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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 11270
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Member # 12979
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Member # 11270
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Member # 11270
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Member # 12979
 - posted
Just consider all the horrible things coca cola does to harm your health in addition to being a kafir drink:

* Damage your liver.
* Create mental health problems.
* Expose your body to toxic levels of benzene.
* Osteoporosis
* Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
* Insomnia
* Kidney stones
* Tooth decay

Your Body Simply Can't Handle It

People who consume high amounts of added sugars are more likely to be deficient in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, as well as various vitamins. Animal studies demonstrate that phosphorus, a common ingredient in soda, can deplete bones of calcium.

And two recent human studies suggest that girls who drink more soda are more prone to broken bones.

A 1994 Harvard study of bone fractures in teenage athletes found a strong association between cola beverage consumption and bone fractures in 14-year-old girls. The girls who drank cola were about five times more likely to suffer bone fractures than girls who didn't consume soda pop.
Member # 11276
 - posted
my son is not allowed cola in the house (or any other fizzy drinks) - he can have milk, water or fresh fruit juices.

Some people have said I'm cruel, but its my responsibility to take care of his health until he is old enough to do so himself.
MK the Most Interlectual
Member # 8356
 - posted
Originally posted by shahkerdah:

OK if you want to use this fcuked up mentality (!), this actually reads: TO Mohamed, TO Mecca.

Learn Arabic, let alone Islam, and then talk.
Member # 12981
 - posted
I totally understand your feeling , but allow me to ask you , do they need all these riddles and ciphers to send this massage ??? who created this logo you think , it must’ve been Leonardo Da Vinci himself 
The whole thing is just a coincidence and the only beneficiary is the Pepsi Co. their main competitors world wide
Again , they are not that silly dear and the multi billion investments couldn’t be jeopardized for a message that wouldn’t add anything to anyone
Member # 10593
 - posted
The ongoing dispute about the Coca Cola logotype containing an anti-Islamic message is clearly nonsensical to anyone who knows a bit about the creation of the Coca Cola logo and about typography. And there are many other cases out there where something supposedly contains a message in Arabic. There are many Islamic websites reporting *miracles* – God's name or Muhammad's name found in some plant or animal, trees forming the shahadah and so on.

Now whether it's likely to assume that God reveals himself to us in signs like that and why people feel the need to hold on to such *signs* is a different subject altogether. But those things just go to show how easy it is to interpret things into each and everything.

Global companies usually do a lot of research when designing a logotype that is supposed to be used in different countries in order to avoid problems because they are well aware of the traps and pitfalls presented by the difference in perception. However, it's not always possible to eradicate every possibility of misconception. There are lots of cases in advertising history where designs or names had to be changed after the release due to something being overlooked.

Now the issue with illustrations or words resembling Arabic words is a difficult matter in my opinion. Because of the particular shape of the Arabic letters and the way they can be transformed yet still be recognizable (as has been demonstrated by great Islamic calligraphic artists) they lend themselves easily to associations and interpretations.

It's very easy to detect an *Arabic* word in an illustration or a handwritten logotype or even in some forms of nature. Take a few handwritten texts, flip or rotate them and you will get at least one result that reminds you of Arabic ...

There have been several cases where companies have been accused of deliberately or undeliberately inserting anti-Islamic messenges or using words from the Qur'an. The above mentioned is just one of them. Nike had to retract a sports shoe years ago because the logo, according to some, resembled the word "Allah" and thus should not be on a shoe. The resemblance is indeed there for anyone who reads Arabic, but it's also quite obvious how and why the designer arrived at that particular shape and that it wasn't done on purpose.






MADINAH, 3 November 2006 — A soap product was pulled out of the market two weeks ago after members of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice expressed concern that a letter in the logo on the covering of the soap resembled the name of Allah.§ion=0&article=80248&d=3&m=11&y=2006

Member # 10593
 - posted
Claim:   When tipped on its side, Coca-Cola's distinctive script logo shows a figure snorting a line of cocaine, and this image was deliberately placed there by the artist as a sly reference to the product's containing cocaine.

