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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 10328
 - posted
Posted on Mon, May. 21, 2007 email this print this reprint or license this

Protesters at exhibit say King Tut was blackBy STEPHANIE FARR
farrs@phillynews.com 215-854-4225

Molefi Asante, professor of African-American studies at Temple University, led a protest yesterday in front of the Franklin Institute claiming the museum's exhibit on King Tutankhamun is racist.
"This is a crime scene," he shouted. "This is an area of criminal theft, identity theft."

Among the grievances shared by members of the Association of Kemetic Nubian Heritage, of which Asante is president, is that the exhibit has no mention of Africa and that information within suggests that King Tut, an African, was white.

Asante specifically pointed to a representation of Tut that "looks more like Boy George than the boy king."

About 50 protesters walked in front of the crowded museum stairs carrying signs bearing statements including "Nefertiti is my sister," "Stop stealing our history" and "King Tut's daddy was black."

Asante said the exhibit doesn't tell visitors Egypt is in Africa, and he believes that many people leave thinking Egypt is in Europe.

He claims the museum did this for "commercial reasons."

Bolden Jerry, 62, a protester from Overbrook Park, agreed.

"They're trying to make it more accessible, more appealable to white people. It's all about making cash," he said.

Yesterday's protesters in Philadelphia were not alone. From Los Angeles to Fort Lauderdale, demonstrations have been held against the exhibit in every city it's visited since coming to this country in June 2005.

A spokeswoman for the Franklin Institute, who declined to give her name, said images of Tut vary throughout the museum.

"In the exhibit, you see Tut portrayed in all skin colors," she said. "In many of the paintings he is definitely black."

In response to the protest, the museum will hold a symposium at a yet-to-be-determined date in July. Scholars and experts will be invited to discuss forensic evidence relating to King Tut.

"We present ideas to the community and let them form their own judgments," the spokeswoman said. "We're happy to allow the Franklin Institute to be a forum for this discussion."

When King Tut's head was re-created by three forensic teams in 2005 using CAT scans of his skull, race was among the hardest physical features to determine, according to a National Geographic article.

Tut's race is "likely to remain forever unknown," the article said.

Asante said that ancient Egyptians were "black-skinned" and that Kemet, the name given to Egypt by ancient Egyptians, means "the black country."

Jordan Lynch, 17, a white high school student from Fredericksburg, Va., said he had found more interesting aspects of Tut than the color of his skin.

"I didn't go in there saying, 'Is King Tut white or black?' I went in there wanting to learn about history," he said. "I'm more interested in how he died than whether he was white or black."

George Williams, who is black and operates a pretzel cart in front of the museum, said he believes that King Tut is a piece of history all people share.

"Regardless if he was black or white, we're all equal and we're all [descendants] of King Tut," he said. "We can love each other."
Member # 4818
 - posted
I get tired of hearing uneducated people say the Egyptians were a Mediterranean race...or that anyone who thinks Ancient Egypt was built and organized by black Africans in an afrocentrist.
Member # 6698
 - posted
Deja-vu. Didn't such protest happen before in Tut exhibits last year or the year before that?

The sad thing is Molefi Asante and his people from the Association of Kemetic Nubian Heritage all protesting just look like a bunch of Afrocentric nuts to most people (especially whites). There are more efficient ways of dispersing factual information.

And as usual we have all the politically correct-incorrect nonsense. "Tut's depictions came in many colors". So I guess not one portrayed his true color even the several dark-brown painted busts and portraits on his throne? I am also suspicious of the young white highschool student who claimed to be more interested in other things than his 'race'. I say this considering that all my white friends who are enlightened on the true 'racial'/ethnic identity of the Egyptians just can't get enough learning about it considering, their years of ignorance and deception from Eurocentric academia.

All in all, I ask you X-ras what is the purpose of this topic? I had several about this issue already.
Member # 13096
 - posted
It would be absurd to make any claim contrary to King Tut's blackness as virtually the entire 18th Dynasty shared common southern, "Black African" ancestry(along with the Dynasties before his)..
Willing Thinker {What Box}
Member # 10819
 - posted
the bolded.

Originally posted by Djehuti:
Deja-vu. Didn't such protest happen before in Tut exhibits last year or the year before that?

