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Author Topic: Horemheb and Eurocentrism
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The professor is in denial of this, he thinks Eurocentrism doesn't exist.

Eurocentrism of Hegel, Marx, Mueller, Monier Williams, Husserl
by Rajiv Malhotra

Copyright 2001 The Infinity Foundation


During the colonial era, the naïve assumption of Western superiority was given authority by thinkers such as Hegel, who developed a "universal" theory of history, which was, in essence, a theory of European history in which the rest of the World was taken to be objects rather than subjects. For Hegel, as Said has pointed out, Asia and Africa were "static, despotic, and irrelevant to world history."1 Hegel's view of history was highly influential, on both Marxist and humanist historiography. His rather extreme ethnocentrism should thus not be swept under the rug, but analyzed as a central aspect of his thought. Since Hegel, Ethnocentrism has often blinded the West to the parochialism of its supposed "universals".

Particularly egregious are the attempts by thinkers such as Hegel to define as universal features that are, in fact, quite culturally specific. This includes his "universal history", which saw Europe and America as the pinnacles of human evolution. Hegel wrote, for example, "universal history goes from East to West. Europe is absolutely the end of universal history. Asia is the beginning."2

This idea was clearly a justification of Western colonial exploitation. But Hegel took the idea even further. Since his "history" is solely defined in Eurocentric terms, any act committed by the Europeans, no matter how reprehensible, is justifiable as a necessary step in human evolution. Hegel wrote that:

"Because history is the configuration of the Spirit in the form of event, the people which receives the Spirit as its natural principle…is the one that dominates in that epoch of world history…Against the absolute right of that people who actually are the carriers of the world Spirit, the spirit of other peoples has no other right."3
Hegel saw the evolution of human history as a unified totality, proceeding via the evolution of the "world spirit". The "world spirit", for Hegel, was Western, with other cultures subsumed to the dustbin of history, forced either to adapt to the West or be trampled underfoot by this "world spirit", which in Hegel's writing appears as a complex metaphor for the reality of Western aggression. Even within the West, Germany occupies a special destiny. Hegel writes4:

"The Germanic Spirit (germanische Geist) is the Spirit of the New World (neuen Welt), whose end is the realization of the absolute truth, as the infinite self-determination of liberty that has for its content its proper absolute form. The principle of the German Empire ought to accommodate the Christian religion. The destiny of the Germanic peoples is that of serving as the bearer of the Christian principle."
All non-Europeans are mere objects in the hands of the Europeans, under this theory of history. When applying his theories to Africans, Hegel arrived at the following blatantly racist conclusions5:

"It is characteristic of the blacks that their consciousness has not yet even arrived at the intuition of any objectivity, as for example, of God or the law, in which humanity relates to the world and intuits its essence. ...He [the black person] is a human being in the rough."
Colonialization was the teleological imperative by which consciousness in the form of the superior Europeans must appropriate the others. He wrote6:

"By a dialectic which is appropriate for surpassing itself, in the first place, such a society is driven to look beyond itself to new consumers. Therefore it seeks its means of subsistence among other peoples which are inferior to it with respect to the resources which it has in excess, such as those of industry. This expansion of relations also makes possible that colonization to which, under systematic or sporadic form, a fully established civil society is impelled. Colonization permits it that one part of its population, located on the new territory, returns to the principle of family property and, at the same time, procures for itself a new possibility and field of labor."
Hegel also applied this "logic" specifically to his analysis of India. He depicted the British colonialization of India as an inevitable stage in his process of "evolution". He wrote:

"The British, or rather the East India Company, are the masters of India because it is the fatal destiny of Asian empires to subject themselves to the Europeans."7
Reading through Hegel's works, it is apparent that he based conclusions such as this on the rather warped assumption that India has no history. His clearest statement to this effect occurs as follows:

"If we had formerly the satisfaction of believing in the antiquity of the Indian wisdom and holding it in respect, we now have ascertained through being acquainted with the great astronomical works of the Indians, the inaccuracy of all figures quoted. Nothing can be more confused, nothing more imperfect than the chronology of the Indians; no people which attained to culture in astronomy, mathematics, &c., is as incapable for history; in it they have neither stability nor coherence. It was believed that such was to be had at the time of Wikramaditya, who was supposed to have lived about 50 B.C., and under whose reign the poet Kalidasa, author of Sakontala, lived. But further research discovered half a dozen Wikramadityas and careful investigation has placed this epoch in our eleventh century. The Indians have lines of kings and an enormous quantity of names, but everything is vague."8
This is an important passage for two reasons. First, this assumption has been very influential, and its consequences continue to be felt today. Secondly, Hegel gives this as the reason why he had lost respect for India's cultural heritage. Yet his conclusion is baseless, and can be critiqued on several points. Classical Indian astronomy was no more inaccurate than the classical Greek Ptolemaic system, which Europe followed until the seventeenth century, and in many respects the former was more accurate. Regarding the Vikramaditya era, it is true that there were several kings with that name in Europe (just as there were many kings named Louis, Charles, etc. in Europe), but it does not follow from this that the Indians confused them. There in fact never was confusion concerning the Vikramaditya era, starting 57 BCE, and Hegel is absolutely wrong that this era begins in the eleventh century. One might argue that there never was a king of that name who lived at that time, but one could also argue that there was no Christ born at the year zero, but such a critique would not "prove" that the West has no history; the history based on such a chronology would still be sound, regardless of the status of the legendary founder of the era. It is interesting that he takes this rather inconsequential reason for carte blanche dismissal of Indian wisdom, as if the contents of a text are false merely because it is misdated!

Such mistaken views concerning Indian history (or lack thereof) are at the root of much of the dismissal of India and things Indian. Also, once it is established in the minds of an oppressed people that they have no history of their own, other than what has been gifted to them by the oppressors, then it also legitimizes (and glorifies) historical scholarship by the oppressors. In fact, many a Macaulayite today is grateful to the colonialists for having given him a sense of his own history which, the Macaulayites were programmed to believe, they never had of their own. As goes history, so go identity and values. This re-engineering is how Indians were conditioned to believe that their tradition requires them to be world negating, to leave materialistic progress to Europeans as it was against their own ethos. In fact, since giving up wealth could be seen as very pious, why bother if colonialists took it over?

