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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 9361
 - posted
I see the Blacks in America of recent African linage (those from African slaves) still haven't figured it out. So with this rash of occurrences lately (those publicized) I feel compelled to step in and try to explain things to them.

1) The Albinos don't really hate you: they fear you, and they resent you for your physical perfection. Which is the same reason that the fear you.

2) The Albinos didn't really hold you back for the reasons that they gave: You're too dumb, you'll never figure it out.

Actually quite the reverse was true: they entered Europe as the Slaves and Vassals of Black people. So they were quite well aware of the Brain power of Black people, which when mated with the physical perfection of Blacks, makes them the perfect Humans.

Which is quite logical, after all, Blacks are the first and original Humans.

Now to the point of my post.


South Carolina trooper charged in shooting of unarmed man

On Sept. 4, Levar Edward Jones was stopped by a South Carolina state trooper in Columbia, S.C., and asked to produce his driver's license.

As Jones reached inside the open driver's door of his SUV to retrieve the license and then turned back toward the trooper, the officer shot at him four times.

"I just got my license! You said get my license!" Jones, who is black, shouted at Trooper Sean M. Groubert, who is white, as Jones tumbled to the pavement, wounded by at least one shot.

The incident was captured on a police dashboard camera released late Wednesday night.



Damn niggers, that peckerhead Cracka resents you, fears you, and doesn't mind an opportunity to kill you! What the Fuch do you think all of that "Gun Rights" sh1t is about???




These homicidal Albinos get away with it by telling Albino Juries that they were in fear for their lives. The Albino juries believe it because they too, Fear and Resent Blacks. So regardless of what they say: what they really mean is: I got scared, so I shot the nigger.

the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
This post is weird Mike says that white people are homicidal maniacs but at the same time says white fear of blacks is rational because whites were enslaved by blacks in Europe.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Several times I have posted Benjamin Franklyn's 1751 essay: "America as a Land of Opportunity"

I posted it because I hoped Blacks would understand what the real hopes and aspirations of the Albinos for the Americas was:

A world free of Blacks, and the necessity of having to COMPETE with them!

Their plan was to kill-off the Blacks native to the Americas, and have the rest in Chains.
Happily, things didn't work out the way they planned, thanks in part to northern Albinos.

So now the Cracka type Albinos are stuck with having to compete with Blacks, and they are loosing ground every day. The result is festering fear and resentment.

Is it then any wonder why there are so many shootings of innocent Blacks?
Member # 9361
 - posted
Title: America as a Land of Opportunity

Author: Benjamin Franklin

Year: 1751

Type of document: essay

Quotation: "Why increase the Sons of Africa...where we have so fair an Opportunity...of increasing the lovely White and Red?"


Perhaps the most important essay written by an American during the eighteenth century, Franklin's "Observations Concerning the Increase of mankind" was one of the first serious studies of demography. In the early nineteenth century it would serve as an inspiration for Thomas Malthus (1766-1834), who based his grim law of population (that population would inevitably outstrip the food supply) on Franklin's calculations. But Franklin's argument was, in fact, quite different from Malthus's bleak prophesy. Franklin, like other Americans as late as Lincoln, held to a belief that no man in America needed to long remain a laborer for others. Despite the doubling of the population in every twenty years or so, America remained a land of opportunity, where wages remained high and even slaves were expensive.

What is perhaps most striking about Franklin's essay today is his sophisticated use of "social science" data to convince the British ministry to alter its colonial policies. Particularly jarring, however, is Franklin's plea that America be maintained as an entirely Anglo-Saxon society.

Full Text:

Europe is generally full settled with Husbandmen, Manufacturers, &c. and therefore cannot now much increase in People: America is chiefly occupied by Indians, who subsist mostly by Hunting. But as the Hunter, of all Men, requires the greatest Quantity of Land from whence to draw his Subsistence, (the Husbandman subsisting on much less, the Gardner on still less, and the Manufacturer requiring the least of all), The Europeans found America as fully settled as it well could bee by Hunters; yet these having large Tracks, were easily prevail'd on to part with Portions of Territory to the new Comers, who did not much interfere with the Natives in Hunting, and furnish'd them with many Things they wanted.