Status:   False.

Origins:   Anything tipped on its side or viewed by hanging upside down like a bat can eventually appear to look like something other than what it is. Sailing ships and romping kittens are routinely seen in clouds that scud by, but these sights are attributed to the active imaginations of the cloud-watchers, not laid at the feet of a mythical artist who deliberately hid them there. The same should be said of images "found" on product labels — they say more about the imagination of the viewer than they do about what the company put there. Yet mistrust of corporations runs so high that the reasonable explanation of "I'm just seeing that" is quickly brushed aside in favor of the "I found the secret message!" one.

Coca-Cola's distinctive script logo was created by Frank Mason Robinson in 1886 when he wrote the first Coca-Cola label in flowing Spencerian script. Robinson was a partner with pharmacist John Pemberton (who made the first Coca-Cola syrup), and it was Robinson who gave the beverage its name. Robinson created the logo in 1886, at a time when cocaine was readily available in all manner of over-the-counter products. Unlike these days, however, when we think of cocaine as coming in the form of a fine, white powder that has to be snorted through a $100 bill, consumers of the 1880s knew the drug as a liquid. No one snorted cocaine in those days; they drank it. The idea that an artist would in 1886 incorporate into the logo a visual representation of a drug behavior that didn't then exist is a bit much to swallow.


Urban Legends Reference Page
Member # 10593
 - posted
Claim: Coca-Cola's script logo was designed to reveal anti-Islamic messages in its mirror image.

Status: False.

Origins: No one is quite sure how this rumor got started, but many in the Middle East are now turning the Coca-Cola logo towards a mirror to examine it for anti-Islamic statements. According to the current bit of misinformation being touted as truth, the backwards script reads: "No to Mohammed, No to Mecca."

Although a backwards, fuzzy image of the Coca-Cola script logo does vaguely resemble some phrases in Arabic script, there's nothing to the claim that this phenomenon is the result of intentional design. As mentioned elsewhere in our collection of Cokelore, the elegantly-written "Coca-Cola" trademark was invented by Frank Mason Robinson in 1886 when he wrote the first label in flowing Spencerian script. Robinson was a partner with pharmacist John Pemberton (who made the first syrup), and it was also Robinson who gave the beverage its name.

It's ludicrous to imagine far back in 1886 a back-room chemist and his partner were evilly plotted to work a hidden anti-Muslim statement into a soft drink label. Those early Coke men had no reason to suppose that their concoction would someday come to be marketed internationally, in far-flung lands they'd never themselves visit, or that the dashed-off script of one of them would continue to adorn the product more than a century after it was first penned. Yet to give the rumor any credence, one has to believe all of that.

In May 2000, the Grand Mufti Sheik Nasser Farid Wassel, Egypt’s most senior religious figure, gave his opinion on the matter. The artwork was also closely scrutinized by researchers and linguists at the Ifta’a Institute, a scholarly authority on Islamic law. All found no harm.

"The trademark does not injure Islam or Muslims directly or indirectly," the mufti ruled. In an official statement, he found that "the trademark was designed 114 years ago in the state of Georgia and was written in a foreign language, not in Arabic," and that "no one had objected until now."

Coca-Cola officials believe the lie started on the Internet. However it began, leaflets calling for a boycott of the U.S. on the basis of the rumor's premise have been distributed in schools and mosques in various regions of Egypt. In early 2000, the rumor was afoot in Saudi Arabia.

