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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 1797
 - posted


Member # 4592
 - posted
The only bound captives shown above are the Asiatics in the bottom picture.

Km.t was not a slave society, most "slaves" were Asiatics.

Princess Kemsit, her name literally means, Black lady.

Member # 1797
 - posted
That top picture also includes Black Nubian Slaves paying tribute to the Egyptians.

Nice pictures, that show that the Egyptians were better than everyone else. <http://www.egyptsearch.com/forums/smile.gif>

The Egyptians and the Nubians in the top cannot hardly be diserned except for their garb.

The people in the pictures are not slaves.

Just tribute bearers


Member # 1797
 - posted


Member # 4592
 - posted
Ausar, is the second pic from the bottom King Tut?

Member # 1797
 - posted
Yes, that is Tut-ankh-amun.


Member # 6477
 - posted
Indeed pictures are worth a thousand words.

There can be no mistake that the Egyptians were aware of the differences between themselves and the Asiatics, whom 'some' people compare the modern Egyptian population with.

They were indeed very observative in their artwork. They even managed to capture the different looks of their neighbors, depending on what region they came into contact with.

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 23 March 2005).]

Member # 6477
 - posted
Originally posted by ABAZA:
[B]All NON-EGYPTIANS were portrayed as different, and that includes Black Africans.

Which "black Africans"?

You made an erroneous claim earlier about Nubians in the depictions. I have never seen Egyptians portray nubians with large beards like those.

Member # 6477
 - posted

Initially, in Dynasty 11-12 (ca. 2040-1783 BC), it was the Lower Nubian mercenary troops who figure in Egyptian art. These men were shown with black-painted skin but they had features indistinguishable from the Egyptians, who were painted uniformly with red brown skin. - Courtesy of nubianet.org

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 23 March 2005).]

Member # 4592
 - posted
And of course the Puntites of Somalia were portrayed virtually identically in much of the iconography to the Km.t

Here's an article by Somali muscian K'Naan:



I am going to attempt to convey the complexity of who my people are as simple as the subject permits. With straight forward language, facts and myth. I will assume you understand the reasons for the prior two by why "myth"? Because it is the morals in myth, and the message in a proverb, that orders to shape and form the magic of my people. And the magic, when concerning the calling of the original man's identity, is very important. I am also going to skim over the more accessible aspects of our history, e.g colonization and it's details, while I will probably touch on it's affects.

The earliest name for what is current day Somalia was the Land of Punt. To the ancient Egyptians, the Land of Punt, with it's houses raised up on stilts above water, was also known as Ta Nteru: "Land of the Gods". A place of profound beauty, the Land of Punt was incredibly rich with high quality entyw incense, frankincense, myrrh and precious gum. The first undisputed contact that the ancient Egyptians documented with the Puntites, the people from the Land of Punt, was Queen Hatshepsut's famous expedition to East Africa.

The Queen, who was well known for wearing a false beard in order to portray herself as a man, sent 5 large ships to Punt. There were said to be a lot earlier expeditions but Hatshepsut's is the most well documented, with the Queen herself leaving clear inscriptions on the wall of her temple at Deir el-Bahri, that "the ships were laden with the costly products of the Land of Punt and with it's many valuable wood, with very much sweet-smelling resin and frankincense, with quantities of ebony and ivory..."

The Puntites were described in the inscriptions and portrayed in the murals as, people with "dark reddish skin, Egyptian features, long hair" who wore "long to medium goatee". This is an accurate description of much of the people in the East African region, but if you consider it word for word, along with the vastness of available high quality incense, it is more so than anything else, a description of the Somali. The old Puntite.

Much of ancient Egypt's borrowed customs are accredited, by the murals and hieroglyphics of the Egyptians themselves, to this region, and to these people. As the Egyptians considered the Puntites their ancestors. For example, the burning of the precious gum, (Luubaan) for spiritual purposes, which rulers would order from the horn, is still used today by the Somali, for that very purpose. It is also a fact that the Ancient Egyptians, in their murals would portray the Puntites as they portrayed themselves, with similar features and mannerisms.

