream European historians are acknowledging something that most Westerners take for granted. And that is the roots of Europe's civilization lie in Africa and Asia hence 'Afrosasiatic'. I find it odd how Bernal is attacked by some critics but now scholars like Rietbergen who authored the above work.
zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
But this does show that even mainstream European historians are acknowledging something that most Westerners take for granted. And that is the roots of Europe's civilization lie in Africa and Asia hence 'Afrosasiatic'.

I wonder about this.

(1) Do most Westerners really take for granted Afroasiatic roots?
I don't see this to that extent at all- to the contrary they seem
wedded to the skewed
"National Geographic" or "Hollywood"
versions of reality, where "ancient" pale skin blondies
flit about Europe when in past Paleolithic eras
and into some of the Neolithic, the "white Europeans"
were anything but that. The "Cro-magnons are us"
mentality is till alive and well, among Westerners
and always need debunking.

2) Rietbergen serves up certain misleading Eurocentric
claims, specifically his notion of some sort of
"cultural revolution"
in humanity associated with
Europe. As I have showed in several summaries, this
line of thinking is shaky, even bogus as presented
by certain Eurocentric types.

Is there really as he claims above a "critical
turning point" in northern and Western Europe?
And is it true that people "started to create"
symbolic representation? Note how Europe is the
fount of all such "advanced" good things. But as
has been shown repeatedly in detail, while
favorable climate changes in Eurasia may have led
to an expansion of human population and some
newer activities, the so called "critical
turning points" ALREADY had taken place WITHIN
People need to look at the above more
critically. There are certain easy assumptions
and underlying attitudes that don't stand up.
They are easy to spot once the overall data (most
by conservative mainstream scholars) is analyzed.



Advanced cognitive, technological and behavioral patterns derive from
Africa. Dubbed the "Human Revolution" by some researchers, they lead up to the
expansion of humans from Africa to other parts of the world, circa 60-40kya. Other
scholars argue for a more gradual continuum of advances deeply rooted in
Africa that spread worldwide. In either scenario, whether relatively rapid advance
or gradual accumulation, the cognitive, technological and behavioral advances
took place within Africa.

"Recent research has provided increasing support for the origins of anatomically
and genetically "modern" human populations in Africa between 150,000 and 200,000
years ago, followed by a major dispersal of these populations to both Asia and Europe
sometime after ca. 65,000 before present (B.P.). However, the central question of why it
took these populations {approx}100,000 years to disperse from Africa to other regions of
the world has never been clearly resolved. It is suggested here that the answer may lie
partly in the results of recent DNA studies of present-day African populations, combined
with a spate of new archaeological discoveries in Africa. Studies of both the mitochondrial
DNA (mtDNA) mismatch patterns in modern African populations and related mtDNA
lineage-analysis patterns point to a major demographic expansion centered broadly within
the time range from 80,000 to 60,000 B.P., probably deriving from a small geographical
region of Africa.

Recent archaeological discoveries in southern and eastern Africa suggest that, at approximately
the same time, there was a major increase in the complexity of the technological, economic, social,
and cognitive behavior of certain African groups,
which could have led to a major demographic
expansion of these groups in competition with other, adjacent groups. It is suggested that this
complex of behavioral changes (possibly triggered by the rapid environmental changes around
the transition from oxygen isotope stage 5 to stage 4) could have led not only to the expansion of
the L2 and L3 mitochondrial lineages over the whole of Africa but also to the ensuing dispersal of
these modern populations over most regions of Asia, Australasia, and Europe, and their replacement
(with or without interbreeding) of the preceding "archaic" populations in these regions."

---Mellars, Paul (2006) Why did modern human populations disperse from Africa ca. 60,000 years ago?
A new model. PNAS, 2006, 103(25), pp. 9381-9386


Advanced cognitive, artistic and behavioral patterns and technology like more refined tools
are found in Africa long before similar patterns arose in Europe. The migration of tropical
African types to Europe in the Cro-Magnon era brought these cognitive, cultural and behavioral
advances to Neanderthal Europe.

"A more gradual "revolution" position is now held [by Paul Mellars].. a period of
accelerated change in Africa between about 60,000 and 80,000 years ago, as shown
by the following developments recorded in South African cave sites: new and better-
techniques for producing long thin flakes of stone blades; specialized tools called end
scrapers and burins, which were probably used for working skins and bones, the
[production of tiny stone segments that must have mounted on handles of wood or
bone to make composite tools, complexly shaped stone tools such as 'leaf points',
relatively complex bone tools; marine shells perforated to make necklaces or bracelets,
red ochre (natural iron oxide) engraved with geometric designs suggesting early artwork,;
greater permanence and differentiated occupation areas in caves; new subsistence practices
such as the exploitation of marine fish as well as shellfish; and perhaps intentional burning
of undergrowth to encourage the growth of underground plant resources such as tubers.
Mellars suggests that a neurological switch to modernity in the brain alongside rapid
Climatic fluctuations, could have been the driving forces behind this period of heightened
cultural innovations.."

