This is topic SURINAME MUSEUM OF BLACK HISTORY in forum Deshret at EgyptSearch Forums.

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Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

[Jacobus van der Werff, neef van Maria Susanna Du Plessis (1739-1795)]

Suriname Museum of Black History

Egmond Codfried, de uitvinder van de ‘Blauw bloed is Zwart bloed Theorie (1100-1848),’ dat de Europese adel en koningen, en de Surinaamse gouverneurs en planters Zwarte, bruine en Aziatische personen waren; zoekt vrienden om samen een Black History museum op te richten. Dit museum is voor onze bevrijding van koloniale leugens, van witte suprematie en van geestelijke slavernij. Ik heb nu een reisverbod door de verhuurder Vestia opgelegd, maar zodra ik mijn vrijheid weer terug heb, kom ik naar Suriname om leiding aan dit project te geven. Lees en meld u aan voor de nieuwsbrief.

Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Zijn wij toe aan een Tweede Verlichting?
Door Egmond Codfried

De Nationale Ombudsman heeft jurisdictie over Nederlandse instanties en instituties en ziet toe op de naleving van de Mensenrechten in Nederland. De oorsprong van Mensenrechten is de eerste Verlichting (1706-1848?) en was nodig omdat het Ancien Regime (1100-1848), de overheersing door de aristocratie en de kerk; de economische en intellectuele ontwikkeling van Europa in de weg stond. De hoge burgerij was ontwikkeld geraakt en werd ook steeds rijker, maar moest traditioneel de tweede viool spelen ten opzichte van de adel. Zelf als personen beter waren opgeleid dienden zij plaats te maken voor een adellijke persoon die alleen zijn adellijke titel had om zichzelf aan te bevelen. De adel werd geprezen zonder dat zij iets wezenlijks hoefden te presteren. Ze hadden zichzelf tot adel verheven en hun rijkdom en inkomen waren gebaseerd op feodalische roof, afpersing, slavernij en lijfeigenschap en sluiten van lucratieve huwelijken.

Europa maakt vandaag weer een heel moeilijke periode door; er dreigt oorlog met Iran, nadat men in de Arabische wereld door oorlogsgeweld regiemwisselingen ten gunste van het westen afdwong. Dit kan niet verbergen dat Europa als eenheid en beschaving uit elkaar valt. Er is sprake van rechtsonzekerheid door strenge, repressieve bezuinigingen. De roep om uitstoting van Zuid Europese landen uit de Eurozone. Nederland heeft een antibeschavings, oorlogseconomie. Engeland verwerpt de macht van het Europese Strafhof als hoogste rechtscollege en verwijst zelf naar Henry VIII’s afscheiding van Rome als precedent. Alom vreest men overheersing door Duitsland en Frankrijk

Toegeven aan de roep om verandering wordt algemeen als zwakte gezien, en zou de veranderingsbeweging sterken in de gedachte dat haar streven succesvol kan zijn. Ontkenning van een crisis is de eerste verdedigingslinie die de machtshebbers opwerpen. Rookgordijnen over de geschiedenis en hoe de huidige elite haar macht behoud zijn een andere verdediging tegen de veranderingselite. Dit essay zal zich kortheidshalve maar met twee aspecten van de nodige verandering bezighouden, namelijk het wezen van de overheersing en de schandelijke achterstelling van vrouwen

Het Ancien Regime zag haar macht als door god gegeven. Verzet tegen het politieke systeem was verzet tegen god en zijn wetten. Vandaag is de witte suprematie als quasi religieuze gedachte het middel om de onderdrukte en geëxploiteerde bevolking aan haar corrupte machthebbers te binden. Waardoor Europese burgers als slachtoffers geen vat hebben op hun eigen roofzuchtige en bloeddorstige elite die tevens in vrouwen handelt. Een zeer belangrijk historisch aspect dat de heersende klassen vandaag verbergen, is namelijk dat het Ancien Regime niet wit was, terwijl de lijfeigenen witten waren. Religieuze druk heeft nu plaats gemaakt voor racisme en angst voor ‘de andere’ als samenbindingsmiddel. Er heerst nu witte suprematie.

Dat is een gevolg en omkering van de historische zwarte suprematie (1100-1848). Europese koningen, de adellijke en intellectuele elite personen werden als bruin en zwart van huid beschreven, en ook zo afgebeeld. Naast zwart en bruin van huid hadden sommige ook klassieke Afrikaanse gelaatstrekken, typen die men in Europa vandaag nog steeds ‘Echte Negers’ noemt, in vergelijking met ‘Afrikaanse Caucasiers,’ Somalische typen als Hirsi Ali en Yasmine Allas. Deze zwarte adel noemt men Zwarte Caucasiers en beweert dat zij Blanken waren.

Vaststaat dat de historische Europese Zwarten wellicht lichter van huid waren dan zwarte Afrikanen, maar dat maakt hen nog niet tot witten. Het zorgt ook niet ervoor dat zij zichzelf zondermeer identificeerden met Afrikaanse Zwarten die zij als heidenen en onbeschaafd wilden zien om hun koloniale exploitatie te rationaliseren. Eurocentrisme welke nu stoelt op witte suprematie, waarmee de arme, ondergeschikte Europeanen gebonden worden aan hun stelende elite, waardoor de vijand ten onrechte de zwarte en bruine, en de moslim burgers zijn geworden.

Dus eist de Haagse PVV dat allochtonen een contract moeten tekenen voor een huurwoning. Zij moeten onder andere de gelijkheid tussen mannen en vrouwen erkennen. Vanwege witte suprematie is men ziende blind voor het feit dat er zowel in Turkije, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Liberia en Malawi vrouwelijke regeringsleiders zijn of waren, maar niet in Frankrijk, Italië, Spanje, Nederland of België. Het is nu dus duidelijk in welke landen vrouwen meer worden achtergesteld, en is deze zoveelste aanval op allochtonen niet gebaseerd op feiten en ratio. Vanwege de grote vrouwenhandel in Europa, waar Nederland tevens de hoofdrol speelt als toegangshaven van minderjarige Afrikaanse vrouwen, zijn vrouwen in Nederland niet veilig als ze in handen vallen van pooiers en mensenhandelaars. Hun regering kan en wil hen niet beschermen, want de elite verdient aan slavernij en mensenhandel.

Hiermee is dus ook verder vastgesteld dat mannen en vrouwen in Nederland defacto niet gelijk kunnen zijn, want een man kan overal legaal de verhandelde Oost-Europese, Afrikaanse of Caraïbische vrouwen verkrachten. Deze vrouwen kunnen nergens heen, want justitie ligt in bed met de pooiers. De Nederlandse politie ziet toe op de belangen van mensenhandelaren, en niet op de mensenrechten van deze vrouwen.

Concluderend kunnen wij stellen dat de Verlichtingsidealen zoals mensenrechten allang zijn verdwenen uit Nederland, en de huidige behandeling van Polen en Roemenen in Nederland als slaven bewijst dat slavernij er nooit verdwenen is. Men gebruikt witte suprematie om angst en haat tegen gekleurde burgers en moslims te handhaven en als angstbeeld om de witte, horige Europeanen in het gareel te houden. Vandaag hoort men in de media geleerden praten over ‘de andere’ als van nature crimineel, gewelddadig, ongeschoold, en minder. Hierbij staat dus weer de strijd om het ingang vinden van nieuwe, oude ideeën, van de Verlichting, centraal.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on : =0CF8Q6AEwATjQAQ#v=onepage&q=egmond%20codfried&f=false


... moderators en voortdurende drammerige negativiteit. (18-9-2010) egmond codfried: geband wegens schelden, niet reageren op pb van beheerders, ruzie zoeken en doordrammend zeepkistgedrag. (18-9-2010) spatie: geband wegens eindeloos plakken, niet inhoudelijk ingaan op argumenten; evangeliserende teksten ..