Such rumors are horribly damaging to any company they attach to, with Coca-Cola being no exception. In Egypt, a country where Coca-Cola is said to hold a 54% share of the soft drink market, Big Red has seen sales drop 10 to 15%. The company employs more than 10,000 workers in Egypt, and plummeting product sales over this lie mean those jobs are now at risk.
Member # 3567
 - posted
Boycott Coca Cola ...... try goat milk instead! [Big Grin]
Member # 681
 - posted
It DOES rot your teeth and make you fat, even if you don't drink it hanging like a batand looking in a mirror.
Member # 11552
 - posted
I enjoyed the posts on Coca-Cola, even though I don't like the drink. Dalia's mention of, 'The Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice' made me smile. Incredible to think that such a body actually exists. It sounds like something from Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four nightmare. [Eek!]
Member # 12156
 - posted
i like pepsi more. [Smile]

silly pic chimps [Smile]

everyone heard of mecca cola? i always wanted to get my hands on a bottle.
Member # 11270
 - posted
i dont think you would have said that before 24hrs wud you .
Member # 13087
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thats why i drink brandy only lol
Member # 12979
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Member # 11270
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Originally posted by Undercover:

[Eek!] [Eek!] is that real she wearing padding
Member # 12979
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Consider the fact that your risk for obesity increases by a whopping 60 percent for each can of soda you drink a day, and that obesity may actually lower the average age of death in the United States to a point so low that your children will be dying at a younger age than you do for the first time in history.

Sugar from soda is now the #1 source of calories in America. Clearly the most powerful way to reduce your sugar intake is to stop drinking soda. That would be true for ALL soda, espeically diet sodas. Sugar is clearly something that should be avoided, but after spending over two years carefully researching this topic I cam convinced artificial sweeteners are even worse for you.

They are the 21st century equivalent of smoking.

Most people don't have problems eliminating soda, especially if weaned off over a week or so to prevent the caffeine withdrawal headache. If you find that you are struggling though please consider the free Turbo Tapping technique which has helped many thousands successfully stop soda.

Please remember that children see and imitate what their parents do, so if you stop drinking soft drinks, it can only help in your efforts to encourage your kids to be healthy as well.

Turbo Tapping: How to Get Rid of Your Soda Addiction

Turbo Tap Addictions Away

Many patients have had enormous success integrating healthier habits by learning the energy psychology tool, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Turbo Tapping is a clever use of EFT designed to resolve many aspects of an issue in a concentrated period of time. Aside from dealing with addiction, other kinds of issues conquered with Turbo Tapping include:

* Cold symptoms
* Anger toward a parent
* Fear of working on issues

So How Does It Work?


I always state that "we're going to get serious with this now," or something along those lines, because I find it really sharpens my clients' attention. Many of them sit straighter in their chairs and really focus in on me and what I'm telling them. The improved posture and the sharpened intent really create a positive shift, helping to allow energy to flow easier and more readily.
2. I ask the client to tell me everything they can about the issue at hand. And then, as they speak, I write like crazy so I catch as many phrases and nuances as I can in my notes. If they get stuck, I offer suggestions to help them come up with more aspects, etc.

Background and example: A woman with whom I was working had an incredible addiction to the soft drink Coke. It was all she drank, literally -- five or six bottles a day. As a Nutritional Consultant, I had advised her that many of her uncomfortable physical symptoms were likely related to this addiction, and she agreed that she'd like to kick it, but obviously couldn't without some help. I told her that I knew it was possible, and that I was certain we could get her to actually DISLIKE Coke by the end of a session. Naturally, she was incredulous.

I asked her to produce the unopened bottle of Coke that I suggested she bring to the session. I took it from her, unscrewed the top and asked her to simply smell it. Though I've dealt with addictions before, I was surprised at her reaction. Her hands shot out toward the bottle and she started breathing quickly. She really wanted that soda! At that point, I took a SUDs level (on a scale of 0-10 she exclaimed she was certainly a 10, and that she "HAD to have it"). Then I had her take the smallest little sip and took another SUDs level ("20!" she said, and was still visibly shaking).

I capped the bottle, put it out of sight, and then with my pen and paper at the ready, I asked her to tell me:

WHY she liked it ...