Karl Marx:

The false perception that India was a stagnant, ahistorical land was further perpetuated by Karl Marx. Marx described India as being caught in what he called the "Asiatic Mode of Production". He posited that India was trapped in a stagnant, unhistorical economic state in which "Oriental despots" wielding absolute power governed unchanging, stratified villages. His analysis was flawed by a serious ignorance of the actual economic history of India, and of the numerous underlying causes of decline. (This is why to this day, Marxists do not wish to encourage scholarship on India's Traditional Knowledge Systems, as the historical record clearly refutes the belief that there was no progress on the materialistic front from within the indigenous culture.) From a certain perspective, the greatest despots in India were not Oriental but Occidental, i.e., the British.

These words were written in "The Future Results of British Rule in India' on August 8, 1853 in the concluding of a series of articles on India, that were published in the 'New York Daily Tribune'. In a letter to Engels, Marx claimed that he had written these casual pieces primarily for financial reasons and that India was "not his department"9:

"India, then, could not escape the fate of being conquered, and the whole of her past history, if anything, is the history of the successive conquests she has undergone. Indian society has no history at all, at least no known history. What we call its history, is but the history of the successive intruders who founded their empires on the basis of that unresisting and unchanging society… From the Indian natives, reluctantly and sparingly educated at Calcutta, under English superintendence, a fresh class is spring up, endowed with the requirements for government and imbued with European science. Steam has brought India into regular and rapid communication with Europe, has connected its chief ports with the whole south-eastern ocean, and has re-vindicated it from the isolated position which was the prime law of its stagnation."
Max Mueller:

The predator-prey mentality of foreign rulers and scholars working on the ancient texts of India did not fail to influence the famous Max Mueller. This is reflected in one of the letters by Prof. Mueller addressed to the Duke of Orgoil, the then Secretary of State for India. Mueller wrote on 16th Dec. 1868:

"The ancient religion of India is totally doomed and if Christianity doesn't step in whose fault will it be."
Furthermore, in a letter addressed to his wife in 1868, Prof. Max Mueller wrote:

"I hope I shall finish that work and feel convinced that though I shall not live to see it, yet this edition of mine and translation of Vedas will hereafter tell to a great extent on the fate of India and on the growth of millions of the souls in this country."
In the same letter, he further observes:

"It [Veda] is the root of their religion and to show them what the root is, I feel sure, the only way of uprooting all that has been sprung from it during the last three thousand years."
The text of his letters is self-explanatory to the fact that scholars like Max Mueller often started studying Sanskrit with ulterior motives. The modern condition demonstrates that he was more or less successful in his vision.

Monier Williams:

Monier Williams another important European scholar who was hard pressed by the Church. He wrote10:

"When the walls of the mighty fortress of Brahmanism are encircled, undermined and finally stormed by the soldiers of cross, the victory of Christianity must be signal and complete."
In his preface to his famous Sanskrit-English Dictionary, as the Professor of the prestigious Boden Chair at Oxford, Monier Williams reveals the objective of founding the Chair for Sanskrit studies by Col. Boden as to convert the natives of India into Christianity. He writes thus11:

"I must draw attention to the fact that I am only the second occupant of the Boden Chair, and that its founder, Col. Boden, stated most explicitly in his will (dated Aug. 15,1811) that special object of his munificent bequest was to promote the translation of the scriptures into Sanskrit; so as to enable his countrymen to proceed in the conversion of the natives of India to the Christian Religion."

The prevalent view of most modern Western scholars is that European tradition is not simply one cultural tradition among others. The European self identity is predicated upon its distinct achievements in philosophy and pure theory, and as such, has a unique global mission to fulfill.

Husserl claimed: "Europe alone can provide other traditions with a universal framework of meaning and understanding. They will have to Europeanize themselves, whereas we, if we understand ourselves properly, will never, for example, Indianize ourselves. The Europeanization of all foreign parts of mankind is the destiny of the earth."

Eurocentrism Today:

Enrique Dussel has written a remarkable book on Eurocentrism, focusing on the European conquest of America and the subsequent 'construction' of history to depict it as the miracle of European triumph. He writes12:

"The traditional Eurocentric thesis, flourishing in the United States, modernity's culmination, is that modernity expanded to the barbarian cultures of the South undoubtedly in need of modernization. One can only explain this new-sounding but age-old thesis by returning to medieval Europe to discover the motives which produced modernity and permitted its dissemination. Max Weber first posed the question of world history Eurocentrically13:

"Which chain of circumstances has resulted in the fact that on Western soil and only there, cultural phenomena have been produced which, as we represent it, show signs of evolutionary advance and universal validity?"

Weber continues14:

"Neither scientific, artistic, governmental, nor economic evolution has led to the modes of rationalization proper to the Occident."
Europe possessed, according to this paradigm, exceptional internal characteristics which permitted it to surpass all other cultures in rationality. This thesis, which adopts a Eurocentric (as opposed to world) paradigm, reigns not only in Europe and the United States, but also among intellectuals in the peripheral world. The pseudo-scientific periodization of history into Antiquity, the Middle (preparatory) Ages, and finally the Modern (European) Age is an ideological construct which deforms world history. One must break with this reductionist horizon to open to a world and planetary perspective - and there is an ethical obligation toward other cultures to do so.

Chronology reflects geopolitics. According to the Eurocentric paradigm, modern subjectivity especially developed between the times of the Italian Renaissance and the Reformation and of the Enlightenment in Germany and the French Revolution. Everything occurred in Europe."

References Cited:

1. Edward Said, Culture and Imperialism (New York: Vintage Books, 1993), p. 168.

2. Hegel, Samtliche Werke. J. Hoffmeister and F. Meiner, eds. (Hamburg, 1955), appendix 2, p. 243; op cit. Enrique Dussel, The Invention of the Americas (New York: Continuum, 1995), p. 20.

3. Hegel, Samtliche Werke. J. Hoffmeister and F. Meiner, eds. (Hamburg, 1955), appendix 2, p. 243; op cit. Enrique Dussel, The Invention of the Americas (New York: Continuum, 1995), p. 20.