"The most impressive site for early evidence of symbolism however, is Blombos Cave in South
Africa, with a record stretching well beyond 70,000 years ago.. The stone tools in these levels
include Still Bay points, beautifully shaped thin lanceolate spear points, flaked on both sides.
They also show the earliest application of a refined stone tool-making technique known as
pressure flaking, some 55,000 years before its best-known manifestation in the Soultrean
industry of EUrope. Slabs of red ochre were excavated from various levels, including the
deepest ones, with wavy, fan or mesh-shaped patterns carefully engraved on them..
Hundreds [beads made from seashells] have now been excavated from Blombos,
and most show signs of piercing, with many holes also displaying signs of wear.. The
shells have a natural shiny luster, but the color seems to have been modified by rubbing
with hematite in some cases and by heating to darken the shells in other cases, so they
may have been strung in different-colored patterns.. "

--Chris Stringer (2012) Lone Survivors: How we came to be the only human on earth 150-155


Some archaeologists criticize notions of a "human revolution" suddenly
occurring after humans exited Africa for Asia and Europe. Instead they
argue, the supposed "revolutionary" changes in cognition, symbol
manipulation, advanced technology, trade etc were ALREADY occurring
WITHIN Africa, long before any migration out. There is no need for a
'eureka moment' of 'progress' upon leaving Africa. 'Progress' was already
well underway and long in place within Africa, without the need for
'eureka' moments.

"This is because by focusing on changes that occurred at the Middle
Paleolithic/Upper Paleolithic or Middle Stone Age/Later Stone Age
transitions (in Europe and Africa, respectively), there is a failure to
appreciate the depth and breadth of the African Middle Stone Age record
that preceded the time of the supposed revolution by at least 100,000
years. In their view, [McBrearty and Brooks 2000] 'modern' features such
as advanced technologies, increased geographic range, specialized hunting,
fishing and shell-fishing, long distance trade, and the symbolic use of
pigments had already developed in a broad range of Middle Stone Age
industries right across Africa, between 100,000 and 250,000 years ago.
This suggested to them that an early assembly of the package of modern
human behaviors occurred in Africa, followed by much later export to the
rest of the world. Thus the origin of our species, both behaviorally and
morphologically, was linked to early developments in Middle Stone Age
technology, and not to changes that occurred much later.. 'this quest for
this 'eureka moment' reveals a great deal about the needs, desired and
aspirations of archaeologists, but obscures rather than illuminates events in
the past.."

--Chris Stringer (2012) Lone Survivors: How we came to be the only
human on earth 128-29


Proponents of a "fast track" human "revolution" in cognition,
organization and technology locate the "revolution" as beginning in, and
being sustained from Africa, not other parts of the globe. Other scholars
argue for a more gradual evolution of the traits that brought about
advances in Africa where anatomically modern humans first appeared, and
their expansion to Europe and Asia circa 50kya. Whatever scenario is
followed, it makes little difference. The "revo", gradual or "fast track",
began in Africa and was sustained from thence.

"..distance and small population size probably limited gene flow, and the
composite fossil and archeological records indicate that the African
lineage spread to replace or swamp the others beginning roughly 50 ky
ago. It is thus reasonable to supply the lineages with biological species
labels: Homo sapiens in Africa, H. neanderthalensis in Europe, and H.
erectus in the Far East. The European lineage is the best documented,73
and it is marked by the progressive accumulation of Neanderthal features,
culminating in the classic Neanderthals by 130 ky ago. During the long
interval when the Neanderthals were evolving, from at least 500 to 130 ky
ago, Europe was generally much cooler than it has been historically, and
some conspicuous Neanderthal distinctions, including massive trunks and
short limbs, were probably physiological adaptations to cold. Other key
distinctions— including, for example, the strong forward projection of the
face along the midline, the unique configuration of the mastoid region and
the occipital, and some peculiarities of the postcranium— may owe more
to gene drift in populations that periodically crashed when climate became
especially cold.

The pertinent African fossil record is much less complete, but it contains
no specimens that anticipate the Neanderthals, and it shows that
anatomically near-modern people were widespread in Africa by 130 ky
ago,74 when only Neanderthals inhabited Europe. The Far Eastern record
is the most sketchy,75 and it may actually comprise two distinct
evolutionary trajectories: one in southeastern Asia that suggests continuity
within Indonesian Homo erectus from before 500 ky ago until perhaps 50
ky ago,76 and a second in China that may indicate evolution from classic
H. erectus before 500 ky ago to populations that by 100 ky ago, retained
few distinctive H. erectus features and that approached H. sapiens in
braincase size and form.77 The relevant archeology suggests that even as
Europeans and Africans progressively diverged in morphology after 500
ky ago, they remained fundamentally similar in behavior.


Thus, both Europeans and Africans produced Acheulean artifacts before
250 ky ago, and they made very similar kinds of non-Acheulean artifacts
afterwards. From a strictly artifactual perspective, a conspicuous
difference between Africa and Europe arose only after 40 ky ago, and it
then occurred in the absence of a morphological contrast, for the artifact
makers on both continents were now H. sapiens of African origin.
Archeological divergence was followed on each continent by a significant
acceleration in artifactual (cultural) differentiation through time and space.
This surely signals the existence of the historically familiar modern human
ability to innovate. If as I suggest, the development of this ability
depended on a biological (neural) change in Africa 50–40 ky ago, then the
name H. sapiens should probably be restricted to fully modern humans
after this time, and their preceding near-modern African ancestors should
be assigned to another species, for which the name H. helmei is

The more fundamental point, however, is that the sudden origin of the
modern capacity for culture in Africa 50–40 ky ago could help explain
both how and why fully modern Africans were then able to expand at the
expense of their nonmodern Eurasian contemporaries... The issue is
complicated by the realization that Middle Paleolithic people in Europe
were Neanderthals, whereas MSA people in Africa more closely
resembled living people. contexts.