-- "It tastes good."
-- "It's sweet."
-- "It makes me feel cool."
-- "I like its caramel color."
-- "I like the fizz when it tickles my nose," etc.

WHERE she liked it ...

-- "I buy it at the drive through on the way to work every morning."
-- "I drink it in my car."
-- "I drink it in my office."
-- "I get it at X Mexican Restaurant with my lunch."
-- "I always drink it in my living room," etc.

WHEN she liked it ...

-- "When I'm with friends."
-- "When I'm at work."
-- "When I'm watching TV or a movie."
-- "When I'm on the road."
-- "When I'm lonely or depressed."
-- "When it's really hot outside."
-- "When I have lunch or dinner," etc.

HOW she liked it ...

-- "Really cold."
-- "With a straw."
-- "In a glass with crushed ice."
-- "In those big 24-oz. bottles," etc.

In addition to all these things, I also wrote down any "stray" comments that felt important, such as: "Y'know, my mother always had Coke around," and "That girl Maya on the Coke commercial is totally sexy," etc. It all comes in useful with Turbo Tapping.

I tell the client that in a moment we'll begin "what I call Turbo Tapping, which means that I'll lead you through many quick tapping sequences. So it's important that you follow me, repeating the phrases I use at each point." Again, this serves to really tune them into what we're doing, and bring our intention into focus together.
4. Then I start on the karate chop point with a simple, global statement.

"Even though I am totally addicted to Coke ..."

5. After one full round (including the 9 Gamut), I start tapping on everything from my list, moving from point to point quickly and keeping eye-to-eye contact with my client as well as I can. And this is precisely where my intuition really kicks in. Beginning with the first aspect on my list, I begin to feel "impressions" that direct the tapping and usage of key words and phrases.

For me, the use of intuition in Turbo Tapping is like a shortcut to success. Sometimes I stay on one aspect for a whole sequence ("I like it really cold"), other times I'll combine aspects in a single sequence, alternating between meridian points (e.g. "My mother always had Coke at home," and "I drink Coke when I'm lonely or depressed"). I follow my intuition when I move from one aspect to another, not necessarily going in the order in which I wrote them down. Sometimes, I even bring out new aspects that need to be named and disarmed, often to the surprise, but complete agreement, of my client.

Sometimes I direct the tapping with one hand, other times with two. Really, it's a giant "flow" moment, and the more present I am with that flow, the better the results and the more focused my client is during the whole process.

While I think that intuition is really quite helpful in this technique, I also imagine that just going through all the points quickly, in rapid succession, can collapse many of the aspects. Indeed, if you do enough tapping, something has got to move! The quickness of this technique doesn't allow the mind to stray, especially if the client has to follow my lead and hear/say what I'm suggesting. This kind of focus really helps, I believe, and is possible even without heavy reliance on intuition.
6. The entire process usually takes about 30 minutes. At the end, the majority of the time, my client is exhausted, which signifies to me that a lot of energy has been released (I'm very rarely tired out by this, myself, which I feel supports my theory). This is the time for testing the results.

I brought the Coke back out. No reaction from her. I unscrewed the top and had her smell it. "Wow," she sounded shocked. "It smells so sweet!" I asked her to taste it, but she didn't want to. A little pressure got her to sip it lightly and her response was classic: "Blech! All I taste is chemicals!" I responded, "That's what Coke is!" Then I too took a sip and to my astonishment that's all I tasted as well! Tapping with her had totally negated any draw I had felt -- even subconsciously -- toward Coke. We laughed together at the faces we were making, having tried the soda and having found it totally disgusting. Then she happily dumped it down the drain and we both downed large glasses of filtered water instead.

7. I always try to end a "Turbo Tapping" session with a Choice (a la Dr. Carrington). With the client's help, we fashion a statement that resonates with him or her. I write down the affirmation on a card and tell them to "tap this in" three times in the morning and three times at night, using the procedure as outlined in Dr. Carrington's "Choices" manual.