4. Hegel, "The Philosophy of History", rev. ed., trans. J. Sibree (New York: Colonial Press, 1900), p.341.

5. Hegel, Lectures on the Philosophy of World History, Introduction: Reason in History, trans. H. B. Nisbet (Cambridge University Press, 1975), p.138.

6. Enzyklopadie, #248, English translation: "Hegel's Philosophy of Right", trans. T. M. Knox (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1952), p. 151.

7. From Hegel's Einleitung in die Geschichte der Philosophie (J. Hoffmeister, ed., Hamburg: F. Meiner, 1962), op. cit. Roger-Pol Droit, L'Oubli de L'Inde, Une Amnésie Philosophique, Presses Universitaires de France, 1989, p. 189.

8. From Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel. Lectures on the History of Philosophy. E. S. Haldane, trans. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1995, vol. 1, pp. 125-126.

9. Halbfass, Wilhelm: "India and Europe, An Essay in Understanding". State University of New York Press, Albany (New York), 1988, pp. 137-138.

10. Monier Williams, 'Modern India and Indians', p. 247.

11. Monier William, Sanskrit-English Dictionary, 1899, Preface, p. ix.

12. Enrique Dussel, "The Invention of the Americas: Eclipse of "the Other" and the Myth of Modernity", Translated by Michael D. Barber, pp. 9- 2.

13. Max Weber, "Soziologie, weltgeschichtliche Analyzen, Politik (Stuttgart: Kroner, 1956), p.340.

14. ibid., p.351.

15. Wilhelm Halbfass, "India and Europe: An Essay in Philosophical Understanding". Delhi: Motilal Banarasidass, 1990:167. The English version from original German was published by SUNY Press, Albany, N.Y. in 1988.

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Member # 6753

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After reading this Horemheb, will you deny that Eurocentrism still doesn't exist and that its a made up term by so called inferior peoples? I think you lack the basic knowledge of what constitutes Eurocentrism as opposed to your ad-hominem bashing of Afrocentrism as bad.
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I don't lack knowledge TopDog. My guess is that I have as much or more education than 99% of the people on this board. In practical terms TopDog, Hegel was correct on many things. Since 1500 non Euro- American areas have been objects and to a great extent they still are. Only China and india are showing any signs of altering that reality and they are doing it with adopted western economics. I would venture to say TopDog the even you have become more westernized than you would like to admit.
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To Horemheb

The claim that China--much more than India which is still mired in intense poverty--is making progess on acount of its adoption of Western economic methods is exaggerated.

The essence of economics is the production of goods and services which if not consumed by the producer are exchangeable--either through barter or some neutral medium of exchange. China--and many parts of the non-Western world(Africa North of the Equator specifically and other parts of Africa) have always done exactly that--long before any contacts with the West.
Even the concept of "interest" long debated for its ethical acceptability has a long non-Western history.

The modern West, of course, centres its economics on this very problematic concept, with all its attendant immoral results. And that's why there are laws in the West against usury.

What's different, of course, is the technology that China employs today. Although much of it is of Western origin it should be borne in mind that China is merely readapting what was introduced to the barbarian West by non-Westerners just a few centuries.

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Originally posted by lamin:

What's different, of course, is the technology that China employs today. Although much of it is of Western origin it should be borne in mind that China is merely readapting what was introduced to the barbarian West by non-Westerners just a few centuries.[/B]

Oh, well. This is the cycle of life: Europe got the wisdom from Al-Andalus and the fire-weapons from China, used them to change its economic base, then its culture change too and finally spred it all around the world. And now, China is re-taking on it and starting a new cycle of life.
Dar al Islam is still sleeping and dreaming.

[This message has been edited by jluis (edited 21 April 2005).]

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Originally posted by Horemheb:
Since 1500 non Euro- American areas have been objects and to a great extent they still are. Only China and india are showing any signs of altering that reality and they are doing it with [b]adopted western economics...

Now you see why, folks like Horemheb like to blot out the middle ages; he thinks that it gives him an excuse to invent history!

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TopDog, you have to excuse super car. His education is so limited you cannot have a reasonable conversation with him. When you combine ignorance with arrogance you usually get a disaster and that in the case with SC. I have had 18 year on students who have a better grasp of the basics and the reason is, they care. If someone does not care about history the chances are they will not learn it.
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Originally posted by Horemheb:
TopDog, you have to excuse super car. His education is so limited you cannot have a reasonable conversation with him. When you combine ignorance with arrogance you usually get a disaster and that in the case with SC. I have had 18 year on students who have a better grasp of the basics and the reason is, they care. If someone does not care about history the chances are they will not learn it.

Never having answers, and denying anything that goes against your nazi-centric values, no matter how that denial makes no sense, is what you call reasoning. We've talked about the crucial middle ages quite a bit now, and you have offered nothing as usual, but simply resorting to denials with the intent of distortion; you cannot distort and expect to come out of it sensibly. This is what trollers fail to understand. As a troll, horemheb, you simply cannot be reasoned with, but just constantly be humiliated!

BTW, you even failed to realize that the parent topic highlights your absentmindedness, concerning your laughable denial of Eurocentrism. That is how much in touch with reality, you are!

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All ramblings of a man who does not have his basics down. You simply have to get the basics down in order to have any framework to work off of. That is the problem we see most often and it leads to these silly ideas. Calling egypt monotheistic, not understanding the development of western civilization, misreading the development of Greek history and thought, not even understanding the most elementary aspects of early europe, all of these things can happen when a person simply lacks their basics.
This is why we have survey classes. They lay out the basics on which a person can develop sound views and a level of understanding. i strongly recommend a basic western Civ class. many of our schools offer them on line and they will clear up all of these questions.

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Originally posted by Horemheb:
All ramblings of a man who does not have his basics down. You simply have to get the basics down in order to have any framework to work off of. That is the problem we see most often and it leads to these silly ideas. Calling egypt monotheistic, not understanding the development of western civilization, misreading the development of Greek history and thought, not even understanding the most elementary aspects of early europe, all of these things can happen when a person simply lacks their basics.
This is why we have survey classes. They lay out the basics on which a person can develop sound views and a level of understanding. i strongly recommend a basic western Civ class. many of our schools offer them on line and they will clear up all of these questions.