The sad thing is Molefi Asante and his people from the Association of Kemetic Nubian Heritage all protesting just look like a bunch of Afrocentric nuts to most people (especially whites). There are more efficient ways of dispersing factual information.

And as usual we have all the politically correct-incorrect nonsense. "Tut's depictions came in many colors".[<--this is just bull-shyt that you know will arise, as they change and revise - rules] So I guess not one portrayed his true color even the several dark-brown painted busts and portraits on his throne? I am also suspicious of the young white highschool student who claimed to be more interested in other things than his 'race'.[<-ofcourse] I say this considering that all my white friends who are enlightened on the true 'racial'/ethnic identity of the Egyptians just can't get enough learning about it considering, their years of ignorance and deception from Eurocentric academia.

All in all, I ask you X-ras what is the purpose of this topic? I had several about this issue already.[I guess maybe it's just a topic, though I get you]

^Whoa, exactly what he said^, man. Everything, my thoughts exactly.

Everything, but moreso the bolded text.

Yeah, I'm pretty sick of proponents of ~TRUTH~ looking like fools whilst the Eurocentrists continue to take the 'highground'. [Mad]

And yes, I already heard this too, I was dissapointed, knowing before-hand how the protestors might look.

How much did I know?

Haven't seen any pics or vids yet, that's how much I know.

Tut's race is "likely to remain forever unknown," the article said.
LOL @ this^. [Big Grin]
Clyde Winters
Member # 10129
 - posted
Originally posted by X-Ras:
Posted on Mon, May. 21, 2007 email this print this reprint or license this

Protesters at exhibit say King Tut was blackBy STEPHANIE FARR
farrs@phillynews.com 215-854-4225

Molefi Asante, professor of African-American studies at Temple University, led a protest yesterday in front of the Franklin Institute claiming the museum's exhibit on King Tutankhamun is racist.
"This is a crime scene," he shouted. "This is an area of criminal theft, identity theft."

Among the grievances shared by members of the Association of Kemetic Nubian Heritage, of which Asante is president, is that the exhibit has no mention of Africa and that information within suggests that King Tut, an African, was white.

Asante specifically pointed to a representation of Tut that "looks more like Boy George than the boy king."

About 50 protesters walked in front of the crowded museum stairs carrying signs bearing statements including "Nefertiti is my sister," "Stop stealing our history" and "King Tut's daddy was black."

Asante said the exhibit doesn't tell visitors Egypt is in Africa, and he believes that many people leave thinking Egypt is in Europe.

He claims the museum did this for "commercial reasons."

Bolden Jerry, 62, a protester from Overbrook Park, agreed.

"They're trying to make it more accessible, more appealable to white people. It's all about making cash," he said.

Yesterday's protesters in Philadelphia were not alone. From Los Angeles to Fort Lauderdale, demonstrations have been held against the exhibit in every city it's visited since coming to this country in June 2005.

A spokeswoman for the Franklin Institute, who declined to give her name, said images of Tut vary throughout the museum.

"In the exhibit, you see Tut portrayed in all skin colors," she said. "In many of the paintings he is definitely black."

In response to the protest, the museum will hold a symposium at a yet-to-be-determined date in July. Scholars and experts will be invited to discuss forensic evidence relating to King Tut.

"We present ideas to the community and let them form their own judgments," the spokeswoman said. "We're happy to allow the Franklin Institute to be a forum for this discussion."

When King Tut's head was re-created by three forensic teams in 2005 using CAT scans of his skull, race was among the hardest physical features to determine, according to a National Geographic article.

Tut's race is "likely to remain forever unknown," the article said.

Asante said that ancient Egyptians were "black-skinned" and that Kemet, the name given to Egypt by ancient Egyptians, means "the black country."

Jordan Lynch, 17, a white high school student from Fredericksburg, Va., said he had found more interesting aspects of Tut than the color of his skin.

"I didn't go in there saying, 'Is King Tut white or black?' I went in there wanting to learn about history," he said. "I'm more interested in how he died than whether he was white or black."

George Williams, who is black and operates a pretzel cart in front of the museum, said he believes that King Tut is a piece of history all people share.

"Regardless if he was black or white, we're all equal and we're all [descendants] of King Tut," he said. "We can love each other."

