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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Member # 21830
 - posted
The Cartoonist R. CRUMB has some interesting insights intonthe White mind and those insights are expressed in some of his Cartoons.

How do Whites really feel about Blacks and What are Whites prepared to donto maintain control.



I long believed that Whites - in particular the 'Anglo-Saxon' establishment
would eventually incite or cause a nuclear conflict in a bid to maintain their control over portions of the earth. Their fear of Blacks and love of dominion would drive them to it.
Member # 9361
 - posted
^The Albinos becoming suicidal when faced with having to return to irrelevancy is a very real possibility. As a matter of fact, their fascination with the following may be proof of that:

The End Times

Christianity traditionally depicts the end time as a period of tribulation that precedes the second coming of Christ, who will face the emergence of the Antichrist and usher in the Kingdom of God.

The Tribulation

the Tribulation is a relatively short period of time where everyone will experience worldwide hardships, disasters, famine, war, pain, and suffering, which will wipe out more than 75% of all life on the earth before the Second Coming takes place. Some (Pretribulationists) believe that those who choose to follow God, will be raptured before the tribulation, and thus escape it.

The rapture:
In Christian eschatology the rapture refers to the belief that either before, or simultaneously with, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to earth, believers who have died will be raised and believers who are still alive and remain shall be caught up together with them (the resurrected dead believers) in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
Member # 19701
 - posted
Kdolo & Mike,

But but isn't what is depicted in that first comic what you White people hating, Black racist, Black supremacists want to see. White men gunned down like dogs, White women raped, White people as your slaves, & White children robbed of their future??
Member # 9361
 - posted
^No Doxie, they're just channeling paranoid Albino fears. All Blacks want is to live in peace, harmony and brotherhood.
Member # 21830
 - posted
Crumb us brilliant. From reading the cartoon you can understand at least 3 themes relevant to current events.

1. Why does USA spend upwards of 80 billion a year on a prison industral complex, and additional billions on a 'War on Drugs' ???

To lock up all those scary
young Black males that the White mind perceives as eventual soldiers in a Black revolt.

2. Why are White elites obsessed with imposing 'Gun Control' ?

To prevent those same scary young Black males from having access to weapons in the event they ever acquire a better discipline and intelligence.

(For the Doxie type White, they have no confidence in the White elite's ability or desire to protect in he event of Negro revolt, therefore, they want easyaccess to their guns in order to rely on themselves)

3. Planned and rapid gentrification of the major urban cores. Gentrification is essentially 'Negro removal'. So many Negroes in close proximity to each other, doing business, interacting, building cohesion, in the White mind will lead to said areas being a launch point for Negro insurrection. Better to use Banking, Zoning, Tax laws, Policing policy to drive Negros from these cores.

White fears may be paranoid, but dont think for a second that said paranoia does not inform domestic policy making.
Member # 21830
 - posted
The second cartoon raises in interesting question.

Clearly, Jews are the major threat to the quality of White life in America.

Control of the media and banking means just about everything in a democracy.

Yet, the Doxie types seem to have no idea how to deal with that. They are steadfastly obsessed with Negroes who in reality have no real power at all .....

Doxie, care to explain ???
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by kdolo:
Crumb us brilliant. From reading the cartoon you can understand at least 3 themes relevant to current events.

2. Why are White elites obsessed with imposing 'Gun Control' ?

To prevent those same scary young Black males from having access to weapons in the event they ever acquire a better discipline and intelligence.

(For the Doxie type White, they have no confidence in the White elite's ability or desire to protect in he event of Negro revolt, therefore, they want easyaccess to their guns in order to rely on themselves)

You make it seem like there is this large mass of Black legal gun owners and the democrats want to take them away

Please return to reality

The people with the most legal guns are white militia types and Republicans who are against gun control

So in a race war they will be at an advantage if gun control laws don't pass
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by kdolo:

The second cartoon raises in interesting question.

Clearly, Jews are the major threat to the quality of White life in America.

Control of the media and banking means just about everything in a democracy.

Explain specfically how Jewish control of the media and banking threatens white life.
Member # 21830
 - posted
More Crumb

Member # 21830
 - posted
This one is particularly interesting due to all the White anger over the upcoming Stars Wars movie. Crumb aptly described White anger over Jewish controlled Hollywood movies years ago.