For a person without the basics, boy do I sweat you down, with your unability to come up with answers to the subject at hand.

Eurocentric teachings are meaningless to me, and that is one of the reasons I am here...to expose them. You were given the opportunity to provide a clear-headed point of view of the so-called dark ages, and you fell miserably short. Take it very, and I mean very slowly, to think about what I just said.

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again, a survey class in western civ is very helpful and is enjoyable to take. It will give you a solid foundation on which to build. If you can't find one you like let me know and I will send you in the right direction.
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Originally posted by Horemheb:
again, a survey class in western civ is very helpful and is enjoyable to take.

If your answers are anything to go by, this attempt of a recommendation must severely be taken with a grain of salt.

It will give you a solid foundation on which to build.

You mean one, which you have been unable to build from.

If you can't find one you like let me know and I will send you in the right direction.

What direction would that be...in circles? I'll bet whatever it is, it will only lead to a...DEAD END!

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 22 April 2005).]

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Originally posted by Super car:
What direction would that be...in circles? I'll bet whatever it is, it will only lead to a...DEAD END!

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 22 April 2005).]

Instead of dealing with the non-Cartesian and obvious uneducated who
proves himself so by never providing a quote, citation, reference
or source for anything he ruminates, and bungling definitions as in
classicist vs classicalist, why not join in on the revamped coastal
North African threads. We sure can use your contributions there. Thanks
in advance for refusing the diversion.

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If you go to the Glencoe McGraw Hill web site you will find many excellent survey text. If one does not want to take a class one of these texts would be helpful as well.
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Member # 3361

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This site is full of great 'basic' text.

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Member # 6753

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Horemheb, you still have not directly answered my question. Let me make things a little more simpler; how is it that anything from a European centered view is automatically true without question[though you have avoided admitting that some views by Eurocentric scholars are wrong and have since been debunked] but anything written from an African-centered view is racist and nationalistic? Is that merely a tactic you use to avoid addressing specific points about Eurocentric fallacies? Rasol, Supercar, Thought and others have asked you repeatedly address and answer specific questions and you have failed to answer them by sticking your head in the sand, now its time to finally answer up now please address the specific points I raised, I put them in bold. Please give a straight answer.
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TopDog, Many of the questions they asked are so absurd there is no room for discussion. It would be much like geting sucked into an argument about the flat earth theory. Most people who talk about Eurocentrism do so to make a political point. Historians say that the west has been the dominant engine of the part 500 years and it has. Other areas are on the margins of the creation of the modern world. This is not a 'eurocentric' viewpoint, it is a 'correct' viewpoint.
It is the effort of the 'losers' in histroy to 'graft' their civilization onto that of the winners.
The people you mantioned TopDog are very western themselves, they just won't admit it. If it wasn't for western civilization they would still be in the woods trying to kill a rabitt with a spear to get something to eat. Why do they want to claim some connection to Greece? Obviously this is an effort to 'take part' in the creation of western civilization when they have no part at all. Lefkowitz is correct, when you talk to them you feel like you are in a political discussion, not an academic discussion.
For blacks and people from third world countries there is only one realistic choice, as individulas they can join western civilization and gain great prosperity but they can NEVER do 'as a race.' Cindi Rice is the most powerful person in diplomacy in the entire world. She is not doing that as a 'black woman' she is doing that as a woman. Think about that TopDog, it might change your life.

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Member # 3361

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TopDog, Many of the questions they asked are so absurd there is no room for discussion. It would be much like geting sucked into an argument about the flat earth theory. Most people who talk about Eurocentrism do so to make a political point. Historians say that the west has been the dominant engine of the part 500 years and it has. Other areas are on the margins of the creation of the modern world. This is not a 'eurocentric' viewpoint, it is a 'correct' viewpoint.
It is the effort of the 'losers' in histroy to 'graft' their civilization onto that of the winners.
The people you mentioned TopDog are very western themselves, they just won't admit it. If it wasn't for western civilization they would still be in the woods trying to kill a rabbit with a spear to get something to eat. Why do they want to claim some connection to Greece? Obviously this is an effort to 'take part' in the creation of western civilization when they have no part at all. Lefkowitz is correct, when you talk to them you feel like you are in a political discussion, not an academic discussion.
For blacks and people from third world countries there is only one realistic choice, as individulas they can join western civilization and gain great prosperity but they can NEVER do 'as a race.' Cindi Rice is the most powerful person in diplomacy in the entire world. She is not doing that as a 'black woman' she is doing that as a woman. Think about that TopDog, it might change your life.

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For those, who don't care for mambo jumbo, a.k.a the above, go here for the real deal:

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Originally posted by Horemheb:
It is the effort of the 'losers' in histroy to 'graft' their civilization onto that of the winners.

If this is the case what about this:

Now attempt to deny that this is a case of of a loser grafting himself onto winners. And who's to say Africans are the losers in history when you just admitted that Europe, mostly Western Europe, just rose to prominence within the last 500 years? What happened before that and even during that time? Civilizations and empires fall and rise so in theory there are no losers and winners. Napolean said it best when he remarked that history is a set of lies agreed upon and European has written numerous sets of agreed upon lies[James Henry Breasted for example, stating that all civilizations from Nubia to India were created by the Great White Race], the lies about Great Zimbabwe, the Benin Bronzes, etc, I can name so many examples, only a fool would say "This is not a 'eurocentric' viewpoint, it is a 'correct' viewpoint", when confroned with those examples I provided.

You still haven't directly answered my questions I put in bold, I'm still waiting on an answer.

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TopDog, The question you asked is too general. Just exactly what so called 'european' view are you refering to. What are they saying that you think is wrong?
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Originally posted by Horemheb:
TopDog, The question you asked is too general. Just exactly what so called 'european' view are you refering to. What are they saying that you think is wrong?

The 'euroview' that I'm referring to is the myth that any and everything of value in Africa **ever**, came via diffusion from the Middle East and or Europe and that indigenous Africans created nothing. By the way, I'm African American and though the culture of African Americans is not the same as Africans it is not ultra 'westernised' in the sense meaning European-loke or white like.