Another important cradle of civilization was also, "Ta Seti" ('Land of the Bow) which was Nubia in both northern Sudan and Southern Egypt. The people of Nubia were said to be famous archers, hence, the Land of the Bow. What is interesting in learning the origin of the Somali people is that, the ancient Egyptians had a collective name for both The Sudan and Somalia, which was, "Ta Khent" meaning, "Land of the Beginning" or "Ancestral Land".

In many aspects, Africans as a collective are without a doubt, the most diverse people in the world. And East Africa, holds the record as the most diverse region in the continent. It is understood that, the more diverse a population is, the longer they have had to differentiate. Thus easily proving East African's as the ancestors. And if that doesn't do it, in 1997 the oldest human fossil was found in a village 140 miles north east of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The fossil being 160, 000 years old, and a proper human, puts the claim that we are descendants of Neanderthals and apes to rest. We are however, and always have been, your forefathers.

Much of Western history did not attempt to document Africa's ancestors, and when Europe decided to carve up and colonize Africa, what little history they had of us had to be gotten rid off. No one could justify raiding and raping a people and a place that contains their origin. So Africa, in it's entirety had to be faceless, and without past.

[This message has been edited by rasol (edited 23 March 2005).]

Member # 1797
 - posted

Tomb of Senefer 18th dyansty


Member # 4592
 - posted
Interesting indeed, so now you expect us to believe THE WORDS OF A SOMALI MUSCIAN,

Err, as everyone but you is intelligent enough to understand.... the article is NOt proferred as an 'expert' opinion of an Egyptologist on Punt.

Obviously. It would be a trivial matter to site Diop, Gardiner, Yurco, Budge and even Petrie or Breasted regarding references to Punt, Ta Neter, aka God's land and the iconography thereof.

It is equally simple to link to km.t iconography of Puntites....

The value of the article is that it offers a perspective of a modern inhabitant of Ta Neter.

Apparently you have an issue with that, but then, you have m a n y issues as we've all come to learn.

My best Abobo. Get well soon.

Member # 1820
 - posted
Originally posted by ausar:
Yes, that is Tut-ankh-amun.

While that definitely looks likt Tut, I was told it was Ramses II. That statue is in Luxor temple, and the guide said it was Ramses. I too thought it was Tut but I didn't argue. Just about the whole temple was Ramses, so he may have usurped the monuments.

Member # 6477
 - posted
Originally posted by rasol:

Indeed. Contrast these Puntites with Asiatics!


Member # 4592
 - posted

[This message has been edited by rasol (edited 24 March 2005).]

Member # 4592
 - posted
Rasol wites:
There is still some debate regarding the precise location of Punt, which was once identified with modern Somalia. A strong argument has been made for a location in Southern Sudan or modern Eritria-Ethiopia.

It was assumed that the trading parties always traveled by sea but now it seems possible that some traders sailed south along the Nile and then overland, making contact with Puntites in the vicinity of the 5th cataract. - Oxford History of Ancient Egypt.

[This message has been edited by rasol (edited 24 March 2005).]

Member # 4592
 - posted
Rasol wites:
in the Old Kingdom the goods from Punt had been brought to Egypt on an overland route, whereby this was controlled by the people from Kerma

that in the New Kingdom again ships were sent to Punt, until Nubia was fully controlled by Egypt; thereafter, the goods came also on an overland route,

The people products brought back to Egypt point to an African origin: giraffes, myrrh along with Twa [Pygmies]- which excludes south east Arabia, as has sometimes been suggested. Thus Punt must have been located somewhere in Africa perhaps south Sudan or north Ethiopia.
- ancientegypt.org

Originally posted by rasol:
What is interesting is the acknowledgement that Punt aka Ta Neter aka Land of the Gods, is in East Africa.

Some are unaware that this is no longer in serious dispute.