Men douwt ons toch opnieuw de stemmachines door de strot. Het liefst zou ik zien dat alle Nederlandse burgers in navolging van de Franse Revolutie hun eigen bestorming op touw zetten. Zij moeten de bewaarplaatsen van de stemcomputers in hun eigen gemeenten bestormen en alles kort en klein slaan om zodoende ouderwetse maar veilige stembiljetten en rode potloden af te dwingen. Het is nog niet te laat om biljetten te laten drukken en rode potloden bij de groothandel te bestellen.

Den Haag Egmond Codfried
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

Prins Maurits, naar een verdwenen schilderij van Van Mierevelt


Prins Maurits, naar een verdwenen schilderij van Crispijn van den Queborn
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Portraits at the base of the blue blood research



IB-nummer 38047

1e voorgestelde
waarschijnlijk : Maria Jacoba van Goor, grandmother of Isabelle de Charriere
geboren: 8-1
0-1687 te Amsterdam
overleden: 17-9-1737 te Amsterdam
ouders: Cornelis en Elisabeth Schrijver
gehuwd met: Rene de Vicq op 21-1-1720
techniek, kunstenaar
soort: schilderij
drager: doek
medium: olie
vorm: rechthoekig
afmetingen: 92.50 cm (h) x 73.00 cm (b)
kunstenaar: Harmanus Serin
gesigneerd: onbekend toegeschreven
anno: 1730
1verblijfplaats, eigenaar
verblijfplaats: vermist
eigenaar: particuliere collectie
reproductie doos: XVIIIB
plaats: VICQ
reproductie soort: foto
pendantnummer: 38046
negatief nummer: E16002 (z/w)
documentatie: literatuur, mededeling extern
figuur: heupstuk
stand hoofd: links
stand lichaam: links
houding: n.v.t.
zicht: aanziend
beschrijving voorgestelde: vrouw



IB-nummer 30827

1e voorgestelde
naam: Helena Jacoba de Vicq, mother of Isabelle de Charriere
geboren: 3-1-1724 te Amsterdam
overleden: 4-12-1768 te Amsterdam
ouders: Rene en Maria J. van Goor
gehuwd met: Diederik Jacob van Tuyll van Serooskerken op 1-12-1739 te Amsterdam
techniek, kunstenaar
soort: schilderij
drager: doek
medium: olie
vorm: rechthoekig
afmetingen: 52.50 cm (h) x 44.50 cm (b)
identificatie: herkomst,vererving
0verblijfplaats, eigenaar
verblijfplaats: particuliere collectie
eigenaar: particuliere collectie
reproductie doos: XVIIIB
plaats: VICQ
reproductie soort: foto
negatief nummer: E803 (z/w)




Posted by Oshun (Member # 19740) on :
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by Oshun:

To be sure, YOUR comments are not called for.
But really, google translate?
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Musee Alexandre Dumas near Paris

Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
museum folder design


Uniek museum voor de hele wereld die zich buigt over het werkelijke uiterlijk van Europese historische figuren als Willem van Oranje, Jane Austen, Goethe, Louis XIV of Charles II Stuart. Personen van de Europese adel en koningshuizen, leden van de hoge burgerij en de intellectuele elite werden als zwart en bruin van gelaat beschreven en ook zo afgebeeld. Uit zulke afbeeldingen blijkt dat sommige ook klassieke Afrikaanse gelaatstrekken hadden welke men toen zag als bewijs van puur adellijk bloed.

Het betreft afstammelingen van de oorspronkelijke Europeanen die 45.000 jaar geleden uit Afrika kwamen, de Blauwe Mannen, en waarvan een deel zich tussen 1100-1200 uitriep tot de adel. Blauw bloed is de hoogste, de oudste adel en onderling huwen ter behoud van kleur was een vereiste. De witten kwamen pas 6000 jaar geleden naar Europa uit Centraal Azië, en werden door de zwart en bruin gekleurde adel geciviliseerd en gekerstend. De onderdrukking en exploitatie van de lijfeigenen en horigen, de witte Europeanen, door de adel was wreed en men gebruikte zelf menselijke huid om schoenen te maken voor de elite.

De Franse Revolutie bracht de erkenning van de Rechten van de Mens, maar door restauraties duurde het pas tot 1848 tot witte Europeanen werden geëmancipeerd en de geschiedenis wit verfden. Hierbij maakte ze gebruik van verwitte portretten van de elite, die zich soms wit verfden en zich om propagandistische redenen als wit lieten afbeelden. De gedachte van Zwarte Suprematie was vanaf het begin controversieel, ook bij de Zwarte leden van de hoge burgerij, en werd dus zelden uitgesproken of verdedigd. Het werd gepresenteerd als de wil van god. Men dient vandaag de toenmalige samenlevingen als een kastenmaatschappij te beschouwen. De witten als kastelozen. De menselijke huid werd gebruikt om kerkdeuren te behangen, waarmee dus een correlatie tussen religie en de onderdrukking van witten bestond.


Is the only, unique museum in the world that concerns itself with the true looks of the European noble and royal elite. They were described as black and brown of complexion and were depicted as such. Some displayed classical African looks and were considered pure of noble blood. They were the descendents of the first European who came 45.000 years ago from Africa. The whites are only 6000 years in Europe and came from Central Asia. Some descendents of these Blue Men declared themselves in 1100-1200 a Blue Blood nobility and set out to protect, civilise and exploit the white Europeans who became their serfs. Their rule was brutal and protesters were flayed alive, while there was a trade in human leather to be used as shoe leather for the elite. This hidden and brutal part of the history explains racism against Blacks. The whites were only emancipated in 1848 and then painted history white. They used the whitened portraits, which the black complexioned elite had commissioned for propagandistic purposes. Parts of this elite used to paint themselves white, a tradition that can still be seen among some African nations. Some also bleached their skin, which Jane Austen wrote about and rejected as a cause of disunity among the black elite, in ‘Persuasion.’

Suriname Museum of Black History

Tram 17 from Station HS to CS or CS to HS.
by appointment only/ alleen op afpraak
private collection/ prive collectie
bezichtiging van een collectie van reproducties/viewing of reproductions
From May to October/van Mei tot October
Geen faciliteiten voor gehandicapten/No facilities for handicapped visitors
No noisy or playing children/geen luidruchtige en spelende kinderen
Entrance euro 1
Donaties zijn welkom/ Donations are welcome
Sale of postcards/Verkoop van postkaarten

JANE AUSTEN (1775- 1817)

Jane Austen, de most beloved writer in the world was described as ‘brunette of complexion,’ and ‘a brown, not a pink colour.’ The JASNA portrait shows a coloured woman with classical African facial traits. Austen might have been a lesbian, living with a woman in her mother’s house. She was highly revered and respected within her intellectual, theatrics loving bohemian family. Austen wrote solely about members of the British gentry who were light brown, brown, very brown and black of complexion. Her two and three families in a country town are the numbers of these ancient black families. She wrote to protest and stem the tide of history being rewritten and blacks losing their superior position as rulers and bringers of civilisation. She was against Blacks receiving admiration just for their birth and titles and proposed an new elite revered for its accomplishment and superior manners. Today her works are marginalized by focusing on the romantic skirmishes, by casting white actors and while a blind eye is turned toward her strong empowerment of women. Austen wrote a lot about Black beauty and was against colorism, painting white and skin bleaching. Her books are clearly written as allegories, mostly Emma (1816), in which she explains her view of a post revolutionary England. She favoured Black Supremacy, was against Blacks marrying whites and giving whites help to gain positions over Blacks. This she saw as the reasons for the downfall of Blacks.

Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
Let's hope this museum NEVER gets off the ground so that you can't warp the minds of young Whites & others with your racist tripe.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Let's hope this museum NEVER gets off the ground so that you can't warp the minds of young Whites & others with your racist tripe.

But dear, I will open this week, designing the folder right now, printer low on ink, I have €15 left to print folders and buy steelnails for the heavy panels. You cannot stop me. I will be succesfull as with my youth hotel in my living room, 12 beds, 15 years ago. And the money, Oh My.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
off to the printers!
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
The use of human leather should play a more central roll in understanding why whites fear and hate Blacks. Cause and effect.;f=15;t=004434
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
Eghead, first off don't call me dear because I most definitely am not your dear. Sorry stupid fixing up panels & putting them up in your house isn't a museum LOL ROTFLMBO.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Eghead, first off don't call me dear because I most definitely am not your dear. Sorry stupid fixing up panels & putting them up in your house isn't a museum LOL ROTFLMBO.


Get away from my threads you shoe leather trash.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Somewhere in a box I have this marvelous book about small museums in Paris. They can be wonderful like Monte Cristo, the small castle that Alexander Dumas built or Like the museum dedicated to Edith Piaf, which is only a room in an apartment. Granted they have authentic stuff, I have prints and a nice story. The bookmuseum next to the royal library, has glass cases filled with paper displays, manuscripts and portraits of writers. I have made panels that I could just roll up and bring anywhere needed.


Den Haag, Letterkundig Museum


Musee Edith Piaf
Posted by malibudusul (Member # 19346) on :
Good luck with the museum.
I hope that everything works out
Posted by malibudusul (Member # 19346) on :
Egmond, You are the first in make a museum
showing the black europe.
Your name will be forever in history!
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Eghead, first off don't call me dear because I most definitely am not your dear. Sorry stupid fixing up panels & putting them up in your house isn't a museum LOL ROTFLMBO.


Get away from my threads you shoe leather trash.

Make me you piece of Anti-White, White genocidist, Black racist, Black supremacist crap. I will NOT stay away, I will continue calling you and every other Anti-White, White genocidist, Black racist, Black supremacist on here out and getting a very good laugh while doing so LOL.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
^^Relax sweetie... relax! Calm down... LOL
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Egmund, all the best with your museum!!! Also, I had a question about the Mauritz in the picture below:


This Mauritz is not the son of Anna of Saxony and William of Orange is it?

Again, good luck with your museum. You are a real trailblazer.

Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
What Marc a trailblazer with lies, trying to steal history that isn't yours? Trying to warp the minds of White youth.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Egmund, all the best with your museum!!! Also, I had a question about the Mauritz in the picture below:


This Mauritz is not the son of Anna of Saxony and William of Orange is it?

Again, good luck with your museum. You are a real trailblazer.


O yes he is. His father and mother were divorced because the Prince found that while he himself was whoring around, begetting illegitimate children, she was having fun with her secretary, the father of the painter Rubens. There are claims that Rubens is her child too. She got two other children out of wedlock. Prince Maurits did not marry, but he has descendents in Suriname who have more William I of Orange blood, DNA, in their body then Queen Beatrix has. Prince Maurice was known for his love of under age girls.

Did you notice the coin, which I posted just for you.

Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by malibudusul:
Egmond, You are the first in make a museum
showing the black europe.
Your name will be forever in history!

Originally posted by malibudusul:
Good luck with the museum.
I hope that everything works out

Baby, I need your help, Black People do not succeed because they lack belief in themselves and each other.
I look at you and see a bright star.
If you would blast the portugues, Spanish and French world from Rio,
I'll do the same with the English, the Dutch, and Surinam world from The Hague.
All we need is a computer and believe in our self. You as you are, are a million dollar man, because you have the brains and the knowledge to make a change.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Has mine 'Was Jane Austen Black?' thread been deleted?

Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

NAS krijgt onderzoekscollectie van afrocentrist Codfried
24 Jun 2011, 18:00

In de conferentiezaal van het Nationaal Archief Suriname houdt de afrocentrist Egmond Codfired vanavond een voordracht over 'black history'. Vanavond houdt de afrocentrist Egmond Codfried in het Nationaal Archief Suriname (NAS) een voordracht over ‘black history’. In zijn lezing wil Codfried de samenleving meer inzicht geven in deze wetenschap en de resultaten van zijn onderzoek presenteren. Aansluitend draagt de wetenschapper officieel een onderzoekscollectie over aan het NAS.

Codfried, een van oorsprong Surinaamse onderzoeker en schrijver, heeft onderzoek gedaan naar de etniciteit van Surinaamse gouverneurs en planters en van de Europese adellijke en koninklijke elite. Daarbij heeft hij persoonsbeschrijvingen en portretten vanaf de vijftiende eeuw bestudeerd.

Zo is Codfried tot de ontdekking gekomen dat beroemdheden uit de Europese geschiedenis als Alexander Poesjkin, Jane Austen, Belle van Zuylen en Ludwig von Beethoven negroïde voorouders hebben. Ook zijn volgens hem tal van geschilderde portretten van gepigmenteerde adellijke personen stelselmatig ‘gewit’. Codfried is ervan overtuigd dat hiermee aan geschiedvervalsing is gedaan en trekt daaruit stevige conclusies. In een persbericht over de lezing van vanavond schrijft het NAS dat Codfried “de mening is toegedaan dat dit onderzoek de oorzaak van racisme tegen zwarte en gekleurde mensen blootlegt.“

Afrocentrisme is een vorm van wetenschap die de Afrikaanse mens als uitgangspunt kiest. De wetenschappers beschouwen de mensheid vanuit de visuele negroïde kenmerken van de mens. Ook al omdat volgens hen vast staat dat de eerste mens in Afrika leefde.

De wetenschappelijke richting kwam in het begin van de vorige eeuw tot ontwikkeling onder invloed van zwarte en gekleurde onderzoekers in Noord-Amerika en het Caribisch gebied. Hun doel was om tegen de dominante eurocentrische wetenschap in te gaan waarin juist de blanke, witte mens centraal staat. De bevindingen van afrocentristen zijn van begin af aan niet onomstreden. Hen wordt soms een vergelijkbare vorm van racisme verweten als de eurocentristen.

The donation of my Blue blood is Black blood papers and other research material to the Nationale Archief van Suriname in june 2011.
Posted by Marc Washington (Member # 10979) on :

Egmund, thanks for posting the coin and the additional history to the saga of William and Anna.


Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by Marc Washington:

Egmund, thanks for posting the coin and the additional history to the saga of William and Anna.



Do not thank me, this is how fellow researchers, who are not like crabs in a ton, supposed to interact. Just answering the damn question and providing as many sources as possible. I wish all of us would adhere to this and the white grash would be no where in sight.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:

Yo boi,

You just crossed a red line with me this morning and I am going to beat you up for that.

Watch this....
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by IronLion:
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:

Yo boi,

You just crossed a red line with me this morning and I am going to beat you up for that.

Watch this....

I know you are a black hating tithe stealing trash, so nothing you do wil surprise me. also you cannot touch me, you are nothing and nobody and god will strike you down. You will be overrun by a car.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
^LOL! You are nuts.... [Big Grin]

What do you know about Muurish history?

You and Lioness have claimed that Muurs are not real people but symbols. I want to hear your arguments now.

I am Muur, you and Lioness are "blac". Show me how blaec was more real than Muur in medieval Europe.