Land being thus plenty in America, and so cheap as that a labouring Man, that understands Husbandry, can in a short Time save Money enough to purchase a Piece of new Land sufficient for a Plantation, whereon he may subsist a Family; such are not afraid to marry; for if they even look far enough forward to consider how their Children when grown up are to be provided for, they see that more Land is to be had at Rates equally easy, all Circumstances considered.

Hence Marriages in America are more general, and more generally early, than in Europe. And if it is reckoned there, that there is but one Marriage per Annum among 100 Persons, perhaps we may here reckon two; and if in Europe they have but 4 Births to a Marriage (many of their Marriages being late) we may here reckon 8, of which if one half grow up, and our Marriages are made, reckoning one with another at 20 Years of Age, our People must at least be doubled every 20 Years.

But notwithstanding this Increase, so vast is the Territory of North-America, that it will require many Ages to settle it fully; and till it is fully settled, Labour will never be cheap here, where no Man continues long a Labourer for others, but gets a Plantation of his own, no Man continues long a Journeyman to a Trade but goes among those new Settlers, and set up for himself, &c. Hence Labour is no cheaper now, in Pennsylvania, than it was 30 Years ago, tho' so many Thousand labouring People have been imported.

The Danger therefore of these Colonies interfering with their Mother Country in Trades that depend on Labour, Manufactures, &c. is too remote to require the Attention of Great-Britain.

But in Proportion to the Increase of the Colonies, a vast Demand is growing for British Manufacturers, a glorious Market wholly in the Power of Britain, in which Foreigners cannot interfere, which will increase in a short Time even beyond her Power of supplying, tho' her whole Trade should be to her Colonies: Therefore Britain should not too much restrain Manufactures in her Colonies. A wise and good Mother will not do it. To distress, is to weaken, and weakening the Children, weakens the whole Family....

'Tis an ill-grounded Opinion that by the Labour of Slaves, America may possibly vie in Cheapness of Manufactures with Britain. The Labour of Slaves can never be so cheap here as the Labour of working Men is in Britain. Any one may compute it. Interest of Money in the Colonies from 6 to 10 per Cent. Slaves one with another cost L30 Sterling per Head. Reckon then the Interest of the first Purchase of a Slave, the Insurance or Risque on his life, his Clothing and Diet, Expences in his Sickness and Loss of Time, Loss by his Neglect of Business (Neglect is natural to the Man who is not to be benefitted by his own Care or Diligence), Expense of a Driver to keep him at Work, and his Pilfering from Time to Time, almost every Slave being by Nature a Thief, and compare the whole Amount with the Wages of a Manufacturer of Iron or Wool in England, you will see that Labour is much cheaper there than it can ever be by Negroes here. Why then will Americans purchase Slaves? Because Slaves may be kept as long as a Man pleases, or has Occasion for their Labour; while hired Men are continually leaving their Master (often in the midst of his Business) and setting up for themselves.

....There are suppos'd to be now upwards of One Million English Souls in North-America, (tho' 'tis thought scarce 80,000 have been brought over Sea) and yet perhaps there is not one the fewer in Britain, but rather more, on Account of the Employment the Colonies afford to Manufacturers at Home. This Million doubling, suppose but once in 25 Years, will in another Century be more than the People of England, and the greatest Number of Englishmen will be on this Side the Water. What an Accession of Power to the British Empire by Sea as well as Land! What Increase of Trade and Navigation! What Number of Ships and Seamen! We have been here but little more than 100 Years, and yet the Force of our Privateers in the late War, united, was greater, both in Men and Guns, than that of the whole British Navy in Queen Elizabeth's Time....

And since Detachments of English from Britain sent to America, will have their Places at Home so soon supply'd and increase so largely here;

why should the Palatine Boors [Germans] be suffered to swarm into our Settlements, and by herding together establish their Language and Manners to the Exclusion of ours? Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.

Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians, French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in mars or Venus, why should we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the complexion of my Country, for such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind.
Member # 20156
 - posted
When dealing with any kind of police albino or other one must take on the situation like a COMBAT situation.

The oblivious black man and woman are engaged in a War and they dont even know it. when they stop you and ask for documentation treat it as a prisoner of war situation. Do everything with caution no sudden movement and keep your god damn eye on that devil and his weapon, as he has the upper hand on you at the time being. For instance i would not go to a zoo get in a cage and make sudden fidgety movement in the presence of one of the zoos wild animals. Who in their right mind would do any sudden or fidgety movements when around one of these wild albinos pretending to be civilized.
Member # 9361
 - posted
^As we can see from this portrait, almost a century after Franklyn's essay, Europe was still full of "Dark" Whites (Mulattoes). But the constant killing and expulsions of European Blacks left no Blacks for this type to mate with:


The result has been an inexorable Whiting of Europe's population through inbreeding!




Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
This post is weird Mike says that white people are homicidal maniacs but at the same time says white fear of blacks is rational because whites were enslaved by blacks in Europe.

See what pathetic creatures they are?

This fool has been exposed hundreds of times over the years.
Yet this idiot still believes that someone actually believes that He/She is Black.

Healthy minds don't work like that.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Something to think about:

American Albinos would rather see their neighbors, and even their children, slaughtered: rather than give up their Guns.

Are they more patriotic and fearful of invasion than European Albinos?

Nah - they have another worry!
Member # 21799
 - posted
Originally posted by Bonampak420:
When dealing with any kind of police albino or other one must take on the situation like a COMBAT situation.

The oblivious black man and woman are engaged in a War and they dont even know it. when they stop you and ask for documentation treat it as a prisoner of war situation. Do everything with caution no sudden movement and keep your god damn eye on that devil and his weapon, as he has the upper hand on you at the time being. For instance i would not go to a zoo get in a cage and make sudden fidgety movement in the presence of one of the zoos wild animals. Who in their right mind would do any sudden or fidgety movements when around one of these wild albinos pretending to be civilized.

And dont insult their intelligence.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Fourty2Tribes:

And don't insult their intelligence.

Member # 19701
 - posted
Mike you and your ilk are the pathetic ones. So ashamed of being African that you want to resort to stealing other people's stuff. White people are NOT Albinos & Europe has always been White. Why do you want Whites to give up our guns? So we will be easier prey for you and unable to defend ourselves? Also as far as Whites falling behind, could that have anything to do with Affirmative Blacktion & other laws being passed to give you the advantage? BTW what the hell do you care if White children are slaughtered heck you & your Whitey hating, Kill Whitey, Black racist ilk (Clyde, Fourty2Tribes, Bonampak, Narmer, TrollPatrol, Kikuyu,KING,Ironfaggot,Xyyboy, Jantavanta) love nothing more than seeing or hearing about White children being slaughtered & get mad when it wasn't one of your own that did it. Still waiting for the answers to my questions Mikey & company.

Why don't you want Whites to know who we are?

Why don't you want Whites to know where we come from?

Why don't you want Whites to know who our ancestors are?

Why don't you want us having any pride as a people?

Why don't you want Whites having knowledge of self?

Why don't you want Whites to have our own self determination?

Why do you want Whites to think we have no place on earth we belong (IE No homeland)?

Why do you want White children to think they are inferior non-humans?
Member # 9361
 - posted
^No Doxie, we do not celebrate the killing of innocents - of any color. We are "Civilized" Humans.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
^As we can see from this portrait, almost a century after Franklyn's essay, Europe was still full of "Dark" Whites (Mulattoes). But the constant killing and expulsions of European Blacks left no Blacks for this type to mate with:


So explain what happened. Before European blacks were killed of and expelled was going on?

Europe began all black right? Ok no problem..

Originally posted by Mike111:

(albinos) entered Europe as the Slaves and Vassals of Black people. So they were quite well aware of the Brain power of Black people, which when mated with the physical perfection of Blacks, makes them the perfect Humans.