Thanks. Its always good to know what's going on in the world.

Member # 9820
 - posted

Willing Thinker wrote:
Yeah, I'm pretty sick of proponents of ~TRUTH~ looking like fools whilst the Eurocentrists continue to take the 'highground' .

And yes, I already heard this too, I was dissapointed, knowing before-hand how the protestors might look.

Let me give you some advice, NO ONE CAN WALK A HIGH GROUND WITH LIES because LIES are immoral and are nothing more than sinking sand, so no one can stand on a LIE, Every lie MUST give way to the TRUTH.
Civilization was NOT built on LIES.
Humanity can only progress with TRUTH, not LIES.

Truth is the only elevation that lifts any proponent of the Truth to the high position that TRUTH creates.
Be proud that these people are standing up for the TRUTH, also if you don't like the way they fight for the Truth, then why not join the fight with your own battle plans?

Before you criticize the protestors remember that
they took a stand for the Truth, what did you do for the Truth?

Criticizing those who fight for Truth only helps the cause of those who fight against the Truth don't forget that.

Member # 4818
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
Deja-vu. Didn't such protest happen before in Tut exhibits last year or the year before that?

The sad thing is Molefi Asante and his people from the Association of Kemetic Nubian Heritage all protesting just look like a bunch of Afrocentric nuts to most people (especially whites). There are more efficient ways of dispersing factual information.

And as usual we have all the politically correct-incorrect nonsense. "Tut's depictions came in many colors". So I guess not one portrayed his true color even the several dark-brown painted busts and portraits on his throne? I am also suspicious of the young white highschool student who claimed to be more interested in other things than his 'race'. I say this considering that all my white friends who are enlightened on the true 'racial'/ethnic identity of the Egyptians just can't get enough learning about it considering, their years of ignorance and deception from Eurocentric academia.

All in all, I ask you X-ras what is the purpose of this topic? I had several about this issue already.

The protesting does make proponents of the Black African origin of Egpyt look bad...
Myra Wysinger
Member # 10126
 - posted
Similar protests have been held in other U.S. cities where the exhibit has appeared.

Los Angeles


Mystery Solver
Member # 9033
 - posted
Asante specifically pointed to a representation of Tut that "looks more like Boy George than the boy king."

...50 protesters walked in front of the crowded museum stairs carrying signs bearing statements including "Nefertiti is my sister," "Stop stealing our history" and "King Tut's daddy was black."

LOL @ these quotations.

And now for the politically correct:

"the exhibit, you see Tut portrayed in all skin colors he said. "In many of the paintings he is definitely black.""

"George Williams, who is black and operates a pretzel cart in front of the museum, said he believes that King Tut is a piece of history all people share.

"Regardless if he was black or white, we're all equal and we're all [descendants] of King Tut," he said. "We can love each other."

Member # 3735
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
I am also suspicious of the young white highschool student who claimed to be more interested in other things than his 'race'. I say this considering that all my white friends who are enlightened on the true 'racial'/ethnic identity of the Egyptians just can't get enough learning about it considering, their years of ignorance and deception from Eurocentric academia.

Did you, incidentally, have anything to do with this "enlightening"? You certainly sound like you could be the resident, highly respected history whiz at your school.
Masonic Rebel
Member # 9549
 - posted

“Be proud that these people are standing up for the TRUTH”


No one is going to make Molefi Asante look like a fool, especially One on One about

King Tutankhamen

This is why we don’t see Molefi Asante on TV as much although he teaches at Temple University
Nice Vidadavida *sigh*
Member # 13372
 - posted
I am not even African American and this is just embarrasing to me [Frown]
Member # 13096
 - posted
I'm not embarrassed for them at all, they're doing more than a lot of other people..
Member # 10105
 - posted
I do not understand why anyone would be embarrassed by what Mr. Asante is doing. He should be commended for staging this outdoor/public protest.

You reach more people when you protest outdoors instead of holding focus groups where the ordinary person is not aware of such meetings.
Member # 4818
 - posted
Originally posted by SEEKING:
I do not understand why anyone would be embarrassed by what Mr. Asante is doing. He should be commended for staging this outdoor/public protest.