They want Punt to refer to Palestine or Mesopotamia for a variety of 'reasons'.

Originally posted by Super car:
What reasons do they base their claims on?

rasol writes:
Wishful thinking mostly. They grasp on to tidbits like the cedarwood gathered from Lebanon. Some of them want Sargon the Akadian to be the Scorpian King, and so forth... they need to counter primary reference from the Km.t[rm.t] to interior African origins. Punt was the best they could do. And, as we've shown...it's a non starter.

Sweeney and Velikovsky are catastrophists (as in Biblical flood), they deny legitimacy of carbon dating and other standard scientific practicise. As with the creationists, this allows them to conjur Biblical fantasy histories, and incorporate such things as Sweeney's assertion that writing did not begin until 1000BC, and no pyramids were built prior to the Jews precense in Egypt, , which allows all pre-Biblical history, including India, China and Nile Valley, to be discarded and wildly rewritten.

Let's not waste time and ruin a good thread by introducing pseudo-science as a form of spam.

[This message has been edited by rasol (edited 24 March 2005).]

Member # 4846
 - posted
I READ somewhere that most of the folks of punt were alreadly mixed blacks,i do not know if that is true or not it might be true for some but if that is the case than some of their feartures would be different than the kushites and most of the early egyptians since we know that kushites and most egyptians had flat noses and woolly hair,and the author mention that many or most of the folks of punt had narrow noses and hair like white folks already at the time of the new kingdom of egypt.
Member # 4592
 - posted
Kenndo, not all Africans have flat noses and or woolly hair. Don't fall into the trap of the 'true negro myth'.

Africans have always been diverse, due to adaption to different climates and the fossil record supports that fact.

There are Africans with substantial Eurasian admixture who still have broad skeletal features [like the Lemba Bantu], and Africans with little Eurasian admixture with elongated features [like the Borana of Kenya].

Genetically the Borana are 'even more' African than the Lemba and some other Bantu groups.

Moreover fossils that resemble elongated East African groups from antiquity are much more plentiful than fossils that can be related to the 'broad' physiogamy.

The Somali and other cushite speakers are the descendants of the original East African populations. Don't fall prey to Eurocentric thinking.

[This message has been edited by rasol (edited 24 March 2005).]

Member # 4846
 - posted
you got me wrong,i know that some africans do have narrow noses,i am just saying that most do not.

I know many of the cushitic speaking folks of the afro-asian group have some form of mixture,AND I READ that is was one clan of the lemba that have some other racial admixture or could it be that that the hebrews were really black first and that is why you clan might have been apart of original black hebrews,but there are many scholars who believe that the hebrews were really white.

some in the afro-centric groups believe that the hebrews were black but i do not, but i am aware some were black just like some arabs are or latinos.

so yes i read the works of some of the best african mainstream scholars and afro-centric scholars out there on this subject and i do not agree with everthing they say but many do get most of it right,so there is no way i could fall in the euro trap,because i admit my thinking is closer to the afro-centric side but objective to a certain extent at the same time.

Member # 4592
 - posted
you got me wrong,i know that some africans do have narrow noses,i am just saying that most do not.

We're not talking about most Africans, we are talking about Punt. The manner in which you respond to discussion of Somalia seems to suggest some hostility? Maybe I'm reading something that isn't there?

there is no way i could fall in the euro trap

With friendship and great respect, I think you already have.

If you think that Cushites are any less African than Bantu, or that Nubia is somehow more African than Somalia, or that Nubia is an appropriate pan-ethnic classification for Nile Valley Blacks, or that the original Km.t were 'Sudanic and not Nilotic', then you may have already fallen into a trap and not know it.

I've often wondered if, when Eurocentrists inevitablably concede their last bitter points of obstinency re: the African origins of Nile Valley Civilisation....

Will the response of Africans be to battle over the Egyptian vs. Nubian, Sudanic vs. Nilotic origins?

[This message has been edited by rasol (edited 24 March 2005).]