 -  -

Star Wars director JJ Abrams ('Jew') and the stars
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by kdolo:
This one is particularly interesting due to all the White anger over the upcoming Stars Wars movie. Crumb aptly described White anger over Jewish controlled Hollywood movies years ago.

 -  -

Star Wars director JJ Abrams ('Jew') and the stars

kdolo, you seem to be making the argument that racial segregation or separation is a good idea.

Originally posted by kdolo:

The second cartoon raises in interesting question.

Clearly, Jews are the major threat to the quality of White life in America.

So you seem to agree with this, that Jews are promoting 'race mixing'
and that race mixing is indeed a threat to white America

My question to you is >

Is race mixing a threat to humanity or is it not a problem?

That is the important question here.

Maybe Mike and Clyde can chime in here
Member # 21830
 - posted
I think the person who needs to chime in is Doxie.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by kdolo:
I think the person who needs to chime in is Doxie.

why are you and Mike so obsessed on Doxies? You're always asking for her opinion

I suspect you want to establish common cause with her on Jews and assume that if non-Jewish whites took over the media race mixing would once again be discouraged

Crumb was doing satire but white nationalists reproduced these illustrations and were in sympathy with them, no irony

Black separatists concur on the Jewish one

So let's look at reality here. There are cities in the United States that have black majorities. There is potentially more voting power there also.
So from a separatist point of view these places should have a better outlook for black folk as opposed to places like Harlem which are becoming increasingly gentrified.
So if there are places were that trend is not going on and there are large black populations you should look at the potential there.

Originally posted by kdolo:
but mentally, blacks lack political cohesion.
Any good leader solves problems, and the biggest problem for blacks is unity, of any form.'

They lack unity because large amounts of them are slow.

It doesn't matter.
If you are for separation, the first thing to look for is places that are already to an extent, more racially separate than other places.
If the people are slow there then you, if not slow need to be with them and teach them not to be slow.

It is empty rhetoric to talk about wanting racial separation yet not situate yourself in places that are more separated than other places, but maybe you are already there (?)

Mike says why should black people have to leave where they are and move to predominantly black cities?

They shouldn't have to

But if we like the idea of separation we should want to be in such places, otherwise the talk is hypocritical

Yet you and Mike, unlike Doug, want to engage in dialog with Doxies
Member # 21830
 - posted
??? Umm.....right....ok...

Anyway...Doxie ?
Member # 21830
 - posted
Member # 19701
 - posted

First I'm for legal gun ownership for every American including Black Americans. BTW, its Obama (you know the Whitey Hater In Chief) who is trying to impose gun control & Whitey who is trying to fight it. Of course in the event of SHTF, I know the Anti-White Libtard Wino elite would not protect White men women & children at all. They'd be all like ohh noo we must protect the People of Color. Whitey bad, Whitey wicked, Whitey evil, kill Whitey hehehehehe. I for one don't give a dang if Blacks set up businesses aimed towards Blacks, I don't care if Blacks interact with one another (I would hope they would), etc, as long as Whites are allowed to do the same as well. As far as Jews, I bet you don't know how to deal with it either except blame Whitey. BTW, this Anti-White crap isn't just in the US, its in every White majority country, its in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, , Britain, & Continental Europe. BTW, the only group of people who are allowed to criticize/bash on Jews and get away with it are (drum roll please), BLACKS.
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by CelticWarrioress:
BTW, the only group of people who are allowed to criticize/bash on Jews and get away with it are (drum roll please), BLACKS.

You read that wrong:

Blacks, naturally being a more noble human, speak out against Jewish abuse of other humans, in spite of Jewish financial retaliation. Non-Jewish Albinos, are part of the abuse, oppression, and manipulation of the "Others" (non-Albinos): like the Jew, their wealth also comes from this system, they are co-conspirators, so their tears are really "Crocodile" tears.

Btw Negroes, Jews like everyone else, use and abuse the Cracker/Redneck Albino, they're too ignorant for anything else. But do not be fooled into believing the Cracker/Redneck characterization of Jews as being non-White or other than White. This is simply the childlike mind of the Cracker/Redneck needing to see their enemy as not being like them. Meanwhile, they gladly went to slaughter (Civil war) on the say-so of wealthy Christian elites - Jews never did anything like that to them.

Today - Elite American Negroes are still licking their wounds for believing that stupidity (Jews not being Whites) in the 70s. Turns out their greatest enemy was the Jews. Meanwhile, Jewish media still has the rest thinking that Jews are their best friends.