Let's hear your "eminent" opinion. No hold bars...
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

[Mauritshuis Museum, The Hague]

Museums in The Hague, museums in Den Haag

Museums in The Hague. The Hague and close region features some thirty museums. Some enjoy international fame, others are less well-known. Art museums ...
Mauritshuis - Museum Bredius, The Hague ... - Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Lange Voorhout 74
Den Haag
070 427 7730
Escher in het Paleis -
Score: 26 / 30 - 22 Google-recensies
Stadhouderslaan 41
Den Haag
070 3381111
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Score: 24 / 30 - 16 Google-recensies
Korte Vijverberg 8
Den Haag
070 302 3456
Mauritshuis, Het Koninklijk Kabinet van Schilderijen
Score: 25 / 30 - 11 Google-recensies
Zeestraat 82
070 3307500
Museum voor Communicatie
2 Google-recensies
Buitenhof 33
Den Haag
070 3460861
Museum De Gevangenpoort
4 Google-recensies
Pr Willem-Alexanderhof 5
Den Haag
070 333 9666
Letterkundig Museum
Lange Vijverberg 14
Den Haag
070 3620729
Museum Bredius
Meer resultaten in de buurt van Den Haag »
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
^Interesting, tell us more...

Who were those symbolic muurs of your theory, and why were they symbolic?

We await Muur...
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by IronLion:
^Interesting, tell us more...

Who were those symbolic muurs of your theory, and why were they symbolic?

We await Muur...

All you have to do is post a goddamn source about your claims and about this strange word and you will shut me up forever on this head. By abusing me you did not proof your effusions, your magical whispers which do not impress a educated thinking Black person as me. You are a tithe stealing fraud. And its the like of you that really keep Blacks behind.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
You can run but you cannot hide. I will be waiting for you whenever you raise your head from your den, to strike you with intellectual lightening and thunder!

Run but cannot hide...

Muur to come...
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
Originally posted by IronLion:
^Interesting, tell us more...

Who were those symbolic muurs of your theory, and why were they symbolic?

We await Muur...

All you have to do is post a goddamn source about your claims and about this strange word and you will shut me up forever on this head. By abusing me you did not proof your effusions, your magical whispers which do not impress a educated thinking Black person as me. You are a tithe stealing fraud. And its the like of you that really keep Blacks behind.
You are not worthy of my abuse. Others will do that for me. You are only worthy of being lectured, that perhaps you may heal.

The word Muur is a variant spelling of the word Moor. Now you know that, tell us Muur about your mythical moors, whom you have by exercise of your judicious discernment excised from the world of reality and confined to the world of mythology.

Tell us muur, Mr Codfried the great expert of art, well known and renowned across the art salons of haute couture in elitist Europe. Lend us a bit of your wisdom.

Why are the Moors mythical human beings?
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

The Moor in western art is always a classical African. Africa has many faces, but one type is more exclusive to Africa then any other continent: The Moor. There were Europeans who resembled the Moor, for a great deal. Others less so but they credited The Moor as their ancestor, who gave them blue blood, who gave them the privileges that come with having blue blood. If they had a known ancestor who looked like a Moor, like Alessandro de Medici, they would use his image as their family badge. If not, they had Moors concocted to exhibit and tell people they had Black and noble ancestry.

Othello is not a historical person, but fiction, and symbolises Black superiority and Black rule. He is a person in the paly, but for literature he symbolises the rule of the Black nobility over the whites. To understand the period we need to read the writers, and there is where the rustics on this forum fail miserably. They act like primitibe, tribal trash, still into fabulating primitive tales. Todat we have computers, stop acting like ignorant tribal trash.

The nobility was civilised and literary, and they kept great genealogies. So we know their names, yet not always there faces. But famous pieces of art, images not portraits depicting a Moor are sufficiently researched to know they do not show a true person.


As lovely as she may be to her ilk, Blacks do not aspire to walk around like this anymore, we have evolved, we are educated, we are not tribal anymore.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

Elegant Black womanhood
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:

The Moor in western art is always a classical African. blah..blah..blah..

Says who? Authorities? Sources? [Roll Eyes]
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Are you stumped for words? No responses, no authorities?

Where are you getting this information from?
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Faggy, faggy, faggy, lol... are you taking my challenge or not?

Where is the citation for your "queer" claims, pardon the pun [Razz]
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:

blah...blah...blah... If they had a known ancestor who looked like a Moor, like Alessandro de Medici, they would use his image as their family badge. If not, they had Moors concocted to exhibit and tell people they had Black and noble ancestry.


Faggy liar argues that Moorish images are not real people.

Then he remembers that there were countless Moorish Dignitaries of Europe whose images and crests still remain, prominent example being Alessandro Medici.

So Mr. Cockfried admits that some Moorish images were real people, but then glibly continues that others were fantasized imageries.

How can you tell the difference between the real Muurs and your fantasy Muurs?

Do you have sources to back up your queer claims?

Bring on your answer, come out clean...recall the day you came out of the closet?

Muur Muurs [Big Grin]

Johannes Morus: Viceroy Sicily  -
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
It's a good thing we were informed that he is a rasta, so we know what drugtaking we are dealing with here. I could explain for week, but as the brain has been completely fried with drugs and turn into mush, there is no damn use. Drugs are bad even if people are rasta. I have seen them coming and going to the madhouse. You have no concept of research, you think research means finding a portrait in google. You have no concept of synthesising information from sources, because you have no conceot of sources. After that closet gay launched his attack I went from strenght to strenght and are opening my museum, realising the boards I had made in 2009 will do just fine. Instead of traveling, let the people come to me and pay, too. So, really, nobody can hurt me, I have heard the insults for many years. I'm very happy being Egmond Codfried.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
It's a good thing we were informed that he is a rasta, so we know what level of drugtaking we are dealing with here. I could explain for week, but as the brain has been completely fried with drugs and turn into mush, there is no damn use. Drugs are bad even if people are rasta. I have seen them coming and going to the madhouse. You have no concept of research, you think research means finding a portrait in google. You have no concept of synthesising information from sources, because you have no concept of sources. After that closet gay launched his attack I went from strenght to strenght and are opening my museum, realising the boards I had made in 2009 will do just fine. Instead of traveling, let the people come to me and pay, too. So, really, nobody can hurt me, I have heard the insults for many years. I'm very happy being Egmond Codfried.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
.... I have heard the insults for many years. I'm very happy being Egmond Codfried.

You were insulted for taking too many pink cocks up your batty! You deserve that cause you are a fvcking sissy faggot house-negro sell-out.

All you dream about is for an opportunity to svck on your aristocratic master's cock. Your museum is just a camouflage.

In Suriname, I hear they call your museum Mr. Egmond Cockfried Queer House. Will you be displaying naked pictures of chiselled young men? Are you into history or are you just pimping and selling young male asses?

Fire burn all batty-loving cock-sukcing house-negro-bitches!
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

Everybody will be welcomed in my museum,. I will order some flags, also a rainbow flag to make everybody feel right at home.

Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
^Cock-svkcr flag!

Fiyah fi all batty-man and ooman them
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Originally posted by IronLion:
^Cock-svkcr flag!

Fiyah fi all batty-man and ooman them

You are most kindly and humbly requested to stop this nonsense and lets go back to business. I'm not your enemy, and my private life is really not your business. The only persons who could stop my museum have this morning given me their blessings, these Dutch nazi's. So all is well with the world and I'm on a high. Yet all I drank was sweetened orange juice.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

My street in The Hague: Eemstraat, named after the river Eem. In front the entrance to the storage rooms.

Today was a special morning. I decided to spend a dime and called the renting agency to ask whether they accepted my written invitation for a pre-view of my museum. I was told that a letter was under way with which they wish me luck with my museum. That’s all I needed to hear, because they are the only factor that could spoil my plans. I have their blessing. But the nazi I spoke to said that I had to abide by the ‘agreement’ and cannot travel to Suriname for seven months in October to curate an exhibition around Independence Day 2012, about the 18th century Suriname independence movement, which I’m the sole person to write about. I simply told him I will go to Suriname and that no nazi will keep me a prisoner. Off course he was offended because nazi’s, like whores and faggots, do not like to be called what they are.