Member # 6629
 - posted
A good question is were the asiatics as "mixed" during the time of the kemetans as they are now?...

It's interesting that most of the images of asiatics that the kemetans left us show them with white skin--some with blue eyes, I think--though among modern inhabitants of the arabian peninsula, these features are fairly rare...(?)

Member # 1797
 - posted
The only groups that were shown with white skin in the iconography were the tamahou[Libyan tribes],Mittani[Indo-Europen tribe],and some other groups. Asiatics mostly have a yellowish coloring,and are bearded.


Member # 3595
 - posted
Originally posted by ausar:

Tomb of Senefer 18th dyansty

That tomb is really Beautiful.

Member # 6397
 - posted
Originally posted by windstorm2005:
A good question is were the asiatics as "mixed" during the time of the kemetans as they are now?...

It's interesting that most of the images of asiatics that the kemetans left us show them with white skin--some with blue eyes, I think--though among modern inhabitants of the arabian peninsula, these features are fairly rare...(?)

Arabs with blue eyes are even rare in Hejaz. Most Saudi Arabians (mainly lives outside cities) are actually pretty dark skinned and do not have a fair skin complexion. However the more 'delicate' skin complexion is found in cities like Jeddah, not to mention tall stature.

Member # 4592
 - posted

Hebrews in Egypt.

Aamu and Kemetu - [literally Asiatics and Blacks]

Member # 6477
 - posted

Left image: Asiatic captives, and Kemetians.
Right image: A Kemetian without a wig.

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 29 March 2005).]

Member # 4592
 - posted
Nice Fro Who is that?
Member # 6477
 - posted
Originally posted by rasol:

Nice Fro Who is that?

Just an ordinary Kemetian or should I say commoner. Kemetians depicted commoners doing all types of work, from military service to weaving, agricultural work, etc. These depictions of commoners often go unnoticed, but they paint very realistic images of Kemetians and Kemetian life.

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 27 March 2005).]

Member # 5928
 - posted
Originally posted by Super car:

Left image: Asiatic captives, and Kemetians.
Right image: A Kemetian without a wig.

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 27 March 2005).]

Only one picture shows up, was there meant to be two?

Also, who is this suppose to be and where did this pic come from??



Member # 6477
 - posted
Originally posted by anacalypsis:

Only one picture shows up, was there meant to be two?

Also, who is this suppose to be and where did this pic come from??


It must be your browser, I don't have any problems seeing the images. I have already mentioned earlier what the images are about, and the museum photos, courtesy of Claremont Colleges.

Member # 5928
 - posted
Originally posted by Super car:
It must be your browser, I don't have any problems seeing the images. I have already mentioned earlier what the images are about, and the museum photos, courtesy of Claremont Colleges.

Supercar still can't see the lefthanded pic, is it from a website that I could possilbly view it from?

Member # 6477
 - posted
Originally posted by anacalypsis:

Supercar still can't see the lefthanded pic, is it from a website that I could possilbly view it from?

Okay Anacalypsis, apparently people have different browsers with different capabilities. There doesn't seem to be any problem on my end, but for your convenience, this is what the left-hand pic. should look like:

I hope this helps.

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 29 March 2005).]

Alive-(What Box)
Member # 10819
 - posted

Yo Supe, is the image below, part of the image you were supposed to have posted on the left?

Member # 12654
 - posted
Book Of The Dead scenes from Old Kingdom tomb







Member # 12654
 - posted


Ebony Allen
Member # 12771
 - posted
How can anyone look at these pictures and not believe that the ancient Egyptians were black?
Member # 15091
 - posted
many of my arab friends who are not egyptian tell me that egyptians have their own look, and they can pinpoint them out in crowd anyday.
i totally see it too...its like a mix of black, greek and italian although they do carry some african features.

but i really dont think they were all black...i think just in the nubian area...for the north and south were always at war.

alas, i went so far as to call my egyptian ex hubbo african american and he almost went bizerk.
u wanna offend an egyptian, call him black or indian.
why i dont know why, since there is no prejudice against blacks in egypt.