Using this criterion, the most plausible evidence for modern human
behavior before 50 ky ago comes from the Katanda sites in the Democratic
Republic of the Congo121–124 and from Blombos Cave in South
Africa.125–128 At Katanda, electron spin-resonance dates on
hippopotamus teeth and luminescence dates on covering sands bracket
mammal and fish bones, stone artifacts that could be either MSA or LSA,
eight whole or partial barbed bone points, and four additional formal bone
artifacts between 150 and 90 ky ago. At Blombos Cave, luminescence
dates on enclosing sands suggest that mammal and fish bones, classic
MSA stone artifacts, three whole or fragmentary polished bone points, and
17 less formal bone artifacts accumulated around 100 ky ago.129 At both
Katanda and Blombos Cave, the most striking discoveries are the formal
bone artifacts..

.. credible claims for art or other modern human behavioral markers before
50 ky ago must involve relatively large numbers of highly patterned
objects from deeply stratified, sealed contexts would antedate other known
examples, from LSA/Upper Paleolithic sites, by 50 to 40 ky. If the
stratigraphic associations and age estimates at both sites are accepted, they
could imply that modern human behavioral traits and modern morphology
arose in Africa together, at or before 100 ky ago..."

--Richard Klein 1999. Archeology and the Evolution of Human Behavior.
Evolutionary Anthropology. 9(1) 17-36

And in any event, even if the revolution "originated"
in Europe, the people who "originated" it, were
tropical African types.


Djehuti says:
I find it odd how Bernal is attacked by some critics but now scholars like Rietbergen who authored the above work.

^Doesnt seem odd at all when you consider that
Rietbergen still hews to certain Eurocentric
assumptions and formulations as detailed above.
His behavior is typical- bash the "Afrocentrics"
while on the down low, quietly and grudgingly admitting
what the dreaded "Afrocentrics" have been saying
on certain key points all along. Sometimes the admission
is only partial, obscured by the same shaky, sometimes
bogus Eurocentric assumptions.

Mary Lekkowitz plays the same game..


As does Howe who spends massive numbers of pages
bashing the "Afrocentrists" but quietly admitting
one of their core foundational thoughts- the African genesis
and character of ancient Egyptian civilization.

Member # 6698
 - posted
^ You're right. I meant to say Europeans who take for granted the notion that the roots of their civilization are entirely indigenous as opposed introduced from the outside.

As Christopher Ehret stated in his interview with WHC:
But people who do world history usually begin with the origins of agriculture. There are at least seven or eight ­ maybe eleven to thirteen ­ world regions which independently invented agriculture. None in Europe, by the way.

And of course you are correct that the processes that lead up to agriculture was just that-- a gradual process-- and not some "revolution". I don't know why these Western historians always call the neolithic mode of life a "revolution".
zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
I meant to say Europeans who take for granted the notion that the roots of their civilization are entirely indigenous as opposed introduced from the outside.

Yeah, just clarifying for new readers. I know you
would not buy into these Eurocentric models. Shoot,
you been debunking them right and left for years.

When he says things like quote: ".. Europe's
distinctive physical-geographical features must
have favored the genesis not only of culture in
general but also incipiently diverse cultures.."

^^ it's highly dubious. Africa produced plenty of "culture in general"
before Europe.

Still it is interesting that even Reitbergen, as you
show above, has to make some concession towards the
fact of Africans in Europe- in one of your screenshot above
he admits that the Cro-magnons were probably derived
from Africa. Even he it seems can no longer support
the classic "Cro-magnons are us" mentality..


I also take some issue with his claim that-quote: "The Near East developed writing."
Actually some newer data shows that it is the peoples
of the Nile Valley that developed writing before
the "Near East."


The southern area of the Nile Valley not only produced advanced material culture and political organization but also pioneered in the advancement of learning and communication via writing, contradicting claims of an outside Mediterranean or Mesopotamian influx responsible for such developments. In 1998 a German archaeological team under scholar G?nter Dreyer, head of the German Archaeological Institute, excavated tombs associated with the Naqada culture and retrieved hundreds of clay artifacts inscribed with proto-hieroglyphs, dating to the 33rd century BC.[151] Of Dreyer's finds, Archaeology Magazine states that they

"...challenge the commonly held belief that early logographs, pictographic symbols representing a specific place, object, or quantity, first evolved into more complex phonetic symbols in Mesopotamia."[152]

The early examples appear to have been building blocks for later development into the full complex of hieroglyphs for inscribing the ancient Egyptian language,[153] showing a measure of continuity into the period of the pharaohs. According to Dreyer, these continuities provide evidence that the writing used later by Egyptian kingships developed gradually in the native environment.