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It depends by what you mean when you say 'created nothing.' Certainly there were some colorful and interesting cultures in Africa and they did a good job of dealing with the enviorment they lived in.
It is clear, however, that what we call the 'modern world' was created in Euro-America. Most of the technology, philosophy and economic systems that dominate the world today had their origins in Europe.
Even today, the world's only super power is the United States with a western culture.
There is no alternative culture out there to challenge Euro-American western civilization. This culture is, in fact, starting to spread all over the world.
As for black Americans, you are much closer culturally to whit americans than you are to africans.

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To: Horemheb

Sole Superpower?

Russia has more nuclear punch than the U.S. And no power on this earth can invade China, occupy it and live to talk about it. China is also bulging with nuclear weapons.

The U.S. is indebted--with no easy exit--Japan, Taiwan and China. If they choose to act "cussed" they can just pull the feeding tube and the patient will just convulse and die.

The idea that modern technology has some roots in the West is no big deal for 2 reasons: 1)The scientific base of the West derives from non-Western sources and 2)whatever was developed in the West--in fact just 4 countries--has been easily reproduced and refined by non-Westerners.

OK the East Asians need to keep feeding the cow with their products so it won't serve them to make hamburgers and steaks now. But in a crisis, those East Asians can settle nicely for a simple bowl of rice washed down with some green tea so they have the best cards to play.

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lamin, lamin...please....Russia is dead as a military power. They still have some nuclear weapons but they have no money and do not have the ability to project power around the world. Only the US and the UK have the ability to project power around the globe. the United States has more military power as we speak when considering all factors than the rest of the world COMBINED.
None of the nations you mentioed could survive economically without the United States.
lamin the US/UK are the world's 300 pound monsters, don't kid yourself about that.

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"Like it or not, however, all this derives from an intellectual construction that attributed the primary responsibility for European and American culture to this particular ancient ethnic/linguistic group, percieved as co-members of the Indo-European race. In that sense, a great deal of 19th centruy scholarship must be seen as working towards this construction. It needs to be accepted: (1) that this was in some sense a racial construction, emphasizing the role of those percieved as co-race members and eliminating the apparent influence of those who were not; and (2) that the fact of the construction cannot be seperated from the process through which European nations were simultaneously establised imperial domination over other parts of the world." - John North

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 25 April 2005).]

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Super car...think about what the guy said...just crap. It either is or it isn't...western civilization had dominated and created the modern world. Regardless of what you guys say you know full well that is the case.
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Originally posted by Horemheb:
Super car...think about what the guy said...just crap. It either is or it isn't...western civilization had dominated and created the modern world. Regardless of what you guys say you know full well that is the case.

I've thought about what was said, have you? Like it or not, horemheb, without the crucial middle Ages (you call dark ages) and the corresponding knowledge/technology borrowed from foreign conquerors, you will not be fantasizing of the "western" creation of the "modern world".

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To Horemheb

Russia's nukes are still well-oiled and can be launched accurately by any Russian engineer--even soaking with Vodka.

The UK is a joke; the only thing of nostalgic note it has is its mothballed, but still ridiculous, feudal class that attracts bunches of tourists.

That 300 pound monster about which you write is "surprisingly" having some problems with a few desert urchins armed with a few home-made devices. It might just have to shed some weight to become more mobile.

Again, East Asians don't really need anything from the West to survive. Rice, green tea and rickshaws can get them anywhere in an emergency. They have an internal market of 2 billion--so why would they need the West? And they have long lost all taste for opium--courtesy Mao.

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lamin, east asians are all over the place over here wanting to sell their products. Russia did not use their nukes in the cold war, they sure won't use them now.
Keep in mind when you speak of the UK it has to be with the US. they still have the third largest navy in the world and the fourth largest air force. they are still one of only TWO powers that can project military power around the world.

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"Projecting military power around the world"--to what end? Even toothless dogs bark!

East Asians sell their goods world-wide but with an internal market of 2 billion and a regional market of 3 billion(to include India and Pakistan) why bother with West?

The point of this exchange is simple: to show that self-asigned sobriquets like "world's only superpower" is just that---self-designated.

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lamin, to the end of running the world, providing stability. Further, the United States is currently using around 1% of its potential power. They are not even geared up for war. the gap between the US and the rest of the world in terms of military technology is growing further apart.
Besides, Russia is a western country, so what is your point? Western Civilization has penetrated all parts of the globe. Have you been to Tokyo? In terms of essentials its like an afternoon in San Francisco.
Frankly, my guess is that you have become western yourself.

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On Providing Stability

The idea that "showing the flag" gurantees stability is outdated 18th a nd 19th century thinking. What's the point of having stockpiles of weaponry that cannot be used because the conditions don't permit and the repercussions would defeat the original purpose. Recall that the huge fangs of the sabre tooth tiger became outmoded and not fit for survival purposes after a while. Their modern descendants have much shorter and less lethal looking fangs.

On being Western

I doubt very much that the Chinese and Japanese see themselves as Western. To be Western means to adhere to and embrace some Western religion(the metaphysical side), carry a Western name and feel part of the West in the sense of identifying with Bethoven, Bach, Moliere, Goethe, etc., and to be ethnically Western in the sense of having easily identifiable origins in some geographical region of Europe(the identity side), and to prefer Western cuisine and aesthetic tastes over all other kinds(the taste factor).

Sure, Tokyo is a modern city; but its inhabitants are East Asian--not Western. The same for China: Westerners are invariably seen as "people of European origin with a specific phenotype". The Japanese, Chinese and Saudi Arabians may visit local MacDonalds regularly but they would not agree that they have become Western as a result--anymore than Europeans enjoying Indian and Chinese food and adopting Native American foods such as the potato, carrot, etc.would agree that such tastes make then Indian, Chinese or Native American.

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Lets say they are 'westernized' lamin. You are correct that they are not western in a pure sense but their old culture is dying , replaced slowly by the dominant western culture. Everything of imortance in the world in the last few centuries has been brought to these countries either by American business or the British empire. You my frienmd, as a westerner, are part of that.
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Everything of Importance?

