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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 12192
 - posted

Genetic Admixture, Relatedness, and Structure Patterns Among Mexican Populations Revealed by the Y-Chromosome

Rangel-Villalobos et al.

"With respect to African ancestry in Mexican-Mestizos, there are records indicating that this came principally from the western coast of the African continent (between the Senegal River and the Portuguese Angola) (Godorezky et al., 2001). Nonetheless, it must be considered that Spaniards, in themselves, also contributed to this paternal African ancestry because they possess this as a trace of the Neolithic-diffusion process in Europe (E3b*; defined by M35), and as a consequence of Islamic rule on the Iberian Peninsula for three centuries, increasing from central to the southern Iberian peninsula (Pereira et al., 2000). This multiethnic diversity is well documented in the genetic background of Spaniards, including Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Visigoths, Arabs, and Jews, this probably more evidently in the lower social classes, who comprised the principal immigrants to America (Godorezky et al., 2001). Moreover, the differences between Y linked and autosomal admixture estimates of the same Mexican Mestizo population (Cerda-Flores et al., 2002) could be explained by two reasons: 1) the inherent African component of Spaniards that, because the limited number of Y-SNPs here analyzed, was not exactly discriminated and 2)principally, by the intrinsic differences genetic systems that influence dynamics of admixture. For instance, the analysis of both systems (in addition to the X-chromosome) in Antioquia, Colombia, has suggested that after foundation, continuing admixture with Spanish men (but not with native women) has increased the European nuclear ancestry of this Latin American population (Bedoya et al., 2006)."
Member # 4592
 - posted
Originally posted by Evergreen:
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Nonetheless, it must be considered that Spaniards, in themselves, also contributed to this paternal African ancestry because they possess this as a trace of the Neolithic-diffusion process in Europe (E3b*; defined by M35]

^ Excellent. Each new study, progressively more frank, less cagey. It is what it is.

"Truth will out".
Member # 6698
 - posted
^ So Iberians recieved these African lineages via demic infusion from Northwest Africa as Balkans recieved their African lineages via infusion from northeast Africa. Isn't Arnais Villena from Spain? LOL I wonder what Basicbows has to say about this.
Doug M
Member # 7650
 - posted
Actually, for most people who know, the Spanish arrivals in America were widely known for being both mixed with Africans and bringing Africans to the New World in VARIOUS capacities. Many of the older cities and sites of Spanish settlement were constructed using African architectural techniques, including thatched grass huts in some places and Sahelian mud brick in others. Along with that, there were many Spaniards among these early settlers, who were known to be of mixed African/Spanish ancestry, primarily as a result of Moorish influence in Spain.

Not to mention the fact that the overwhelming majority of Africans sold to slavery were sent to South America.
Member # 4592
 - posted
Originally posted by Djehuti:
^ So Iberians recieved these African lineages via demic infusion from Northwest Africa as Balkans recieved their African lineages via infusion from northeast Africa. Isn't Arnais Villena from Spain? LOL I wonder what Basicbows has to say about this.

Villena is to genetics what Bernal is to history - A European who jumped the apartheid fense, and dared publicly state what the formal doctrine of Eurocentrism knows to be true, but must deny.

They both received their personal/punishments of being savagely attacked, by their self proclaimed.... 'Kzoid race-brethern'.

Yet the attacks failed as Bernal and Villena continue to dominent the discussion in a way that their reactionary enemies can only dream of. [Smile]
Member # 14038
 - posted
and what about haplogroup E* E1, E2 and E3*.
Member # 13222
 - posted
They are Africans like your ancestors...
Member # 14038
 - posted
Originally posted by AFRICA I:
They are Africans like your ancestors...

Noooooo, if you don't tell me i have never know!!! [Roll Eyes]

but why there isn't a study from haplotype E*,E1 E2 and E3*.
Member # 12192
 - posted
Originally posted by rasol:
Originally posted by Djehuti:
^ So Iberians recieved these African lineages via demic infusion from Northwest Africa as Balkans recieved their African lineages via infusion from northeast Africa. Isn't Arnais Villena from Spain? LOL I wonder what Basicbows has to say about this.

Villena is to genetics what Bernal is to history - A European who jumped the apartheid fense, and dared publicly state what the formal doctrine of Eurocentrism knows to be true, but must deny.

They both received their personal/punishments of being savagely attacked, by their self proclaimed.... 'Kzoid race-brethern'.

Yet the attacks failed as Bernal and Villena continue to dominent the discussion in a way that their reactionary enemies can only dream of. [Smile]

Evergreen Writes:

Speaking of Arnaiz-Villena, interesting book:

Prehistoric Iberia: Genetics, Anthropology, and Linguistics By Antonio Arnaiz-Villena, Jorge Martínez-Laso, Eduardo Gómez-Casado.

Chapter 6
"Applications of Evolutive Archaeology: Migrations from Africa to Iberia in the recent Prehistory"
Member # 12192
 - posted
Originally posted by Evergreen:

Genetic Admixture, Relatedness, and Structure Patterns Among Mexican Populations Revealed by the Y-Chromosome

Rangel-Villalobos et al.

"This multiethnic diversity is well documented in the genetic background of Spaniards, including Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Visigoths, Arabs, and Jews, this probably more evidently in the lower social classes, who comprised the principal immigrants to America (Godorezky et al., 2001)."

Evergreen Writes:

This quote speaks volumes about the source of modern liberal racism. The African bloodline in these groups has served as a sore-spot as they immigrate to the US and attempt assimilation.

To Black to be White and they don't want to be Black!
Member # 6698
 - posted
^ Indeed, it also exposes the ludicrous mentality that if they possess black African ancestry, they must be of lower class or status. Forget about the elite ruling class Moors (blacks) who invaded Iberia during the Middle Ages. LOL
Member # 10195
 - posted
Funny thing is that some Mizrahhi and Teimani Jews
check the black box but immigration officials always
"correct" them and coach them to, in the future, check
the white box.

What a quandry, legally white while most times socially black.
Member # 6698
 - posted
^ Sounds like what Egyptians like Hefy have to go through. Who are the Mizrahhi and Teimani again?
Member # 14440
 - posted
Hefy is not a good example because he is not really egyptian he is sudanese this is a fact.
I have many sudanese friends with Egyptian passports i also have a few friends with Egyptian passports but they are from Palestine,Ethiopia,Eritrean,Somalian some of these can pass for Egyptians.

We Beja look more like Horn of Africans Sudan,Eritrea,Ethiopia,Somalia,Djbouti than modern Egyptians excluding Saeedi & Jenub
Member # 6698
 - posted
^ I thought Hefy is Nubian from southern Egypt. Besides, it doesn't matter. The whole classification of North Africans as "white" regardless of how they look is nonsense. There are black Egyptians in northern Egypt as there are black Moroccans in northern Morocco and black Tunisians. The whole premise is that native North African = "caucasian" as a way of stealing African heritage.
Member # 7708
 - posted
Originally posted by alTakruri:
Funny thing is that some Mizrahhi and Teimani Jews
check the black box but immigration officials always
"correct" them and coach them to, in the future, check
the white box.

What a quandry, legally white while most times socially black.

Good point!
I heard it said and have seen some references to the Black party (usually the Opposition in Israel) who are sometimes Sabras and North African Jews, who have different view of societal change(s) vis a vis the Askenazi from Europe!

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