"Most of them are documents, records of linen and oil delivered to the King Scorpion, taxes, short notes, numbers, lists of kings' names, and names of institutions.. The writing is in the form of line drawings of animals, plants and mountains and is the earliest evidence that hieroglyphics used by later-day Pharaonic dynasties did not rise as phoenix from the ashes but developed gradually.. Although the Egyptian writing is in the form of symbols it can be called true writing because each symbol stands for a consonant and makes up syllables. In principle Ancient Egyptians were able to express themselves clearly.."[154]

According to mainstream Egyptologist Kent Weeks, professor of Egyptology at the American University in Cairo, Dreyer's data suggests "one of the greatest discoveries in history of writing and ancient Egyptian culture."[155]

Dreyer has moved beyond his early findings to pose a separate hypothesis- that the Egyptians were the first in the world to develop systematic writing as opposed to the commonly held view that the Mesopotamians did.[156] Some Egyptian archaeology authorities support Dreyer's hypothesis of Egyptian primacy. According to a 1999 statement by one Gaballa Ali Gaballa, secretary-general of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities:

"The earliest known Sumerian writings date back to 3000BC while the German team's find shows that Abydos inscriptions date to 3400BC. The first Pharaonic dynasty began in 2920BC with King Menes. The earliest known writing in Dynasty Zero is much earlier than the oldest writing discovered in Mesopotamia." [157]

151 ^ Gunter Dreyer, Umm El-Quaab I-Das pradynastische Konigsgrab U-j and seine fruhen Schriftzeugnisse (1998)- translation: Umm El-Quaab I-The Predynastic Royal Tomb U-j and Its Early Writing-Evidence]; see also Allen, James Paul. 2000. Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-20
152 ^ Larkin Mitchell, "Earliest Egyptian Glyphs," Archaeology, Volume 52 Number 2, March/April 1999
153 ^ Dreyer, Allen, op. cit
154 ^ Nevine El-Aref, "Did writing originate in Egypt?" Al-Ahram Weekly: 1 - 7 April 1999, Issue No. 423
155^ "Egyptian writing dating to 3300 B.C. discovered," The Japan Times, December 17, 1998
156 ^ Nevine El-Aref, "Did writing originate in Egypt?" op. cit
157 ^ Nevine El-Aref, "Did writing originate in Egypt?" Al-Ahram Weekly: 1 - 7 April 1999, Issue No. 423

But you also say above Reitbergen was attacking
Recently as part of the Bernal obituary news recaps
or from way back?
Ebony Allen
Member # 12771
 - posted
The Near East did develop writing before Egypt. The ancient Near Eastern people were black people anyway.
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
The origin of writing was in Africa, not the Middle East. The Sumerians came from Africa. They originally used a syllabic writing system originally called Pro-Sumerian or linear Sumerian.

The first syllabic writing system of Africans was the Thinite script. This writing was used first by Blacks in Nubia, like the Niger-Congo people who migrated out of this region into the rest of Africa.


The Thinite script provides many of the signs that are included in later scripts used by Africans.

In Nubia, Black Africans were using Thinite symbols before the rise of Egypt to record their ideas and report on important events.


The Sumerians, and Harappans of the Indus Valley were Kushites. There civilization originated in Nubia this is why they share the same writing system. The ancient Sumerians before they adopted the cuneiform writing invented by the Anu in Mesopotamia wrote tablets in the Uruk script.
 -  -

It is obvious that the first inscriptions were engraved in stone by the Proto-Saharans , or a stylus was used to engrave wet clay (Winters 1985b). The use of the stylus or stick to engrave clay is most evident in the pottery marks found on the pottery excavated at many ancient sites which possess similar symbols impressed on the pottery.


This view is supported by the fact that the term for writing in Dravidian and Egyptian include the consonants /l/, /r/ or /d/.

A "u", is usually attached to the initial consonants . For example:

Sumerian ……..ru, shu



Egyptian……………. drf

These terms agree with the Manding terms for excavate or hollow out ø du #, 0 do #, ø kulu #, ø tura #, etc. The Sumerian term for writing was ø du #. This show that the Proto-Saharan term for writing denoted the creation of impressions on wet clay and hard rock.

The origin of writing among the Proto-Saharans as an activity involving the engraving of stone is most evident in the Egyptian language. This hypothesis is supported by the Egyptian words ø m(w)dt #. The term ø md t # means both '(sculptor's) chisel' and 'papyrus-roll, book'. The multiple meanings of ø md t # makes it clear that the Egyptian, and probably other descendants of the Proto-Saharans saw a relationship between engraving stone and the creation of books.

Other Egyptian lexical items also support the important role Proto-Saharans saw in engraving rocks, and writing. In addition to md t we have, ø hti # 'carve, sculpture' and ø iht # 'writing'. The fact that iht is an Old Kingdom term for writing, almost identical to hti, is further evidence that writing involved the engraving of stone.

Thinite was used to make many later African writing systems. As a result,it was later used by Africans to write inscriptions throughout Middle Africa, before the Sumerians migrated from Middle Africa to Mesopotamia..


The evidence of this writing is found throughout the Sahara. By the time Mande speaking people settled Dar Tichitt they left numerous inscriptions.

The people of Dar Tichitt were Mande speakers. These Mande speaking people also lived in the Fezzan where they were called Garamante/Garamandes. The Garamante settled Crete and are recognized as the Eteo-Cretans or Minoans.

As you can see from the above chart the Linear A signs and Mande/Manding signs are identical. If you look careful you will note that Africans, or Black people had also taken their writing system to Anatolia were your ancestors were living in the Caucasus mountains as hunter-gatherers.

The Minoans, who were Africans introduced Linear A, whose signs are identical to the writing left by Africans throughout the Sahara, like those found at Tichitt and presently represented in the Vai and several other West African scripts.