You reach more people when you protest outdoors instead of holding focus groups where the ordinary person is not aware of such meetings.

It's embarassing because they're making fools of themselves. There are other ways to go about this argument than protesting at a museum!! Maybe Asante should get together with some people and write another book with recent information about where the Egyptians came from in the sense of pre-dynastic Kemet. Get together with other people like you and fund an independent movie like that French film. Protesting an image is unconstructive and pointless.
Member # 12850
 - posted
There is nothing embarassing about the protest. As a matter of fact, it was highly successful hence all the people above and maybe below are talking about it and others might follow.

Though "there are more efficient ways of dispersing factual information", I don't think its effectiveness can be denied. Though limited in some ways, it was more fruitful at getting the *attention* of some of the masses, especially those who know nothing than forums like this can. I mean, don't get me wrong, this forum is awesome in many way, but let's be real, it can't compete with 5 miutes or more of TV time.
Member # 10105
 - posted
Originally posted by King_Scorpion:
Originally posted by SEEKING:
I do not understand why anyone would be embarrassed by what Mr. Asante is doing. He should be commended for staging this outdoor/public protest.

You reach more people when you protest outdoors instead of holding focus groups where the ordinary person is not aware of such meetings.

It's embarassing because they're making fools of themselves. There are other ways to go about this argument than protesting at a museum!! Maybe Asante should get together with some people and write another book with recent information about where the Egyptians came from in the sense of pre-dynastic Kemet. Get together with other people like you and fund an independent movie like that French film. Protesting an image is unconstructive and pointless.
I am sure this is not the only form of protest that Mr. Asante and his supporters are using to get the message out. But it does make much sense to utilize this form of protest if you're trying to reach the common man or woman in the streets.

Therefore, I find what you perceived as being embarrassing can be quite effective in reaching out to those people who may not be aware of the TUT issue.
Member # 12850
 - posted
For the poster who wrote:

"I am not even African American and this is just embarrasing to me."

I Am and things like that can only be written by pathetic ingrates.
Member # 10328
 - posted
There is nothing embarrassing about what Mr. Asante is doing, after all the two things he said about AEs and the name Kemet are true. Why attack Asante in this situation and for what?
Member # 10328
 - posted
Originally posted by King_Scorpion:
Originally posted by Djehuti:
Deja-vu. Didn't such protest happen before in Tut exhibits last year or the year before that?

The sad thing is Molefi Asante and his people from the Association of Kemetic Nubian Heritage all protesting just look like a bunch of Afrocentric nuts to most people (especially whites). There are more efficient ways of dispersing factual information.

And as usual we have all the politically correct-incorrect nonsense. "Tut's depictions came in many colors". So I guess not one portrayed his true color even the several dark-brown painted busts and portraits on his throne? I am also suspicious of the young white highschool student who claimed to be more interested in other things than his 'race'. I say this considering that all my white friends who are enlightened on the true 'racial'/ethnic identity of the Egyptians just can't get enough learning about it considering, their years of ignorance and deception from Eurocentric academia.

All in all, I ask you X-ras what is the purpose of this topic? I had several about this issue already.

The protesting does make proponents of the Black African origin of Egpyt look bad...
If black people portrayed Columbus as black would you blame them for getting mad and protesting?
Doug M
Member # 7650
 - posted
Protests are good for getting attention, but after all the protests and all the airtime, then what? The institutions of Egyptology, which are dominated by Europeans and their points of view, is mainly the problem. As long as Egyptological institutions are principally funded by Europeans with the majority of the digs being sponsored by Europeans, Africans will ALWAYS be on the outside looking in, protesting. The point being that it is time to move to the inside and shake things from within, where it will be more effective. Protests can always be shrugged off as mere "grandstanding" or "overzealous" Afrocentrics, by those who represent the system, therby resolving absolutely nothing. What happened to the last conference of "experts" that was to be held after the protest in Florida? Nothing. Which is precisely the problem.

The distortion of Egyptian history is more than a PR stunt and requires MORE than PR to rectify.
Mansa Musa
Member # 6800
 - posted
I think a good solution to this controversy would be to have a few leading experts sit down on a talk show and discuss their points of view as well as questions and feedback from the crowd.

