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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 17517
 - posted
Controversial historian Mario Bonafini received hundreds of death threats and was actually forced into hiding after an unnamed insider leaked a pre-publication copy of his explosive new book, Julius Caesar Was NOT Italian.

And far from being a spoof, the book is backed up by decades of solid research that proves Caesar came to Rome from Ethiopia and was of black descent.

“I printed the truth, and if the truth hurts, so be it, ” Dr. Bonafini told me in a trans-Atlantic telephone interview before death threats drove him into hiding late last month.

“Caesar rose to power and ruled a Roman empire that still stands as one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever seen.

“Italians have always been proud of the fact that they share a gene pool produced such a man. But my research proves this pride was absolutely without basis. Caesar categorically was not Italian.

Member # 3735
 - posted
I want to see that evidence.


^ The hair texture doesn't seem Ethiopian to me.

EDIT: Are you sure Derek Clontz is a reputable source? The only other place I could find this article was on some silly tabloid.
Member # 17517
 - posted
Originally posted by Truthcentric:
I want to see that evidence.


^ The hair texture doesn't seem Ethiopian to me.

EDIT: Are you sure Derek Clontz is a reputable source? The only other place I could find this article was on some silly tabloid.

^How do yu know for sure that this is Julius Ceasar.

Have you seen him?

Thats what I thought. You havent seen him and neither have any of the people who told you that this was Julius Ceasar.
Doctoris Scientia
Member # 17454
 - posted
Originally posted by Truthcentric:
I want to see that evidence.


^ The hair texture doesn't seem Ethiopian to me.

EDIT: Are you sure Derek Clontz is a reputable source? The only other place I could find this article was on some silly tabloid.

What do you mean by hair texture, straight or wavy hair repersents a significant portion of the variation texture found in Africa, along with curly, wholly, and coiled hiar.

Africans with similar hair texture

Member # 17311
 - posted
y'all never cease to amaze me with your Black-washing of history.
Doctoris Scientia
Member # 17454
 - posted
Originally posted by Gigantic:
y'all never cease to amaze me with your Black-washing of history.

How are we black-washing history, if you didn't read the article the man making these claims is Italian.

Compared to the white-washing of history, this is nothing.
dana marniche
Member # 13149
 - posted
Originally posted by Doctoris Scientia:
Originally posted by Truthcentric:
I want to see that evidence.


^ The hair texture doesn't seem Ethiopian to me.

EDIT: Are you sure Derek Clontz is a reputable source? The only other place I could find this article was on some silly tabloid.

What do you mean by hair texture, straight or wavy hair repersents a significant portion of the variation texture found in Africa, along with curly, wholly, and coiled hiar.

Africans with similar hair texture


Is there some place that shows this is a sculpture of Caesar in his day. I doubt it. To say Caesar was black though is very far-fetched. Of course if he has some evidence to show otherwise that can be looked into if anyone has the interest.
Look at all of the sculptures shown in books and in Wikipedia of individuals like the ancient Moorish rulers that look typically "Roman" and were not even done during their time.
Member # 15718
 - posted
Originally posted by TheOnlyOneWhoKnows:
Controversial historian Mario Bonafini received hundreds of death threats and was actually forced into hiding after an unnamed insider leaked a pre-publication copy of his explosive new book, Julius Caesar Was NOT Italian.

And far from being a spoof, the book is backed up by decades of solid research that proves Caesar came to Rome from Ethiopia and was of black descent.

“I printed the truth, and if the truth hurts, so be it, ” Dr. Bonafini told me in a trans-Atlantic telephone interview before death threats drove him into hiding late last month.

“Caesar rose to power and ruled a Roman empire that still stands as one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever seen.

“Italians have always been proud of the fact that they share a gene pool produced such a man. But my research proves this pride was absolutely without basis. Caesar categorically was not Italian.


This whole story ans thread is bogus- setting up yet another bogus strawman that can be referenced someplace else as an "afrocentric claim".

The only "source" of this story is a bogus web post by one derick cloontz who has no information and no data to back up his "story". Use a little more creativity people.. No one is being fooled..
Member # 13418
 - posted
Of course.