Your people adopted this writing to write business documents and we know it as Linear B.

Europeans only got writing from the Egyptians. The Greeks who obtained writing from the Blacks of Africa and Phonesia passed on writing to the Romans. With the fall of Rome Western Europeans got writing from the African Muslims who taught them the arts and sciences.
Doug M
Member # 7650
 - posted
LOL! Europe tries to trump itself as the "singularity" or birthplace of anything and everything related to civilization and culture on the planet. Not only is it false but it is nothing but organized theft. The rise of Europe in the 1500s was driven by an influx and appropriation of ideas from the South and the East driven by the gold trade of Africa and the silk trade of the East. This was followed by the "age of discovery" which was the age of theft where Europeans took over the trade routes of the ancient world and along with it absorbed more ancient culture into their own.

Following those conquests they simply began to spread and appropriate more and more ideas from more and more cultures and then fuse it into a centralized system of organized industrialized theft. Where does chicklet gum ome from? The native Americans:


Where does the playing card come from: Asia, along with dominoes and so forth. And chess and other types of Games also came from Africa.


After the conquest and consolidation under extreme racist social systems that squeezed every ounce of value from other people, they came up with a new strategy: the open society and integration movement. This is simply a con game where other folks are now allowed to feel part of the system when in reality they are just willingly giving their ideas and energy into the system to make it more powerful.....
Member # 20555
 - posted
Great post Doug.According to the book The African Origin of Classical Civilization by GJK Campbell-Dunn The Mande and Yoruba created Minoan and Greek civilization.The Etruscan were Mande and they peopled the Italian peninsula until the rise of Rome.The Yoruba, Akan and Kongo created Roman civilization.The evidence is in the Niger-Congo language those people are speaking.The evidence is in the African name of Italian and Greek cities.The evidence is in their culture and religion that originated and are still being practice in Africa.European classical civilization was created by black African and black Phoenician/Carthage.Black people and their mulato descendant ruled European classical civilisation.White people played a minimal role in classic civilization.

The Empire of Ghana and Empire of Mali gold trade via the Moors of Spain enriched Europe.Moorish schools, universities and libraries with worldwide books reeducated the European who were dumbdown by the Catholic Church and created a European renaissance in science, business and military power.The European also received knowledge from the black Canaanite/Arab when they occupied Palestine during the crusade era.The silk trade from China that started in the Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire brought eastern knowledge to Europe.

Doug you are right in the age of discovery the European stole the Atlantic trade to America from the West African.The European stole the Indian ocean trade of East Africa to India from the Swahili traders.In the 19 cent the Euro stole all the world sea trade routes.

The open society and integration system is a fraud to empower white European.Black inventor and businessman are not publicized or exposed to the media like the white professional.Euro Academia erased black people from Ancient history(Egypt, Sumeria, Canaan) and classical history(Greece, Rome, Persia) to denied them the respect of the anteriority of black civilization.
zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
Originally posted by Ebony Allen:
The Near East did develop writing before Egypt. The ancient Near Eastern people were black people anyway.






"For the rest of the 20th century, at least through the year 1999, books and articles on the early alphabet took their cur from the Canaanite evidence. Your local library has a whole shelf of books containing the theory that the alphabet was invented in the Levant, around 1700B.C. Yes, it was inspired partly by Egyptian hieroglyphics (the theory allows), but the inventors were looking at imported Egyptian scrolls and artwork...

By 1998, Darnell and others had reached a couple of dramatic conclusions. First, the two inscriptions are probably the oldest alphabetic writing yet discovered, certainly the oldest that can be dated confidently: They were carved in about 1800 B.C., give or take a century. More important, the inscriptions can be viewed as signposts that point directly back to the alphabet's invention. On the basis of the Wadi el-Hol evidence, that invention is now assigned to around 2000 B.C. in Egypt - about three centuries earlier (and in a different country) than previously thought. "Finds in Egypt Date Alphabet in Earlier Era.: announced the front-page New York Times headline of a November 1999 piece reporting on the work.

The evidence is in the letter shapes, Darnell explains. Study has confirmed that every letter of the two inscriptions is copied from some preexisting symbol in Egyptian rock-writing and/or hieroglyphics. This is where the inventors and early users of the alphabet found their letter shapes.

Certain Wadi el-Hol letter shapes suggest a particular moment in time when that copying occurred. We know enough about Egyptian rock writing to track the evolution of its symbols, and several Wadi el-Hol letters clearly reflect Egyptian symbol forms of the early, Middle Kingdom, around 2000 B.C. Yet the Wadi el-Hol writing preserves letter shapes bequeathed from the alphabet's invention, around 2000 B.C."

"Who were the inventors? Darnell believes they may have been in the Egyptian army: Semitic mercenaries or similar, whom the Egyptians would have called Amu (Asiatics). These peoples were illiterate originally. But the army that they joined happened to have a vigorous writing method for themselves. Perhaps the inventors were junior officers among the Amu, individuals who had learned some standard Egyptian rock-writing and were able to work from there. Perhaps, Darnell theorizes, they got help from Egyptian army scribes, who sought to improve the foreigner’s organization with the gift of literacy.

As to who might have carved the two Wadi el-Hol inscriptions, same answer as above. Not the inventors themselves, of course, but their great-great-great-grandnephews, serving in Egypt’s camel corps. It was the army that did most of the writing along desert roads."