So how did this go down? In what manner did the albinos show up?
Was it an invasion or did Black people kidnap the albinos and make them into slaves ?
Or did white people go to Black Europe knowing they would be slaves?

Anyway let's say they were poor migrants looking for work and went to Black Europe, the land of opportunity at the time.

Anyway you say the Black men started fvcking the degenerate albino slave women. ( this is the black man's brian power ??)

I can think of two people who might not have liked this.

Black women and white men

It's that same damn thing with the Black sports stars marrying white women

obviously there is something wrong with the Black man.
He has a fetish for fvcking degenerate albinos, why would he do this? Is it a mental problem? The desire to produce offspring with an inferior race?
I mean what happened to keeping a pure blood line?

What was happening in the mean time, were the white men fvcking Black woman left and right or did they have no one to fvck?

Mike's put his finger right on it,
white woman are the Black man's downfall.
For some reason Black men love producing mulattoes
tell me that's not self hate
It goes right back to the original blacks of Europe, drooling over dirty albino women from the mountains, forgetting their own

I can think of two people who might not have liked this.

black women and white men

the rest is history
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
The Albinos don't really hate you: they fear you, and they resent you for your physical perfection. Which is the same reason that the fear you.

that is a very bizzare interpretation with an agenda

True, white men might envy the black man's penis size but
obviously the primary reason whites are afraid of blacks is because in their minds blacks might one day attack them on the basis of the enslavement our ancestors wer put through

BTW I'm no fan of the N word but the title of this thread is a masterpiece.
I got scared, so I shot the nigger.
that says it all
It's like the tite of a book from the late sixties, funny and tragic at the same time
Only problem is that it's 2014
Ironically I could picture a white or black person saying this, thinking it rather

Obviously a cop could get scared if a person turns their back and goes looking for an object in their car. They don't know if it's a wallet or gun. They can only see it when the person turns around. It could be a gun because people with warrants sometime panic and pull out a gun (apparently this guy was not one of them)
The question is are these white cops -over scared, with added fear over a person being black
would a black cop in the same situation shoot like that?
I suppose the solution is that if a person turns their back the cop should tell them to freeze and see if they do it, rather than start firing-or if they're are already supposed to do that
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:

Obviously a cop could get scared if a person turns their back and goes looking for an object in their car. They don't know if it's a wallet or gun. They can only see it when the person turns around. It could be a gun because people with warrants sometime panic and pull out a gun apparently this guy was not one of them) The question is are these white cops -over scared, with added fear over a person being black would a black cop in the same situation shoot like that?
I suppose the solution is that if a person turns their back the cop should tell them to freeze and see if they do it, rather than start firing-or if they're are already supposed to do that

Lioness is such a fine example of the pathetic racist Albino.

Quote: "people with warrants".

He's Black therefore he probably has an arrest warrant pending.

The Cracka cop initiates the situation, and is in control of the situation,
but the Black man is wrong for following the instructions given him: i.e. he did it the wrong way.

What we have here with lioness is the typical Albino reaction:

Food for thought:

There is "Supposed" to be four times as many Albinos in the U.S. as Blacks.


So does that mean that Albinos never get stopped for not wearing seat belts?
(Seat belts was the reason for the stop).

The bottom line:
If the Cracka poops in his pants every time he has to deal with a Black man,
then maybe he shouldn't be given a badge and a gun.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
I didn't watch the video until now
It made me cry


It's not right
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
I hate the way Mike uses these inceidnts to get you emotional so he can then insert is stupid ass wanna be European theories

Obviously he doesn't care about the man who got shot, He is a bitter old man looking for an excuse to say "dumb niggers" and "peckerhead Cracka" and go off about "they entered Europe as the Slaves and Vassals of Black people." The guy is stupid and racist.
His theories are retarded and infantile
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
I didn't watch the video until now
It made me cry


It's not right

Degenerate lying Albino Bitch:

If you have just watched the video, what was the basis for your previous comments above?

It's bad enough to be a liar, but to be a "stupid liar" is degenerate: Ergo - I always refer to you as a degenerate.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
I hate the way Mike uses these incidents to get you emotional so he can
then insert his stupid ass wanna be European theories

The guy is stupid and racist. His theories are retarded and infantile


Blacks knowing their true history scares the sh1t out of you Albinos, doesn't it.