A political show like Phil Donahue would be great for this.
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by Mystery Solver:

Asante specifically pointed to a representation of Tut that "looks more like Boy George than the boy king."

...50 protesters walked in front of the crowded museum stairs carrying signs bearing statements including "Nefertiti is my sister," "Stop stealing our history" and "King Tut's daddy was black."

LOL @ these quotations.

LMAO [Big Grin] Me too! "King's Tut's daddy was black"?! LOL So what about his mamma?

Originally posted by Tyrannosaurus:

Did you, incidentally, have anything to do with this "enlightening"? You certainly sound like you could be the resident, highly respected history whiz at your school.

Well... Yeah! It's just that they (like me) are into history and culture, and when I did my term paper on the African identity of Egypt for my history class, let's just say it lit a fire of knowledge. [Cool]

And let me say for the record that Hotep is correct that those who install truth always walk the highground, but it in cases like this museum protest it often does not appear to be so at least in the short run. No doubt many people will write these folks off as again "Afrocentric nutcases" (as Hore likes to put it), but one should also remember all the so-called nutcases of the past who made claims against the counter like the world revolving around the sun or that the world is flat. Already mainstream academia has begun to accept the basic FACT that Egypt is African, the only problem is that they are not quite willing to openly admit it just yet.
Member # 3735
 - posted
Part of the problem is that, despite its political connotations, this subject has an academic nature. White people are overrepresented in academia right now, relative to blacks. If more blacks got into academia, they would come up with more persuasive techniques to make their point than protests that only make them look like lunatics.

Originally posted by Djehuti:
Well... Yeah! It's just that they (like me) are into history and culture, and when I did my term paper on the African identity of Egypt for my history class, let's just say it lit a fire of knowledge.

Do you have that saved somewhere? I'd like to read it.
Member # 3735
 - posted
Originally posted by X-Ras:
Originally posted by King_Scorpion:
Originally posted by Djehuti:
Deja-vu. Didn't such protest happen before in Tut exhibits last year or the year before that?

The sad thing is Molefi Asante and his people from the Association of Kemetic Nubian Heritage all protesting just look like a bunch of Afrocentric nuts to most people (especially whites). There are more efficient ways of dispersing factual information.

And as usual we have all the politically correct-incorrect nonsense. "Tut's depictions came in many colors". So I guess not one portrayed his true color even the several dark-brown painted busts and portraits on his throne? I am also suspicious of the young white highschool student who claimed to be more interested in other things than his 'race'. I say this considering that all my white friends who are enlightened on the true 'racial'/ethnic identity of the Egyptians just can't get enough learning about it considering, their years of ignorance and deception from Eurocentric academia.

All in all, I ask you X-ras what is the purpose of this topic? I had several about this issue already.

The protesting does make proponents of the Black African origin of Egpyt look bad...
If black people portrayed Columbus as black would you blame them for getting mad and protesting?
No, but it wouldn't happen anyway. First, they probably won't get away with "blackening" a mainstream white hero in a white-dominated society. Secondly, considering what Columbus and his buddies did to the Taino, why would anyone want to make racial claims on him?
Member # 12850
 - posted
Doug M, I agree with you 100%. When you say:

Originally posted by Doug M:
The institutions of Egyptology, which are dominated by Europeans and their points of view, is mainly the problem. As long as Egyptological institutions are principally funded by Europeans with the majority of the digs being sponsored by Europeans, Africans will ALWAYS be on the outside looking in, protesting.

But the fact that many people are becoming aware of historical facts once distorted by Negrophobic specialists is a good thing overall right?

I would suggest and believe that, as more professionals and seriously good willed historians are groomed and conditioned under strong, complete and comprehensive science and energies guided by positive works like that of Diop and Obengas’, Black scholars and others can establish Afrocentric Institutions of Kemetology (Egyptology) and fund their own tours and shows. And if they want, boldly right next door to Eurocentric ones. I view forums like this, as well as new generation of scholars exposed to already mentioned world gifted Afrocentric intellectuals, in addition to protests similar to that lead by Molefi Asante and others as contributions to making the view of established “Afrocentric Institutions of Kemetology” a reality. I am sure when this starts happening, misinformation and outright wicked acts of concealment will be dealt a tremendous blow.
Member # 2936
 - posted
No brainer...
Wasn't Confucius Chinese and Genghis Khan a Mongol, and wasn't Caius Crassus a Roman? We only encounter stupidity when we deal with Africa and Africans; what a stupid question - was the native king of a Black African culture Black?!!?
And really, it's only Black peoples who need to know this information; it's that simple...simple
Member # 3735
 - posted
Originally posted by Wally:
Wasn't Confucius Chinese