Hope you don't include opium. China has its own way of doing things. Anyone who goes to China and talks otherwise would be laughed back on to the plane. Sure they have adapted aspects of modern technology to their society and have maintained elememts of Communist theory and practice but such concepts have been adapted to Chinese conditions. Note that the Chinese had a very efficient government bureaucracy for centuries so they simply had to transfer such skills to the running of their central government.

The Chinese invented paper and gun powder--2 very important elements of modern life. The West borrowed and adapted paper and gunpowder from China but that didn't make Westerners Chinese.

Again, note that to be Western one has to be recognised as being unmistakeably of European origin. Speaking and writing European languages don't make one Western at all--anymore than a Westerner speaking and writing Mandarin or Japanese fluently makes that person Asian. For the Japanese it will always be "the gaijin knows and speaks our language well".

Note how the Japanese view Koreans who are born and bred in Japan even when they adopt Japanese names and speak Japanese as the Japanese do. They are still seen as Koreans.

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but you are very western lamin, wouldn't you say.
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In the twisted world of horemheb, being 'modern' means being 'western', no matter the stark differences in culture between western Europeans and the people in question. It would appear that he doesn't know what he means by the terms he uses, and hence the flaws associated with them. Actually, he knows the transparent flaws inherent in the terms he uses, and therefore finds it necessary to hide behind the typical 'vagueness, and contradictory expressions of thought; a trademark of 'fabricating' reality, NOT dealing with reality. This is why he feels that 'modern' societies like those of China, Japan and Russia, have to be called 'western'. If the requests are fulfilled, just asking him to define his terms, and therefore their applications, would predictably amount to his constructions swiftly tumbling down!

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 26 April 2005).]

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super car.....


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Originally posted by Horemheb:
super car.....



"coherency", more importantly dealing with "reality", and "answers"!

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The same old song. Horemheb, you continue to criticize African history when it is obvious you know little to nothing about the subject

It depends by what you mean when you say 'created nothing.' Certainly there were some colorful and interesting cultures in Africa and they did a good job of dealing with the enviorment they lived in.

Africans created more than just "colorful" cultures. Horemheb, you may be surprised to know that Africa has many complex cultures, in fact Africa has independently created more civilizations than Europe!!

It would be more accurate to classify the various civilizations by geographic position than by political-cultural terms, thus it's more precise to call Greek civilization Mediterranean than 'Western', since as I've explained before the description 'Western' came about during when the Holy Roman Empire was divided into East and West. Greece was part of the Eastern empire and yet historically we call it Western!

Europe's earliest civilizations all orginated along the Mediterranean basin which is why they are also called Mediterranean and they originated from three main areas: Greece, Italy, and Spain, all in that order, which is just a few.
On the other hand, the African continent has produced various other civilizations besides those of the Nile Vally e.g. Egypt and Nubia. Africans created civilizations in the Horn in Ethiopia which is that of Axum and probably an earlier pre-Axumite culture (the legendary Punt?); in the Sahara like the Garamantes and Kanem; the Sahel like Ghana, Mali, Songhay etc; there were a myriad of kingdoms in the Guinea region of West Africa (created by the very ancestors of the blacks of the Americas!); there were even kingdoms in the very heart of Africa, deep in the equatorial forests of Central Africa; and lastly but not least, there was the civilization of Great Zimbabwe in Southern Africa.

All of these are hardly the simple hut-dwelling, spear-chucking, hunters that you and unfortunately many others, no doubt envision.

And as far as your beliefs that Africans had nothing to do with world history and the global economy, this too is false. During the Middle Ages, East Africans as well as the people of Great Zimbabwe conducted trade and had close economic ties not only the Arabia and the Near-East but nations farther east like India, Southeast Asia and even China long before Europeans! Heck, even your belief that Africans had nothing to do with the development of the 'West' is also a farse. A perfect point is the fact that before the advent of Columbus, over 80% of wealth in gold for all of Europe came from "Sub-Saharan" Africa!! This means that essentially it were Africans who funded Europe's economy!!! Before then the European economy was pretty poor and broke since the fall of the Roman Empire. You actually thought that Africans were never involved in global economy, when not only were Africans involved in the very beginning of it, but were also in the very center of it, with significant economic relations with Asia to the East and Europe to the north!! Africa probably had the wealthiest economy in history. Africa's wealth, especially that in gold was considered legendary to Europeans who thought Africa was not only a land of black people but a land of gold. Athough gold was the main export, there were as always other African products that were considered "exotic" by the peoples who bought them, items like woods such as ebony, ostrich feathers, animal furs and skins from leopards and such, sometimes whole animals, and a variety of precious stones. There was also salt, and even slaves were traded. Africa's system of slavery was different from the more debased chattel slavery that you are more familiar with.

All of this changed during the time of European imperialism. I remember you saying that "European colonialism was the best thing that has ever happened to Africa." I fail to see how this was so! Almost all the indigenous nations and states lost all economic and political independence. Many native rulers became puppets of the governments of the European power that conquered them, and most of the economic profit that native Africans made went to the European nations that conquered them. Many native cultures and customs were degraded and the peoples were taught that those of Europe were "better." The education systems that Africans already had were altered to teach from a European standpoint. Thus, instead of the people learning about their own history, they mostly learned about that of their colonizers, and that their own history only started when they were colonized. This same process of was used on India and many areas of Southeast Asia. Africans were not as primitive and feckless as you think, since many European explorers all reported back to their homes about the many kingdoms and civilized societies they found. Unfortunately these reports were quickly obscured by those about the more primitive societies that were so used to seeing and hearing about. Primitive peoples were more interesting to Europeans, plus it gave them an excuse to conquer them. I too once held the same misconceptions and stereotypes about Africa and it's history and cultures until I read more and educated myself more about it, and I suggest you do the same. The truth is my people had a strikingly similar history.