Btw2 - The Turkish mulattoes are not your friends either, they also routinely marginalize and abuse Blacks - they have even codified it in their religious books.

As I always say:

The mid-east conflicts are about one group of Turks (The Khazars) fighting other Turks and Turk mulattoes (Seljuks, Osmans, etc.) over Black lands. It is not your business Negroes.
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:

Today - Elite American Negroes are still licking their wounds for believing that stupidity (Jews not being Whites) in the 70s. Turns out their greatest enemy was the Jews. Meanwhile, Jewish media still has the rest thinking that Jews are their best friends.

why are the Jews their greatest enemy? What is the reference to the 70s?
Member # 9361
 - posted
Originally posted by the lioness,:
Originally posted by Mike111:

Today - Elite American Negroes are still licking their wounds for believing that stupidity (Jews not being Whites) in the 70s. Turns out their greatest enemy was the Jews. Meanwhile, Jewish media still has the rest thinking that Jews are their best friends.

why are the Jews their greatest enemy? What is the reference to the 70s?
See this link:
https://books.google.com/books?id=zswoV_EHaxoC&pg=PA242&lpg=PA242&dq=betrayal+jews+block+affirmative+action&source=bl&ots=pBsl_zJiX6&sig=aUZY1LAm5mIaRMDVqnjxoR6faIY&hl=en&sa=X&ved= 0CCQQ6AEwAWoVChMI8quf0IjyyAIVSW4-Ch2LEwn4#v=onepage&q=betrayal%20jews%20block%20affirmative%20action&f=false
the lioness,
Member # 17353
 - posted
Originally posted by Mike111:
Originally posted by Mike111:

Today - Elite American Negroes are still licking their wounds for believing that stupidity (Jews not being Whites) in the 70s. Turns out their greatest enemy was the Jews. Meanwhile, Jewish media still has the rest thinking that Jews are their best friends.

Originally posted by the lioness,:
why are the Jews their greatest enemy? What is the reference to the 70s?

Originally posted by Mike111:See this link:

][/URL]" target="_blank">https://books.google.com/books?id=zswoV_EHaxoC&pg=PA242&lpg=PA242&d


^note link still functional if first posted and then cut off in edit

Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
Affirmative action ended the longstanding coalition between American Jews and blacks, claimed Detroit mayor Coleman Young in 1980 after many national Jewish groups filed amicus briefs challenging affirmative action in two Supreme Court cases. But as Greenberg notes in this smart and comprehensive analysis, Young's statement was far from accurate. Not only was the "great coalition" a complicated mixture of social and political alliances but the "divide" over affirmative action was never decisive. A professor of history at Trinity College, she uncovers new material—in the early 1940s the Anti-Defamation League spied on and reported to law enforcement officials on black organizations and newspapers it felt were sympathetic to the Axis powers—and never shies away from sensitive issues. Committed to exploring the historical complexity of the black-Jewish relationship in a balanced way, Greenberg notes, for instance, that Southern Jews were reluctant to integrate but also mentions their well-founded fears of anti-Semitic retaliation. As for the failure of the black-Jewish alliance, Greenberg notes the rise of identity politics, "with its rejection of pluralism," as a factor. Greenberg's is one of the best of a spate of new books on this topic, with her fine research and careful delineation of the facts.
Member # 21830
 - posted
R Crumb has incredible insight into the workings of the White mind....abd he is as honest as can be - the essence of good art.




Member # 21830
 - posted
R Crumb appears to be the rare honest Albino.

I have long thought that the cure to the 'White Problem' would have to be a form psychiatric treatment.

Counseling and medication.

We already know that lack of melanin creates problems with normal sex functioning that can be treated with melanotan.

Freud theorized that 'White' propensity to violence was caused by sexual inadequacies ... the will to power, dominion, and frequent organized violence, the result of suppressed or fustrated sexual urges that can be expressed normally.

White obsession with homosexuality, pedophilia, transgenderism, may be manifestations of the disorder.

The perpetual paranoia as evident by Doxie's ranting is clearly a psychiatric problem....as is the delusions of grandeur, persecution complex,....

It is possible that White elites long ago figured out the problems facing them and have tried to engineer society in a way to deal with the issues.

Hence, the encouraging and promotion of "anything goes" sexuality and the 'medicated' society....every other White person on 'anti depressants' and 'anti anxiety' meds.

....not to mention opiate based drugs.

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