I guess you figure:

If Blacks are scarey now, imagine them when they find out what we did to them.


You shuda thought of that before, or while, you were doing it!
Member # 19701
 - posted
Mike first of all, you are NOT teaching Blacks their true history. You are teaching them falsehoods & lies & stealing other peoples' history & identities to sooth your own inferiority complex & to stop Whites from knowing our history. Cut the dang Albino crap Mike, Whites are NOT Albinos. Answer my questions Mike, I want to know.

Why don't you want Whites to know who we are?

Why don't you want Whites to know where we come from?

Why don't you want Whites to know who our ancestors are?

Why don't you want us having any pride as a people?

Why don't you want Whites having knowledge of self?

Why don't you want Whites to have our own self determination?

Why do you want Whites to think we have no place on earth we belong (IE No homeland)?

Why do you want White children to think they are inferior non-humans?
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by DHDoxies:
Mike first of all, you are NOT teaching Blacks their true history. You are teaching them falsehoods & lies & stealing other peoples' history & identities to sooth your own inferiority complex.

It will likely take several generations before the average Black person, especially those of African descent, will have the mental acuity and confidence, to look into Black history not related to the Slave trade - I understand that. (The rest of us already do understand what happened).

But it will not be my first short-term failure. For years I have been telling young Black men that they are in a hostile environment, and should act accordingly. Yet as you can see from this young mans actions, he was not even self-aware enough to see that he was an unarmed big Black guy, in a confrontation with a White guy with a gun. He did not understand what a threatening figure he represented to that White Cop. He also was oblivious to how cheap his life was to that Cop, simply because he was Black. That was also the case with the young man in Ferguson.

So if they lack the awareness to see obvious and self-evident danger like that, then it will be a long time indeed before they can tackle something so mentally demanding as hidden history.

But then you Albinos have your own hurdles to clear, the reality of your Albinohood will not go away. When will you come to terms with that?
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by the lioness,:
I didn't watch the video until now
It made me cry


It's not right

Degenerate lying Albino Bitch:

If you have just watched the video, what was the basis for your previous comments above?

It's bad enough to be a liar, but to be a "stupid liar" is degenerate: Ergo - I always refer to you as a degenerate.

Idiot, I had problems with the browser earlier and didn't watch the video, just read another article

Now after watching the video, and after having felt for the man that got shot my opinion is the same
If you are a cop and you stop someone black or white and ask for a license there is a chance that that person has an outstanding arrest warrant. Sometimes they have a gun on hand and they take it out and start firing as soon as they turn around. This happens but you wouldn't know that because you a are a couch potato who lives a sheltered life in the silicon valley.
But then there are innocent people who don't have a gun. So there needs to be some way of prevent this situation. I don't know what it is exactly
In this situation this cop seemed to be trigger happy but what do I know?
Member # 19944
 - posted
Browser crashed lost intended post
will just note these potential aids

Police Encounters: The Black Man's Guide to Handling Encounters with the Police and Protecting Your Constitutional Rights
David Walker and George W. Gordon



Regardless of anything don't you be no fool!

You will lose in any confrontation with
the police so act like Mr Rogers and live.

Zimmerman acquittal (stupid jurors) made
it open season on Y-O-U, believe it.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Tukuler:

Zimmerman acquittal (stupid jurors) made
it open season on Y-O-U, believe it.

No, the jurors were not stupid, as usual, it was Negroes who were stupid.

Above I tried to show how lack of sensible thought by Blacks leads to their deaths.

In the Zimmerman case it was lack of legal thought. The Albinos set things up so obviously that a layman like myself saw it coming - but the Negroes in Florida, even with so-called lawyers, did not.

Here is how it was done;

Zimmerman was charged with 2nd degree murder, and though the filed charge sheet did approximate (vaguely) what actually happened.