Everyone was black until our deformation of light colored skin.... [Roll Eyes]

....if you don't believe it visit the Egyptology section on ES. Thats the whole focus in here..... to prove one skin color better than another and all the rest are just mutants. [Roll Eyes]
Muhommed Abed
Member # 17412
 - posted
You cannot fault anyone for referencing Afrocentric claims like this to illustrate the cult's lunacy. This is another of the many erroneous claims put fwd by Afrocentrists.

Originally posted by zarahan:
This whole story ans thread is bogus- setting up yet another bogus strawman that can be referenced someplace else as an "afrocentric claim".

The only "source" of this story is a bogus web post by one derick cloontz who has no information and no data to back up his "story". Use a little more creativity people.. No one is being fooled..

Member # 10195
 - posted
I don't see what this has to do with Afrocentrism
since an Italian unknown in Afrocentric circles put
forth the preposterous claim of a black Julius Ceasar.

... had a soft and white skin, ...
Now that's how Plutarch described Ceasar's colour in
his Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans. Seems
obviously European, in no way black or Aethiopian.

Afrocentricity is not about outrageous claims. I
doubt if any here actually know what Afrocentrism
claims itself to be or have even read any of the
scores of works by Molefi Kete Asante the leading
proponent of Afrocentrism and the founder of the
Afrocentric school.

... Afrocentricity is not merely the discussion of African and African American issues, history, politics, or consciousness; any one may discuss these issues and yet not be an Afrocentrist. Further, it is not a perspective based on skin color or biology and should not be confused with melanist theories, ...
. . . .
... what is clear is that neither a discussion of the Nile Valley civilizations or of developing economic productivity in African American communities, nor an argument against white racial hierarchy, is sufficient for a discourse to be considered Afrocentric.
. . . .
... criticism has devolved into low-level intellectual sniping at points considered irrelevant by most Afrocentrists. For example, the debate over extraneous issues such as whether Socrates or Cleopatra were black has nothing at all do with Afrocentricity.
. . . .
... the aims of Afrocentricity as regards the cultural idea are not hegemonic. Afrocentrists have expressed no interest in one race or culture dominating another; they express an ardent belief in the possibility of diverse populations living on the same earth without giving up their fundamental traditions, except where those traditions invade other peoples’ space.

Molefi Kete Asante


Member # 17517
 - posted
Originally posted by alTakruri:
I don't see what this has to do with Afrocentrism
since an Italian unknown in Afrocentric circles put
forth the preposterous claim of a black Julius Ceasar.

... had a soft and white skin, ...
Now that's how Plutarch described Ceasar's colour in
his Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans. Seems
obviously European, in no way black or Aethiopian.

Afrocentricity is not about outrageous claims. I
doubt if any here actually know what Afrocentrism
claims itself to be or have even read any of the
scores of works by Molefi Kete Asante the leading
proponent of Afrocentrism and the founder of the
Afrocentric school.

... Afrocentricity is not merely the discussion of African and African American issues, history, politics, or consciousness; any one may discuss these issues and yet not be an Afrocentrist. Further, it is not a perspective based on skin color or biology and should not be confused with melanist theories, ...
. . . .
... what is clear is that neither a discussion of the Nile Valley civilizations or of developing economic productivity in African American communities, nor an argument against white racial hierarchy, is sufficient for a discourse to be considered Afrocentric.
. . . .
... criticism has devolved into low-level intellectual sniping at points considered irrelevant by most Afrocentrists. For example, the debate over extraneous issues such as whether Socrates or Cleopatra were black has nothing at all do with Afrocentricity.
. . . .
... the aims of Afrocentricity as regards the cultural idea are not hegemonic. Afrocentrists have expressed no interest in one race or culture dominating another; they express an ardent belief in the possibility of diverse populations living on the same earth without giving up their fundamental traditions, except where those traditions invade other peoples’ space.

Molefi Kete Asante



And as we all know Plutarch never told a lie in his whole life. Especially not a white lie.

I never said Julius Ceasar was black or anything of the sort, all i did was post the words of the white man. So how could it be untrue?

White people dont lie. Never Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Member # 6698
 - posted
^ Nobody claims whites never lie no more than blacks or any other people. Either this Italian is lying or he is simply mistaken. Or YOU could be the liar here. All historical evidence shows Julius Caesar to be Italian and WHITE in appearance.

If you want to do a story on prominent figures of Italian history of black African ancestry why don't you do so with actual people like Duke Alessandro de' Medici.