my ex husband has many of the ancient characteristics and i used to say that he looked like he just stepped off a wall painting from inside a pyramid...the long legs, same skin color, flat feet, solid torso, even the profile from the side of his face omg!...was all so similiar and he wasnt black at all...just really brown lol!
Ima Trollman
Member # 15271
 - posted
shut up dumm tow head doper wench

who cayrz yr moon is green cheez opinion
Member # 14524
 - posted
Originally posted by Pothead_Barbie:
many of my arab friends who are not egyptian tell me that egyptians have their own look, and they can pinpoint them out in crowd anyday.
i totally see it too...its like a mix of black, greek and italian although they do carry some african features.

but i really dont think they were all black...i think just in the nubian area...for the north and south were always at war.

alas, i went so far as to call my egyptian ex hubbo african american and he almost went bizerk.
u wanna offend an egyptian, call him black or indian.
why i dont know why, since there is no prejudice against blacks in egypt.

my ex husband has many of the ancient characteristics and i used to say that he looked like he just stepped off a wall painting from inside a pyramid...the long legs, same skin color, flat feet, solid torso, even the profile from the side of his face omg!...was all so similiar and he wasnt black at all...just really brown lol!

Funny thing is I always thought most "Blacks" were not black at all but "Just really brown"
In fact my thoughts are constantly confirmed by my eyes. I actually DO think that Ancient Egyptians DID have their own look. And today Modern Egyptians have their own look that i can sometimes spot a mile away when compared to other Arabs. But I put this in perspective with other North East Africans also having their own looks. Ethiopians have their own looks, Within Ethiopia the different ethnic groups all have their own looks....But these looks still fit under an Ethiopian umbrella of looks. Somalis on the other hand have their own looks, Different clans have different looks but the all fit under the Somali umbrella. Same can be said of Northern Sudanese, And BLACK Egyptians. But all these "looks" would fit under a generic look we can call "North East African Black Look". All these groups are North East African Black People. That would include Ancient Egyptians. They dont have to look like West Africans or Pygmies to be Black.
Member # 15871
 - posted
Originally posted by Super car:


Left image: Asiatic captives, and Kemetians.
Right image: A Kemetian without a wig.

I cannot get over how much the male above resembles my mulatto cousin.



he is sub-saharan african[damara tribe],khoisan and german.
Member # 15871
 - posted
Originally posted by astenb:
[QUOTE] But all these "looks" would fit under a generic look we can call "North East African Black Look". All these groups are North East African Black People. That would include Ancient Egyptians. They dont have to look like West Africans or Pygmies to be Black.

Even pygmies show enormous variety alot of them have thin lips.

check out these baka pygmies boys from central africa.

incidently their music is completely mesmerising
http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=IOceeyD0iRU&NR=1 I can see why the ancient egyptians were so transfixed on it and them.
Member # 15871
 - posted
Originally posted by meninarmer:
Book Of The Dead scenes from Old Kingdom tomb


I cant believe how much pgymies feature in egyptian life,no wonder their oral histories and even oral histories of the bantu contain references to egypt.
Member # 7644
 - posted
Originally posted by rasol:
Hebrews in Egypt.

Aamu and Kemetu - [literally Asiatics and Blacks]

This isn't fair. Do you know how much of a hard time I got for calling these guys Hebrews! Al Tutakamum gave me hell for that!!

How come Rasol gets away with it!
Member # 6698
 - posted
^ LOL Then take it up with Takruri then.
Member # 10195
 - posted
Rasol correctly uses the western term Asiatics for A3mw.

'Osirion' incorrectly used Hebrews who are only one small
sub-class of Asiatics for the all encompassing generic
category A3mw.

So if it's hell you want then it's hell you'll get.

The human body isn't called finger.
The "Asiatic" body isn't called Hebrew.
Member # 10195
 - posted

The human body isn't termed finger.
The "Asiatic" body isn't termed Hebrew.

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