As far as the modern world today, there are various reasons why Africa still not up to par with the West. Things like disease and famines as well as government corruption and wars the likely culprits. I doubt it's because of that ridiculous racist notion that Africans have lower IQs, considering they advance and excel more and recieve more professional jobs in the West than many Westerners, even in Europe! To think, just centuries ago Westerners were relying on Africa for its physical labor, and now its relying on her for intellectual labor! In my workplace I actually see more and more Africans scientists than Asian ones and definitely more than Europeans. Western economists and industrialists are already worried, especially the U.S. The U.S. knows the main reason why it is the wealthiest nation in the world is because of the 3rd world countries. Unfortunately without these countries being poor the other countries especially those in the West wouldn't be so rich. Before the only major competition they had in the global arena was the Jokota Triangle-(Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan), but now China is quickly catching up especially now that it has possession of Hong Kong. China is improving their steel and military industries. India is also rapidly gaining power with its specialty in computer science and technology. India has become wise to try to keep as many computer engineers and specialists letting them go to the U.S. or some other Western country. The U.S. and other Western powers know that as long as the nations of Africa still have their political problems they pose no threat. Despite so many years of colonial exploitation, Africa's lands are still rich and wealthy in natural resources. The lands still have plenty of gold, and other valuable and precious metals and minerals, and even countries in West Africa have oil. If all the political strife were ended and the infrastructure rebuilt and organized, it could spell trouble for the West.

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we call Greece western because the contient of Europe evolved from its philosophy, political institutions, drama , and military concepts just to name a few. without Greece western civilization as we know it could not exist. Keep in mind the classical scholars speak of the Roman- Greco period. In terms of cultural development it was all one system.
In order to survive and prosper africa is going to have to move towards western cultural concepts just as Asia has.

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Originally posted by Horemheb:

we call Greece western because the contient of Europe evolved from its philosophy, political institutions, drama , and military concepts just to name a few.

Thought Writes:

No doubt the European heritage developed in part from Greek knowledge. The Greeks however were culturally, genetically and economically a part of the Mediterranean sphere and not Europe.

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Originally posted by Horemheb:
we call Greece western because the contient of Europe evolved from its philosophy, political institutions, drama , and military concepts just to name a few. without Greece western civilization as we know it could not exist.

There lies in the big flaw. The Greeks saw themselves very distant from northern Europeans of western Europe, and so, this is no more than western Europeans desire to have a civilization of their own.

Like I have pointed out elsewhere ( which you clearly failed to address), another big flaw in the ideology of Eurocentrists, is the notion that without Greek knowledge, western Europe wouldn't have become modern. Greek knowledge was available in Europe even during the so-called dark ages. It was the significant progress the Arab-Muslim world made in science and technology during this period, that the Europeans adopted, allowing them to reach the stage that they are now in. This explains why, despite Latin and Greek versions of classical Greek work available in Europe, the Europeans chose to translate Arabic works. Arabic science was far more practical and advanced than Greek science, and you would have a hard time proving that the Arabic science and know how that was utilized by Europeans, was exactly what the ancient Greeks left behind.

Keep in mind the classical scholars speak of the Roman- Greco period. In terms of cultural development it was all one system.

Eurocentric folks speak of Greco-Roman period, rather than the crucial transfer of 'foreign' knowledge from 'foreign conquerors' in the middle ages, because they want to play the psychological game of the 'superior' race. After all, one cannot proclaim him/herself 'superior', and yet claim that much of what he/she knows, came from the very people that he/she is supposed to be superior to.

[This message has been edited by Super car (edited 29 April 2005).]

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History of Africa, Revised Edition
Kevin Shillington
p. 62-63

"For centuries before Alexander's conquest the Greeks had looked up to Egypt and admired its religion, arts and society. Greeks such as the historian Herodotus regarded the Egyptians as the cleanest, most religious and most 'civilised of peoples. The word 'civilised' is of Greek origin. In general terms, and the way it is used here, it refers to an organised society in which people can practise their arts and culture and live together in harmony.(It is within this general meaning of the word that 'civilisation' is used with reference to Ancient Egypt in Chapter 2, p. 18). In recent times the word has fallen into disrepute as European colonisers of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries used it to suit their racist ideologies. In their view only people of their own culture could be called 'civilised'. All other cultures they regarded as 'uncivilised', by which they meant 'inferior'.

Greek colonisation brought Egypt more thoroughly into the Mediterranean world. But in doing so the Ptolemies exploited the Egyptian peoples and hastened the decline of the distinctive Egyptian civilisation which had persisted for three thousand years. Nevertheless the debt to the Ancient Egyptians remained and many of Ancient Egypt's ideas and achievements lived on in the arts, sciences, and religion of the Greek and Roman world."

Charlie Bass comments:

I guess excerpt is a form of Afrocentrism, correct Horemheb? Notice how the definition of the word civilised was used by the ancient Greeks as opposed to the modern Eurocentric use of the word, as noted with candor by Shillington. You can't be so thick as to think that Eurocentrism does not exist.

[This message has been edited by Topdog (edited 15 May 2005).]

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TopDog, I have no idea where you come up with these things. Obviously Ancient Egypt was civilized by the standard of the day.
Secondly, 90% of the historians who have ever lived were and are Euro-Americans. They all have what you would call a 'European or modern'outlook. Where you make a mistake is assuming that they lack objectivity. The main problem is that they have reached conclusions you do not like.

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Originally posted by Horemheb:
TopDog, I have no idea where you come up with these things. Obviously Ancient Egypt was civilized by the standard of the day.
Secondly, 90% of the historians who have ever lived were and are Euro-Americans. They all have what you would call a 'European or modern'outlook. Where you make a mistake is assuming that they lack objectivity. The main problem is that they have reached conclusions you do not like.

Wrong, its quite the other way around, you do not like the conclusions reached by those whom you randomly call Afrocentrists and political racists and since they do not fit your standard you automatically assume they have no objectivity. Modern to you equals European and if it isn't European it automatically wrong correct?

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TopDog, the modern world is a product of euro-American culture, that is just a fact. i don't know where you are living but everything you have has come out of euro-American culture. You are upset because you cannot morph a bunch of bush jumpers in Africa into anything substantial. Anything of value in the third world was either brought there by the British Empire or American business.
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Originally posted by Djehuti:
The same old song. Horemheb, you continue to criticize African history when it is obvious you know little to nothing about the subject

Africans created more than just "colorful" cultures. Horemheb, you may be surprised to know that Africa has many complex cultures, in fact Africa has independently created more civilizations than Europe!!