--David Sacks (2003). Language visible: unraveling the mystery of the alphabet from A to Z. Random House. pp. 34-37



Finds in Egypt Date Alphabet In Earlier Era
Published: November 14, 1999

On the track of an ancient road in the desert west of the Nile, where soldiers, couriers and traders once traveled from Thebes to Abydos, Egyptologists have found limestone inscriptions that they say are the earliest known examples of alphabetic writing.

Their discovery is expected to help fix the time and place for the origin of the alphabet, one of the foremost innovations of civilization.

Carved in the cliffs of soft stone, the writing, in a Semitic script with Egyptian influences, has been dated to somewhere between 1900 and 1800 B.C., two or three centuries earlier than previously recognized uses of a nascent alphabet. The first experiments with alphabet thus appeared to be the work of Semitic people living deep in Egypt, not in their homelands in the Syria-Palestine region, as had been thought.

Although the two inscriptions have yet to be translated, other evidence at the discovery site supports the idea of the alphabet as an invention by workaday people that simplified and democratized writing, freeing it from the elite hands of official scribes. As such, alphabetic writing was revolutionary in a sense comparable to the invention of the printing press much later.

Alphabetic writing emerged as a kind of shorthand by which fewer than 30 symbols, each one representing a single sound, could be combined to form words for a wide variety of ideas and things. This eventually replaced writing systems like Egyptian hieroglyphics in which hundreds of pictographs, or idea pictures, had to be mastered.

''These are the earliest alphabetic inscriptions, considerably earlier than anyone had thought likely,'' Dr. John Coleman Darnell, an Egyptologist at Yale University, said last week in an interview about the discovery.

''They seem to provide us with evidence to tell us when the alphabet itself was invented, and just how.''

Dr. Darnell and his wife, Deborah, a Ph.D. student in Egyptology, made the find while conducting a survey of ancient travel routes in the desert of southern Egypt, across from the royal city of Thebes and beyond the pharaohs' tombs in the Valley of the Kings. In the 1993-94 season, they came upon walls of limestone marked with graffiti at the forlorn Wadi el-Hol, roughly translated as Gulch of Terror.

Last summer, the Darnells returned to the wadi with several specialists in early writing. A report on their findings will be given in Boston on Nov. 22 at a meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature.

Working in the baking June heat ''about as far out in the middle of nowhere as I ever want to be,'' Dr. Bruce Zuckerman, director of the West Semitic Research Project at the University of Southern California, assisted the investigation by taking detailed pictures of the inscriptions for analysis using computerized photointerpretation techniques. ''This is fresh meat for the alphabet people,'' he said.

''Because of the early date of the two inscriptions and the place they were found,'' said Dr. P. Kyle McCarter Jr., a professor of Near Eastern studies at Johns Hopkins University. ''it forces us to reconsider a lot of questions having to do with the early history of the alphabet. Things I wrote only two years ago I now consider out of date.''

Dr. Frank M. Cross, an emeritus professor of Near Eastern languages and culture at Harvard University, who was not a member of the research team but who has examined the evidence, judged the inscriptions ''clearly the oldest of alphabetic writing and very important.'' He said that enough of the symbols in the inscriptions were identical or similar to later Semitic alphabetic writing to conclude that ''this belongs to a single evolution of the alphabet.''

The previously oldest evidence for an alphabet, dated about 1600 B.C., was found near or in Semitic-speaking territory, in the Sinai Peninsula and farther north in the Syria-Palestine region occupied by the ancient Canaanites. These examples, known as Proto-Sinaitic and Proto-Canaanite alphabetic inscriptions, were the basis for scholars' assuming that Semites developed the alphabet by borrowing and simplifying Egyptian hieroglyphs, but doing this in their own lands and not in Egypt itself.

From other, nonalphabetic writing at the site, the Egyptologists determined that the inscriptions were made during Egypt's Middle Kingdom in the first two centuries of the second millennium B.C. And another discovery in June by the Darnells seemed to establish the presence of Semitic people at the wadi at the time of the inscriptions.

Surveying a few hundred yards from the site, the Darnells found an inscription in nonalphabetic Egyptian that started with the name of a certain Bebi, who called himself ''general of the Asiatics.'' This was a term used for nearly all foreigners, most of whom were Semites, and many of them served as mercenary soldiers for Egyptian rulers at a time of raging civil strife or came as miners and merchants. Another reference to this Bebi has been found in papyrus records.

''This gives us 99.9 percent certainty,'' Dr. Darnell said of the conclusion that early alphabetic writing was developed by Semitic-speaking people in an Egyptian context. He surmised that scribes in the troops of mercenaries probably developed the simplified writing along the lines of a semicursive form of Egyptian commonly used in the Middle Kingdom in graffiti. Working with Semitic speakers, the scribes simplified the pictographs of formal writing and modified the symbols into an early form of alphabet.

''It was the accidental genius of these Semitic people who were at first illiterate, living in a very literate society,'' Dr. McCarter said, interpreting how the alphabet may have arisen. ''Only a scribe trained over a lifetime could handle the many different types of signs in the formal writing. So these people adopted a crude system of writing within the Egyptian system, something they could learn in hours, instead of a lifetime. It was a utilitarian invention for soldiers, traders, merchants.''