"Even though I've had this Coke addiction, I choose to be incredibly happy and healthy while drinking water."

That concludes the tapping session.

One year later, my client had still not had a single Coke. She went to her family's home for the holidays and decided to have a soda -- the first time in a year! She said she took one sip, tasted the sugar-laced chemicals and simply didn't want any more of it. Period. Today, she has been "healed" of her addiction for a year and a half and as a direct result, has noticed a cessation of many of her physical ailments (e.g. bloating, cramps, digestive issues, etc.). All this from 30 minutes of Turbo Tapping!

You just gotta love this EFT stuff!

Warm regards,

Ryan N. Harrison, MA, HHP, NC, EFT-ADV
Member # 11270
 - posted
we mostly sitck with water or stilled drinks owing to daugher having bowel desiese,coke would be to much for her but i mremember if you put acoin in it cleans it .so is it cause of the acid or what whats thedifferent to coke here in britain and in the middle east im see it says halal in egypt but here no .so what is the main container of what the muslims dont want and what is the ingredient (actual )that can cause the problem ...
the muslims here once banned selling coke but its bck on the shelves so what draws you to it ...or us to it ..
Jewel of the Nile
Member # 13132
 - posted
Coca Cola used to contain cocaine - did it not ?
Member # 10593
 - posted
Originally posted by DawnBev:
my son is not allowed cola in the house (or any other fizzy drinks) - he can have milk, water or fresh fruit juices.

In my family cola, lemonade and such weren't allowed either, and I never developed a taste for them later on. Knowing what they do to your health I'm quite glad about that.

I'm sure I've offended quite a few Egyptians who offered me softdrinks, but I can't for the life of me get the stuff down, too sweet, I just find it disgusting.
Member # 12981
 - posted
cocaine !? and it was mainly produced in colombia [Smile]
Member # 11649
 - posted
I drink about three diet cokes a day. If I don't I get wicked bad headaches. I hated that I couldn't find diet Coke in Cairo. I drank diet Pepsi but it's just not the same.
Member # 12156
 - posted
Originally posted by doodlebug:
I drink about three diet cokes a day. If I don't I get wicked bad headaches. I hated that I couldn't find diet Coke in Cairo. I drank diet Pepsi but it's just not the same.

woah. lol. is it the caffeine? my best friend visits starbucks 3 times a day, and she gets really bad withdrawal symptoms if she doesnt.
Member # 6838
 - posted
That is the usual cause. I know my daughter used to drink mt.dew and pepsi all the time and when i had to take her off of it for awhile she developed really bad headaches that were cured by letting her drink about a half a can of anything with caffeine.
Member # 13261
 - posted
Originally posted by shahkerdah:
Originally posted by Undercover:

[Eek!] [Eek!] is that real she wearing padding
wow its pretty gross when you can use your own body as a table.
Carole Talaway
Member # 13464
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Every can of regular soda has about 16 teaspoons of sugar in it. No wonder kids are so wound up these days.
Member # 13458
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Who would want to drink Coke? They use this stuff to clean toilets with here... it eats off the lime deposits from hard water...imagine how it eats the enamel off teeth. Imagine this stuff eating corrosion from battery terminals...removing grease from clothes, removes rust from bolts and screws etc...

FYI- The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. It's pa is 2.8. It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. (So if you want to remove Porcelain nails, soak in coke lol)

The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years. It is hard telling what else Coke is used for.

But here is a cool thing to try lol... Take a chewy "mento" candy and drop it into a bottle of Regular coke. And watch the fun explode lol (Wella! MINT COKE!)

Drink up.
Member # 12979
 - posted
Drink Soda and Damage Your DNA

Sodium benzoate, a preservative used in large quantities in soft drinks like Sprite, Dr. Pepper and Oasis, may cause severe damage to DNA and increase your risk of related diseases like Parkinson's while accelerating the aging process.