The charges did not satisfy the legal requirement of 2nd degree murder, especially in the requirement of (the defendant acted according to a "depraved mind" without regard for human life). Don't forget that they were in a fist fight, which Zimmerman was loosing, when he pulled his gun - THAT'S MANSLAUGHTER - AT MOST!

The Albinos used Black anger to set them up;
They wanted a Murder charge, so they were given a Murder charge and NOTHING ELSE! (Usually there would have been associated HOMICIDE/MANSLAUGHTER charges) in case they failed to prove Murder.

But here, there was only that lone charge of Murder, which no dutiful juror could legally vote for. So once again, ignorant Negroes got suckered.

This is the charge sheet.


This is Florida law.

Member # 9361
 - posted
^This should be filed under the heading:


Some of you may recall that Benjamin Lloyd Crump of the Florida based law firm of Parks & Crump, LLC was the legal representative of Trayvon Martin's family.

Well, he is now the legal representative of the family of Michael Brown, the 18-year-old African-American man shot by police in Ferguson, Missouri.


I'm sorry folks, I know that the family is hurting, but REALLY!

Is thinking, and looking at past performances really that fuching hard?
Member # 19701
 - posted
What Albinohood Mike, Whites are NOT Albinos. In the case you have shown, yes it was wrong, the police officer who shot that man should be locked up for murder. Answer my questions Mike,why are you running away from them?

Why don't you want Whites to know who we are?

Why don't you want Whites to know where we come from?

Why don't you want Whites to know who our ancestors are?

Why don't you want us having any pride as a people?

Why don't you want Whites having knowledge of self?

Why don't you want Whites to have our own self determination?

Why do you want Whites to think we have no place on earth we belong (IE No homeland)?

Why do you want White children to think they are inferior non-humans?
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:

The bottom line:
If the Cracka poops in his pants every time he has to deal with a Black man,
then maybe he shouldn't be given a badge and a gun. [/QB]

he was fired from the police force

and is in jail facing felony assault charges (20 year max) for shooting the man in th hip



as usual Mike has incomplete information
Member # 19944
 - posted
This is how it works
if a jury believes
a defendent is guilty
then despite evidence
and judges instructions
they convict him.

Jury nullification is
how southerners acquitted
all their white fellows
of murdering blacks.
They paid no attention
to evidence or law just
freeing their fellow whites.

Alternatively any one juror
could've held out until
"mistrial" was called then
a new panel of jurors must
be selected.


In Obama era post-racial USA it's
open season on black males for any
whites whether they be police or not.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:

Blacks knowing their true history scares the sh1t out of you Albinos, doesn't it.

I guess you figure:

If Blacks are scarey now, imagine them when they find out what we did to them.


You shuda thought of that before, or while, you were doing it!

Originally posted by Mike111:

Actually quite the reverse was true: they (albinos) entered Europe as the Slaves and Vassals of Black people.

Mike if the Black Americans were informed that their Black European ancestors had been enslaving whites in Europe they wouldn't get mad. They would feel guilty and realize that whites had just cause to revolt and deport Blacks to America.

It's that simple, use your brain
Member # 9361
 - posted
^Actually the issue of cross-racial slavery is a valid topic. But I have learned better than to attempt a serious discussion with a degenerate lying piece of sh1t like you.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Tukuler:
This is how it works
if a jury believes
a defendent is guilty
then despite evidence
and judges instructions
they convict him.

Jury nullification is
how southerners acquitted
all their white fellows
of murdering blacks.
They paid no attention
to evidence or law just
freeing their fellow whites.

Alternatively any one juror
could've held out until
"mistrial" was called then
a new panel of jurors must
be selected.

I take it that your point is that there is no point in being legally correct or astute, the Albinos will simply subvert Blacks regardless.

That may be true, but in this case, the jurors cited the fact that second degree Murder was not proven as their reason for a not guilty verdict.

Would they have convicted on a Manslaughter Charge, which WAS provable?

We will never know, because that legally CORRECT charge was never made.
Member # 9361
 - posted
^Following up on that theme:

One of the reasons given for intellectual Sloventry among Negroes, is that it doesn't matter what they do, the White man will always find a way to subvert them and fuch them.