Yes, but when I first encountered the name, I thought it sounded Roman!
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by Tyrannosaurus:

Part of the problem is that, despite its political connotations, this subject has an academic nature. White people are overrepresented in academia right now, relative to blacks. If more blacks got into academia, they would come up with more persuasive techniques to make their point than protests that only make them look like lunatics.

Yes, it's just as Doug M said. The good news though is that the mainstream (white) academia is acknowledgin the fact of Egypt's Africanity, the bad thing is they are slow to basically point this out to the public. Of course for obvious reasons-- shame for the centuries of racist lies. If Western academia had more blacks or other minorities it would certainly make a difference, but even then I believe it would still take some time as black academic authorities do not get the recognition or are not taken as seriously as they should. ( [Embarrassed] And black so-called scholars like Clyde Winters only make the problem worse!)

Do you have that saved somewhere? I'd like to read it.
[Frown] Unfortunately I don't. I wrote that paper during my sophmore year in highschool, and it's been three years since I last had the disk I saved it in, and I bought a new computer too. All of the evidence I presented came from depictions from ancient artwork, archaeological evidence, physical anthropology, and comparative cultural analysis with other African cultures. I only wish I had the genetic evidence I learned from this forum. It would have been the crowning piece of the paper. I must admit, ever since I joined this forum I have learned so much more about Egypt's identity it is ridiculous! If I wrote my paper know it would be an entire book or more consisting of at least two volumes!
Originally posted by Wally:

No brainer...
Wasn't Confucius Chinese and Genghis Khan a Mongol, and wasn't Caius Crassus a Roman? We only encounter stupidity when we deal with Africa and Africans; what a stupid question - was the native king of a Black African culture Black?!!?
And really, it's only Black peoples who need to know this information; it's that simple...simple

Wally is correct, that only when it comes to Egypt does 'racial' identity ever become an issue! As such, laypeople should catch on to this find out for themselves the racist myth that has been going on for far too long.

Originally posted by Tyrannosaurus:
Originally posted by Wally:
Wasn't Confucius Chinese

Yes, but when I first encountered the name, I thought it sounded Roman!
LOL That's because 'Confucius' is literally the Latinized version of his name. His real name is spelled in English Kung-fu-tzu. Typical Western habit of renaming or translating non-European names into European ones that are easier for them to pronounce. [Wink]
Member # 3735
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
[Frown] Unfortunately I don't. I wrote that paper during my sophmore year in highschool, and it's been three years since I last had the disk I saved it in, and I bought a new computer too.

Surely you have a paper copy that you've printed out for class. Perhaps you could scan it?
Doug M
Member # 7650
 - posted
Originally posted by Kemson:
Doug M, I agree with you 100%. When you say:

Originally posted by Doug M:
The institutions of Egyptology, which are dominated by Europeans and their points of view, is mainly the problem. As long as Egyptological institutions are principally funded by Europeans with the majority of the digs being sponsored by Europeans, Africans will ALWAYS be on the outside looking in, protesting.

But the fact that many people are becoming aware of historical facts once distorted by Negrophobic specialists is a good thing overall right?

I would suggest and believe that, as more professionals and seriously good willed historians are groomed and conditioned under strong, complete and comprehensive science and energies guided by positive works like that of Diop and Obengas’, Black scholars and others can establish Afrocentric Institutions of Kemetology (Egyptology) and fund their own tours and shows. And if they want, boldly right next door to Eurocentric ones. I view forums like this, as well as new generation of scholars exposed to already mentioned world gifted Afrocentric intellectuals, in addition to protests similar to that lead by Molefi Asante and others as contributions to making the view of established “Afrocentric Institutions of Kemetology” a reality. I am sure when this starts happening, misinformation and outright wicked acts of concealment will be dealt a tremendous blow.