Sodium benzoate appears to damage the “power station” of cells, known as the mitochondria, according to a British aging expert at Sheffield University. His studies found that the preservative can “totally inactivate” and “knock out” cells’ mitochondria, which causes the cells to seriously malfunction. The end result is an increased risk of a slew of diseases.

Sodium benzoate has also come under fire because, when combined with the vitamin C in many soft drinks, it forms benzene, a cancer-causing chemical linked to leukemia. In one study, at least five brands of soft drinks were found to contain excessive benzene levels.

Sodium benzoate is used freely in the United States and the UK. Fortunately, you can protect your health from this dangerous substance by not drinking soda (and not allowing your kids to either). This is one of the easiest -- and most significant -- things you can do for your health; and aside from the good news that you won’t have to worry about damaging your DNA, giving up soda (if you drink it) can reduce your risk of diabetes, obesity, and cancer.

So put down the can of soda, and pick up a glass of clean water instead. Your health will greatly thank you!
Member # 12979
 - posted
29 May 2007 22:38

Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health
Expert links additive to cell damage
By Martin Hickman, Consumer Affairs Correspondent
Published: 27 May 2007

A new health scare erupted over soft drinks last night amid evidence they may cause serious cell damage. Research from a British university suggests a common preservative found in drinks such as Fanta and Pepsi Max has the ability to switch off vital parts of DNA.

The problem - more usually associated with ageing and alcohol abuse - can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's.

The findings could have serious consequences for the hundreds of millions of people worldwide who consume fizzy drinks. They will also intensify the controversy about food additives, which have been linked to hyperactivity in children.

Concerns centre on the safety of E211, known as sodium benzoate, a preservative used for decades by the £74bn global carbonated drinks industry. Sodium benzoate derives from benzoic acid. It occurs naturally in berries, but is used in large quantities to prevent mould in soft drinks such as Sprite, Oasis and Dr Pepper. It is also added to pickles and sauces.

Sodium benzoate has already been the subject of concern about cancer because when mixed with the additive vitamin C in soft drinks, it causes benzene, a carcinogenic substance. A Food Standards Agency survey of benzene in drinks last year found high levels in four brands which were removed from sale.

Now, an expert in ageing at Sheffield University, who has been working on sodium benzoate since publishing a research paper in 1999, has decided to speak out about another danger. Professor Peter Piper, a professor of molecular biology and biotechnology, tested the impact of sodium benzoate on living yeast cells in his laboratory. What he found alarmed him: the benzoate was damaging an important area of DNA in the "power station" of cells known as the mitochondria.

He told The Independent on Sunday: "These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it: they knock it out altogether.

"The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it - as happens in a number if diseased states - then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously. And there is a whole array of diseases that are now being tied to damage to this DNA - Parkinson's and quite a lot of neuro-degenerative diseases, but above all the whole process of ageing."

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) backs the use of sodium benzoate in the UK and it has been approved by the European Union but last night, MPs called for it to investigate urgently.

Norman Baker, the Liberal Democrat chair of Parliament's all-party environment group said: "Many additives are relatively new and their long-term impact cannot be certain. This preservative clearly needs to be investigated further by the FSA."

A review of sodium benzoate by the World Health Organisation in 2000 concluded that it was safe, but it noted that the available science supporting its safety was "limited".

Professor Piper, whose work has been funded by a government research council, said tests conducted by the US Food and Drug Administration were out of date.

"The food industry will say these compounds have been tested and they are complete safe," he said. "By the criteria of modern safety testing, the safety tests were inadequate. Like all things, safety testing moves forward and you can conduct a much more rigorous safety test than you could 50 years ago."

He advised parents to think carefully about buying drinks with preservatives until the quantities in products were proved safe by new tests. "My concern is for children who are drinking large amounts," he said.

Coca-Cola and Britvic's Pepsi Max and Diet Pepsi all contain sodium benzoate. Their makers and the British Soft Drinks Association said they entrusted the safety of additives to the Government.
Member # 13640
 - posted
I love Coke!

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