I was forced on 27 September 2011, nearly by gun point, in a Dutch court room, to sign a paper and this is called ‘agreement.’ I consider myself an early victim of the holocaust they are planning, starting with the total dehumanising of the intended victim. I’m looked at as some slave, as they already have their Polish and Rumanian slaves, and traded women to be raped in special streets and whole neighbourhoods Holland dedicates to this industry.

My aspirations and ambitions take me to Suriname, I cannot fly back every night, so they need to let me pursue my career in peace. In Holland as a Black writer and researcher who is not a house nigger; I’m an üntermensch, and nobody white seems to be able to understand that they were ruled by Blacks and their ancestors were shoe leather to these Blacks.

I ate a wonderful Turkish brioche with a white cheese and sesame paste filling, with orange juice for breakfast. As I alighted from my abode, resplendent in red, I saw a blond beauty, slowly and elegantly walking, dressed in black, passing by. I had to cross my street so I could track beauty’s progress but I was apprehended by an older Dutch man, knowing what I was up to. So I could not rush after beauty to invite beauty to my museum.

The old guy (1942), lugging his heart tablets, was visiting his old street, where he was born and lived till 1950. He informed me about what it looked like then, with a bakery store where we now have our storage, and I keep my many bikes. The bakery was ran by two women, a couple, who lived next door. There was a grocery on another corner, and where we today have a small square with shrubs and high cathedral like trees, was another block of houses. Today I saw a velvety black bird nesting in the shrubs. We agreed to keep contact and he will provide me with pictures, which I will display in the museum.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
Originally posted by IronLion:
^Cock-svkcr flag!

Fiyah fi all batty-man and ooman them

You are most kindly and humbly requested to stop this nonsense and lets go back to business. I'm not your enemy, and my private life is really not your business. The only persons who could stop my museum have this morning given me their blessings, these Dutch nazi's. So all is well with the world and I'm on a high. Yet all I drank was sweetened orange juice.
I will let you off lightly this time, because I do not enjoy humiliating humanbeings no matter how lowly they may be.

Neither should you seek to denigrate others, especially when you have buried bones you wish undisturbed.

Morale: If you live inna glass house, don't throw stone and if you can't take blows, brother don't throw blows. - Peter Tosh
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
I have nothing to hide. Worst, I will be inviting strangers into my home to peruse my collection. Just now I gave a few clean looking English young man my museum folder, talked about Jane austen who they knew, and friendly warned them to stay away from drugs. They laughed. People who take drugs will never amount to anything. There are very few people who can do drugs and function. If you come from a rich family and they want to keep you, they might give the junky family member an allowance, pay his medical bills, let him take care of his falling teeth. But for the rest there is nothing else but the street and panhandling to get money to pay the homeless shelter and buy a meal. Others should keep away from drug addicts, no matter how cute they are and how many food stamps they might bring into the household. Do not take them into your home, and keep them away from your children. Do not let your children keep friends who do drugs. Any junk, drug addict will always remain some low-class, ignorant trash. They will have a janitor position, mopping office floors, running around with a great bundle of keys, but this they will remain forever. Everybody at the office looking down on them as low down trash. If they have children, these children will have little chance to succeed in life because their father’s sperm is infected, and he can offer nothing for their advancement. This junk will just put more unwanted street trash unto the world, menacing Blacks who want to get ahead. Who study, who do research, who are doing their damnest to make the best of what life has given them. Junks will menace such people because the junk they take everyday is from the devil, our eternal enemy. Junks lie and disrespect anything that is good and decent, because they are gutter people, jealous of us who are not in the gutter, wanting to bring us to their low level. Y'all stay away from drugs.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :

The way you ramble and mumble, one would think that you were or drugs. If you are not on drugs, then surely you need some form of therapy to cure you.

Clyde Winters already gave you advice to seek treatment.

MK our expert psychologist has told you the damage that results allowing pink cocks to turn your batty into a ho.

I IronLion have called you a weak ass batty-boi to your face many times.

That is all you are. A fake sellout, whoring your ass to the Juus of Holland, who **** you up, turn you inside out, and have you raving and cursing on internet boards like a homeless lunatic.

Homosexuality used to defined in American medical dictionaries of 1970, as a psychological sickness.

In Zimbabwe and Nigeria we would let you die in prison for your criminal acts.

Seek treatment. Stop the desire for sukcing on pink-white cocks.

Maybe you do need a drug threapy to help you.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

Philip I Hess do look Black, no?

I'm gonna make a panel with only beautiful portraits. I do not want to confront Blacks with images of slavery, which are demeaning and traumatic.

Why all this interest in my asshole?

Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
^Cause you stink, worse than any asshole... and it is time you deal with the stench...

And you have a fetish for ass-holes.

Tell me, why are you trying to turn ES into a porn site?
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Sites that seem to discuss the blue blood is black blood theory. Not always possible to see what they are saying.



Blue blood is black bloodthe iconographical proof of a dominating black and colored European race which was a noble and royal elite (1500-1789) = Blauw bloed is zwart bloed : het iconografische bewijs van een dominerende zwarte en gekleurde Europese natie die een adellijke en koninklijke elite waren was (1500-1789)By Codfried, Egmond(Book - 2009 - Dutch; Flemish)Sc G 11-3In-library use only in some Locations

My book in the Shomburg library, whaddayaknow! How the hell did it get there? I'm mighty pleased, though. Class WILL tell, and hard work pays off too.


more slander

This fame is a new thing, strange people taking great interest in my asshole. Honey, really there is nothing special about my ass hole, I try to keep it fresh by keeping a bottle next to my toilet, and change underwear often. I eat lots of veggies to make good stool, and my stool is copious. Does this information help you dear?
How is a half-naked guy gay porn. I think you imagination is overheated.


Gorgeous guy: the eyes have it.
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Indeed, you keep it clean for your pink cocks. Actually I am a Moorish Ras, not pinks. Not your type at all.

You can write 10 essays or 30 essays it makes no difference to me.

All you have shown yourself to be is a disrespectful and ungrateful little gnat, unworthy of any civil treatment, but very deserving of clinical drug therapy.

You act out like a melodramatic bytch and then hide under a mask of momentary lucidity. But I am not taken; I know you are a lunatic, a half cagotic mental case, and a seller of fake antics.

Morally you are a reprobate and the protests of many decent people on this site against your porn spamming is evidence of my charge.

You should be safely locked up somewhere, and looked after by kindly Doctors until your Bi-polar disorder has been properly addressed.

Messed up pathetic things like you can not help but have mental problems.

Call the doctors....
Posted by IronLion (Member # 16412) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
... Just now I gave a few clean looking English young man my museum folder, talked about Jane austen who they knew, and friendly warned them to stay away from drugs. They laughed.....

House-nigger! Shame on you...

And then you invited in and gave them your rotted pussy for free? Yeah... tell us more...

[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
There are so many unemployed psychiatrist on the web and they all want to anal(l)ize me. Why is this? I will not pay them; to be sure.

Hope this will make you happy.
You sound like a demented rapist...
cursing away at your victim,
who you chastise by rape...
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

The choice is overwhelming...
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
As I alighted from my abode,
resplendent in red,
I saw a blond beauty,
slowly and elegantly walking,
dressed in black, passing by.
I had to cross my street
so I could track beauty’s progress
but I was apprehended by an older Dutch man,
knowing what I was up to.
So I could not rush after beauty
to invite beauty to my museum.


Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, a research unit of The New York Public Library, is generally recognized as one of the leading institutions of its kind in the world. For over 80 years the Center has collected, preserved, and provided access to materials documenting black life, and promoted the study and interpretation of the history and culture of peoples of African descent.
I remember now sending one copy of my research blue blood to some dear Lady and she must have donated it to this wonderful place. They might have sent me a registered letter to my Surinam adress, to inform me, but it was returned to sender als I had already left.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
I think he shot his wad after I posted the anus picture. For all the world it seemed like he was jerking of while castigating me for his own hot fantasies about my private life. As a famous person it's my faith that people project all kind of things on me and harbour lustful fantasies about me, while I'm not an absolute beauty as one might wonder. I never knew Rasta's to be like that, and he must be some renegate. The Rasta High Command must revoke his card for bringing ill repute on the Rasta movement. I wonder if people here who kiss his ass still feel he needs to be respected, after posting all this filth and turning this forum in a place where fornication and sexual harrasment prevails.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Press Release:

EGMOND CODFRIED (Paramaribo, 1959), writer and publicist, is the curator and the discoverer of the Blue Blood is Black Blood Theory (2005) which argues that Europe from 1100 to 1848 was dominated by an elite whose skin colour was described as black and brown. He displays his collection of reproductions of historical portraits often unknown and is the only museum that deals with the actual appearance of historical figures. Prince William I of Orange (1533-1584) is described as "more brown than white," and as "brown of complexion and the beard." (Beresteyn 1933: 1) Some of them , like William of Orange, his father in law Maurice of Saxony, and Jane Austen (1775-1817) had in addition to the brown and black skin colour also (strong) classical African features, thick and prognastic lips and/or broad noses, frizzled hair; which traits were seen as proof of pure noble blood: Blue Blood. They were the descendants of the Blue Men, the black and brown original Europeans who came from Africa 45,000 years ago (Grimaldi Man). And a part of them proclaimed themselves between 1100 and 1200 a nobility, of true Europeans. Intermarrying to preserve colour and a noble lifestyle were requirements. They styled themselves as protectors against the invading Normans, civilized and christianized the white Europeans, who only came 6000 years ago came from Central Asia. And they now also exploited them as their serfs. Typical of their domination was the brutal stifling of opposition and cruel punishments meted out as quartering, breaking the limps on the wheel, and cutting open the belly while the intestines still attached to the body were thrown into the fire. But the cruellest punishment must be the public live flaying. There was, therefore, until 1848 a European trade in human skins and these were industrially processed into book covers, clothing and even shoes for the elite. Church doors were lined with human skin, which further demonstrates that the subjugation of the serfs by the nobility was seen as willed by god. Theirs was a caste society with the whites as the outcastes. This information illustrates clearly why there was a need for a Declaration of the Rights of Man (1760), because the white serfs asked their noble masters to be seen as humans. By that time the Enlightened bourgeois "scientists" belonging to the Black intellectual elite, invented the fiction of human races and placed for strategic reasons, the white majority to the top of the evolutionary ladder, and the Moor at the bottom, just above the Apes. The Moor (Othello, Mr. Elton, Black Madonna’s, and the heraldic Moors) symbolizes nobility and Black Superiority. This showed how they exactly regarded the high Black Nobility and their Black Superiority. The French Revolution (1789-1794) was a starter and led the bourgeois, capitalist elite to power, but for the poor people little changed. Because of restorations like those by Napoleon, it took only until the last revolutions of 1848 that the white Europeans were emancipated and the nobility lost their 'privileges’. Jane Austen (1775-1817) was described as 'of brunette complexion,’ and as ‘a brown, not a pink colour', and made all her fictional characters, light brown, brown, very brown and black of complexion. She wrote against the change of status of Black Europeans. The Surinamese planters and governors were part of this colored elite and nobility. After 1848, revisionist history prevailed, and everything was painted white. They used the fashionable and propagandistic portraits of the black and brown elite, who sometimes in real life also painted their faces white, and a false, whitewashed history was created. The usefulness of the Blue Blood Theory is a deconstruction of revisionist history and a deconstruction of Racism against Black people, as caused by the cruel, but civilizing and christianising domination of whites by Blacks. Whites fear and hate Blacks because they once were dominated by them. Racism is a liberation ideology. All unscientific theories about human races, skull measurements, etc are designed to turn these historical Blacks into whites and hide the history of Black Superiority. This new museum, in the stairwell of his home, Eemstraat 36 in The Hague, with the blessing of the landlord Vestia Hague South East, and only accessible by appointment, for everyone, and why you pay only € 1 per person. One can peruse the portraits of the Black rulers and their Black queens. There are reproductions of portraits of nobles and slave owners who previously were not publicly shown and are hidden in family- or academic collections because of the black appearances. Visitors will also be able to buy postcards and studies. This The Hague museum, will lead to the founding of a Museum of Black History Suriname in Suriname in 2013.

Information: Egmond Codfried / 068427799
June 15, 2012
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Press Communiqué:

EGMOND CODFRIED (Paramaribo, 1959), writer and publicist, is the inventor of the Blue Blood is Black Blood Theory (2005) that states that Europe between 1100 and 1848, was dominated by an elite, which was described as brown and black of complexion. He exhibits his collection of reproductions from often-unknown historical portraits that makes this museum the only one that concerns itself with the true looks of historical personages. Prince William I of Orange (1533-1518) was described as ‘More brown then white,’ and ‘brown of complexion and the beard.’ (Beresteyn, 1933: 1) Some of them, like William I of Orange, his father-in-law Maurice of Saxony, and Jane Austen (1775-1817) had, next to brown or black skin, also (strong) classical African facial traits: thick prognastic lips, and/or broad noses and frizzled hair; which once stood for pure noble blood: Blue blood. They were the descendents of the Blue Men, the black and brown original Europeans who came 45.000 years ago from Africa (Grimaldi Man). And part of which, between 1100-1200; declared themselves a nobility, and thus true Europeans. Intermarriage to remain black of complexion, and a noble lifestyle were both required. They self-styled as protectors against the Normans, civilised and christianised the white Europeans, who had only 6000 years earlier arrived from Central Asia, and who now became the Serfs which the nobility exploited. Typical for this lordship was the cruel way protest was dealt with, with executions by quartering, breaking of limps and disembowelling, and by throwing the intestines in the fire while still attached to the body. But the cruelest punishment must have been the public, live flaying. Therefore there existed a European trade in human skins till 1848, and these skins were industrially worked into bookbindings, clothing and even shoes for the elite. Church doors were lined with human skin, which fact shows that the exploitation of whites was regarded as the will of god. Theirs was a cast-society with the whites as outcasts. This information illustrates better why there was a need for a Declaration of The Rights of Man (1760), because the white Serfs asked their noble masters to be accepted as human beings. Then the Enlightened, Black high bourgeoisie ‘scientist,’ the intellectual elite, invented human races and placed the whites, the majority of the population, for strategic purposes; at the top of the evolutionary ladder, and the Moor all the way below, just above the great Apes. The Moor (Othello, Mr. Elton, Black Madonna’s, and the heraldic little Moors) symbolized nobility and Black Superiority. With this, they showed their true feelings for the high nobility with their ideas about Black Superiority. The French Revolution (179-1794) initiated a change and brought the middling classes, the capitalist elite to power, but little changed for the poor working class people. Because of restorations like those by Napoleon, it took till the final revolutions of 1848, that the white Europeans were emancipated and the nobility lost it ‘privileges.’ Jane Austen was described as ‘brunette of complexion,’ and ‘a brown, not a pink colour’ and she made all her novel personages light brown, brown, very brown and black of complexion. She wrote against the change of status of the Black Elite. The Surinamese Governors and slave masters were members of this coloured or noble aristocracy. After 1848 history became revisionist, thus painted white. They created a fake, whitened history by using whitened, fashionable and propagandist portraits that were commissioned by the brown and black complexioned elite; who sometimes in real life painted themselves white or bleached their skins. The merit of the Blue Blood theory is deconstructing revisionism in history and deconstruction of Racism against Blacks, which was caused by the cruel, but civilising and christianising, oppression. Whites fear and hate Blacks because Blacks once ruled them. Racism is a liberation ideology. All unscientific theories about race and skull measuring etc. were invented to declare these Historical Blacks to be whites and thus hide Black Supremacy rule. This new museum, in a staircase of his home, with the blessing of Vestia Den Haag Zuid Oost, and only accessible by appointment; welcomes everybody, for which reason the entrance fee is only euro 1. The public can see portraits of Black Rulers and their Black Queens. There are reproductions of portraits of nobles and slave masters, which were never before shown publicly and are hidden in family- or scientific collections because of Black looks. There will be postcards and books for sale. This museum in The Hague will lead to the finding of a Suriname Museum of Black History in Suriname in 2013.

