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T O P I C     R E V I E W
young at heart
Member # 10365
 - posted
Could the last person to leave ES please switch of the lights and make sure you lock up. Thankyou [Frown]
Confirming Truth
Member # 17678
 - posted
lol! You really mean the end of days for Afrocentrism approaches.
Member # 16371
 - posted
No we have ESR and TNV or some bright kid will create a 3rd alternative the question is where will you go???back-up always have plan B and C ready.
Member # 17287
 - posted
If you ever need a plan D, there's always, ahem:


More the merrier. A 100% spam free zone [Smile]
Member # 17287
 - posted
Member # 17287
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Member # 17287
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Member # 17287
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Member # 4713
 - posted
Member # 1925
 - posted
Interesting there is no spam here now another site has been set up [Confused]
Member # 4713
 - posted
Originally posted by Penny:
Interesting there is no spam here now another site has been set up [Confused]

after repeated attempts by various people the owner finally came and cleaned up. The new site was built after putting up with repeated spam on loops posting every 3 mins round the clock and most sections having no moderation at all, that was visible anyway. I actually know the last and final person that the owner listened to and came and looked and did something about it. Obviously there are things possibly in place now to limit the spam, or the owner is continuing to moderate, for a while anyway.
Member # 1925
 - posted
Originally posted by Ayisha:
Originally posted by Penny:
Interesting there is no spam here now another site has been set up [Confused]

after repeated attempts by various people the owner finally came and cleaned up. The new site was built after putting up with repeated spam on loops posting every 3 mins round the clock and most sections having no moderation at all, that was visible anyway. I actually know the last and final person that the owner listened to and came and looked and did something about it. Obviously there are things possibly in place now to limit the spam, or the owner is continuing to moderate, for a while anyway.
Thanks for the update Ayisha, funny how ES always manages to limp on and survive over the years. Lots of breakaway sites have been set up but they are always a bit too cliquey for me. Plus the new site feels like being at a funeral, that or my eyes just can't cope with the awful background colours. ES is just so much clearer and simple [Smile]
Mo Ning Min E
Member # 681
 - posted
Thanks for the update Ayisha, funny how ES always manages to limp on and survive over the years. Lots of breakaway sites have been set up but they are always a bit too cliquey for me. Plus the new site feels like being at a funeral, that or my eyes just can't cope with the awful background colours. ES is just so much clearer and simple [Smile]

I agree about the funereal layout. I feel vaguely sad when I look on there.
I thought it was supposed to change?
Plus, whilst lots of people are posting, it does feel like we're all on our best behaviour. I get a sense that I may get told off if I introduce anything construed as 'bad old ES habits'.
Although I could be just paranoid!!!
However, this site is still awash with ads and spam, and I believe the cliquey thing will die down with time, and posters get a bit more relaxed.
Member # 14488
 - posted
No matter what,ES always has managed to survive along the years.If the owners simply took care a bit more and upgrade its prehistoric layout no other backup Egypt boards would be needed.

ES actually has some very important archives quite rich in info that deserves to be saved by all means.
Problem is that the in board search engine rarely works.
Those of us who have been here for several years have witnessed all sorts of new Egypt boards open and close,but ES is only one that has stood like the pyramids.
Member # 4713
 - posted
You can change the colours in the new one, you're not stuck with black.

yes ES will always be here I agree, and loads of info on here, but it's having a 'dip', which it has off and on over the years.

Mo if you wanna fight in there I'm up for it? get it going a bit [Big Grin]
Member # 14488
 - posted
"Mo if you wanna fight in there I'm up for it? get it going a bit [Big Grin] "

[Big Grin]

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