Member # 17517
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
^ Nobody claims whites never lie no more than blacks or any other people. Either this Italian is lying or he is simply mistaken. Or YOU could be the liar here. All historical evidence shows Julius Caesar to be Italian and WHITE in appearance.

If you want to do a story on prominent figures of Italian history of black African ancestry why don't you do so with actual people like Duke Alessandro de' Medici.


So you sir are one of Julius Ceasars best friends. And you know that the author of this book is lying how. Because white people say he was white.

White people say that you are a slant eyed asian gook, is that true.
Maybe YOU are a fucking liar, to make claims that this man is wrong when he went public with his work. What have you went public with? Nothing.

And what historical evidence show Julius Ceasar as white.

Plutarch was the same man who slandered the greatest painter of antiqutiy Apelles when he painted Alexander in his painting as a colored man. Even though you still think he was a white man, as told to you by whites. Nevermind the fact that this man was the court painter of Macedon,personally selected by Alexander and his father Phillip. Apelles was also a close friend of Alexander, so how could he not know what he looked like? But then comes along Plutarch to say that his work was inaccurate although Alexander himself allowed this painting to be made.

Some people are still brain-washed.

Btw, maybe you should do research on the Italian Medici. It seems more like your fancy than mine.
Member # 9422
 - posted

No problems, just interested. If their is a pic of Alexander being a colored man I would love to see it. Can you please post this painting.

Member # 17517
 - posted
Look up Apelles and you will find the [icture and the argument of which i spoke.

The historian Plutarch said that he was portrayed as swarthy
Member # 9422
 - posted
Is this the pic that you are talking about?


In the website I found it in they claim that Apelles painted Alexander darker then what he was. How true is this Here is the Website:


Member # 2936
 - posted
Children...children... [Smile] [Smile] please...

Stop this pointless bickering and this total dependence on pictures! The Romans,
like the Ancient Egyptians, were a literate people; and Latin is a less "controversial"
language than Mdu Ntr...

There is a lot of textual writings from Ancient Rome which tells us that Gaius Julius Caesar,
was a Roman from the patrician class - he even claimed patrilineal descent all the
way back to Romulus - in any event, an Italian...

Any evidence to the contrary would have to be provided in the ancient texts; text, with
or without the pictures...
Member # 17517
 - posted
This is the picture that im talking about.

Member # 19346
 - posted
Mario Bonafini = egmond codfried
Member # 12987
 - posted
Julius Ceasar was a white "italian." I don't know how much this stupid Italian got paid to make such claim and write new "history" and pass it as old. I'm not fooled by these brand new articles and readings with old or past dates.
Member # 19601
 - posted
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Member # 18409
 - posted
The claim Caesar was Negroid is based on Catullus' poem 93 which states -

''Caesar tibi velle placere nec scire utrum sis albus an ater homo''

''I don't care to know whether you are a white or black man''

Its obviously sarcastic, but the afronuts take this as the fact that Caesar was a black man.

The fact is though two ancient sources describe Caesar as pale white skinned (Suetonius - colore candido, Iul. 45; Plutarch Leukos, Caes. 17) and his busts of course show him to be Caucasoid (straight-wavy haired, orthognathic, thin nosed etc).

Ceasar was clearly a white man. There really is no debate about this.
the lioness
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Doctoris Scientia:
Originally posted by Truthcentric:
[qb] I want to see that evidence.


^ The hair texture doesn't seem Ethiopian to me.

EDIT: Are you sure Derek Clontz is a reputable source? The only other place I could find this article was on some silly tabloid.

What do you mean by hair texture, straight or wavy hair repersents a significant portion of the variation texture found in Africa, along with curly, wholly, and coiled hiar.

Africans with similar hair texture

I have to agree with Doc, there is nothing about the above scuplture that's not black.
look closer
Member # 19346
 - posted
Fishermen and sea creatures, mosaic, 1st century AD

Member # 13597
 - posted
The more one read the more one realizes how much what we were thought on European history is a lie.

First - very little authentic ancient Greek art exist. The vast majority of so called Greek art are recreations from a later period.

Even many of the Roman art are recreations mostly from the 1500's onwards.

I also recently found out after researching the people of Lerna that Greece is one of the European countries that very little anthropological research has been carried out.

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