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T O P I C     R E V I E W
The Explorer
Member # 14778
 - posted
I looked at last night's debates, and couldn't help but be reminded of a recurring pattern in these debates: Republicans like to quote him like a bible, and even speak of his "commandments". Is that not Moses-like?
Member # 14051
 - posted
Yes republicans quote Reagan ad nauseam. I've seen it many times over the years as if he is or was some kind of savior. BS.

I believe Rand Paul brought up Reagan's Iran/Contra affair last night but it quickly fell by the wayside.

A sidenote is it's interesting to see how both parties will invoke a ''will of the American people'' (not last night) when the ''will' only separates the not so willed by a few percent. That alway amazes me. Wouldn't it be better to say the issue is contentious by a slim majority. But no, the will of the American people speaks. Yeah, a Supreme Court decision of 5/4 represents the will of the court but most people don't even look at the swing vote justice, all they see is ''we won.'' Take away that (an impossibility) and it's tied. So how can one judge 'represent the will' of the American people except in a legal sense. Yet that's the democratic and legal way.
The Explorer
Member # 14778
 - posted
The republican candidates speak of Reagan as if they live by his "commandments". The guy has ceased to be the human he was. The reference to the so-called "11th commandment of Reagan" in last night's debate was just classic.
Member # 18979
 - posted
Ronald Reagan is their Icon/idol and that is why they quote him so often during political debates. I do not know if everyone here knows this fact: Ronald Reagan was a democrat before he became a republican.
Member # 17444
 - posted
Not Moses.

More like Republicans quoting from the Satanic Bible.

For Repubs, Charleston Heston is their Moses, with a machine gun.
-Just Call Me Jari-
Member # 14451
 - posted
Not just Republicans but you see democrats quoting the Shrill as well. Quite sad
Member # 16371
 - posted
Fact is if Reagan was alive and kicking today he could play no part in Republican politics for believe it or not as conservative as Reagan was during his own era he would be viewed as a bleeding heart liberal when compared to today's mindless neo-cons, a mythology is being created and this also include Obama pushing it.

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