Well Ya, especially if you're an ignorant, worthless piece of sh1t, who doesn't even try.

I'm sure that was the thinking of the Negroes of Ferguson, when they refused to participate in the democratic process to choose their civic leadership.

BTW - here is the latest from Ferguson:

The Police force there has taken to wearing "Wristbands" which say:

"I Am Darren Wilson".

What they are really saying is that they AGREE with what Wilson did, and they would do the SAME thing in his place.

This is of course a gross affront to the Black community of Ferguson. And under normal circumstances, and the democratic process, the democratically elected leaders of Ferguson would FIRE the entire Police Force, and replace them with State Troopers and National Guardsmen until a new Police force could be mustered.

But because the Negroes of Ferguson choose NOT to participate in the democratic process, NONE of that is possible.

Once again, the Negroes outsmarted themselves.

BTW - The DoJ has told Ferguson to stop that.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted

The O. J. Simpson jury

9 Blacks, 1 Hispanic, 2 Whites


Zimmerman Jury:

5 Whites, 1 Black-Hispanic

The racial composition of the Simpson jury was strongly influenced by the decision of the prosecution to file the Simpson case in downtown Los Angeles rather than--as is usually the case-- in the judicial district where the crime occurred-- in this case, Santa Monica. Had the case be filed in Santa Monica, the Simpson jury would have been mostly white instead of, as was the case, mostly African-American. With poll data showing that most whites believed Simpson to be guilty and most blacks believing him to be not guilty, the decision to file the case in Santa Monica may have been the biggest mistake the prosecution made.

Video of black juror in Zimmerman Trial


^^watch this

Member # 20259
 - posted
Negroes have been seeking justice in America for over 200 years, but justice has never shown up.

Negroes have been praying to Jesus to save them for over 400 years, but Jesus has not shown up.

Negroes have been playing the Albinos game in America hoping and praying that their devotion would one day prevail, that their acts of submission and devotion would somehow soften the Albino's heart to their desires of equality between Negro and Albino.
These mass shootings are nothing new.
This is exactly the same climate of the 1960s that forced some former INTELLIGENT African Americans to form and organize the national social organization, THE BLACK PANTHERS.
Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense on October 15, 1966.
The organization initially set forth a doctrine calling primarily for the protection of black neighborhoods from police brutality.

So, as you see, nothing has really changed in America except for the ratio of Negroes to Intelligent African Americans has dramatically increased with far fewer intelligent and a huge increase in non-intelligent Negroes.
But this was always a part of the Albino plan of Welfare, economically disenfranchising black males, separating sons from fathers, putting black females in charge of the household, promoting Christianity making black pimp ministers leaders of communities, while promoting terrorism in black communities to strengthen Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome symptoms in psychologically weak and susceptible Negroes.

Albinos and every other culture in the world are ready to spill blood and make sacrifices to shape a world of their visions.
Negroes are not prepared to make any kind of sacrifice, not even a simple economic boycott to force their positions. The thought of sacrificing blood is out of the question because for generations Albinos have moulded black males to emulate their mamma's and breeded all of the warrior mentality out of them.

Those young Negroes who have been victimized by Albino police were setup by their inept parents to be victims.
When interviewed, the 1st nonsense that came out of his Mamma's mouth in regards to her son was that 2 weeks before the incident, her son had claimed to have found Jesus.
Two weeks later he is shown in a store strong-arming blunts to get high, and when confronted by Albino police shows that his parents have never raised him properly in knowing how to protect himself in such a situation. Why?
Because finding Jesus and not survival was their only top priority.

Well, now their son is truly with Jesus, and I imagine sitting at home the Mother/father are consoling themselves by saying to one another, at least before their son died, he had found Jesus.

Socially, Economically, Politically, Emotionally, Negroes are akin to children in the midst of a nation of sadistic Albino child abusers.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by Narmerthoth:

Socially, Economically, Politically, Emotionally,
Negroes are akin to children in the midst of a nation of sadistic Albino child abusers.

Nothing more need be said.

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