It is not about creating academic apartheid. It is about going to the SOURCE of the problem and fixing it there. Egyptology has always been by and for Europeans who fanatasize about a "white" African Egypt and use the antiquity of a "white" Egyptian civilization as the basis for their right to rule the world. Egyptology was part of the colonial system of institutions created as a result expansion of Europe into Africa. The fundamental principle behind ALL of these institutions was to promote the SUPERIORITY of whites and the INFERIORITY of everyone else, especially those under colonial rule. Such institutions therefore with a LEGACY of bias and ethnocentrism cannot be expected to change overnight, especially as they CONTINUE to be used to control everyone else's history and artifacts. Until Africans become experts and PREDOMINANT in THEIR OWN history, then it will always be this way. Europeans are NOT supposed the experts of EVERYONE ELSES history. However, because of the history and methods of colonial expansion across the globe, Europeans have become such "authorities".
Member # 12850
 - posted
Originally posted by Doug M:
[QUOTE]It is not about creating academic apartheid. It is about going to the SOURCE of the problem and fixing it there. Egyptology has always been by and for Europeans who fanatasize about a "white" African Egypt and use the antiquity of a "white" Egyptian civilization as the basis for their right to rule the world. Egyptology was part of the colonial system of institutions created as a result expansion of Europe into Africa. The fundamental principle behind ALL of these institutions was to promote the SUPERIORITY of whites and the INFERIORITY of everyone else, especially those under colonial rule. Such institutions therefore with a LEGACY of bias and ethnocentrism cannot be expected to change overnight, especially as they CONTINUE to be used to control everyone else's history and artifacts. Until Africans become experts and PREDOMINANT in THEIR OWN history, then it will always be this way. Europeans are NOT supposed the experts of EVERYONE ELSES history. However, because of the history and methods of colonial expansion across the globe, Europeans have become such "authorities".

Well "academic apartheid" may be problematic if we were talking about subjects involving xGrade-mathematics, specific science subjects or some specialized technology training course at your local technical institute or something. Anyone should be allowed to advance their knowledge and aim to work at IBM, Microsoft, Dell, Sony or whatever they want in life. But if we’re talking about the studies of other peoples history, culture, origin, contributions and influences, there is no way of “going to the SOURCE of the problem and fixing it there” because you already within the source of the problem; you and I were conditioned in that source (until we opened our eyes) therefore, almost total academic separation, in respect to a peoples heritage, history and accomplishments, must be established to effectively fix the problems caused by European specialists scattering Africa’s’ history. The works of already mentioned Afrocentric scholars, whether we know it or not, created “academic apartheid” only in the sense that it set the records straight but does not alienate anyone from learning about them hence they are published works accessible to anyone. In this sense, "academic apartheid" does not exist and never should.

In other examples, "academic apartheid" is also created when parents or a parent introduces the works of Diop and others to their children while their schools teach them venomous erroneous histories; or as NAS, the rapper would put it, poison. In further examples, academic apartheid was established when the Japanese and Chinese converted English based academic works (itself from conversions) of engineering, mathematics, science, philosophies and others into their native language as oppose to converting their society into an all English speaking society. This conversion process allowed them to develop in a much more effective and faster manner without the need to conform to questionable all Euro-Western values. Hence, the resulting products of these moves are, Sony, Toshiba, Canon, Kenwood, Toyota…etc; with the resulting commercial products of these companies released to public available in multiple languages though the engineers and architects are Japanese.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with separating negative, disturbed and distorted Eurocentric accounts of Black Africa’s history from Afrocentric corrections of them. This can included establishing indigenous Institutions of Ancient Kemetology as well as strong focus of African values in the homes of Black families. This kind of "academic apartheid" is a must. There should be no compromise of this, for any compromise creates a natural risk that the child might not be interested in Math, Science, Philosophy, Technology, Chemistry and so on, but see only Basketball, rapping or a job at Starbucks as the only way to out and building a future. The simple fact that children are groomed in the knowledge of what people like them did in the past automatically unlocks, often destroyed, natural aims of higher interests within the children.
Member # 6698
 - posted
Originally posted by Tyrannosaurus:

Surely you have a paper copy that you've printed out for class. Perhaps you could scan it?

It's been years since I last saw it. If it is still around, I'm going to have to find it.

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