The scholars who have examined the short Wadi el-Hol inscriptions are having trouble deciphering the messages, though they think they are close to understanding some letters and words. ''A few of these signs just jump out at you, at anyone familiar with proto-Sinaitic material,'' said Dr. F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp, who teaches at the Princeton Theological Seminary in New Jersey and is a specialist in the languages and history of the Middle East. ''They look just like one would expect.''

The symbol for M in the inscriptions, for example, is a wavy line derived from the hieroglyphic sign for water and almost identical to the symbol for M in later Semitic writing. The meaning of some signs is less certain. The figure of a stick man, with arms raised, appears to have developed into an H in the alphabet, for reasons unknown.

Scholars said they could identify shapes of letters that eventually evolved from the image of an ox head into A and from a house, which looks more like a 9 here, into the Semitic B, or bayt. The origins and transitions of A and B are particularly interesting because the Egyptian-influenced Semitic alphabet as further developed by the Phoenicians, latter-day Canaanites, was passed to the Greeks, probably as early as the 12th century B.C. and certainly by the 9th century B.C. From the Greeks the simplified writing system entered Western culture by the name alphabet, a combination word for the Greek A and B, alpha and beta.

The only words in the inscriptions the researchers think they understand are, reading right to left, the title for a chief in the beginning and a reference to a god at the end.

If the early date for the inscriptions is correct, this puts the origins of alphabetic writing well before the probable time of the biblical story of Joseph being delivered by his brothers into Egyptian bondage, the scholars said. The Semites involved in the alphabet invention would have been part of an earlier population of alien workers in Egypt.

Although it is still possible that the Semites took the alphabet idea with them to Egypt, Dr. McCarter of Johns Hopkins said that the considerable evidence of Egyptian symbols and the absence of any contemporary writing of a similar nature anywhere in the Syria-Palestine lands made this unlikely.

The other earliest primitive writing, the cuneiform developed by Sumerians in the Tigris and Euphrates Valley of present-day Iraq, remained entirely pictographic until about 1400 B.C. The Sumerians are generally credited with the first invention of writing, around 3200 B.C., but some recent findings at Abydos in Egypt suggest a possibly earlier origin there. The issue is still controversial.

For Dr. Darnell, though, it is exciting enough to learn that in a forsaken place like Wadi el-Hol, along an old desert road, people showed they had taken a major step in written communication. He is returning to the site next month for further exploration.


Ancient Egyptian writing a distinctly African development says conservative Egyptologist F. Yurco.


"Vestigial traces of the dynastic race theory still linger in the writings of some scholars, who hint at a "Mesopotamian stimulus" to Egyptian culture through writing or other cultural aspects. But it has now been definitely shown that Mesopotamian writing arose from clay tokens used in early invoices for livestock transshipments (Schmandt-Besserat 1992, 1-13, 93-1298, 120-65, 184-99). Later, indeed scribes in Mesopotamia predominated in the temple and palace economies; but kings and royalty were rarely literate. In Egypt, by contrast, writing arose from the deisre of early chieftains and kings to commemorate their deeds and accomplishments (Arnett 1982; Hassan 1983, 1, 7-8; Williams and Logan 1987, 245-85). Its roots lay in the painted buffware of Naqada II, whose totemic emblems for divinities show forms recognizable in later hieroglyphic script (Hoffman 1991, 31, fig. 7; Arnett 1982).

Thus Egyptian and Mesopotamian writing systems have totally disparate origins. In later Egyptian Dynastic times literacy extended from the top of society downward. Egyptian kings and royalty had to be literacy- in sharp contrast to those in Mesopotamia- and the bureaucracy that arose around the early Dynastic rulers encouraged in spread of writing, as did the religious needs of lower-ranked Egyptians (Baines 1983; Ray 1986). A scribal class evolved from the Archaic Period to the Old Kingdom, basically as account keepers for the elite and as bureaucrats for the government's taxing and documentary functions. During all periods the means of social advancement to the elite was through literacy (Baines 1983).

The ancient Egyptian writing system was therefore a distinctly African development, and the evidence for this does indeed contradict some of the diffusionist reasoning that grew out of the Aryan Model, as well as the prominent position ascribed to Mesopotamian influence."

-- Yurco, F "An Egyptological Review" IN Mary R. Lefkowitz and Guy MacLean Rogers, Black Athena Revisited, 1996, Univ of North Carolina Press, p. 62-100

Data from Malta confirms that Egyptian hieroglyphics used as basis for modern alphabets

"In the ancient Middle East the earliest civilizations to develop
writing were Egypt and Mesopotamia with both jockeying for
position as to which came first. The Egyptian writing system is
of particular interest to us as it was the one copied and developed
through the ages by different subsequent civilizations into the
alphabet we use today...

The Peleset/Philistines did not possess a
writing system of their own and borrowed very
heavily from Egyptian hieroglyphics. The
Phonecian writing system was adapted from this
Philistine/Caananite script around 1100BC. Their
writing system composed an alphabet which like
hieroglyphics consisted only of consonants.. To
conclude, it can be said that Egyptian hieroglyphics
survive today in two forms. One is through a
handful of demotic glyphs which have been incorporated
into the living Coptic alphabet. The other is as
the precursor for the Phonecian alphabet which
evolved into our present Indo-European English

--- Egyptologist Adrian Kerr in: Kerr, Adrian (2008) Ancient Egypt and Us:
The Impact of Ancient Egypt on the Modern World. Ferniehirst p. 95
Doug M
Member # 7650
 - posted
Originally posted by mena7:
Great post Doug.According to the book The African Origin of Classical Civilization by GJK Campbell-Dunn The Mande and Yoruba created Minoan and Greek civilization.The Etruscan were Mande and they peopled the Italian peninsula until the rise of Rome.The Yoruba, Akan and Kongo created Roman civilization.The evidence is in the Niger-Congo language those people are speaking.The evidence is in the African name of Italian and Greek cities.The evidence is in their culture and religion that originated and are still being practice in Africa.European classical civilization was created by black African and black Phoenician/Carthage.Black people and their mulato descendant ruled European classical civilisation.White people played a minimal role in classic civilization.