It would be more accurate to classify the various civilizations by geographic position than by political-cultural terms, thus it's more precise to call Greek civilization Mediterranean than 'Western', since as I've explained before the description 'Western' came about during when the Holy Roman Empire was divided into East and West. Greece was part of the Eastern empire and yet historically we call it Western!

Europe's earliest civilizations all orginated along the Mediterranean basin which is why they are also called Mediterranean and they originated from three main areas: Greece, Italy, and Spain, all in that order, which is just a few.
On the other hand, the African continent has produced various other civilizations besides those of the Nile Vally e.g. Egypt and Nubia. Africans created civilizations in the Horn in Ethiopia which is that of Axum and probably an earlier pre-Axumite culture (the legendary Punt?); in the Sahara like the Garamantes and Kanem; the Sahel like Ghana, Mali, Songhay etc; there were a myriad of kingdoms in the Guinea region of West Africa (created by the very ancestors of the blacks of the Americas!); there were even kingdoms in the very heart of Africa, deep in the equatorial forests of Central Africa; and lastly but not least, there was the civilization of Great Zimbabwe in Southern Africa.

All of these are hardly the simple hut-dwelling, spear-chucking, hunters that you and unfortunately many others, no doubt envision.

And as far as your beliefs that Africans had nothing to do with world history and the global economy, this too is false. During the Middle Ages, East Africans as well as the people of Great Zimbabwe conducted trade and had close economic ties not only the Arabia and the Near-East but nations farther east like India, Southeast Asia and even China long before Europeans! Heck, even your belief that Africans had nothing to do with the development of the 'West' is also a farse. A perfect point is the fact that before the advent of Columbus, over 80% of wealth in gold for all of Europe came from "Sub-Saharan" Africa!! This means that essentially it were Africans who funded Europe's economy!!! Before then the European economy was pretty poor and broke since the fall of the Roman Empire. You actually thought that Africans were never involved in global economy, when not only were Africans involved in the very beginning of it, but were also in the very center of it, with significant economic relations with Asia to the East and Europe to the north!! Africa probably had the wealthiest economy in history. Africa's wealth, especially that in gold was considered legendary to Europeans who thought Africa was not only a land of black people but a land of gold. Athough gold was the main export, there were as always other African products that were considered "exotic" by the peoples who bought them, items like woods such as ebony, ostrich feathers, animal furs and skins from leopards and such, sometimes whole animals, and a variety of precious stones. There was also salt, and even slaves were traded. Africa's system of slavery was different from the more debased chattel slavery that you are more familiar with.

All of this changed during the time of European imperialism. I remember you saying that "European colonialism was the best thing that has ever happened to Africa." I fail to see how this was so! Almost all the indigenous nations and states lost all economic and political independence. Many native rulers became puppets of the governments of the European power that conquered them, and most of the economic profit that native Africans made went to the European nations that conquered them. Many native cultures and customs were degraded and the peoples were taught that those of Europe were "better." The education systems that Africans already had were altered to teach from a European standpoint. Thus, instead of the people learning about their own history, they mostly learned about that of their colonizers, and that their own history only started when they were colonized. This same process of was used on India and many areas of Southeast Asia. Africans were not as primitive and feckless as you think, since many European explorers all reported back to their homes about the many kingdoms and civilized societies they found. Unfortunately these reports were quickly obscured by those about the more primitive societies that were so used to seeing and hearing about. Primitive peoples were more interesting to Europeans, plus it gave them an excuse to conquer them. I too once held the same misconceptions and stereotypes about Africa and it's history and cultures until I read more and educated myself more about it, and I suggest you do the same. The truth is my people had a strikingly similar history.

As far as the modern world today, there are various reasons why Africa still not up to par with the West. Things like disease and famines as well as government corruption and wars the likely culprits. I doubt it's because of that ridiculous racist notion that Africans have lower IQs, considering they advance and excel more and recieve more professional jobs in the West than many Westerners, even in Europe! To think, just centuries ago Westerners were relying on Africa for its physical labor, and now its relying on her for intellectual labor! In my workplace I actually see more and more Africans scientists than Asian ones and definitely more than Europeans. Western economists and industrialists are already worried, especially the U.S. The U.S. knows the main reason why it is the wealthiest nation in the world is because of the 3rd world countries. Unfortunately without these countries being poor the other countries especially those in the West wouldn't be so rich. Before the only major competition they had in the global arena was the Jokota Triangle-(Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan), but now China is quickly catching up especially now that it has possession of Hong Kong. China is improving their steel and military industries. India is also rapidly gaining power with its specialty in computer science and technology. India has become wise to try to keep as many computer engineers and specialists letting them go to the U.S. or some other Western country. The U.S. and other Western powers know that as long as the nations of Africa still have their political problems they pose no threat. Despite so many years of colonial exploitation, Africa's lands are still rich and wealthy in natural resources. The lands still have plenty of gold, and other valuable and precious metals and minerals, and even countries in West Africa have oil. If all the political strife were ended and the infrastructure rebuilt and organized, it could spell trouble for the West.

and africa is rebuilding,like the au,the west africans states and sadc-the southern african region.the region that is building and more effective infrastruture and technology is southern africa for the time being,so things are happening,and you are right there were so many advance civilizations in africa in the past(nubia- the greeks and romans in some of their writings saying the were clearly black(negriod) and the most civilized and most advance folks they knew in ancient times and later times arabs wrote about this too saying they had the most advanced culture and technology and one of the best learning in the world)the west went mostly to the dark ages.

good post by the way.

[This message has been edited by kenndo (edited 09 May 2005).]

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Originally posted by Horemheb:
TopDog, the modern world is a product of euro-American culture, that is just a fact. i don't know where you are living but everything you have has come out of euro-American culture. You are upset because you cannot morph a bunch of bush jumpers in Africa into anything substantial. Anything of value in the third world was either brought there by the British Empire or American business.

africa from my point of view is really the first world since it was first.europe is one of the last regions to become civilized,but that is what happens when europe writes history,they and folks like you change things upside down so you could be the main focus.

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