Information. Egmond Codfried / 06427799
The Hague, 15 June 2012.



EGMOND CODFRIED (Paramaribo, 1959), schrijver en publicist, is de curator en de ontdekker van de Blauw Bloed is Zwart bloed Theorie (2005) welke stelt dat Europa van 1100 tot 1848 gedomineerd werd door een elite die als zwart en bruin van huid werd beschreven. Hij toont zijn collectie van reproducties van vaak onbekende historische portretten en is daarmee het enige museum dat zich buigt over het werkelijke uiterlijk van historische figuren. Prins Willem I van Oranje (1533-1584) wordt beschreven als ‘Meer bruin dan wit,’en als ‘Bruyn van verve ende baerde.’ (Beresteyn 1933: 1) Sommigen van hen, waar onder ook Willem van Oranje, zijn schoonvader Maurits van Saxen, en Jane Austen (1775-1817) hadden naast de bruine en zwarte gelaatskleur ook (sterke) klassieke Afrikaanse gelaatstrekken, dikke prognastische lippen en/of brede neuzen, naast kroes haar; welke trekken toen stonden voor puur adellijk bloed: Blauw Bloed. Zij waren afstammelingen van de Blauwe Mannen, de zwarte en bruine oorspronkelijke Europeanen die 45.000 jaar geleden uit Afrika kwamen (Grimaldi Mens), en waarvan een deel zich tussen 1100 en 1200 uitriepen tot een adel, dus echte Europeanen. Onderling huwen ter behoud van kleur en een adellijke levensstijl was een vereiste. Zij wierpen zich op als beschermers tegen de invallende Noormannen, civiliseerden en kerstenden de witte Europeanen, die pas sinds 6000 jaar geleden uit Centraal Azië kwamen, en die zij voortaan ook exploiteerden als hun lijfeigenen en horigen. Kenmerkend voor hun overheersing was het wreed smoren van verzet en wrede straffen als vierendelen, radbraken, en het opensnijden van de buik waarbij de darmen nog verbonden aan het lijf in het vuur werden geworpen. Maar de wreedste straf moet wel het publiekelijk levend villen zijn. Er bestond daarom tot 1848 een Europese handel in mensenhuiden en deze werden industrieel verwerkt tot boekenkaften, kleding en zelfs schoenen voor de elite. Kerkdeuren werden bespannen met mensenhuid, wat verder aantoont dat de onderwerping van de lijfeigenen door de adel als door god gewild zou zijn. Er was sprake van een kastenmaatschappij met de witten als de kastelozen. Deze informatie illustreert beter waarom er behoefte was aan een Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens (1760), want de witte lijfeigenen vroegen hun adellijke meesters om als mensen gezien te worden. Tegen die tijd verzonnen Verlichte burgerlijke ‘wetenschappers’ behorende tot de Zwarte intellectuele elite, de fictie van menselijke rassen en plaatsten om strategische redenen, de witte meerderheid aan de top van de evolutionaire ladder, en de Moor helemaal onderaan, net boven de Mensapen. De Moor (Othello, Mr. Elton, Zwarte Madonna’s, en de heraldische Moortjes) symboliseert adel en Zwarte Superioriteit. Hiermee gaf men dus weer hoe men precies dacht over de hoge Adel en hun Zwarte Superioriteit. De Franse Revolutie (1789-1794) vormde een aanzet en bracht de burgerlijke, kapitalistische elite aan de macht, maar voor het arme volk veranderde er bar weinig. Vanwege restauraties als die van Napoleon, duurde het pas tot de laatste revoluties van 1848 dat de witte Europeanen emancipeerden en de adel hun ‘privileges’ verloren. Jane Austen (1775-1817) werd als ‘brunette of complexion, en als ‘a brown, not a pink colour’ beschreven, en maakte al haar romanpersonages licht bruin, bruin, zeer bruin en zwart van gelaatskleur. Zij schreef tegen de verandering van status van Zwarte Europeanen. Ook de Surinaamse gouverneurs en planters behoorden tot deze gekleurde elite en adel. Na 1848 werd de geschiedenis revisionistisch, en dus wit geverfd. Hierbij maakte men gebruik van de modieuze, propagandistische portretten van de zwarte en bruine elite, die zich soms in het echte leven ook wit verfde en het gelaat bleekte; om een valse, gewitte geschiedenis te creëren. Het nut van de Blauw Bloed Theorie is een deconstructie van de revisionistische geschiedenis en een deconstructie van racisme tegen de Zwarte mens, welke oorzaak in de wrede, maar civiliserende en kerstenende overheersing van witten door Zwarten gezocht moet worden. Witten vrezen en haten Zwarten omdat zij ooit door hen werden overheerst. Racisme is een bevrijdingsideologie. Alle onwetenschappelijke theorieën over mensenrassen, schedelmetingen etc zijn bedoeld om deze historische Zwarten wit te maken en de geschiedenis van de Zwarte Superioriteit te verbergen. Dit nieuwe museum, in een trappenhuis van zijn woning, Eemstraat 36 te Den Haag, met de zegen van verhuurder Vestia Den Haag Zuid Oost, en alleen op afspraak te bezoeken; is voor iedereen toegankelijk, daarom betaalt men ook maar € 1 per persoon. Men kan kennis nemen van de portretten van de Zwarte heersers en hun Zwarte koninginnen. Er zijn reproducties van portretten van adel en slavenmeesters die eerder niet openbaar te zien waren of verborgen zijn in familie en wetenschappelijke collecties vanwege het zwarte uiterlijk. Tevens zal men postkaarten en studies kunnen kopen. Dit Haagse museum moet leidden tot de oprichting van een Suriname Museum of Black History in Suriname in 2013.

Informatie: Egmond Codfried /068427799
15 juni 2012

Communiqué de presse:

EGMOND CODFRIED (Paramaribo, 1959), écrivain et publiciste, est le conservateur et le découvreur de la la théorie Blue Blood est Black Blood (2005) qui affirme que l'Europe de 1100 à 1848 a été dominée par une élite dont la couleur de la peau a été décrit comme noir et brun. Il affiche sa collection de reproductions de portraits historiques souvent inconnus et il est le seul musée qui traite de l'aspect réel des personnages historiques. Prince Guillaume Ier d'Orange (1533-1584) est décrit comme "plus brun que blanc," et comme "brun de teint et la barbe." (Beresteyn 1933: 1) Certains d'entre eux, comme Guillaume d'Orange, son beau-père Maurice de Saxe, et de Jane Austen (1775-1817) avait en plus de la couleur de la peau marron et noir également (forte) classiques traits africains, d'épaisseur et les lèvres prognastic et/ou le nez larges, cheveux crépus; les traits qui ont été considérées comme la preuve de sang noble pur: Blue Blood. Ils étaient les descendants des Hommes Bleus, les Européens noir et brun d'origine qui sont venus d'Afrique 45.000 ans plus tôt (Grimaldi Homme). Et une partie d'entre eux se proclamée entre 1100 et 1200 une noblesse, le vrais Européens. Se mariant entre eux pour préserver la couleur et un style de vie noble étaient exigences. Ils se portera le titre de protecteurs contre les Normands envahissent, civilisée et christianisée les Européens blancs, qui est seulement venu il ya 6000 ans est venu de l'Asie Centrale. Et ils maintenant aussi les exploités comme leurs serfs. Typique de leur domination a été la brutale étouffante de l'opposition et aux châtiments cruels infligés comme casernement, briser le boite sur la roue, et le découpage du ventre, tandis que les intestins sont encore attachés au corps ont été jetés dans le feu. Mais la plus cruelle punition doit être le dépouillement du public en direct. Il y avait, par conséquent, jusqu'en 1848 un commerce européenne en peaux humaines et ceux-ci ont été transformés industriellement dans des couvertures de livres, des vêtements et même des chaussures pour l'élite. Portes de l'église ont été alignés avec la peau humaine, ce qui démontre en outre que l'assujettissement des serfs de la noblesse a été considérée comme voulue par Dieu. Leur était une société de castes avec les blancs que les hors-caste. Cette information illustre clairement pourquoi il y avait une nécessité d'une Déclaration des Droits de l'homme (1760), parce que le blanc serfs a demandé leurs maîtres nobles d'être vu en tant qu'êtres humains. En ce moment, les Illuminés bourgeois "scientifiques" appartenant à l'élite noire intellectuelle, inventé la fiction des races humaines et placés, pour des raisons stratégiques, la majorité blanc au sommet de l'échelle de l'évolution et le Maure au fond, juste au-dessus des singes . Le Maure (Othello, M. Elton, Vierge Noire, et les Maures héraldique) symbolise la noblesse et la supériorité noire. Cela montre la façon dont ils exactement considéré la haute noblesse noir et leur Supériorité Noire. La Révolution française (1789-1794) était un démarreur et entraîné le bourgeois, l'élite capitaliste au pouvoir, mais pour les pauvres gens peu changé. Parce que des restaurations comme celles de Napoléon, il a fallu seulement jusqu'à ce que les dernières révolutions de 1848 que les Européens blanc ont été émancipés et la noblesse ont perdu leur 'Privilèges'. Jane Austen (1775-1817) a été décrit comme «le teint brune,» et comme «un brun, pas une couleur rose», et fait tous ses personnages de fiction, brun clair, brun, très brun et noir de teint. Elle a écrit contre le changement de statut des Européens Noire. Les planteurs du Surinam et les gouverneurs faisaient partie de cette élite de couleur et de la noblesse. Après 1848, l'histoire révisionniste a prévalu, et tout a été peint en blanc. Ils ont utilisé des portraits à la mode et de propagande de l'élite noire et brun, qui, parfois, dans la vraie vie aussi peint leurs visages blancs, et une fausse, l'histoire blanchie à la chaux a été créé. L'utilité de la théorie de Blue Blood est une déconstruction de l'histoire révisionniste et une déconstruction du racisme contre les Noirs, comme causées par le cruel, mais civilisatrice et christianiser la domination des Blancs par les Noirs. Blancs est peur et sent la haine des Noirs parce qu'ils étaient autrefois dominé par eux. Le racisme est une idéologie de la libération. Toutes les théories non scientifiques sur les races humaines, les mesures du crâne, etc sont conçus pour transformer ces Noirs historiques dans les blancs et se cacher l'histoire de la Supériorité Noire. Ce nouveau musée, dans la cage d'escalier de sa maison, Eemstraat 36 à La Haye, avec la bénédiction du propriétaire de La Haye Vestia Sud-Est, et accessible uniquement sur rendez-vous, pour tout le monde, et pourquoi vous ne payez que 1 € par personne. On peut parcourir les portraits des dirigeants noirs et leurs reines noires. Il ya des reproductions de portraits de nobles et de propriétaires d'esclaves qui, auparavant, n'étaient pas montré publiquement et sont cachés dans des collections familiales ou scolaires, car les apparences de noir. Les visiteurs pourront également acheter des cartes postales à des études. Ce musée de La Haye, mènera à la création d'un Suriname Musée de Black History au Suriname en 2013.

Renseignements: Egmond Codfried / 068427799
15 juin 2012

Vertaald door google en bijgewerkt
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
Originally posted by Egmond Codfried:
As I alighted from my abode,
resplendent in red,
I saw a blond beauty,
slowly and elegantly walking,
dressed in black, passing by.
I had to cross my street
so I could track beauty’s progress
but I was apprehended by an older Dutch man,
knowing what I was up to.
So I could not rush after beauty
to invite beauty to my museum.



Eghead, LEAVE MY PEOPLE ALONE!!! Whites don't need to have their minds warped with your racist White people hating lies & tripe. Let's hope NO Whites come into your so called "museum" especially not impressionable young Whites.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :

[Sunflowers by Van Gogh]

Well, when I had my youth hostel fifteen years ago, right in my living room with 12 beds they came and came. And brought others too. They ate the all you can eat breakfast included in the 15 $ hotel fee, and were so happy.

I cannot abide by stinginess and one Paris Youth Hostel only gives you one piece of bread. So I do not worry, they will come: Blacks and whites and all in between. They had better because I have run out of grocery money with al the printing etc. As soon as the first batch has lifted their heels I will rush out, like Johanna van Gogh Bongers, to the supermarket and get me some fancy food and bottles of Prosecco to celibrate.

I will recreate two flower paintings by Van Gogh, to spruce op the staircase. With a spotlight on them. I already hung an old, silk taffeta curtain, shining light beige, tied and draped with a bright lemongreen, tassled silk shantung sash. People who know these sort of things will gush about my museum. They will come to see the beauty of Holland and I will offer them beauty, and more.

I, off course will be dressed in my normal day uniform, grey flannel pants, a blue blazer and bright Oxford blue shirt. And my beaten up, hand made brown brogue's.


[Irises by Van Gogh]


My day uniform
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
Like I said Eghead LEAVE MY PEOPLE ALONE!!!! We do NOT need the likes of White people hating, Black racist, POS, Black supremacists such as your own worthless self warping the minds of impressionable young Whites with your lies & tripe.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
But you have no goddam say in the matter.
You are an anonimous nobody, a grey mouse,
living in a two horse, midwest s hithole,
with a population of 2980,
you are some hillbilly trash.
taking space and breathing air,
while completely worthless.
Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
Eghead, you are the worthless one. Honey my town may be small but its far from a s-hithole, virtually NO crime, no robberies of any stores or banks or houses ever happen, rapes virtually unheard of, kidnappings virtually unheard of, vandalism doesn't happen, no gang activity, one can walk down the street at 2 or 3 am and feel completely safe, we only have 1 or 2 murders maybe once every 20-30 yrs, so I'd say its far from being a s-hithole LOL. Not to mention the cops patrol pretty routinely, I know I've been stopped & questioned by them several times while simply taking a nightly stroll.
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
Let's hope for all our sakes the next murder victim will be you.

Posted by DHDoxies (Member # 19701) on :
Be careful what you wish for Eghead you stupid POS, cause you know sometimes what you wish on others has a way of happening to YOU!!!
Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :
You are carrying on like a bug and bugs need to be squashed. In mine threads but not contributing, trying to derail the blue blood is black blood movement.

Posted by Egmond Codfried (Member # 15683) on :,mod=7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=black+history+museum

After perusing the information about Black History US based museums I decided to change the name of my museum, as I need to get as far away as the slavery mongering musea and people, usually of the house nigger kind. Constantly stigmatising Blacks as slaves, and talking about Black achievement in the light of them coming out of slavery. For this brand of Black History there always seem to be money. I will have none of that.


I have noticed that the building society in her letter carefully avoided anything about Black or what my museum entails, and it seems that google while translating into French shrinked away from the expression 'Black Superiority.' It's programmed not to put these two words next to each other, so it seems.

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