The Empire of Ghana and Empire of Mali gold trade via the Moors of Spain enriched Europe.Moorish schools, universities and libraries with worldwide books reeducated the European who were dumbdown by the Catholic Church and created a European renaissance in science, business and military power.The European also received knowledge from the black Canaanite/Arab when they occupied Palestine during the crusade era.The silk trade from China that started in the Roman Empire and Byzantine Empire brought eastern knowledge to Europe.

Doug you are right in the age of discovery the European stole the Atlantic trade to America from the West African.The European stole the Indian ocean trade of East Africa to India from the Swahili traders.In the 19 cent the Euro stole all the world sea trade routes.

The open society and integration system is a fraud to empower white European.Black inventor and businessman are not publicized or exposed to the media like the white professional.Euro Academia erased black people from Ancient history(Egypt, Sumeria, Canaan) and classical history(Greece, Rome, Persia) to denied them the respect of the anteriority of black civilization.

I don't know where you get the Mande part from. Yes there were Africans in Italy and Southern Europe before, during and after the Muslim invasions and there has always been a flow of Africans to Europe. Albeit under different circumstances and at different times, within different contexts. It is useless to try and lump all these people together as "Mande". It is silly and absurd. Just as there are different languages spoken by Africans today with different cultures there were different cultures and languages back then. Trying to put them all under a single banner as Mande doesn't make sense.
zarahan- aka Enrique Cardova
Member # 15718
 - posted
The Mande and Yoruba created Minoan and Greek civilization.T

Thus sounds shaky man. Exactly how and when did Mande
or Yorbua "create" Minoan and Greek civilization?
Please use current scholarly references to support
your point, not old papers merely asserting the claim.
How for example did the Yorbua "create" the Greek polis
in Athens, or Sparta? Or Cretan bull-running ceremonies
on Crete? or Linear A script? or any NEar Eastern
or Egyptian antecedents of the above.
Member # 20555
 - posted
Zarahan according to clyde winters book Afrocentrism :Myth or Science The Garamantes (Mande) of North Africa created the Crete civilisation.The Carian of Greece were Garamantes.The old model of history states Ethiopians created Greek and Roman civilization.

In Marc Washington beforebc.de article Was Culture of Ancient Roman Empire African he states the Roman governement compose of a King/Priest and a 300 members Council of Elders call Senate (senex mean old) was similar to the Congolese tribal governement of a King and a Council of Elders.Both Roman Senator and Congolese Elders carried their stool/chair to have meeting in the marketplace.

Marc Washington also states that the CAPSEMO people or Canaanite and African created and names most of the cities of Ancient Europe.

Melo Nzeyitu Josias book Les Racines Bantoues du Latin(The Bantu roots of Latin)show that the Congo and Ngala languages (Niger-Congo) are the mother of Latin. Ten latin words can derivated from one Congolese word.

Gjk Campbell-Dunn in his book The African Origin of Classical Civilisations tell us that the middle Minoan civilisation was dominated by the Yoruba people.The double axe of the Minoan was the symbol of the Yoruba God Shango.The Minoan snake Goddess was the Fon and Yoruba Goddess of fertility Minona.The Knossos Palace is identical to the Asantehene palace at Kumasi.The Pelasgian were the original black people of Greece, they were the Arcadians, Argives, Athenians and Dodonians.

According to GJK Campbell-Dunn The Etruscan were matriarchal and they spoke a Niger-Congo language similar to Mande. The Roman funeral mask, mask parade and ancestor bust is identical to Yoruba custom.The Roman Atria house is similar to Yoruba house.The Roman ivory stool was symbol of the Roman magistrate power.The stool is very important in Africa were only a king can seat on a ivory stool.The gold stool is the symbol of the Asante King.The Roman elite wear toga robes.The Asante elite also wear a toga robes.The Roman two headed God Janus had many similarity in Africa.The Roman Ithyphallic God Priapus is similar to African fertility God.

If Etruscan and Roman are Niger-Congo languages thats mean Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Romanian are Niger-Congo languages. This will make sense because the first European were African. The Indo-European classification is a fraud.The Dravidian language according to Clyde Winters is Niger-Congo. Some say the English language is mainly descendant of Celt and is close to the Igbo language.

European city names like Bari, Como/Komo, vari, Bologna, Volo, Dodona, Ida, Italia, Konoso, Candia, Khani, Mallia, Phaistos, Zakro, Iberi, Paris etc are of African origin.
Member # 6698
 - posted
Leave it to the pseudos to taint my thread. [Roll Eyes]

Anyway, I am still looking for books that delve more into the non-European origins of European culture i.e. the neolithic. I know there are books that focus more so on Asia Minor, but I am searching for those who focus on Africa.

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